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Show 7 1 I. V j' C waa She had fullcn through floor of one of the upper rooms to kitchen below. caaLifSv My r- ItE you awalce, Yes! wide is the answer, in very sleepy tones. it's time to U wake, tart r now. Moth e and father hare gone to bed 1 heard him throw his boots out Isn't it funny that ne makes always such a noise with them'." continued Mary, who was rather given to thinking about everything. What are you doing now?" said matter-of-fac- t Ypra, who was out of bed by this time. I'm going to dress." Nonsense! if wo stop to dress we shall be caught You know that mother says she often conics to look at us in the night It's only just downstairs and across the lawn, aqd its so hot we can't catch cold." liut supposing we stamp on On what?" said Vera, impatiently collecting a small family of dolls from the two beds and handing them to Mary. On black beetles or slugs, said Mary, with a shudder. Oh! you are no fun at all, said Vera, haughtily; and, sitting down on the iioor with her face in the moonlight, she took her younger sister to task. 'Now, didn't you say youd just love to fo into the old farmhouse?" Mary nofcdod, and cuddled the dolls up into her arms as if alia wanted to coinfort them and herself, too. And didn't you hear nurse say it was a dreadful place inside, and it was a pity some one didnt stop its falling to pieces? Of course you did; and we both said we would go over it and now that I have taken the trouble to keep awake all these hours, you don't want to go. 1 call it When we get home again, mean. I wont let you play with my doll's house, that I won't; and if mother says I may have the new dinner service, I'll do all the cooking myself, t; that 1 This takes a few minutes to tell you, but it did not take a second for Vera to think; it flashed through her mind like a streak of lightning, and before the man had got down the three stairs leading into the kitchen she had spruug into a cupboard which stood open. Now then! said the man in a loud voice. It's not a bit of use hiding. I've tried to find you often enough be- - Veia?" the MARRIED THE POUR SISTERS. the A tlUMIMU DlvarcaA wilL time after, the little girls had crept down the stairs and were crossing the lawn by the light of the moon, Marygrasoing the dolls with motherly care, and Vera holding a candlestick. The door of the deserted farmhouse stood open as usual. Now, isn't this worth coming to see? said Vera, standing on the top of the old oak staircase. She had lighted the candle, and held it so that ISoine fore, now Ive got you as safe as nuts. Come along ont and I'll teach you to scare the country for miles round. Come along 1 tell you, and Ill soon show the folks the ghost. Listen; they are waiting outside for you." Vera, with every limb shaking, had hold of the cupboard door; there evidently were two in the room, for she heard the policeman bang a door in disgust when he found no one in it She heard him walking toward her hiding place, his hand was on the door, and he had opened it just a crack, but had not had time to flash his bull's-ey- e lantern in, when there was a louil scream upstairs Constable Jones of the Shingleton police, which consisted of himself and a boy to run messages, let go of the cupboard and disappeared. Vera watched him through the crack of the door, and determined to follow him. If he could get in, she could get out she thought She found her way up the three steps that led into the wilderness which had once been a garden, and was standing wondering which way to turn, when she heard some one cry: There it goes, catch it quick!" Then she knew that there was a crowd standing outside the deserted farmhouse, and that they were chasHer little ing her. How she ran! bare feet were pricked and torn, yet she ran on and on, till she caught her foot in something, and fell. Why, darling, you've tumbled out of bed again," said her mother's voice. What were you dreaming aboil.? Hush, hush! you will wake Mary." Oil, mother! where is she?" cried the terrified child, sobbing in her mother's arms. Fast asleep in bed, darling; but she is lying all topsy-turvand the dolls are all anyhow. What have yon both been doing?" We wanted to go over to the farmhouse, mother, and we knew you would not let us, so we made up our minds to go I made Mary promise to wake me, and we both got ont of bed to start:thata all I remember, but I expect we got into bed again, and fell asleep, liut. mother, I have hud such a dreadful dream! Then Vera told it all to her mother. It is a good thing you did not got darling," said Mrs. Franklin, kindly. "Come to the window; 1 want to show you something." Well might the child start back and cover her eyes with her hands; the old farmhouse was a heap of ruins; the roof had fallen in during the night. Mother, suppose we had been there?" said Vera, in dismay. Yes, dear, suppose yon had?" answered her mother, gravely. y, . r Ws're Uattteg Lllarary. 'Tl a uitofsciloa io know, and reassuring, loo, ia a free natUw, that the youngest coun- the world is the forsnuwt in papular For land, with MMM0,UU0 papula, tloo, hu 7.000 studeala In tlie universities; Ucrmnoy. with Sc.UUO.Oui populaltoa, ha 35,000 college tudente; America, with Hat haw Happily Hatad. Slo Living in the mountain near Murfreesboro, Tunu., says a correspondent of the Philadelphia Times, is a 70.0110 oolleglana,wlth family which has a singular history S.lXJO population, ha90.000 medical aud totheological and In a matrimonial way. The father tal stadriiia a total of 100.000. Our supar-oril- y owns a little farm and four daughla reading and rrader ia equally ters, or did own the latter. A man marked. The lltirarlee of the failed Steles exceed those of Europe by 90.000.0u0 volumes. named FhUllpi, about fifteen yean Our printing prose eena out 15.000 dally ago, married the eldest of these and weekly periodical, with 85,000,000 This the reaeou why public opindaughters, and after a few yean of to ion married life the lady ran away with Intelligent and dominant here a it te her else la the world. This to the lead the hueband'e sworn enemy- - Me now of the the church and a frt procured a divorce from her and pro ih trinity of progress. St. Jtouto wooed the second sister and took her home, but the next day the The Fire la every city could woman turned up at home and said not do better Department than hi keep a down of Salvashe wouldn't live with Phillips, and tion UU at each elation. It Instantly relieve burnt, scald and brutoe.and lu a few day after a time succeeded in getting all Then make an effectual cure of the wound. 95 cla. free from him. legally the third sister, undaunted by what A young eporUng man want Into a religious aune the other day and asked for a work had gone before, married the husband book on Ue waa given a guideof her two sinter. Soon after this bookaleeptoehasing. to the cathedrals of England. the fellow was sent to the penitentiBtraet-ea- r n driver and others who are ary for an offense that kept him lly eapoied to all kinds of wrnther, and there three years, and when he came cannot Bud to lay by. should ever beer out he found that hia wife's fickle in mind (hi time plain fnct that Dr. bull Cough abbyrup cure cough and cold. It to fancy bad strayed while he was sent and had fixed Itself upon a Curloue There are no count lu this counneighbor, John Callahan. By law she was entitled to a divorce from try, aud yet every man couma. her husband, as be was a convicted 1.40 HI S. niTHOM FKH ACRE, felon, so getting it sbo married her This vicltl was reported lover. In the meantime the first by Abe astonishing Hahn, of Wisconsin, but wife had found that the man with potatoes always get tnere. Tha whom she had eloped would not mar- editor of the Uural Nctv Yorker report yield of ?3ii bushels mul S pounds ry her after Phillips had divorced her, and returned home. Then Mrs. per acre from one of Sulzcr's early Almve 1,410 bushels are Callahan wandered buck to her potatoes. Salaer'a new seedling Hundred father, for her husband Na 2 could from His new early potato, Lightning not or would not Bupport her. So in fold. Express, has a record of 603 bushels this way the old man had once more per acre. He offers potatoes as low a his four daughters on his hands, and S9.50 a Imrrel, and the best potato in the world for liut $9. Phillips was still free. planter FOOT LONG. IIIHK ilVF.lt The youngest daughter was now Kalxer illustrates in a colored plate a about 18 and she. also foil a victim to early corn, a giant of its kind, and the fascination the man Phillip ap- new offers &MM in gold for tlie largest ear pears to have exerted over them all in 1804. i n addition to this early liiaut at first, and infatuated corn, which yielded in 16113 10 bushels with him consented to marry him. per sere, he has over twenty other Phillips went to the father for the prolific field eorus. He has the best fourth time to ask for a daughters fodder corn and the best corn shelter hand and was told that he might in the world. He is the largest grower have her on condition that he kept of farm seeds, such as oats, barley, wheat, millet, potatoes, etc., iu Amerher. Phillip promised, and the ica. Fifty kinds of (Trasses and clover, ceremony was to take place the ir You Will Cat Thto Out and Sand It following night, when the With 15c to the John A. Sulzer Need growing jealous, armed thenisolves Co., L Crosse, Wih, you will receive and swore that the marriage should a large package of alaive tiiunt corn W at rcr take place, so Phillips rode to and bis mammoth catalogue. town and swore out a warrant against Walat He waa Lika. the sisters, tolling of their threats Dudely tiushington Tennyson The women were then sworn to keep Mon are Hod's trees." the peace, but Phillips thought it ays: Miss Then dudes must prudent, howevor, to run away with be ripe Sharpgirl thistles soft on top and slim his bride to Kentucky and marry her This time his matrimonial in the body. Texas Siftings. thore. A man who never owned a balky hone will venture seems to have terminated tall you that ho found Hie animal exceedingly for he has three children happily, hard to get eloag with. and ia prospering. U. S. Government Chemists have after an examination of the different brands, that the ROYAL Bak- THE ins Powder is absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and superior to all others. . 1 ROYAL BAKMQ POWDER COMPANV, 10 WALL ST. sebuul-houa- eon-ela- Kal-xer- 'n A Mala or la Xavada, pm dl patch fromofCanon, Nevada,a February lit tula that oa tha night brilliant meteor (hot over Western Nevada and Klera California, Illuminating tli hanvena for n apace of aevrral second. It mmto a note lllio a The Illumination a a followed by a low rumbling and nlua-- a of an earthquake. It ban now been that tho meteor (truck about dee mile from a railway la linn called Candelaria, lu Kaineralda county, about 140 mile from Car-oA party organized to ueareh for the laeieor cam upon a huge hole nearly 1UU foul aeru, where I he larger portion had fallen, it atruck oa a hare kuoll, computed of hand and rock. Hue report to that the ground wu hot about the bole, and hence that eluae examination waa Inipoeellile. Piece were found iu the neighborhood within a circle of a mile ia diameter. The eurfaca of tha earth fur wveral hundred yard to leaned by piece of meteoric (tone. A rot-ke- uarer-talne- a. A eplrilualtol may Up tho table, but It to the chap who tlpa the waiter who gel the mot attention. "Avoid whteky and water, my eon, laid a dilution nod a the fond father, auare." . A acrlptaral quotation by dtopusted law atudente "liaug all the law aud the proph eta." Daafaaaa lasuol Ha Cared By local application a they cannot reach tha portluu of the rar.- There la only one wry to cure deaf tic, and that i by reuuilii-s- . Drafnre to caiuted Iqr an luflaim-- condition of Hie mucou lining KuklM-biaTults. When thto lube to of the Inllamed you have a rumbling found or Imperfect bearing, and a ben It to entirely r lured, diecaw-- d Deafnei to the mailt, aud uule the Inflammation can be taken out and tlito tulie rumored to It normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caeca out of ten are eaucd by catarrh, which to nothing hut an Inflamed cuudiliuu of the niucoua eur-farr- H e will give One Hundred Dollar for any of Dcmfiie (eaued by catarrh) that cannot be cured by IJall Catarrh Cure. Bend fur circulara; free. Y. J. CIIENEY CO., Toledo, cae s, Why Hair Tarn Grey, of queer theories have aud eeorbulle tJTSuld a Too. by Character, Ilka boiled glue, depend IU eonatolrnry for lu value. upon pimple, affections, aud blotehre on tha akin are canned by Impure blood which Beecham'e Pill cure. When a barrel to full It u.ually gel bunged wllh a mas. up. And thl to the llaaaoa'a Maxi Vura Halva," Warranted Io rare, or suar reload!. Qift S Th I ! you dnixst Much reading to like much eating wholly Intel without digestion. ce IhlMV i'mihiiIub 11 ranaw a guantar-- a. ItbllwUvauuwhCiuvfc Cara Omn, a UU Scu-I- M Every man ha s hinr la llfu, but faw Ihrm II lid 1 a elreii. lli 1 There I one thing the hardware dealer hie always oa hand nail. Even tha homeleaa man may hare a title clear io manalon In th able. BahMnaaw'a Aaikma Vara Inaunlly relieve the miwt violent attack, facilitate fraeeapacloraUua and inanroa reel to UUNMutlwrwiM usable to Bleep ciMpt te a chair, aa a smite trial will prove baud fur s tree trial packaga lo lr. H schlflinaun, St. 1auL Him., but auk your druggist BraL A whim is a fly that buiaaa lu tha amply chamber of anjexhauited brain. of LOSS OF POWER and Manly Vigor, Nervous Debility, Earulyma, or Fnby, Or-Weakness and Koto upon the system.wasting resulting in dullness of mental Faculties, impaired Memoir, Low Spirits, Norm or Irritable Temper, fear at impending calamity,a andathomand andouederaugo-meotat both body and mind result from pernicious secret practices, often iudulgodin by the young, through iguurnnua of their ruinous consequences. To and restore such, reach, unfortunate! Ui health aud bap-urea, to tho uiin of an aaeod-atio- u of medical gentlemen who haveiprrpaivda book, written ia plain but rfaaxte language, treating o hum and curability, by treatment, of eiuch dtoea. ito World Medical Amociatlon, IWtotorB Dtoprnmry of the invalid' Hotel and Murginal Institute, Tak,N.Y.lwill,ourreipt of thto noth, l 10 cento (in stamp for pontoefl nudL at this useful ad in book, "it should bereedTy every young I mMi parent and guardian in tho land. pi ' ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . . . 'PERMANENTLY . undreds w Yr vt, been advanced to account for the ,fv . w.i.W phenomenon of hair turning gray in the genus homo, the latest being this: Each hair is a hollow tube tka Mlevlif ael ahena the aanUs aawaf Ika whialll atklMlaiv at tka WerM's fair. filled with granules of pigment and tW kapfciasa mi Ua Dip. In thii mM aaltl aa af Aaiiaaltera wwImmI it eat up hariaanlal ahaft was aaad. air bubbles. As old age approaches taaal is rna4 M rar tha We htltsd drat te alhar Time Who Are for the first to Undergo the pigment diminishes both In lark an Mhihrttan and araad urtnwia fraai Ike pelltf afihar WiadanH Ce.s te pal we Severest Womans and the bubbles offer air Trial, quantity I hay weaM 1x4, arktek la aleaja a pam ( quality, iMl eelili. Im AatsMtur llraa l we ea Irwl la wet Unadar, Thyy and enlarging expanding to take the m Aral had a facalar ergaaiialwe imUf sraeiiMiiwg M flaktiBf a. Iwl4 awb tel, la iMMiar, and in place formerly occupied by tho colfar. l eel M aa vapidlj aalea menreaM pal il lelha oring matter, The hair which is III filled these bubbles with turns rrsetes. white conVary ewi has Md IM f A remedy which, if used as directed a few weeks before tlMWerUt rairiift' for same reason the A Western guest at a Boston hotel that the crysaiala tryntf la pre finement, robs it of its Pain, Horror and Risk to Life of both shI ea frMa sra4 picked up the menu and casually re- tals of white sugar appear of that mother and child, as thousands who have used it testify. wke eetli waa artaal color, the phenomenon being due to marked to the scholarly waiter: Ijr bn dawa and I used two bottles of Mothers' Friend' with marvelous results, s iwa wrackiMl Il .nark, Io you think I can get a meal the reflection and refraction of ligh't child-birtai Uaared me after daik, he and with awry woman who has to pass through the ordeal of from this bill of fare?" Why hair sometimes turns white in IwraK wmcmmhM Arnaaiarana left. to know if they use 'Mothers' Friend for a few week it will rob conWaal towrr, pal ap ad. bv pamw a single night" has never been exNo. sir; you cannot," responded an a I11M (raws earn, pallM Haw wrtkarupa. finement id pain and nfftring and inturt itftty to lift tf mother ami aad ia a W nila wiad ana Or. Baffbanan ast the waiter, with an air of quiet con- plained. True, a microscopic examraald ksrdly Nal I ha bam CltUfef kuf.i A (lram, (kild.VL. Sam Hamilton, Eureka Springs, Ark. ination of such hairs show that the ilwlf. Tla fart aflhadiaat with a Mtaiiifli ml ike fidence. , Book to Mothen mailed free containing voluntary testimonials. TwiHlBd wptMlwadai feirhen Is m hi, and in hw praaenca, Ika lrM. fiaibari laid aw lit reef. The guest was surprised. granules of pigment have either been bottle. so of tl.M Rant by express, charge prepaid per receipt prim. I ha iMMitor Uhiriial Thtwtfli thraa fart and abolished or forced out by the air BHADFliCLD REGULATOR IXL, ATLANTA, OA. I cant? he asiccd. Said by ail Dniggtats. tiwbara Irttp bwha Maaad le pay li alcht, ar mprm IbrtMigh tha naf and warn affa an Uaaiad wutllU but how or bubbles, i sir." No, why exactly aamrrd dawn m ibalsd that any aUwr wind wMld bnrsi wbMh paaa fnm anil auihion a Where's the mystery. earh f4 14 Ika Iwwrrla and la hrsiib Bring put t ain; hilled eraH wbrra they ware aware-lhim here. Itodtrd la the IVs I m ardw te have Khm a Xew York In House. with whwh Hoarding The undoi-linmast, a ft. keif, which Mketbief called the politely Handed fta lea peak ta 4mm para tha Irrar vieke WdC At2RN0kTVlTW G ftOWM 5 r. New Boarder Is there a dog about af the ruuf t (1m fluar. in prartwal nfb. Abi6 hr NLlJr This Oiejr winild M de LTTHIS OUT ssrndltviikrMiissrBad Iri authai lhaanfiia waight V Here," said the guest, this this establishment? af the lawrr waa Nr the rsia Ibsl Uia our "Oat Thw Kil" Kodiak, St loriMls ajpJif MiUsishar seal rsu ar fur Ihraafh I ha Meat taarsd Waiter Yes, sah, do landlady la.T,.mod our Moamotb Tons md UstalmnMi le waiter says I cant get a meal from ban iBradm ua I: lalhatute. Thiaahawa and arlJefipestahNnwaHd lKsnaUrslB logsa Hsapl: son has a bull dog in de cellar. hibiiMn wrsaiwrl-mmiu- I hew a luph Waal liwrar Vknn this bill of fare." Hteptos frsw and cloverttnuMi can ha pal an a liflrt aaduwaHwHI In AmsHhW iwl Clnvof fispld IrpiU FiifqfiHH, New Boarder Can he bite? kwowa that tha lift fraweihertara. lalhia The waiter is right, sir," replied waaid da AarM4r caaalha wbral waa far Waiter Yes, indoedy, ho am de the chief. awra war Hue anv MiOMf k ahava the waadrw wharf..' la ha anaJtwlad hf And I cant get a meal hero?" mos wishu dog I eber seed. At H a lha add mw and was New aaaawthy Hen. Boarder bra bo rrpManrtrd Then kind the guest, shoving back his Ui inquired The abaft in the Tnwar cunt AfliNiAR miiis ealy avwrr null korCuafcMsftA tty Miliar'" la aappwNd by hud DR. pal ap Nr paNia enough to give him this chicken chair. IhM. GUNfS HwrMiMfl wfcrt all t Audi and Hraata fiMflPfL sis, and kMwpl Vlall iicsiM woyji V. Writs larta of pawfaf art af ardw in tha Id like to br.M Wkf Nip n Jfavaa Oh, yes; you can. sir, intorposed with my compliments ' IvMall rid rtnl parlleatar, -, tho but not from the believe there is something that can Uwaih aprratad by ONION MuFamihar hands. bill of fare, sir; you can get it from bite it. Texas Sifting. if Aaptap hub tho kitchen, sir." And the guest aiiioo lywiiil Kow In Maas. tha Komrthlng sat down again, abashed beyond tho lotto photographs of the moon de power of speech. I FOB C0U6HS. veloped by the astronomer-photographYOU of the Festh academy exhibCOLDS Promotion la tha Navy Par Carp. GOT The course of promotion in the it some unaccountable peculiarities. AND CROUP. Tho plate shows hundreds of wall or m icciatii ponaiflpatours. Priw navy iay corps is illustrated by tho seemingly about 9 XJ PILES GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. cases of tho officers just advanced to embankment Xn ralaififf a fknril? of nine efclMv. nv only tho rank of paymaster, and of those feet high and from 125 to 20i) yard Group waa onion avrno U rdy Aw Cwiriia. CSoPla and aa It waa fr.riv undo working for hi tuat aa Hfvffivi Oil bm below them in tho list of twenty past in width on top. They run parallel SI TO yrfiij an itrvfHircd wiki fhnw mf arant'ihtl'1ron tsw Ur. (01108 Onion Biraf Fart! S35 to othor bo and to each from appear ptaaaant to tho cm fund'll Imitma mul lrv. whiok la airaadv proparod and taorobottlra mS assistant paymasters. The otticors 0 awla Lara u wtA- Aold rrorrwliare. l.OUO to 1,3-NUKR WprK rl ihnwifh fti m eountn, yards apart. eo anbatmHn for IL There! nothin" na ffoorn just promoted have been Hbout sixWin, tlmurli,w1 not niff. Min Mrv. A frw rnraurtmi in town cilk. teen years in the service, of which anil wnw of gfMhl rharibtr will flml Otift An mwii. In TninacKnen, four years wero passed in tho lowest fiirprdtuhwitiNiiiiHiL Nin" Tennessee produces annually 8!), Unnniuwofluniti boom mav b iim! bt r"i mlvMitiHfn. K i of the pay corps grades and the reJUUNttUN ft CO., 11th And Haib Wa, KU I.ammiiI v bushols of coin, O.OiM.OdO of mainder in the next highest. The 000,00.) 8,0i)0.000 of oats and 380,000 MODEL POWER OUTFIT AT WORLDS FAIR. WT officer now first on the list of past wheat, bales of cotton. Tho Tha third adfwtl man! la this wrlaa win Www a lud Cir at VVkals- assistant paymaster has been fifteen has reached 40,000,003 tobacco a crop Raw farm and alar w a fur aud aawyeiii Hud frame, ia price. in,moaft wwk pounds year, ftrfcrt Mb kaw, with IVffrd MaNap i narda, and and w will and a half years in the service, of the 650.000 bushels The ary warh law p all FRKK crop jieanut aw. Thto IN I which ho passed three and a half in coal fields cover sad our 5,000 square miles anUa hM sapiea af Ibla $ ..... uiMin the lowest gratdh. When promotion and p:k aenliwawdiafelyafiBirlna appaeranresn thiaafwref the Saw n. tons rcE a 2,000,000 air , l.ibvlunljr Miasatir nillhefumiRb-year. B5P DiaiiyHeMrt Taper hsaons mould bare ear coraos. which must be soon, he will Overproducedifferent an. VW lb Mira fiNrwtpiet rail i neifitlMeiaff attlarriiwri buck. kinds of marble sapi IT; fifty a tkw paywr, r liidaea dhtn ta aabamlw, heraaw wa will nrt hare boon more than twelve years a are found advarlwamanU aalewUheti fiaa papera Mailed la HENRY aefepfitiwee in the state. LEHMANN, and a4ewwe wart be Mtottiton wbaaa O Young Wives flothers Friend h C head-waite- r? mm y ctr. head-waite- x1 build-i- . nciCV they could look round. Mary admired the staircase, but something rushed across the floor near her hare feet and made her scream. Vera started, dropped the candlestick, and the light SYRUP er went out How tiresome you are!" said Vera, crossly, stooping to pick it up. Just then the moon went behind a thick cloud, and the place was in darkness. Stand still, just a minute, dear," said Vera, gently, for Mary was crying: tier own heart was heating fast, and she was already beginning to repent I must find the candle, then we will just make haste home again." She found the candle, after what seemed a very long time, and then she remembered that the matches had fallen, too. She crawled about feeling all over the floor; then suddenly, when reaching out her hand went into space, the floor seemed to give way, and she fell with a scream. She didn't hurt herself, after all, beyond, a severe shaking. Where are yon, Mary?" she said, softly, when she had got to her feet again. No answer. How the child wished she was safe at home! If only the moon would come out things would be better: as it was. she was standing somewhere, she knew not where,, in total darkness, afraid to move a foot lest she should fall again. Mary, Mary, dear!" she called, as loudly as she could. Tlie empty walls caught np the echo, and seemed to say, Here!" then the child lost her fear of discovery and punishment and shrieked. A moment afterwards a bright light flashed into her eyes, and a man, who to the terrified ciiild looked like a giant came down the slepe which led into the room. In an instant Vera saw where she PENSiONSS?5 hcad-waito.- A MAX CAM! DOWX THIS STKTS. IM Zii COLCHESTER Spading Boot Wall Paper: rrgartrcli iou Am I past assistant paymaster. MMB DokitUi gA, A ; Tha Requisite Qualllleitloa. Sis. I think you had better shine my shoes and wash the dishes," said a wealthy New Yorker to his sister, who moves in aristocratic circles. What do you mean by such non- sense?" sho asked. No nonsense about it. I see you are flirting with an Italian count. If you are going to marry him you ought to bo fitting yourself for the Texas Siftings. position. : During the six weeks war in 186G between Prussia and Austria 3i)8,0M iruneians and 83i),(HM) Austrians took the field. Of the former 2 .774 were killed or disabled and 84,16!)' of tho lattor, a total loss of 104,631 men j ! j j CvbffgUE fepalar iaao dnr, laai'lber with lha dale f the peper fnm which Ibevacarhpped. Oar Imnlwn rwnp way IwaabWrtaiad f IkaMaw. bthav , Lb b 11 Vharawaraa, waafcatl wake liberal effera t arap If yen f Ikaaa WwHwnNW in part payairnl Nr Wlndndlls. wyin have any ikaaaM af naitia a windmill lha year ana na at wtll nasd, wbWhaf funiping k Hnw .. and if paaaiMc w Will mb fca ya a liharal adrr. Tie AcvBMJbw Ua. prapawa ta dirtnimfe fAML fIMb niXJMfur lha haw Maaya wrillen by Hi wrfr. acn ar daapkMf af a faraier nr near at a whHmiH. anawarind lb amiOWi?' nVINT MIIIVMI I t4g Ad AMUHTOft I frt anditwna if aamartiliun and anmiifiw and hHMiwra af prase wnd far er - its hranchaa, al dan tbs Anadir (Iiwh, Frannies. Viacaa (Vv, Lupfh, Reli , rrty, lwa, Mm Wnatm iafa,ef U Park Place, gew (Wy . Faaidn and (feared aawc price, fid meal, all Oalraniaed'Aflar-tiMBplrtdelivered free a rvi at (.liieaaa and shipped la any nn( anrwheva, at the fttHHwnc ?naei. ha Wo lo DOrOLAB RIIO equal runtmii work, cmiing Irom beM value lor iltr innnrv $4 it wurSU. Ndioc and nrir ,H tl stamped ui the bottom Kvrry lir warriAnlrd, Take no tulnti. lute. Sec local iiaiNTft for full " dracription of our complete N'kD0U8l4g km. . i "ora for ladira and gm Ywllrmen or aend for ? (., fYfuygFrf l iriiiiiK in Xavlr of Europe. ktriKiinoa how tn orTlie navy of Great Britain has 65, der hv mail. Potajre free. You can get the heat 000 men: France. 54,000; Germany, barfaiM of deulera who push our ahoca. 16.00H; Bussia, 2!, MH): Austria, 8,000 Italy, 13.000; Spain. 14,0'W; Holland. 8.000; Turkey, 31), 000; the United Mates, 10,00 A UtenapilvM and prop l who bare vast luncsor Antb sis,sboaldam PttofiCantnr Waht Ha Ms Like. CnosssipUoa. It bss awrrd tkawsssds.I Ithss wntlnlnr-sdun- . Dudely (iushington Tennyson U mil bod in Men U Is tbs bast soasb syrap. are Hods trees." ays:' j Tkrirtr Kazland'a I'M for eldiata. In 1881 English ships brought to j the bona factories of England skeletons of Turkish and Hifssian j soldiers who had perished in the Miss Sharpgirl Then dudes must Crimean war. They were to bo utilised as fertilizing material, after be ripe thistles soft on lop and slim being ground to powder in the mills In the body Texas Siftings. ! j six Wanks Wan cl 8-f-t. Sold svsrrwbsiw. 3SS233ZZB3I 12-f- t. iet. aiaa. sso. Mfre. of Fin A Morse-Co- XRH3ZX2ZX Is. U. $25. tut k Dm merRqMiiirra.lt.lCH aoiAin. oliieiw. TlHfoulariBrUpwtiaeafwiMi- t Ik w hole lenRf h uf t he auW 1 iwn H? the M, pmiwiinK lha thunk InfwaAmhr dltcbluf, dmgiwd, ftd Urot qualuy Uinmghmit. Patents. Tnde-Mark- ?. itn nnafr BraMv," tiAnu, WASsnmw, inn PAITOftY AT OMAHA. ExswUssHm s M PxlreiteMH. ssS "Tsvrntnre'llulri wr llw K.a4 !. .ratios. lls vrli of (Ut for Int Mere caitereS latex rsriory ' iain s H ItergsM' as, nr s v will Isfnn yen where (a bay term. Ate fur oar BA. ' R.R sni to 9 kba. Hrrrss Mesa. ' Tnsn Awv Saa'i hssUte . root-t- sr e! If I I XU. tv. N. u. Vw. XL Ns, ftBO-- R. Vbsa wrlUnx to adrerltnr plssre my test you aw lbs sdvsrUiiainsBl to Ibis psRv, |