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Show ItIE WM?K Pretty Tea Gowns G'JARANTLl 0 It is Time Now A GREAT ANNOYANCE. STRANGE COMPANY. PICTURE ON MEMORYS WALL Kidney Disease Showa Many Painful and Unpleasant Symptoms. Georgs S. Crowell, 1101 Broadway, I was troubled Helena, Mont, say a: thinking what yau ara galng ta buy fai Chriatmaa. Writa ua a lina ant gat in lanab T he with with I ha mw thinga in jewelry and silver gaada ahaalntlay guarantaad and price battam. Wa taka ua aaah lattar personally- a disordered condition of the kidneys, some backache and Irregular passages of secretions. At times I was obliged to get up out of bed at night, and the urine was unnatural Taking Cara of Yourself. in appearance. On the There never was a time when peoadvice of a friend I Uncle Well, Tommy, how waa your ple paid as much attention to their procured Doan's Kidney Pills and thla term? report heulth and strength as they do now. began them. This remedy helped Time waa when fine stock and flneo me at using Nephew I call feel it yet, uncle. horses were fed more carefully than and once, strengthened my kldneya corrected the disordered condiThe Dollar Sign. human beings. When it came time for Mrs. Bluffer The result of properly balanced ra- tion. Remember the name Doans. Sold to pack her trunk and tion) has worked wonders with stock depart from the and recent experiments are proving by all dealers. 50 cents a box. resort where she had spent many manthat the same thing is true of Co, Buffalo, N. Y. pleasant days, where she had been kind. the cynosure of all eyes, where she Had a Sure Thing. It has been found that Quaker Oats An individual, well known on the had flirted and gossipped (and been aten often and regularly taking the plat e of heavy, greasy foods will work Derlin Bourse fur hia wit, one morn- gossiped about), she visited the proIn the health and strength of ing wagered that he would ask the prietor. a family. "Ive just received a check for $50 same question of 50 different persons on School children fed frequently from my husband, she told him. You the and same receive answer from Soaker Oats thrive physically and are each. The wit went to first oue and will honor it, wont you?" always capable of the best work at The proprietor bowed and rubbed school. For athletes, laborers, it Is then another, until he had reached the hands. his 50. of of attractive number One food.. the And this is he how tbp best feat-rMy dear Mrs. Bluffdr, he ventured. of Quaker Oats Is the perfect won the bet: lie whispered half auii packed. Besides the regular dibly to each: "I say, have you heard I will not only honor It, but will fall i,y itpackage there is the large size that .Meyer has failed?" size What down and worship it" 10 family package. Meyer?" queried the whole 50, one Good Reason for Marrying. after another, and It was decided that Embarrassing. A young couple developed such inNot only the houses of the Mex- Ihe bet had been fairly won. of temper that six compatibility icans, but whatever you admire is Her 8ad Finish. years after marriage they carried their If you express a sentiment yours. Did you ever know a girl to die for difficulties to the divorce court Their of approbation of anything, the ownlove?" little Cherry was very much concerned er at once says: "Senor, it is yours; "Yea through all the trouble. but he simply Intends something flatDid she just fade away and die beshe Well, said, thoughtfully, tering, and you are therefore not ex- cause some man deserted her? when 1 grow up I should never marry pected to accept anything that is ofNo; she Just took in washing and if It wasn't that I want a father for An amusing story is fered to you. Success Magazine. tuld of. Sir Spencer 8L John, the Eng- worked herself to death because the my children, lish ambassador, which illustrates bow man she loved married her." " After our subtlest analysis of the this national courtesy often provokes Philosophy. we must still say mental embarrassment. Sir Spencer, who is Billy Ma, does It do you any good that our processes and our best a gallant old bachelor, was prom- to highest thoughts me? spank deeds are to us. George all given with some ladies in the enading park, Mother No, my son; it hurts me to Eliot. when he met a nurse girl with a do It bright-eyebaby. The ladies stopped Billy Then dont you think Its to admire the little one, and Sir Spen- rather foolish to be hurting the two cer asked whose child It was. Senor, of us and not benefiting any one? it is your own," replied the nurse, with Honor Where Honor It Due. courtesy. Sir Spencer has never inFirst Golfer Well done, old chap! the full confidence of the quired as to the parentage of pretty That's the longest ball Ive seen you of the World and the Commendation of children since. drive yet! Mind Over Matter. Second Golfer Im afraid the the most eminent physicians it was essenMuch may be done, said the Acute credit's not all mine. A beast of a tial that the component parts of Syrup Observer, "by an authoritative voice. wasp touched me up In the middle of of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be Now, if a man says to a dog: Come my swing. Punch. known to and approved by them; therehere!' with a note of absolute authorThe next time you feel that swallowing fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pubity in his voice, the dog comes Imsensation, the sure sign of sore throat, lishes a full statement with mediately. every package. Hamlins Wizard Oil immediately Yes," said the Traveler, I've no- gargle with three parte water. It will save you The perfect purity and of prouniformity ticed it. And it Is especially marked days and perhaps of weeka misery. which in oriental peoples. Why, when I was duct, they demand in a laxative Probably the reason some girls in Khallsandjharo, I heard a maa say of an ethical character, are assured remedy with that authoritative note in his make such a fuss when a fellow steals tone: Oh, king, live forever, and im- a kiss ia because they are afraid he by the Company's original method of manwon't give it back. ufacture known to the Company only. mediately the king lived forever. How times change,' to be sure. I have never aeen the fox such good friends with a duck before. The ait lass ciih unit JUmu PATENTS & la pctml- - M ikatcb aad dMcriptiaa af year inradiaa. Hany J. Kabiataa, Altarary at Law aad Salicitar at Palaala, 34-- 5 Jedge BaiMiag, Salt Laka City Mora Protection Deaired. minister, frequently railed out of the city, had always arranged for some one to stay with bla wife and little girl during his absence. Recently, however, he was called away so suddeuly that he had no opportunity to provide a guurdlan. The wife was very brave during the early evening, hut arter dark had fallen her courage began to fall. She stayed np with her little girl till ii.mm waa no excuse for staying longer, and then took her upstairs to bed. Now go to sleep, dearie," she said. .Don't be afraid. God will protect you." "Yes, mother," answered the Ilttlo girl, "that'll be all right tonight, but next time lets make better arrangements. Cleveland Press. Foster-Milbur- A Clevelnad How He Knew. ADDITIONAL TRAIN SERVICE. d The gown on the left Is a charming model of white Ninon and a quantity of white lace. The gown Is made up over a clostly fitted slip of pale pink satin. A large rose trims tho bodice at the front, and there are touches of pale rose velvet ribbon here and there. The gown on the right Is a pale green satin, with lace overdress. IN Commencing December 1, the San Pedro, I os Angeles A Salt iAke rail-oa- d company will inaugurate additional train service between Los Angeles and Salt Lake, as follows; No. 3, westbound, leaves Salt Iike 9:00 a. m arriving In Los Angeles next day at about 10.00 a. m. No. 3, eastbound. leaves Los Angeles 2:00 p. m., arriving at Salt Lake about 4:00 p. m. next day, connecting with through trains of the D. A iL O., O. a I and U. P. The equipment will conslse of, temporally. westbound No. 3, Standard sleep from Hutto, Standard aleeper from Salt Lake, tourist aleeper from Kansas City via Union Pacific, Diner, chair ear, coach and baggage ear. Eastbound. No. 4. equipment will consist of Standard sleeper to Ilutte, Mont., via O. S. I Standard sleeps to Denver via D. R. 0., Standard Bleeper to Salt Iiike City, dining car, rhalr ear, coach and baggage car. FASHIONS LATEST WHIM that several killed." I had people will ALL HAVE THREAD OF BLACK Handsome Gown That Would Maka Up Handaomely In a Dove Gray Cashmere. Seasons Materials Marked with Thio Dove gray cashmere would make up charmingly In this style; a panel Is made from shoulders to hem in front, and at the hack it is continued aa far aa the yoke, which la arranged at the top of stdea of skirt; the lower part of skirt la plaited and set to yoke, the plaits being stitched down about aix inches. Russia braid put on In a One touches weave through evolved 8oort, "Come, let ns pot off this afternoon and go to the automblle races. Oh," I don't care for automobile racing. It doesn't make any difference to me which kind of a car Is the fastest. "But that tnnt It. It Is almost a clinch n es In an assault and battery rose tried In a Cleveland court, the prosecuting witness tesfi.lcd at length that the defendant had knocked hl.'ii senseless and had then kicxed him for several minutes. "If this man's attack rendered you unconscious," demanded the magistrate, "how is It that you know he kicked you when you were down?" This qtietlon coined to floor the witness. He was lost. In reflection for some moments; then, brightening, he replied: "I know It, your honor, bncn'inn that's what I would have m-to hn If I'd got him down." Circle Maga-sln- Goose be Ml hat It Waa an awful ease of nightmare Peculiar and Extremely Effective Touch. of the odd and effective of the season materials Is to a heavy thread of black This idea is everything. from homespun, the imported variety that has that flickering black or gray thread playing hide and seek over the surface. The new dull red basket cloth, which Is the color of grapes, and Is to be quite fashionable, has this thread of black looping in and Out of the weave. Smart top coats for autumn wear outside of the city are of white cloth, with a blark thread through it. A suit or coat of this rough cloth with a black thread is naturally trimmed In black. It looks as though we were coming In for a big season of black hats, gowns, wraps and accessories. One hears more of the all black gown In the dressmaking houses than for years past. It Is not now advised for economy's sake, but for fashion. All materials contribute to It It It to be worn for the street, for the house, and quite a good bit for the evening. There Is no hint of color being combined with it. but always a touch of white. Kmart house gowns' of black have yoke and sleeves of white tulle and then touches of facetted Jet The top coat of black in fur moire or cloth is highly fashionable and the epidemic or black hats Is In full sway. Conservative women feel they are getting their feet on Arm ground again when blark and white Is In first style. They hare been pretty much buffeted by sartorial breakers recently and they are quite relieved to be safe again. d last night I dreamed I was being run over by an automobile." "That was not a nightmare. It was a case of wheels in your sleep. Why He Wished to Go. During the recent strike of street In Omaha a railway employees teacher In one of the school-- ! there noticed that a small boy seemed to be very nervous. The Omaha Bee vouches for the statement that the child, after having asked to be excused and on being asked to explain why ha wished to leave school, slid: "I gotta help the kids grraso the tracks. Not until we And out whether Omaha has an attractive baseball team or not shall wo be able to decide as to tne truth or falsity of tho boy's statement. Tht Despised Flannel Skirt. It is actually worn again. It la fitted as carefully aa a prlnceaa avy pattern forma the trimming; the of folded chiffon velvet la Startling Encouragement. "Was Amelia's father encouraging taken under the edges of front panel, for It when you went to ask him for her holes being cut and button-holeto pass through: piece lace forms the hand?" Not very He asked me to put the yoke, which Is outlined by Russia sleeve Is set to a deep cuff. proposal In writing so I couldnt back braid; the Hat straw edged with black of gray out as all the others did. Baltimore waist-ban- d d frock. It is warranted not to bunch." The latest Is a allk akirt lined with flannel. This gives wnrmth. and keeps the flannel from riding up when rubbed against an outer skirt The plain flannel skirt Is often made with a carefully fitted hip yoke. Again It Is completely circular, fitted over the hips and with fulneu around the knees. The most usual finish around the bottom Is scallops, heavily padded and worked In buttonhole stitch, or crocheted lace. and trimmed with wings. The New Hat Pina Materials required: Eight yards The arts and crafts are steadily Encore. cashmere 48 Inches wide, doxen their way Into all channels of making doxen half "So he married in haste. Did he yards braid, 14 buttons, All this work goes espedecoration. yard piece lace. repent at leisure?" cially well with the Byzantine and "No; he repeated In haste, too! Moyen sge, through which we are ' Overeast Together. passing. Their newest contribution Where? When heavy Russian crash, such as to feminine "Hold your tongue and you may la now used for portieres, la too nar- These are aprsrel Is the hat pin. quite popular. They are rasa for a philosopher, says an row In width, don't be dissuaded from made with squares or circles, of a Italian proverb. the use of this beautiful colorless ma- greenish bronxe, derorated with quaint "But where can you point to anyterial. but Juat overcast Its width to- symbols. who rich a got being philosobody gether after the manner of the Bagdad pher? Canadian Work. portiere. You will find no hangings more effective for studio and library Flax cloth is a curious homespun Lifes Many Trials. use than those crash, and made In Canada by thevunmen cf the "I waa sorry to hear of the death the heavy linen overcasting down each country districts. Their city cousins or your aunt. Ah. lire Is full of worseam will render them even more have converted 11 Into attractive ran ries." To do the overcasting use ey pieces for household dern,'lon. "Yes, Indeed. Jmt fancy having tr. he coarsest of carpet thread or a flax It la darned with a fleecy wool hr go to Paris for tho funeral this hot hat Is sold In skelna bedspreads, tablccorers and banging- weether." Bon VIvanL American. lJ soft-tone- d To Enjoy Well-Inform- ed Carolyn Wells, In Success Magazine. FOB COLIM and eoeghi, A Han's I.una Balaam cures when nil other remedies full. Thin old reliable nied Irina hoa been auld fur Father Waa an Invalid. Ml IioUIm. All dealer It had been a hard day In the field, uferdl jraarn. tie, Me, (1. were and father and aon The average man is satisfied with very hungry. The only things eatable on the table his past if it is past finding out were 13 very large apple dumplings. Dr. Pteten'c Pallet., .mall, raar to The father had consumed ten while laka an rnndr. ngnlalo ana Invigorate the boy waa eating one, and then both liver aad buwela. Iiu nut gripe. reached for the one remaining. A little learning makes a bore Son. pleaded the farmer, you doubly tiresome. wouldn't take the last apple dumpling from your poor sick pa, would you?" Success Magazine. DEEP-8EATK- D mwar-onata- When Cold Winds Blow Undoubtedly Not. Capt Jerome, while visiting Col. Higglnson, took s derringer from the table, and asked: "This thing loadBut before the colonel could ed? reply the weapon was discharged, tho bullet tearing away one of the fingers of the visitor. The colonel, who Is widely known on account of his extreme politeness, bowed gracefully, Not now, my dear and rejoined: When cold winds blow, biting frost ts the sic and down the chimney deaden the fires, then the is in (Equipped with Smokeless Device) shows Its sure heating power by steadily supplying just the heat that is needed for comfort. Chloroform Zoo Animals. The practice of cutting the claws of the more ferocious animals of the London soologlcal garden has recently been greatly facilitated by chloroforming the animals. Heretofore It was done by sheer force by a squad of men, the animal being first secured by ropes. The Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected by wesher conditions. It never fails. No smoke no smell just a genial, satisfying heat. The new , t Automatic Smokeless Device CAREFUL DOCTOR Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drugs. preven s the wick being turned too high. Kemoved in an instant. Solid bra font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a for g hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oilglowing indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. considerable courage for a doctor to deliberately prescribe only food for a despairing patient, instead of resorting to the usual list of med- It takes Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Tours. Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (laeorporated) 7T Wear W. L. Douglas comfort- able, easy walking, common tense shoes. A trial will convince any one that W. L. Douglas shoes hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes. They are made upon honor, of the best leathers, by the most skilled workmen. In all the latest fashions, shoes In every style and shape to suit men In all walks of life s Wcllvllle, In pkga. There'a a Reason. Kvvr (hr itun issnin frem lime re precise, trie, Ml (a I ere I. ml back-draugh- PERFECTION Oil .Heater captain. icines. There are some truly scientific physicians among the present generation who recognize and treat conditions aa they are and should be treated regardless of the value to their pockets. Here's in instance: Four years ago I was taken with severs gastritis and nothing would stay on my stomach, so that I was on the verge of starvation. I heard of a doctor who has a summer cottage near me a specialist from N. Y.. and as a Inst hope, sent for him. After he examined me carefully he advised me to try a small quantity of Grape-Nut- s at first, then as my stomto eat more. ach became stror-geI kept at it, and gradually got so J could eat and digest three teaspoonfuls. Then I began to have color in my face, memory becams clear, where before everything seemed a blank. My limbs got stronger and I could walk. So I steadily recovered. I Now, after a year on Grape-Nutweigh 153 lbs. My people were surprised at the way I grew fleshy and strong on this food. Read the little book, The Road to ! ciinmiE3casB& tamped ss bottom, which guarantees fall value aad protect (tie wearer against kijh prices aad inferior iluea. TANK Idler? A m lime. Thrv (all ( hnmaa The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elnrfr oi Senna to promote the pleasant taste, bui the medicinal principles are obtained boa plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buj the genuine manufactured by the Cali forma Fig Syrup Cq. only, and for aak by all leading druggists. ' NO SUBSTITUTE. tt |