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Show y? Th 1ih nBilr. 1 Many country people la Italy foreby meane of a leech NEW ENGLAND i- .N V- Are there four gold stars on it, or Florrie says there are only four." Im not sure, but we can soon see, an bottle partly A RAILROAD ENGINEER RELATES filled with water. The water mutt HIS EXPERIENCE. be chanf ed once a week and a apoea-fof blood poured la aa often. Told by Fred C. When the weather ia good the leech Tha Waadarful Mary ta a taaa aad Ilia Mutbar-ta-Lawill remain coiled up at the bottom Iba Boo loo Herald. Haportaraf of the battle. Whe&ever rain ia near Hath are Hoatarad Alter at hand It will creep up to the top Tears of and itay there until the weather la FVom th liatUm llnutd. ettled again. If wind la Imminent, results alThe vvt health-givin- g It will ery restless and dart ready attributed by the newspaper about ia the water aa though ia paia, throughout thin country and Canada while be (pro a thunderatorm it will to Dr. Williama "Pink Pills for Pule It la ao People" have been recently aupple-tnente- d appear to be ia convulaiona by the caaea of two confirmed generally truated that at haying time and other aeaaona whoa fine invalids In one hounehold in a New weather la important the leech ia England town. The names of these are Fred C. Vone, hia wife and one of t$e moat uaeful memberoof teople ia mother-in-laMrs. Oliver C.IIolt, the household. of Peter boro, nteinliera of the same household. omawkal iaUimii To the ITerahl reporter who waa aent "Do you ever have that tired feel- to investigate hia remarkable cure Mr. ia of which medical la the ing epoken Voaeaaid: "Iain 37 years old, and naked the young have hern railroading for the Fitchadrertiaeincnln? medical atudenL addreaaing the burg for IS years. Since boyhood I stompretty girl on whom he waa making have been troubled 7with a weak ach. For the past years I have sufa calL fered terribly and constantly. ' "Some ti men " My ; iny "Ah! aometimoa, not always, stomach would not retain fowlwas so ached constantly and Thate what we call the periodicity head ; I could stand my ryes scarcely of diaeaae. Now, have you noticed disxy were blurred ; I had a bad heartburn, that you have it at regular inter- - and my breath was offensive. I hud valaP ihyaicians, but they failed to help ine. No, I can't any, but I have fly appetite gave out, and four years noticed that I alwaya have it when ago I developed palpitation ol the heart which seriously affected my rou call" breathing. Had terrible pains in my 1m value Ilia Npnogt. back and had to make water many Sometimes a word or thought expraiaed to I finally develojied rheutha Inquiring mind may trail to good result. times a day. matic signs and rouldiit sleep nights. Hiding to a train a few day ago a gentleman who haa apeul a long life aa a civil engineer If I lay down my heart would go at a great rate, and many nights I began talking of the possibilities of tha arid land we were travelling over in eouthweatern did not close my eyes at alL 1 was Water,1 aald he, "le Ibe great thing. broken down in body and discouraged Idaho. It may he developed amnetiinee where you in aiiirit, when some time in February wuald hardly expect at leant auch an abunil lant I got a couple of Imixcs of Dr. Wif- anee." Before I had finOne of the party, aald he, had found n liatna' I ink Pills. vary amall aprlng on bla land, and ha wiahed ished the first box I noticed that the It would open out big enough for uae. inlpitation of my heart, which had xthered me no that I couldn't breathe "Why dont you help nature todolhatt aald oar engineer, "Lat me give you nn exat t much, began to improve. I saw that ample. 1 ataa aurveylag ome year ago la in going to my home on the hill from aprlng and the haaln Into tlie Tex. It A amall fluwed depot, which was previously an water whirh aupplled the cattle with water. Tha animal aloud in tha hauls awful tak, iny heart did not heat so aud tramped around tha apring until they violently and 1 had more breath when cruahed mil Hie flow, and the cattle had to go I reached the house. After the second without drink. J urged the cowboy to dig and third boxes I grew lietter in every until the water waa a tar Usd again. They did other rcKjiect. My stomach became ao and aeeured a larger flow Ilian ever lirfore. was not so The number of ealile greatly Inoreaatsd, and, stronger, the gas belching bad, my apietite aud digestion improvmore waier being needed, the excavation were extended, and within a year or two tha ed, and my sleep became nearly natupring Inerrancd Ita flow ao much that the ral and undisturlHid. I have continu owner put in a amall race and had water ed taking the pills three times a day y Nprlnga are ever since last March, and I am enough to run a amall nioatly artealan In character, and can be, aa a feeling better than at any time during In Inereaaed by tiling, giving the last quantity ganeral eight years. I can confidently them mom freedom In discharge- that they have I be writer could mention many Inatanee and conscientiously say where a few feet of an open cut or tunneling done me more good, and their good efInto tha hill haa developed large flow of wa- fects are more permanent, than any ter. A tiny spring In the northern portion of medicine 1 have ever taken. My rheuHalt Laka City a few yean ago aent out a litmatic pains in legs and hand are all tle hoi water to be taken up like the dry air one. The pains in the small of iny before It had gone many feet. The owner that tried the experiment of tunneling In aouia lack, which were ao had at times neartwenty or thirty feet through lime ton. A I couldn't stand up straight .have portion of urn water ihua developed I now ly all vanished, and I find my kidneys This is pumped Into a tank eighty feet above end It are well regulated by them. wooden pipe an effect not claimed for the pill in then flow through an eight-incto a nanllarlum In tha bean of tha etly, and the circular, but in my case they delivers It them with a temperature of IUH deit about. I am feeling 100 per gree. Wert It not for tha tunnel that aprlng brought and manwould not hava barn knows except to a few, cent, better in every aha; ner. and It great value would have remained The reporter next saw Mrs. Holt, of and Ita pralaea unsung. The drill that pierces tha earth to a depth who said : "I am 57 years old, and for of a thousand feet and tap a generous flow of 14 years past I have had an intermitwater I only performing the same eervlee tent heart trouble. Three years ago I that a tunnel run Into the hill may do, and had nervous prostration, by which my often the tunnel to the cheapest, moat aim pi heart trouble waa increased so badly and effective.. Jf, (Awdiafa la Jrrijulum that I had to lie down most of the time. dgr. My stomach also gave out, and I had Tha Iaasla Halved. continual and intense pain from the Pcrhsis bo local discos has puisled and back of my neck to the end of my backtallied tha medical profession more than bone, In 14 weeks I spent $300 for usual cayurh. Whila not Immediately fatal but my It I among the moat nauseous and disgusting doctor bills and medicines, lilt tha flesh to heir to, and die record show health continued so miserable 1 that I began repair. very few or no ease of radical eureof ehronle Pink Pills last catarrh by any of Lb many modes of treatment until the Introduction of Elys Cream winter, and the first box made ine feel Balm a few yean ago, Tha anecNS of this ever ao much lietter. 1 have taken the preparation haa been meet gratifying and pills since February, with tlie result of surprising. stopping entirely the pain in the spine Fra ai "Faddnhead W.lanaa Calendar, "o and in the region of the liver. My is again normal, anil the palWhy to It that w rejoice at n birth and stomach troubled me grieve at a funeral) It to bee sum w are not pitation of the heart has but three times since I commenced the the person Involved. It to easy to Bad fault. If one ha that dis- pills. An analysis of Dr. Williams' Pink position. Thera waa one a man who, not being aide to And any other fault with bla coal, Tills shows that they contain in a concomplained that then wan too many prehis- densed form, all the elements necestoric toads In it. new life and richness to Then are three Infallible way of pleasing sary to give aa author, and the three form n rising scale the hlood and restore shattered nerves. of compliment: 1, to tell him you have read They are an unfailing specific for such one of hia hooka; 3, to tell him you have read diseases as locomuter ataxia, partial all of bla hooka; 8, to ask him to let you read paralysis, Kt. Vitus' dance, sciatica, the manuscript of bla forthcoming hook. Na neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head1 admit you to hto reaped; No. 3 admit you tlie after effect of la grippe, palcarries you clear ache, to hto admiration; No. pitation of the heart, pale and sallow Into hi heart. frafury. complexion, all forms of weakness, either in male or female, and all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will lie sent post paid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 they are never sold in hulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady N. Y., or Itrockville, Out. open-mouth- ul --- ao-cu- nl x. x ol ' doll-brid- & Brings comfort and improvement am tend to personal enjoyment when rightly unca. The many, who Hto better than others and enjoy life more, with lew expenditure, by more promptly adapting tire world's heat product to tha needs of physical being, will attest the value to nealth of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tha remedy, Syrup of Flga Ita excellence ia due to ita presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches ami fevers and permanently curing constipation It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical Kid-n- r profession, because it acts on tlie vs, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it ia perfectly five from every objectionable substance. Fyrap of Figs ia for sale by all drag gist in 60c andfl bottles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, jrou will not Accept any substitute if offered. World Best n HoodsCures Denver Directory. ASSAY OFFICE g m good-nature- d, To-day- 'll KNOWLEDGE mu three-quarte- to-da- h hr tha Ialtad Slats Gararamoal. Uncle Bam $1,007,000 a year to pension the naval officers who have grown old or who have become disabled in hia service. Every officer of the army or navy who haa been in the service a great number of years or who has become disabled from any cause, In or out of the line of duty, can, says the Detroit Free Ureas, retire from service with an assured income. This is one feature which makes service in the army or There ii no other navy attractive. occupation, except that of federal judge, which makes provlilon for a man's declining years There are sporadic cases of business men who But provide for old employes. are instances these rare, and the ordinary business man is to by lay expected something for his own rainy day. The officer in the army or navy knows that he caa keep on drawing money from Unnie Bam until he dies, provided he does not misbehave. It is a comforting reflection, and goes a long way toward reconciling men to the ambitionless life of the set vice. Temptations are often put In the way of army and navy officers to resign and go into business Positions with bankers and brokers, with railroads and shipbuilders are offered to them. They hesitate a long time before accepting, and usually they obtain, through the grace of the head of the department under which they are serving, a long leave of absence in which they can make a "trial trip ' in the new business They do not care to risk thoir standing in the If service for anything uncertain. it was not for the retired list a great many officers would resign and enter upon some active pursuit of a United States The half-pa-y naval officer is usually pay. The law provides that "the pay of all officers of the navy who have boen retired after forty-fiv- e years service, after reaching the age of 60, or who have been or may be retired after forty years' service upon their own application to the president or on attaining the ago of 62, or on account of incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injuries received In the line of duty or from sickness or exposure therein, shall, when not on active duty be equal to seventy-fiv- e per cent of the sea pay provided for tho grade or rank which they held respectively at the time of the reThe pay of all othor tirement officers on the retired list shall, when not on active duty, he equal to one half the sea pay provided for the grade or rank held at the time of retirement" The sea pay of a rear admiral is $6,000 a year, of a commo dore $5,000, of a captain $4,500, of a commander $3,500, of a lieutenant commander $2,800, according to the length of active service. Thus the pay of the retired rear admiral is 4.500 a year, of a coinmpdore $3,750. of a captain $3, 3711 and soon. An income of $4,500 is a very neat sum to live on in idleness, even in Washington, and most of the retired officers of the navy make their home in Washington. The number of naval officers on the retired list at this time la 390. It costa Vary (ww lion rsperirncat by tbs aervoaa aud dy. peptic. Voscroanubto palpitation, taxface, iing ia lb rare, flashing of oas aids of lit odd laxto sad tingling ia tbs mmtk, constant aad resllreme, atinglag la tha gallrt tosinking allgkl to Iba stomach, Kata aenaitiveoM tonudi that aiagullca them tenfold, low spirit three are only a few of tha chiming experience at the Individual who suffers feoa combined and Indigestion a team that asaally travel together. Their gay aad festive career to of huwevrr, brought to fall atop by that grestret stouiorbira, liuelrller.a tiki much Bitter, which 1m overcome their allies cmwtlpoiiim and Ml This popular remedy forliire tine loune. who un it against malaria, ehrunlc rheumatism and kidney ruuiplaiui. restores nervous qutotudo aud promote appetite, vigor usd simp. Are tha said Gwen, drawing her hand from with a look of Beaty's arm. "Why alarm "It's not in my pocket! "Oh, it must he, cried Beaty, reassuringly. "But it Isn't, really; and out cat qo a handkerchief, two pieces of slate pencil a ball of shaded wool and a thimble. pocket held nothing T was a pretty more; OwenThe turned it inside eut, but brooch. Gwen liked it beet of nothing appeared save a few bircuit Recently a dlag tatsd Oshkosh juryman of the elate fered to par the sum lu dUpute all the gifte the crumb What shall I do? What will sat would dismiss tha ease. Tha offer waa had received in refused. honor of her mother say? and Gwen began to cry. Where could yon have lost it?" perbirthday Fob Covens axd ThaosT Tboubias two il a pa because it wondered Edie. Brows Buoschul Tbucbxs. They relievo waa the firat all throat Irritation caused by Cold or use of "I dont know. I don't believe I put the voice. brooch she had hand In my my pocket once all the afever possessed. ternoon. A California editor gratefully acknowledge I do think, she added sudIt was of silver, the receipt of an Invitation from a subscriber "that Susie must Carter denly, have and shaped like to visit hi housa and taka a bath. a crescent, with tajeen it Gwen! little gold start "Oh, "Well, I da She waa sitting next upon ita smooth th" surface. Uncle to me, and you know how she stared lien had been at it this morning. the giver, and Gwen had thanked him Th Judgement on Hood's Pro shall you tell Miss Thompson? hia arms neck her about nouncod by Squirt Fogg. by throwing It wouldn't do any good because I him with have no aud half smothering But I shall just ask proof. kisses. Susie. I can't thinking she haa "Won't the girls at schooradmire it, got it Of course,help she'll mother? she asked, aa she clasped it unless I find It, I shan'tdeny ittoBut, her apeak in the frill at her neck and turned her again. It couldn't have got out of my lookinghead from side to side before the pocket by itself It was down at the -glass, Ada Jephson wears a bottom." so this as isn't but it brooch, pretty Gwen went sorrowfully home and Is." made a sobbing confession to lier I would rather you did not wear it mother that evening. Mra Burton at school, said Mrs Burton. I don't seemed less concerned at the loss of ornaments for of little girls, the brooch than at the thought of her opprove " except on special occasions. daughter's disobedience, and she did "Hut, mother, I'm eleven now not at all share Gwen's suspicion of her with nearly quite grown up," Nusie. most digniAed air. Yon are too hasty, dear," she said. Mother smiled, and passed her hand "If Ada Jephson were to lose her caressingly over the waving hair. brooch you would not like her to Not quite, dcario. Shall 1 take you of taking it You have no Tbs following testimonial eoaws from T. K. care of Jar treasure? for suspecting Susie. Do not grounds throughout KenFogg, Esq., who la "Oil, no, mother, please. I want to say anything to her. tucky aa eourt Juatlra and Justtrs of the pesos I'll keep it In my own little work-boHo Gwen did not accuse Susie of for Bath county. Ills words should Invoke tha be very careful of it eoufldeare of all who read hto letter: as she had meant stealing he; brooch, the So liwen was allowed to take C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell Mass.: to do, hut poor Susie did not have a curl-boar-d box containing the "I will say for Hood's Sarsaparilla I believe tiny time of it duiing the followpleasant It to be the heat airdlctne to the world. In the silver crescent to her own room, and week. Gwen wonld not speak to ing winter of 131 had a bad eau of the grip which there she locked it safely away in her her, and Beaty and Eiie turned their left my system lu very bad shape. I tried everynew work-bofather's gift But on heads aside whenever she thing I could And and gut no relief. In th toll the following morning, when site was them. She was shunned inapproached the playof tha same year I bought a bottle of llood'a to she felt she to that school, go ready and could look on the Bursapurilto. The Amt dose I took mast take just one peep at her brooch. ground,instead of only in them.at games joining Made a Decided Change IIow it glistened in the sunlight! The On the Saturday afternoon it rained, for tbs better. When I began taking the flrst little gold stars seemed to twinkle as so Gwen was forced to remain indoors, bottte my weight waa 1ST pounds, the lightest she gaxed at them. Onco more Gwen and alnce manhood. By the time tha second bottle Daisy eoaxed her into the playadcollar in fastenod It and her luce room to take part In a dolls wedding. She mired tho effect in the mirror. Daisy had seven doll and they were thought how delightful it would be to all dressed in their best, with scraps wear it in school? What would the and ribbon fastened to their had been used my weight waa US pounds. I garments owa all this to Hood'a Sarsaparilla and I gladly girla think about it? means of big pina Mother had T. X. Fooo, recommend It to all sufferers. Mother didn't say I must not," by provided a feast plums and nuta, a of tha Fence, Sharp burg, Kentucky. Jostles she the Gwen, at replaced thought of pears and a tiny iced cake bed. "She couple brooch in its cottou-woHooda Pllla core Hrer Ilia, enastlpatlon, to serve as a wedding-cake- . Jaundice, sick headache, Indfge aitoe. biliousness, only said the would rather I didn't Which of them is going to be marwear every day. I wish I ried?" asked Gwen, smiling at the row take it for once." waxen beantles. of make liaste. "Gwen, dear, dear Qneen Dorofea. Don't "My Ink M. UlLtYfcU TKN C AKD AWM 4 O will be late, called Mra Burton. see her boofnl veil? And look at Gwen hesitated, while a crimson flush you Eo Ee BURLINGAME'S her crown, lisped Daisy. Gwen started, and looked more Queen Dorclosely at the And themlral Laboratory, othea certainly wore a veil a piece ErrsSLi.HXD IMM. send year ami Fhnioarapb-n- , Jeweler of white mnalin, descending to (he wart and containing gold and ailver hr sweep hem of her pink gown; and, fastened trenliiHiit Promnt retain, and hiqhret rank paid for mild and silver bullion. Address to her flaxen hair, waa the crown a friceand I, H Ixiwrenca St, Denver, Colonilo. liver crescent brooch, studded with stare. gold THtOREELEY NURSERY. "Where did you get this? demanded Gwen, removing the ornament withHeine Ibe farthret north of any In the arid region with I lie largr.t variety, wrrau please all out regard to her majesty's feelings. A DRUNKARD'S HISTORY. lit year grower of Dwarf Uorky Mountain Cher"1 finded it, said Daisy, opening ry. The only uropaKatora of a general Him of wide her blue eyea Nursery Muck In Coiu ratio, Get our price. "Don't take it, Llaroa Your of It Heeonled o III IiMI. J. M'hAlt, Crop, Little Notched Mick. Uwenny, its mine. I finded it on the Free, a valuable book for fruit grower by floor downstairs one day, a long time of this paper. Michael This is the record ago 'bout twenty monfa, or else a O'Lesrv, drunkard, loafer and tramp, week. as notched in a bit of stick by him "It is my brooch that Uncle Ben self and told to a New York Bun regave me, said Gwen, decidedly. porter while Michael was waiting in of a police court for Daisy broke into such a piteous wall the ante-roothat mother came running upstairs to arralgnmont As he stood there leanfind her pet sobbing out that Queen ing wearily against the wall, nervDorofea had lost her crown, and ously fingering his wooden bit of couldn't be mawwied now not never. personal history, he was an object to Daisy wav soon consoled with a attract notice. A man 611 yearn old. with gray hair, crown ent out of gilt paper, and Gwen regained her lost treasure She was a wrinkled, sharp face, very sorry and ashamed of her be- deep-se- t eyeB, generally half closed, "WflKItK HID YOU GIST THIS?" havior toward Susie, and asked her a high nasal voico, rising abruptly rase to her cheeka Then she quickly pardon on Monday morning before all at the close of each sentence as if he locked up the cardboard box; but this her companions no easy task for expected that somebody was going time it eontuined nothing but cotton- proud Gwen. to contradict him and proponed to And when Hnsiesabirthday came aha make trouble if any one did, and a wool The crescent had been slipped was presented with a pretty ailver manner of preternatural gravity, into her pocket. Tie Best Gwen wore lier brooch that morn- brooch by Gwen, who had bought It the heritage of his previous days deing, and it was duly admired by her with the money she had been saving bauch; such was the man who gave school-fellow- s They gathered about since the day Queen Dorothea lost her his unique autobiography to the reCut her in the playground, and Gwen, crown. porter. in the times the with an air of consequence, told of to in island "Nineteen The Froahytorlan Church la Farts. WORLD I the inauv presents she had received on The Presbyterian church in Paris 'leven year. Ninoteon times in 'leven time for six the previous day. an' months every year, has emerged victorious from a proIrllltl Photographs, bo the even twenty, an "I should like a brooch like that, tracted Puri tradesmen who sell photo- said Susie legal contlict with the city that'll be six months, too. An1 me, was She Carter, wistfully. The Fronch law authorities. of gives who might a boen an cddicated man, promingraphs say that pictures not so well dressed as Christian sects a a child, pale from state tho ent men are very little lit domand her grant 1oor Haste had no rankin' laws instid of break in' em. C'linpauions. nowadays They aro aeon so often parents, and her annt, with whom she in proportion to their numbers, and, There it is all on my little notch TherMH HHAKD SLICKER to warranted in view of the high cost of living at nreaf.ud will kereyn dry to the h.rde.1 Mona. Thi in the illustrated paper that photorememand in POMMEL SLll'KEJI I. a aerirot rVlnif rust anU new was not alwaya kind to her. cut to lived, stick, good deep the capital, an extra sum ia allowed Dnii the enure .addle. Bewaraeflmaaiwoa. gov graphs no longer go. The actresses the record of Mike "Oh! you cannot expect such things," That's ber . by. eoet If the" Flak Brand" la net on it, hoy of to in ministers and fashionable women, of all aocial said Gwen. Sim religion residing TOWEK. Maw. A. Hrelno, J. old Mike wot has give the mean Paris for their did not lodging expenses The O'Leary grades, are eagerly bought, not by to le unkind she was really only thought- prefect of the Heine refused to honor police many a rood racket in his thoir admirer among men mainly, less hut Susie lips trembled as she the draft of the Presbyterian consist- time. Man an boy Ive been the WALTER BAKER & GO. but by dressmaker of the second turned away. on the ground that their balance roan's of the stations an courts, but class in Paris and the provinces. ory When Gwen went home to dinner sheet did not it wasnt till 'long In 83 that I took Tho latter buys tho photograph to COCOA and prove its noeessity. she hid the brooch in her pocket, Tho church contended up a votin' residence on Blackwell's a that such the study patterns. all on It's island. little notch to run my CHOCOLATE meaning upstairs afterward condition was never and put it away. She had not felt the law, and after contemplated by stick here, 'leven years of 1L Ta World' lloath Kata. exhausting every Awards Highest It la computed that the death rate exuctly comfortable all morning, and legal procoss tho city has been com xid.laaad tUpli.) Foot Wlllte. waa ashamed to mother's meet lief of the world Is 67 a minute and the World' Columbian Did you ever notice what shock- polled to pay the sum of 173,000 Exposition. birth rate 70 a minute, and this ryes, ltut, when dinner waa over, francs a year, together with arreara Willie Wibbles shoes ing On the foBeotog aittdax seemingly light porconlugo of gain is mother stmt her to the chemist' for to another. one said laxly: girl Wher lh IMIfrrMN Wm sufficient to give a nut increase of tome cough mixture for Daisy, the Yea I noticed last MFUFiST C$CII, "I cannot marry you, Mr. Albion. And how much redderit his hairevening. pet of the honscliolil and population each year of almost 1,200,-UJ- 0 looked ruim la I flKItm, then it waa so lute that alie was I have looked up your ancestry, and souls. 611X11 MEET riWNJTK, than usual obliged to run off to school at once. a was tradesman. your grandfather It was remarkable. Some absent-minde- d milll CI9CSUIE, The Early Christian. "Wheres your brooch. Gwen? asked True, Marie; but wo are cousins, COCti WITH, barber must have given his the Beaty Clarke, as tlie girls trooped out lie was your grandfather, too. lidw Among tho early Christian Parity of auimn!.,a shoes a shampoo, and put russet e einrlleni books of heretics, such as Origan of the schoolroom at 4 o'clock. Savor," aud -- aatare you nutter born than I? on his head. polish and Arius. were frequently burned in "You forget that I am an Amerillcaty and Gwen were particular SOLD BY CKOCKWa KVMVWHMl. great pile. while the heretics re- friends, and always walked home to- can while you ure English, it Is rtillanthroplst Thwarted. torted in kind by burning the writ- gether. Two other girls who were WALTER BAKER CO DORCHESTER. for an American to have a Hobbs' "Old will last disinherits nothing MAR, ings of the orthodox controversial-1st- . going the same way came up at that grndratlior in trade, hut for an Eng- all his expectant nephews moment, and the four walked along lishman oh! Its awful! Of course they are crest fallen? Life. Cream Bain with arms entwined in schoolgirl LUtU Kagnr and Mark Wins. No; they are going to try to break KmaarcM. LVaahiuglnn' Clean mo tha Nnenl The Greeks consume annually to it" On Foresee. Allays Fata It is in my pocket, was Gwen's reWashington has salmon fisheries what ground? each inhabitant flvo pound of aad Inflammation, to put it on this after- worth $1.500. Duo a year and catches ply. "I Kretorw the Sense of On the ground of undue influence sugar and one pound of coffee. noon, andforgot I sha'n't wear it every day, IO.OiH) fur seals Turn and flmolL $4,000,-0D0 It exports The doctors told him he was Hants tho floras. They make up the deficiency In yqu know, I worth ol lumber and coal and to die before he had made going only brought it this wine, drinking eighteen gallons it Apply Palm Into tech aretrll. aisos 15,000 bushels of wheat morning for yon ail to look at XLIBI Warrea L.X.T. each in the twelve inoutba Judge. pit-a-p- at aaw-mll- l. RETIRED PAY FOR WARRIORS, five?" asked Edle Denson. I'm sure I counted five when you had it on, but Military aa Kaval UOtoare Wall Treated KIRACLE. tell the weather In I SUCKER I Eljt n. ; i c. |