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Show LEAVES TOWN FIVE MAYORS Congressman Anderson of Fostorla, Will Hold National Job After Unusual Tangle. 0, The Little Touches A ANOTHER LITTLE COLD. IMPORTANT VICTORY School children THE CARTER MEDICINE COMPANY IN THE UNITED FOR He caught a little cold STATES COURT, That was sadly said. The United States Circuit Court for As they gathered round his bed. When they heard that he was dead. the Southern District of New York-sit- ting In New York City has just swarded to the Carter Medicine ComHe caught a little cold pany s decree which again sustains That was alL (Puck.) the company's exclusive right to use Neglect of a cough or cold often the red package for liver pills. By the terms of the decree, It is, leads to serious trouble. To break up cold In twenty-fou- r hours and cure among other things: Adjudged that the Carter Medicine any cough that la curable mix two e of Company is the owner of the sole and ounces of Glycerine, a Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and exclusive right to the use of red coleight ounces of pure Whisky, Take a ored wrappers and labels upon said teaspoonful every four hours. You can small, round packages of liver pills of buy these at any good drug store and the style described In the bill of complaint; said right having been aceasily mix them In a large bottle. a quired by the prior adoption of said style and color of package for liver Aaaonatl china in thn Family Blxa Package pills by the complainant predecessors more than thirty years ago, and established by the continuous and exFive Minutes lu the Morning clusive use of the same In constantly NO HONING NO STROPPING Increasing quantities by said predecessor! and by the complainant, the Carter Medicine Company, Itself, from the time of their said adoption until WORLD OVER KNOWN THE the present day. The decision Just announced Is perhaps the most Important and of all, by reason of the character of the tribunal which rendered It No Your majesty, theres a creditor Conrt In tlie country standa higher.' Positively cured by nrlthout" these Lillie Fills. Rational Druggist, fit. Louts, UtK Let him go without They elao relieve Die tree fruta Dyaprpals, InLooking Brighter. diana Ion anil Ton Hearty I towd This? "Things are looking brighter no, Eating. A perfect rear sheriff The Billville a citizen. W fltr On If undue DoUira Rnrmrd tor any says edy for Dlialiieaa, Naaur at I murk UuU caniwt Im curat by Ham is now my brother-in-laand he won't nce, Druwalneea, Beg Court oira. TaatelntheUoulh.Coa T. J. CHENEY S CO., ToMa a levy on my crop; the town doctor have Um ed Tongue, Pain in the known f. J. dawy Va undmfcwd, boards with me, and doesn't charge a Itor til laat IS. ynun. and brllrvc him perfectly honSide, TORPID UVXB. orable lu all buanwai and nnaurladj cent for tollin' me that If 1 don't quit They regulate tea Bowel. Purely Vegetable. able to carry out any oblmuona mad. by hm a kiMxan a SUkvin, eatln six incals a day 111 nut live to SMALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. l W lirunMa Toledo. (X be a hundred, and last of all, the head HitllCatarrh Cum a take aetinf llmrtly upon the bkxd arid sdKOia Mirlaow at tin undertaker Is my best friend, and has Genuine Must Bear Ik tent ooala 1rlm pee Ira. Tertiiuiiiau lyam. buttfe Bold by all irnmM promised to fix me finally. Signature lali Hall a family flu I "I feel that I don't half ilese'rve 'em I've but got many blessings, Mistake Somewhere. and I'm going to hold on to them." A story comes from a Kentucky REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. town that la worth repeating. There Atlanta Constitution. lives there a.woimui who says that Sing Sing to Be Removed. she has immediate communion with PARKER'S Sing Sing prison is to be removed the Almighty, and now and then deHAIR BALSAM 15 20 or CTwmI nil brsiKitisi ti It livers to those of common clay a mes- across the Hudson river hwiwba ft javumnl povtli. miles Mevw Mil to JlMtori Gm eight miles sage that she has received from on south northward, just XlAtv to It Youthful Color. where a West of Curas Mlp dMaMkhifriillM Point, lurge high. The fact that these messages tract ftp.sndfl.Wt Pnirptef of land has been purchased and sometimes take on a very materialishundred convicts a several of gang tic hue does not alter their effectivehas been working for two years. HOWARD E. BURTON, ness, In her opinion. Tho present prison was also built by Mpnulnit-- prime: Unld, Silver, Leed. 11; linML One day ahe went Into the office of Ike; Guld, Mr; Zinc nr Cupuer, 4l. italllns Silver, envelope and full prlrn lint arntua ppllralliu a well known attorney and approached convicts In 1826, with material found Conlnil and nmu lie work leadvlli him solemnly as one about to reveal on the grounds, but, although It haa CuL lUioNBcn. Crbuui MaUuaal Bank. is and few been yean, enlarged every secret. an now one of the largest penitentiaries HIDES IND PELTS The Lord sent me to yon (or 25," RAW Wriio for our eneiplala In the world. It Is not large enough. she announced , prleellM and turn, price paid and .alliiruclury return a. lllgbnt The attorney looked up and smiled. IAJTZ JlllkK A WOOL Ill, In zeal Hi does a base that thing reIraMCMhaSk k "That must he a mistake," he bnM,lit. for bis friend burns the golden thread plied, blandly, "because the Lord that ties their hearts together. PRETTY KIMONOS knows I have not got It." you. II .li to (IM. Map for lady Aural. kran Celestial communication waa thereaaurplea. Uunlllgi,MKXiiHrniaaHk,DmvnrJkil. rOFGIT DONT XIHiLRCT THAT run Into and off. IS tuny broken nrkt vrlamlr juur upon oimHhinii m? rlous. Allon l.tm Halmm will rliwk It quickly sad penuftiuqiliy. For salt? null drugginUk DEFIANCE STARCH ,nr ,tarrMn' Lost In Antiquity. Procrastination la the thief of many A little fellow who had just felt the W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. time. a good to hard side of. the slipper turned his mother for consolation. "Mother, he asked, "did grandna thrash father when he was s little boy? Now and stain you see two women pets-in- g answered his mother. Im"Yes, down the street who look like sin ten. pressively. You are satunished to learn that they are And did his father thrash him mother end daughter, and you realize that when he was little? woman at forty or forty-fiv- e ought to be Yes. at her finest and fui rent. Why isn't it aoP The general health of woman is so in"And did his father thrash him? timately aaaociated with the local health Yes. of the essentially feminine organs that A pause, there can be no ted cheeks and round Well, who started this thing, form when there is female weakness. Cassells Saturday Journal. Women who have suffered from this trouble here found prompt Brought Their Relations. Small Nettie, seeing some large inrelief end cure fa the use of Dr. sects cn the back porch, asked what Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It they were, and waa told that they were of womanhood. It dears organs ants. The next morning she discovtho end reddens check. eyes ered a number of small ants among g No alcohol, or drugs ii contained in "Favorite Prescript ion.' the large ones, and exclaimed! "Oh, Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter is mamma, the aunts have brlnged their held as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address t little nieces with them Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. K.V, Pierce, Free., Buffalo, N.Y. For Consideration. All pertinent facts must be considered when you are dealing with the great problem of prosperity. Would you put the plus or minus sign before the item that the county Jail has a great falling off in patronage? DeSo tho neighbors Columbus, O. Carl Carey Anderson, who was twice elected mayor of Fostorla, O.. and once congressman and followed tbls by attempting to hold down both jobs at once, evetu-all- y giving the town a lire mayors' puzzle, has decided to keep his congressional job and let the other one go, without walling for the decision of the Ohio supreme court. Anderson, who was a Democrat in a Republican town, didn't want to should eat Quaker Oats at least half-ounc- twice a day just sa cGlletter" SICK HEADACHE Carl Carey Anderson. Iraimiu-ltuii- have the mayoralty job held down by a Republican, even after he was elected congressman and away In Washington. So he delegated his power to a Democratic justice of the peace. This Irritated the Republican council, which appointed a mayor itself. Then the Republican president of the council rose In his wrath and declared that In the absence of the real mayor In Washington, he was mayor, so there. That made four. Then Congressman-Mayo- r Anderson, hoping TRAVELED 2,000,000 MILES Railroad Conductor In 37 Years' Service Rides Distance 80 Times Around bolt-m- Fac-Simi- Earth. Chicago. L. J. Punches, who began his railroad career 37 years ago at Elkhart, Ind., has traveled more than 2,000,000 miles. He was born In Akron, O., and began railroad work as a wiper In the shops. Later he became a brakeman and freight conductor. In 1886 he was made passenger conductor and given a run from Chicago mlli-lte- g FURS These little individualities of dress are a valuable feature. Any separate idea can be appropriated by those designing a new gown and often this little original touch will Impart an air of elegance to an otherwise colorless costume. The new small sleeve Is a problem to nearly every home dressmaker-h-ow to avoid the "nippy look. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 offer suggestions for sleeves for different gowns. No. 1 Is a sleeve for a semi-dress- y evening gown of crepe de chine, piped with chiffon velvet in a darker tone, and the buttons are covered to match. The undersleeve is chiffon and lace. No. 2 Is a blue serge, suitable for a morning frock. , The top of the sleeve Is shape, cut with one seam, and the band scalloped well up the bark, from which falls a frill of lace or hemstitched mull. No. 3 Is attractive for a cloth afternoon gown and takes away the plain look from the top of the arm which is not often becoming. The little cap Is made of the material. braided, and held together with matching cord and braid buttons, which also trims the outside of the sleeve. The cap Is lined with a matching shade of soft satin. No. is a novel finish for a simple blouse. Two rows of narrow velvet ribbon, black or some dark shade, and a row of gold and one of silver bub tons form the trimming. Ii Something new In buttonholes sketched In the serviceable coat In No. 6. The garment hooks with large cloak hooks, while the buttons and double simulated buttonholes form a finish. The buttons and collar facing are of moire silk another new feature of the winter modes The buttonholes and collar edge are of darker cloth. No. 6 showa one of - the smart "touches on the latest chapeaux a lace cockade, stiffly wired and tied with a black and white bow. For this fashionable cloth coat for early fall an unusual collar finish Is the only trimming required. No. 7 is a light pearl gray cloth with square, stitched revers of black satin. A very stunning effect Is given by three great gold disks on the end of each tie. A belt of two shades of taffeta and black soutache braid, crossed over In front and fastening under a black satin bow, gives a cachet to a plain silk gown. . 4 . CHANGES IN TABLE SILVER Knife Handles of Ivory and Mother of Pearl No Longer Seen Lavish Display Frowned On. Edged with black silk, with a soft crown and a wreath of oxidized silver to Elkhart, Ind. Now he has a fast roses. run from Chicago to Toledo. A Trying Collar. He has acquired a modest fortune extreme collar has not reThe very Outand economy. through Industry has given place to a modbut turned, side of working hours he Indulges In erately high straight collar, surmounthorseback riding. Mr. Punches married Miss Seville ed, In many instances, by a suggestion Krelder and they have two children. of a frill again. Plaited linen Is better than nichA daughter Is the wife of Charles and a tiny outstanding turnover ing, Clark of Elkhart. la purposely allowed to Mr. Punches is a member of the is good. This form a frame for the to as so flare Conductors Order of Railway face. It Is slashed open back and front, and Is rather stiff and formal King Is Yacht Racing Recruit. Is of looking. Alfonso the latest Spain King This type of collar Is no more genrecruit to the ranks of royal racing whom becoming than Is the Pierrot of erally King Edward, yachtsmen, takes away from the natural ruff. It and Prince the German emperor Henry of Prussia are among the chlel outline of the face and neck, and But although should be cautiously chosen. There representatives these royal yachtsmen have won many are always styles of this sort for the have steered very slender woman, and they should prizes, few of them to victory, says the WeBt be reserved for her. their lioats minster Gazette. Unquestionably the Just a Toilet Hint. piost expert royal helmsman Is Prince A borax In witch haxel is a little are among the chief Henry of Prussia motoring, and Is reer of conquest as long ago as 1883 good face washinafter so value of also many or ways that his small rater Nelly at the tiller woman should have borax and at a Kiel regatta, and for some seasons every in her dressing case, says carried all before him In the Clyde witch hazel on such matters. A little an authority racer so called Irene, built cruiser of soda and orris root in bicarbonate In consort. Gudruda owner's its after It much more Irene's successor, be proved 'qual the eatb make Invincible. ly Punches. to-da- WHMf n HAT OF MOIRE. L. J. le i to simplify matters, wrote back from Washington "deposing the justice of the peace he had first named and substituting a Republican. But the Democrat said he had no right to depose him without coniine back to town. At ibis point the riddle was good enough to take into court. Congressman Anderson, aside from his attempt to provide the town with superfluous mayors and a real political comedy, has had an Interesting career. Like Senator Lorlmer, the "blonde boss" of Illinois, he began his career as a bootblack In Fremont, (O.) streets. That was at ten years of age. At 16 he had saved enough to buy a home for his mother. In 1904 he moved to Fostorla and opened an underwear factory, which be still owns. a ibutbi auives ana ic have handles of silver, which has tlrely superseded the white hart of ivory and mother of pearl, silver Is found to be more substan and is less likely to be spoiled broken by constant use. Silver p ters also take precedence over ones of china for the serving of meats, poultry and fish, as they! the heat better and Insure the si ing of these courses piping hot thing not possible with chins.. It la not customary abroad to pi half a dozen knives and forks of rlous designs, some for fish and s( for fowl and some for no one km what, alongside the plates befon dinner Is begun. But for each con as it .Is removed the waiter bri the "tools" for the next Not onlj this bit of show done away with, it la considered bad taste to spr out an array of silverware bef your guests, an act which appe rather parvenu, as though the oh; of a feast were to make an exhibii of wealth, it is taken for gran by jne's guests that there Is pie of silver to go round. New Fall Goods, Whipcord. Balln-face- d c repons. Crepe bengaline. Travers cord. Satin prunella. Herringbone serge. Striped English solelL , Marquisette. Velveteen and corduroy. Broadcloth. Cashmere de sole. Fancy messallnes. Chevron worsteds. Sturdy homespun. I Rough cheviot , SKiS?; 46-19- Not Sisters t ary-way?- habit-funnin- PA:tNl troit Free Press. 80ME HARD KNOCKS Woman Geta Rid of "Coffee Heart. The Injurious action of Coffee on the heart of many persons Is well known to be caused by caffeine. This is the drug found by chemists in coffee and tea. A woman suffered s long time with severe heart trouble and finally her doctor told her she must give up coffee, as that was the principal cause of the trouble. She writes: My heart was so weak it could not do Its work properly. My husband would sometimes have to carry me from the table, and It would seem that I would never breathe again. "The doctor told me that coffee was causing the weakness of my heart He suld I must stop it but it seemed I could not give it up until I was down In bed with nervous prostration. For eleven weeks I lay there and suffered. Finally Husband brought home some Postum and I quit coffee and started new and right Slowly I got well. Now I do not have any headaches, nor those spells with weak heart. We know It is Postum that helped me. The Dr. said the other day. al never thought you would be what you are. I used to weigh 92 pounds and now I weigh 158. "Postum faBs done much for me and I would not go bark to coffee again for any money, for I believe It would kill me If I kept at It. Postum must be well boiled according to directions on pkg., then it has s rich flavour anil with cream la fine . Read The Rond to Wellvllle, found In pkga. There's a Reason. A am Evrr mS ,)ir abnvr anarar from llm to time. They ) by physicians lrrl nr araalar, tree, aaA fall ef fcamaa Difference That Ten Minutes Make From 35 degrees to 70 degrees from an unbearable cold to a glow ing heat that contributes the cheery comfort you want in your home is the difference that can be made in 10 minutes when you have the PERFECTION Oil Healer (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to do your heating. It is unrivaled for quick work and effective, cleanly work. Impossible to turn the wick too high or too to make it smoke or emit disagreeable odor the low-impo- ssible self-locki- ng Automatic Smokeless Device absolutely prevents smoke. Lighted in a second cleaned in a minute burns Nine Hours with one filling. Rustless brass font ' Automatic smokeless device instantly removed for cleaning. Highest efficiency in heating power Beautifully finished in Japan or Nickel an ornament anywhere a necessity everywhere. Variety of styles. II Not At Your, Write for Deicrlptive Circular Every Dealer Everjrerhere. to tlie Ncareit Agency of tlie CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (loeorporalnd) |