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Show .&! Matin Some folk, go to ebun-as thrj should To Intro to ! bumlitr awl ruuld. CoiT. aai ,l Kiysv'.lle watered at ths Pwt pjtrt BUllVr, 103 Audi-wr- uor-- i 'rum lU' prim-ho- r hnrd By those- - wlio tun spiritual fuuliL Some ni tlirre to strut up (lie aisle And ktuiw Uirir i w In Uie staUie, Ihtwt-folk- s J ulHu) suit Vntil li 1 Uii And po ouly ouev lu ssluusle. PK0G5AM.P0H Some iro jut to hmr Free nuiivru liny - COMMENCEMENT OF DAMS COUNT! SCHOOLS. June 8, 1834. will be Eto program le oeteompietp.but Isiae. next oeen la and completed Prayer., Jlusle,by Orchestra. Address otWelscme by Willard Barton, Kaysvtl'.a. Phillip- Say. By It athe ' Lon Song, Down Salt Lake Cay. Oral Production, Bouthll ;opr, C t'rville. Essay, Jasper jerkins, Marie, Orchestra. i Oral Prednetlon, North Diet. Center rUs. Oration, South Bountiful. fr.i the choir diwiir; TbeKt till ttn- U-s- t pews Ai: j ulw'nys rt To eliip lo fur music or toir. . Some go there to sin'? every hymn sliuriiis seluwl want; When done is me Their tuuu I looks ttu.y pslnlm And sit duw u exhuusied and pryma. With Some po Ilirre to eupture the heaux And oi.iers to lay oB and : i Tiit vi ryli.ii'.j Thtsc last nutl Hie I, ild, liul the parson eacii uut o( them caci ax. J forie po to nuke binta great And some to euu'h uii !n C. ; Till bip trudu is w on ' Or elocikm is don new tosa dollar hills on the pleat i.t; Tha women love church, aa wa know, But nu-- to please wives only kgow, Or rise from their awe Of mothi-rs'ilaws Wa wish tkta sad fact wasn't know. IL C. lioilso, In Detroit Free Frets, s elder d at fi good-nature- Blo QraeS Western Tine Tatis. b-- ir, it It seemed an age before it l!y, y 1 purk-muiv- - ' i. s, to-da- TIME TABLE. sot'TiiunjKD Hutto Eriiress ; No. a BARNES BANKING COMPANY- Iar. 1ak::1 morthuovxd. Fast Mail Iurtlund Express No. Provo Local 4 Cache V. Mall . In effect; P. Tnomassrn, Agent. ' Capital $25,000.. Transacts ft General May 8, 93. '' f Surplus $10,000. BANKING BUSINESS. - Draff Drawn Payable any where In the ' ada or Meetly o, ' TH03 II. PllILLirS Wq pay Surveyor and Notary - R. W. Birnea, Cash! tr. John It. Barnet, President . 6:57 p. tu. 10:11 a. m. 3:10 p.m. ' 1 - IT - d Cats- i. s j 5 per. cent;, interest; savings deposits. FE ROUTE"' . Public. SANTA Utah. Kayevlllc, KEYHYILLE KNIT-TING FACTORY Airs 31 J Proudfoot Prop VdiM s-- BIO GRANDS WESTEBJf, CQLCIUCQ i MILLAR ATCHISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FB RAIBWATS. The only 1ms running Pullman Sleeping Oars bourses Ogdon, Salt Lake City and J rhtMy. without Change, snd Pullmsr Palace Redlining Chair Cars bstwees Ogden. Salt Lake City, Denver and Chicago. ttd Mtkhttlat iutuImA to wtor 8CPERB SHORT LINE. 8CENEBT. EQUIPMENT, tat tki toft BtUftoluri. THE- YARN FOR Are Ton Going East?1 SAIF CHEAP Your Fatrouage Solicited - UNSURPASSED, If no, S. J 10sl Tel. 235-2- 5, Ogden, besure and secure tickets reading over the SANTA FE ROUTE. 9 rainiest and Greatest Railroad on Earth. f 8t-tf- i Utah. for Sols Renting Northern truth, eurriei a fuU lias of aufiplkM (or all nuwlilBe, UZt' (JT Leave Ogden ar Salt Lake on the evening train In order to Me the moit beautiful ecenery In America. Traia leava Rio Orande vreatera Depot, Halt Lako City, at l:B y. m Ticket Manufacture rubber ilampi, seals, steacila Offioe, SL C. and Mill ekiiy terms. 408 Dooly Building. badges and oMee supplies. No. Ik W. Bueond South Btroet. Oenersl Agent SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Pakenr Department, rlte or call snd tea him rtsh fitypt for T Vs Co., fouftfsiTinf-HaU-Marvl- fireproof strong Ajfor catalogues box .vT1-- - V Call at SVIX.i.E Market. k: For FIRST CLASS MEATS Robert lilamiics, Prop A Democratic Geo. Q. W. Cndf r mil, 65 DEALERS Conity Convention la hereby celled to meet el the loan, Jr CO. YOUNG W Wine, Liquors, Tobacco, and Cigars . -- IN- hr id-(am itoek if oen. dill ru4x rilsl n rill mQ take Vi kutli it. r.:t tut lir at sail BpKiflr el Xirglj kMsMJiiW. Vi km Jir rcum TERVILL OX Saturday. June ei 'XNATTOXAL at lovelock v- and of electing to-- DICTIONARY Everybody ihoald own this IHetiunary. It n all qumiiou. enoeorniuk tba hic-toty, apclllug, and meaning of word. A Library give tha often in aim do- - find Intimation i enaoeralnfemlncntpennni; factaeoiicmi-nat-- cities, town, and eon-ing the cAintrlm, ! parUmlan nnlfeatuvaofthegluliei ermine n- tail flrtilhHii nuna and jilann ; tnmlatiof of fonien quotNtkm. It laand m tbo bums, oOwe, atudy, acboulruoU. Wsnitsn I Avthnrltr. The a. I. Brewer, n nr I'. H. Nuj.r.uw w ,ljlMiijlui"iuuoiI IHnUuiui au mite) to ta rtandmiullivnlr Rronmnutuirtl by II Court, wr : State Superlatendent ot choola Sow in Office. urine of thne mnf prr Any tore iirovhla nwn than enough inoncy a eoiiy of the ImarnattuuaL to lie without itr Have your ItookaMarahowit foyow. VEBSItlTS Hl' i.j J-f- w mom nptlMllr . 2, 1894, tor the pnrpoM ef re.organiilng the County Ceatral Committee five (5) d (titrates to attend a Territorial eonvaction In gn.lt Ii&ko City June Sueemorqftht Va abridged." Itaelf. it HALL MEN'S ' The Convention will conelot of varlouc precincts as foilovs: thlrty-th- m 16y 04a delegatee apportloaed among tha Steed 1 Syracuse 1 South Weber 1 South Hoopor 1 Layton 3 Kaysvillo 7 5 Centerville 3 South Bountiful 3 West Bonn tiful 2 Bast Bountiful 6. Far-minpt- on to the County Convintioa Pncinet prinieriM tor the election of delegatM throe praeinet committeemen will be held la aaeh precinct oa Thn4! M.y 31, .t 8 oclock v. M, at the ninsl plaeee for holding snob meet. Inge. gelecta manat the primary meeting to Ilia sngcertfd that each precinctCommittee. represent them In the County Central Committee of Dario Cranky. By eider of tho Democratic Central HENRY H. BLOOD, Hoerotary. THOMAS IJWUECHE. Chairman Globe- - DemoevsSi T t - 'y. - it whore i icy. The next in. men, tlu-- eione pourin'' r:.d t!:ev in, the lnys from the on uns rryiir. were nil u In iiit me. laid like a hahy and could not say n wont It all came out then. Jasper had gone down to tiie old rump with both the and had tnid them Hint the indications were fairly good up cnir way. Volt that I hail taken the fever ami died, p.nd he couldn't 1enr to stay. I ien lie went on, saying that lie was off fur Denver, the boys packed up and started fur our cAtnp. Just in time. 1 1 they had come ten minutes later 1 1 had hard wouldn't be here work pulling through as it was. Jasper? Oh, he was killed by a Mexican before be pot to Denver. The Mexican disappeared and the nugget with him, and bo one knows where it is now." Denver (CoL) Cor. bt. Louis CO-O- P, . Srring goods constantly arriving.. t PdCIFIC Call and examine our. stock Restart, THB SA.'STgVTIjXjB 0003?, VXIQN ITrade Solicited. J Jced Family me; an age during which I endured more tortures than ever went into a similar length of time before. But at lost it turned and came toward me, and I closed my eyes. I can scarcely tell you about it My heart almost ships That huge beating when I thh.k of muzzle, nosing over my fare anil neck, thut hut breath on my check, the whole ponderous form stopping over r.K and smelling and nosing from the other side. And at last came the supreme moment He grasped my arm ami was Just Marling to drag me to the door, when there arose the sound of voices a little wav off. Never in all my life had Ik. I hoard such blessed The an-- rr.slied out gri.'vJy dropped Ins prey ' l t iie ihsir. Twenty slo Is were fin'd nto his nnd he fell in full sight if rHB SLataTTgVTTwilEl South bound train arrive at ?:2Cia. m, and north bound at 2:0! p. in. U. E. r.uowv. l Oral Production, Knit Bountiful. THE GOLDEX NUGGET. Essay, Bait Bountiful Song, Mrs. Sarah Tejrr.KajBTille.. y Co. - Snpt. Presentment of 1I loo A Miner's Narrow Escape, tipm, e Graduates by Prof. Address to the Terrible Fate., UarshalloSthe CUh University.. At one of the hotel in this city- - la a Music, Orchestra. a ball man who has been hunter, trapper, will gWe teacher Co. Davie The All are miner anil what not, always on the outat the evening at the Muslo halL skirts of civilization, und lias na doubt Invited. puKseil through more startling- scenes tliun ulmtrst any man in the country. miFu He still lives in a quiet ijook among the Do you Vnnw tnat Cedurtne sa linot many miles., from me Polish 1 the best on eartli for Denver, mid lion settled it with his own & Sonf. st J.ihu llarton mind tliul he will wander no more, liis siiyne&s nnd modesty make it dilH-cu- lt Wall for town your of out send to wirt any of Ins stories from liim, Why &. Son. will but it chanced tliut the other evening Viper when John Barton. several of his ohl friends who knew sell it at lowest prices. him buck in Virginia before he became wanderer met him bore and spent the FROM NEW ZEALAND- LETTER He unbent tc evening with him. them, ami the reporter,, chancing to In t. j. odries . present, caught' this story amon; WAibva, Apk. 12, 1894. others: Oh, yes, I've lived mostly to myself Bias Sin in my last I promised toa You know, Dick, I used to be fon wrltetoyouaitaln and to give you New Zealand enough of comi any; hut I hadn't bee partial description of our Affair Is out on the border long before I was Great Conference. Wall the more solitary than ever. Something over now and It was truly a never" happened the first year that cured me least so at far occurrence of whatever longing I might have had as tha minds of one of ths participants for companionship, and if you don't all mind I'll tell you about it. 1 have is concerned. Then were preaent in Hew never told it to anybody else. People native hundred rix or about flvt Kldrs. who tell queer stories about their own Zealanders and twenty-fiv- e besides experiences are rarely credited, and. general meetings were held this is a queer story. 1 was out among number or the erhaps, more than an equal mines, but all of us were having W. Gardner desperate bad luck. It just seemed that sprelal nesting. President wsanne of the number as also was Bni. everything was dead against the gang Benots Goddard (Clerk ot ths mission) of us that went out there. Right where time other men had taken out any quantity Tbiay tbit It was an enjoyable our men couldn't find too mildly of pay dirt would he Indeed putting It enough, week after week, to pay exb:hold to lot Never has it been my penses. One day a couple of shrewd Yankees more effecting ecue then that whic near approach came in there and prospected around a was witnessed upon our Maoris little, ami offered to buy couple of to the place of Conference The were snapped np top r the place had arnmued themselves claims. They quick by two of our fellows, who were in two or three lime of between thirty glad of money to get back home with; came we and forty lo etch line and as but the strangers hadn't dug down six a kind o inches before they began to turn out np greeted us by performing roanv gold, and I'll give you my word they war dance and giving vent to - will and welcome fortunes out of took two good-sizeexpression of goodour bad Meanwhile two hoies. those naive tn dressed were gome of them went straight ahead. The rich luck a was grand It costume and altogether the two strangers had put the of the gathering find ofinto better spirits, but it took tners sight. The total cost incurred the heart right out of me. I determined I e. the amount of expense was not to strike another lick there. When to those of the place at which it 11,230. the men saw that I was determined to about at estimated held It tr.iY- - go further up into the mountains, they There were some Elders who for my clgim, on horse- traded me a pack-mul- e elled more thau 400 mllce and I loaded up and started off. I had oue not end back to reach Conference about three miles, I think, when I trouble in gone was overtaken by Jasper M iUs, a young but feett well npid for his man belonging to the gang. He had uettieg there. Maoris another pack-muland was in every It Is expected that a family of lO.b way aa well fixed as myielf. Well, the or about on Zion for will sail of Deane, lie shouted, cheer.ly, when he of June and If there should be an? ace a came within hailing distance, I just to care who wyuld concluded I'd go with you. 1 your readers camp's . Mauri family It they will Just closely hoodooed, if ever a camp will nu to me we'll have belter luck up the watch tha horns papers they date gulch. exact the learn to ablo be doubt bow I couldn't tell, Just at the first minLake City, Salt at of their arrival etc ute, whether I wss glad nr sorry, remain there, iniendto long they they never had been quite certain whether I I believe that It l lutenied that or haled liiin. But he wok and you liked Jasper d he tendered a hcariy reception kind of a feiiow, and a worth well are after a little I decided that I woe glad my haveword that they should caret greet he had come. So we jogged along very baking at. If you Kuo"nffr socially until we reached a point away Ten them ay only .0 up among the mountains where the inbe surprised hand and you will dications were promising, and there we how decided to make a trial It was at least fifty miles from the camp we hearty will be tte respouse. labor and have had left, I should think, and a wilder 1 mu sill enjoying my out 0 country no mortal ever saw. I believe not been compel! d to aleep wiin with all my heart that we were tiie first company Tod in once. j stroll doors even the White men that hail ever seen that a 1 along took three others country. We found a kind of shr'.f on bohtti human some twAcli and found the mountain though, nnd made a which con.ti rude hut of side, and leaves, using our nd some of the n.cka poles of tent for a roof, and having finished that utedtlie wasting ovens in the day We went to work, determined never to tyinihaUMU here. give up until we had explored all that mv to back now fern on my way country. 10 do "h rxPert Well, from the first I had good luck. rdot I1no cd Elder from Zion I never saw things turn nut better. with Every day my little sack of dust got for at least une year. wishing 10 tire the patUnce of fuller and rounder. And. strange to itf yur piper I say, right while 1 was having such sucvoulf and readers cess, Jiispcr was finding almost nothwni;o!e my letter. ing. He seemed to work hard. too. , , Youia truly. never could understand it. He began T. J. OUfiiEjf. to grow moody and silent; though he need nut have done it. I told him over Mission and over again that it was share aiiu m-n- that perhaps poverty was really pressing, snd with all my heart 1 urged him to take half of n hat I had found up to tliia time. 1 am autisfled that I did it cheerfully and cordially, and he mni--t have seen that I meant wliut I said. 11c seemed to grow in a better huinor tlion and protested that he needed nothing and would uot consent to a division, lie expected to strike it rich himself some of these day, lie said. It was shout three days after that I made another find. It was one that almost frightened me when I looked at it first, it seemed so impossible. so unreal, I am satisfied it was the largest nugget that has ever been found. 1 could not believe the evidence of my owit senses, and stood there, holding it up and looking at it ic a dazed sort of way, until Jasper called out: Hello! But that's something worth while!' I was pleased with my good fortune, hut after all 1 didn't think of it and go cra:v over it as some men would. I had never slept sounder in my life than I d!-- that night, with my treasure under my head. Hut at last, even in my sound sleep, came an uneasy dream that Munetidng was crawling nnder my pillow, and after awhile I waked with a start to find some one bending over me and a hand nnder my pillow, .teultliily feeling fin: my hard-wo- n treasures. With a cry for Jasper I sprang up and grappled with the rpblier. With an oath he pushed pistol against my breast and fimfe By the flash I saw that it was Jasper himself, and then all was darkness nnd I knew nothing, llow long I 'ey there unconscious I never knew. When I woke I was lying In a pool of Blood that liad flowed till it could flow 0 more, and bad coagulated and final-- y 1 was utterly unable to stir. dried. The wound was giving me agony, and I waa suffering the most intolerable thirst. I saw nothing before me but to lie there and die by inches, for I was sure that Jasper had fled and I was all. alone in this solitude. It was daylight, broad daylight. I had been there twelve hours at least perhaps twenty-fou- r. And now, boys, began one of die most horrible experiences of my life. I have never been ablo to look back on It without a shudder. There come times to some of us, you know, when we grow old in a little while, That was one of the times. I was lying there, half dead and wishing I could die the other half, when 1 heard a step. I thought at first perhaps it was Jasper, and I felt sure he would finish killing mo and that would be a good thing. Then I sonde red, idly, if it were some of the boys who had wandered from the camp below. And then,, all at once, I became oonacious that it was. not a man's step, at all, hut the step of some animaL Around and around the house it went. Whenever it passed the wall near which I was lying it stopped and sniffed at the cracks. Everything woa so deathly atill that I could hear its heavy breathing. AmLI.lay still while' that horrible, nnseen creature went around and around the cabin. But, after all, I didnt have to wait so long. It merely seemed long because there was such an agony of waiting. The door of the cabin was mode of mall poles, riveted together with wooden pins. It had been drawn shut but not tautened. Slowly it began to move. Something was pushing against it from the outside. Directly it gave way and came open with a Jerk, sod in the doorway appeared the head and shoulders of a grizzly bear. 1 had made up my mind to die, but not in that horrible fashion. The mere thought of it almost made me swoon; but 1 did not swoon. 1 lay there instead, while the the largest one 1 have ever seen, ly drew itself into the cabin and slked about the floor, tnifling here and there as it went, and mounting uon its haunches to drag down a piece of meat from a shelf and quietly dy nr me think A. O x. i31 EC 3T 2 K0.1CT- - KAYSVILUE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1891. 70L. II. i i A |