OCR Text |
Show iiBTn that Jude PiiiUips' dwis-i(,Hm Don't (fraud twM next was made on grounds irrelevant to Tuesday olili. at the Music llall. Wendell lieuoen a prominent biii-B- y me (jiirstlon at issim. Tlu-- pn.isise to Tickets aOels. . ti Zxgla Trifttisj ui F(bliihu( UuupuT oca man of Salt Like dii-- last Frl-I- push the matter until the lushest Ju- TURK LA, Tl'IlKKV, ll'UKEV. that mag dlcial author!. shall have rendered a lt.Wnusli Kmbi. jdajr. Him Kn'iisf.iril sham iiitli-t-ji- t stand on aate street, building I ran use all the chickens and turdecision. fc l H:.Jvi:i ""I. j li Ill 't UlollUlljeill to ll IllCllli-ryIt is said to Ik ine belief uf t.be key you luvc tusen. was who lnMigaUd the project to MedrckitV thaUlie Mormons will II. J. SllKlTlKI.D, t.iiild It. one day rebuild Jackson County, ami Tim Lcld sugar t int iry li.isvntrai-t-othey Claim to im merely ItoldiiiK the Nutieo. r mhI Mui-tut the trrowiLif of 3 iJ0 am of Temple lot until that time arrives. all aniival lull Autics Is hereby given to tho stock i tins ht n son. Of mis iirffatfi all . holders of the Creamery Com. In Utah. arrt-loo but will be DILL. trr.wn HUNIJ3 Arbor Day, hcxt Saturl!HUi w meeii be will there that ug of the phiiy Maud Me rfnuiT. Mr. liland, the f.i'her u t ths hcIknIo-r:i.- o eh kin 1 lers of the eoaipsny held ou the See day. ns. Mrs Clommia F. Jiiuiy, of hill, lias iriven nut ice that he will lti. d yAptlt, lShi.bt the Crehunry at AV. Kiri Smith look In 'lie rapifui tli lair Orson 1rait I sa'nif lirrnus-lemd- . eiideator to have his measure passed 3p ui., fur the purpM of rlmngiua Widc'J-'l'i.V- . m i Wiliiniii Hailey, for a divorn. over the id's veto. A Mils two lines first of six article (VI) the w.u in Salt Lake Mie alli'Brs i,rui-iy- , l. j. nrs.'iwt and false u i.v.-- t birds majority vote it L of the Articles of the vineed. iurorpora'ion, not prob ibl. ttiai he will lain h-elurpes of Inflilrlll v on tier part That tho amount uf which, now reads, m-liiisbarid. The suit is ran' Owen went tn Ogdru last Fri- Ji pint, i oi!e in the west will watch Capitol of said corporation shall be three lim iiuitri s eensn' ion in Halt Late t In, wii li i'deie-- l, 1 he debate on this iues-lion- , thousand five hundred ilnlUr-if y. dividi d atileal eirelc in wliieh tlir lid ha ho'.vavei, for ll is sure to br. a luto one hundred and forty (140) aliare.." WiH In Ogden last aria linal e. jimiderable dis'ineiion- lnrd fou-- ui rto cd battle. Our Tf'C proposed eliangs Is that the laid Fri'iHV. Urn two buna shall find as follows. That tl rm is fitfurlrijj on the symiwtliv Is with the friends of An Eastern cnimci! mi-- i next, Monday 'Die will not Lite aiuiuint of we horn and Itlunri bill, they est'ibiishmeiit of an alkali and ylns capital Mock of euhl -- ilver is placed a train eo uiril Ui dive be five thuneand d. 1 shall Hie. Saltarm Luke, porutlon works factory near H UIIIIMII our luooctarv svs- two hundred (s' V .U.i !'(. k! tm.k in ititf 3 unction Ity into divided t JaiKC bureau of mauuf ietiires where irs; I shaies. 't J;sy. chi. wants ilie users or Ila'ks Sera C. Joms, Jus at (in- -i rt. with a pronounced b- S. Smlrli will a vUltnr to Suit Iki ties, el.:, o fu'nd !ii information roll, j Notice given Msrea 15, of future chief t the iro'd executive, it eernlni; 'lie coiisiinip'ion of ueli mi ti k, :il. - Wi'il.it-Mlii.v- , d is Cleveland Mr. rles In till Territorv. Ktery user of silver lsik uk. THEY ART HERE! WHO! an Ogden dlVini, doub eiiuseii'iiliuus In lusud-viN'ur- v Genre AV mi eb ifisids slmiild reiml prompt I.V. without Yva-in Kfivvil e t'Kluy. of a eiit'U gold standard, but -- 1 a ik Record. Tri- Shores & Fh'ns . w hoi1 lii Is p irdomal for recording i Lcg.-, merrhuiit, The iro'd excrement, nt Tlekvill-- a wish ili.it he eon n tie iersUiidid to Medicine company w11 hold fori (mine .Ini n fiinn tli.i non It toilny. at prices that dsly alsml six miles wet or lien, i Oners Ihnixw this week liiuiic.al aifuati.iu the view ilu 'ow that tile wiih a littlepni.t (J. W. Alexin der w:.x down to ilu lntTesrinu. more of what western po- and next gi ring free entertainments competition. miow Is me'.lina from tin yroun t. each evening, and the Doctors wil1 beipit:; of ion WadncLihiy. ps: w mid eah i.uiimioo sciimj. give give free c.uiMiipitliiu at t I.- . S. fYnli y ';ir'. wit li In herd of pie are rn.sliin like wild lire to stake Produce Wanted leave office In the day time at the O tins week for their snnmi-- r claims. Several finm tins eitv some Co!un.M&p B!l. 9 5 b eu ovei ami K't posessiou of p. Ho'isc from a. in, until and highest price Tiekvllle will very tool iroM-rtv- . The ladles of the Columbian Club They are no quacks h ut Iks . J . H. V hUIi-iiIbaXirnq'roNiible Imsiiu this fcumtmr. American F irk gave a program and ball at Williams' p:iid ter chcikens r Suit Luke waa in Aucky democr wa u tn the evenings arc moral and ein. Hull last evening an d to it it i Kaysvllli' on Tuesday. funny. They carry tun test fruit, vegIf rveiy ipnorant fool wbo 'knows lia ppy arrair goesa without saying. of ladies committee uf in was money will set. charge Tin Kays vilie iirass lunifl goes to exactly bow a be should newspaier etables andjftain Ever one rime tut ai.tlbrirg (Timrsdiiy) to run to him tin; imlilis' wnu'd only en who know how tu entertain. t'upntriKton There was Amli t lie Farmington Ii.iikI. only one little draw- wives ami daughters. umre iu tile business, we lliiiia the be unavoidable dciay TWre will lm a Missionaries lierietU 'Jouif felt Wiint wou'il soon be satis back, the After it tne began program. ginning 11 lied. And we know that them would Kill ai l lie Must Ha In many more new mounds In tue l!i seem was animated ennm;h;every iilnit. April 14, IMU. Tickets 1.00. body seemed bent on hiving a good joiirdalintic pruve yard. Loan lAirtrrvl-lewas tium. Tin iv wasa large rrowd pusent MuemiM-ll- f irg houm atloi Miue kj aamtR Ml Ilcnry Hof'iiee, of fur fl VI, i jr at Ml iXKNtTiais, S.Iul,miii m Bf flmiiicl il success. amt t un h:i fwa in Ka)svi!ii liorlay. Hi- - says tin; snow !. UiUrleatbiliuMl PS wool-- n Hiilm I'nivo The fnl wa resumeil as ow: Tim Glee, is pritly oc,'lily all gone from program land in Morgan County, nml work this morning. alter belay rhised Glee C ul liecitamm, Tin Courlu Miss. Minnie Harpcs: Dud, llie uboiit tie nml-(- one week. Tin; ooard of direclor.s on work will cnmim-nFtowera. Tka ritun Cataloau ofTsaetables Mareh27 determined to close .lie mill. Ui board WaUir Mi' Mlnnl- ie of I Ills uioijdi. Cob toils 112 wa 8 x 12 2 Isabel, fhb deocrip-tioTor the that dweribe, sot niileod Ulutratina but nt the same time and Miss .V'lec Ito'uns; piano Se-- . KOIELT1E8. Tln f.ViiimTj rompanv lias received that iaitroct, sot exiggmUi 11 a:k Nor.! a eonimlll-Bliss Invest to in appointed Bravklit XiUr, Iis'lion, .lot'', Tha com ia tliormlng in harmmlmia Uendlnx at flic marliiniTjf for I In- - cli" fiieinry, (OIImi mid torChiy the var ous cli Ih'niieniort: lidile.iu. Coinuiiug Thru' nttrr colur pnula in IM and wlilia, with a pld natlirniuni.) fl.id ftnasivi11 ii (rial tslay wit li 1 a dim at Imuty. a M K Xonlilw libbem, Knniat, lie business and sc if Ilu expense Hit: l.ve," I'hnractrrs. MissDalv Taynnvriiifa a All the Irodina cnlon. dlUrmit In Ilu 111 printed mrrru: resiil. l;y p( May eotild not Ik: reduced so ilia' ll would lor ind F. It. V 'll. mis; Sung aceoui. ond (lie bnt of luo old TarkSIm. Tlim hard tuw yun Dahlia. HkclVIrb, EaaSS Katsililc c.liee-- e wilt be mi tin, mar lie isisslble to coiiliniie oiTiations Lam Marling CIikIm, ronirne mln1 ta -run inv rljit. I'm H0SS3T urn , i..i Minnie William:.. hv Miss i vrArcw?. V f. paniuifiil ni yun v :u rnirT7iL Itanlilr iarniana, wdwaeir fpx u e. kci Tills linliistiy gilt's fall pmiaise wlihont serious loss to i lx: ( Vk i !: .i eniw, Una u nmirluolvrrili . Chormrr Pea, eo'np iny. (His "Marching Chnnis" (lire Club U'.a tlirli;.rr-- i MU' . A tlir norM l of brim: u trt-a- l H;i'rw. I. S Wil. ! Will I r IIIIIW FIWIll f.il Tic eiiiiimi toe rcMirted favorably. Jiu;: After the program dancing was the Sarphf aid 1:1' (..:'- - llw I lliu. 5Ha: (ui-.jiVk,. , oiler Cut alOM. ratnl.ieiic r. r I. I I: jm.ii I..'.- - iii'- - fani. N Ilir parly of Koysvibr Tin w.ijjcs are not m.'.lerially nffert. order of tin evening, and I: continued 1 K.' Ill : ,l I . lU'.S ll ' I '"I- cs. IS 1W to cell t In .Vidiwliitcr ed Uuanuiltcd t isiua r.'.s IU i.r u leave uidcr. n In fur reductions ast few (ivm Several young Inn made, until pi-only jw'i.prvv Fair: ml tin1 prim-i- i ikciii uf :i;cr-t-- and these apply only to those who are jic.ipli from Farmington weru seen on AC- HDA3 RASEBj 2Zbz. JAMES VICKS SONS, KpocHCSTEk, N, Y, on ilii'oasl., nr xl. WnhiuMl y: Air. In'! paid. Tins will continue to fur. the flisT. Among them wee noticed c, vocd-r:xM K1 zi-baod .li John It. Harms. iindi i mploymcnt- for om hundred and M ss lla glik Miss Saunders, Mis aitJnMrient. rrfoFt line. nrkJ Hfu'ftfrln. for fill I; Sm tli. Mrs. F.;z:Jk-!i- j liar e. thirty jMstple and w 11 irrcatly aid many Walker, Mr. Iliinis, Mr. Leonard, and Oiidriniigiiiiui" and jii; vt ry nmcliiiiu Kwrr tuna lVrl.i4fi war.t:r.if Mis Vuce litri's. I'. F. thiiierhe famll cs li I hat eomiiiu mty. llera'd Air, Sited. .in tmf ' Uirm'tfhF.nr'Kenlyou payCtrtfd nmnnitmvrwcrwoMklo ;rtM fir MUMsnBlIlire KtiUtrlii. mid Mls li ctvftM i.iMutiaj mui li tu aelt birr?!'' i.iront Mil th'dlini 14 li tV.a to nilifi t jrnt, t lanu r v r ra the FltOKIC HIS LKiI. liriklaiub nnl vf iiomr inae't aft BAM) C vUNIVAL, d Knsvi'l. last i ii ii ii lie (liurce ll.stl i uirtrt trhtileiialj i net, TO SUBSCRIBERS, buy irum fres. Itlaatratcf ("ataliicttC cven'n.: on Vis niu n t r.m A S r'li'i A I. nf- 11 d A snu 'iral treat in stor for wil i : v '' 2 n i ct.i-.-:i'n, :. oi Kjv:llrenew i' ' :i fffiilwcripilm pre 1 . lr n iw-miss n.i io I.ii::-!:- ; ml Bi i.ei list Kv'u.iui', I: eupi-pi-Acme CyJ . 2omp&3yf I iv '.in : Xxt le v ,V ; i T I "1 !.tOL4 i '. pub l of il li a wi prcsi-nta-copy j Had Isa icshleii1. o,, Ifut'i a. i H.f nm j hia&k ELUIA.71', ate. Tuesday. iliisolii'-io'" "' inrurrrd al very The A uiauac may Ik bo-- l a lailv Jusl In MavsylPi i H'lii'.r .1: 8 ms' at ii ii las'- everrn ml vary arranssments for the Ths prel l n i . and :.r .iviu.: his jiri'ir lo hers nex; Tuetday are Sue .K's. as a r sli!. lieorgH I). ' iu I laui-.iiii ll is j(jslunai lie h .i iidinga ,li ait caiuplstiH. Fs'imngu n b'.iiICkiii I will )i. cii..ii:i'd 111 lo his loom J !" 11 t nidSi.'-.GREATLY n i:.i wil.s ji icnis, Vr 'i ii. bui'ls hava btg!iill.-- l thelmcc-r ..::i. conn. :'. ami ieaof i..e IsviUtiwB i ll.i.iiiioml, 11' Is In iij.iuh d tiecn 1 Sail tils (xrmo"-1- srs priniicing togsttiei :(I M'llllS. REDUCED f. .! ..ut i. ! ;. ::;;. wi ll .i .r.inU- - n M.n si ci ii i tor Die oce i- -i .ii. Ta-1t.-- i v ft - .jic-ii vMu'.un wJi K:r;u A. ClaV'.iii. w'j.. w;i at ii.ie 'n'.il I'.ic n fur farm iin. .:,l !v vkai n. 1 .iirav cr mis it ion tiMi'ii r sideni of k ysii ic, b.u vh Wiiii. In was m lii lading ome ol ill.1 io i of about df.y i I be ii rivi-titllit has Juarez. ii.g gts'ils, iii. I n llie liorsis rnbiicd his 1 -, un ite cn one a 1 cthiii. " FOR THIS CiuPliu ihun. Mi .vio is up In sivnrt he bridle nil and, Ix-rhs p.iu for uur jinmg frlglucnd l.i tuc.ii e t tine rail to t r Fariiihiginn and go friends A'itli her it'ircntN M.n iik the wiiiic iii'inm-away. .ml ilo-res- orcuu im .ii tne here. She nrrlw (1 'J'liesd.iy secured the I nis. I uf. lie was ifi ii iitiiiwa. A:re-- i pT-d- e The Best Reference Book Printed. 11 I a ws m who w to ilnse wi icon:c Ji an I about 0 o'nloca a FAIR MIDWINTER. powerhsi when tu atlrinpU'd o con low at :;k p. l'a vc fr tad ii Oid Vixicu to hear irol Mu iiiiimals. l' lu.i Iv p;i r wi 1 iw served at the innate hull plr tue inou.tws i.f 1 heii. Is aid their Everything up to Date end Complete, li st ihelicu'Miof the Mornmn cooii-!s!- j jhc w amui rau ov ra pile of debris, Via the lines of the 4 r,uum;:tie of youiighidies have in Chi 'lioahu i lag.M'd- - Moreover, aud In was thrown oil wisli sucu vm soiirsiued lu gi-- l up tl'.e nU.ipsi. there arc very gmsl pniNpertH fm crops ie. ee us Im Ivreak his left III the a hall will be givsn.op-;- i in ;wo ig OVER and tin people arc places Iki ween the ki.ac ami the anIlu ie this i all the .vr or iMnc!; g. T- SYSTEM AND THE iiiioU ndl do nariuf the plaviii for the rise r. mint'd in their southern kle b SOUTHERN PACIFIC l.itces. Mrs. Clay: ui. is ingis d hea I. Dr. Ingram sc I Hu broken twines A n inv.tsiicn I ENDORSED BY STATESMEN, EDUCATORSt 'AND by our lorsl And I phased to In: once lie .re and oday the patient was brought .uvbil ineob re o cveijiiiNly in come out STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. COMPANY. iion'i p her rii.li Iriemis. hi ui Thi afi.'i'ioioii he was r!iiig .oid cn j v - tun ic m tiisaiteriivon. f:iir s'rtit citv. L.'Uii'ifiil. ha., a .i.iu'orUbly.aii.l appeared quite cheer Hat Reached Such a State of Perfechail at 's There w 11 bi a I . ulus mr I lie I'm litis (Ir.'i'ii Hlmol, lul. TICKETS. UOUNI) tion That It Is a Veritable Encyclo- . The )i.ung m.i". is i g.iicrI favorite (! llifIi.ll UL-V !.i ioliave vilill I tin1 on laiii Aouag April lit-ins pmdla of Facts and Events, usd l.is friends O! iiefi.il fi.1 !J lies Bro's. Oivhcs r.i.ail are invited. Tick-e'- s joe,, 1 30 Brought Down to January AGI.K uii.'ht to !n: ai)1'1 i give some w .1 In' M'rir to heat of ms mum imi;'. 3a ;s. AVi wi.--li First, 1894. him spcciiy ro iracllct aili ice .in flying, tpui br oil r .lecdeiii. KTtYSVILLEto cm w cry. Jl'iuiilif.i! acn-b.'iieli;, C Bfirisi'. SKN FRRNCISCC ui;.ii' ae a i; !es c HE Edition of 1894 has been prepared cxi-v. lAi'iru: f. brehe'.i iN.iies e Jou ;;d i.iire f.r AND llKTlTIN iKsiLa LHfsrir. leave 'rrains us fol'nws: K.iysvillc x Pen 1. I'.is ie:i:' The Monu-a- i jiciqilc lire nuich inti-rs;'ii a. in. fi;'j a. m. have a novel and attractive cover, wide mar- p, m. (i.14 p.m. WOll P.tiC Wi.ld-- II. 'Veil s:i'i-- I'lHji nC !tl I ill rt f'lii of lll'Mliiiii S.tli Lake ut P.'iitl a. lieiuriiiu.' s' ic(C:;i.'d Ie I'.v.m ii li.lu :.t d !.: t ll j tweeu llie )!. gins, new and improved binding; is printed ' Liro'.lirel m.. 7 p m. Ticket , a p. m p. V Si gut t ticvl to tli FI r:I. i. -. (! ii S ;:. ..iiiv !i''i.i I Ve ami t.'n Inciudiiig 'e 0B f ei!in-igooj paper, and contains more and better iivoiviiig on A pm 4. .o g.nid lor rc.uni! wlioeh t'.i.r ri ai sjroin I '' log r!n ii'-.- to Hie FAIR. book of information a similar nature published. It is than in i"i any until April 12. C..I.I :,ct W'lh terra u vi, , I ciui.'iiec. ,1 aei.siei tVignty. KATIN. flnua. Tli s ci'Ui'.s! is g.vcn gratu "''i proli'Ti v .nice fl.2-- : STANDARD YEAR BOOK. L:..vto,i it. !:' y. EXCURSION ,hiii'li of J, us t hrisi of ,h); Kii.vs'v-i-.sp; turiiiiiig'i.i .ilu; 1!n V m a Mi nV Jiu uni Improve S ii;, f, ik,t :i Iir (lie tll.iri.Vrdirili'-i- Jo IVinidd Cios.i'i. From S;i u Fruiic.'sc i to other noim P. IlK JlMASsKX. Aden; 'if lf.1. By, n c: (! nmi II v rum Sni'tli. an.! v lit cx-- j Ii:iit ;;vi-r::i('.iiifur:ii:i will be 'lilowed purclui'-- ! U. W. iii (l. I postpaid by mail, tvtrk 'iiH 1 1'c: c...v ivii'ii.g. i in j i'uInii'H (: ilu M irmuiiH fncii ot MiilwinrcT buir tickets ut lh, ers Iviive as follows: Knyivilie li;ivi ,t Icll ln"i til- Ii Hills of til it Iric'i 7:2ii h. (ilirii'j; '.'J' JuPi vv ml t; rates. Uc aSJdrtu TUE U'OKLU, ,Fru iii.. luve Suit folio whig rouuJ-lriCity. ;; p.iriy of ic.ijtini.st vv'i I i ii p.ir'.u i:l..r v wci: uMcii'hii ni.il i L.tke 2:1a miles from m. niat nmlvr Tosiati'-iip. p. I' Im v d Tl.i Luilf-r-il.ii 2iuuiil u mine the froi, S.ii lit ivsiiug. one San Fruuci'Co, oat and ii in t:ie.M i sue', ii r mi. i uf the schism as i(.i-':rivciiu-ii- i fnliuwcii Stock HorJaJ. Lireway i:n-rTli-I iIim'Ii i u y can (if in ihc si i,roiicts,' the have tiuiis. s;iy oil 1 w ill iicnl cut! h or Imrscs ever since loittlieir nt $2.00 Tu si at mills loU miles or more fiom tctify Io Hi-- v' ) hiA aileiKieJ :.mj . nmi I 'i: iicu l per id'USun aud shouiil any San Francisco, one and ii.i fine i;i to it T" Per iiilI tekeu t':i:t rccctuly iiccn ili'pu'eii right t'lKi'Mtc iii.ii li.'!!:;'- .(li'U Tin'll t i.o l.v tin ih1 ( ra.ioi.l !i,ir-'l- i r.i lui i'll. of tliein Ik lot I will replace them fare. iimliitii.-iii'liil-t- o willi a t cer nr heifer of the a.i.l Juri-:-- ' and ivi.r'.hi r action: iit-s- a ;t:i hiiic ; For exact rates and full itiforiiia-iri- i cie.iti wit hoi 1 hem a .'ive for tlidlip. lief ,rc wlmm iIiim'.im waa licar I age. Should a mtsoh wili tn set paid, is tso eoo.oo. A.O. HuLBcnr PiwMiM ? of P. Tlmmisscn If . I. looiaTro IBT. Caoital stock i'lq-tirWFW DcSKWI, 16 PATINT.Jr Work. Kctal Astistio ailvcr-- c in ihc liis own valuation on Ins ln.ros he onii.i f g"ii! luniks. :n:i .10 rccilcri d a W H- - K. b G. B. I.rown. ; AND FENCES Agen. FA1UN5S Y iihisi do so wlieii animal is jail (mo ' i'" "llo'lrlcki! r.::jcx steel uitice (icVL'IniR' its m. ni'ien .nie I'tali. : r- - lawns, Mf TINIIB. fiPW 1 rva B"n CLCVATOBB, w nw From a recent isue uf Zion's Kue lliclierd arni isir Id r ceiii of :ud am nt. lv:i)vid". ORftVK LOTI. morally .oid sinr.tu.illy arc ccrialidy v FTAIRWAYtt, , SO OILS. the .iiidrcs ; Or um;tr!gnixl. valu.-iti'iCOTTAOCa : for herd bill. CHUROHin BALCONICS FNOW c Ic.ru tint t;n- - defend idii'K lofty ciioiixiU to iTK!u.iti ami sign A SR rNOOL. H. TRANSOM T. H.Cooomajc FOSTfKRF.S, I wi'.l take horses I o lu rl on 'lie.Mli ' Itivii'nGuxY. Sm-OFFIOBB hav kiti'idi-- to ii)c;il (lie y cFsiotRcrs. B. K u WINDOWS Bo. i.)i!i!:;r c.e any irgyii!zai!un. QLASB OOONN, tn 1. Ia". A Gen Tr.uli' M.m. r j3D CD OID FCGY CC'DS.i.?''-.-- : 'f Al'ril ii ml ca'lle on t lie in 'll : M 1. J IBIt SCSI Hill ii ff '1 lu-l- ir MilHiral. und it ai 11: 11 V, iaci"! Soul lie ' S . jhsMiia Pan t HULDLRT FE..YC2 & ST. LOUIS. KO. CX, 5: ' iU's claim TERRITORIAL HEWS. s SPECIAL SALE N OW ON AT y ! , I Tu-Q:i- i' y la-ot- s Kiy-.vill- s e and be r-'. pn-sid- Sli.-niei- s ii Staple, Fancy and Green Gro ceries s V'lli.-rilO'iM-ry 1 I crt-.ur- t- .!, t ; io Kt-n- vgg, l e BICYCLEisp Ma-foi- . tin-far- Vicks Floral Guide, 1894, ul ,j Avil-liiin- ss 1-- pri-sen- d, -- . V.-- kn-- nvi-r- 0HSE0?.r:STrRS55 iiiid-nigb- . n t. t.u-- I I ;i rl l Joi-i'lii'W- FREE Tu.-Miii- r-. (is-ir- yi-i- (iii- H . . , b-- SBB ' s WORE) MTOC m aomcpai m im, 1 i : RATES (- rsiin;(-rsuiii..g(ili- s c r a ufL-riK- Gi-n- ye 1- nAbipnama ld ROW OR U. P 1300 i' - ii- TUir AA'ch-eter- gr-Mi- cl.-I'l.- 1 au.-ou- 1 1 m good for days siijj-cistV- a'i s ' I li.-k.- 1 - t i 1 ilr.x-'iilc'- J i -- L-- tub,! AMERICAS TRIPS 25 CENTS PRICE, Tr.-iin- r Ior p u-,- " ois-int- 1 1 s - ii , uiic-lliir- iki 1 ( d - . i one-liiir- - s J 'a t-- O- w. . itu. ''ll '.. . . Ii S . i 1 . , : . j YJ. i f |