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Show THE EAGLE. Chart'll UTAH KAYSVILLE, ' LIFE. REAL EVANS A (I I miiiuu. If uiiiiiiii!.irlan ItrMtlw' IiIm'iiviti-i- I in .In1!. I ll I II, run . i thn lient i I II I A I rii-iii- i i i ilii- iiiiw iH'fiuii - tin- l.ij ni'iin.il nf y.'iu - u del i'U tir n i.il i utiim. ml i i'ii'Uii 1h" United States ut Amoy - While u derision ii l ll i V see III' to Ih! go of it i il: T till- - ltinniui tiu:h, Hm i' y of tliu n r: mu! i I . ii.it' tlm lim'i'ti'i' iiiiani'm'i.'ii, t. i i. fui't. i' llnvv i'l n a ilini'iti"N. f -- H..- I. tlm liv.ni-- I rl" j$ 4, ; . i !. -- 1 I . y 1 i. lutri' it win.'.! on il Nurllii-rt- i ii : I'l'i t.i .i i I nlii'L'til tlm imiMis'Mliilit W siirli in it Imtii dmiht iis ortltTs." ami lnTsa! rniist-i- diiarks ulioiit dffidt'illy last, poor it La! !ii In rsj-- in-i- .i i - fT iii .t Nor i in f ewn v.,iY. i it v: n wi'1 iiiiiiii - ;i m : hi- out with a .k m iiiti.- : . -- i : i i' i, been iestriun. out-- 1 lralp'n'. ilis-ert- ilt she must and " ir eji' RiRny llilVe SiUlioe" r it.U1 a and si a rue in- iii'',r of ill Sim jUtV l'll loll; iniisea! iina w ari'. j a pa;1' a eolll part'd w i! h tie la a'- a In I: rep lip woman i'et,i,iivs in no now, f111 ' Aiii'-!.- x" re- him-ni- r t eo-- T to lli Jlia Ji'Mit t;i 'oiic lii fui'tjiki, Miitit1 lii' s., so a I riMj'ii-d- Stal!i risl.rii,il f i a nf v fdUii! Ii i.i. . m rn- - 'hr rm-rr- U to it a in Vr ll.ul rily. :.!! 'irui!riY nrifitsv In t.tt.r nit ) ni-i- fa.-n- ! .1 N 111 ' V'W '1 liivtiiin-- I urMin inner. ' - and tin Xni'th- of I iiiiiidit, has lullin' U'lat IUOfI,t t h'keil nut W it II e j,u-ti lie li.nl r ha w isliod he ' i hue ii'il a.liih'H, Tlm l.mry vvnrk mi h. ami -- tirr'ih i.""'!' ilia r,s,, hnNi'i-'ainl mu.lr Mrvmau '.m.!'. ') b:' .NIH'ii'i..'. l.'.i- muk. f'. ' ii" impt i'p tlm t Tirv.-mifiinit ami i.."i!.tv "f 'Ii'1 Aiimriran i.'ll ii..i'- t- tlirlll mi lit Hst In' within 11m mraus nf Us ele'ilp In hr n !i ilny- horsein llin-- t ide of 1 I J I faiuo.i-- . - i1 ' ,a ,,n-- - Hd-iil- .1 ta.' ' - 1 i' - l.il-li- y.-u- ! sfvHl. C'i t.f- i . li'l' nf t Im in Itrnu n. ' i.mn. aii'l t i m.ii .1 .'. ii jail. Ili'IM K will Ini l:il In pav off. 1'i'ii a na' in many ! i till lili:l' t.l Hu- - tilin' lf U I'iiiiiiiI laryi; I'. iirnmi a' inn In n... ai' nu tlm .i t In keep ii i fillin'! next In I'lii.v tlm .iiit nf l..':i'.'if in uf it army iiinl enjoy Hi. priv nl !: ;i.l.- - hr. .I ml ;."V. a.la.lal.nn ( if riliilll lliul.ilig fill n fUfi'lV ill - a 111' tnrv iiKii-.'...'at imi.il 111 tliiir t.irn t,i- Ti'iThii- - uiii iniili-tini vv. n.l.'l'li.l l.a ' nf ami nn.', ih.-iluuiliiig heavily fur lifi- in tii.Ill . al... n.'i in W l.at a glormiiII. nu iin . m.t iii't-- . ma.'.i.' i' t In' in a Ti ikn. civilization. .. .'atini'iit nf ri. n'.v a.lnj.ti'.l. Im I Jin 1m i ii K lJIJsrA- tlm ni Mr. . ''i1 : .ni'i. in . v t - . 'I . tin- - Ii W'll'nt al I I'-:.- on A'l o', er I . ' v .les! Hill W to ' li ina iiiuii nr u (li'.,i.it"ii ill 1 .hr Urr I..."' I f THOUGH VfcHY I'OMONPLACE iji,,i. IT HAS A HISTUHY. "i .,.iill-inHiat from t hr uiuil-hniiu wn'.ih! tii.nk '.'iirnfiil Imti'r! 0,1 .Ii'rt'l it.it I i iillirn, I .(ii'i lw irr l.i'fniw sin- - ivniihl Mli'l it tUni I fill llililr-ha.-ut .'.-ll.Ui ni'V-rit rnii'.l hr i: i, h a l.nrr.i-.Yliut II . si.irlr I lii I ilonii as Mill iM'ttri' lid a tn I'liri'i'li any '.nil imp.-- ' :. ti-ilrnppi-iUuri1 ll.it In ! I.a'ii'si lip's. illln li.i in.i. h" t Inrr. a u ini ti'inpt.i! mi .i"Ui'.r Imi' a at liir r . ii. r. ami t appral In turn. .I y.mii fillnvv. wlm vva, imvrr Ik'I h:' a"aiu When tin- ' m awav. I n irril Inn fatiuri! m l.il'V- rvrii in his rniinil' tn nOiT t iii Mtt 1'iilin's l.niit' '.i1' n.a'i "f theInti: and Was iluiii'. l.e Irl- iiwiii1" Very friv I'l'iijni. may I: . Hint till' rl'l.'hl U'l 'I I.nv-'l- . n Nwi-- r tun l.a'i- in M' mi, sober tnnniil'il nil till! ' I''. 'i1'- - ."'.m' i"i :ii n - HORSE JEWELRY- COWBOY HAT. MAStTUNK THE I lru'' his : M. K. I iiuraJ J T nilL . f ITpj trust yiiii V ill mi very s nil'" '"Is cliased iiim' iiliniu line Till-Hun 'III' worthy nf me n: III If ili'Hi'iu- - nil'1 1 ,lu I I aiMMiliiii.t inniiLly to tli( ail. i. uf h.r himi rush a't. with the II,, jlit In mil hi' Uulilil iimt: I'ii li fl nf lie was ds! i.ird to ivtriave lull. if how f hi'C i Hf jr hi:liIn r ini'tstUi'ii rinr in a way ii'.ist eiMat'lfil real hi-- t oiy id t !" ii ar in rt- Mi i lit (imvf lilam:n;1r ovi t lir i,vt'innur pani'l' sin lit to in hliicK it n nlnW In.1 ,i w;:li--ipraisn si) ui iiM1 taviilrn(e nf In Aii-tiiiw iri tin lil uf ii'lti i's Iiild for i uu-.- tIn Imi ii I. in- An tlregim ui- -i ni.i-l-- 'i' Tlmtijli ili'Tiadd liUlli' i''ssim (I i hill hi.ift mir lu'lit ; "'ii rV. t mstajr .'.1 II .IV nf II' .) mi 'I'll. ol iiitv i:.o.tJi'l.'i'ti'il in iii.ii.i In- - ili'lit- - aii'l nf a inwr A ;T:it ii'i in I jnun up tn n in tinIia.l . ii n I h'i: Illlill'l' ill li liitl I'llily I'l'llln in Iirr ii"art lli.it d iu i !i t U t in !at ltr; a adorn iii iirr site li.id itii wliiTf hikI in that "'I'vii'.' lial fni' it - i'aenrd' aisi f r im oim In In- - I hiit in- ji.iiil in in that town day, tliul 'luge 'liinii' navy, aiMj ii'i !ih. ilinimit tn tin- I'nn.'l'l'inll li.at ni witli imu and in f:itts rIVilii,v if tin' i'll..' i'ii that luaii hum 'tit a tll'l li:i j'.ifsi'.i.j iii in r hftirt, tlul t w wii' M if liin.iia lh I....K a .! Ni. fu I e; IflJ UpoJ. !.!- - .i ii i hi Iht ,s iiiin'inri nr tjiiitr a siiMnjir g I truy , ami if liujM, Slrlla lialiainad tn ttna pol-oilifn fal if ii in: r i r;i ii1 lit In Iht uv u rn hm, si i nn I seeking to h'i j n'i' Ii i n I'ii-- i' it Iiwiii in 'i'V i'l'i' 'ii ii i'ii h.a ti.lit 11 Ii: iii i nf j ir i ill iji'-- t that 'he would not lived that del i lifi iiliu;r drsU iii. (imiI; Ih1 ii ilnt Is- i'hiii'i'iIi'iJ that tlii' ii'Iiiir i ii via- - a iariliiUid tn .liiu till1 IfttiT. but rin..- alin.i't : t.'ii it .i ti'MiT I in liltiar wi.. Ij liul 1' of li.'it Jin-- ' Tilllill k nf tin,1 U l'!l nlllv tn .itli till til Hip. Jll iorlu Ii ii Iif- t.i IV.i.ly l;iinah i ",riiiliV. Ilia! Ini' t tin iu a- an separate part hte'j to liat to ina'I llu Irdter, artieie ii'in'. Iht iiV ii ilfitr II.' i n ii nl iiti'i'i'ii tinItIni' tlm jail. wa ised n:-- 1 ne'i woiilil iIismiIvi all Imnds reports In' li'ili- :i largo nil in lni luilli Ii1 ihirii uus LatrotIil. ii 1. t.i I'liii'tant i.niii'l. hi ti, ,i portion was lie. id. of tin- ( ni Ifii V.iiii' naval ..Iheei's slit had and t imu was coin in on liis Tcildy Northern hoim. of nunsI.iritw.iv, .f Hi ti , mnl all aliini't i. i;ii d Is Ii a 1 ::a' he tf it T a l;nii) n! r t li v. a, wui'iiiii;' for Iht jiiiui'il tin :V. t I'l'i'' nil'll I 1i'ix-it- o wai' i.i tlm utterly fnivttii to j ;t m ailv . tie- liriiL at l.ariiiii-nii- ' ..-till.-'tail im i'itin ar. t of Hrail ri littin.' mil in Ni",v fro.ji i.e Isis o ihoj In 1imil rliiim Iut fnr ln upon it lint tta.l.i was in luek :iuraln. drawn ip at w In on., lm slat iuimf'. nvi-.lark . . iiml i rai.l! t id in i j'r. Voi'k In ilii luitliii wit1! liis ivh.dlioiis 't iHisiuiastei was an nl-- friend of euhl and rain. v;i working, hn ntn '1 lie r. purler iiml lii' wav' indy did i lah.ir. him tn she told and lit' latlirr, i'idad Mr. s now a w ii irli HuleMin I'i lii'iiii' yi; Min I'ojin I'ii'ii nuvy. I'm e'"d' .ii'playei! lu in- 'iilini. imt Mon all. omitting nniiiinn-- . t ' , i i . f sttii'ii- Aim ni hop.' Im. i. iia.l tn lor jir oils I Ii.m IuiuI v.iil in iii Iv liavi- a nuin-ik'the iimnIi: n' up lilt4 i i iM'ii 1. ! Tin uihi hf sillowri! to t'lililll so liard in to . a niuinrfalili hefrd .iihi f.inifl iii,iik wii-- a l ai m rvery il t.ii'iiin.' nl u of V 'll n ' li'-- tn l.il Uliil prunin' humi.i) familiar to !nri-nii- s were In .. the Tlmre li. of i lrlhT. hia Lit that to lrvnliil hi'Psrjf iiiiu. si it n ii i it ,iii was hrn finii' tn minniilii'i' ill mil' nun servire vvilli n t jii ii. ml eap : and so prfiTtlv latini: derhy. i:tiaiMiv wm'k. iiml lnar Lull': ;nroiwit heavy Imn. stamped 'addles-thiTv if n l inii- ui'i-i- i for liMmn Ilii..- - Il (1 ' .vim lii'fni'i' Inn:;. al i.i. ) or was liuppv - Mrlta rarried tin Irtter lioiiie. to Ijinv v ihrnMsfd. ;i . were the it.:" elllnhi-nos' n iiimiy v. h imi-- i an.J ni lit. ' a:..'tmi 'ty:.-ii","i, mi lif iitlii t . .m l vv:is ii'ti,rmii!ail imti uikt linaria, tin1 tir-- t llmir slu did was their lim.-the lariat' in in iiinl tn la; In1.ii-.- . Iii'i'akf.'i't. mi Till- irnirjiCin nf a eigar -- i i fnni a:..! t to put il into tin lire. many torniiii tn Ti'iiiiy I Mims Ijniiii ii ii u.'iit tn lm- IM' rope'" the maidiieciit hits thati .I r)iilinii'iiliiii ili'-.- l nf iilai'k (iiiliiln'i'ia hi'fiii'ii i i ii tn sn many sni.i-r- . lm Thrn she seated Iiersrlf and wrui ili.t 'iritis , IiiT Ii'ss. iilul 1" Tim ji"i.r i H i ii ii in 1 Tl'W .lily's linn. Illlil H ill till! dull. I' It lim id tlii .iirnim tiiTivil from Teddy a tender, loving letter, telling Ih''i 'in! in im .m I'm. r.i .I'M' ii null Inuk.'.l lik. Mnui'l'i. al't lUitilniic, ill.. nil. lint I'nin-- 1 i 'kintl' l'' and tliere were tlm .i. . I . i i.i f.in- in'i'uiilU't, Inin of the coiiiiiiiinieiition of cuiituginii wight Im i i v i i i . vv wliih sin lm m. ; r nn lnr f in tin; if lint spurs, uud. in short, tlm Ti iliiy nu- - mi lo inn- ami Ifinlrr. so liad received from Mr. Smithson, and in ill ti'il Ih fni'i' ilililml' nn I nly. in iti rnlliii. Ha- - . inn en.TIthe fniici can i.'l" to '1eildv. window forum. a museum 01 lliins llilVV . f. H'i mii- n r;i no vunlT .die t inelosin the letter illilniv nf i - 'lull' during the Itnimr: if lint t'niii tnii and piieii'." a -- tv "f imt lint r. 'I'his lime sin did not forget a a fitlle II eovv liny Wo. li.i hllV. illld Illlil tllTta tliilt 'iiVid if illif'.i'ui ncrvii'cr , ! lull ill' ti'n'iiij- - i.t nn ' pawned is inuii-era that man r iia: "t 'ii 'I hr l.'tt.T whs ut., ,i. i im nmt.ir in Imi 'lmai't. stamp. :.i i'i. iii work i - t. ,Tn" sou! to ow '. All III- liny unulli hi' iii in lit. puss l.y mi lim i ni I nli'. wlinln nu It .1, ii tiuii-- ' tiny without li.Mtir. I aailril mi'll wnrii l .' '!i .mil li'.iin l.irarr '..III. as a eavalryiuan once was ail tlm fn. nl, ami winihl think liini'.-lthn liolg liliiil-- ' llnrki'il in limky f..r him at'", nm rauii.il vviiiiilrr at it. "H was evi.ei:1 !v uia.l" of !ri nr 'oim-uiii,m lr.lily llarn: lnir-- i ..evvelry i t im somewhat ii i n ny if at In n'l'lni'k Im Lrnt nam-.'-1 r ; , fur ilct'lurcd it " t!m most r sntt .III.! p. lit lin k' a spirr "ltrar. I havr Mimrlhin to tell you in ail mm imr t e iu I'reutiou. nf hi'i'uil mnl a pint nf uat.-r- . i Hui.li. "1 linrr M'.'iirr.l a 111:1 t.y hl't. ir. ail' II tin if ii'.ilnU'V li'ttrr ll:e liuiiiiin thu' rlriin'iil. tlir a:" n 111 Tim full iwiirli nf tlm tile store went tile report, r. unn Dni'in tlm whnli'iif tlm tinm l.ln-'Simli a Invrly makinz .f f. .t was imt ii ami 'iiii'r ivr urr xll .Mir, I'rrin;' unir- - hniur fnr uh at hl't. lll.lt II ahnni inal I'l all JM't'lIK rnlll't ll.'IS lli'l'ilil'ii Ids work vv. til lie. II' found tliat at In'in priii'-- t 1.1 In, mir ovi nirn-- t partaki- nf tlir rnitui' lirrr in W - , mill have paiil Until M. ui'i-;ufu'lrth bishop tin old trail. Iimt covri'i"! America ii'i-i- l mail in jiisl i'ii-i- l in prev iiil mg u ilnif for it, Ino, tlm I'liaplain mnl Mr, lirnu n ii 111:1 in. .iv nr Ir". Hut imtli'm purrhu'i'il tlm property uf llume :m ! p.ltlnU niut nl II itt'-r'I inii i'V.-.- - nrniis.'.l ilr tlir hill III im, or rather iia.l Ight, ami tlnii if in doing 'in-l- i a w.:r.' linin tli.'ir nliimnt to rclav in his sin.!.- ;i' a wan ui.nk was dead an thin lm gets liitti'ii tlm owner nf Ions ami so miii'li ilinripliim a. I. "lit.'. I ly ini'ii. j.'iihni'V within Mrlhi'x f.Min.l tliat tiie imr that lm put into lauui'lmil pri'ini until iiniv. Tlir lir't tin: iin nni't. m v .lairing. s. Tim de tlm liar'll wii' mivvu iff mourning foi nvi'i'iiiM'. Tlmy into a tliat the period hi' sandals was imn wli.it vvilli til tlm liurvr't Ih'V in whirli tnnMi.'i' with a will, ami rision ii. given in u it had '.'im.' Kngiishmeu by. -many, solid Il'.'taii.-e liml't in hrr l.a nil tlir lm htiHui Imliliii'Duui.-it. Miilti'i'snn Wiis ill ilT. many timi-- hav.' falh-and liermans now buy tlm faneiest nn Irtl.'i' vvhirli Iia.l -'Ih'i'II tlir raiiM nf f. el. uf ids pri'inmrs This hint pressiir.' uni I Inini'i .strung tin- ilrfi'inliliiL tlmir kiiiiitH in thunkfulims' fnr tinn-l- y hrr rvrr sini'e ita uf felt, tliuiijll and best trappings to semi abroad led to tlm pl'1 licit Jlm jili-- uuui'ili'il 11m ilaintilT u vnr-Jii- -t sadto their homes. ivnili'n-.Hin.'i'ur wliirh l.uil tliat inuriiinir. Tliih id wliat it mi'uI: it in evi-r- i reseinhlin a .'1.1 of mnl tlm ilnfi'inliiiit but from sesito eost tlmin. dles buys dc'i'i-ith'."Mi" Mki.i.A l.nliM-.- : ruriluu nir. a t :i rt r is iy iny. to uililri'xs a vriituriii At h'litli. ut tlm ih'iuaiiil of tlm 'tnnirr. The "petusii" of tin Iia.l a as giHid a mu us a modest man who J VMII Ilill lllllirr'tllllll til i ii liutii uiitx iif Uirminhmn. wnr.lnf knows a good thing will run to use. J'nll. arnval wide and was 'iini.'thin like tin Tilt: Yitln ciitub.gues nf fifty years Cow-gir- l tliat ynn mv iH'lrnllmil tn Mr. Tritilv saddles were in I'niiimiNNiiiii tn nf hrlil wii' suliilii'eru iu exits inipiiry ' piet Lir.s.iii droop or gu guvo tlm nce.'SHary mininil Art' you aware that I'.inr, nf W of them -- with rigging for iiiiiiiro into tlm truth nf iIh-hdh'iilli f.irvc in t!1" wide eireles nf ih a enii'tunl visitor at Mish I .a lira penses nf ii studoul Ut tl a I tn hr uud witli stirrups made iu slipTlm will'll! iif them felt that Hie rim. V .'i.ti'titate.l ire. .riling to hia taste ami liuliits: allegation, timer's i'i'iili'iirt; in II It ih ii is not tliat tlier. sIiiijh's. per tieImt in of Cliaueer Mr. now thn Yaln catalogues estiinutu tin w,,r" fnuml to lm true. iiiiilrr:.toiHl that. Iirrr p.m-iuils ar.in a uoen half in muiln were shook i'Hm'n I really i.i ..in t.i marry thr laily. puhlir, Jiaur iiiiiualuxii'iiHo ut fli.'i'i fur tlm Uiwi'bt, SO II A Itn Knit THE I.KTTKU. IIKUI. world riiiuiiii-sina like n or women half dozen tin anil sat thr have Imeii aware of this for sniue time, from Miss l.uura alturtlirr Ainl fro Hilie ilritYf .iw.iv t !i nil ('iiN) fur a iftMirrul Hvoran amt fl.tl'J.'i . li of tin! Colorado rattle ijiiccn or the lady luii " Aljtl IudI :iinttin !.i imn witand us 1 have the Tea test rc'pcrl and Sim haw Ion ownedLatimer, la vri'y lilii'rnl"; uml yrt it ia not thlrtriMi days uml sixty-fou- r the plaee, bavin lioi-sIn tt.aiiy of the Knlisii miiseiim-a as for and a of Wyoming, hut there admiration vim nesses exumiuril. lady w'l.i't) t in a lint liuinlivil Rtinlrnt inherited her it from oim father; anil not likely 1 rentlireil hare to writer. and aresliovvn Western girls who ride a great an you drop pietnivs ion Yuli1 ruse was iiiantiseripts real carin to so Our part far retain estate larly piliahlu any ;inim thi'inili tlm four year ut I have blundered in from her home, she has sold it to me tliat prove that lints were worn hy deal, and they have fond flit hers and this hint. If for an oximiiim! iim low aa that uf a huy iiuiuimI K.lwanl Aniluiii so, In your Mtrdon. My inas far lawk as tlu brothers uml still fonder lovers: lienee ' drews, about whom, in thu name uf tent ions ure ihmI, unit 1 trust you will at a karain. I called upon her sever- men in fS.iitiit I'I al times business connected with eleventli the maim fact u iv of magnilieeiit side upon Kriiili. eenlnry. trur ivrs and it nut iinaiiie. for a moment, that my lusophus, has Ihmiii lii'iii'lrrinliii wore skuil caps and ;i!u hno-le.Avm'Kt'K hkirt ilunrin saddles. nil decked witli Mr. liruwn iimtive is nihcrvvi'c Ilian Imunratile. the sale. uri'imut. is said tliat Miss "Il.v the way. it Diisteil Iii AilNtruliu liy tin rkippin in tin has a vivid t'ci'nlli'etiuii uf this pour A wnnl to tin- - wise is siilHeienL' ei'iitiiry men patterns and looking us pretty as tin Latimer has jilted yoitri Smithson, capes, wore a curious tried uf purlii'H, w It toll am all tlm rru.n 11st hoy. llu wits sent to jail fur thmi "Yours verv respei-tfully- , with richest it.'iloiiin ever and lie lias vowed veneance upon her. Hunt in ends thu! was "Osi-.vMrs. months fnr stralin four now in fahtiiniiuliln rits'lns. Suil'HsoN." horse gear being made. Tliere neither of is a trill. r ami unworthy any She pounds Uuart 'liii'kn in isi'piinsihlr fnr In tin u good trade in row-ho- y imr outtit- -' in. lord, Imt lref. Ho was very Slowly, eat efiilly did Stellu I .or ne (Hid man's affection. fnrm u was. iiutvvitlistan.liii, rovvin this fa'i'inatin that ure ordered from Montana, llu And now. Stella, I want my wife. mxt century the soft round hat cann to the rend this letter over, her fare put "llti'l'tiiillllli'llt to .Mrltinill'lli MH'li'ty. rraiik. very pale, her eves tilliu w ith tears I uiii I'oiuin to you, durliu, in a few into vu'ie, tli.nili at tin same time Dakotas, Wyoming. Colorado and i:i'y n (ten im was iinahli! to of bitter sorrow uml reret Sorrow weeks, and after that we must not lie stiff, narrow crivu'il furm- - with a Texas, and similar kihIs riiHiii.'iit urn lirhl nn Tlm usplialt in his task of go to the perform I'uiiK'ipinicr fur her own siilTerin. her lost' faith. triiniN I'uiii't'. ami valuahlo prirn slirrr sin'.e .m. ..pin parted anv more. Your were pupulai. lioro ranches of Nevada. Idaho uml Im wa ami iuahility. and idol that tier ll)st reret trust, I11 tim of Kin Teddy." irr ulTtifil hy iiiany lui'lessi's fnr tlio hy tlio oviTiior to t.n (nil on hrciid hlmilld le thus rudely dellir.me.l. l'or lln 'Oregon. Moreover, as long as met: So iiiiirh fureireiiiiistaiitiul evidence. Kilith and nls. iu that iff Henry au.l and water on'.y. r.iia!-t!- i laily whn skip' iiiiwt ride horses tliere will Ih- a trado in Stella cotiiii ant close Imr eves to tile tintnn't Huri'i'M'fiilly. Imadwear Mr. was must Smithson's wurnin Mr. Menu fancy out tits for them. One day theehaiilaiu. roiiveyed Ills lirrwin. (aril. 1 tlm various .f letter. She had never met tins Mruns-wicwas tn tlm It cell Duko uttrurteil of was the hy hoy's Henry Nli'.vu viit v has riiurlr.l lavvs that hi t 1 pi't'sniially, out lie had attended .Munlefl" found thr who was first observed in the iiruuumntutiun lnarkin tinIn'ui' very hani mi tlm ulieii. An nuvi'i'tisi-mcn- t The erii's id iu om. of tim liiMiiue hii'iiiess ma Iters up. 111 senral lion and of tin standiu vvean-rand suid ho of hr a haiiiU.'t to scan liny pit hcrsiuall funds in intervals oiTasiniis. invest luiinlon dailies rcuiis: "Dan writes utlilrrlyiii iilrii m'iiiiis tn In- tn liavr was eryin starved. t Kvon-tgreat Townsend in Ilr was in tlio an uilv.iiitaeoiiK manner that fully a ion strip of paper by the side . , ni n.'J Ihr ulieii furnish th) mnnry fur u strait ain. vel- iel's Defiance Tlm finest variety 01 jaeket at tlm time, and tlio the investments had l.ir.-l- increased of liis plate, and wlmn tin euriniis ' vet. lace Ipliia Times. nvrrnillrut ilrvntril mostly tn his ami pearls wete all wtu-- liv ' cabbage in cultivation. It is early. mm to tried itis of iii'ort vent to her uests red into bank mmlest iiceiiuiit. She the knew impure VYhrii short-legge- d :wrn opiuessnin. ..w Niraraiiu ehupluiu and compart. tin collar uml tlio that In was shrewd and keen, a fine nuture of liis shall huvi ar.pl i ml Ihr larrst stnml-i- liuer' iH'tween failed. now." old inlverelothes men Many s hiisiin us she as far Mr. lirowti hut inamier. ami, 'that it was a sort of proram '' ia.'ft-olml tin hoy's neck, lise for army in thn wurlil, was a I to Ih eiitlemaii. She wearing felt ditdieit which ho had commutulcd apparel. aware, at thn timr, pas'in navy. It mav Is- - ahlr tn rx- happen.'. and ho slaekeueil tlio straps on his that liis letter was entitled to consid- from the cook, to thu itilcrt tliat if Wliat Him? Alleil uriltn tlu'iK) laws. In tin) nmuntinm, vvli.it , ., .... l'or eration at least, object smni! delicacy which especially ap'VU,ly "What on earth ails Pitkin? Is he eiuild he have in deliberately misrepmui'h Hutisfurtinii mav U .Irrivnl V.w tlm little sutTrtvr. a tit?" in ami resent make pealed to him were marked for a last atteintitin to tin fart that from cuntni.plutiu having Several times after tills tlm hoy trouble between her and in the repast he might carestage "No; ho has a boil on liis linger siutli aniist rnm'tmrnts ailnm anil Teddy? was punished hy order of Austin, Hnd Yes, it must la true, poor Stella fully reserve bis appetite fur it. The and wants to pay his fair, and lie is Vlurify thr slatutr hunks. 011 iiiuuy iK'easieiis buckets of water could not believe otherwise. Laura simplicity and beauty of this idea aptrying to use his left hand to get a ov,,f bb'i. thirn llrown Latimer was an animated fashion pealed instantly to the ood duke's W itKTlli-.ini. kle out uf his right-hanfoldiu i'ds ttiv ill her- - r,ro trousei'r the strapH'il to thr wall, plate, a soulless woman, who and the menu card became convives, pocket. ently dnnrrous or not, the fatn of ' ul,, 0,1 )Aitthoy released in anlin for men's hearts, an fell tins In; to institution. that tlmy liuisy Iter is u wurnin ami eiiterin into eiiaeim-nts- , WITH THE WITS. should be carefully handled. There h'fnuml InM'ii'ihle. On April 'J ho fot fun:'' enaements which she just hud e an frurtljr Whirmr Found. end to ins suflnriiis by cum-th- nut the have Imen other deaths caused hy P'tt culintention sliould slihtest "Do for The the ireventfou of you lielieve all that talk almut Society minate iu marriae. She was too vaariis of fohlin lieds. Youti nnttinj' Miienlo 111 liis cell. Dentons to Animals not does hesitate Dangs lming untruthful? Cruelty feud of her freedom, sin was wont to childrvTii have shut up in them No: lie's the soul of honor. I wouldn't to stop, through its agents, in the llnl suit ('lit. and HUiotlni'd to death, and older say. And so she went nn in her aine otherwise if he told tnc himnut two landladies were compar-- of hearts, uud mure than one man had streets of Philadelphia United states people liavr liren crushed ly ttm up- ill!? notes. tho of thr feminine clement in the self. mail when are bcinir! lrnrimd tn her. wagons they despise of tliti ponderous lieinllmards, sottill "1 Iiml it iuys to servo tlio break- To Stella fairiiK who knew all about druwn by sick or maimed horses, and borne, for men an u- - vain of tlmir riistonier. to laiidlndy of the lion weihtril witli hunilreds of pounds ol as women, and it is cus-th- o I trust the eggs used for this omelet said one. ",!,t Kxeept her, thouli iersomil!y astraner, the to take the animals away, whether upih'hitiii-.'iron, it is evident t tint lliese spaee- 011 United States mail suffers drten- - hmi.wid not ncnn.unirul motives. that were perfectly fresh? Umillaily Oh! .un. lays. Then I servo it eohl." very sound ot her name was sufficient savin contrivances must lm used to aroiis' ail the worst attributes of tion or not. At least this is the story keeps them in elmrk. do do asked that? Vliy the yes, sir: the eggs were laid especially you with tin care. Certainly her nature. Ami now- to read in a atran-er- s told hv the local press. The aents other. you. Tll. tr llnii.s ... ,Mi they are extra hu.ui'diuis mediumr letter the shameful announceI,1I1W1. that flic law uainst inhu"Well, on week days my boarders ment of Hills I low are yon succeeding u for 'U'aetieal jnkin. A noted iivsi.'iau Dane's falseness seemed protest shall not Ih Teddy u.e snnn have to eat brcakfii't in a hurry, uml more than she eoiihl bear. Soon after manity ignored through after tin un amateur photographer. Hulls .i.a'li ff jt.it-le- r An iiiii'.xpeeb'd item uf news vvhieli, if it i' Imt they don't have time to tin letter from Mr. I initlison hud ar- the greed of eontraetnrs. even if the have taken seventeen 'iipilally. a- to lire ;n., tlm weight of plates so far, and ha pi't tiaii'pii-e.- i w ill delilit the wait for it to emd n:V; so they cHt rived Me. la Ii.mI seated lii'i'.'lf ut her wagons ure eonvevin the mails. Daniel Mobster's iiraiu. II. only sixteen wore i.'i'lar. '.I fa i In res. 'I ho kin imart id every philatelist. very littio. Minditys they eat less desk a ml thee she hail written a lew that th The not Wnl.llnt Cll"s'. figure' o lie liiu I seat An is 'i.i.. eold. assure you. Teddy ilrue and of Uins, the s of kin Solo- Iweuuso it klggs I sliould think men witli Ill Switzerland tlio orange aud in any tim.iiru'. wink in hi, lii.rarv f.lithlii.. see 'a. a' wavs ended 111 III . mon, lias written to the Cniver'a All's, .loin's. Imt for this diseovety i ami f I im records would vvunt to steer ami l.at slia.ly .1.. s. s br. .'in'll the Ikp ,f m... .'. y eliue-ineli- t tlmse graceful sym-liolmyrtle ,,f this si'a'im." postal ii'MN'iiitio'i at Hern iiminnno sliould have lo't money el. 'iir nf lintel x.rtei's and Imlllhiys. of tl.e phi si, 'inns .ffl'n.. n lietwe.'ii ne 11. t! ml . substiat their l!u.:ui-weddings, iii'i-u- t inti tn enter the postal Harper's I.i' Mature itel.ln'iatiou has convinced tute iu liruier.' rheee. On the could answer tim kaggs I don't see why. Skiggs Yc shal1 union .ne thn v.- '!lli1- d Ami .lon't'. Ain't it a lag te happy e of her marriage the bride receivesdaya In loos:n.' 'ip Dmi,..,.,;' cou'cipiriii !y have Tli liU uf Artiilary mat:. part, of their ' Abissinian .0 wrote., "and I business to show jH'i.ple up? tl.e follow ' s'aups, lor the of Cluit'les ifjgvtimr is I'litil which the whole liruvere ti;i.e cheese, ' l is f..n 1'ati.v tin kin of Uins nt Imr than Kin Mrs. Dneksey have v Danny wuz ngoin' Sweden, ait,. lery was iml considered llv Vliu ,Ll; til iigagement preserved in flic family. win) of Aiv ssii.ia. .Wl.,.t eons.dath.n Many f bfains ... f to make a lot house, and he went and men on As various time the l.alini.T-"marks and tbearmv: Mui-toiu Miss goes serving affi'etiea .vvliile it ..xam.natiMus ti.: liatiKs will s'napia'.i I asked Stulihv, the carpenter, the a..!.liers, bill regarded us lasts:, ami I well no mailer about notices are cut into it which serve to luWt IH'rt of tlm Kile before the f.rst postolliec 1 it i ian iio ' easiest me. goed by." no to do it Airs Dineen otlie.'i's the tlio hud record deaths. mechanics; births, marriages, army . el.ilor, Ihwat wav lot we live in rank. Charles XII. ojiens in Abyssinl.u did lie say? Mrs. Koeksey And if that va- - not a cruel letter, etc., occurring in the household anil poet. gave artillery AlH:rer.iml.iep tim Ftrauo tiuii s. w ben savaes aro eotch M. 1.. lie told him to give thu baby a box of An v how it ( uvii officers a rank and regularly orgun-ii.e- d then am no bulge. among the relatives. eivili.-e.I'l'en.'li nan'ld . And new ilie letter was mailed; was mav matches to play vvilli. servo as a provision for naturalist. the artillery into cmipauies. Al.eivrombim "yn always tions arc hccomiii s.ivaes. . safe in I'.mle Mini's letter-liolish geneia! and u ra,nv day. ii... t poti. the obi Lady, iu Midway Ugh! Those M.dia was home again. L.'.t someliovv III Ills Iirrsnis. hivr.i!) auafuniHi. i.j, uiiy n y horrid Fijians! Dot wliat are IIiuhu t Li.ot b's rej'oi't is of sp vial Inter-A and which :mrr Light. the'piritef.l.'tiaimc Ainmmii ffiiiral nn.t lawvor. Comllieter. giving him a shake awful looking fellows with pic pans liiio t'lMifM lnr ourinjr flu uiitirp rpi- Bst to America!. s this ,irur, as it Ti koN An eleetne light iff .).iJi)0.J00 "ii their heads? Are they savages, too? Klia, hav MVi'icu i!osert(d ti iur shows that theie is i;o milieu which comalmest candle h.s power surpasses M.v.llig MiburlMmto. pushmg ,K.r Ml,.:m.rv some words 'ui.le .i: those are Chicago young A,n,.. has mail.' ho raoid Yet .liv r. uso ut hand this mas of If great away No, you don t. Maria. (.f witli slow and mu- - prehension. aien. "M'hat do they carry those I'rept tho tonnago o. ... .iin. -- s registered vou wut i to isito from a lighthouse f tliat I u by walked with you words which he light Iiorri.l clubs for?" "Kxerei'C." during tin p.ist twn o month as the j wala with him yourself. I'm going ii.- i spoken to her before he returned tower on Petmiarcli point on the .Ill's, I nitod Mates. "ioiug to the bulge, Arthur?" exIn of eoast me. Kriltany. (J Bl.t l0 sleep will. by jin ks, I ' claimed tin young wife in surprise. u to liien'iiK.'il an , on al...':' i if 1 miss ' miles seen twenty-livit earth, eircuinnothing jM.j. (,t fifty trains! of didn't know you were a lueiiilH-..staiiti.il evi.ii'ii.e or anything, will strikes the horizon, aud after that Onk Coghlun know ing hims.df guilare tmieii iianler tl.ar. I trust yon with iny it will be rei!icted on the Hum the I'ntt'il slate. change von "Why aw yes. lleurg-i'.iia.- " ty of it r. .rehensiti!e am) despicable Hraril sky for a mon ones, and umiffeet.'.l bv fn..'J any bulge!" I saiil tin young husband. act, points for pre.e.lenl to thu Not including Alaska Hrazil is T,r.v ,,n1'' of thirty-eigmile "'al acids as weii as perfect! v" vvat,.,. distance to "And Klks." M'ales. the irdcr of Hitting of belong ltT' This ."vef. United liis the form tinm in settles extent The on an They prinro the further. larger cxi rib nt largest light P, , ''"..uiii you rather spend the evening case. Just which way it ..'tie's it i liiMt. eoast of the UtiiW Mates can ouly 'n- - br woraslip ..r w ith u lot of iV, elks than with your own needles to say. and in for roy-it- y an area t i' seen in mile twenty-eigheheiuieai K pafLcuiarly M,uaro mile, dear ltis lni;t? Mitrht b(. .,,.lV0ll e'tahli in tie ilenr?" ni!-- t And Arthur meekly with u tot! iopulatiou of nuturally forbids. weullter. too pnro'pituto after bang his hat up again. l - l -- .t'-i- . f ;i uh. Iltin I she M I , ii' Mi-Il- a i -- 1 iin-n- n. -- l'i-'- i I - s i -- loth.-iir.irtn- - . i1 tir i m -- W I I pi'i-ni- l.ij t s Jirni'.-Thnu!- . -- -- i '. I - mrn-spondi'- d a's - i ilii-m- . i iii.-i.t- i. ! I nh-nri- : i .v n-- i . . - - - i.i-i- pN-- - Iit anr ii' i -- lr 1 1 . luT-aif- t i : . ! i ir -! . i !' l fr i - i - I i' : i : iii-- -- , ' i : 11 a- i t ii - . la-- I .' nn-ri-- . 1 . . : ' : - f 11 .1 ill. vv : - h . w.-i-- I ' Iii-t- n : L - I I I IV itdf i . 1 111 I i' ' - 11 I post-ji-in- :l- i i -- lim-ill- -'r n i I , - I 11 f sii-d- i . J . : in-i- , lu-r- 1 ! j . . lin-ln- I s - - 1 11 . ln-a- J M-- woi-km- l -- fr.-i- 1 I n- a - Ih-i'- ili'i.'t l 111 rrm-ptiu- c- ; tr : 111 lland-stamp.-- suh-taii- : d al. 1 11 : (in-i-k- In-i- i view--sever- s -- ,11 jwrr j - sp.-ak- . tlmsi-lines- - cow-girl- ' ' agruato 1 s hand-stampe- d foui-t.-ent- ' di-e- u j eniiv-.-uii'ii- wi-a- rn - rim.-fu'.l- - - tlrl 11 entle-11111.1- inii'i-ulin.- - i"rii k - j . - 11 ' In-i- j 11 n 11 larrst i l d . 1 U-e- - - t - f.-- r i iiv.-'sn- - i blo-som- ( f I in-j- to-h- . po'ae . : thin' j ' t i, -- J'n-lin- ?- - ! in 1 I j : , 11 1 ' , s.t-te- j . e j . 1 l.rer I ht rc-p.- vt iiisisss-- sxsz. S; j . r |