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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS. is Salt Lake City. 1'tali, has made Mining Claim and Wasliiiigitin No. 6 Would Seem So. and Cliiim; adjoining !i Slate State a l'tI'nlled for i Engineer's Office, applicaiinu I Crawford Ik tin Heli know Imw us shown by plat in HeelSalt laike City, Ilah, Nov. 5, l',m!i. fur the Iteciprncity No. I. Hie oilier half live? survey arc: Sur. No. 5921. Horn Sil I mli r Hiis lieu I will In- - toimil all No. 2, Keciprocily No. 2, pna-iiver Aii-- No. 5, Jlurii Silver Asi No. authoriz'-i- l in ! puli-l- i Notice Is Hereby given that John F legal not Crabsliaw After taking their iimiiey No. 2, No. 1, li in llu- - i Horn Silver Apex No. 8, Horn Sil llelkhilln-r- , whose jsislolllci address is from them r 'iiiiniy News. In ITuliaic ami Guardianship mil ice they must be able lu fortii No. 5, ver At ex No. 2, Horn Silver Apex I i.iiutv Cirri! nf ii'ii-'i- ll i hisome ides of how they aie comM'IJd l':ali. "r has made .Mi'furd, in Ac Itah, Nn. application N. iiimiy, 7, t'hiimi'ion, N. 1. Horn Sihu- Apex No. 11. Horn lijiiu . ti.r lurilu r inforiiiuiioii. wil11 ,lle 3, Accritiiiiiiu No. 4, I'lali Nil. 3, Ac- Sllier Apex No. i;:. Hum Silver iuiremciitM of (0 live. Puck. Apex ai,a)rdiJ,u'e No. tali No. I' 2, No. 9, Hum Silver As-Hu Compiled lata crington No. 6, liriim of No. 7. Horn 1'tali, l!iu7, a s 2. (Mali No. I. George llewey. A pi x No Sliler Horn Sliver Take advantage of oar new 'Hi ; tlie Apex 1. Laws of Ftah, lmli-by 2 No to comer nf said Kclice it Viter Useis. No. 2, liruiu No. t, Drum, St. No. 14. Horn Sdii-- r Apex No. 12,'lmdy I'.mo, to offer. S. M 5a min. V. 71 7 lands No. I, St. laiuia No. 2, St. lamia Franklin FraThence nine cubic (9) appropriate Sur. No. 5922, Hum O.lii-- I , Sail laik Mj:- Lugiiu-ei'l to corm-- No. 1 of llmii Silver No. 2, St. lamis No. 4, Emporia No. 8, bug Mine, amiiimi, I eel per second of water from Heaver No. Stir. Wash 1946. 'i'J , I' Lah, Orlobi-- Si, liniii. A x No. 4 ludi ; Emporia No. 7, Emporia No. 9, Em ingtun No. 2 Minimi thorn and Wash river. Hearer ('(unity, Ftah. Said Notice is hereby given that A. L, Thence S. 8 deg. 02 iniu E. Ml. 2 fed p,,,;,, JO anil Emporia No. 11. hale i I Fii ingion Nn. 6 Mining l , winr iMiiiflli-a. wuter will In at a point to No. 2 ol said luiic; 1 claims consolidated, situate in 1 1tsKai uiiniiig direct tbiit Hiis iiiitu-- lie published is Il.ni.-r- , I'lah, bus uiuiit ap-- j N. hi deg. 09 min. E. 266.4 (it, j5a Thence 5.1 titiu-- I 74 which hears south Francisco district, r ilvuvi-degrees mining lu (lie in ('nunty News, piiblislud1 accordance witJi the n- plifutii.il to corner No. I ol limn Silver of being 761.2 M stale tlny ute east feet Denver, Ilah, lift at distant from nd, Hiiili. ipiiri iuiiils uf i'huptcr luh, Apex No. lisle; No. .7986, and described In the survey i: iaiWH ill I'lali, Hum. an D 1! TIDiMIHi'iN, l corner west of Section Tlu-nc8, 9 V. 7.15.4 ipiurter S. di g. 23 mill. by U,d j,tai on pje iD this ottin SfMMi.ii Ijiwh nf I'lali, 1907, t 29 south. Range lu west, No. 2 ol Iliully Mack lo 16 'Township at variation with EDWIN V. SEXIllII. magnetic appropriate cue hundred ami titty . Fi action Imlo; Sail Lake base and uicrldiuu, from deg. 45 mill, east as follows: Salt Liike Fity, I'tiili, cubic feel per second of wau-- r Tlu-ni- f S. 82 deg. 24 min. K. 1 No. will-ruf t'oiiiiiicm-iiicomer at ii will Is conveyed by uieaiis of . Chiiiiiiuii'x Allunii-yn,n l4t?''Vr Kivr. heaver County, fw.t 0 corner No. 1 o' mild lnile; No. 1 lud claim, whence the I tan. Find p,ili. j a canal water will be diverted by for a distance of 14,01)0 feel limit , l, 'X. W. corner ot Sec. 13, T. 27 S., It. 'HIS ail. is directed at the i.f a dam and a Last puli. Niiieiiils-- 2i( 1909 at a mill there used from April 1 to 5U 1.. 13 X. It. S. and bears V., M., H.inr which beam north SIS man who has all the lu degree . 49 min. E. 7907.7 feet; I, inclusive, of each year, to niinute eat 1145 teet diiaiil fri.iii tlie lu-e- t to comer No. ti ol uid lode; business in his line in APPLICATION 92.C '1 hence. X. 87 FOR 52 E. PATENT. lulu. 640 acres at land umlnaced MUtliwertt- niriierur irrigate 17, town- Tlu uee S. 1 deg. 02 min. E. 242.5 feet to corner No.deg. this Serial No. 0 4810. community. 2 of said lisle; li!p 27 Huuth, range 10 went.. Salt in 29 and 3o, Township 28 U corner No. 5 of Maid lode Mr. Merchant You say Thence 8. 52 deg. 40 min. E. 255.0 I'nited State Laud n.liee, baHf ami u.eriilian, frrtm where ii will eci Salt like City, I'lali. Oct. 11, I!iu9. Muiili, Range 10 west, Salt laike base feet to corner No. 3 of said lode, idenit all. You're sellbe conveyed for a distance of 72,9211 got youve heii-bi Notice tical with corner No. 1 ul iteciprucliy given ilmt the Hea- and meridian. This application is feet ami there used from May 1 to ing them all they'll buy, anyver Fouiliiiiutiuu Mining Company, a No. 3 lode; llcUilier 1, inclusive, of each y ear, to ill the Stale Filighiccr's of how. Hut at the same time it 724.3 S. 10 ami by E. 73 min. Thence agent deg. aiinriiej lice iis N'i. 2.105. irrigate 20, 000 acre of Jaud embraced, pwuoria lai-l- , in A. J. o! 4 Sail No. you would like more business. No. Foley, uf Reciprocity like City, Ail .! Thence S. 69 deg. 29 min. E. COO.0 leet to iV ,10 the gianling ol '?' made application fur a I'lali, ha 3 lode; Make this community buy against protests IJ.' i!l fj1 to corner No. 1 of Eniioria Mine; n', lor tin- Gettys- said application, siuiing Hie reasons Thence 8. II deg. 32 tuln. E. 1G.9 United State patent -I!' 7 more. Halite 10 ;leet , S. 2u dog. 21 min. V. KUAU teet Thence AiiKit-iiiixFruiburg Mine. to corner No. 3 of aaid lisle; west, and SeclioitH 4, 5, 6, 7, N, 9, 17,f(.ei t corner No. 2 of Independence must be made by ullldavil Advertise strongly, consistlodes cun Thence N. 89 deg. 35 min. E. 841.6 tion and Marengo F'rai-tiu1 lode; judiciously, in the in dupllcule and tiled In this office ently, situate No. 2 of Accrington No. soliilaied mining comer feel to Thence N. 09 deg. 29 min. W. GUU Star mining diKirici, Heaver county, within thirty (50) days after the mm ft Sui'.pnse you can buy a lot bhip 25 soutli, Kangt lo west, Salt feet to corner No. 3 or raid lode, iden- 1 lode; Tlietice S. 9 dig. 07 min. W. G05.C Htuh, being mini-ra- l I. tike Imm and nn ridiau. In addition survey No. 5947, pletiou of the pulilfeutloii of Hiis me of washtubs cheap; advertise l corner No. 4 of liideiien- l'eet to comer No. Hid ilercrilied In tin field notes utul 3 of said lisle, iden to the tjiiantily of water alsive men- - ,t.,lt.e with a big washtub sale in this patice. a TANNER, falf:h 0 of the otlielal survey oil tile in leal with corner Nu. 4 of Accrington plat to P- S. 87 deg. OS min. W. 60u No. Thenca Stale tlii office with iiiaKiietii' variation ut per. Iut in an inviting pickhigiueer. 5 lode; jimpiiate twenty tiiiiiiKaiid (20,000) j(,Hf 1o corner No. 2 of Independence ture of a washtub where Irate of first publication, November Thence S. 39 deg. 39 min. W, G20.7 IG deg. 3u min. east a follow, acre feet of water which is to bt No. 2 hide; Commencing al eurner No. 1 of Hie 12, 1909; date of completion of publiNo. 3 of Aecrington No. corner feet to stored whenever availahle from Oc topeople can see it the minute 20 21 N. Thence min. E. 3000 5 deg . Austerlitz lode, from which Hie coriler 1 of each year unlil June 15, in- feet lode; 1909. December they look at your ad. Talk to comer No. 4 of Emiioria Frac13, Thence 8. 89 deg. 35 min. W. 1500.0 ner to Sections 19, 24, 25 and 30, cation, clusive, ol the year following, in a lion lode; And strong on washtubs. 28 12 11 S., Ranges and W., feet to comer No. 2 of said lode, iden- Township reservoir embraced in Sections 17, 18, Thence 8. 87 iind every woman in deg. 08 min. W. 17C.2 tical with corner No. 3 of Reciprocity 8. I,. R. 4k M., hear N. 5 deg. 48 min. you'll 20, 28, 29, 32 and 33, Township 27 feet to corner No. 1 ol Iatdy Franklin lode: E. 4S2.4 feet; thence this vicinity who has been running from TRADE MORAL The quality ol south, Kang lo west, Salt Luke base Fraction lode; and meridian. The water ho stored Thence X. 89 deg. 40 min. V. 338.7 said corner No. 1 S. 17 deg. 42 min. W getting along with a rickety 47 deg. 19 min. W. 8. Thence what you have to sell is known will lie relcasml from Haiti reservoir feet to comer No. 2 leet to corner No. 4 of Reciprocity 1441.2 feet to corner No. 2 of Hie Au lor years and yeiars said of lode; i terlitx 84 X. thence 26 2 min lude; from June 15 until tjclo er 1, incluuf deg. ode, idem leal with corner No. 87 deg. 08 min. W. 49." 8. Thence will a new one from you. to W. 49G.9 some buy of all time to the feet luierseerion with line people sive, of each year, ami cnnii-jeto Accrington No. 3 lisle; to comer No. 3 u said lode; (J That's creative business 55 deg. 48 ntln. W. 219.7 I 2 of the CcttyMburg .Mine tlie above described tract of laud feet 8. Tlietice lode, Thence N'. 25 deg. 58 min. E. 743.9 feet to comer No. 2 of Utah No. 3 theme S. 22 (leg. 55 milt. W. 481.8 and all of the people some of where it will be used for irrigation feet power. to corner No. 4 of Ijidy Franklin to 2 Nu. feet comer of Xiiis the is Gett)liiirg purposes. I desigapplication the lode, identical with cortiei hull; but advertise Mine time, reguN. 54 tlietice 69 min. lode, 33 7 nated in he Stale Engineer's oflice Fraction S. FI 429.0 min. Thence deg. deg. 4 uf Horn Silver Apex No. i:;: jXo. OURj AD. KATES ARE RIGHT as No. 2312. ' feet to corner Nu. 3 of said lode, Iden- W. 60U feet to corner No. 3 of Hie -- CALL ON US larly with us and you'll reach N. 27 All prolesis against the graining of hide; Mine 1 thence 2 Gettysburg No. tical lode, corner with No. of Thence X. 21 ileg. 51 mill. E. 501.2 s.'i id application, deg. 03 uiin. E. 318.X feet lo inter the I canons jiliH-- t to ciirrirr No. lisle; slating all of the people all of the time. 3 of Horn Silver of the Mureiigo muni in- - made hy allidavit Thence 8. 8h deg. 25 min. E. 1 200.0 (eciiou with line (Uwjirisui. r.w. ii) w. x. l.i in duplicate. Hiid 11 led in Hiis oltice Apex Xu. 13 lode; 2 of Utah No. 1 Fraction lode; Hienre X. 44 deg. 54 teet No. to 87 08 7.7 Thence 8. V. min. deg. :uin. W. 448.2 feet to corner No. 1 of within thirty CMM days after the com-- : feel to corner No. 3 of Horn Hilvvi lisle; N. 8 di g. 02 min. W. 815.5 the Victory Fraction lode, from which jilet imi ot tin- - j.ul'ilicalion of thiii; Thence 12 No. Apex lode; the al'oreauid section corner bears X. notice. r.tj-:- Tan n tit, Tlicnc. X. 8 deg. 23 min. E. 1806.2 feci lo comer No. 2 of George Dewey 12 4ii. ut ileg. 53 min. FI. 2387. 3; I lienee isle; r.ict lo corner No. 4 of Horn Silver Nov'cniln-- r S. 41 deg. 36 min. W. 133.7.8 feel ale nr first piililii-Htioii- , S. 80 GOO.O 20 E. Thence min. In, deg. Xu. I lode, identical with corner corner No. 2 of Victory Fraction lode; date ot ciiiiipleliim ot pulilicu-lio- u As-6, No. 2 of Hum Silver Apex No. 2 lode; 'eel to corner No. 1 or said lode, iden r If, liHiti. min. W. iiu.7 feel 44 with corner No. l of CongreHs 'hence X. 28 deg. 4 Thence N. 75 deg. 15 inf n. W. 1044.1 Meal 3 No. corner Hie of 0 No. 2 Victory F'rac- 4 lode; feel to cornei- Nn. 4 of Horn Silver 4 3.1 FJ lion 28 N. 7G min. 31 lode; thence Thence 8. min. E. 600.1' deg. deg. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. 4 Apex No. 2 lode; 4 No 723 feet to corner No. 4 of the Vic- i 4 Slide Engineer's lltllce. Thence N. 8 deg. 02 min. W. 1720.9 2feel lo corner No. 2 of Uongi-es32 N. Fraction 4 ihenee lode; 4 deg ioiy lisle; Salt Liike City, Itaii, Sept, iiti, 1909. fret lo corner No. 4 of Horn Silver 4 4 Thence. 8. 8 ileg. 02 niln. E. 1720.9 19 min. E. 621.5 Jeci in lulersei-HoNotice is hereby given that Joseph Apex No. 3 lode, lileiniciil with corn 4 4 of tlie .Marengo Frac 4 8. Grow, whose kjsi olliee addresH Ik er No. 3 ami 2, Horn' Silver Apex leet lo corner No. 3 of St. lands No. 2 with line lion N. 54 thence 41 4 niln. lisle; 1 of deg. Stilt Lake City, Ctali, lias made appli-eiilb- No. 5 and I lorn Silver Apex No. 9 'ode. identical with corner No. W. ,78:.. 7 feel lo ('(inter No. 3 nf the 4 Si. lamia No. 3 lisle; in with the 4 lodes; deg. 15 min. E. 1044.1 Marengo Fraction lode; thence N. 55 4 of the Compiled Iuiws of Flail, Thence N. 7C deg. 21 min. V. Con TeetThence 8. 75No. FI. 310.8 feet to corner No. 4 2 uf St. Louis No. 4 .leg. 25 niln. to comer as iiiiiemled by the Session Laws feet to enr. No. 3 of Horn Silver Apex of the Marengo Fraction lisle; 44 of Ctiili, l !M)9, to apiirniiriate one (I) No. 9 lode. Identical with corner No. lisle; Thence S. 8 deg. 23 ntln. W. 1500.0 '.hence S. 65 deg. 54 min. E. 699.8 leet 4 cubic i (Kit per second of water from 2 of llifl-- Silver Apex No. 7 lode; lisle, iden Hi corner No. 5 of the Marengo F'rao- - 4 ihe South Fork of Atchison Creek, Thence N. 80 deg. 20 min. W. 238.4 feet to corner No. 3 of bald fon lode; t hence S. 44 deg 54 uiin. E Heal, with corner No. G of EmiMiria Heaver County, ftuli. Said water will feet to corner No. 3 oT said lode; 131.3 feet to intersection with line X in diverted liy iiicaus uf a llnme mid Thence S. 13 deg. 29 min. V. 301 So. 11 lode; G 1 I of tlie Mine S. 58 Thence lode; 4 W. 304.8 lain. Gettysburg deg. a at a which bears feet to corner No. 2 of Horn Silver pipe line, . jsiint. feel to corner No. K of Emporia No. i hence N. 27 deg. 03 mhi. FI. 547.5 feet 4 north 48 degrees weal 5,500 leel from Apex No. 10 lode; o comer No. 4 of tlie Gettysburg 4 Fremont Hill Mineral Munnnieiil No. Thence N. 80 deg. 25 uiin. W. 1500 II lode; S. 24 Thence deg. 54 min. W. 501.3 Mine lode; thence S. 69 deg. 54 mill 44 2, Washington Mining District, Ilea feet to comer No. 3 of said lode; '4. 303 feet lo Intersection with line No. 4 of said lisle; 4 4 ver Comity, Cult, I rum w here H will Thence N. 13 deg. 29 min. E. 601.0 reel lo corner 4 Thence S. 16 deg. 2G min. V. 693.7 ! 4 of the Aiislerlitx lode; thence N. 4 be conveyed lor a distance of 2, Sou feet to corner No. 4 of said lode, iden17 4 FI. 4 44 423.9 min. feet to comer deg. feet and there used from January I tical with corner No. 3 of Horn Silver feet to corner No. 3 of said lisle; 4 Thence N. 75 deg. 15 uiin. W. 810.5 No. 4 of the Aimierlitz lode; (lienee S 10 December 31, inclusive, 4 of each Apex No. 14 lode; 2G min. FI. 598.5 feet to place of 4 (4 corner 4 No. to H: feel deg. 4 No. of Emporia Tlietice N. Hi deg. 29 min. E. 9.2 year, in said mining district at the 4 of exterior 4 beginning of description liostnn group of mines, for Hie pur feet to eoruer No. 2 of Horn Silver lisle ; 44444 44 4444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444 N. 8 deg. 21 min. E. 220.8 'SiunilarieK of said consolidated claim Thence t lit 14 uf of ores No. Apex lead, lode; rating jiose Said claim being located in unsur Them e N. 88 deg. 47 min. E. 1547.2 eet to corner No. 3 of hhtiporiu Nn. ! silver, copper and gold. I'arl of said vcyeil part of T. 28 K.. R. 12 W., S. L water will be used for Hie generation feel In comer No. 1 of Halil IiiiIC. idetl lode; Thence N. 70 deg. 31 min. W. ROli.b 'I. 41 M., and eontainiiig u total area of sieaiu and as much as may he nec- ileal, with corner No. 4 of Horn Silvci feet to corner No. 2 of said lisle, iden it 60.303 acres. the' domestic purposes uf Apex No. 7 lode; essary lor therefrom, in addition to Hu employees of said mines and mill. Thence S. 80 deg. 20 min. E. 338.1 leal with corner No. 3 of Kuiiorla heKxrluding exclusion made between the lodes 1 is nut the Intention of the applicani feet to comer No. 1 of Horn Silver No. 7 lode; if this survey, the urea in conflict Thence N. 80 deg. 20 min. W. 600 of to use any water that ilows into the Apex No. 7 lode; to comer No. 4 of Emporia No. 7 'ilh the Waterbsi, Sur. 4417, Marengo South Fork of Atchison Creek above Thence N. 13 dog. 29 min. E. COe Mine, Sur. 5532, Green Monster, Sur. a point which bears north 39 degrees feet to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver 'ode: Fhttenalon Thence S. 8 deg. 23 min. W. 220.fi 831, Hunting Moscow west 1,310 feet from the mineral mon- Apex No. 9 lode; Ant'd.), Sur. 5412, Anvil Mine, Sur. ument above described. This applicaThence S. 76 deg. 31 min. E. 210 feet lo comer No. 3 of Emporia No. f 7776, 47. Net area and Victory, s tion is designated in the State feet lo corner No. 1 of Horn Silver iode ; Thence N. 80 deg. 25 ntln. W. GOO.O icing 51.325 acres. ofHce as No. 2364. Extension lode, identical with cornet Fhich of said lodes embraced in said ret to corner of No. 4 of said lisle; All protests against the granting of No. 2 of Little Dick lisle; Thence N. 8 deg. 23 min. E. 1498.7 onsolldated claim being ol record in said application, stating the reasons Thence N. 87 dog. 51 min. E. S90.6 ho office of the comity recorder reet to corner No. 1 of said lode, iden at therefor, must be made by affidavit in feet to cottier No. I of Little DU-lical with corners Nos. 2 and 3, Drum Heaver City, Reaver County, Ftah. duplicate and filed in thin office within lode; The nearest known locutions or mitt Thence S. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 292.8 and Drum No. 1 lodes; thirty cum days after the completion Thence N. 80 deg. 25 min. W. GOO.O ng claims being Ihe aforesaid conilict Tect to corner No. 5 of said lode; of the publication of this notice. and the Elephant Ledgi Thence S. 26 deg. 58 min. W. 18C.9 ' feet to corner No. 4 of Drum No. 1 tig claims CALEil TANNEH. 43. lot ode, ,Hd; 4 iode, to No. corner feet Iden of said State Engineer. 1 direct that tills notice be published Thence N. 8 deg. 23 min. E. 371.fi D:ile of first publication, Uctobor 15, lical with corner No. 1 uf St. Stephen Large and commodious accommodations n the Heaver County News, at Mil 3 feet No. eurner 2 to No. of Drum 2 Hioit. Date uf completion of publica- No. lode; Beaver for ord, the County, for the convenience of tourists and traveling Ftah, Thence S. 13 deg. 29 min. W 279 1 lode; tion. November 15. 1909. Thence S. 81 deg. 58 min. W. G03.S isi'iisl of nine consecutive weeks. feet to corner No. 2 of Absalom lodeB. D. R. THOMPSON. men. All the latest magazines and papers Thence S. 75 deg. 54 min. E. 28.3 feet to comer No. 2 of said lode; APPLICATION FT)R PATENT. Thence N. 9 deg. 51 min. E. 127G.9 Register. feet to corner No. 4 of King David M. A. No. 04867 are in our reading room. Aecrington !. V. PARKS, I'nited State Ijtnd Office, Salt Lake lode, identical with corner Xo. 1 of feet Gto intersect line for Xo. Attorney Applicant. lode; Cily, Utah. October 13, 1909. Absalom lode; First publication, Oct. 15, 1909. Thence N. 79 deg. 00 ntln. W. 320.2 Thence S. 89 deg. 26 mln. E. 277.9 Notice is hereby given, that King Ijiat. publication, Dec. 10, 1909. David Mining Company, a Corpora- feet to corner No. 5 of King David feet to corner No. 2 of Accrington No 6 lode, Identical with corner No. 2 of tion, through its authorised agent, lode; Thence S. G2 deg. 13 min. E. 275.1 Accrington No. 4 lode; Cora M. lloldertiian, whose postoffice Thence S. 55 deg. 48 min. W. 870.0 iiddreKs is Salt Lake City, Utah, has feet to corner No. l of said lode, the liiiiili application tor a United States place of beginning and located In un feet to corner No. 4 of Accrington No paiciil for the King David, Absalom, mirveyed part of Townahip 27 South, I it I It Thence N. 11 deg. 00 min. FL 833.9 Dick. St. Stephen No. 2, Old Range 13 West., S. 1 B. and M., an Hrea of 358.376 acrPR ex reel lo corner Xo. 3 of Champion lisle; Warriur, Horn Silver Apex No. 4. Thence S. 83 deg. 54 ntln. W. 1219.1 Horn Silver Extension, Horn 8ilver cbisive of eonflicta with Mineral Sur Ideal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement 4 of Accrington No Apex No. 5, Horn Silver Apex No. 3, vey No. 3399. Isle Claim Dick Tny-'or- ; eet to corner Xo. 7 lode: i lorn Nn. Sur. Silver Apex No. 8, Horn Silver 3401, Ijuly Washington Thenre N. 11 deg. 00 min. F3. 148S.G Apex No. 2, Horn Silver Apex No. 9, lode; Sur. No. 3400, Lady Franklin Xo. 51. Grampian Ledge and feet to corner No. 1 of suid lode; limn Silver Apex No. 7, Horn Silver lodp; Thence N. 83 deg. 54 min. E. 1181.4 60, Jay Hawker Apex Xo. 14, Horn Silver Apex No. 19. Co. lisle, and cur,M,r N 5 of Champion lisle, Horn Silver Apex Xu. 1, Horn Silver lode; adjoining and conflicting claims identical with corner No. of Ac Ah-No. II, Dolly Mack Fraction, as shown by plat of survey are Horn Siln-- r Apx Nn, 12, Hum Silver No. (fi). Jay Hawker lisle; Lot No. 49. crlnginn Nn. 3 lode; lisle; Ist number 68. feefThence N. 55 deg. 48 niln. E. 804.5 Apex No. 13, Lady Franklin Fraction, Honan .a to corner No. 3 of Accrington Dives lode; number 51, GramLet us build you an inch Emporia Mine, Emporia Fraction, and Co. lisle; Lot lode. Identical with corners Nos. 2 No. 1, Independence No, 3 pian Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ad. in this paper; a coliind Nineteen iliiiiilreil lairie Mining ntimlwr 3s A, Horn Silver lisle ; Tit and 1, Accrington Xo. 1 and ReciClaim situate In the j No. To. Young America lode; Lot No. procity lodes; umn ad., a page ad., or Thence X. 46 deg. 28 ntln. W. 791.3 Lulu lode; Ul No. 61. Dolly Mack Siii Mining District. Ciiiin-149- , any old bize ad. tv or Heaver, Slate of 1'tali. being Sur- - ,lde; Sur. No. 3100. Udy FYanklln feet lo corner Xo. I of Accrington No. Doors anil Windows lisle; vey Nos. 46.15 mill .7921. mid described ''isle; Sur. No. 3HM. Lady Washington Lumber, Mouldings, Thence N. 25 deg. 24 ntin. E. 587.2 in t be Held no'ea iind pint on file Inline; Sur. Nn. 3:,9!l. Dick Taylor lisp, 1 direct that Ibis notice lie ibis off Ice. with magnetic variation nt pablished feet to corner No. or Recliirociry No. i in the Heaver Let it Irll in forceful trims: Hi di g. 17 iii'u. East, as follows; Comity News, published 2 lode; Thence N. 13 deg. 14 ntln. E. 19.2 Comiiirnciiis al corner No. 1 nr 'at Milford, ITslt, What jou'vc got to sell reef To rovnci- Xo. 2 of said lisle; FI. 1). It. THOMPSON, Hie Kiln; David lisle claim, wlietu-' Tlu-nc- e H. 77 ileg. 17 min. E. 1322.9 Mining Timbers ini nil kinds of Building Material - Register, H. 13 W.. SI (Ollier R.c. 13. T. 27 What it's worth feel eurner 3 No. lo W. of S EDWIN SENIOR. H. I.. It, ami M. bears X. 75 (leg. Reciprocity No 2 lode; Why its best at that price Salt Lake City, 1'tali, 7211.2 feet; t.iin. X. 12 03 niln. W. 216.4 Thnirr Claimant's A Honey. S. 2 26 mill. W. 675.9 Them feet to cm tier Xu. of Reciprocity No No. 2 of said lisle; fri i io die place of beginning, and Tlietice X. 89 (leg. 26 mill. W. jl lode, In Hie iiiikiii revi-'bunted No. 3 of sa'il loile, idun to i, part of Such an advertisement Township 27 Rat'.go 13 W S. L lical villi c iriu-- r Xo. 6 or Absalom il. and M ni this paper will bring an area nf containing loiir; 169 u 5 u mill. E. 1112 feet, exclusive of cunllicls Tbcm-- i S. .1 buyers who hardly knew Mineral Survey No. .7921, loilo to c a in r No. .1 of Alisabim lude. Idea rbiitiiK. llmu Silver Apex No. 9, Hum you existed before you wbli (oilier No. 2, Hill1. No. I651, Silver Apex No. 7, Horn Milver Apex Xilicii-- i a It'iiiilreil lisle; advertised. S. 81 dig ,7 tula. W. IS .Not ire Is hereby given Hint King No. lo. I lorn SiHer ASX No. 14. Morn JiL ! px Mi. 12. Lady Frank'lu io I'oiner No. I, Sir Xo. .19JI, Da v id Mining Company, a corpora lion, Sllvt-- , M. Sur. Xo. .7922, Humbug Mine, Hiroiigli its niitliorleil ng-C'iI V.'airior ioile; (ora . . Imw land Sur. Nu, 5946, Washington Xu 2 s. x d g J min. E. G'i'i feet llobh-rmati- , posioHli-- i addn-.sriallll. ISM. Ilf W. a. U. pi,, LlXi A .'XOTICKS iiil-V- j - - u 1 - rii.-;;toii r-- Cnti-git-a- biin-udi-- u-- - - s U-- r 1 1 s. divi-rt-(- li-- - i 1 j mm-ncifi- - u' r ti-e- , y im-an- a r di-g- hec-Uo- - Vii-mr- - fit-ii- , : . d j I 23 ; i j lei-cinl)c- 5-- t - j - 23 . 1 1 For a sociable game pool or billiards drop in at It. Engi-neer'- THE OXFORD - 2-- 3 Ads. as enn-I'dnin- g Iit Lnt-Xn- . Reputation Props j ! It lji-dg- e IIMlfot'i) It. lumber Co. i 1 : - d.-g- . ili-g- . Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal 1 .15-- 1 ; il-- 'w-lil- i lii-a- l . Tlc-ii'-- : e Krai-linn- j i9n casui . |