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Show Th e Baole StflV Stott Biegnyty sf tto f approved, and claims showed. Wel Heestey, supervisor of district Ka T. A John 1 King, No, 8; & A, Feruellus, Ltd Lain Besatf, ZieSenweU Uac CMrie tMIMVwi in' i "n !!... Just Aimed, PAVAUtf WtAPOtp EW " IM XU'll A MM New Stock snu SkMl KHnuis. Bny She was bora in BinUy, Wurcw Hi Ctpt W. F. feck of the British anay tonkin. England, July . 19, when Nu.k; J.N.Fackrell,Nu, has invented and tested a oootrivnnee M. W. Whttosklea, Nu. Mi tenon, remov-edtshe lived until 142 when she fot adding to the ffectiv fighting Fwgft'a ft T, YenaMe,Nu, 1 CL M. pf thn envaby. The kavention, Birmingham and continued the strength Na Ik; and L Itlamire. Nn, BOj aaya the United Service Gazette, Eu Tip business and millinery dressmaking The claim or D. (A Willey for ser- fouhta of an attachment for yiflea Soys Tto toartua wept agate today- In which she had before been engagschools, fi rearme ta Go hemeae of cavvices as superintendent Seboel Show was la married 111 She ed sometime. fur Lavteu B. tequitu Xjtk Saruh of alry hones In each a manner that they at Saint amounting to 19.74, and tltcasdsim Mr. Messer in February mem-U- .r easy, while, aq attach'd, be find at a fur t&l V Farutugtua services Jr. T.U. V fcllkp N.T. ytgier, Every Puir Thomas ebumh. Birmingham, War will of the ride. , the Uoi'd of examination, Tuesday.. to phe under aids the fitted girth, wlckshire, where she was a member of Children's n SUdtFd Ahd 9U pelly band, is a hp or other anil-- . wfUTftntet) Hear; W.lViKMu no sreait town the r hoi r pur some tluie. In August amungtlng , fire-aPPibuMO the fur C.hle approved. sustaining Tuesdayof the name year of bi marriage she and (Vdtenvr WilV r win- am in a eentral noaitiwi, loagt-- . TUT A PAW the united wttuthe churrbof JeauaChrlst edAssessor tflltlara Smith to quit til au additional aeiessutent of 89,86. tiidinaUy, undea the hod; of the hone, Saints. She earn to uf Latter-datoiueof hiaroa Alex. of the firearm protrad-tp- g Rnd you U and that duplicate aewHueiiU'hKl the mnasts end hi Zl hi crossing the plow forward in the direction of and preto and mtatakOiSmnitntiM made tieea U Hmtuitful of by lbs. Abb Jckon fers ply beyond tha cheat of the animal, Smith's eompuny, and bas made 82h,10L to war Ttveaadiiiopatassessmeqiwas Lakeside the between la She city. the barrel passing vkillug hUforelcga. buy Kayvvtlle her homeevur riw, ordered to he entered on tlm roll for 8 tillable attachment are also fitted to Fnmbhiiur R. 0. Lambert and wire u f Zwa's bore the trials and dllttoulUea of the oillst'lloq, and the duplicate tha harness to support and adjust tha no other arty sot tlwneot heiewithout a murdpi fell were tm the city today. firearm. ordered abated. mur and basal way been true tu the wasuieupi The rider is provided with means km. Mia Jeotue Bowen uf Salt Lake Goods XumjkJ. Site i ;eived a pitrlarphal blew. On motion of SeFctmaa Haider It discharging the firearm while tha lattes la KtywliV. apaotTbinlugivlng of Cbas. Hyde was ordered that the county oohecpir remains in the position above dese ibed, Ingat the hands ol lira. Elizabeth Layton fcrowveriuq Salt Lake in the year 140 in which the re.iv t to the court nl) lauds that were 71mh means pif consist of mechanWe have few Summer Goods that you can have AT luwtr from su attack of pneuuiMiia. was pwundsed that sne should live un- scud in isast to the prohate judge for ical, electrical, pqsnmntiq or other ap YQUR QWN ?mOE. they must he mla to makeroon rooteutod tu die and ddiaqkoiituxea, tugellier with the plianoss. br.C. R. Knox, a brother of Rev. til aha was la working by maana of electricity a of amount due on said lands fur the presbed a not stuaild ocoupy she that Salt frum E. Knox of this piece, ie up battery, accumulator pr dynamo may for Fallgooaja aioknoM. before her death, Tlie prom-tse- a ent year aud the clerk be and is bo fitted to the saddle and electro mag, Lake. COMB AND SDM3 BARGAINS. have Iwta literally fulfilled. Pi draw a warrant for the nets or other appliance may he fitted so Uont forget the Dauelng Setuioi at She got her supper the night she died as tooperate the trigger of the firearm, of such taxes, saving thereby payment tha connection being effeoted by wire Williams Hall Friday erenlag.Dse. 15. and passed away with an little pain Agents ur to the vouuty the expense (if levy and ao a by that, arranged button, J rlee aa usu.il 60et. touching une the realised no that gteat sate of such propepy, that the electric force cause the piece to the CtJEBRATPD We will clot Tob Eaolk wall any undhadoome. For a number of years In relation to the omnmunlimtlan fire, the operation being repeated aa reof uall the for boon ready the mu areet-lat lie wurtd uf in tho uf from oonimewai chamber the has the firearm aatit pubUriiuri qulred paiier discharged CORSET WAIST. Great Ureatop. She leaves two brothers Halt Like City, asking that the court Its ammunition. reduced rates. and rate or other attachment A hearing tbroe sisters, four daughtnra appilnt a moniker from Davis Oninty A llinif-- amount of farm produce Ee$t oRthp wrKt aons hi mourn her loss. She to form a bureau of Information for to the bit or bridle la arranged to prethroe Ion. on offlre aubecrlH received at this vent the animal's head being lowered aa announced Utah Friday away passed statistics Terrilorr.tu gather AV sell them when tha gun (a being fired, Call weiu and make eon tract. heretofore and waa interred iu the and oilier dates, the matter was diswith faph feel1 at Eaperintenta County Clerk 1UIQipa touted a mar Kayaville cemetery with Impressive cussed sod Jaoob Miller of Farming-to-n taehnmnt were made aeoeqtly fit tha o Four Weeks Trtfib Hags llretiae Inst Munday to Ononr I. ceremonies. May she twit In peace. was appointed a member of the Onrrngh and at ffrbriffct, end proved Barlow and Krnlly Kynstun both of that the rifle eodd bn fired with the eaqiniittoe, Bountiful. Kelertmaa Cook reported on the attachment wtthoat startling the hone PmtksflbE Tiug and with a fair degree pf accuracy at complaint against two boys of Hooper Short ranges, Our re ported sartorial artUt W. Ik of the visitations Tlie and He fur John frequent and .poaoe. son disturbing the heir, Jamison, and bln It has been ebjseted that Capt, Peel's inis Justice Slngletoq bod visited the boys invention oonld not bn need with the of tonaorlal fame, were in Salt Lake grim messenger of death in vicinity recently lui become alarm, and tbey had promised good behavior yreaent cavalry drUl, bat It stay very Wednesday. Ing. It seems, too, that elderly and fur tlie lutura. fairly be ergaed that drill eboald deProfewor D. O. Willey waa In onr middle-age- d an weapons, and not weapons on bid lea are the special pend of Tne amounts taxes following rlty Tuesday, visiting the schools, lie victims of this dread destroyer. were remitted. Amelia Ann Sanders drill) that If oavalry wontd ho adOn Tuesday luornlug at 4 o'clock 81.3ft Jane Van Meet $2.62, andllSO vantaged by tha addition of this now (ave the acholare aouw very good mods of the drill most ho modOQHPLBTE LINE OF instruct Iona, Mrs. Elizabeth Young, wife of Jos, for one half of Widow Lucy 'ibuegoods ified so offense, as may he necessary to adfar to imurn H. "that Larkins It. W. Barnet anl J. tax. fft.00 was appropriated to cover mit of its introduction, epb Young, departed Went to the Junction city this after from whence no traveller returns." mistake In asceasment of J ,J, Steed's or pneumonia for land. FEATHERED BOARDERS. noon to attend the A. O. U W. lodge She had boon rank alw and week over a gradually Naval Eatwprta Tto hr a meeting benight. oame. rraaaylvwalaa. the until opd Lsttl Aiwciatiw Tssskm John II. Hloid has been hugging An latepaetlag hotel flop rammei1 The funeral nervines wereconduct-edi- t pretty closely to nia own hearth-aton- e Met at tha residence of Mr. Wade boarders la described by a Beading I o'clock to label at usoie the this weex, trying to wear out an of tto Chicago Bor. (Fa.) day, Tliere was a large attendance, last Monday nlglit. After a s:ial aid. eomspoadent Mario la a popular diveiwkm at aggravated attack of la grippe. was nent fala oliat mi per organization and qulto a number of vehlntea etuamer resort, bat thla plsos la ao effented aa follows; K. W. Whitesides doubt Hotel Hyde's son Frank fell down lowed the bier to the eomeieyy. exceptional flop tto quality aad eleuted president and Miss. Ida Bald-- ; Variety of tto mule tarnished by tto Other Building: Material staira at the Academy building last i win secretary. gueeta. Tto proprietor tod bis atten-tlo- a Monday and austalned some painful Motion was carried that we invite a oallad, aot loag ago, to tto foot OC3I-DB1Obituiy. bruise. Jle waa not seriously Injured. oa leaving hoaia flop tto Kays-vill-a that iadta dennmma of the tlonel teacherc aouts of who died Mrs, Ann Fllttun, Tliat pioneer journal of tha Bocky S AL DIfeUOTJiNVS OS' LARGE LOTS, also the Instructors aumouaaro oftea at law what to da Mountain the Deseret News, had a pneumouia on the 24 ult,, was horn In In and Layton, EriUvttolp pot birds, not wishing to to A Ho.13. of school the district IKS. i March public 1, let jheir ear epos friendly neighbors, representative In town today In the Flausterehlrs, England, 1883 and has N.L.Sbelfliild was com-- . aorta treat them to tor as a to came Utah appointed She in servanta. earoles age person of Mr. John Janies. He mads to ho advertised flop "bird tovrA rs, 4 been a resident or Kayaville almost mittec to Invite Cham. ourufflcea call- fi The namlug of the organization was had woo; '.sW ever since. She was much respected SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S The Eagle and the Hew York In elides where she wus best known. left over until next meeting that more World for 2.40 for one year how does The funeral service over her motal might he present. A LaigeBtoikof that suit you? This Isnurnewelub remains were held on Sunday Nov. 26. A program waa adopted for next .Ur. ' ARTIFICIAL PARASITISM. mmmmm offer. At the reitular rale the two pa- Site leave as below. children. meeting eight Cveahp Peopls Who Ave Povearod pers would cost you 13.00. Discussion. "History of Hew York" M. HENDERSOH& COMPANYS Iwsriaary Croatwvew Atox-Ba- Ko-1- Ktns o Lay-to- n, ul I0 Gethinf tl y Jb !', -- m hero-authoris- -, y d H. J. ISJffiBFITEL . General 111 p-i'T-- MERCHANDISE, ftrl LUMBER, LATH SHINGLES Doors, WindowSMoudi rgs, '' and SALT LAKE! BRICKS . PUI t it PAINTS. h-- ev k C. . Word comet from Layton that Mr. John Thornier is In a critical state or health. She has been suffering tor over a weex from acute pneumonia but accounts Is awncwliat from latest improved. Msy she speedily recover. association The Young Ladles M-have volunteensl to prepare a lunch to be served at the missionary ball tomorrow nlgnk The proceed are for the benefit of the young men In whose honor the ball Is beiug given. of mighty Judge Phillips' hunter, who went out to the Black d 1'lnes country In quest ul the deer, came home last Saturday evening crowned wltn the glory of a were six aiiccessful trip. There and th i brought p irsons in the pa-'tIn eighteen dear. Ottr communiiy, aud also that of our later city. Farmington, was startled bn Monday uiornlug by the nnnounc-men- t of the sudduii de it h of Mrs. Vdy.of the latter place. S'ie had attended nHiference litre on Sunday and was apparently to her UKUulliealtb hnd spirits. Monday morning she was preparing i go Salt Lake, and was standing In the door of her house Wlieu she fell dehd. Her huluiud and family have the sympathy of all. fleet-foote- CaQd led by W.E.Bmith. Lecture on physical culture with Cluty Ctait Frist- Dee. 4;tu and 5 th, isaa. Full board drill, Miss. Ida Baldwin. "How Vi Present the Subject uf present, Hon. H.W.llalght, presiding. Minutes of sessions hela Nov. 8,and Adjectives,'' E.M. Whitesides. Adjournal to meet next Monday eveAdam of 20, read and approved. at the residence of Mr. Wade. ning Hied Co. Kelsol a and Adams Salt the pntitlun, asking that the name of their firm bo sirlken from the petition of UNIOH PACFIC TIME TABLE SOUTH BOUND. the Solar Crystal Salt Uo. ekuL, In Butte Express regard to the wagon road at Svracusei No, Pac. for the reason that the name was Local Hgned by a person nut authorized to NOETIIBOUND. Fast Mail lu so. lie Mid the company protested Ho. lortland Express against said road lielug opened aud Loral inaintaliied as a public highway. H. Express Mr. Robertson attorney for the In effect Dec. I, U3. Crystal Salt Go. addressed tlie court. P. Tnoinassen, Agent. Hu opposed the gi anting of Mr. Adams petition and spoke In favor of the road Legal loties. Using maintained. PmtNile ! vnd Utr Di vu Count the t niei-at The court decided to Syracuse TVrrltoryof UtahOourttn ; in Uu maltrr of tha ratals as a committee of the wnole, on Fri- o KUiabelh Heswooo, Drarased. Nntlse of tiDM sod place of for he ring jf putltloa lor to pruhaio uf will. day, Dec. 8. at 10 a.iu. to investigate D-- the matter. Chris. Weaver et. al. verbally petitioned to have highway Xu.22 north from Jin. 8. King's West. through Sec. 8,Tp. 4 North, Is so road the also that ruled They narrow that it is dangerous to travel the samo. Mr. Wesver was requested to til.1 a proper petition and plat of the proposed road. con-'inu- R-- 1 Mr. Weavtr also staled Eta. that a ed "Cranks bothc aa ooo salon ally,'' said Entomologist Howard, of the department of agriculture, to a Waahingtoo Star writer. man down la Florida rMeUlly aept to word that to was la great diatito of mind. WhUe to wee bathing In the ocean a horrible sea cenUpedo'bad got into bis ear. Notwithstanding tb utmost efforts made by physicians whom to bad called In, the creature still remained there and oceaeloned him tto most dreadful agony, clawing at tto dram of tha ear and too delicate membranes within tto passages. , "This was Very unpleasant, of eonrse, aud It had finally occurred to him that tto bnreau of entomology of Washing, ton might suggest a remedy. Recently, to arid, the centipede bed began to shed legm, q number of which he had ' preserved. Unless to obtained relief to said to was convinced that to would soon go craiy. "Wa wrote to him. - saying that wa would be glad If to would send ns some of tto legs which tto centipede was alshed. lie responded by Punmant too order of wild Court la said leged to have mailer, sottra la her iby (Ivon that Monday tha ending na a tew particles of skin and a of U. a. IMM, at li o'rlarli.A. dossil or oo of such email hairs as grow lth day Ueomiwr. M. at tha Cuurl Houw in hnaluiM, DmtIm Vo, Utah Torrllory la the rourt raum of uald within tto external opening of tto oar. Court, hau tm--n apputntnl the time aud Mace fur thu hearths of a petition of J. 8. Baruea praylns fur Uw admimiuu to piubel of a K,. Unu document therewith preMutrd, purportlnc ui be lb Met Will abd Tratameut uf Elisabeth llinwnki deorakcd. when and where all permn ( iniennuM the inolwu-u- t any appear and mid w ill. ur the umnitiiK opuiw of loiter-In Siul John K' Barura a prayed fur la taid petition. IB WlTNBU WbBKKOV, I have heretu t my hand aud the seal uf -- aid Court afltuil meetiJhwnth day of November A. ing had been culled for the purpose of wife of Mrs. Agnes Higgs Weteter, lerylnga tat to build a school house in Ilia loth scluMil district uut they last WetMteMlied Sunday Jjevl failed to vote I lie tux; hr there tore feehad been S at o'clock.She asked some when tor that the pelillou laid over last tirae.but unwell ling Lhe late Mrs. Flltiun died ake whs able spring be taken up aud granted. No to be out and assisted la preparing action taken. tne curpae fur its luMrcsulltlle think-to- g Selectman Haider repotted tlut he that she would be the next t pass bad effectea a settlement with Joe. S. to the great beyond. When she return- King by arbitration, in reg.rd Pi the ed from performing these sad unices rod matter at Ijuy lou. Mr. King eras Pur her departed friend she waa taken to be paid 82.iH and the trees were VeiHland after huger! ug a week to be pvrmiltod tu sum! four years, lie would recommend In regard to the passed away. The funeral service were held oo application of G.A.Ftrncliu iliac wus referred to lilm.for lease of school Tuesday at 1pm. The deceased was horn tu CUei ton, land, that the icase be granted. Also England I" 1M. Wheu she was ten reported hi the mutter of the ietltion 27 and years of age her family emigrated to of Tlmmas Discon aud others In which to lime a leave husband asked furihcr for Webster Mrs "Utah. the same. and nine children. Accounts of the several road One singular thing connected with exnendlvures oa load under thin death is that tula Is tlie third Mrs. made, were auWeb tor that lias died during the last the appropriation annual reold dited and The approved.and gentleman, niunlha. ftfe tlie fallowing William Webster and his anas, George port were submitted by wtro jtwB Levi, have at! been left widower. named supervisor'll their report aftor-n.io- :i super-vlsora- O. E. Prarww, Thun: a H. lhllllp, lUurk oi 'hr irotuto Court By J. H. Wilcos, Deputy Clerk. Aitv. for Pettllom-r- v ... . SUV wade through two feet of snow to go to a dog fight, but six A A Ii vrQl inch- es of the stuff will keep him away from church. A man will get up at four oclock la the morning to go fishing, bnt will calmly allow his bettor half to build the firo before ho does so, A man will spend half a day reading the latest Flench novel, bnt let his wife request him to reed e chapter from tho Bible to the children end Immediately hia eyes become unfit for ZM. HBACI1KN, ATrOmi-AMA- T. . . XaysviUa, W ill practice In aU ... th Court of the Terri M- - toVTKE COOP, norxssozor.K7sis. Stall Academy, Ogden, tnr,v hi sit leaaj u Al the Weber paioo or orcan and la vocal miulo A man will tramp the hills and vain from daybreak to sundown in search of tto wily rabbit and consider it exhilarating czercive, but to will kick like a new shotgun when hia wife asks him to take tha baby oat walking oa Sunday afternoon. N. Y. World. Soon Remedied. Dick Rieka (tr My jaw ached when I came dentist) Molar here, but now it haa stopped. We can soon rem forceps) (grasping will N. Y. Herald. aa efiy that Mln Wsitsn Tiat Tibia. South bound tram arrives at 7:20 m and north bound at 2:46 p. ui R. E. 0 KOWN. Bis Orsais Wheat taken fur aval at the Co-o- and A full line of Ladies', Children1 coata and jacket! reduced per cent. Kayaville Co-o- p You can get anything In tlie Gcnri al Mdse, line, of IL J. Sheffield and Hftva rooaey. SHOES Peninsular Stoves arid Ranges We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time. , |