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Show r Thanksgiving is close to hand, it That is time to prepare for your big supply you with the finest turkeys. now. what you deal with us. yu get when enable to furnish 36ccf, lPorh, We can Place your orders is us and cooling refrigerators with the best of everything in the line of Turkey dinner. GROCERIES The Best of Everything in i .. Mutton, Deni, am Our ice plant You will need a few trimmings for our customers your big Jfisfo Turkey Dinner ant Game We are now better prepafUhan ever, before to serve you. We make prompt deliveneOand give' you courteous treat- on Thanksgiving. ment. h partment can everything you need. Our grocery Come to us. when you want the BES T. fur-nis- Jeffersons Grocery and Market S piide in every virtue, or semblance of vfrUie, thrift and enterprise ho oan discover among hi neighbor, and Fat Fcodi and Their Uses. p,.HKe PHONE 20 r.l a M M M M S f 'V is InipoKnible It. de- in Kay what way of fat fond. v The'jTy the wav lie dwells upon the pleasant only way is to xpeilu.nt, feeling s lhat the rl.:hi tiling will eventually ap. side of things, and IgnoreH Hiiplrassiit When commonplace far ' features, HiMtn makes him the most sonielhiiiK new mid Mniiige will often confirmed optimist in toil enmities. Inspire respect and he received with deliKln. Children who hcoiii fal in the Ife an optimist and see only the pleas- j BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at j Milford, Heaver ('ninny, Utah. ant. side of tilings concerning Milford, I class matter June 1, 11MW. at the sl Tlila paper was ciiteml as lnrtniMllh of Southern Hah, the olliee at Milford, Heaver Coiiulj, (f lull, iiir'cr the Act f March :t, 1879. 'and of auiisliine and flowers, l)U where it sometimes snows. Milford is situated in the richest imiiiii district in the great ('omnimi I is Site surrounded is wealth of I'tah and the metropolis of Southern tali. j lei valuable farm luinls and is adapted to stock raising, fruit growing, etc. STAND BT YOUR We owe it to the Milford is Ihc gateway to the great Dixie fruit district ami the famous munity in which we Virgin oil fields. live to do everything we oan in every way possible that will be to its adSUBSCRIPTION RATES: vantage. Our neighbors prosperity I 2. 00 Three Months Me means a great deal more to us than One Year 1.00 Sample Copies sent free on request. someones who lives Six Months elsewhere. We Advertising rates made known on applicath n. should hear this in mind in bin ing our good. We can afford In pay oi.r W. L. KESWICK, Editor and Manager home man a Arm price for his wan s j abstraol seldom refuse a li.dit, well- made suet imildlng. Toast and dripping l a combination that has been known to eliurin when lea humble fain is lie-elll'Pil. Toffee, which Is a eomliiiiiitlon of equal pans of rugiir mu melted but-- j ler, Is a highly iiutriliotis sulisiiinee Hi. I is a general favuiiu- - anion;; ebil- dren. Given at the end nr n meal it can seldom do harm. Kqud pan of chopped Tat meal, lean meal ami bread C.inibs, Inc whole lightly seasoned with pepper ami salt and a dash of powdered sugar, make an agreeable tilling for sandwiches that am often acceptable to those who Insist that they do not like fat. Dr. U K. Ihyson In Harper's Itazar. fVs a necessity in every home in Beaver This is a broad assertion but county. is s nevertheless it is true. none who read papers or books; the race would soon become like the poor, black, Jf l naked savage of Africa, with no recollection of the past, no interest in the present, . "' and no hope for the future. Those who do not read must get their inspiration and uplift from those who do. This taper , First American Paper Making. rather than send our money away, The first attempt to manufacture 5&J Our tow'n hoard and enmity comHooat for a greater Milford. In the United States was made paper as we do dollar that every missioner should not lose sight of the knowing In 6t0 by William Klttcuhiinae and! 5,(2 our own citizen makes will help in William Hradford, who established a'jf -Pretty chilly weather for this land fact that Milford needs her propor- TAND 1 t lihse bri bed Ordinances became effeelive on the don't "holler if yen get hurt by them. "1 1 It h, so The citizens shi uld not forget to lake care of their hydrants these cold uighta, or they may flml them frozen up some morning. 'J he biggest trust on earth is the sustaining our schools, churches and paper mill at Roxborotigh, near Pliila7! 5 The paper was made wholly 'delplil public Institutions. lUiaj 'of linen inks. In 17fi) William it de Wcr 5!(2 patronize home industry. .erected a second mill In Germantow nEncourage every home enterprise. and a third, which was erected in 1711 5Y2 Take an interest in every industry, on the Chester creek, furnished Ben-Jantln Franklin with paper. By 1K10 invest liberally in the stock of faith the number of paiier mills in tl.e I'nl-- , and good will, aud distribute it all ted States was estimated at 185. near over your city, in every factory, every iy every state possessing one or ' more. In 1880 there were near! 700 of 5(2 work simp, every business house. It these mills, manufacturing printing,! will pay you large dividends, aud will wilting and wrapping paper, with n 5& cost very little. It can never depre- capita of t97.UOO.OOU. The manufac-ture of straw pulp or paper mmmfaeciate in value. It will ulways be tilling was Introduced in 1851, and ot " almve par. liny home made goods. wood pulp In 1857. The census of 1900 establish Ask your merchants for them. Wear shows 7C3 nients, with a capital of tl67.5u7.T13, home made garments, eat home made and the value of the product 8127,2m articles of food, sleep on home made 162. IniIh, read home made newspapers. Films developed and pictures In this way Hie money yon spend is and (hushed at home, by Elswiek. only loaned. It will come back to you again with interest. Praise np our city- - don't run it down. Stand by your merchants and manufacturers they an the bone and sinew of our municipal structure. (Stand by j your cliurciies and your soliools Lhev an- t he hope of your future. Stand by your press it is the tireless sentinel lhat guard your entcrest. Provo , tion of the taxes levied on the railroad property. According to the town plat and the articles of incorporation on file in the county clerks ofllce all the shops and buildings of the railroad company are within the town limits and Milford should have a revenue therefrom. Since Die town was ineoristrated we have licen losing this revenue through neglect of public oflleials to attend to the matter, hut the time has now arrived for steps to be taken to straighten this matter out and get lor Milford the taxes which are justly due her. of sunshine. 1 for truth, for enlightenment, for civilization, for morality, for progress. It believes in m the civilized man of today, the more civilized man of tomorrow and the perfect I 1 man of bye and bye. It believes in and works for a condition right here on earth among men so transcendanlly beautiful and superb as to be entirely incomprehensible w. - country newspaper. It trusts everybody, gets cussed for trusting, mistrusted for trusting, and if it "busts trusting it gets cussed for "bustDid you ever stop to think that ilu ing, and there you are. Cutout this article and send it to us with what pajier published by some everlasting hustler is doing your community more j i .u owe ( n tubscriptii n. good than any enterprise in it? If a elitireh notice is to lie publislicd, do If ei w or lioise should get ill send it to the Idg dnilii? If the stray pound pay jour fifty cents they any one dies or a child is Mini, m a head and get them cut. Alter you mime unlucky couple gets illumed, have got ill ll.ein Mil lake cure of who is it that cheers the mourner , thein as they should be rami for and ll cart or adds liberal donation to the see to it that Ihry are not caught joys of tho happy puir? Who hut the again, 'there is an ordinance pro- local prinlmanf Aud he doesn't do it Pot. hibiting tock lunuirg at large in the with any ezpcctatiou of pay either, They sail the high and town limits and the marshal is fufor nine times out of ten his last copy seas of commerce. low There isnt anything so annoying st rueted to fully inforce that ordiwill be begged from him and lie won't or o They pay millions a painful nor i there anything nance, so dont get Lore if he gets centHo for it. don't forget quite o hard to get rid of as piles. get a red year for advertising. your stock wlnn vn neglect them. to help your home pajier out with a ManZau, the great pile remedy, is the .Their profit is millions. can use, for it directly reagood word occasionally, as well as to best you Spike their guns with dies the seat of the trouble and at '11 ere is ncthirg more important to throw when have generous advertising in yonr patronage, you once relieves and soothes pain. It is a town than a good sanitary condi- any. in it way. tliis your home paper. applied by meaus of a tube with nozzle tion and this is one thing Milford is attached. Sold by Milford Pharmacy Use the mail order's sadly in need of. While we all know IMPORTANT FACTOR IN a East? Gaing is able town not own weapon that the financially TOWN BUILDING newspaper is the if so ask Halt Lake Route sewat the present time to put in a Agent greatest factor ilnagiuabic in building about I.os Angeles Limited saving a ' age si stem, yet a garbage w agon (flWM ()p pHy day to Chicago and St. Louis. Ask could easily be established and mainTake any community that wants any agent or write to K. C. Kerr, 1. r tained. 'Ibis would bo a great hu let the outside world know F. A. Halt Lake t'itv. t. l.f. something would better the about it priivemcnt aid duingr. the flwt thing theyjsanitary erudition wonderfully. naturally will turn to is a paper to ;U;Asl9iSli9f&rSfa(SXSlSlfSKdfSltS)KSKSfSSi(SXS5S; chronicle e crything of the slightest Without it the coin-- : of late there has Urn a little talk! importance. ou the to relative organization ninnity remains dormant, nobody goii'g of a commercial club. We are pleas- - knows it is in existence, save the few MRS. O. FORD IE, Prop. JO ed to learn that there is si me inter- people living there. We want to are and LAUNDRY do WORK, your est being aroused favorable to such After the right kind of newspajer g prepared to give you good service. . Our laundry an organization, and we a ill stale gets started things in come ilitTeri-ni-- . is now fully that The Neas now, as heretofore, People rliap living l.tluo miles stands ready to lend its assistance to 'away become aware what a Equipped with New and Modern Machinery the furtherance of t lie good cu use. spot Podnnk is, and liow t We do the Family Washings Holicitwl. S'! Milford certainly needs a good com- - j fortunate who make their home 85 Ih's! work at MI prices. right l Nwa chili and there is no time like, there. Tlirre is something convincing to start the movement iu the pment frequent rcjM'tit ion, and (lie and crfe-- t ilie (rgaiiiznlii.n. paper mini, as well as others, soon lA't u all gel in line and boost for a conic to everything gmst lie is '" .commercial ciub fur Milford. He .Umt telling , to the ordinary paper-makin- g i j! I MAIL ORDER r I 1 ' fi-- r ' Suppose there were Jfy mind of today. It toils and struggles through prosperity and through adversity by day and by night FOR YOU! k: PIRATES In order that all may enjoy the pleasure of reading this home paper and assist in the - work of enlightenment, civilization and progress, and that none will be called upon to 0t the paper from their borrow a copy neighbor we have decided to offer The News from now of SK Si' il January 1, 19111 SO well-conduct- : , For $2 Cash ADVERTISING . : ! . 5(2 a i Ifforflic 2Laun6rv g -- J ;::r ini-rcia- ! l (. 1 sri KV inducement 04 sy we will include in this cash offer 11 a set of kitchen knives free. Remember that this gives you a set of knives and the Zffc 5l 1 S News 15 Months for $2,001 and Ml grl 'y 00 all ihe reliable mining and inyou dustrial news of ihe county together with all news-alon- g iSak. This is stiictly a cash offer, and as a further for every citizen of this county to become a reader of this great news - I I a 4 ihe local happenings. v V I 0 0 4 Ss 00 00 0 e t 0$ rv ev 0 i 0 v Subscribe today. r t ti 0 t 9 04 V 04 m0 t . 'i m k |