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Show THE EEAVER COUNTY NEWS V. L. .... :iKick. Editor MILFORD & IN THE DAY COACH Manager. SLEEPING CARS LONG TOO OWES Weight Makes Them Extravagant and Costly Method of Excessive In Labor's Realm UTAH Thanks are due to Columbus for discovering us. When aeronauts come down to earth they find that the laws have not changed since they soared aloft. Matters of Especial Interest To and cerning Those Who Do the WOMAN ONE Con- Work of the World Thanksgiving Isn't so far ahead but ran smell mince plu and cram berry suuce coming down the pike. 'It's so much more travel In the every-dain y Ch icn go. Rock Island was selected Boston. One of the most important The glaziers in New York hsve or- as the of holding the 1910 con- labor conventions of the year was bold place one Is ganised t. union, ftut that vention of the Illinois Federation of In Boston a short time ago, that of the which will prohabl) be easy to Labor at the meeting In Belleville. eastern association of general chairbreak up. Springfield, III., was chosen for the In- men of the joint boards of arbitration Terrific and fatal s'o.: a on land terstate meeting In 1911, proposed by and adjustment of the conductors and and aea prove that man haa not yet President Wright, at which Indiana, trainmen on the 74 railroad lines and made complete conquest of the force Iowa, Missouri, and other neighboring systems east of the Mississippi river, states will be represented. Edwin R. north of the Chesapeake and Ohio of nature. Wright was president for llnea and Including eastern Canada. With fond prices still soaring, the bis fourth term. He received 180 votes The convention derided that the time bouskopier now has problems to ss egslust 89 for John J. Brittain of was now opportune for a general desolve of Just as great Importance ai Chicago. Prank Rurhanan of Chicago mand for a substantial increase in those statesmen are railed on tc and J. C. Martin of Joliet withdrew wages and equalization of working from the race. James P. Mrossl of hours on all roads. Now some have wrestle with. Springfield was secretary 10, 11 and day schedules. A No hurry about that smoked glass without schedule Is opposition. The other officers straight general Halley's rnruet will not be visible ta chosen are: wanted. The western association sePlrst the naked eye till neat spring. Query Peter Fitzgerald, Alton; second cured such a workday several years Can an eye clothed In sooty glass ha go. The eastern association considJoseph Morton, Chicago; called naked third Dunlel Gorman, ered following that action at Its con1 L . 1 .J1.JI vention last year, but It was passed Peoria. Americans Invented the steamship, contracts Rail Pa. up as the time was not considered the Pittsburg, placed the telegraph, the telephone, the elecone owing to business and traftric light and tha reaper. Then an during September aggregated 700,000 proper fic conditions. month for the tons, heaviest making American spoiled It all by inventing two years. As already noted, the , Washington. Industrial education the phonograph. Pennsylvania railroad has ordered a will be again considered by the A. F. Tha Japanese have added a course little over 200,000 tons for 1910 de- of L. convention at Toronto next if courtship to the curriculum of the livery. Tills Is not tlie largest rail month. The special committee to reIris' schools In Japan. They might rontract ever placed by the Pennsyl- port, and which is now In session here, as well establish an Institution of In- vania ibilroad, as 241,000 tons were lariudea James Duncan of Quincy, first and of the A. F. of L; John struction teaching ducks how to swim. ordered fur 1908 requirement 207,000 tons for 1907, but In 1908, after Golden of Fall River, head of the Tha head of a woman's college In ordering 147,000 tons, a portion of the United Textile Workers union; Massachusetts holds the theory tbut a order waa suspended and ouly 55,000 Charles M. Winslow of Somerville, a woman's beauty should be developed allotted. Subsequently the order wns member of the Massachusetts combefore her bruins. It Is a sensible re- increased, and In 1909 the purchases mission, and Stewart R. Reid of Lynn, version to old principles to begin any were about 135,500 tons. Interest now a national organizer of the Machinists' building by a sound foundation to renters in the New York Central con- union. Prof. James Monaghan of New make the edifice all the stronger at tracts. which will eggregate upward of York, speaking on the subject at the S.'iO.ooo tuna. the top. Boston City club recently, stated that Fall River, Mass. Although the Ark- our present education system seemed American torpedo boats and torpedo-- wright club haa recommended that the to have gone astiay. It would be betboat raa arc showing destroyers cotton goods manufacturers curtail ter to educate tlie masses In vocapacity for speed that la not likely tc heavily, the Pall River manufacturers tional lines. It would be better to be excelled anywhere. The torpedo-boa- t will not sign any binding agreement. the masses educate for their life work, mad-destroyer Flusser recently The agents here say that If other mills than rare for the only 33 an and like knots hour, something should curtail first and show that they classes, who can take care of upper themnow another new craft, the Reid, re really intended to make a determined selves. porta having made 34.548 knots. These i Tort to force the price of cotton Chicago. Denials of an little hornets of the sea" show they down, the mills here might after April kind that (10,000 had been emphatic can fly swiftly as well as sting sharply. 1 shut down for a paid by longer or shorter aw anti-locv This really means nothing ex- certain interest! to have an period. resolution passed by the BelleA recruit In Now York who openly cept that the manufacturers In Pall option ville convention of the Illinois State eursed the army and the American River do not care to come out openly Federation of Labor have been mado Bag and who asserted he had entered and state their feelings, and perhaps by those most directly interested. Sectha United States service merely for be accused of preventing a theoreticald retary Edward N. Nockels of the Chimoney and graft, waa ly wise measure of relief. cago Federation of tabor, who waa a and sent to prison fur several years. Lebanon. Pa. After several member of the. resolutions committee The country has no more use for trai- Idleness, the first of the twin years Bird of the 8tate Federation, said there tors In these days than In tha times Coleman the furnaces, operated by was ijo truth in the report. E. A. of Benedict Arnold, and such an ofLackawanna Iron and Steel Company, fense la severely punished because It at Whitney of Peoria, who represents Cornwall, was relighted by Mrs. the nationour root of at the very strikes Glpps brewery of Peoria, said the WilFreeman, wife of Assemblyman same. al life. liam C. Freeman of Cornwall. The Boston. A. H. Gill and J. N. Clynes, of work at Bird Coleman That Panama earthquake waa only resumption both labor members of the British Is regarded as an Indication of a little one. It caused some apprewho are the fraternal deleparliament, an return of early prosperity, hension, but apparently did no damof the British unions to the A. gates which has been absent at Cornage.. The canal at Panama waa unF. of L. convention at Toronto next Colewall and since Bird the vicinity dertaken In the full knowledge that arrived In Boston on the Cun-ardman plants ceased operations. It is month, Saxonla. tha region la In the earthquake belt, The Boston C. L. U. but also with the conviction that less understood that the other two Idle officials met and greeted them. Mr. will furnaces be relighted shortly. Gill Is the head of the Cotton Spindanger la to be apprehended there Sandusky, O. The cor repair ahops ner's union of Great than would have threatened had the Britain and he United States adhered to the Nicar- of the take Shore Electric In Fremont will make a tour of the New England hava been abandoned and the ahopa agua route, for the Nicaragua route are now located In after the convention. Mr. this city. A por- textile cllies la much longer, and the longer the Is the head of the Gasworkere Clynes fittouts the greater the liability to in- tion of the big car harna haa been ted out and the machinery moved and General Laborers' union of Great jury of the canal by earthquakes. , here. The change will necessitate the Britain! Boston. Boston Bricklayers union Tbs national game of baseball la removal of many families to Sandusky, No. 3 has sent notification to each of constantly achieving new triumphs. A and will give employment to many the 56 brlcklaysrs' and stone masons' match waa played in Berlin recently men already here. The railroad comunions of the state that Gov. Draper for the benefit of the American wo- pany expect eventually to manufacture instead care here of having lias given the contract for rebuilding man's clift. and waa dignified by aome their own his Boston residence, recently damnines were them built by car companies. unusual features. Tb aged by fire, to a nonunion firm which t C. N. of Several the Raleigh, headed respectively by Count von textile mills In North Carolina has been especially antagonistic to the Bernstorff, the German ambassador to tha United States, and Capt. lleath closed In ohedienre to the general cur- Bricklayers' union. The letter calls of the British embassy, while the re- tailment plnn adopted receutly at the upon every member to work and rote Gov. Draper and to get every maining players were choaen from the meeting of the board of governors of against friend to do likewise. United States embassy and from the the American Cotton Manufacturers' Urorkton, Mass. The difficulty American colony In the German cap-Ita- association. Thousands of operatives een the Douglas company and the are thrown out of work, but the managers of the mills in order to hold boot and shoe workers' union has been An expert in the difficult art of ex- their help have made provision for partially adjusted and the Indications terminating mosquitoes claims at last them, some of them being placed on arc that complete pleasant relations to bars found an easy way. As their half pay during the period of sqspen-alon- . will again exist The firm has already given notice of the close of Its breeding places are In swampy lands or In stagnant water and the season Boston. "I believe every man work- new factories in several other places for' their breeding Is In April ami ing at a trade should belong to the and the bringing of the work done at May, permanganate of potash scat- labor organization of his craft, is the (hem back to Brockton. tered over these places will be an ef- expression made by Eugene N. FUs to Martin H. (Skinny") Chicago: fective destroyer. He claims that Thomas L. Wilson, International Madden, convicted of graft In connectwo applications will do the work. It of the Machinists' union and tion with the calling and settling of Is a little late for the present sea agent Frank Jennings of the Huston strikes, resigned from the position as son, but there ought to be a deinund Machinists' lodge. The machinists are president of hla rapidly dissolving Asfor the mosquito exterminator In New conducting a campaign to absolutely sociated Building Trades as the reJersey next spring. sult of a strike called on a new buildunionize Mr. Foss' employes. New York. It la understood that ing of the Cosmopolitan Electric comThere Is an Impression among many four street and the cargoes, or shout 20,000 tons, of pany at Twenty-secon- d people that Americans are not a law iron for domestic pipe works river. English abiding nation. Rut we obsnrve thsil have been scoured by Atlantic const nttsburg. Pa. The Norfolk ft whenever the 16th of Septembo' The manufacturers. Importation of Western has ordered 32.0(H) tons of comes along straw hats are reinovet Iron Is due to the fact that steel rails for delivery next year. from the urban population as if b? English iron pipe makers have not About 12.000 tons will be rolled by cast the makes little difference It magic. furthe Maryland Steel Company, Baltiwhether the weather la hot or not been able (o obtain from domestic naces an ample supply of forage and more. The company la now running Y'ork Post. the New The ot 15th ays low grade foundry Iren. about 90 per rent, of Its capacity. September may be hotter than tin Elec-trlcFnem, Mass Beverly-SaleBuffalo, N. Y. A strike of grain 15th of August, but public opinion No. 259 has elevator men is imminent at Buffalo. union Workers' Is basis of the which morality and oi made full pcaee with the A. F. of L. The men gave the elevator owners law, ordains that on this particular and haa rejoined tha two days to meet their demands for a brotherhood, straw hat must the go. day Salem and Beverly Central bodies. 20 per cent. Increase In wages. Elslcben, Germany. A strike haa The arrest and fining of a Chicago Pittsburg, Ta. The Iron Trade Rechauffeur for letting the engine of his been declared here by 10.0U0 copper view reports as the leading transac0 car run for an hour while he waited and lignite miners because the mine tion of the week the purchase of tons of Bessemer pig Iron by tha for a patron calls attention to a noise owners dismissed 45 men who had It Is Cambria Steel Company from Internuisance with which the authorities Joined the socialist organization. likely that 20,000 miners will be In- ests In the central west for delivery bav been alow to deal. volved. Troors have been guarding during the first half of the year, the Of the imported bathtuba of ChIV (he mines for several days. price being 818.50 at the furnaces. New Haven, Mass. J. Wall of this Boston. The new Boston Furniture during 1908 Germany supplied 45 per cent., England 38 per rent, and tha .'ll y was elected the new president of Trades' council will sre'i better eondl-1,0n- s for the members of the UpholUnited States only 15 per cent. It llie pastern association, succeeding W. would teem that by a little trade dili- T. Browne of Terre Haute, Ind. J. L. sterers, Cabinetinukers and Mill Men, gence the cleanliness of our South Itowe of Bridgeport was the only oth-j- r Hardwood Finishers and Wood CarvNew England man elected to the ers unions, which comprUu it. The deAmerican brethren might bs brought nearer to our own prosper' general board of officers. He Is a mem- mand Is expected about the middle ot ber of tbs executive committee. next month. ' TO d mss court-martiale- er - big-gen- - be-bet- w vice-preside- 50,-00- the drawing- creature comfort of the latter way, 1 would vastly rather go just plain ordinary. The two fellow-travele- rs were on the Bar Harbor express, which was pulling out from the Portland (Me.) station. You feel, possibly, what Dickens used to feel, tbe absorbing Interest t, t, diverting to coach than room car that, except for the t, l. IT of the crowd," commented the leas woman of the two. For Instance, tbe other day," continued the first speaker. Ignoring the l suggestion, I was starting from Boston for New Hampshire. I hadn't secured a chair. seat In advance, and. It being a week-end- , couldn't get one at tbe North station. So into the regular coach I went, somewhat unreslgnedly. But there proved to be plenty of room; In fact, I had a vhole seat to myself moat of he way. There were all aorta and conditions of people In the car, though it seemed as If tired mothers with groups of children and with cats In baskets, predominated; lucky for the cats that they haven't come under tbe ban which restricts drgs to the baggage car. It was such a comfort to think that those cats weren't wandering around desolate back alleys for two or three long weeks. Tired mothers and children and cats don't sound so wildly diverting," observed the other, languidly. "Oh, but there was a comfortable quota of Immaculately gowned, veiled and women like ourselves Just the ordinary modern type. And there were confidential elderly ladles, who fell Into conversation with s their and were the chummiest of acquaintances by the journey's end. I liked the naturalness of It all. Of course, I devoutly hoped that the big man In shirtsleeves and with a handkerchief tucked under his chin would pass by my seat and be did." Naturally enough, tbe crowd In the drawing-roocar Is very much alike aleek, stout and conventional but as a rule It's not an obtrusive crowd. They let one another alone. It la tha promlacuouanesa of tbe ordinary coach that I mind most. You may take the observation car; I like the every-daperquisites of the parlor car those close wire screens at tbe windows, the footstools, even those grotesque white paper bags that the porter baa to sell for bat protectors. After all, the point I am making la that if It falls to your lot to travel by the every-daobservation car, as you call It, you can make It diverting enough to compensate for these creature comforts, welcome as they are on a warm day," said the first speaker, luxuriously abandoning herself to the One of the depths of her chair. sights that went most to my heart," was that of she added, trhoughtfully, a father who waa seeing his family off at the North station. He ought to have been going, too; be looked so and overworked, but he to the mother and tbe bade good-bthree children and the cat! cheerfully, saying over and over again: 'Now, have a good rest.' " You know, Mrs. B. maintains that a large percentage of the divorces In this country grows out of the custom of the wife and children going away upon a vacation, while the father ataya behind to work and amuse himself as beat he may, remarked the other; "but 1 believe that it Is the vacation separation oftentimes which makes It possible for people to keep np living together in general. Now, being comfortable, I'm going to sleep the rest of the way," she ended. I know the scenery; there's nothing diverting In this car, so 1 may as well read." responded her companion, resignedly. alert-lookin- shlrt-walste- g d seat-mate- y y hard-worke- Transportation. HER CAR. Passengers by tha More Common Vehicle Are Disposed to Bs More Chummy and Not 80 Altogether Aloof. you r PREFERS DRAWING-ROO- d y The most extravagant and costly method of transportation In the world is the sleeping car train, which carries two tons of dead weight for every pasenger moved. The great weight of passenger cars is due lu no small measure to the great length to which these cars have grown in recent years. The body of a modern sleeper," over seventy feet In length, supported on a truck at each end, may I feel that I owe Vienna, W. Va. be regarded structurally as a bridge ten years of my life to Lydia carried on two end piers. And In tbe the last E. rfnkhams Vegecase of the car, as of tbe bridge, tbe table Compound. bending stresses tend to break it In Eleven years ago I was a walking two, and therefore the weight of mashadow. I had been terial necessary to resist those stresses undr the doctors Increases In a much more rapid ratio carcbutgotnorelicf. than the length. Moreover, the conMy husband percentration of weight on the two trucks suaded me to try In the calls for heavy construction Lvdia E. 1 iuklmma trucks themselves. Com- Vegetable It has been proposed that a great Eouiid and it worked charm. It resaving In weight would be effected by lieved all my pains cars the of and the reducing length advise all Buffering and misery. I substituting lighter women to take Lydia E. Finkhams trucks for the ponderous trucks now In use. The root construc- Vegetable Compound.W- - Va.Mus. Luma. Vienna, tion could be considerably lightened Wheatov, Lydia E. Plnkliama Vegetable Comby abolishing tbe end platform and pound, made from nhive roots and substituting entrances at the center of herbs, contains no narcotics or harmholds the record, the cars and vestibullng the car bodies ful drugs, and v for theTargest number of actual cures directly against one another. an v similar mediBut the greatest In of female diseases of ana reduction thousands of cine in the country, weight, it Is thought, would come from testimonials are on file in voluntary the substitution of steel for wood and the Finkham laboratory at Lynn, the application to the design of the Mass., from women who have been cars of those principles of steel con- cured from almost every form of struction which have rendered the female complaints, inflammation, ulmodern steel bridge such a marvel of ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, periodic pains, backache,, llgthtness In proportion to Its strength irregularities,and nervous prostration.. and the load It can carry. Tbe weight indigestion such suffering woman owes it to of the present railroad cars is the re- Every herself to give Lydia E. Finkhama sult of too much coach builder's art Vegetable Compound a trial and too little of the bridge engineer's. If you would like special advice LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound four-wheele- d to-da- about your case write a confidential letter to Mrs. Pinklinm, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice la free, and always helpfuL Getting at the Date. The Erie Railroad Company haa been collecting data covering tbe years of servlAs of all the older employes. Sam Marquis has been conductor on the Erie, running between Niles and Lisbon, almost since there has been a railroad down that way. An official of the Erie went to him and asked when he first went to work for the company. Oh, he said, he couldn't remember. It was a long lime ago, and tl'.at was as definitely as he could say. But you must be able to tell apinsisted the official. proximately," Isnt there some other date that you can associate It with? Sam still shook his head. No use trying to remember," he said. But the official was persistent. There must have been some Important event that happened about that Wasn't it the time," he suggested. same year of the big wind or the close of the war or Grant's election or something?" Sam thought a minute. "Oh! be I'll tell you said, brightening up. when It was. I went to work the day after BUI Larkin was married. I dont know how long ago It was, but that was when. Bill proved to be an engineer on the road, and his marriage record was duly looked up. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Suspicious. The father of Judge W. II. Wadbams and a dog and a. had a chicken-coo- p stable hand. It began to look to Mr. Wadhama as though some one had disSo he kept covered the combination. the coop and the stable hand, but he got a new dog. Next day the bent old negro who groomed the Wad-hahorses came to him. You los you affection foh me, boss? he asked. I No, Scipio," said Mr. Wadhams. like you as well as ever. "Then,' said Scipio, peevishly, wyn't you atld. tie Old Rover In de chicken-coop- , of dat new dorg?" Beautiful Structures Dreams Realized-Eve- ry beautiful structure la of the architect. St. Paul's a dream of Christopher Wren. Without the dreamers the world would he a dull place. Dreamers lifted It. out of tbe darkness of barbarism and Ignorance and placed It In the white-ligh- t of civilisation and knowledge. the-drea- Is-bu- t Ihmalena. AlaUdrugitain:Se,lcaiulfi' Occasionally a schoolgirl Is so romantic that she imagines all poetry should be printed In Italics. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syren. Remarkable Indian Bridge. For children -- teething, aoftena tha sums, tedaeee -f An Interesting bridge, said to bave isaauottle.. j.p ! been built by Indiana, la situated Lots of garrulous people make a. about 200 miles east of Prince Rupert, of saying nothing. B. C.. near the proposed line of the specialty Grand Trunk railway. It la built of round poles, fastened together with telegraph wire and wooden pins, tbe floor being the only part where nails are used to any extent, and no two joints are made alike, bi(J it aeems to do the work required of It, that is, as a means for pack trains to cross Bulkley river.' Looking at It from a distance. It seems to be nothing but a collection of poles and wire stuck together any way, with no particular reason for Its not falling; the floor is very uneven, and the joints of the different members are made by lapping nnd binding them with wire. But by looking at It closely a person can see that the party who built it had a pretty good idea of engineering, for the bridge la an iugenlons combination of cantilever and suspension construction. Engineering News. l- 11 , SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. New Motor Locomotive Tried. A motor car operated by gasoline and designed to supplant the new elec- a complete success, and it la possible that this railroad, which has been planning the Installation of electric service, will adopt the newer gasoline motor method. The gasoline system consists of a gas engine with a direct connected generator, electric transmission and, control, direct electrical connection between the generator and truck motors and a storage battery. The car carries sufficient gasoline to take It 200 miles and consumes about of a gallon a mile. aix-tent- Copies of the Bible on Trains. The Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy has plated curies of the Bible In the libraries of its best trains. In this They also relieve from Dy apepaln. nnd Too Hearty Satiny. A perfect remedy fur Dluineas, Knit-oe- n, Drowainene,. Bad Taate In the Month, Cues-e- d Tongue, Pain In tbo Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Dla-tre- aa tric railroad motors bas been given a trial by the Central railroad of New Jersey and is reported to be a success. A test run with the motor hauling a heavy train between Jersey City and Lakewood has been d Gophers Dig Under Railroad Tracks. Little gophers and moles are the cause of endless trouble for the Southern Pacific Comrany, and continual xpen8e, especially In tbe Willamette valley, where the land is rich and the gophers and moles like to live and dig. Foreman Strawn la raising portious of the track near Eugene an Inch to two Inches and other section foremen have to do the same in other sections. The gophers burrow holes under the track, carrying tha earth out to the right of way nnd neighboring property. Thus undermined, the track gradually sinks. Not only will the track in places have to be raised this summer, but next fall, when the rains come, the holes wi'l fill with water and cave in. During January and February section crews continually work on the muhy spots in the track caused by the little underground animals. Eugene Guards. PAIRKILT.FR FFRRY Amid be Ukra without delay when aum rlieat and' Urklln thniat warn yon that an annoying mill ' Genuine Must Bear Facsimile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. IfillAntl ITY unrBFiioT.n arFriALTiFft n MHU I I whKi INiiailm Iih'Idiiidv i'litli'rjr.. lor welry. Watches ami SiWenmm.-WritVUltwL IfiffN A DrylaPt RMmN,(iL For Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat Troubles Take re- spect, according to officials of the Chicago Bible society, the American roads have followed the initiative taken by the Scotch railway companies. Hacking them up Is the Gid eon society, an organization of commercial travelers, w hich has promoted Ties Uss Up Oil. Each railroad tie treated by the oil the general and free circulation o process takes up about three gallons Hibles in hotels throughout the Uaitei mates. of oil. CURE tit ihi mvau in The relid is as quick ai it is certain. Pleasant to take and guaranteed absolutely free from opiates. g AU Drngcfati, 29 uah. |