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Show VOL' 4-- Z.. AM' AN I Saole The HAM J.iji. W. fJIVSK StT.GEHN W. E. Smith pciirfumu material tc: HTMI KAYSVJI.il., J. n TllCiiiiny. Oonnemort 6 Layton. Diaukcts from ! Ilf 1.0!.' Artesian Wells ik Kaysville. Flub NATHAN ItKKVKS. . 1 iiivr of IKNFl OOMHI N ATIO.N Ft u - K,.VIIM' NO w7 S3. SMITH, Itogictirtr :1 All Kinds of Whip Lashes Uainiiss Kfj airing . foully dune short nut ice. Satisfaction guaranteed. mi VTaii. Kysvii.lk reiei.ed a uer Wc have a few tuns of tlm he that go at cost. Kay&vilic Co op. Note the reduuiou in boots anil shoe a t the Co- - ip. Will Taylor wa;iniung the visitor to Salt Luke l uesdsy. ate That. Wiving Royal J!:,rn. lmner Iii KayivilelO. F. Pftttilln's idiop to Iasi Saumiav night. - waa bioken Miss Lillie Clow wm up from Lake tufpend Thanksgiving. Salt II is Fitts and Miss Lynn were in Ogden last Saturday. The Ci Hip lias the liest and cheapest line of overcoats in Da via county. C. 11. Dirton of Ogden was In the Cake side city Thanksgiving day. M. J. Sheffield has articles e and Gents Furnishings. a nice display of in liii window. Lamord Call.marrnjor of The Davis County Clipper was i u our city' Sat- K. A. "Williams & Soil Dealers in .Ij AND PEODTJC !E Cranberries, Cabbage and Grapes Sheffield's Cocoa-nut- s, at II. J. You ran g t anything in the Mdse. line, of II. J. Sheffield and save money. We will cl ul The Eaolk with any paper published in the world at greatly reduced rates. A limited amount of farm produce receivedat tliisotlleeun suliscriptioii. Cali see us and make contract. A full line of Ladies', Misses and Children's coats and jackets reduced 2fi la-- cent. Kaysville Co-o-p H. It HOTEL MANSELL, Prop. IWZiVKS CONmiNCZ. ZX? A CIXTCSTAttE aat SSXI T9 uir iessi el srmT it tbu sib u A Goodly AttndaaM if Latter s:i ni itAsriT aitooi ;m Tliecbo!. sa:g TraJae Ye ht- - r.crd '' jicnet.ii'iion h T. K liouc. be The einicg:.iin 1.30 oclis-Sunday alumoou the uperiii.g liv ini, sas, ) Lord ri, : j!uni to T!.j Ujll," During prayer I, v Elder Ni.T.l', Me the people un't- - d In an earnest snppli-atio- n to God for lu bpivd recoveiy lavyk F. taitb. ipati lii:i I Elm Ciraeii I TK:ed I. I. litKli toeu. riifU v STESSEIjS and - - , - i : - iri.-nrili , i i : j - - ,; l v - - ! ' k:a. ville y Mi-t- I ts-e- i s Meat Market. 1 - Oj-o- r fi a'.w j )ry GuoiL,' 1 d ays hu a c:np".ew st::k i.-- vi i tt IIjuLs, , assi-nibiy- I at - ill Clptinii, Gfiiis Fumish. iniTv, JI:inl:iiv, Crockery Hut , atl'l ill hlidl'l ami au living in tlw exonlli'mi; (2oii?ral MvrcliamliisP line. Wo also hays tlio agency for Pleasant Valley, Castle Gate, Rock Springs, Almy and Peacock. Coal Cos. If you Wish to get call on us. LOWEST PRICES PRICES TALK. QUH John R. Barnes SupL. PRICES SANTA FI; ROUTE Hie city. lu tb' ent points tbrougli-ou- t benediction by Rnscl Hyde. eve there was a nil at Villi, mis' la'i j rheSunday morning service opened where the young people enjoyed them by the choir singing selves with tbe ever new imi.y wiili.. The illuming breaks, the shadows Ve should feel thankful tout flee.1 The was deliver- opening prayer ed by Johu It. Harms. Siiiging."Arise, O, Glorious Zion.1' The quart irl.v eoaferencc of the J. Sleed spoke a few moThomas 13 IE JLSOJSTJL33XjX:- - Davis stake convened in our taber-naciewas followed by AHWtIe and ments I o a. in. lust Saturday morn' 11. Cannon who was grati Abraham Usually on such occasions tied to see such a iiig. SizKxii list tt. Mttrt. goodly attendance. there is a larg influx of visitors from The idea some people with prevails Utah Kaysville, the neighboring towns, liut on Sat- licit a man who fas a ipi ritual turn of morn a from few o'll.v very iiig urday mitidisincapiibleof managing flnan;i- were present. outside of affairs; that If the attend m is placed In the aftcrnisin the attendance was matters it incapacitate larger nd nt With sessions on Sunday uK)ii religious for with the temporal a coping person 3 CC the luuse was crowded. In the afterof lire. This is mistake. difficulties seat noon waslaken especially every Bnlsrtii and standing room was at a premium. A man should live ao that he may Stake President William K. Smith, with confidence go before his God DRY GOODS MILLINwas too ill tn attend. and In his absence and ask blessings upon everything nu ERY, NOTIONS. Counsellor John W lliss took charge does. The nivii!ng service liegan by tbe During the 63 year onr church has GENTS choir LA PIES lieen to the Man"etc. Praisr organized we have been in the singing, Prayer was offered by Elder N.T. lead of religion thought. One hy Fl'KNTSlIINCi G'MDS. nurd' trines are br ing iarpidu,--- ' Porter CROCK 11 IKS. I!( ITS and SHOES. ci the Mighty G,il Aplie ir-- i into filter religious er's anil H is no "I. j Sinking, , ." u iic"ii uion tl.u. g to see sonic o; Hie lug. Prom on High Jeliovali ap.-ii; Counsel, or J. H. Giant was the first jsigi.saiid eiits tl.ict wi- .sc,- in Dress Making in Latest Styles, speaker. He was very urry t h u Pivs eliuic'.i.in tin- oilier Ciiristijn .sc! , Prices at Bed Rock. )(li-ii- t Smitti was not aide in be in at 'i lie ,,! ft l liigu s a ail in some teod-'iiee. lie spoke in icily on tl. ti.'j ml rpreiat ion of tii;gu-l,av UTSVULS. ni.icsnf iiireiii ami advised Ilium to been witnessed. Not only ri'ligiou 'matter 'mil advanced l.- ikenn ini' ret in .til lawful amus,-l bought iia eiiiiinaicd fnmi tin- m, Ills. at. .1 endeavor to teaeli I so l hey may lltol ciiioy un iii in er of I lie M .rillMfl chllp'li. Ij."' aroerl G. Ogden and tlial ar- - not i i ; i r i u. iii, n ha v tiu,-,yrai 11. liolii its wo the next to y ars Pi Klil'-D. faetitliar ri velatim: XiTCVCiE . . address tin- eiuign-g- . ti.ni. Ho fe" made plain yarsago. Astronomer Cleans Ticks, rciltlKTrt Hilt I m,,. dis:ii;wiiiit!iiiii1 at imtiug so now tin tl i ot her f, hun ts o of tin- saints of a isSlaki- a! the miraysti m are iniii,liiied. and Miey few Mattresses. i : , J .,t I n:i if. iae stiiilli d i lie world with t lii Conferi-iiee- . He was Kllsfmt inn Ilcrlr,-,u. .ioi ph Smith iinnuiii.nd LaHer-daSsiiut tbe hearthat among POUND VKH PMiK I'k: ftiet. in bis timu a,1( tl.cktiimot class a is there ymi.ig u,y gnwiii; up FEATHERS. l vv, re p.l'.ili'lied in tinof Great (leople wlioar.- i.l, f. rent to. or in-.. Tim tin trill h of revelation ant of til pM- ijd.'StLal are i In- four, 'ill,-..'istac.r'aied by scientific ill', dation of our religion. It is a Call at P In It bail emumenf aryoa our euiid t i rs. inn.ur !l Young was in Iii desire lor M,me I imr nic, i vitii liat liad witii liiisr; i said urel con vc re y ilu-the tpun endeavor speaker!. Hi-- , was con-w- s loiurn aid to tlmt Smith Hip their indifference to ail active, uvin, Sdi-n- t faith in God: to convince them l lu. originator ot many of tin this life is a solid reality, and th Hist leading religious educators are For FIRST CLASS MEATS grave is not its goal. It would at the present adopt iug and work and a profitable one tm ti ne. His remarks were chiefly ou In- - advanced vome ! rt IT St (31. I vug. Hut when hp glanced around and charity, and were very tiun-ibat of Condition re the noticed hrnigutrrt BEEF, MUDON and PORK th-- entire world, lie realized liut tli garding th- - Mipjioning of the indiMormon work abroad was much greater than gent jmor. lie said th i an inum-nschurch tin of So loing mission a the home. at amount. aoJ that Vdalty If jndllng l"rk Latter-daSaints Is twirfold. and liiei ofgsKl tlirnugiiuut their cliaiiuble Robert Dlamicrs, Prop. ha abundantly provided for the tu- - iaittuHHou. Edward j I , ujkil amisns. rrstdut I2ATES ! ofPresidti.t ay Stints D W3 LEAD. at audi k we''"J r THE KAYSVILLE Ye iiue (.,liiy of on Hu. k- rk if (i.V nn-au- urday. ffui. j cany NO. 44 7, l.sji.'i Siidlli. Singing, "r ur the strength of tne hills we bleas ti e, Our God. our tiers God." The .general cliurcb aud stake authorities wen presented ai.d wcept-a. Ivy vote of t tic President Jus, pii !', Smith uecupieii the time. He s,ih.e fet 1. ugly , l lii labors iu this coimiy when he presided truth. All material ; i.d sp'iitual here lie fore the iicseot o igauir.atioi. blessings have been given at a result waiefleeted. a id lie fel: that lie uid of this knocking. many warm friend in this vicinity. Thole is not another thing in huThe choir sang an anilirni, man knowledge mi impcitniil to an i Let every hca it rejoice and sing. After liMiedieiUin an adjournment young luau or young woman as tu was taken until - p. m. learn of God and his son Jesus C briar After opening exercises in the whom to know in lile eternal. The T- - Porter w.m the tlrst speaker said he lixi-- to see a person speaker. He exhorted parents to leach proficient ia whatever be undertake:, their children by example and precept and it is proper to devote time enough ta do the will of the Father and to to thoroughly master the particular allow their faith in Him by Keeping branch of study one is pursuing, but Ilia commandments we oarer should let secular education Elder Joe) 1'arrish addressed the draw us away from our belief and people fora short time. He said there faith in our ereator. What will it is a great amount of active work to be profit un if we are learned in all the done before the Saints are prepared to branches of art. (science and literal enter into the Joys of their Lord. W know not God, won is the emhave 'been sent here to do a certain bodiment ot all truth and knowledge? work and we must either do it or give What we should do is to learn His will aud Ivy pulllnguur faith with oui way to some one else who will Elder H. H. Hubert occupied the work denioiiAiraie lief ore the heaven balance of the time. He aatd that that we do believe what we pretend. when an elder speak by the power Lie honest, pay your debts If you have and spirit of Hod what ha says is any, but if possible keep free, from scriptui. unto us. There is a great financial bondage. Above all amount of scripture Unit ha never aud willing to accept, all truth been written and there will yet lie a for great deal more revealed. Our people Tis the fairest gem have fallen into a lethargic atate. That the riches of worlds t an fioru which we must be roused. What produce," Faith is we need is more1 faith. The closing anthem was The king o action what steam Is to an engine of Glory. 1 uci ease the faith and we improve President John W. IIcs pronounced the general condition of the saints. the benediction and conference Nut only should faith be preached for three mouths to meet at but also repentance In order that ItouWuL.. may have faith, for the.e two prmcl-- P pies are inseparable. As one grows Thanksgiving. tile o', her increases, and righteousness is the result. in a Thanksgiving day was President Hess endorsed what had quiet way in Kaysville. In Hu- - mom been said. ing the brass band was out au-.- l disThe choir sang. The F.arth Is the coursed appnq riate music at differ- Frank Tuusey'a popular sheet music for sale at Williams. Price 10 cents. W. R. Jamison, Xiyii'.'it, (0 a pair at of tinware. nmiie-niud- Merchant Tailor 2 Fo-O- G. 1. Paftiliu Las price Erumi:iiiic tu hi'tMji 1 COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DUO. every man will do li.s dJtr. Great good may he dom if all oi,r beautiful and giuruiy complete crgaib.nliuiiiare alive and in active, wmliug order. Rut liure is a stag nal ion. The trouble la those who g i on foingn missn.ua are not cmnpit-- nt to lay Hi. plain truths of the gulpel tiefiiTr tile people. The sum reason may be assigned for the lukewarmness at home The (iig.uii.atioiiM of the priesthood who. special duty it Is to look after the spiritual wilfioeof the fialnts are or they lack l it her not inmpt-leuearnestness in t heir tellurs. The t ruth ia wmiiiuol study our idigum enough. ' Seek and re shall find knock ami It shall be openi'il unto you'' la a 'r ind Editor. ,n ikkb. Miinufa-- VI KAYYILLK, IL I s - r y V I Inn' t l.tU lus-'-i- y.iur s Grande Western Colorado, Midland, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rys. r.lRio the many blessings tli-unto our selves I rum his on earth. Thanksgiving dates hnrK to tile time when the ruritau f;ii liberty f conscience ori Hi shore of England, wetlu-- the were driven to take refuge from of :i stai" aud church, land iug in this count rv mi TinDec. 21. 1i2U. In the fall of 21. Governor brad frd, after tin- - first liaru-in the Plymouth colony, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and sent un u our, tn search of game to enable them to observe it la tter Throughout the revolution tin-- annual observance of Thanksgiving day was duly recognized oy Congrcs. After peace, bowever.it was not thought neclRsarr until ltTU when tin adoption of the const Hutimi w. made a national thanksgiving day l.y j the appointment of Fresident Y iiigton. J.ike rejoicings io,s !.,., . in tne of me in lT'Ja and l be a.- of iiisiiri'ecii-ifu JSI.1. j Jolin toraiioo of W: sliouid feel I h..t we were a nob;- -and favored eias. of ji,'oi.itl, i i r NT-- - only Inis fir I'.ill-un- i raimaig Sail laiks Ogili-n- , OUT .wi CliitaKU wllliuuUUialiKf! SHORTEST, QUICKEST LINE BQUPIMENT TJNrSTJR,F.SSEH3 SEEMEHY UMEQUALBQ. . , DLDNwnnn sf&ikub. via Urtil Tin It o Tiehi-- I - nil'ri. IHL C. v,:- - l rn IJ , Skit No. IS W. Semnd Ltki-Cily- 1 Stn-et- T:S0 p. m. . BUEITETT.P,. i in.1:. i ,,y , A- SAt.l I.AtiK OlTV. UTAH. - oil :,(! r ri, p,'.m-n- l i iu iu.nu mis . -- In o.i.-- XXV i euil i vale l.l.itnkflil teejing to i,i,u lor Hie ni.iiiy blesings bestowed u. li. Tins day i. a day of good t elicr.sii mil so.ils iii.-- u. j llluligolsliiaay tn. inks i ij Uml.ll Is a J..J that we nliui.il liaise iu tm iiigu.-splie- re of life, and as the ye (I1 rill Ivy l the .jvei-clutches m t 1 U. Hirn-- s. Pros' Icti-- I iii tun T. F IPiuerlie ! j ln-st- . K. W. linrnis, Cashier Directors. ; j Ij S Hiils, Vice .1 W. Galley I Julin G. M. Harries. J. II. Larkin. SARNES BANKING COMPANY 0 ipilal ;25,000. Surplus $10,000. Thdnssgiviaa Transacts a Genoral I, III BANKING BUSINESS. JAS. R. IROUDFOO'J. Drafts Drawn Payabl. Xnywhtre In tha U tl or Mexico. Our accommodations n Tonsorial Artist. for transacting general bualneaa First door K.ist iiyrum M- wart s. are ns good as can be Utah. Kaysvliio, found In Utah FONTYN TEA We j;iy T) pi.T uniit iuloivst on savings iijiosits ini'.l iffh'ivo uny amount from Nerve For Dysjsp.id, Exhaust Ion, Kidney disease htc. one iloIlitF uj. Dojiositt ula all solicited. FuM YN KemkijIF.s Co.. ti 1 tin Lion to ilioso of children Kaysville. Utah Car.-ail- - 1 Choice new raisin ami best ed currant fur rniucc meat Co-u- p. rei-ir.- 1 Hie WE WANT YOUR UU91NKS9 GIVE U3 M TR1EJL |