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Show ll V errrr Following the veil comes a of leaden hail full into our giey. v V Jf j i. FARM A XI) f v. V HOME. si to excite suspicion by any one NUTSHELLS MAD RACE. having any iqiecial habit of noticing differences of this kind. fMl!S. wild THE SYMPTOMS OF TUBERCUThere is no use in treatment, as IT WAS A GALLOP FOR LIFE it Is a kittle of the giants. A back AND THE MARE WON. IN COWS. LOSIS animal la worthless for any pur- hurled is the line our fio.a cheer tin-in- , shot. its answers will and shot inherit the pose, progeny upon or Iks III. .a,, disease, its Jlesh is not fit for food, Tha Coloaal Tails' Why a Nona's root The roar of artillery is inccsut. Thu lln(WaiM TM With Hlua Rlbbous Haags Ovsr sail Slaaaurw fur lu Lradlrailaa tho milk is poison, its very breath cra-- h of musketry is deafening, and s A Wild Rida for tba His' Artichokes for lion farm Kolaa and and discharge from the nostrils will the earth trembles from the concusla. Doctor Ilia at llama Stldaigba on communicate the to disease other sion ami shock. Watch the play annuals, and if it could lie saved the the faces of the iin-n- l The eye flashes, usefulness of It is quite destroyed Tabarralaala In Cava the face grows wild and grand, tho "See yonder horses foot, that bangs The moat disease of cows i for the future. The only thing to be on tha nail over the e forms round out to their fullest limit, F said is timerises done Is to the known avert aa lulmrculosia, more disease by that and the plain, dull soldier boy Colonel Browne meditatively, as he into the grandeur end glory of a commonly recognized by the popular ly precautions. No animal exhibit- flicked the ashes from the tip of his lioinc-riThis common ing any of the predisposing charac- cigar in his apartments. god as be springs to his feet, term, consumption. with no thought of white flag or de- nume ia given to thla disease from teristics should be used for breeding, "Did i ever tell gou how my mare Nutshell saved the life of my wife feat, full of desire to meet and destroy the fact that the various vital organa and tlie elegant, slender, deer-lik-e the coming enemy. AH individuality implicated am gradually consumed form is to be discarded for the more away bock In No, I think not, N BUQLE. TO A is lost iu this wild dance of death. by a germ that livea at tha expenae robust. If not so handsome, animal and the colonel gazed a long timo is apparent into tne and chaugca It into a whose heulthfulness The gray line again halts, trembles of tlie cheery depths of the fire, Ilugi Horn! HukIr flura' Hliifr No doubt, the fortunately now dis- and valiant and atrua; fcinii tit tlM tnioM-a wild cheer degraded, choosy, mutt fullowed is and which, by gone, t, sighed heavily two or three Slag aa you aan? on ilia Mtlllra wild day that burst from the heroic line in blue, k.iing gathered Into small or larger carded habit of choosing breeding times as the flood of recollections Mu aa yoa aana ui lha andal of Ilia (ray. or figure has hail telling in its own glad way that they knots or tubercles, gives reason for animals for color swept away the curtain of the past Oh. hoar till! aalM'ra flaahM liriilit at your call! are victors on the bluudv fluid. Blue the scientific name of the diacuse a much to do with the present prev- The guests knew that bis thoughts Onward tba limy hue arut. farm aa a wall foe of alence and , Now they are this disease among were Ibr tulierculoaii and kray. pith the spirit of the sweet woKluahea the aaiwr with blow attar lilowl seem to man who It Is a common belief that this dis- tho i Jerseys, who Ad Krraudof ( harltf. had been dead ten year, almost the victims and when the colonel fumbled at sole Thla (a a fUbt for a aoldier to Me! of May. 1 wit, on ease affects only the lungs of an ani- bo month the the During In: riant loud fn your Hurl, ob. Mur ringwho the Petersburg turnpike, three or four mal or a person. The truth is quite to this veritablo pestilence. The ef- locket at his chain which held her slur of the valiant w virinry wlu. Ilia din. It may invade any part fective measui-otaken by tha agri- picture they remained silent blog iif tba hr rota bo dual oiid days before the battle of Iirewry's otherwise. rnnown, Bluff, and about half way between of tho body; the lungs, or , their cultural department for the mitiga"Like most men in the army. I fell Tluaie ban won glory and e ! serous covering, the plouro-jhoan. fallen iwir to a lirru a hrigni nura by tion and eradication of the and Va., in Richmond, love young, and was married in my Petersburg llugln. oh, llirlr! amr honor and pralat! d comrade and I, who belonged to the which not only the lungs but tho decimating disease, in '6 returning to To Hum who wrre bravo throuah llmaoaad, Fredericksburg redarlu'iM-duya by of duty almost Immediately second brigade (Col. Griffin A. Stead- whole cavity of the cheat la covered, j monia, have been my post -- W. D Dowling. , and the same after I was made the happiest man man's), second division, eighteenth and which is a frequent seat of dis- markable suci-esswas a lad t.raud Urappla. corps, started off to the left of the case: the membrano supporting tho measures to eradicate this equally on earth. My father-in-laThe man who tells you tlmt without turnpike, or in other words deliber- bowels, (the meieiitcry), the coats destructive disease might be applied, racing man, a breeder of thoroughlini11 tirant would have been lout at ately swung to the left, in accordance of tho bowels, tha throat, the spleen, doubtless with the same invaluable breds, and when I went back to my Shiloh did not m- - the la- -t fraud grap- with Gen. Grant's tactics of tho cam- the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys result. And this well deserves the regiment I carried with me a three-year-othe ovaries, sometimes the muscles greater attention on account of the mare as a present from the ple ou Sunday night. It waa while paign. and frequently the soft ends of the imminence of the infection among old gentleman, who said that, having I final that for thia a a About mile us and half struggle waiting brought --aw the grandest bight, save one, that to a farm house that had been pretty bones In female animals the mam- unguarded persons, and especially no boy of bis own, be wanted tbe I witneaard during the entire war. well ransacked before we arrived. mary glands tho udder, as it is com- the helpless infants whose lives are on of bis adoption to be well We were placed head downward Under the barn which hail been over- monly known is a frequent seat of destroyed by the use of the infected mounted and a credit to tbe army. food. It is a fact well known to and The mare was a lovely chestnut in on a hillkidu. with a battery or nmre looked. we discovered about a dozen tho disease. Cuttle arc mors subject to this dis- authoritatively declared by experts color, and, although a little underof gnna at the top- - We are facing the hens sitting quietly upon their eggs, than other animals' writes that the death 'rate among these sized handled my 1G0 pounds as went. Looking out through the upen-ing- a nut knowing th e order had gone forth ease the nuuahiue falls bright and clear "that the rebellion must he put down Henry Stuart in Column's Rural helpless infants has been trebledd though it were play for her, seeming introduction of the wideiy-uae- absolutely tireless and possessed of on everything. Liaiking to the right if it took the last chicken in the Con- World. Sheep and swine are the since the but deadly milk bottle. The of and next in order of such a high order that she and nee Iwttaliona we or left subjection, forming federacy." entire immunity of those infants may speed In won several match races for me with My comrade crawled under the barn fowls follow after these, hut these be secured artillery going into position A lull by genoral use of the the utmost ease. Nutshell was the the cranly and roar of buttle; ita atill-neN- and passed out tlia hens through last mentioned rarely suffer except recommended name the apparatus sterilising infection from by swallowing so which you could see daylight, given to her by my father-in-lafar iwippreaaive. or United States the of by department from matter the and out of respect for him I did are the had they been reduced, living on ejected patients Img away out yonder This simple precaution not change it, although I often gleaming aunahine on the short rations and nobly doing duty hospitals of persons diseased in pri- agricultural for safety should be in use iu every d uteri In front and on the for the Cofederacy. He kept me busy vate houses that has been thrown thought that it scarcely seemed fithousehold. it ia the coming of tlie enemy I wringing their necks after which we out where the fowls can pick.it up. ting for such a glorious mare. The use of the milk of tuberculosed "After hostilities had ceased my ArttehokM for Hosi. columns by division,, with tied their legs together, swung them father-in-lawhen the udder or cows insisted that my wife . would especially and to its brother like back shoulders over and our started my moving army give uttring See how distinct every to the turnpike, congratulating our- the ovaries are the seat of the dis- farmers a few items of my experience and I should make our home with 1 have grown the him. Having no plans for the immerifle Jurrel, Imynnet and naber, like selves upon what a nice chicken din- ease. has been the most effective with artichokes. And it white Jerusalem artichoke for three diate future, I was glad of the optliprMeam of silver and ahimmer of ner we should have when we got back means of communication. with the utmost years and would not try to run my portunity, and the months of June, hrasbln the very front ia a regiment to our command. Hut our jubilant has been observed of ZouaVs. A grander sight no man expectations were peremptorily de- interest by eiatietlclane and physl-eian- e farm without them. Last summer July, August and September passed that the deathe of infanta by when the crops were cut short ky the away most happily. ever saw tjiin this coining of the Con- molished by the direct order of a genThe colonel looked at the window, consumption have been greatly in- drought and everything drying up, federate army. We see the swinging eral. more since the creased where the snowflakes were eddying, adopgeneral were and artichokes motion noticeable when great bodies we from the as thicket oat green my J thrifty emerged and continued to grow until frost and was evidently reading from the Thus cornea on tba left of the turnpike we came tion of cowe milk for their food. of men move together. There are some cowe that seem to They are a large tuberous rooted open book of the past with artilthis human liattering-ram- , in contact with lienjamin F. Bntlerl a natural predisposition to tu- vegetable which are just coming into have One day, he resumed, "one of in ita ns come to beckoned to The ranks, presenting lery trailing general the appearance of a huge monster up to where he was sitting on his berculosis This Is due, doubtless favor for stock feed, and for the men on the place used more force to inherited conditions by which uoga are excellent ae the crop than I thought was necessary in clothed in folds of flashing steel. horse. features have been Is so easily handled. In the bridling Nutshell, and when I took On cornua the enemy, in ita grand, After saluting him very respectful- these peculiar fnll pride, sure of crushing tha beaten, ly, and trembling very perceptibly, caused, such as the long legs the fall when the stalks are dry the hogs him to task he was insolent I went narrow chest, the thin, long neck, can be turned to fatten and finish Into the house to avoid trouble, for broken army of the Tennessee, in per- the first question he asked was: and the up with a little corn. The tubers 1 waa quick tempered in those days, fect step with arms at "Where did you get those chickens?" narrow forehead, with a silay softness of that remain in the ears aa ground will come but I couldn't forget the fellow's comrade, seemingly conscious of ita My spokesman, the hair and thinness of the skin, all acting and produce the manner, and came to the door In next the With of and up band blare epring I bogle replied: might. of consti- - next weakness of these denoting without farm-house We crop any more planting time to see him snatch at the curb see it coming to the left, about the line advances. At the tution. And with these there is a or cultivating. So amount of freez- and throw the mare upon her and wonder if some one will raise a a mile and a half from here. copious flow of milk, thin and bluish ing in the ground injuree them, and haunches In an instant I had him white flag. The next question was a poser. in .color and poor in fata Such an I always leave an acre or two for by the throat, and I'd probably have 1 load on flat and the lie to do are What with my gun you going animal having any local Inflammatfdn epring use. Here 1 turn my hogs to killed him if they hadn't torn me ground head downward; with teeth them?" whatever cause becomes fatten for spring market and finish away. The man was discharged, and from set up We thought we were In for it, and tightly closed I await what seems our of and the them with a little corn. Flowed out after dinner, when we fat down for sure defeat. Ilchlnd the front line we should be punished for capturing tho easy subjecttha attack Xhis victim na. and pitted in tlie fall, they are ex- an evening's enjoyment, tho entire comes another, and still another. The old sitting hen, whereas nice fat ac- be set in ural may predisposition cellent to feed cows, calves and colts episode was forgotten. woods are alive with them. On they chickens might have passed with the , tSon caUMa that are After some music, my wife asked come; soon their lines liegin to unsold general as legitimate spoila of war. mon to dairies either not well man- during the winter. Six bushels will an acre, and one acre in good me to read aloud to tha family, and, plant and develop: these movements are ex- So my chum replied: or carried on under a method by soil will yield from eight hundred to approaching me from behind with ecuted with exact step, and arms alill "We arc going to take them back to aged which the cows are at the hospital for the sick and wounded." by high feeding to procure increased one thousand bushels. Plant any the book, put her arms about my time in AprlL neck in a way that was peculiarly 1 live an age in a moment. We are The hopital waa about six miles to product The system gives way unher own. I had grasped her by the startled by a cannon shot above ue a the rear. Farm Nnta. disease and tha either der condition, wrists and was about to speak, when The general called an orderly, who attacks the herd in the most insidsignal for more. It in answered by a Wrap the butter for sale in parchthe glass in a French window at the ment paper. blinding flash a mighty roar; the was mounted, and gave him the fol- ious manner. Thus the high-bre- d earth trembles; something strikes me; lowing general order: "Orderly, go cows, bred too closely, so that a weak and horticulture end of the room was shattered, and Agriculture a darkness falls about me; ainoke and back to the hospital with theiie men, constitution is inherited, as well as should be taught in the country the report of a gun almost deafened us leaves and twiga and gravel and earth and see tliat they deliver those chick- the town-slofed herds, in their schoola snd the colonel half-wa- y I remember, fill the air. 1 start up afrighted, ens to the surgeon in charge." work Guess aud methods wretched, noisomo stables, fall vichad struck us we tims to the disease. will not be found profitable in horti- rose to his feet snd begun pacing If a cannon-ba-ll wondering If the heavena and earth are coming together. It lathe "good could not have been more crestfallen. rapidly before the hearth, "that my The first symptoms of the disease culture, father-in-laand myself, with half Scald the butter then it great guns The next morning we were escorted are evening" of Webster's put apparent Indeed, aome into cold water, andprint, dozen servants at our heels rushed a above ns to the bold, defiant Confed- back to our commands, where we re- of theeasily will butter the worst cases have occurred in erate host. Artillery along the lines mained during the battle at Pre wry's dairies where the owner could not stick to it upon the plazzs A scream from my A writer thinks a good way to wifes mother brought me to the opens, and the final straggle has be- Kluff, on the morning of the IGth of scarcely be coavincod of the truth of in an drawing-rooand gun. May, ltMM. the announcement of the veterinarian, make the straw stack benefit the cow there I found my wifeinstant, with head 1 saw General Kutler upon one No white flag there! Oar cannoneers is to put some of it under her. until tha examination, bosom are planting their shrapnel where it after that, which brought A progressive farmer is not afraid pillowed upon her mother's which the diseased organs were blood from In and a wound will do the most harm, and it falls vividly to my mind that lost anticipat- by pouring corroborative of the diagnosis to try new methods and new things. her breast dinner. 0. W. Ford, plainly amid the erowded mass of the rnemy ed chicken just below the heart In tbe high- If the new is better than tbe old he animals be The sick may The scoundrel had missed my head aa true os if it had been carried by National Tribune. est condition, as easily as in the adopts it by an inch or two and reached a hand. .The amoke before us lifts and Xwdnl so Help, lowest The symptoms vary os the Rotation of crops not only aids in fairer mark. The nearest phytician w aee beneath it the lines of the . There was no better, more loyal or seat of the disease may. 'ihe cough maintaining or increasing fertility, was at Fredericksburg, ten miles in with torn them, enemy more fearless soldier than old Jack and the great gaps mawkish odor of but it helps to rid the ground of inaway, and the plank road waa in We Dubbin, but he had one fault and that the breath,peculiar different from the cloning up and still advancing. sect pests quite the worst possible condition Shoutopen upon them a line fire; the guns waa an overweening fondness for the healthy respiration, and the disStudy the question of combatting ing like a madman, 1 rushed to the behind us arc still throwing caseshot; whisky bottle, or rather for the tents. turbed breathing, disclose the fact tho insect enemies of the orchard, barn, saddled Nutshell, and in less the roar deafens and the amoke blinds He had a boon companion whose real that the lungs are effected. The and be ready to prevent their in- than two minutes was galloping us fur a time. Again it lifts, and we unino I never knew, hut everyone diarrhea, with general jurious work. profuse 1 madly for medical assistance. see the gray line staggering under called him Uncle Si. While in camp emaciation, dullness, large, exIt is claimed that a bon while la know the folks at home would do the awful fire it face. The gunboats old Jack was taken ill of a fever, and, ceedingly bright eyes, dryness of tho take up the fight, but on comes that despite the unremitting attention of noso, and apparent fever and rapid her prime, if properly cared for, will their best to stay the flow of blood, determined line until only a corporal's j Si, died. Tlie corpse developed an un- pulso, indicate that the bowels are produce three times her weight in and that everything rosted in the prompt attention of a surgeon. I guard remains. Wc look again. It usual rigidity after death anil a tho seat of tho disorder. When tho eggs annually. spared neither whip nor spur, but has vanished gone! Another pushes strange tendency to fly up into a throat is affected tho Hams Hints. glands are urged the gallant mare until it Our sitting posture. Accordingly on tho enlarged, and the dry cough slight on, to disappear like the first remove will and salt juice seemed that she must fall from sheer lino is a blase of fire it is a volcano, night before its burial it waa stretched and seldom noticed, except by the iron rust exhaustion, and when the lights of It hurls defiance with its shot at the out at fnll length upon a board restiug watchful attendant, afford tho testi- ordinary Don't shut the lids of pots, boilers Fredericksburg rose before me the of the euemy, upon two wooden trestle with ita mony to the fact The unnatural and saucepans when proud, bravery putting them mare's sides were torn and bleeding, who die hut refuse to retreat head and feet tied down by ropes. desire for tlia company of the away. It retains the odors of cookery. where they wore not white with The fight becomes fiendish: the eneOld Unele Si insisted upon watching male indicates the diseuse to be Never put your stovepipes away foam, and I was little less than a his and concentrates fire, my tho which in brings the remains of hi dead friend. Short- In ovaries, thorn thoroughly madman. The doctor, who waa an into action every available man and ly after midnight he been me very case the milk glands usually are in- without rubbing with linseed oil or something similar. old friend, had not retired, and be gun. Arms are no longer at the right thirsty and stupimd out to a neighlior-In- g volved and the milk is wholly unfit This will prevent an accumulation of was in the saddle and galloping shoulder, but arc being used by exsutler's to procure s drink. Dar- for uso- Sometimes the disease ap- rust away at my aldo within a few minresismen. The stubborn perienced his somewhat protracted absence, pears as swellings of the joints and ing He urged his horse, s stout utes remove in To tar. rub grease (lard tance of the seemingly beaten Federal two large cats found their way into lameness. Hut in all casee the adhslf breed, to his best pace, but ha army ia a surprise to the legions of the tent containing the1 remains of vance of the disease is accompanied is os good os anything) until the was no match for Nutshell, and when well loosened, Beauregard, who can neither crush poor old Jack, and when Uncle Si re- by the most conspicuous manifesta- spot seems pretty In plenty of hot water half tha journey waa completed he then wash and nor dlodge the blue. The gray line turned he was naturally indignant at tion of approaching death. The tumbled and fell heavily, throwing trembles, almost, as it halts, wavers seeing these felines sitting qn the eyes lose their brilliance, and aink in and soap. To keep the lipe In good condition tha doctor far in advance. I drew for a moment and then suddenly falls corpse one at the hesd, t heucr their aockets; the cheeks fall in: the and my very blood freeze in nose is quite dry and pinched In at one should never go out into the air rainveins felt hack, the few that are left firing aa the feet when them of I heard him shout: . e w.. my rubvaseline a little without ie having the nostrils; the breath is hurried, they go. until the supporting line Seising a wlt).blow not be enough "This is had business Browne. My reached. Then we see real discipline ground he aimed a powerisi with aud every inspiration produces heav- bed on them. canIt need be enough to keep horse has broken a leg. in battle. The retreating line halts, it at the pussy sltting at the head. It ing of the flanks and distrasa; tha to show, but Thera waa nothing else for it but cold from them. In adthe affecting moves doses up, reforms on its support. with tho action of tho missed its mark and' struck and sev- body have Nutshell carry double, or else to acchance kiss do not dition acSee how deliberate and full of every ered the rope holding down the head lunga, and the carcass becomes thin I eould abandon her to the doctor tion it becomes, maddened at the re- of the eorpse,' which immediately flew " d hidebound, The hair stands on quaintance you meet and proceed on foot Tbe thought, Veal, to be just right, should be pulse, end burning to ' avenge their up into a sitting posture. Seising the end. and the skin Is scurty. There that my wife might die bee with of sons pinkish-whitof Is comrades flesh, of The fiery fallen whitish matter dear, however, discharge dead man by the shoulders anil forcI reached fore the house settled the South are again in perfect form ing him back into a recumbent from the nose, and tha breath is white fat If there are no receptaeverything, and in a twinkling the which is the All to for the hurl fetid. themselves with their cles these dressing, lacrosse Si symptoms ready exclaimed in an position Uncle bonnle mare was onward angry impetuosity against their tired aggrieved tone: "Darn ye, old man, in virulence, and dally the animal life of roost veal, the skin may be under her double staggering A dozen burden. from flesh the foe. a For moment lie down ami keep quiet HI attend becomes weaker. This is often tbe successfully separated but undaunted times she stumbled to her knees, but case in herds that are still milking hero aud there, making pockets for I roused the gray line is motionless; then all at to the rats." American Tribune. her with voice and hand, once it leaps forward with a mighty freely, ns the system falls faster the dressing, but if you use the only and she on and on until struggled will for there the across does this But function the Tlie has and than heart not that suffered has roasting proper pieces bloody sweeps yell, she seemed possessed of endurance about no bo so trouble thin and bluo and watery milk is finding placea space separating the blue from the not loved ht-r- ra viro-riao- fire-plac- c ? WAR-WOR- tii-su- ilt-a- niiin-liny- s la-ti-ng old-tim- pleuro-pneu-crowne- beyond her species When the house with its lights came into view she seemed to know the necessity for an extra effort, aud when we dismounted at the door and my father-in-lashouted: "Shes alive yet; there's hope still. I threw the rains to a servant and followed the doctor into the house. The wound was a bad one, but tbe surgeon was possessed of uncommon skill and my wife ultimately recovered. God was good: bo spared her to me for years and then took Ills own, but my gallant little mare, I never saw her alive again. "They found her in the morning, stretched cold and stiff in her box stalL There wasn't a dry eye in the household, and she was buried on a mound in the postern where she first saw the light of day. I had her off front foot cut off and mounted, as you see, and theres no money could get me to part with iL The colonel was silent again, and none broke the silence for some minutes Finally the youngest ot the party queried: "But. colonel, the man who fired the shot What ot him? Oh. his health got had. and he didnt live long afterward. HOW THEY CURED HIM. Tlw Rada fra a or Suaia Boys Causad Kill Kvfuruii w ld N ' nt over-stimulat- p w m post-morte- m apk-mli- - "Thirteen years ago, said a well-kno- wn gentleman, "I was worth The money was inherited from an uncle. I was as poor as a church mouse before the legacy came, and when it did come it turned my head. I began drinking modorately at home and took occasional sprees in neighboring towns It was not long before I was a slave to drink. Every week 1 was on a spree. For six years I paid no attention to business lost everything and was a confirmed drunkard- One night after having been on a long spree in a town near home, I lay down on the sidewalk in front of a store and was soon fast asleep. 1 was helpless and could not $20-UO- - sjieak. "After awhile I heard some boys talking. They said they would give me a free rids Shortly afterward a hogshead was rolled up to where I was The head was knocked out The boys put me in the hogshead by fores I was helpless and could not After nailing the head back peak. in the hogshead the boys rolled me over town. 1 was carried at a fast peed over gulleys, bridges mad tumps. The jolting waa terrible, and' I was bruised all over. For over-ahour the rolling waa kept up. Finally, I grew sober and called for help. Then the boys removed the head from the hogshead and left me. "I did not know that I could get out and remained in the hogshead all night Next morning I saw the sun rising and a crowd gathered around me. I was sore all over and conld not bear to more. I was sober and ashamed of myself. I asked the people to help me out of the hogshead. They did so and I stood before them with a determination that I would never drink again. I aid: Gentlemen,' I promise you that I will never get drunk again. 1 have kept that promise and often think of my strange experience in a. hogshead. Wouldnt Ho nn Kngllsliiann. Hluffkins wandered in at the elub the other night and drew his chair close to the fire. "I wouldn't be an Englishman for he ejaculated. "They anything! have the most gluttonous appetites on record. You cawn't prove that, bah Jove !' aid Mr. Algernon Hawkins, who live d. on chops and swore by her majesty. "I can, replied Bluffkina, with unruffled composure, "and here is I was riding home in an elec-tri-e car last night. Two Englishmen at next to me. I 'eve just bought a stove, said one. So 'ave 1 said the other. But mine is the best on earth; it cooks my breakfast in 'alf an hour, said tha first sfove! said, the second, that isnt anything. I can eat my stove in five minutes And even Mr. Algernon Hawkina acknowledged the Englishmen did have pretty solid appetite. Boston the.-proo- Budget Wlarf tha Votes Is Ovarworkad. Physician Your throat is in bad condition, my dear young lady, but 1 think I need impose only one ' deprivation upon you. Miss Smelsy What is it, doctor?' Physician I must absolutely forbid you to attend performances of the opera. Chicago Record. What tha Waa Altar. Jameson Are you going to your house? re-urn- lsh Fits Na Well, I saw your wife in a furniture store the other day pricing different articles Fiti Yes. She did that so as to find out what Browns new furniture cost Jameson What Thar Did Wat Rataarblas Smythe That drummer I, met last night told some of the best stories I ever heard. Mrs. Smythe Well, if they were so good, what were they like? Smythe I couldn't say exactly, but they certainly weren't like tracts. Truth. Xo for ObmIiUi Waiter Perhaps you would like an omelet? Uncle Josh No, sir! Never coaid est em. I guess yon may bring me some alga Kind o beat em up a little then cook em. u' Ha Ualp for Him, "So the poor fellow ie doomed toon early death. "How do you make that out?" "Didn't you say he lived by hi wits? |