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Show QUEEN WILHELMIN ABOUT ANCIENT ILIOS. MYTH A Hie Mule Sinrr.'iKii uf Holland as Sim K.iNik excavations at troy prove A Yl'PI' Till' 11 Id Tl 111.11 lid A su tu THE vice, country's John Peier i.abi-ie- OLDEST LUTHERAN IN AMERICA. ,.r, Keen lltirprelil'N the 31 t il) ilmr llrmiil) liy l Hui-i'e- Fx 141 it I lull lu . in I lcwrlii Amu i:r.uAat Troy, nr tiims it, I S' ut arcoi at Athens, as liool IT. by si.-l- ed A 11 r u i k n e r uinl oilier of the cxpcdit on. have lieen brought to a rinse for tin s f. ini of present. Mrs. I 111. franea has bcrn exhausted, mill the staff lurnishi'il I v the Herman government has left. It will hr remembered liy those interested in the ehlii'iiiaiin iliriili'.l niutti'r that hr into the artilieial inonnil of six superposed cities prior to Hellenic, Macedonian uinl human occupation. Homer's Troy he place'! in 1 lie seeon.l were city, where the "lilen tr,a-urManv attack- - were made found. against this theory, the liereest Hottieher. who eonteiided that Ncliiieuiuuii's six cities were nothin;' more than a liny' crematory asm for A eonfereliee of savants, invited by .sehlie.n mi to ilissarlik in l's'i. in (lemiieit I'ott icln-r'tlieory. skepticism existed in the minds of sc cral as to t he identity of llissar-liWilli Homers eily. Inn- aliow-aile- e made for poet cal lieciise. tile in, hewn s' one ami mad bri, k wa is of Tiu second city ne'er insp red wi'll-linitin lofty towers constructed by Neptune ami Apo.lo " i r. Iiorpfehl lias been singularly suceessfe.l n clearing the nii-- t. Busing himself on the diseoverv ol painted pot'ery in the sixth city, identical with tiiut found u Myivnc, the principal synchro-- ism of 'the two ancient bites Aiiy.'ested the clue to Homer's j cs A , . i s rtiklmlrliil uml represi-ntaliv- llic ' l.vunyi Inal tuy -- perhaps the celelirution of the fouudiny of t'hieayo, or soiuethiny of that sort two immense floats, repre- sen tiny respectively the Monitor and the Merrimac. were n the pro It was an eveniny parade, and in some way while passiny down Hrand avenue the unfortunate Monitor cauylit fire. A thouyhiful citizen turned in an alarm, and the fire department responded with promptness. It happened that tne c.t pin in of the Monitor was a new man iii the navy, liuviny lfure len in the merchant serviceas commander of a truck, and, hearing the noise of the engines behind him, he was impressed with the notion that the whole confederate navy was .coming down upon him. lie con- cdude-.that the time for flight hail come, so hitting tlie mules a crack with his whip he weat tearing away at the rate of twenty knots an hour, with his craft blazing flercely. The astonished firemen at first paused, but soon saw where duty lay, cracked their whips, and to e awav after the fire. Interested citizens followed on foot and small hoys brought up the rear. How long this thing kept up we are not told, but we are assured that Hampton Hoads on the last day's fighting wus a quiet place compared with Hrand avenue. It was evidently the object of the crafty Monitor commander either in get out to sea or to run in under tl e guns of some friendly fort Hut the M. Icuis fire depart-int, though a eusi med 1 lying in wait ami springing upon its 'victims with a single bound, shewed that it could course a fire ween necessary. It wus used to tires, hut if a fire was s itti-- h and got up and was tlie ran, department willing to do lilt it could to catch it and h Id it still while it nut it out- So while the Mmitnr sin d out to sea. carrying every possible pound of mule, ihe enin gines and hose curls followed cb-sher wake. Finally, the craft tlie water's edge, the being burnt to fire went out, and the hulk drifted down a side street with the noble commander clinging to a floating mule. The fire department returned to headquarters. , ii lria reh, celebrated Its i.nil. coiiiuiciuura- live of the first seMpii-eenteu- held within lie w ails of the ' old The church .1 church is situate, I in a small villaire in servie - Mull.-yomer- I -- w:r . lst land-mink- anti-ijuur- v , w I uliii-i.bi-rj- - ! AT TltOT. -, 1 . hi.-1- I K Ii V -- 4 ca r on a fir xti t I ill: m:ii.K. turtle pulled and struggled, lull the cut held on. Finding it could not get away tin turtle to fight a bit itself, und. wiih ii quick snap, it caught one of tin eats hind feet in its vise-lik- e jaws ami held on pulled, bit. s ratehed and elicited the most terrific yells and s but the turtle would not In shaken mis. iom '1 he u off. Finally Scrapper secured a good hold on tin turtle's neck, where it was oft uml tender, and In In gun to bite it with all the power he hud. Iloth contestants were bleeding freely by this time ami the cat s leg was broken, .still they held on. The sharp jaws of , -- : j j j the turtle filially cut oil the cat's font a moment later the came tl. Scrapper havturtle's in d held it, bu! 1111111 ing bit and clawed its neck ill two. Tin feline lay down to re-- t a while and lick the bleeding stump of his olf hind leg. Ak soon us Scrapper regained Ids breath he i ieked up tlie turt e's head und. with a savage growl, limped ofi toward the In nisi. WHERE WATER The lirest Oresns llllla of tb ..i j J- - est. :i j.. ."''fry :;? Wffjr- It - p COMES Ar trmt FROM. Fd from th ('nntlimnla Where docs all the water in the sea eotne from, is a question that many a small hoy has asked hi father, and S'. which many a father has found himself utterly unable to answer. Some 'C it comes from may be ideu of win-rgathered from a glance at the following table of the hourly quantity of water discharged into the sea anTIIK CAT links I OH TIIK nually by some of the beat known move. 'Mien the young man stepped river of' the world. It wa compiled on Sts head. I Hiring the trouble the by an expert, and may he accepted a cat which had been held by the snakes accurate: Million ruM charm disappeared. Hiver fert per hour. .;U0 Not far from the cage of the two Anision 1.IUU bears at the Philadelphia Zoo, lloxy, lot Ilsis (.(Pit the big S e. is confined. Two weeks Volya 1.130 WM satisfied and Danube. ago lioxy was a well is t,l:ffi-H.amiable ape, hut now he morose and Nil .... ISO) acts very mueli like a person with a It hum..., ) . lilt) The vigorous ease of indigestion. ... reason fur this is hccauM he has lost Tliaiiies M his playmates. Head Keeper Byrne Thin, of course, throws the question noticed' several months ago that bark a step. The question becomes, dea rats the displayed where does the water in the river cided preference for lioxy. They rome from? When that is answered ran all iilmul tin tlo T of his cage, hid by the statement that it come from in tin s raw and did not seem to be a the hills we have gone about as far a d bit afraid of him. In filet, the and we can go. Water is an eleim-nt- . fellow tins often been seen to what source may be no its take oii of the little v:sitorsnp in his man knows.original arms ami s nth and pet it as tenderly as a m t1 er would an ailing child. .XlennirlsI Itiillilln. New listen' But tlie attraction was something thu The new building erected by Henry so close: a Id eon no; fathuiii, keepers English and presented to the New watch was kept on his movements. F. Historical society aa a dinner lioxy is fed a! Haven Con a ly I. very day memorial of nis parents, the late Hot. Hi-- , es. luiited sweet of puial peck F. English and 1'aroll ne A. reel ly lift r dinner one, day tie mys- James off broke was lioxy explained, tery the etuis of all his sweet potatoes and tossed them aitoutthe lhsirof his cage, in less than two minutes a dozen or. more rats were inside having a g oil meal, steps wete taken to abatu the nuisance. A lug wire trap aa baited with toasteil'chce-- e and other dainties so tiKith - mi to t'ie average rodent . Hut it was no use, lcc use Koxj Insisted on fcc.ing ihem Mikm-sip- pI KIIh-...- aSVaMW'- - ' 1 ;; 1 ' : , : ! K . ;.ub 1,1 74il, with solemn services in the presence of a large multitude. It was at this service that the church was named the Augustus chnn-h- , nut after fit-- Augustus, as is often stated, but in honor of the Rev. Augustus 11. Franke. founder of the Halle orphanage, under the auspices of which in stitution Muhlenberg wa induced to come to these shores. Strenuous efforts were now made by tlie congregation to finish the building. family traditions tell us that during the harvest time, when the men were gathering the crops, the women wheeled the mertar and tended the m n sons so that the work might not be retarded. on Monday. Sept. 1743, the first service was held within the bare walls the church. At the first service it was determined not to consecrate the ehurch until it wax entirely a desire which was completed, not accomplished until after a lapse of two yeurs on St. Michael's the Archangel's day, Sunday, Sept 171.7, wlien thu solemn dediiation took place in the presence of several hundred persons, all the Herman l.utheran clergymen in the province assisting at tin services. A feature of this dedh of three service was the h:ipti-negroes, furnished for the occasion liv Mr. I'liwiing. a ehurch warden of M James' Episcopal church a: i'ekiomen. 1 ; Well-found- : the east end, the walls being capped by the same odd- - angled roof. The interior is even more primitive. I'pon entering, you place the key into the old wsoden lock upside down, anil as the floor swings upon its rusty hinges, one steps directly Intothi church. Within are all the identical is the arrangements of old. There same pulpit from which M uhlenberg, at the age of .1:., first sounded the notes of Lutheran faith. It hangs like an eagle' nest, high against tin wall, with sounding board suspended overhead. The whole srisngement is made of unvarnished walnut wood, The ancient news of poplar and oak are innocent of paint or varnish, ex cent the white panel upon the pew door, where dimly obtrudes the nuui-o- f ber as of old. A BRAVE SOLDIER. Played tlir Fiildl good-nature- Wlill III fr uiitcnantcd. Therefore the big fellows sweet potato supply wa withheld one dav. and a liberal supply placed in thu trap. That night Hoxy's screams were heard in the remotest ends of the garden, and the trap became s full uf rats that the dour refused to shut Every time one of the dimmed rata trap. Kosy approached the tempting shook tin1 lairs of iii- - cage and sfiricaed witn fury. He did every- thing ini the world he could to warn 1 hi- friends, but they all took l'he trap was kept the tal.il st.-then fnrsevera: days, and now lioxyis alone in hi- - misery, .superintendcut Brown ha- - given an order for a riihlicr rat t be euiistructcii and if this roes , not take t lie fi.ace of the lost .(h Box-- will nc giw-- a place where be will he eii c to a cage of monkeys, tfie.r ant ica will he and ii -- ullieieiit lu keep hi- - mind off I. is it l.lmb wa Aniin!ftlrl. A hundred years ago the unfortunate people who eaiue into the hands of lhe surgeons, generally soldiers or aadu-who had lieen hurt in action, were forced to undergo the oteralions necessary to tlie prolongation of life without taking ether or chloroform, as is now administered to make the p.dicnt unconscious ami so free fiom pain at tendant upon the operath'ii. T t often the sulijc t h.ul to be qii I ii in nt! by riqies, so lliat much as he might desire to wince lie was utn-rlunable to du so. t ic.itientH in wimiil show reniiirkrihh- fnrt.tmle at Ella- - Unit, a farmer who ti.e crisis of their troubies. hut none Shade's Yalli-y- . in me eastern ever showed more than a oldier. who. on ihe morning after tfic i attic of . was brought Yorktown . into the hospital, having luen sl.ot in the knee. It wa- - f- unu necessary t . amputate the limb, ami the surgeon ordered the nurses t- lurid the man fast preparatory to the operation. "Never!" protested the soldier. "You may tear my heait from my but you snail not. b.nd mci ( an you get me n lidule'. His reqm st was compiled with, and he proceeded to tune the afier which lie suid. "So, doctor, now you can hegin." And lie played during the whole of the operation, which lasted forty minutes, without uttering no v mi: hath. a single false note or his this county, wltr.essed un interesting feature in the slightest. liattle between a eat and a turtle a few duys ugo. says a Birmingham, et "The trouble nlxmt ready-mad- e t of the St Louis Aia.. clothing is that it lises its slinpn so t.iofie I'eiiua rat. Hull owns a large s on." eat named Seraiiper, which has "That is. of course, after j ou hav year- - been the terror of all the worn it some time.'' in the other (ats und at! the tb-- ; i - . re-ed- -- th-t- 1 if:' 17-- - limKII COMUPMliJI nerc named John .Jacob and Thomas. I'pon this measion the Eatin dedicatory inscription was placed in the nail over the south entrance. Translation "Henry Vcichoir Muhlenberg, together with his council, I. X. Cioss-maMarsteiier. A. Heilman, J. H. Haas and H. Kehner, erected Vii:.-r- , from tlo foi.n at ion. under the of ( lirist. this temple dedicated bv the holding the Augsburg couVsmoii." shortly before the church was dedimarried and cated i'u'stor Muhlciilii-rlocated in the house still standing just the ihurch. Here hia nurtin ast of burn, laptized and children aus-pie- so'-iH- i rs bri-BS- inst.-iimei- it, J corre-iiKmi- , fr MKMOHIAI. Ill'll. liIXC. NEW IIAVES. English, is completed and has been formally opened to the public at New Haven. The building is colonial in design, three sturies in height, aud is s.tuuteii on H rove street, facing II illhouse avenue, on ground closely identified with 'he early history of New lluveu. The spieious interior is designed to d play to advantage tlie vniuulde collection of the society, which is the finest in tlie state, and inc tide- - relics of tlie curly settlement of the colony, of revtimes and the British invaolutionary sion of the city, besides valuable furniture, china. paintings - some of the latter very old and valuable- The society also possesses many of the effect of Benedict Arnold, whose old hne is still standing, among them the curious sign which hung from his drug shot). The new building on- -' tains a large lecture room and is well fitted for the purpose intended. - - SET. who .tail'd that "I uitcli baptism" was good enough for tlie blacks They MO ! ; THE OLIi I.TAITE CIirilfH. 1 a,-.- Sail man f.c; j -" . A I. M. T'V.iT, yonny mji on i ; T' - lf . , rrmiilv uml ll ill t EDMUND YATES. wouhi have come to light, and Kchlie-mann"Ilios" and "Troja would have lieen written otherwise. The evidence in hand proves that Homer was n"t guided by tradition. oHiesand foibles of two genera alone the walls of Ilios were visible tions,has been atMarien-als- o in the poets dav (ninth century B. C.). ba,1 ,nd foundtaking a cure in Macedonian and Homan times. Now can the scene lie realized as it presented itself to the immortal peta imapination. . . The chMioloirical date of the sixth S may a. placed up.rov.t.atcly to ' wh,le lie ?he twelfth R C. Several as the visits from antecedent centuries may be added to good Prof. Hott, conis which first the of city, the age settlers on privy councillor of temporaneous with tin Hanai ami Tepidi and round the tomb theeinpire.lectiirer the I Diversity These form the earli- in of lro'exiluux of I'lauue, ani one on msn tin neoi line of evidence est the most learned laleoiitliie man, relies of Hellespont of European physiraised in the found been have Of whom cians. What A iner'icau who lili iiius, gravel bed of the Hiver''' does not rcmctnl r Prof. fed aimer HottV ; His appearance is delightful: tm l.itwtin in the glacial period histnannir charming; his ..." diagnosis gap of careful two people there is :iu immense and searching. Til's is the list hanot yet uf instructions time which alnuit diet and exercise bridged. which lie gave Edmund Yates: "Eggs you shall eat, hut boiled and soft: nor frieil nor r ast. 1 wish not. I Sutter and cheese and fat. wish not. yes, should 'Walk, you shall a little, young couple get married they but not to fatigue yes. yes: do it with a perfect understanding to not tire himself, which is knock sacrifices can that only hvliftmutual ups, 1 wish noL The capit tl (prin- lie rendered happy. their married l'ir'al at midday, and a canlt This has always struck usasaquMrmeaj ,n nipht Yes VPK yes . protMis-this soumlmg linguistic eccentricity the pro- of the Herman . ,U;.. j , . .ufnl !t .!fksur reminds one P" iL; sacrifice: and if , ? medico so capitally played by Arthur . ; Cecil in a recent comedy, who reeom- another name for wo' mended the patient to "nlast" himself, and to roll his lover- - tiiat ti.ev lo "pelt" himself, to to preach logical lo,reL re- - Pel,r mit should generously refrain fron each KxruNBblr I in penitence. quiring sacrifices ofcoiisi-lewith the I rl ' 1 iiiakes it She hope that poor Mr. onlv idea of marriage - . Misisting finally died a converted man. Janney attractive. To pa ml it alie I'm afraiil not. He was a bigawi.ici single mostly of "sacrifices' to mist and had promised both his wires lu " persons would note- lisve to meet them above. render it repiils' ! 1 - ul-ut- , three or four yards the walls of Troy 's in 1ii i j - ttm rpiliiic i y pper Providence township. eou1 tv. iu th,- Headiny pike, which, prior to the advent, of steam, was one of the busiest ami most fre- liiented hiirbways in the state of The village is nine 'einisylvania. iiiib-from Norristown, the county n.iles from ihila-delpliieat ami twvnv-a- i It I an be I. est readied by tin- pike. on account of Tin Truppe ehiir-he its ipiaint pietures'.u in ss. lias s known i, ne of the ? in Pennsylvania, and lias been t frc.iiviilly visited y tin artist, s i ml historical student, as it found nrt'ers fin ilit ies for study not elsewhere. That tl e jMut has not I lie ol.l sum-nary is shown by the lieautiiul poem, descriptive ofv tiiu church, ineoriuiru'i"! Iy l.onyfel-lovin his "Poems ami l'ldci-s.III im:: i Mi III I Mil 'l'he history of this churdi dates; ur tin next two years Imek to tin t'rst daa of Patriarch! 'Hessian." Muiili ubery's ministrat ions in Penn-- ' the church was a! most to lalior used by detachments ,.f soldiers fur svlvunia. lien he com inein-eserious damage three days after his arrival in Penn-- ' shelter. it iTM. by holdiny uj and wus rei.oviitefi in siivauiu, Nov. service in a liarn. The patr.ar,-l- Mill. !cnlciy was l.ur- preai-lnnI'ontiiiuiny hi his efforts, he collected led from tin- church in !?v and Hen ..ust twenty years toyetlier tin members of tlie faith, Peter M some fifty odd families scattered over later. The services were a wide expanse of i ountry, and oryan- held Apiii .''to Mur ", l'l '. on w liicli He occasion l.'ci .1. W. l:iehiir,ls. a yrand-finallized them into a vonyreyatiim. built this church, and thereby son of Mulilenlu-i-y- . preacheil the tile l.utheran church in Ice sermoii The ancient structure continued in service until s.- i. when the province of Pennsylvania. It was at a vestry ineeliny heltl the present liuri li was built, almost Wednesday, Jan. a, 17i l, that it was adjoininy tin old landmark, and is now not used liy the cumrrcyutiiiij resolved to build a church of stone loiiL' by iti "shoes'' wide, at an cent on sci-iu- l oc like this estimated is si of L..i,u sterliny. Of this year's anniversary, The old Tiappe church stands to sum one-hahad been ulcilyed partly cash, partly materials, while some day almost in the Kami primitive members too poor to yive either of- - Style as when built. It is true that fered their labor. 1reparations were simedccadts ago tlie exterior was thus rovering at once made to prepare building dashed or rough-rust- , materials during the winter: even the the pointed rubble masonry of old. was done to children in some families did their Kortunutely nothing share by splitting and shaving the oak change the outward contour, there is shingles. So earnestly did theseearly- still the arched entrance on the south Herman pioneers labor that the corner- side, tne same old uniipie portal at the lose was laid on Monday, May, J, j west and the octagonal projection on 1 4m im till fur a lint soiiii-thiii- - I 1 HECltST EXCAVATIONS GOPHER went l lie t? i oof of ( the old I'liilil- j f f inys uf San I ran-- '' xy eiseu the tl,cr day to rnaiy the air. liver by a chimney a black eat was watch iny that tin yoiiii- -' man e. uld He ste lint see ped over to satisfy li.s euriiisity ami r eeived a decided slio.-- I" his nerves The yleaminy eves of the eal were umluiut ny fixed on a small I muss close to the chimney. Tlie first ylan.-i- miyi.t be ilceeullve. but tin r eci ill certainly was not- - Till youny m n itiidmibtedly saw a Miake. ll e n'l't.k' was a lar;e brown alld bla, i fellow, with a I ndv about two indies round. It was coiled wi h its ileud rest.liy on its Indy. The two heady eves loosed wicked ami the forbid tneyiie was woikiliy in ami out of itsimni'li w it h yreul rapidity. As tlie yuiiiiy man aproiieiied nearer the i al Mid- i'ii ly lurned to look at him. In tin in taut that the at's eyes were reimj'i'd the Miake to slip (nit of its coil uml yiide around tin cliiiinicv. Hnre out m siylit of the the cat it bey.ia to slip inakinir evilarred isKif ipiite dently for a secluded enrner a few yards away The rut followed slowly, wulehiiiy every luuveiiieut of the At l ti is nint tlieyoiiny uiiiii. recovered ins juesen e of mind, steppiny over, yrulibed tin slimy tinny liy the tail. It was a yoidier snake full v four feet lony, uml prumptly at- leiiipted to coil ulsiut lii anil. AV it li bow ever. the a ipiiek imiveiiieiit. young fellow (lung it in o the air and brought the houd down with a sharp whip k I';1 ainst the risif. After u wrigg le or I ,ui the reptile ceased to , j A 'I ( ( re-c- Tnons" III. US 7m i llriail Miil4lr I y Serin llerrnlljr WilnesM'd In the Streets of St. lands. It a ppears tiiat in koiiic sort of civic deuionstration ill t. I ouis the other well-dresse- yray-col-ore- MOVABLE FIRE. Slranae Inoad ami very fair1 - t ,'! I I ll S.!-,-- or a great number of the i j in eii s subjects. I tlier princes wlii have been men inned are, one m i. uii iiu.mina uf the suns of tin; in .'i lu.vii, crown prim-of nsinu.. iieninark. the youngest brother of the u i tem berg, Prince of queen , Seliaumlmi-y-I.ippeziu Maximilian Duke and ileiurieli yf J lie young Victoria, marry ijmen will, likci,im-cyoung, and in all probability her engagement will be unman, red when she lias completed her sewriti-eiitlyear. - walls of the sixth city have been exposed at live ditl'erent points They measure twenty feetd in breadth and are faced with hard limestone blocks, beanti ally litteij. Where not worn a knife cannot be introduced lie- tween tin interstices of tin uuee- mentcil stones Tin walls are in- dined, tin courses of masonry slopiny inward at riylit unyles with the face to yivi- solidity t the structure. An anyle of a tower to the northeast lias been uncovered to a lieiyht of to thirty feet, while the base has not been reueheC. Corroborative and important e of synchronism with the sixth d city is also furnished by the pottery found in some of the tumuli, notably in the upper strata of wood, ashes anil debris of lianai Tepeb Itornh of the Troj ns-in the of the accompanying illustration is the angle of a Trojan tower: to the left a liomun wall, with builder's lettered slon a i probably a repaired Macedonian building', abuts diagonally on the Trojan structure: to the right a rough Hellenic staircase and wall eaning against the other side of the Trojan tower. Still farther to the right the Trojan wall reappears in siiuHar conjunct on with the Homan. ' n the trench made some years previous to the i oiiiiueneeinent of excavations the lettered wall figured n as discovered and followed. Had the trench been advanced another tl. j bis choice Would be unpopti ar with k Tlie ' , l ute 1 s Trot ' rVI . ik nited ills Milne now- mini ns me national liu - of congress. I redcri.-nriid preaelier. palnot Auyitslus and atatesina n. member of the eonti' neutal coir.' n. twice eleeted speaker of Peniisyiiania also legislature, speaker of l.uuse of representatives in the constitlk.iliril.h i;rnsl. tjon. ani, and scientist, best theoloyiau ; at know ' r h dies in laitany. tin revolution the church ilI1(. :U llUl ,,ollt .,f lhe wa8 for a M trjot arill, Tll, was ii eptcm-ler- , ITT., when n was is,'Ui;e,l by lien. Armstrong am! t.'ie I'eiiiisvlvniria militia, dftv m- moiemeiits in l 1. ester county. Wulili'iiliery reiauiist rated with the sobiiers. but was ejileJ a out-of-do- Her in a ii of tin CAT CHARM! I) BY SNAKE. i pre-sio- director I'urpfi-ld- , - senator, pretty gri. with brivlitex bluen eyes, and a parof eounte ticularly sweet nam e. Mic is fond of all pleasures, ami rides and drives every day. Her nets are numerous -- dogs, horses, l a'.a. uml birds uf all kinds: and she has the faculty of attracting ail animals toiler, ijuei-- Willie miiia celebrated her thirteenth birthday on the list of August, an anniversary that was kept with great over Hie kingdom of II dlainl. Her ma.'e-t- y look- - mueli nider than she really is. and more ike a girl of !) than only The people of Holland are already anxious to know whut young prinee Will h ' chosen for the falure consort of tln-i- r queen, and " it i well known that the ilcmiii emperor is in hon that one of the vuis of Irinee Albrecht of i russiu w ill III but uiiiii r II. c di re. turn of lr. U. 1 is a very iilii-lmiii- a tjui-c-n - i . - m: Muhlriitierg pulr 0 soblier, major ' In eral the eonl.iieutal aimy, iiieiui-euf the supreme cxeeiitiie eoum-iiviceand afterwards president of d lit. neighborhood. He ia a born fighter, and will attack anything whan out of humor. Holt was in the woods, near hia house, the other day, and heard a great eouiiiiol.on ill a pile of dry He iipprnavhcd the spot to inleaves. vestigate. ami f m ml his thrilling 'i'ii inns eat engaged in u buttle to a finish with a small mrtlc. In the lir-- t few rounds bci upper would leap on the bu- k of the t,n tie and claw away at u lively rate, but Ik- soon reali.-rthat this did hi- - opponent no harm and he changed his Indies scrapper however, was not long in discovering tlie place w here the turtle's head always came out. and he sat down to watch that spot. As soon as the turtle peered out to see if his elieiuv was gone Scrapper made a grab for his lit ad, hut missed. This was repealed several times, aud then tin turtle, keeping Ills head safely inside the shell, put out his feet ami started In crawl aw iy. Then Scrapper caught a font of the turtle with Ins teeth and el.iws. when, sure enough, the tight began in earn- - STOKIES OF ANIMALS. uf their i gen-FIC- v, The Wall of tlir wh ' in were ilwimed highest rank in m-- The iiccniupaiiv'.ng portrait of the young queen of the N'etlicr'amls is oat of t tie lust taken of h, r ma'e-tand renr, seats her in the iiatuma! dress ol a part of Holland, wear, ng the curious gold head-dr- witii laee. ss, covi-n-worn by ladies of noble birth. The beaatilul ornaments a"ross the forehead are uf diamonds set in gold. as are also the s it,- oriiameiils. REALITY. lrmisd' ,hw ,,f f'11 1111'TCfMI II V. II move tin i 31 laplHer (I Fear. languages have a literature of terror about But living is far more terrible in reality than dvitig. It is life that foments pride, that inAll fluence vanity, that excites the pa sion. that feeds the appetites, that founds and builds habits that establishes character, and. binding up tbe separate straws of action into one sheaf, hands it to the future, saying: "As ye have sowed, so shall ye reap:'' and again: "As ye reap, so shall ys sow!" |