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Show INFINITE VARIETY By Brand Whitlock Illustrations by Ray Walters (Copyright, IW, hy BoUbo-Merri- Co.) SYNOPSIS. Senator Morley Vernon's vlalt with hi fiancee was by a call from hla political Interrupted boos at the atate capital. Ilnth regretted it, the girl more than be. Iwcauee she had to attend a dinner that eveningarranged with him. She said lie yearned for a national office for him. On Vernon'a dealt in the senate he found a red rose, accompanied by a ploa for He met the ausuffrage for women. thoress, pretty Miss Uarla Greene of Chicago, who proposed to cunvert him Into voting for house resolution No. 19. CHAPTER III, Continued. Vernon scarcely knew what to reply; such objections as he might have found at other times the old masculine objections to womens voting and meddling In politics had aU disappeared at sight of this remarkable young woman who wished to vote her self; he could not think of one of them, try as he would. His eyes were on the rose. "Perhaps your objections are merely prejudices," she ventured boldly, In her eyes a latent twinkle that disturbed him. 1 confess, Miss Greene, he began, trying to get back something of his senatorial dignity, such as state senatorial dignity is, "that I have not devoted much thought to the subject; am indeed rather ashamed to acknowledge that I did not even know the unamendment was coming up til I was ah so delightfully reminded by your rose. He raised the rose to Inhale Its fragrance. She made no reply, but she kept her eyes on him, and her gaze compelled him to go on. It was bard for himto go on, for it was now but a struggle against the formality of a surrender that had been inevitable from the beginning. But his mans pride forced him to delay It as long as possible. "What assurances have you from other senators? he asked. Though, perhaps, I need not ask they have unanimously mounted your colors. He looked-a- t his colleagues, sporting their roses. 'Miss Greene gave a little exclamation of annoyance. "Do you think I dont know," she said; that I don't understand all that? I might have known that they would not take It seriously! And I thought I thought to put the matter so easily to them that I should be spared the necessity of buttonholing them! It was a novel way of buttonholing them, he laughed. "Oh!" she exclaimed, catching her breath, they wear the roses and langh at me!" Her eyes flashed through the mists of vexation that suggested tears. You are all alone then? Vernon said this In a low, solicitous tone, as if he were dealing with some deep grief. Ail alone." "And you represent no one that is. no society, no club? '1 am not a paid lobbyist, she said, "though I believe It la not beyond the I do properties of our profession. what I do only from a love of princiShe ple. I represent only my sex. said it Impressively, and then with quick little laugh that recognised the theatrical that had been In her attitude, she added: "And that, I suspect without authorisation." The ladles, generally, do not seem to be Interested, Vernon acquiesced. No, she shook her head sadly, no, on the contrary, I suppose most of them oppose the measure. "I have generally found them of that feejlng, Vernon observed. "The slaves, before the war, often petitioned congress not to set them free, you will remember.'-Mies Greene spoke with a bitterness. Then quickly she collected herself. But your objections. Senator Vernon?" she said. "Really, we must get down to business. She raised the little chatelaine watch that bung at her bosom and looked down at It.. And then suddenly, without waiting for his objections, as if she had quite forgotten them Indeed, she Impulsively stretched forth a hand and said: You will help mek wont you? Vernon looked into her eyes. His gase, after an instant, fell. He tried to run the stem of the rose through his buttonhole. The thorns caught In the cloth. "Youll have to do It," he said, helplessly. From some mysterious fold of her habit she took a pin, and then, lean lag over, she pinned the rose to his coat, pinned it with its long stem hanging, as a woman would pin a flower to a mans lapel. "Thank you. lie was looking Into her eyes again. "Rather let me tl.r.r.k yon. she said. "It's so good of you to vote for my measure. Ills eyes widened suddenly. He had She quite forgotten the resolution. must have perceived this, for she to-da- blushed, and he hastened to make amends. I'll not only vote for It, he rushed ahead Impulsively, "but Ill make a lie straightened and speech for it. leaned away from her lo give a proiier perspective in which she could admire him. He sat there siniliug. How splendid of you!" she cried. I feel encouraged now. Then Vernon's face lengthened. He stammered: "But you'll have to give me seme data; I I don't know a thing about the subject. Ob, she laughed. I brought some literature. It shall all be at your disposal. And now, I must be about my work. Can you make any suggestion? Can you tell me whom I should see, whom I should interest, who has the ah pull, 1 believe you call it?" Vernon 'I'll bring them to you, said. "You sit here and hold court. He rose and bis eyes swept the chamber. They lighted on Burns, and an idea suddenly came to him. He would revenge himself ou Burns for all the slights of the session. 'Of course you'll have to see Sam Porter, but I'll begin by bringing Senator Burns familiarly known as Hull Burns. "Ive read of him so often In the she sold. "It would be newspapers, an experience. Vernon went over to Burns' seat and touched him on the shoulder. Come on, be said in a tone of command, speaking for once from the altitude of his social superiority. And for once he was successful. The burly fellow from the First district stood up and looked inquiringly. Come with me," Vernon said; theres a Chicago lawyer back here who wants to see you. Burns followed and an Instant later Vernon baited before Miss Greene. The other men, who had quickly returned to her aide, made way, and Vernon said: Miss Greene, may I present Senator Burns, of the First district?" Miss Greene smiled on the big saloonkeeper, who instantly flamed with embarrassment. She gave him her hand, and he took It In his fat palm, carefully, lest he crush It I am delighted to meet Senator Burns; I've heard of you so often, she said, looking up at him. And do you know I count It a privilege to meet one of your acknowledged influence in our states affairs? Vernon stood back, delighted beyond measure with the confusion into which Bums for once bad been betrayed. The senator from tbe First district adopted. It would ba a great day for me if 1 could go back to Chicago feeling that I bad had Just a little bit to do with such a result." "Den I'm wit you," said Burns, and wheeling, he went back to his desk. Hiss Greene watched him a moment. and then turned to the men, their numbers augmented now by others who had roiue up to see Burns in the presence of such a woman. The glance she gave them was a question. Oh, he means it," said Monroe of Whiteside. 'liell vote for the resolution." "Yes, he's given bis word," said Urownwell of Cook. Vernon devoted half an hour to bringing senators to meet Marla Greene. It was not difficult work, (hough it bad its disadvantages; it did not allow Vernan to remain with her long at a time. But at last it was done, and he found a moment alone with her. She had given him some pamphlets on equal suffrage. "Ah, if you could only address the senate!" be exclaimed, in open admiration. And then, as if an inspiration had come to him, he added: Perhupa I could arrange It; It has been done. SLe gasped and atretched' out her ' hand to stay him. ahu Oh, not for all the world! protested. "But youll come and meet the lieutena- CUT THIS OUT. Rsclps That Breaks a Cold In a Day and Cures Any Curable Cough. "Mix half ounce of Concentrated pine compound with two ounces of glycerine and half a pint of good whlckey; shake well each time and use in doses of a teaspoonful to a every four hours. These Ingredients can be obtained from any good druggist or he will get them from his wholesale house. The Concentrated pine is a special pine product and comes only in half ounce bottles, each enclosed iu an airtight case, but be sure it Is labeled Concentrated. Den Im Wit You. was struggling for some word to say, and at last he broke out with: Aw now, lady, don't be t'rowin de con into me. The men in the little group on that side of the senate chamber burst out In a laugh, but Burns becoming suddenly grave, and dangerous and terrible, in his gravity, they, broke off in the very midst of their mirth. The group became silent Really, Senator Burns, said Miss Greene, this is no ah confidence game, I assure you. She rose with a graceful sweep of her skirts. Then she went on: If you will permit me, I should like to explain my mission to you. 1 am down here to ask the senate to adopt a resolution that will submit an amendment to the constitution permitting the women of Illinois to vote at all elections, as they vote at school elections now. If you can give it, I should like your support; I should, at least, like to tell you my reasons. Slowly she seated herself again, Will you sit down? saying: But Burns only stood and looked at her. There was a trace of fear In her face. Do you want die resolution put frough? he asked, bluntly. IT Indeed I do! she said. "Is dere anyt'lng in It for you? he went on. "Why, Miss Greene said, somewhat at a loss, only that I am Interested as a matter of principle In seeing 'it -- , Tha Kind Yen Have Always Dough! PER CENT AVrgcbMe Preparation Tor Assimilating ihe Food and Regulating ihe Stomachs and Bowels of ALCOHOL- -3 Bears tha different Promotes Digestion,Cheerfulness and RcslConlains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Not Signature Narcotic Avyu tfQuorSA.'nafirara aS d Aipii Jib TiftnMI Aaoi rUrSMf ijv JttJ Hfftrmtet , In AlMwbMw XtU - bar., Clt'J'itU JVe WodUfmm'flmnr Mr. Wholesale Whats that? not correct You Up CHAPTER IV. While Miss Greene sat chatting with who gladly the lieutenant-governoneglected tbe duties of his high office, Vernon went out Into the rotunda, lighted a cigarette, glanced over the pamphlets, and tried to arrange the heads of his speech in his mind. At the thought of the speech, Vernon grew cold and limp with nevoue-nesHla hands were clammy, his knees trembled, his mouth became dry and parched, and the cigarette he had lighted Imparted all at once an evil taste. Yet he smoked on, and as be wandered around the rotunda, men from both houses, passing to and fro. greeted him, but they seemed to him to be strange new creatures flitting by in a dream. If he was conscious ot them at all It was only as of envied beings, all on a common happy plane, fortunate ones who did not have to make a speech within the hour. He went over to the state library, thinking that Its quiet would soothe, but when he stood among the tall stacks of books he suddenly remembered that he must not smoke in those precincts; and so he turned out into the rotunda again, for he must smoke. He walked round and round the rotunda, pausing at times to lean over the brass railing and look far down to the main floor where tbe red light glowed at the cigar stand; he sauntered back into the dim and undisturbed corridors, his mind racing over all the things he might say. r, s. Trim Your Nalls. There is a certain eminent physician who, wiser than the children of light, plods his way along In an unbeaten track and has no peer as a diagnostician. He is always accompanied by an expert manicurist. Instead of a white or colored valet The human nail, like the human hair, he said to me, is much affected by physical conditions. Barbers will tell you that in certain seasons the beard, for instance, grows nearly twice aa fast as at others. It Is so with the nails. At times, according to how we feel, tbe free edge may be a month In growing; there is some retarding agent At other times it may grow In a week. Sometimes tbe nail has transverse furrows. Indicating periods of illness. At other times it bears furrows running lengthwise a sure Indication of gout My manicurist can tell by these indications when your last sickness occurred, and I can tell what the malady was." NEW YORK. rn u o th Guaranteed ,v Exact Copy of Wrapjx. ' pY W CHfc.NKY CO.. ToMda, -- r CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Uawpuib) cTHAYER honorbilt hoes are 'built on honor1 built for combined stylo and service-bufor absolute satisfaction end laming comfort Biggest value you can ever hope to get for tha money. There is an Honorbilt style that will exactly suit you and fit you. Ask year shot dealer: if he hasnt lb mil us. Look for the ACqsr Trade aRCsiq on tha sole. FREE If you win Bend ua the Dime of a dealer who deee act handle School 8hoee and Work Shoes. F. cTHAYER BOOT ouniy onjce d WE BUY & Milwaukee fYi lAs. Wisconsin FUK3iHIDE3 sprnsk 1 1 to 00 sum money ft yne to ship Raw ' Illdea toes than to All Dm wti wrttlra. UlaalniUaf Bit Fur fwynBi, b!ir brand. Heal th'.nr jc UuvuAvhen hi Imp, Md fo hcnM hnul Tmppftfs1 $erriB, IVcoyi, Tmna. Bum Laws, U'i k rtfular i,nmJupNl , Frim. f1!. To tuir wknmi, I1.S&. Hidratannud Into M(Hllfafqr. R4rat, fkir Miracle IkiilMd l)MnRiirei44ii"SMhii(fBpi, WiwMlk Fli'tiBt iiniiin ihmU 118 Wuiwllijlii lUMMUtolMi Bad ihuhBB fgn Shoe Joke. v liered William King you got those pumps? Charlie Prince Off a shoe tree. Cornell Widow. Oh! Tbct Awful Fish Caught by Horsemen. Comparative Honors. Gas It Is not often that hunting and angFirst Freshman Prexlo has asked ling are combined, or that fish are me to dinner next Sunday. Did you hear it? How embarSecond Freshman That's nothing. caught by a horseman; yet this is These stomach noisesmake rassing. It's a lot easier for a child to inwhat, according to a correspondent, The football captain Just bowed to wish you you could sink through than a at red me. Yale herit hair brains. Record. meet recent Lord of happened floor. You imagine everyone the Fltzhardlnge's foxhoyndx While jumphears them. Keep a box of ing a stream, Mr. Philip Norris of Brisin your purse or pocket tol (England) was thrown from his and take a part of one after eating. horse, and fell Into the water. SubseWere we perfect, which we are not, medicines would quently, while changing his clothes at It will relieve the stomach of gas. na not often be needed. But since our systems hove bea village hostelry, he discovered that come weakened, impaired end broken down through CASCARETS 10c a box for a week's a live trout had netted Itself In one of indiscretions which have gone on from tbe early ages, treatment. AUdruirxists. Rlnestsellar his pockets while he was in the water. ia tha world million boxes a month. through countless generations, remedies era needed to The fish has been preserved at the aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise hostelry. acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach MADE weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is Onr paper "The California Oil nothing so good ns Dr. Pierces Golden Medical DiscovMullet in," tolls how men like Cbsnakir. the milery, a glyoerie compound, extracted from native medio-inlionaire oil kins, mode half a million dollars In roots sold for over forty years with greet satisfaction to all users. For California Oil Iron sn investment of II5U- It rantsinn sit the faeto and figures of Interest to Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating. intending Investors. Heads like a fairy story, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea end other Inteatinu tint every word true. Semi your name and adn tlon from radium and other radio-activ- e and most efficient remedy. Derangements, the Discovery is n dress, we will flee yon -- lx moultin' miliecrip-tiofree. substances, for, unlike tbem, it J. A PETERSON, 34 D TelssrsDh Ara.. Oakland. Cxi The genuine has changes gum arable into a granular. outside wrapper Insoluble substance. It was this efHIDES MU) FEUS Signature RAW fect produced on the gum of envelope Write for our emnplato Yon cant afford to accept a secret nostrum es a substitute for this nonraleo-boli- e, price list and tans. Ulxhest prises raid and .itlsfartnry relume. flaps by the printed character! on the medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer mey WOOL IU IIIIIK MITE envelopes that first attracted the Into thereby make a little bigger profit. IrseAild, Aria liyltll), fc h Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and vestigator's attention. The emanabowels. tiny granules, easy to take as candy. tions are reflected by metal mirrors in W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. the same way aa light, and they oxidize metal surfaces against which they strike. The exposure necessary to effect a sensitive plate is eight to tec M Cetar note esudi MfMsr esd Inter ettart Mas anr s' W drs. Oss Me Bsckas eMst sURbara mJbJ f wbjh ; n" " Die. Blsseh ssd Mix Cstsrs. days. le OJHfd CO . Oslnsy, ffMste. Write let zigirauiitviuiMlrveiaflBssri. . CAS-CARE- Remedies are Needed $150 Emanation From Printers Ink off an That printer's Ink gives emanation that passes through opaque bodies and affects a photographic plate has been discovered by a German investigator. Photographic roll film is sometimes thus affected, through its celluloid cover, by the printed characters on the paper in which It Is wrapped. Tbe emanation Is found to proceed from the oil la the ink during the drying process. It Is not precisely tha same as the emana Fan sad MHUNTER3,&TRAPPERSGUIDE.Cb wr imaak. 40 y Peculiar N Property Found to Affect Photographic Plate. ilt Mayer Honorbilt Blioca, we will Bend you free, postpaid, a handsome picture, else 15x10. of Ccorf. Weshinatoa. We also make Leading Lcdy Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit la h -- The proper shoes for men: shoes that look, fit, feel and wear right. Made of telecled leather leather that is best by every ted. Correct hi style. Made by the finest shoe makers, in the best equipped factory in existence. cum dralnoa, and that k by conMIlulHinal remedkei Brahma k caused by an Infkmcit condiun of tha Biueoua llnlns of tha huetwhlan Tuba Whea thk, tube k hi flnnicd you have a rumtilkK Bound or Imperfect hrurlnd, and wlira It k nntirrly emord, Deal-an- a tha result, and unlrac thu killainniallou ran bu taken out and thk tube rwtnrrd to IU normal eooul-Unhearliid will br drutniyrd lorever: alas cans out at fen ara aunt by Ulant, which k noUnnc hut aa kiflmmrd condition ot tbs mueoua surtarrs. We will atvc Oaa Unwind Dollaia for any earn at Dcnfnrei (mused by catarrh) that cannot be rand free. by Hall'a Catarrh Cun. bend hr circular V. 1. Tie. ia a high wade lamp, cold at a low price, Them am lamps dud etui more, but there ia bo belter lamp at any plica. The Burner, the Wick, ihe Chimney- - loldrfe alj are vital things iu a lamp; these parti of the RAYO LAMP ara perfectly constructed and them ia nothing known in the art of that could add to the value of the RAYO as g a bgt! giving device. Suitable for any loom in any house. Kvnry dnali-- everywhere. If not at joom, write lor doaerlpUee similar to tbs Axraey of tha STEADY WHITE LIGHT mo-laic?- Taka ilaU'a family Pllk tor consllpsUnm under ihe Foodaij The RAYO LAMP A Lay Matter. " Would you like the floore in asked tbe architect The Springfield man looked dubious. "Would you like the floors in morale patterns? I dont know so much about that, he finally said. "I aint got fliy prejudice against Moses as a man, and maybe be knew a lot about the law. As regards layidg of floors, though, I kinder think I'd rather have 'em unsectarian. Harpers Weekly. Bold by DruexMn. I os'133 t iEvr 35 ed beyond of Chicago asks what a real New England pie is like. It probably will not help him to be told, but If he means apple, it Is like an essay by Emerson liquefied with the music of Massenet and spiced with the cynicism of Shaw; If he meani pumpkin, it Is like some of Gounods music heard In a landscape all sun and flowers. It Is too early yet to describe the mince pies of 1909, but last year's and last year was not an extraordinary good year were like an Increase in salary, and a present from home arriving on the day when ones conscience was behaving itself. Boston Globe. Deafness Cannot Be Cured cannot renrh the ttfr i lirre la only one may Thirty Years The Centaur Company, New England Pis. Borne poor dweller In the benight- local appuratloaa, a portion at the car. For Over facsimile Signature of "I have two little girls who have been troubled very badly with eczema. One of them had it on her lower limbs. I did everything that I could hear of for her, but It did not give In until warm weather, when It seemingly subsided. The next winter when It became cold the eczema started again and also In her head where It would 4ake the hair out and leave bare patches. At the same time her arms were sore the whole length of them. I took her to a physician, hut the child grew worse all the time. Her sister's arms were also affected. I began using Cullcura Remedies, and by the time the second lot was used their skin was soft tnd smooth. Mrs. Charles Baker, Albion, Me., Sept 21, 08. FoUsr Bras a Cha Cor. Sola Props Boston. br Use A perfect Remedy for Constipation , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions .Feverishness and LOSS OF SLEEP (indignantly) say tbe cash la 1 always thought that there?" she said, incredulously, bookkeeper was a rascal, and was robbing me. pointing to the dais under the flags. Expert Accountant Tbe cash is $50 "Why, yes," Vernon answered; why not? It's where all the eminent law- over, sir. yers who come down here, to lobby meMr. Wholesale O, well, just give that and say nothing to him about sit. She looked up at the desk behind it Perhaps he's forgotten to draw which the lieutenant-governo- r sat, some of his salary. swinging gently in his swivel chair, SKIN TROUBLES CURED. while the secretary read senate bills on third reading. There was a reluctance in her eyes, but when she Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very Badly In One Case Child's Hair caught Vernon's smile, she gathered Came Out and Left Bare Patchee. her skirts and said: "Well, if I must Cutlcura Met with Crest Success. nt-governor?" (TO BE CONTINUED.) . For Infants and Children. TS $500,000 al - time-prove- FURS Sugar-coate- d, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Irrahwi-bi-Hew- |