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Show Beginning Monday morning, November I st, we will give with each one dollar cash purchase one ticket entitling the holder thereof to a chance on one of the following seven prizes to be given away at our store AT 9 OCLOCK ON XMAS EVE. Second prize $15.00 Fourth prize 1 FIRST 7.50 7.50 Third prize PRIZE Fifth prize Sixth prize Seventh prize $30.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 TICKETS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME DRAWING TAKES PLACE Do not fail to take advantage of this unparalleled opportunity. Remember that our assortments are com- plete, our qualities the highest and our prices the lowest. WoSfe-BVicKa- Com RETAIL y WHOLESALE L-- For TVcnt Two furnished iooiiih, New dishes lire added daily to tin n hill nf fare at lintel Atkin. suitable for light housekeeping. ilc cf freight dejiot. Enquire Thu heat., most ' pleasant, easiest OyHtcra Oysters. Any ntyle at Min. ltowen. Hotel Atkin. safest iill in King Little Liver j uinl Many of the Newlioiise copIe are A. Simpkins was down j preparing to Hjiend Thanksgiving at Rev. Peter Sold Milford Pills. hy 1liurinuey. Take advantage of our i.ew huU- from Salt Luke and made i script ion offer. For Sale Two lota, good location. nn olllcial visit toTuesday Albert Pike Lodge fill foot Several of tlie Salt Lake Route frontage and one 00 foot No. 14, F. an. A. M. All kiudH of fwli and cysfcers at One A cunt. for officials visited Newliousn Sunday on bargain facing frontage Hotel Atkin day and nigli.L The danco given at the Milfonl a tour of any purchaser. See W. L. Klswick. inspection. For Sale Two choice lota, embracopera house Tuesday evening by the line two or Rale one Either For student laxly of tluf Murdock academy The Nevada Ready Pay Co. atul ing ltxt hy 11S fret, in dcNirahlc locahroken was the Cupric oi ntpany have arranged a very pleasant affair. tion with rant andHontli frontage. A Huddle horses, niedi nn sized ; I.. Hiian if taken at once. Enquire of to harness. F.iniuirc of with the Salt take Route to run a News oiltce. x Preparations are being made for a switch from the Newhouse line to L. Klawick. big time at the meeting of the Royal these prqiertiea and it is expected Highlanders next Monday night. that 'the track will lie put in noon. Several candidate are to be initiated This will give these two mining prowhich a lunch will be served. after LOCAL AND PERSONAL HAPPENINGS Op-pu- Banking Business Hi-nr- VZT service. become one. OUR SAVING'S DEPARTMENT is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and the rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $5000 and allows four per cent, interest, compounded Els-wic- semi-annuall- ; Fred Jefferson returned fiom the northern part of the state Sunday morning where lie has been the greater jwrt of the summer with a survey ing party. He expects to remain in ' Milford during the winter. perties better shipping facilities. Schou) & Fotheringham y. State Bank of Beaver County J R. Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our But if not a patron wouldn't it he well for you to T J.' Walters, superintendent of the Revenue mine, is at the proper! MILFORD, UTAH this week looking over the development work. The Revenue is allowing np well and the tunnel, which has been driven 350 feet, is now getare made by ting into a highly mineralized terArrangements being ' the Eagle lodge for a grand matquer-- : ritory with strong indications of apado ball to bo given Thanksgiving proaching the ore body. Eve. Every effort will be put forth The following interesting announceby the committee to make tills dance Every lady wants to feel that she is wearing tlio most is taken from the Wellston, ment all and popular design bat that the fashion creators efforts. cclijise previous Ohio Telegram: can produce. A visit to my alore will convince you tiiat Wanted A man or woman residing An enjoyable luncheon was given I carry the most complete lino of in Milford, to assist in getting np a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. s charter list for a fraternal Wells Saturday was the occasion for insurance order. Good pay. Experi- the announcement of the engagement ence unnecessary. Write for particu- of their cnly daughter, Isadora, to To be obtained in any city. I also have a lars. ('has. W. Leinster, Ogden, lTt. Fred D. Pfening of Newhouse, Utah. tri miner in this department who can .make your old Miss Wells, who is one of the must hats look as good as new. The Lull team of the Milfonl school mciolx-of the younger sowent to Frisco Ratunlay to do battle popular set, is a young lady of refineSec our splendid Hue of ginghams, with the Frisco school team. The ciety and calio-x-sculture. She was an ment dress patterns, trimmings, Mrs. G. battle was a hard fought one from Forgie ladies and children1!) shoos teacher in the public schools (or notions, start to finish and when thrtsmcike a year and was also a student at the had clean'd away It was round that Mr. Ohio Wesleyan University. the Milfonlians had walloped the is the eldest son of Mr. and Pfening Friscoitcs to the tune of 19 to 15. The Mrs. Henry Prening, former Wells-tohoys n'turueJ home feeling happy residents. He has been in the and with colon flying proudly. It is west for tbe eighteen months, . expected that the Ftisco team will be where his sterling qualities and un-- : here tomorrow to play a return game. usual ability have secured for him the Carries the best and most complete lucrative and responsible position of stock of every tiling in NOTICE TO WATER USERS. general manager of the American! State Engineer's Office, Tradirg company at Newhouse, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 5, 1909. The marriage, which Is the culminaGroceries, Goods, Notice is Hereby given that John F. tion of a youthful romar.ee, will be and All Kinds of FRESH and Iter kh inter , whose postonire address is solemnized late this fall in Salt take Miltord, Itah, lias made application in City, th Rroom to he will not he CURED MEATS accordance with the requirements of able to get a leave of absence, and If there is anything you want, we hare It, the Compiled Laws id l't ah, 1907, as the future home of the young people and can supply you at right prices. ameuded by the Session Laws of Utah, will be in Newlioiise. FRISCO, UTAH 1909, to appropriate nine (9) cubic Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brownfield wen feet per second of water from Beaver river, Beaver County, Utah. Said in from the Beaver Lake district the water will lie diverted at a point first of the week and visited with J--J C HUNTER, M. D which bears south 74 degrees 59 min- friends for a dav. utes east 701.2 feet distant from the For $2 cash yon can get- the Beaver' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Notary Public west quarter corner of Section 8. County News from now until January All kinds of legal blanks, location Office at Tanner House Township 29 south, Range 10 west, 1, 1911, and we will also give you a j notices, proofs of labor, etc., always Utah on Salt take base and meridian, from set of those elegant knives. Don't Milford band. Notary work promptly and where It will be conveyed by means of borrow your neighbor's paper when accurately attended to. a canal for a distance of 14,000 feet you can get a bargain like this. If you have anything to sell, list it and there used from April 1 to DeThere isn't anything so annoying with Elswick. cember 1, inclusive, of each year, to or so painful nor is There anything Irrigate lilii acres of laud embraced quite so hard to get rid of as piles. . ill Seel ions 29 and AO, Township 28 ManZan, the great pile remedy, is the QEO. R GREENWOOD 10 west. Salt take base bestsouth, Range you can use, for it directly reaand meridian. This application Is dies the seat of the trouble and at ATTORNEY-A- T LAW Licensed- Alwtracter designated In the State Engineer's of- oneo relieves and soot lies pain. It i: amt Notary Public fice as No. .'05. applied by means of a tills with nozzle Law Investments All protests ngainst the granting of attached. Sold by Milfonl Pharmacy Real Restate Fire Insurance said application, stating .the reasons Milfonl Utah Siiinluy service at First Church cl AKMTlt ACTH OK TITI .!: tlicrcror, must be made hy nllidavil in duplicate nnd filed In this office Christ Sciei tint of Milfonl are held as; Qualified under rules of laud Sunday school at 9: A. M. ,1"nt tl? eerlify abstract in patent within thirty (SO t days after the com11 o'chx k. even- - j l,rot,,'e'inC, pletion of the publication of thin no- morning service at SINGS DYSPEPSI1 TABLETS S o'clock. services at ing Wednesday Offices Rank Building, Milfdrd, Utah Raiiavs CALEB TANNER, tice. Utah Tolton Beaver, Indigntion and atomacli TroublM Block, even mg meeting at si State Engineer. o'clock. -- WHOLESALE AND RETIAL Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain We Soil for Cash Only and can save you money, off on our fresh meats. j FALL and WINTER MILLINERY te OFF ON OUR GROCERIES 5 c i .. Popular Shapes and Designs first-clas- first-cla- ss J. A. INGOLS n etlh-i-ent- ASSAYER ENGINEER, U. S. Deputy Mineral We Surveyor for Utah and Nevada now prepared to give prompt an' CUSTOM CHEMIST AND attention to SURVEYS ASSAYIN6 GolJ Lead Stiver Iron Copjxr Zinc Patent Pliorjc GRIFFITHS ; Underground Locations Etc. tahrntory rpisisite Opera House u Milfonl. Utah Ut Miners Supplies Dry IF ITS THERE WELL FIND IT PC.ice and L. jst for for 0. , j V - HARDWARE ... addition to our large stock of staple and fancy grot 'cries we have one of the best lines of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in Souihr-Utah and can fill your orders for In 4 m Anything Frrm a Stove Roll Bert nichols to a Gasoline Engine We also have a large slock of wire fencing and chicken wire. Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utenv.ils, anal cvciything in MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS t C. Contractor depart-follow- Noordtz too ts to t.mall nor none too large for J HICKMAN SONS s: . hejtdle pfoi iptly and at lowest prices & Mclntire ! Milfoid, m Date of first publication. November , completion of 12. 19n9; date of IVcenilu-- r (iiibll-eutlon- 15, 1909. mints Pines alve mmuniixiiMXAM ACIS (arDOllZea F.ELIlYti ALL j Subscribe for The News and be happy. |