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Show '' 5 H'r 7 J - " - T r- ";-- j r 'try j - V 1 Qy . V' f .viv - . ... V V ' 'i. rs KAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, AFIIIL. VOL. II. J"'j<l !B A.GLI FO,10 189-1- . C, For SaleS silvi rand issues it as legal money Bas'lutiens of RupeL in t lie sum of f 1. Two Lota an! a Twii- - Rimmed house Resolutions otreM'ct to the memis Just lids (35.156,681 seigniorage of un turn try, three-quarteof with William It. President .Smith, ory Compur-B- . what the govern inent would nuke by who Bj th Egl Mating i4PnMUhinj acre in orchard, large and small fruit this life 15th, departed January E3 M. VHli Huagn. co-03- ? the tnuvj.Tiion of buying the eilvei Mill. the rest In lnrerii. A good hnek frost e Mr. seiguior-igand Bland's it. coining an An alwlse Providence pirxif c.nlliii',oii premises For InforEntered t the PustoffiiW at hill provided for the "l;)iiig of liasWupreah avcund elm matter. in Ilis ht to take from mal mu inquire of Jaiuc A. Cottrell. this bulilon min money. Friends of our iuidt nur haioveil brother and Kavsiflle, Davit County, 2.5C the island bill Maim it would have tiiicr!jt!w,wr uita. president: and, been a wise financial pol'cy on the we Id counselors and WnciiEA Els Snsie Weitsm Tine Table. 110MK INDUSTRY. part of ILe government to have made the members of the 11 igli Council of Eoiiih bound train aitiveu at ":2K t. the bill a law. the Davis S ake n! Zion, while hum- to. and north bound at 2:4i p. m. Utah business circle art being R. K Buowk. extent udunuuI bly submitting to the will of henveu rocrutly stirred to an feel ii a duty to expr-- s our approcia-tio- u j in favor of home industry. Some enTwchen' Isitllnta. of Li lalxirs, lin refjm thusiastic meet ins have been held in UNION I'ACFIC TIME TABLE. The tcacliers of tlia public school co-o- p. He it hksolvkd That the fullliful Salt Lake during the last week or two, if Davis SO I'TH HOUND met Farmington in county un it manifested und 3 Du 9:29 irlng energy a ni. No, ifc Express and men of acknowledged financial March 31, 19W. Supt. D. O. Villey liis labor as 7 lbic. 3:.l p ni. president of this quorum .N ability have urged merchants and presiding, Prayer was offered by T. 5 0:44 Loeal p. in. consumes to use the product of home J.lluwird. Roll railed and minutes are hLhlV appri rl.iled by us, and that NonTiinouxD. dedeath been in Ins ha tins quorum held nave pubNo. 2 Fast Mall 7:32 a. m. talent. Women, too, of prevails meeting accepted8 I'orilaud Express 7:37 p. 111 prived of a faithful president. lic meetings and baie zealously ad' t A oil Egla-rMiss Annie " pa far by 8 Local 10:1 a. 111 we That 1 Resolved sympathize re 3 vacated tills policy as one way 3:2L p.111. busy work was rend. with ilie bereaved fainiy: extend to ? 4 0. Express lieve the financial dirt row in Utah. 93. The Eigtli Article of the school law. f hem nor heart fnlt sympathy in this 'In effect lHc. 1, The chniax was reached last Satwas read sad P. duties, Tuoiuassen, relaiingtuteacliers Agent. R. W. Barnes, G alilir. urday venlr.g when the Ilmne In- and discussed. John ft. Barnes, President. That Be it rricniEi! hksolved dustry Fair was formally opened m The pmspictivc graduates tor & a Srplus $10,000. apilal $25,000. Salt Lake, at the Continental market were present. Encouraging leniar ks cujiy of these resolutions Iw piarod llie record of tlie High Council, a The ware and manufactures of over were made on tlieir behalf lv a nuui-ih- t on -opy lie sent to the family, and a copy ; a hundred industries were on exhibiGeneral BANKING BUSINES of the touchers. It was decided lie sent to tlie Davis County .Clippei manufacfifty-twand moie tion. in hold two examination one on April and the Kaysville Eagle fur publi turers nave engage! space to display 14, and the next on May5 An exam-InDrawn Payable anywhere In the1 U Sr Public. carioD. tlieir materials. Some of these have hoard was appointed consisting of President John W. TTess, ) Canada or Mexico. Our accommodation been placed in position till week, the I). O Willey, Utah. W. W. McDonald, Kaysville, II. Gram, V in behttf Jr., Joseph of whole forming a grand panorama M. Whitesides and . John J. Smith. 1 Lottie. Fox, for general Utahs Industries. Tnls fair is to Miss Barlow. These resolutions were adopted by be we lielleye .continue for a month, and good a The teacher decided to hold the the nigh Council March 29. 1894. a great amount of guod will result comriienement exercises at frtvsville. . found In Utah KNIT- It will show our prop'e wlut home The time is 10 be decided by. the prosecond the first March Effective talent and Utah raw material can do gram committee, wlibb consists of class continuous passage rate Ogden Wc pay 5 TING FKCTORY, a nd it must impress them with the tne following named teacher and to fiac.rauicriin, San Franciscu, Lo WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE US JCTRI Clr great variety of natural resources pupils: W. A. Corey. Sylvia Fliillij'S, Angeles and ail intermediate main 1 M Mrs Fcoudfoot in nur territory. Maud II. Joy, Mr, Hogan, Chas. Par- line Ihiciflc Ry on the Souilu-rTlii consumer who purchases the pm rish, X. L. Sheffield aud L. E. AldJCtt. will points be t2u.(Xl, round tjipl3o.00, limitI ette ai nUifutln luntluL Vm duct of home industry is his own Adjourned subject to the call of i.l:e ed to Ikt ktrt aitwtil wcl sixty days from date of issue HijTrtim friend and the friend of In locally superintendent, E. M. WiutbmdEs, with continuous passage transit lira in the truest sense. III money assists Secretary. It in both directions. YARN FOR SAIF CHEAP In building up Ills neighborhood. U. P. Svsicm. I. Tiiomassex, Agent indusWith the establishment of new ' Your Patronage Solicited W ikU.tr Pereeait f r April. tries comes an Influx of population Fair In computing RIO GRAKDE WKSTKRN, COLORADO MIDLAND. If lie be a farmer an increased d A great many Kaysville jicopip are mand for his produce is established, wachiug with ln'eicHt the wea'her rates fmm Kay.viile stanen to San ATC1IIS0N, TOPEKA & BANTA FE RAIRWAT& and prices advance in c jnsc411e1.ce; forecasts of Rev. In R. II cks of St. Frrncisco and return good thirty days ORden, 811 Lnk ClLy I11M Th running PullmM Sleppln Car only if a mechanic, his opportunities for Louis. They claim that Li predic- the Bio Grande Western wn. me a Cara baiwaea 0daa, Balt Chicayo wilhautChance, and I'ullnar Plee lircHnlnc Chair lucrative employment are multiplied . tion have been remarkably accurate rate f 835.00 Ogden to hun Fra vei.KX Lake City, Dearer and Chirac - . G-inrriiEveiy citizen is bouedred, directly or for t bis stiount country o far this unb return aud one fare for iLe ni.u d : 255-2T.t-'IOtndlrec ly. Stseell year. Delqw are some exce rpts from trip fmm Kaysville 'aQgiett.v S&& ft UNSURPASSED Sim.-tiin-s Uuili THE &II0RT LINE. SUPERB SCENERY. EQUIPMENT an objection to hornu bis April fuirecabi." to Ogden, fmnl The rate turn. Kaysville Industries is interposed on the auupn--sltlo- n April tyll oiien with tempo rat1' re Ogden is (& cents which added to tile olo It .nilnztm Tyae riler Draler s full Cue NOrlhi-rthat they are higher m pree reacting into warmer, an I during 1st 35.00 from Ogd in m ikes tny round l lubj of mippUi's for all nuctilnen, than import-i- articles. Tib Eagle to 3rd, secondary storms will pass trip rate Kuyviile to San FranciMXi itiaoliim-- ami soils will not concede this point. Quality from wos' to east, cool Pi cold weather and return A'fi.fkj. on isiiqr and nccure ticket reading over th( It 0, we be following tlie last storms in March. and workmanship considered As these same rate are in effect Hanufurturt-ii- . ROUTK." FE SANTA lieve thuou'put ofUtan mannfarturlng It will tie wcl to antieipate bail wi h under this notice at Grand Junction tulilN'r Rtiuniis, HOUlR, RlCUCllR G riiiidet mid GreatcHt Railroad on Earth; cilice kui1Ii. institutions will hear comparison with iny well defined storm trim this time illinium line stations will use same riti: or mil uud ih him any gwds produced abroad .And wli to the end of April. Very warm days figures. Co.. It (In' Ini K'Lch vp Ogden nr Salt Lake on tlie, evening train In order to ee the most' not? Arc uur raw material inferbr? will uslier in each regular g'ormn.nod; All branch line will add usual local fall hi rung box Ik. A 1.1 v Kf' Iiejuilful scenery In America. Are Utah workmen less adept than and sudden cold Is apt to i bring to nearest main line junction on onetf. If) md l s li nut. others? I the machinery used In up the rear of every general dist uib way tickets and 80 percent of double Train UioUrvil't Wst-r- n D p jl, Mall LakaCity, at :S p. a. Ticket on ICO, No 13 W. Siwund South Htwai Utah manufactories inferior to Lha nice. From tlie fit Ii to tlie 9th lulls local on round trip tickets. used elsewhere? Any person who has a storm period. It will be prudi nt to ILK. Haowx, Agent. taken tne trouble to loves Iga e will couuton severe dist iirtiaiices, with Urneral Agetl PadEengdr DcpartRflfrt answer these question ia the nega trust or liglit freezings. On and touch1 ju'i Dooly RuiMln From Maroli 6, the Iti'i Grande Call SALT LAKE C1TV, UTAH live. He will agree that we have in ing the J2tli Hi.d I3lh, licavy showers Western will make ronnd trip rates Utah the material, tin- - skill and the with hall, lliuoler and w'hd, w li from all main Span-1-I- 1 ineluding points machinery to produce as cbeip yas strike all sect'ons. Very cold went Fork, as follows: anywhere, and iftlils be true theft is her. with fmsis.will succeed Totissoiiri River1 flints and reno reason why home industries should d s'iirbances. Tli" 17th to 21st will turn '15.50 Concise. Modern Practical', inexpensive not be given the sanction and Hie suptlie next regular fieriod. To St Louis and rot urn H7.50 eunuch to To Aunt lie- - cold dash sevi-r-port of all the people. m.50 Ciiie.iigo and return It is by receiving this support and bring fri.'sr in tlie north will follow These tickets s. 11 Id Ik tini'led to For FIRST CLASS MEATS I I The patronage that uur manufuc'urers storm on tlie 2i'li aud days from date of issue with will be able to place their good on the month will pnd wib a growing warm sixty j rout minis passage transit limit in Iligliest Cash I rices Paid for market mure cheaply. Take, as an wave and with imrnis advancing from hoi lidirort inns. Prepared hr a wrjs Now ready In two large oetavo volume. wrilere exprwwly fur uae of pnpile and tudento in pubj elucation! tefenhnr nl Illustration, the Z. C M. I. shoe factory western extreme of the country. A fj braneliline jmints will add tfi MUTTON PORK ncl BEEF, Gating lmt email fraction or lie and private eclmul, wuiiintrie and W tlmiit neless rorelssliugs or' Which turn out 72, 03J pair of shoes of d jiihli; liKiid to nearest time more valuable ftir the pnrione of the cyidojiU'iliaH, it i tlie large price we o dread, nny reasotiahly exfiect main line juncilon. u'inualy. They are not miming are eiithuslaiitie In it praiae, saying It meet a neerf beeaiiMe it fit. tucur full capacity, uud it requires but tnrnadi? storms In many places dures Robert which ha been long and deeply felt. R. E. liiiowx, Agent rop No competition; no other hook like It i 8 little mental effoit to realize that if ing tlie storm period in Apifl- - Tne For agent it f a bonanza. We have a aystem Of can vaering tlie Khraila, f..r it. demand of times were d and for probatheir greatest earthquake the goods urgent pneitive Firet agent took 1 OO order in 1 0 reaulla. anil work ininire big which moon on 1 lie one-ha- lf qui:k Fair tlie ale shoes could he bility will lie about the new Fur file 1 have aolff Ael in 7 week, and uy for order baa taken 263 another day, wild at a lower price. The same super, the iitli mid tlie full moon on the llitti. of tiekels to Siin Fsaneiscn. book for ten year and thi i the lieat aeilor I ever truck. itrendents, the same mnclimery, and Before be end of April t he si a?iiii i!l going and icfiirning via Ogden and IlflUT I PCHTO who will give all tlieir time and want tomakeliigmonejr. Ur 111 a Ve give extra teruia and cxcliiHlye territory projiiliousoiu tbeSmtliern Pieilir din-e- t rouie will the same building cuu'd bo utlizrd lie well opened, fy C V All I AUtlllO oalio want prnfitalde vacation work lind Mie output Increased at a noinln.il look for all who have their agr cul- be 35.05. Hates going via 1 lie Shasta Traclicra and Ktmlonta ahould writa ua. For full information and term, oddreaa added expense above lie cot of m;i tural interests well In hand , and who route and Iortland or reversed will lie are planning for curly crops. terinl. 8l5.no. higher t ban direct rnut''. Above C B. BEACH A CO.' Publishers; sis clabk St.; chicabo. Ilu' The enconraelug of home industry rates inpliidi- - five tiekeiof admission ha been taught t j the people of Utah to tlie fair good 30 davs and no stop TfckHsau Pifr. ever since these, vaileys were settled, over iirivilrges allowed in either GILT EDGE DUTTER turd it is as essential now as ever, If not Francis, ef Mlseiuii a.Vi 'nriion. ! Tiiomassex. Agent. butter-mil- k. more so. W believe it is the kev to Eiich year 1 he local paper give from (fiali'i fiTim-- l il pro;jnr ity. and we $500 to i.O'iO in free ads. to 1 liw comOrder Promptly Filled. Kffeciivc Murcu 1st, ttu: first class Mie t.liiin when tlie peoWelcome No coiiiinuuus passage t oe w,,v iroui ai. in is which located. it munity F;ir:u wi!iiug t c ml met llu-iple will show their loyalty, by united .iii mi ni iii-i- ' cun or i!ihiM will liii;k (io other The agency Kays' coiiKiiiiii ti.ub puuns iiiuiuomg upon ly bestowing llieir pmronage needed uuiount ailMSiiil'i K.elOSlt In tn Ids Kla rorvnrtmn editor. means, home made gixst. jiiu roi;iiU ii,p does more tor bis town limn any pmiiln wili bo biure. Telepliorie at Co-o- p i..t'.' irom itiuJ to same points Jiiuili'd SEIGNIORAGE. 0 her ten men, and in all faii tiess wiili to conimuuus passage in IhiIIi Uirec An Eagle wisrrlbcr asks. What is men be ought Vo lie supp iricd -- n.il tinim with filial limit sisiy G iya from GLOBES seignioriige?" The m ignimage of the liecauseyou like biui or admire his dale ul i sue, will lie VATS United State Is the difference his witlings but because (11c Jn;al paHales to iil.nmllaiu uialu line CBABIS i the amount paid by the gov- per Is the best investment a Commun- poinis should - not be fiiuuer thau O. W. ERASEBS I'nlitveit, ernment, for the sliver bullion that yV ran make.- It may hot be brllSiat-l- y abote figures. lie in the treasury, and the. amount ity 1. TlIOMiSbEN. Ag- - Ok U. I SS A.3ST evcrythins por hi schoolroom edited hr crowded with thought, It wim'.d bp worth If it were coined im UKTAIL LEaLER-- ,1N .&NiTti 0 money at liitn 1. or at 4124 grains but financially It is gf more benefit to 991 A New Departure. Art exchange says tlie iienc onio to tire dob fjHkitnvi 'HiEa t7neSf , Tobacco , tiiecoininuiiity than the teacher or the Cost efltgf ffmV In tteasifr'v tniflts Willi tlie new time card in eifiat Sun Understand me. 1 no preacher. l'Js753,2tiW itirf ft Bio Grande Wwrtir Cigars. mean mentally or morally, but flnan- - lay, Nov. It tlie ca; Wllrfl Coined will lie 8181914,901. This imuigu rated a special reclining chair TttinjaiiKilniiiiviial if Ejun, far wi. leaves a difference, or seigniorage, nf( daily, aud yet on the moral question service lietween tlgJen aud Denver, The 1ST 1011 Osal yirynw vlileh vi.vfi m3 Kc off. T1EK. STRENGTH $55,156.01 in favor of tlie government you w)li find most of tire local papers chain aro of sistial jiittern ami 6;r comIB1 SERIES. Uais 1 Till gam is not In the intrinsic value on tlie right ide, T'alay th. editors fort and elegance are iuA gun,swd a"?' HikalllhikHlftikliHi:! AND PATIENCE f 1 Lc from .01111 s XusclMT Cul t four. fn-e1 be metal, but it imiJ tf of the home paper do the most for ' lie where. These ira will lw kutliurity of tlie government, bya least r? of all ciuKH- -s of tickets- Solicited. money of any people on the Family nich the United States stamps J. 11 Bennett. bltVe more than fifty cent worth of the earth, O .Y &r Kathvii.v E if f t lie n-al- s:A."?rx7 -rr ,t. ,ti rs h: wIi-Uht- Surins oods constantly arriving Gall and examine our stock. ' r.Em - 1 BARNES BANKING COMPANY ;tiios u. piiiiiLirs. Surveyor and o Transacts a Notary Drafts . business can transacting ares KAYSVILLE per cent utercst in savingsi?posiil . J n Fro SANTA FE ROUTE Mid-Wint- er 4 s. cr. sr. 5, S, Are Ton Goinsf East? n-L- tuulin-Siiii'- J 1 liTi-ulul- 1 EC O. BXXEOM'BTT. at ICA.XSVI3L.3L.E Meat Market. 9 T! YOUTH'S CY CUM A 111 ft n l Flamn ( Mid-Wint- er . KAYSVILLE 1 O REAMERY OO. ream and r, r en S"W OO. t 1 nt f aims Liquors and . ui Trade I J' SAVE m t 'm |