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Show A. n over. Sight ft'M. a'l U' "'W "US hejven eieicli. liilillilgbt l.v ami l.v h.-Iron I. i's re', ed up Nine .iel..ei'. ten. her.-. I lien cuiue it I a tu it Ill II. to 'll.'ll degive lier still lving I f.mml in - t h u m a. .. i ncr-- s likc ugale u t smimi led ini an. uni" a curmus a ealui sea ,t I. l.i'l' I ei.'l.'l,"!' an I'e n.li..e mliuiiei.ig uihu;i hm.ler, ami with it 1 In lU U i.l. gle I'. .I.' ' ea'I hunter ainl llf'C a1'. lie It "lew : 1: " h". ll.e . Mgl.mg U...I i., i .l, i" I..:was Iiiinglcl who hud Men w n to K g "I I a " ,.f Tin r l.nrses feet o j I ..Iml I Ii o'e. i e ii t.i .il- sprung M their i ,ei' .l.i I rum !,.i .i Ini l''e I . I' of "X b. !i ii.i ,. "..Ii.h'l'lui speelse!.'. t.i t :i full I !. ill1 s!ii'i'in a f.'up .e tee. Is Ip"' Inil when lie I. I,;,,,!, b, I'.nk lest n.er " scnl .luu by wuler l.fe 'lali.oles e.it Hu li :i fi f.'U'umg rusliiiig. llt'r. Inr mi.e- Me SO I'l'een III "Si or sell! ." t !ia a cliiiidhinsl in t he mountains a. Mi::, an ai.ls ill a slag-nan- t i. flen see on nr iiit '"'Water: Water: shouted a dnr.ej pi!. nio1 arul lliev sie.'-a gmi.i ae Mur rfii ii .i r w il h i v in ehiinis. uml m'xt l,,n' j.- el ii for :ng " ai er p r. . a l.s hit'kv M li i t va! N.r ii. M- -u and mu- a mu.! rush. 1'iie foil 'r Tl.c p'.o- tin nan jer tin there men! set s ,m- UlllHUtUil ilij'i f si i Men anil As l.c-- a:e ini'iiei' ni.. ami la tpob's together mingled horses lift-- ii iijorr lo hi t r a mnirlcd hy a the llu- -l. to be iois .jev.iiir a i.'ieai nor. ini! ol m. Iter hors"' rushed intoliruwniui p nifaii the ;ii !i.nnr Uni.. liitffllier. uml iinxxn tliat ii.i.i.it iirili" .1 ir I nil. .ei li rat nt'r tin cros iir .iifM'fiii that rush alter hour an of A i.i i lo'iii a sl.'iguant pool. they are .iiiiiriei w .10 is on thr il til i;;i r.ii to rcf'vof s to a .' Uiel.ll i.'ieatiir.-there Mere olilv eleven Hu1 mi's! fiiri h o ijfi-tin v al ii i ,l'e c.'ii af.'.l is 'I !n..'iv ltalf a oiilv and names, I iJ.irtL to "iir they Wi.l geiierillv HTh' llieap'iv.t, fi ii r aiiiMer The fin treat 'in lit If t net-h may fmu at the - II !Um iiildiling M'ere meal. M bet tier g.Miil or ta., as Well as a!IMIi lull sl'ix horses dozen Hi uric f tnirH.iiir and worry him! a m Mi !'14 I'.aek on the Aim I lit luMr!--l.i.'ail ami bran doiigli, and, as h AN OLD SONG R. uc;. HUGETY NAN. ! r a par, lied grass around us h:h ha U lunu i'l i(ri.!.i if.'1 (i ii' o'i-- au i.ii ti ill uul- reii h. Mr l.l snuicli.iic inn- Ii on IhfUfi four inrwn ai.SwKi r M n.x Mere i. n trait h.w . i Win. ne mii uiMi cli.i. Ia i' w,ji 't paiieui: watfiiV AmI jini f i were A fl'.rrr lilil Hit" Has I tljuu-tiIlie ) Nall. v vk.u of l.uii ole- allot ners tain d.y. rest ii troop Tile I form. fun-Inllll our ton:-tiand vmir leinHr as Has f: A I ilin I he Lit m- ih.Ii it ax - iii sh it lni.ll.e.iiiiiuoii ti'og gels hi' final li.f .ilh-- tfar'li-iv let inn' ot the llo"d which rolled past HIT" f i ' wild A leasts Hnv as thoiu'h 'i HI. fr slia'.e ill III' Hist se.l'oll. I.llt III" Ini ill 'li .' A li us- .- fhieago Times Tie-iu i'." 1. I. i Hliili- Ifcl I eami' .v1" Mej!. lilt lit. I .lilt' l'.iy HI 111' nii. 1, at any inoiii"iit t 11 i u'i. III sc4i-Kil'11 Hi uml.'rllie no 111 for Hie '.in- VI l.i'l An. J thou' Id till lie is liari. we know, to ll their li 11' iV Wi.-u I" Vaukrn I'l lies KveHlIril. ol ll! i ivy .I'Mkil.il f !. r,.,i llif. l.tlir iillii flt ter Millie still a tudm.if, a'ld it 1a!;es If la I lH ill HI U II Hi Hill ll'il 'i And I keep irentie and unrillVed when fault ip i.re'liiiu has practically li"l ii rt r Si'cretarv s.iiii .r and surnc-- I at le.ist Slit Icm. ii it :M...ik " I. i ya "'e l we do. lor h li I with ever;. tn:i-js ton nd th'a t he had no uutlioritv r.f n decided In lias f n Ili'IH III' a inn . ,i lu st.ir Mi im ii t lines sUi'iM-km T!i riglit ii I tl Ill Ill I r r!T II. low Uli t lhoii?h we arc tiViny our very lnst to Udii le i in i !It H.ui pi TIi Mil In i ii In- . 'ailed a four law to effect a tinal settlement of the fil tin hi frog, lit- - is ii we will Kuil nr lur .i lease: vet if we ei i 'i '".I no il Mi Hu '1J.I t hIm! xi i f" li I. rated cum' of the privateer hl'ig eel. wars from ilii- egg in g ft iig fad Mu iii I). up ll ill. Im H.i! I'e Wimlcd liV a (' i!:s-un lii l ii.i 11 iilslis. iif on wliirh William lietieral Armstrong, glii'Vlil. mul does llot lifi'nilif i.et !or Mil III' Ml Ilf riglit, uml will know that it is Milv of "The Senator' is 11. t'raiie s play Util I Hip ..Mull : tiijl riHfliwli. nrifi i.im alioiil t i'il years the w h nis'ie.i lit v f di nes t hat is hard eif ll'.il1- said to I"' folia led. by paying to Sain I lir.-tllsl ikri. In rather linn i licit. T llei.l. the surviving soli of th- I llllf till. i 4114 and jiidnjili! of "iir eharfs. There have lieen many harm ess ' the t'didur Armstrong-- couiai.iiider, lit Win'll ii l!.istirii :iii vviiiiiaii. fn Mmi't worry I lie Mi'U m. s in rear! mistakes iii.ule tliat c nil r. onted uiil.'il h. I ou-- i tiie of inuticr r i..ii i appropriated i' Mi-i Wai w lii'ii li ' a i itt I no iii .lai'p tow loti they Sh.i in ear to I in- miiiiM'iiieiil of u.. tun. ml Among ir N'l. a a reward for tiie 'ci'iier done .1 Jl Hu lii'it-gress . ( litVtsi silH'Ut llif in Mil mil. ii; them nolle told ol aeerl.ii.i clergy-insomelh ni? nice nr:d 1at. serve it i v tiie pr vateer in 'l',,atiiig a llritisli II. III. I Iiin May limn luu ( M'sjl' ( IriiiA A lltTl I') '.I i t II daiulilv and reao Hie re arl tliat a ill. who left a liotiei' in I, s pulpit In in Sepieuilier, s 11. ll .1 Ii.i sijiiuilrun m A imlv Niik ,s il uritcr. I'ai'rn-ioiinil i Tnr Hiiifii n'.ii's i'H ril'.'l' M ho I'Xb lend tic tile anpetiii wir triMi! Hie ll. but m ecu t In PUl buttle The il.Y Armstrong I U i II I Ms'ili.c ,r Ll I n. tail in l.e clergy man f.iirv tune lit iinnic wil.i in. uni. 'in reward of seeino- t'o i'll ill is ilisaje fhuugfd m ilii linn. Ili!. I'.rdi'h tiie uml I sliijn occurred illwli.-r- the ni. a h ;t HI iswililr. l f,l I l.l 'Vi n s il mci-elIllillii il I 111 In til tiling lM'aiiM ihv weie a l'Ll': ,M l.ril m"'le.'ted to lieu, lie e;l ref ii v a Ill.t e pear tinA. ires, hurbiir of l ava!, in siftrr lisw Jinn A.Liin- - ill" ii.i ii K lli'l li t II I'll .ill '11111 Illillii' il li'!V til ini and line ,ie-- d surprise p. iiii.'ii il .iini Ilie engregut ion atielior. was al lying Armstrong the I I'lll( ii amt i. Wei '! I.ll'"ll M ft l.ll'l.'!' Nei do not a l.i.v were aib.inslied t. Iie.ir tnc stranger il fill'll I, il WiilliUll ireud.v K on lepf. iii 1st ': 1st.'., tiie essel was i 11 ia il.ts l iii'U'M JC Hip neit.riili(,r lo i im in and s.i of m i .! up lw iilt in incuts tm'i mill saying: attacked lw her majesty's ship I'lan-li u a ( out tin i .iif "I li:i v ii inn t" ii'iii'i iliuiar me to dine with lioiiNi, (i li,r "A ..ii Mill picas. It Al.ini .1 Hie it smI i i v itt. " I il I in tagrnet. 71 guns; tin-i frigate HiPa, tl ll .. ;il .Ilnl lf y.il :i ii nf the ilri'iii'st .isa fir li nit e os ot t ne pa ' i nl sllioly inc al ill.' arson. ige after I'rviee If-." nii'i aruatioii. I'guiis brig the f " Hit gnus, liiivius m my. an "Verdose of Aunt In i' miiii cii.r s' or , is told of a iirv rfiit. 'Ihtii. jllsl Ie Struct lull '.lid sll. l!" 1.0 !f '.mill men, 'Ilie lirit'sh ii ii il i loll'd t ii r ih'i! frniii tin "hi d's full' milt tlii 'I he lever '.id gen' Ieni in lei voiir I!i:irre h loo Ciller ipi,1, nIic furninlu-tmiiiHlei'. ..I I, " bile tin Ariiisl r, ng lia oii.v 7 guns to Jl ill INI Nlust "line f r llll iri wiek or Mas in. ' iiieil tohe absciii iiiiml u. limb iieUer lillllg I II tjr and l ii' .i n. arc ..li.. ut forty Im-liuurf more of idleness th in a pree ipilHe Ai.'i tlieru was my mi ii itri i n':t n'i nf "hat m' h h walking one day, i'iieoiiiiti'i'r.1 a Mot.' f'liit After a '.wo ilavs' buttle, lleid deW Ilii ' Ill'll 1 rSolif (t) thi ciuii fainil-i.lnil"'. All ip Inn . ill's -- i ui'iisr Im I it lollllg I'ltlv Mhi1 face ae v t t luu I hrow t lie in a id lai-' feated tile three I'.nglisli ships, wliii'h i. tlm "life snore up ll tli "I my He licit is, veil li.iif tin' ii.i-ni- 'i hed lo llilll 'hiking II to b" line of t .i n j i1;i i Miut A It. were part of all I'XiM'iiitioii I'lineen-tratiugmul led uritUii y iiiir.'inlt'i of two Hi nirt'is, eh erfill aiwas tin Ills p.ll'lsiil-'Hers- ' up llriljlell ' ilaughti'l's, Jamaii'a to join Admiral iititi. tiiis uili'luvil liiivinur Itpt'ii a - room will):iv tloweis whose odor is JeMil' 'I fed tli.it I mu 'ii i'ii I'll, fur ii lien w isliing to p in her Miilemi not I.i I oelir.ilie New Hrleans. and r s not too I u as ill ii'Iiii it I ii.'h P.l ' iiiifl rtr i i a t vv hu iiexer er nit them .ii iiri;'M ii' tin li" stc p.'d for .1 ai'd and. imrv. Kidd's stand deta med tlii'in until too t i1 uf a l t m ini'iiilM-riiili of th uril : ry girl. unl I iiiiinic I I mill the slialiillg lier hailil. eill. rel inti com remain in the sick room over flight I :.! 'l! late to In- effect ive ill ligrliting t.eni'rai VXf'iIt'l or.llll.irv i'il iicii ill nf tin ieiuiiliii'l vi'i'satioii After eoiiio.iriug notes AtTaiis si r ill l In.- haiitls of u )ri i Keep our pal icnl ini.' and the hed mi a . ili il lies sinoolll and 100. as Jackson, 'i'n.i lii'lciitioii. il is claimed, 1'iVMtitiit, of Hull ilny. I In itliiiMeil lui'ii'if to about th" weather, hi! had ut lint to v i ioish,i. saved New dr lea us ami lauiisiuiiu t I't'HMirt-r- , lit. i, man amt last an.l m.iM soft forget It ut fur Maul ut it nil v AImivi confess: maii in low tones, xvalU wit from llritisli rompiest Tim pr.i!tat iread, and le ever xxatchfiii against luul ;i tiilent tor kiioM' your face ipiitc we. I, iiiinortaiit. a stivar.i 'Weil. everything rue. In l'lc the iiitcd States tnaile n t Im form tin Imus ;i I have seen uiiiiii!. Ai soon in left idiiiii. 1 In imlisf retion. io inoili- lull I cannot recall ivln-itin A i elaim against I'.irtugal for imh mnity in it let imk4tinr of ur imiiie, mul you heforc." ers tins sort of nursing coiues natur Kuii studying mill 'I Am. i '..lie in allow ing r.r'lisli vessels to tire on fi'iiiii Hint ilny tu tuii I Imve done ally, hut then arc sonic who must he tin, please sir, I'm your new par- itrs is li(i(i on thMVuiil ami fomiii nu American ship in one of its liar-PicMiller llrmnslil leslli. Tiirstluy of each inuiitli. whiu all told, as tlicv err tlirouli htek of that nothing "else. My life narrowed il.iun lormaid!' was the reply. aeharv Tavlor ainl Iresidei t franks" ami kickern" may pivsc-it tu Unit A third slorv. copied from u I.md .n of A trenlle judincnt thut is the iitiic furliier! Miiy a uii e furtin- - ipiestion to tin arbitrat lcir rievaiiffs Thin atToMs a suffiy Kiekroom sulimilti'd You liavu ci'i'lniiily lieen Mui'enful Imsed tiov'n is small victories. ii.id called ui'h toxvali-r!the ther upon periislicul, deeideil in it.'' interrupted lier friend mistake In seliool. tint, as a matter nf valve for tlu iiistilntion. lmt it is out over and oxer uiruin lliai Hfler-i- i tion of landsI N;iMileoii. who lleiil IttCCN .111 r ilmr4 had the 'lilted States, "Tnaf's true, lint it Man nut nerrs-aar- y fact, it ia more likely that the incident tiiir rusty for 'a.k .if fxorfiw. l on i mii as xxe rmlf oxer the plains, To hr a jfooii talker dors not mean in pav day. whon evo rv uifiiHn'r is tliat while I ilnl t lint 1 should ia baaed uimn the lerlilo fancy uf the which the August mhi heal down till died inc an while, ami turned over the The lime. must the tliat all talk you Imve left everything elie mniune. writer, because it ia almost luu g.anl niiiiritl to pava wikly dm of tlirft urt of conversation lies quite an much every breath seemed to burn the iiroseeution of his claim for indemnity to his mui. In ls'. congress approThere ure sometimes things that it i to le true. This atorv ia of tmw Mr. dollars. Hut wnulil 3ou knor what 1 if sc in knowing how to listen and to draw Imps. everybody's duly to know, a I have Wliaekciu, a fiery school master, cum a tliu thirty troopers five were priated tT ', nun fur the benefit of the. nf babble as out adruit lo by Arin-I &s? quesiioui'ijf found to my uorruw. Half at to lose u seliular one day. The el as pirlK rcccivu in return for tin is to their Middles and little Ite't- - ""'tiers, oflieers uml crew uf the tu the tint plait each ha u Urge amt iicessai:tly. There ure some it.ple lashed the Sain and the fair failed to iiudcnitiiiid. Of was parsing a sentence. claimant, strong, present t- -r In Uf t horses dead. than thirty who t.t.k all the time, lmt never sav What Is Hie iiiiw'r:itive of the well furuishcil Iioum1 for her lmrui geography and Mnples I knew little; seven had dropix'd in their tracks I'liesler lleiil, secured counsel fees is worth all tliat after nxi-nsa anything uf history less: of science utid the aria, verb to goV asked Wliaekciu of There are t wo reception since in o'clock und left liehi'id. and his father's share, amounting tu Such ehuractera lire Some of tile claimants library stockcil with goml iHHiks, u absolutely nothing. Anil there they Johnny b'ix.letop Of the seven disiuoiiiiled troupers only alxiut M'I.ikhi. for tin supposition largely music riHiin. lliree large 'tilling ru.iius, were, all represenli'd before me, lint know." don't eoluuin. The others did uot appear ainl Mr. lleid :uii-- ' with were two the mid Is' can talked tliat lu dentil, niie it kitchen, fi hi r hath rttoiuK. uml ten their meaning wua u sealed limik. tended tliat Hie sp;, non set aside as tin'.'' shouted Wh'iekem. as sorry as we ure to say so tin fact had lingered along until left far There Is nothing in the world that their shale should lie given him. Thank you, sir." replied Johnny, hcilriHiuiN. Tiierc ia a large Juun.lry reiiiuiiis man No or fur water for ure nf tliat 1 admire more than a generally henutiful pict- and he was two streets olT before the in the tiUM'iiient, The club rinpluvs a and we were pushing hours, on brook like thirty that the order, 1'uxjUml tlm lluctnr going eta.k fur ST u week, anil two huiiseThe teacher could catch hie breath ure or a flue piece of statuary. all end host river. There was a A tierce liattle was in progress, and inai.lx for !." a week each. At t'm forever, and driving their listeners scltish for in the l.xiks aud uetioiis Art building wua full of hotli, lut A I'lurkg l.llUa rann.r'l Buy. I nioti from my ignorunce nf the subject table are served the best of rnast.x, mad M'ith their incessant cackle that of everyspirit regiment was ordered to man. W lien the lust horse a lad, the juclest steaks and chops Jimnna Itnlvin, n j charge upon some earthworks, the iiicunx nothing. behind treated, morn than half their excel- drpx'd down every man hurried on iii.lil an such of US hverv knows U waa was Mattoned a battery, As lence was lost There ia mythology, living in Western Canada, leading choicest fruits and puddings and would he ...Id he asked to ''Inch, "ar M c f'r o is aee vidnal rahv I when plain gvn. a The for instance; do uot know min thing a Imrae to put into r was given the soldiers rushed .e cakes, and the lightest biscuits hayra'ia li a cheer ahuul It, und nearly every pielure or the animal hreume uuiiuiiingeabie, steward does the marketing anil . a umi fixture and would lx- a real good stoixl f'uunon were in his stirriijis to look ahead. forward wit up if of some soul her existence at I'riod 1 his down ami broke leg very important personage. statue told some myth, liut did not knocked him You could read his thoughts in his hixiiiiing muskets rattling, shot and dd was slie slie not heen had tliat t know tlm atory. Hue day, in luy out- in two places between the hip and The iiiciii tiers must tie unmarried, or Iixiks. If lie discovered signs hull howling uml screeching, yet the br.glil. T-- i live up to tiiis reputation crafty the knee. The accident liaupened nut else widows without Minill children spoken way, I said so. lie was going to put spurs to voices of Hu men ilrowned till else, or nf water to slie tliinks gabit 4.1 liuiua. gabble, necessary The age limit is from Tin'll,' said some one to me, mi the prairie, many miles (rum lo years. all the con- -' lie tin- - lirst to rather were heard ulmi-the ng.my iiu must There is one person living in the club ble, gulib.e. tel iug you always in lief his jaded horse and these exhibits are line the waters of fusion. Kvcry man as lie runyelicil and .Notwithstanding tl aid. Nome looked taste I lo ike tin' t. , euv precious her for liusl.an iat a wit iir.-.llii.l M tliu buy eia a imve ini is inuru Ilian I.i. This is Tantalus to voiir lips.' in. use with each trail to sec if lln'dis-lii"iinti- l fairly 1 did dislaliei. tu m here he hoped the easy car-olnot know wimt the waters iindticr .f one nf the brains, int tieainy, vv lien lies chose her. buck over our ut Hie too of his lungs. Tlicv gained i heno! im. v.c'v coining c f it r man l'uor .lint I of th" haymaker, hut girls. n slie is eli.i ner. hi ami emlil.cr of Tantalus were, although the word t.i llml Mime aopcararn'i-tiie lireast works, earrieil them still anxio'is for tlu-itantalized liiislied instantly upon me, they luul guile further away. for tin' entire li'iiisi'li ild. Tins is not aii.vtiiiug lie eriile'it ly wishes that lie rn iiu' they and hrlpi-to gain the day, yelling, we lmt in iliimb a might liad more 1 married safety, timluiily "Oman He lav down exhausted. Imping fur a club of old m ii. Is. sour or otherwise. was taut ilied. Si, unulid knew a brave man fell. i .v .mill nave to lie although many r. a little inMat. ami woiilit semes one tliaii I tlioiiga friend, have eniiie back, determin'd, sume ulie tu euiiie llu'v iiuiiiy Ilmira Tile present me'iiln-i'- are all under"' Wlieu tin buttle mis over one of the never liav Hi" e nirage to .iir any con- doled out even lit luy ngc, lo trv lo right the lie lav there isiiot know u. Night waa years of age ami :lre u 'i.en wlio was unhurt in tin charge Tiie on hud i'. Unit ght of victions I have so biiinllv done si'igeanl Im sort, lu mid jollv complin v. Tlier an sten(eared myself, at leuglii euiiiiiig on. and wrong a I'uilid Iron, its hell ami w as foil ud himself unable to utter a sound, There is no eiinvoi's itiiiii where such sliuiild 'lie if left much lunger without ographers, typ.-- rilcrs, mi I. ners, and appeal lo you for ii "isbim-c- . it in Ids nu i it 'i am: in ii in i ii r lie had tuTly howled Ills voice away I r .Ul hoid.iig nres lo ereat ui'iuinl. liegmning "la't me iH'gm with mythology, for help. dressmakers. leiiiakers, arid liiiiig tiie tight, and ilavs passed and rivers and sprinp. alnnit lakes of it no end wax isa in that a n in.nl Intel oiled just li '. moindogiii. The burse meanwhile possible Tiie feeding so on without his being able to speak. Then v r ght was sucking on in toun-.oiimail Hie owner of interest olT. lmt Jimmie's Tell inn Milne hr. ef, iiilen'sling work ilnl fur untasteii Tiie rluh iiii'iiilcix eniertiiin as it In"assent North to a hospital, and. liie.'ei's am! We at Ii s dry and on iiivlliology fi'iiiii uimli I e.iu get lunelienn was siill in hia pocket li lliev Men' ut holin' which, in reality, ilie voiei. that goes on forever sound in every other wav lie himself although Ii" liei'iuise not did cursing iul confess scltish ami are h lion rapidly. frankly haven't time ml. ed ilie liursr. gave him the biscuit tlicv are. 'mail dances, informal was as dumb as the proverbial oyster. !, ft the fort, we more drink h.:iirc tut it do all to the a isn't fun of tliat to go deeply into all these tilings, or and so caught him. The lilt ie sufferer liiiiiie. lies and oeeasiniiii I receptions do Tin iloet ms puzzled over him fur in tliat il'taelimelil to make up all I have lost, bul I a m then iwd Hie annual tu a rock a llot disturb bill enliven the even tcinf listening vviii'ii vve are just living to llad one man iiiiiiiHis. and tinaily gave up hojie. a a euiiie in barrel lit iiH)ii our a do tie oar flowing ami i spring resolved to Inform mvsolf to the dnt yards distant, dragging himself slowly of Ilie Jam club's wav. Naturally get showing As eieet ion tune drew near tiie solto nf for water waste second bef-nof off ia ourselves. every lie enough. Ilie next thing tu record is tliat necessary to imderst.iihl hat and pniufii.ly along, a diers that were uhle were allowed to I it he woidil have time defcnilc I v wen and to 1 have u I with ru.-an.l from there that other ('liieugo young women, rein For a I'reiiy Illume Itoonn enjoy what ere T up ni Ilie go liome to vote, this voiceless mail tin- thirst .f hisriun-riiilethe future muy hold for me Is'lore wln.se nmoiix eyes the Jane If the dining room ix small aud dark his lift? against managed tu iiuuiiit the Imrse. He alighted at a little As tin column toiled along, uiiioug others. Once on Hie harw'i baidt he rex le two club has sprung up ami flourished, und has no isunuiiiuiculion witii direct my music.'' New station several mile When the impetuous speech wua miles tu the neureat hnuai- - nr tent, are about to organise more clubs of ! air ami sunlight it will pay the tenant lurching ami stitmliiiiig like an ani-iu- from Knghind his hnine. ami found nu uni h covert in which to die, she wiy advised toget Itulli where he found the haymaker, who t lie Killin' at tern. to inuke the few improvements that men seeking cursed each other without the there. A wagon, however, was going I. Ilill wilhlnd Age uf Fable, or Dw ight's or Keight-ley'- a made him ax coin for table as they avarieioits may capital l.siljr llrslrr slwnliupa. and refused their down the road in the desirixi diree- -' Mythology, and promise of fu- could and then took him home to li( V" the gloomy paper ainl sulrslitute slightest provocation In the experience of l.ady Heater down fur those still more dis- tion. and, not wishing to take a long ture help Wing given she weul on tier parents cream white, iearl. utinosplierie blue, sympathy i Johnson whispered walk, the soldier started ufter the wav rcjoleing. An cffiirl to net the broken limb, Ntanhoie, who flourished during the custard, ur some aueh cheerful aud tressed. After running a distance he An nncxH'cted result followed tliia made by a neighlmr, proved u usurer-fu- l, latter pari of the lust century, aud magnifying tint Wall paper sells as to me that if his horse gave out he wagon. him and drink his found that he wan unable to catch it, umi after nine days nf misery the the early part of this, it wax not cun- - low a five cents a roll, and, although wuuld stav visit the lady thut had lieen ' blood, lmt before had answered a so lie stoixl stuck still. The next uio-- hud long and earnestly sought l'ttl" fellow wua taken to the ho dtal tonmry in those day fur fate to smile the cpiallty limy not lie desirable, it is word lie struck me and She hoarse! v iiient the wagon stopped, and the solto use the information she felt at Winnipeg, where the writer of this upon eceentrie young women in to finest the dark grade preferable dier almost fainted fur jnv. In the sliouted: of sissessing us ail aid to lier ueemint ajar him and licard hia story. began life unilr fairly cliecrfnl a us- - or floor. Don't the tints. carpet heavy "No! No! 1 tell yon no! You shall nut anxiety of the moment he nul uttered income. Nile lacked the exfierienee in lie's a brave little man," said the pices us the daughter' of the carl of Have stained or painted a light have it u single drop! If you try t0 steal a gixxl healthy shout the first sound the brown and teaching that is considered requisite surgeon: lie never complaint, and we stanhope, the granddaughter uf Wilput a rug under the table any. I will he had madu fur nearly- - a year and kill you!'' to obtaining u position in a school ahall give hiui a pretty good leg again, earl of I'liiitliam and the interfere with the to not enough large "The river! The river! liam 1'ilL Hut she tiid not have a cliuirx. 1) l'le time he reached the waiting 1 is Itut now she gathered around her u think." Youth's Companion. to rest the feet riglit suflieient liut uml wp ure saved!" cheerful career not withstanding lie could talk as easily ahead, conveyance elass of ladies who had never had. or on muslin shades white tiie 1tit thin A Hat storm, A than fringe of grass ami hushes anil fluently us Wlieu slie was oiiiv 10 year ulil she hud neglected, opportunities to auyliody. liut the if uml. means the allow, window, lints keep out of doors if they nan. was tiie I lead of her iini'li'x housewhich Kenned dead fur years extenileil ducturx were still ax pn.zled ax ever. themselves witli xpnlar siile the over thinnest tlicm curtains. and mwuv from (nupie. The feet uml hold avid his adopted (laughter. She drape and west across our course and j eels of interest While the reiiiuiior-alio- u the In some of the finest houses for sum- east tviai'iinsln'k Famous ITar Kagla. hurp hooks mi the ends of their was a stutiicsipiclv run laek to the mountains twenty slie receive is enriching ln-- own young windows are mer service the hung iiiiles in the hair woiiin ii. mi. I she was perfi-.'tlThere was the hod of During the latter years of hia life well with hollnnd to away. i'xi'heiHr she, in turn, in the moat wing tangle tliciiikclrea Hie sun. out keep lest river. Men sereami'd out Instead 'id AIk was kept in a fine cage in attractive manner possible, is trying very unpleasantly. I be sure, hut they aware of the fact She m:h wonder- - white linen to teiuner the and nf or venomon. and fill in i clever at white tarletan drapery for light to enrich the eap.ib. lilies of her stu- ure not cheering as tlicv urged their horses the capitol building at Madison, XVia. witty, a pretty toward live on them will not repartee and ipiiek at mimicry. Sha a fire broke the idesseil water vvaieli was In the early part of dents for Weoiiiing entertaining to the insects that This effect cotton summer gnxz.y them fur von. and are perfectly was also co lira genus, keen and proud. to ll i'f their thirst. We looked "tit in that xirtion of the building not husbands, children mid trieuds at leave on ruiieil ou the full, stuff u quite put W hen her uncle hurinlev. t.i the people, un.vway. far from the heroic old bird's cage. down fr nii the bank on the died lie left her home und aliroud. to Uei- -j it from raveling und channel It is also very useful, tlyiug about i l.e' a year, hut Abe wax nearly suffocated with the of yellow dirt so dry winding I) citer did not edge lines iiollliis suggest to "our lxv tin Hie rosettes uf with back tjitt caught huge ut night to capture uml eat u large uiid to lier inmii'iMiis good mid girls" that it is well to reiuemlH-puffs of wind raised Iiu:,. eh, mb, ,,f smoke, hut managed to scream loud same. of insects that do much harui the oiic of tinaiicial ability qualities dirt here and there. N t a She first j,, attract attention. A dozen the information gathered in youth, ipiautity drop of enough WmIiIujc 1'lanuel. or more persons rushed to the rescue hud a salon m l.midou, urnl vvlien she ' water had run down tti.il channel anil nul to let il l erowdeil nut by n to trees and plants. f,,r Flannels should always lu washed weeks. Despair fell Hilbert White say every buy ought vv as sw auipi'd in debt sin- - retired to anil finally succeeded in rqicning the devotion lo some part ietil.tr vocation'. upon the men in a suds prepared for silent, :i3" and allowing the bird to escape. Thus they wii! 1m euatiieil tu enj.iv lo to know win Hilbert White is that Wa.es amt took up the cxi'riisive lux- by themselves ilc.Niairun. its. hopeless t them: on no account to lie rubbed on was curious Nu one cursed or iinit-'vr- .' Hut (Ud Aix Nut finding never recovered from the the full the in.i'iy u'xilunitics for he was miieh ruterta'.iii'il one summer ury of i'h.l.ii'dliroy. The tored. Hu the far hank which would eat this either I'eoii.nuieal iwpie.iMiut. site the hoard, unless very dirty. with a tame poisonous effects of the smoke. H a few pleasure nil. I iiiiproremeiit that limy ' flies out of a kit, t lx warm If should hand. suds pleasantly resolved you on person's rhi'nidi-'.phisat stunted to go abroad, and t.eing M rut tun woods tntg:'.ing :.,r his mti'Ii in ftctuiiincoiiscinus-ties- s come to them. Times. too hot. and no lnt or It'' sin'l furnishing gave it anything to eat it brought it years ..id ie n'l'iil unn'i'eiideil, save the liatnlx. not for bi'veral day, anil finally exI ... . sul'ii'il while the t1miti4lft nll(l ,v it mouth, cover-- i by a rnlil wsitir amt physician. wings around (fiiwr lliiiigs Atiout 'ruxa in the arms of his faithful keeper, followed "n'' pired tilt i.iVecc companion Mn1 wandered aliul until she are ill the tuk I liev ulnuild Is rinsed H(.,.llss .Mll l)1, saddles from Krugs are mainly juic. says St. iug und li'dmg its head in the manner Hillis, on March 2G. ltlSl. At our Hrurire Nieiuuas. If they try to make more of turds of prey when lliev feed. '1 hi rcui'licd Mt l.eli.nion, nu.l first it was proposed to bury him with she in clean water of the same tempera horses n ml turned tiiem lrmsi than a short journey from moist 'li e, wings of ibex it always sheared off pitched her tent permanent .y. She was lure us the washing suds, and as many had meat uml bread but no tires were military honors, hut finally it was in a drought they w iii perish for want with much Hilroitiicks and tiirrw them t.n i'ixt to live luxurious"' at home, water used us may lx necessary li kindled. Wliei, a ninn's throat aeln-dei'iiiuii to hire an expert taxidermiat uf Water, ami turn tucir billies will away. This lul preferred insects, but but there slie had rose giirdms.slablex. take all the soap out. as the flaiiiii'b and throbs and his tonga,, ,;K llls to preserve and stuff the skin. Thil should la When thi blued. meat. will eat raw never hat la would it The ho They was done und Did Abe, natural aa life, servants. Iionor and r'saet. She lies are so uiuntli, and his lips are I:kc paper dry away. frog's in shape before hanging, under soft that he scarcely loaves any skele- was tumbled flat on the floor it would adopted Turkish dress, an.l wore vel- mav still tie seen in the war museum eat. The oflieer issued rixeon its wing with great ease. It low stockings, scarlet troiwr and "hlrta Wing hung from the shouulers. dcr. tlii men had no word furuo ,,r. ton. Wisconsin's capitol Iowa State A frog meets with remarkable won d run, toi). rather fust, but in a two long cloaks one cream eoloreil They should never be hung unt ol other. Kuril one threw himself curb Register, if.,",. hut in ridiculous aud most doors weather, rotes, g maimer. his quickly and (me crimson. Her headgear waa with the feeling that the end liu.i natural life lie freezing pie change during l.rarneil of tlia American. remarkable. It consisted of a coarse, dried before the tire, or, I Viter, over come. There were means ,,f ljeguis us an egg and l.utrlii'x out as u A l.ml Mul lier. Tin; a a revolution introduced a boon the anil ii creaiu-eoloreThat is a ta.lpo'.e or pnlliwog, miles tu the south, hut pressed register, worn Harkir.v shawl, forty inv as a new system of tnelies into European Stranger Whats the matter, at tint ha gills, brcutiiiiig water alone. little dry horse a red enough. man tnir silk turban, could 1 1 l.nnikerehief, travel Niuall man? took Hoy armies. There waa no time to drill In hh eariy days, however, the inilc. ttaunueas n walk and I've lost which tied uiuierher chin, ami a fez. tiie new lerie. and as the advantage tasm lo.isi'x the outside part uf inutnuiu out for She wii more or less uf a power of luilini It wasn't a Take hut half that sieep, dim pint large she 'fraiil can't here. Tiie somehow, and I'ui f skirmish hi gUls und breathes air. so tliat her. lighting in loose order had one Id oi a. a has scnnisness treatand sheiks meal. salt before surrounding leaspoouful just hu has tu ei'iiiu to Hie siirfavu of the find herself any where. Itixi, huo, lim ed lier with deference, proved during the American war lslallah tablcspixitiful (according to taste) o form benumbs Ins senses. We knew been tiiis system waa adopted with signal water every few iiuriut.-- like a porI'usliu was under her infi'jciice, and brown sugar: scald till stiff. W her when one of the dism, muted trix,iM-iM. 'tiler hiuiM'lf in ti camp mul f,. i success. The advantugu of the sya-tepoise. tu gel a fresh gulp of breath. you sorry for the laird Ili'.iiierstun made use . f her in cool, add a spoonful of melted butter against regular truups in broken Muring the first art of hi career little lsiv with In's arm in a sling? the difficult cotuplii'iitiuiis tlien ex- - two egg and half a tea among us with a groan. We but jut think what a tiling in the Kuil Hut her pecuniary spoonful of soda dissolved 111 a cun when the sun went down. Weknew ur woudi'd ground gave tho French he swims by i'ii!!'ng with hi long Hotihy tail. After awhile Ins legs begin to pile of cainly btnl such stuff he must difficulties increased; her compattion cup of bnlteruiilk ur sour milk. Haki the find night wind off the 111111111!;,,,,. reputation for rapidity uf action that had never been known before on (he but if anyoue moved it wa khorier and gel! died, her servants plundered her. She in gem pans half an uiir, grow nut, his toil olliy butlleiii'ld. i ii shorter and when lie is a complete frog In' has no tail ut uli. I. ul swims Win n half rug and half tiv kicking. has a gie.il .leal of t'l IfH'ie t.i.l. h ini in adil.li'iii h.g Iini.i ieo- - iiul mere spr. mt ol foie legs so f i he, A isa wry funnv es.n.i g te. .ov bull-frot.i talio.e at till serins ' . lit I' of neai'.'ii ii. i of curlli. Again. be ta.b "i,:"i pi. oils i a turn lmt even her p"ii'..:. ufid .11 r 111 . I I r I I -- . -- I I if : ''-'.- I 1 ' i 111 I I - I i - it-- . , 1 . s I spe-i-.a- I ir l ix tl-- . I III-- . A- i I - ir Tt i v i 1 1 I i i I I -- I In- i I III-- -- I PR I I I A m i .1 i . . i I v I 11 i ! I V l 1! - p''' . I - W ; i I i - -- I - i I 1 - , j . - I I i i I i pri-iiii- 1 I it- l ! ut. 11 .1 i , : 1 -- , 1 I i . 11 11 M O ' A- j : 1 A t I i.- I I l' Sl"-lll"- i I vl v . -.x w ! ! 1 - x v i : 1 I . 1 1 I 1 1 n- . : iifs-tla- , hr 1 i ' : i . ; : 1 l. lx-u- , 1 1 d i:e-i- 11 w.-r- e r 1 - s "ell-ilrene- : in-.- 1 l'u.k-biuder- s. 1 - inf-min- i 1 . ' f.-- l , - d I t'ui-pora- i e eon-aulti- 'd 1 run-scio- ' j i ; f , 1 1 ' ne-uai- i r i ' i :i is'iivi-"satiiu- 1 1,1 . r I . I : i Ji! i s , . I tl-- tnd-iMi- a well-beate- n f.-- I I |