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Show But there is really 1 retiv w by mir girl should wish to resent tile the woiiieu uf the orient. DOWNED 1 when the n timber seven is reached, or any multiple of seven (a 14, '.'1, etc.), or any number haviug the word seven" in it (us 17. .7, , it must not be given, but iu its place th.; pervm says biiii, and the following number in couuti'd by the next player. On the failure of any one t.i say "buzz" at tlie proper time, ir sitould he say it when not culled fur. lie is ilropjied from tlie circle, and thus tlie game proceeds, usually lgiuniug at oae each time a per in fails, until only one counter remains and he is the NEW HIMALAYAN MUD AVALANCHES YORK. Hum-Overtakes bp A rtraoauwm slowly Changing riled a fesl-li- e Oriental Mountain Kaagaia. eU-.lHave Sdiuetliiug iu The intcrU'i'tioii of Nassau stroot uo f,ieuvoring that Fxplor-- r Itjanll Very well to II e the and 1 cekinau is the nooning plain of mud avalanche aru a powerful elel est the liest are. tin f.irn': psrlor. fakir and buekstei of all varieties, ment in iMeriuining the physical hiua even -- if you ilii iu;ii.I hav-in- :r suv the Now York Sun. feature of tin Himalayan regions. A it broken for I In home folks, bat ot citizens punt number of tiuvchT, says the New Tho proct-ninwill mi.-jprudem-tiut you draw tlio-- e corner ut that iiour i five York Sun, have ohnorved the rethe line lit the best talileeloth. K! abreast and closo rank. There are sult of these rn-liof inud and met ter if your b,,si'' is poor enough mauY of titc unsophisticated in tlie rook, hut very few have been to as to quality, iiiul lint little lietter, if proceshiuu. fortunate a to see them. W. M. an.v. than t tin t in daily use, you may after noon yesterday a tall, Conway had that good fortune Shortly still beep it free from stains an I al- cadaverous man in a frock coatplong j while ago, anil has given a dcicrip-bal- r w !uuer. and a soft felt hat, stood on tho tion of one of theso falling avulanchrfi ways ready for stale oceasinus by only the to tlie Royal geographical society ot using it on sueli occasions, lhirin souihuat , All About I'rua. ! Sharp-pointeLondon, lli party wa traveling In many, many years of housekeeping 1 sky. bodkins, made of lie had have never found it anything hut a the Gilgit valley adjoining tho Him-- j bronze, of steel or of iron, were tlie first liens, and they were used for cuttragedy when the licsl cloth ami nap- shoulder. alaya. in the extreme northorn part kin must lie repiueciL Hut even where People halted to too what be was of India. Suddenly they heard a noise ting out letters and hieroglyphics in the housekeeping funds are limited it staring at, and presently there was a j of continuous thunder. They saw a the limestone, sandstone or steatite of eastern countries. possible to have laid away a rogimunt halted with upturned faces, hugu mud avalaucho sweeping down Such pens TRAGEDY, ! were also used fur fine cloth with a pretty carving ; Then the tall mun cast a glauue a Bteep gully butwoon two mountains on Assyrian writing cloth and centerpiece which you down at the crowd, and in an instant opposite. Thu onrush and weight If ary Hannah's drew dona I'm a beautiful red, rud drum. tablets. Tlie tablets were made of When The nniglibura ail rauis iu to ace And 1 train with tlie uuhlier boy; If the cloth j he wue the center of attention. The of the mud tore from tlie aides of tha soft clay, and, after receiving inscrip- Ana cazeu aud "my d ' and "oh'd" and "ah'd" will use only for guests Aa up the street we com 1 Till she was proud aa proud could Iw too soiled for another com punys en- - i next moment he had swung hie each- - j gully masses of rock and rolled them Wonderful is our nidus! were iu dried or tions, tlie baked sun The day waa mild, and the aim ahone bright. There 'a Tom and Jim and Phil i over in the fire. and over like so many pebbles, tertaiumeut, let it lie laundered ut 1 before him and opened it. Su. yielding to tlie urighbor' tails. And lMrk and Nut and Krod, 1 j would like do attention j Each of She ou not to but flutter the tlie big rocks that formed once, While Widow Ollier's Hill that thought your In fur garment the just and pul east tlie in yourself Egypt And go out lora lift la walk And I march on ahead. can use it for one or more home tor a fow moments, gentlemen, " the vauguard of the avalanche camel's hair pencil soon took the place The you wa and then With a donned, gown stunning You are all stranger to woighud many ton. Thu mass of tum dinners first. That way come stain say a ha hhe cried for half a day or more And a of tlie metal bodkin. With the pencil The altCvea. alas, were made so wide Oh. there's bushel of fun Iu that have no doubt hoard of mud had a width uf forty foot aud but me, and lievonil tlie solliire, you letters were on power perhaps the skins of Mhe oouldn'l get them through tha door! painted For boy with a little red drum! of the laundress to remove. When my my celebrated cough, cold and lung waa fifteen foot deep and moved at animala anil in bark of the much trees, The Tara of UlaukM. The Injuns came last nlirht husband at a home dinner burned a medicines. tho rate of hvo miles an hour. In a the same manner that tlie Chinese While the soldier were abed, But few housekeepers know how to hole iu my best cloth with liia 1 have And they sontilei n libinsue kite just arrived from Boston, few minutes the mass of stuff became them draw on postat the paper present take proper care of their blankets. tlw woods they fled And off cigar I found that it waa had where 1 have my laboratory on shallower. Tha mixture was then day. The woods are the cherry trees? To have a woman in once in nix prandial Wash Down in the orchard lot the embroidered pieces Charlton street, and intend to stay half mud and half rocks and flowed policy. Greece In wax and Persia, and Syria once a year; to get every And the soldiers are marching to seise here two weeks to advertise my faster. Now and tlcn one of tha a sudsof castile leaden tablets came into use and the months or using yourself, Tlie booty the Injun trot in the house washed; to re- rinse in clear, lukewarm water, soa;i, medicines. blanket With turn la gar rocks barred the way and tho became hang the stylus popular pen. The turn them to the beds hard, shrunken, And Soma firms try different modes of mud fillod up bublml it and finally When soldiers marching coma stylus waa made of hone, ivory or discolored coverings, with half the up and press liefore they are dry, and Indiana bad better acat: the embroidery, if done with wash ndvertising, but just to show you swept it on. Looking np tha gully, metal, with one end pointed and the that this Is an advertisement pure Mr. Conway could see that earth good taken out of them, that is the silks, will positively not fade. other the waa Ibr end flattened flattened; little Fred, Step up usual way. Don't wash yonr blankets. and And, Charlie, have a mind! simply I put a'l the monoy that from its aides was constantly falling used to erase errors made in writing. Air them The I'm of Moulds. When a guest Jim fa aa far ahuad I in in those little boxes with in the mud river and being swept take frequently. The use of parchment and papyrus, leaves the A you two am behind! It frequently happens that jelly or the medicine guest chamber, and before Ready with gun and sword along ns a part of It All this ns- called a more flexible however, fpr Your vahvous work to do the next arrives, let the blankets hang blane mange splits aa soon as it Is em at a dime apiece or terlal poured over into tlie gorge I sell than the either bodkin or Yonder the Injun horde the in aun and air for at least twenty-fou- r pen turned out upon a dish. This is owing three for quarter. Wholl try a through which the river runs. It Lfetb la wait for you. stylus, so reed pens were invented. hours. to one of two things the mould is ample?" And their heart tro plttypat i did not reach the river, but spread For making these pens a peculiar kind When they hear the eoulisra coma While Tommy and Johnny are at the moved during the process of congealA capper stepped up and bought out and pilod With a rrral-lal-tup on one side of of was reed was which used, shaped coltuml And a see that the ing or its contents are jarred when three ao- it Conway says that this to a point and split, similar to the fair While lected in Tommy and Johnny's bed are being removed to a plate. Of course he opened ono right be- - cumulation of debris has piled up all Course It's all In olayl pens now in use. The skulking lujun crew to tlie four winds of heaven. blane mange or jelly is in a liquid fore the crowd, and. of court along the valley to a depth of 60H to In A. IX 553 it was discovered that scattered That hustled the kite away Then when tlie time comes that the state it does no harm tq move it, but dollar bilL He found 1,0'HJ feet and that the Gilgit river like you! Are little white boys, made much better than -pens quills But hontut ' or just In fun." blankets begin to show symptoms of after either ha become partly hard- a dime in another end a email piece flows in a sort of canon built up by reeds; or the quills of the goose, the It is all the same to me: wanting a wash send them to be ened a slight jarring is almost cer- of jewelry in the third. this accumulation, if the valley was And, when the battle le won. wan and the crow were used princi- cleaned. Home once attain march we Once a year or even less will tain to result in a split when the This county fair belt was swal- i filled up in this way to a depth of With n pally. Several centuries later, when be sufficient for this. It will not cost time comes for turning out and lowed and business was brisk, when or 3,000 foot more It would reAnd writing paper waa introduced into more than the soap and fire, serving. To prevent this best suddenly there was a yell,, and a 2,000 And t hares glorv enough In that semble tlie Pamirs, and all the deep- For the hoys with their little re.1 drum! England, the quill pen was still the to say some water to the temperature compactly built, the of man ly filled valleys that are char ac tori- gossip, nothing Field. Bugenu favorite writing instrument. Howand derange- of abont 105 degrees and dip the bounded through the crowd and tlo of the Central Alan plateau. general Glad He Obeyed. ever, the quill pens had been greatly temper ment which Mrs. Flinn would bring mould into IL There should be enough grabbed tho fakir by the back of the Conway says that mud avalanches tliose from and llussia I have a little story to tell you, improved, and into your unoffending household. In to come to the brim. Keep the mould neck. bavo dono all this work of filling boy. One day a long, hut day it Holland were excellent lrofessor White, eh! and youll up the valleys, and have done it with large hospital, celebrated for its in the water long enough to melt the In the early part of the present cenhad been, too 1 met my father on the I blankcongealed sulistance slightly. If tlie ell me some of yer tarnnl mixtures management, the rapidity. These avalanches road to town. tury there was a demand for some- ets were placed beside the new ones, mould be tin half a minute will be time thatll lay me up for throe weeks, great how rapidly, under the in- show I wish you would take thia pack- thing better and more durable than and the writer was unable to tell the enough: if it be earthenware, from will yer! and the mans flue nee of moisture, cold and beat, age to the village with you, Jim, he quill pens. Accordingly a great many difference; and remember, the wear one to two minutes will be needed. right went up and down like a pump-handl- the donudation, or crumbling, of these aaid, hesitating. experiments were made with horn, and tear of a hospital is very many Wipe the mould carefully on lifting it rock masses of tha catching tlie fakir every stupendous and finally with times that of a Now, I was a boy of IS, not fond of glass, toitoise-she- ll from the water and, tipping a little to time house is going on. It is this private Himalayas It was soon Among some work, and just out of the hayfield steel, silver and gold. Thore waa a desperate struggle, donudation that provldoa the maone side, loosen the edge of the conhousekeepers where I had been since daybreak. I found that pens made of horn and torto- habit prevails of tidy tents with a knife. Now place a flat but the fakir broke away, minus his terial for mud avslanchea The the carefully folding softened under tlie action coverlet each was tired, dusty and hungry. It was ise-shell night and leaving the dish over the open part of the mould long hair, which was a wig, and his leveling processes of nature are In two milea to town. I wanted to get of the ink ami were not so good aa blankets exposed to the air. This is and turn dish and mould simultan- hut. and millions of continual lie ran down Heckman street with tons of rookoperation my supper and dress for singing class quill pens Nor were the silver pens decidedly wrong. The surface of the eously. Hold both in that position and fragments of dust My first impulse was to refuse, and very good: they were too elastic and coverlet is generally composed of for a moment and gently raise the the inan and crowd In rook are taken away from the upper to do it harsh.'y; for I was vexed that too easily worn at the points. mould. A little practice will make pursuit At Gold street he dodged position of the mountains and desome closely-wovematerial, shiny In 1803 steel was tried in Wise's bar- which will not prove a convenient one perfect ins pursuers and escaped to Fulton he should ask me after my lung day's posited in the valleya work. If I refused he would go him- rel pens, says the Philadelphia Times, street through a line of trucka for dust. A blanket is place resting FrMVBls to Kneonrac. self. lie was a gentle, patient old but being poorly made and very exThe scalawag!" murmured the A3 TO HOSE. exactly the opposite, and should Here is a custom of France which it man. lint something stopped me pensive, they were not a success. At therefore, be well protected by being would be man, aa he mopped his for our American well young one of (iods good angels, I think. brow. I struck him in Albany last Many Varieties Are Msusfartored by the Birmingham, England, in 1830, the tucked snugly in between sheet and Knlilier ConipiHileN. Of course, father. 111 take it," I manufacture of steel pens began in coverlet w.ell ont of sight a blessing girls to reflect upon and to encour- summer, selling cholera mixture on .Is to receive presents of State street 1 aid heartily, giving my saytlie to one earnest, and they proved to be excel- in disguise by night and day. Good age. . It Rubber goods manufacturers genand a bottle bought flowers only, even from a fiance. If had to lent. The first gross of steel pens of the men. He gave'ine the package ay a doctor's bill uf 933 to erally make over a score of different the engagement should be broken as I was old in Birmingham brought 936 at Housekeeping. Thank you, Jim," he said. get over it" grades uf hose, snmo cheap, and A Word to tho sometimes are. engagements yon Simple. which will satisfy cortain needs, going myself, but somehow I don't wholesale. enDr. J. E. Huxley of Naidstone, Eng- know there can tie no horrible KsmIs' Swarming Million. feel eery strong while othors aro more expensive, and They were soon manufactured in The population of Russia at the are really required for the purposes He walked with me to the road great numbers and have been getting land, thinks he has hit upon a natural tanglement about tlie return of gift. It is, in Flowers are perishable. They die beginning of thisyaarnuiubors about intended. of It is not that turned off to the town, and aa he better and cheaper all the time, until remedyto for sleeplessness. the clothes like a with the day, hut while they last they 124,U9'M)M) souls. These are dis- course to have a lino ofuocossary, e for left me lie put his hand on my arm, now we can buy for a trifle the best brief, orcurl under put the head under the are 'Yapultle of affording exquisite tributed in the following manner: use in tho garden, anil vice versa, steel pen made. Europe has always kitten, saying again: This pleasure 'add In In tha fifty governments of Russia in the article for domestic use would like a hen. He says: gratification. Thunk yon, my son. You have excelled in the manufacture of steel wing insomnia seems to be now a univemal France the lover as a ruin en- Europe there are about fi'J.UUij.UUO is for A conand America be of little value elsowhere noted the Jim." a to been me, pens good boy always affliction. We live wrongly; sit np deavors to send to his fiance inhabitants; In tho Vistula country, hoao of two-pl- y will answer I hurried to town and back again. manufacture of gold pens. ducting late and overwork the brain, and then each day a basket or bobqnet of white 8,900.000; in tho Caucasus, 8.0 0.0 Hi; every purpose whore only a slight When I came near the house I saw a New Us for th Telephone go to bed in an excited condition. No flowers. Anil as the supply is bound in Biberia, 4.750,000; in Asia, 6.100,- - pressure is used, says Hardware; but crowd of farm hands at the door. One nere's a story of the telephone as it one seems to have hit upon the nat- to meet the demand, there are florists iMO, and In Finland 2,38'), 00:). Those lift that to soventy-fiv- e of them came to me, the tears rolling Is pounds per used, or abused, in Russia. The ural remedy. I think I hare. People who make a business of engagement figures are worthy of notlco. The square inch and three-pl- y is at once down hie face. Then the He fell use of the instrument to intimidate take chloral and the like at their flowers. There Ih, one discovers, a Russian army in time of peaoo num- demanded. Your fntherl" he said. engine is the invention of a police peril, and the fatal consequence not special etiquette abont tlie way in bers about 820, 1:m) men, which com- hose must be four, five and dead just as he reached the house. prisoners A one was Odessa at man is all for is which white ensues. ribbon tied the satin seldom It wrong, pared to tho population is but a six ply. aud. of course much more The last words he spoke were to yon." Inspector into the police station, you cannot control the dose required on them true lover's knot, of course number. Ollier countries, expensive Thon some grades si-mall I am an old man now, but I have day brought with having committed a for the exact circumstances. But try and we learn that the present pre- such as Germuny and Franco, havo perfected by tho use of superior thanked God over and over again, all charged robbery. The inspector had natures plan instead: lower the vailing mode is a basket of white already more than one per cent of stock, both in rubber aud duck. the years that I have passed since serious some difficulty in proving the case, supply of oxygen to the blood, flowers tied with white riblxm and their populations jiormaiicntly with Florists require a heavy hose, as were: words those last that that hour, recourse to an ingenioua produce a little asphyxia, limit wiled in while tulle. Very sweet the colors Should tho czar one day, well as do brewers, tannors and those You've always been a good boy to and had stratagem. He went to the telephone the quantity of air to the and pretty and dainty, no doubt, but by a singlu stroke of the pun, choose1 who force oil through it An eight-pl- y me, Jim." and asked the lungs, end heart and circulation be- to ns Americans rather suggestive of a to follow tho examplo of other EuroFor air is frequently used. No human being ever yet was sorry in an adjoining room, office to speak coming quicker, the brain loses its baby's funeral. We will take our pean powers, ho would be In com- drills great care is used in both duck for love or kindness shown to others clerk at the central But there is no pang of remorse so into the instrument the followingi, stimulant and sleep follows. When flowers colored, if you please and mand of by far the largest number of and rubber, and canvas, wire or maryon find yourself in for a sleepless never mind the ribbons or the tulle men under one sovereign in the line is wrapped around this variety. keen aa the bitterness with which we words, in a solemn tone, Istno confess world. must the For air brakes the genius of the rub-- I robbery; night, cover your head with the bed you The Ilsrmfal Dotted YelL which or coldness remember neglect senbe are sure to clothes and breathe and rebreathe if dont her trade has boon at work for years, you you The injurious effect on the eyes we have shown to loved ones who are when it is understood that railtenced, and your punishment will be only the respired air. Thus you may reused by wearing dotted veils is an dead. Addison, tho groat English writer and trains are reduce the stimulating oxygen and old more severe. all the lnngthqnod from year way which been has sounded was a man whose biographoi's say warning The I torsi Children of Germany. There is no danger. to no lie then sent for the prisoner and fall asleep. and the fact that ocu- of exquisite tasto and refinement," to year, the conclusion can readily purpose, The six little princes of Germany him again, threatening to When asleep you are sure to disturb lists are be reached that thore is room yet at growing rich under this and whose possessed an inare all great athletes. They go questioned machine to get at the the coverings and get as much fresh reign uf fashion docs not alarm tlie describable socioty the to the top for thin, an improvement appeal to is said havn calcucharm, through exercises which are a laugh, air as you require, or, when once wearer of this bit of feminine into The burst thief truth. lines inscribed in the quality that gives strength. vanity. ordered the following lated to develop and strengthen the hut the In suctions thore a o many varieties held the telephone drowsiness has been produced, it is Tlie dots am or smaller, closer upon his wifo's tombstone: larger muscles and do everything to make to his inspector used for fire, wrecking, dredging, and gave tlie preconcerted easy to go on sleeping, though the air together or further apart, as ear, Hex arc rny Jlt'it wile, fine men and into them grow strong Noma of these arc largo j sand, eta was as expected. be fresh. What do the cat and dog more or less becoming, while they k'Tlln; The llrn result signal. ll the soldiers which is their fathers greatShe' on Ht rent. ! when they prepare to sleep? They in circumference to allow terrified the warning The enough rogue, by of is Ami left "mm impaired eyesight est ambition fur them. The crown d uttered by the unoannv machine," turn around generally three times, entirely out of consideration. It lias crawling through of a Another tombstone in the same the prince is a slim blonde boy of 13, who at once made a dean breast of it aud lastly bury their noses in some liuen discovered mau. this bear dots that tlie has inscription: lately cemetery has already entered tlie army and hollow in their hair and off they go. are not their iiarinfnl quality. Ilnre lii- - ii'ir M irr Ann l rest, A Fatal Ohjretlna. his first degree. The youngest boy is Harper's Young People. are in no danger, although it There is someonly They pillowed novr on Alirshsm' breast; substance used in Craoltjr to Animal. 5 years old, and Is the handsomest of Manager Is tlioro anything in It rullier iiii'm lor Mury Ana. as if they were from the look might Hut soiwwtial ioiikIi os Alirsbiua. stiffening or coloring the net which is Two little girls, whose father was closeness with which the royal princes. Mis name is Oscar. your play to which the fastidious they emlied their if it chances to find its wsy oould take exception? Anything that Frederick, the second prince, who an earnest member of the society for nosea" Medical Press and Circular. poisonous II Wa Not Frank, into the eye. would bo likely to give offense to a was named for his much beloved tbo prevention of cruelty to animals, said Do that know, Cholly. you Death of the ling. to a menagerie by a visitLa Tartar. church member, say, nr that would Hharp' Kidney grandfather, is also a fine looking were takenWhen of I have fwequontly thought The Forehead fringes die hard. Take five or ix kidneys, cut each lots of verwy call a blush to tho chock of a drathey returned their boy. The crown prince, Wilhelm, is ing aunt clevah things. matic critic? the plainest and most delicate looking father said: I hope you didn't see fact is that they covered a multitude one through without dividing it. take I Then," she replied, earnestly, Oh, of sins in the outline of tlie forehead, off the skins and season highly with of the royal children. The new baby any cruelty to the poor beasts." Young Author, eagerly Nothing, we bocomo stran- that should profur j nothing, I assure Wilheltnina Maria Augusta Leopol-dinyes, pspa, said tho older girl, there and when prettily trimmed and shaped pepper and salt Dip each kill ney into jou. There isn't j a lino in it that I would not havo of it" "What was it?" gave even to plain faces a beauty of melted batter and sprinkle with bread gera" my (and a few other names, too) is a waa one caselion Why?" tamer put his head their owe Now that so many women crumbs. I'ass a small skewer through Why, the I do nut think it Is wlso grandmother read, not a word or very ordinary looking baby, not half Recauso is Well, affect the plain parting it easily the white part to keep them flat, and for me to cultivate the that is suggestive. aa pretty as your little baby brother right in tlie lions mouth. socioty of phrase Why, seen that it greatly increases or de- broil them six or eight minutes over a ono whose naturo is so decidodly Then I don't Manager, or sister. Wilhclmlna has very little what was cruel about that?" want it just aa plainly as could tracts from the beauty of most faces. clear fire. Kerve them with the hol- Indianapolis Journal. deceptive." hair on her round little head, a decided you could ace,Horrid man had hair oil When the face is narrow the hair is low part uppermost, and fill each holthat the pug nose and a very long Gaelic upper be, Youths head. Another Fair of SlamMO Twins. on his Companion. becoming parted in the middle and low with sauce tartare. the Splrltaalbitle Itam. at only present being lip, but second edition of the Siamese The back. A to waved the all the is way WroaxAll Are Friend yon happy? Kamskls. young lady in the family, she modium Perfectly twins, now being exhibited at Hong Toddles Papa, I've found another fashion of wearing little curls in front belle of the palace. through Mix a teaspoonful of flour with two Spirit, g of the ear or of curling the fiialr down ounoee Chow, are two boys The young princes all ride, skate, word that's all wrong. of melted butter, two ounces sa 6 years old, bound together by la to faces with earn about over the is has what becoming it? have state so what Can and far pleased yon of dance and swim well, two Pap Well, Toddles, butter-milk- . cheese, grated tahlespoonfuls a ligament of flesh near the middle small features. When the face Is of cream Toddles Why, its and two well beaten egg. you most since you left us?" occupied very few hours of their days of tha silica They are as much a strong oriental ap- Stir dsrk it on gives tombstone. ont all batter Tbo are the my of all idea room. epitaph The school taking They in the all well together, and bake in As for the extreme of this liko in appearance and as near butterof mo." and pearance. amazes it fond both then It and are dolights of milk, the and calling musical very small tins or teacups fifteen minutes. rather in size as it is possible to ba covers which the ear entire fashion, equal from well cornea tho Texas as When -milk! it bitting. Serve very hot. A little cayenne may having school room theatricals, waves of be little the with hair, , me. butter-milkmay seems to cow it's as visiting the theater, which mea A Dr rrawflah. of Memory. ! DIstmwISK said in its favor, save aa a preventive be added, if liked. I Iapa Well, and what would yon of taking cold. tlieir fathers private performances. Flaln Kir Faddls. beA large crawfish was recently from thia there mo Now, let doctor, Apart Attorney afterward? call it I Beat three eggs light and stir them gin by asking you if llssa. caught alive on tha Guernsey coast, Toddles Butterless milk, of course. is nothing to be said in favor of the intera into of Pardon in a is with ear will worn in be It milk, little salt Medical hair mo, sir, F.uropo, and has been placed in tho flaps. quart stagey wilted Export youth People. Young Quick Harpers and only becoming to certain and wineglass of rice well washed. but to save time will you kindly re- Jersey aquarium. From head to tail effect ested in the arithmetical game called Th (tom Old llBe kinds of face. The face should be Add two tablespoonful of sugar, lialf fresh my memory by telling mo what it measured two foot and from tip of All those taking part buzx. "Oh, A complsint of a room. the around small, with small features. When the a nutmeg grated, and a taldespounful theory it was that I promised to cor- horn to tip of tail four foot four or circle a in one. aunty! I jut went to touch a little hair is dark it is becoming to auch of butter. Bake an hour in a quick roborate? I havo unfortunately for inches, white its girth is eighteen One person begins by saying old at hen growled and the Inchon gotten it faces, giving them a strong oriental oven. the next two, and thria the count- iue and hit me with her nose! hut circle, tl around continue ing Kesi-ne- A I'muity . -- n-- es d ! . , I ' micro-organis- ! , I - : ld ! red-beard- e, red-head- n, air-hos- e Smel-iansk- I ' pus-sibliit-y X full-size- J nice-lookin- j four-year-ol- a V i K |