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Show t t i I 0 f ! VOL 2. MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY UTAH. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1909 28 NO DRY FARMING METH- ODS DISCUSSED Some Interesting Facts About Dry Farming Told by H. W. plants, uml I do not want to dispute him us to the utility uf these familiar plants, lint I ain willing to leave the field of Investigation uf the usefulness ol the thistle mid sweet clover and similar plants from Siberia ami the lar north to tin' depart incut of agriculture. "1 do insist,'' mlded Mr. Campbell, "that It is wrong and hurtful uud wholly Inexcusable fur authority tu he given at Washington fur sensation til attacks upon the work that we of that aid the west are doing. ami encouragement he given In our soil work of development of culture by and through which we have already achieved so much that, is of permanent value. Mr. Cninphe recounted sonu; of his experiences of more than twenty S2.00 PER YEAR :!h FRISCO NOTES Sunday (linneis a! Hotel Atkin. Dr. Burton visited his Frisco yesterday. tnta Hat Roy lame Co.s Royeo Fruit. Mr. The first snow uf the season oeeuj- - j Keveirie mme came Ifm-.dlnir- ;y BEAVER pa- - in from the COUNTY MINES AND MINING Lice, Interesting Mining Netos Gathered from the Various Joining Districts of Beaoer County. at Fine Drove yesler-r- d Wednesday. Sunday dinners at Hotel Atkin eon-- 1 Mr. Steyne has gone to Provo and other northern points for a briif Campbell at the Dry linue to draw a crowd. cerued, opinion la favorable. Every visit. Films develupttd and CACTUS MAY SOON printFarming Congress expert who witnessed the test runs Miss .Vera Henderson returned ed and finished at home by Klswick. believes that there ie a profitable field and srunu will in time hjirtid Tuesday for the smelter, and views differ only H. C. BE IN Dale OPERATION Oue uf the features of the session Frisco. aa io the extent of this field. Some r on residence (if (be Fourth Dry Farming Congress, Mrs. F, L. Oshorue and children think the process will turn out blister under way. wan held in Hillings, Mont., laat week, arrived Tuesday and w ill reside here New at less than the present cost, The wrecker and crew was callt d in the future. the speech of H. W. Campbell of Company Unable to Open rupiier and others think that copper matte is Mr. Campbell said. In part: to Stockton Tuesday where it has as Scheduled But Delay limit of Its capacity. The differthe Mrs. is to Thomjsioii join preparing been for the rest of the week. "That the plain nud practical farms ences are not likely to he settled by her husband in Fait ijike where they will of the west have made wonderful probe not (or Long. II. 11. Pilchforlh spent a couple of will make their future home. physical demonstration at an early live years studying soil problems In gress! In reclaiming the doaeru withinin in week the Beaver this days date the game uf freezeout between a ibis and prophesied dry country, out Irrigation in the past quarter wnMr. Kineriek offers tu pay a large terest of the Milford Luinlier Co. Mr. Newhouse and Mr. Kink precludes November was as 1st named the wonderful for the future country. In on all cats discovered and retury; that what they hare done bounty that. on which date announcenow the Cactus niinu, When you want wedding the past five years Is little short of a moved from the lately erected water owned by the South Utah Mines comments or anything in the line of tank. miracle, and that this dry country is HORN SILVER. pany, was to resume oiieratloiis at fancy stationery, come to The News. destined to be the last and best great, is rumored lhat wedding bells Newhouse. While the mine won not It New York offices of the From the was the the Mrs. J. F. Herkhiincr will leave will be world, grain garden of pealing merrily for more than oiiened on that date, there Is little Horn Silver Mining company there n declaration of Mr. Campbell, lie reto for her Idaho Monday night joi one of Friscos jolly young couples doubt but operations will be resumed has been Issued a call for the annual husband who lias a railroad position about Xmas time. What altoul it? peated the warning he has given at within next thirty days. There meeting of the atockholdera of the the then.. previous congresses against going too is considerable to he doue before a company to he huld at Salt Lake City, lieen has who Raymond Taylor, new and settlers Insisted that the fast Mrs. W. F. Cottrell will go o Salt quite poorly for some time, has re- force of men can be put to work in December 7 next, st which time the of the dry lands must be educated to Lake tonight for the purpose securing covered completely and is greeting the mine, and this all takes time. regular election nf officers will occur their work, or failure will come to new artificial limlsi for her daughter his friends with that old familiar However, advices from the east are to and other busiuess of Importance them. Della. the effect that operations will be re- transacted. smile. It will not be disputed by anyone sumed at as early date as possible. Ed Norcrnsa siul family are moving The The closing nf the Knight smelter who knows, said Mr. Campbell, that dancing parly given last Mon The South Utah is 13 the No. house into has which at reorganized company Tlntlc, to which the Horn Silver by and through scientific soil tillage day night at the Horn Silver hall was just been vacated by J. J. Blake and a success in many ways. The music Newhouse Mines A Smelters company company was shipping It ores, has more is being accomplished for the family. was furnished by the Murdock Acad- with mortgage bonds transformed into left the company, temporarily, without betterment of all crops in all seasons Income bonds and a treasury replen- means for the treatment of Its prodand under all conditions than In any ,P. R. McKeon went to Salt Lake emy orchestra and enjoyed exteed-in- y ished as- uct, but by the levy of a all arrangements are being perother way. The one thing essential by present who expressed Wednesday night aud will sjiend a sessment on each of lla 600,000 shares fected for the handling of the output in scientific soil culture is such a few days there looking after mining themselves of stock. It has been seven months by another plant, and within a few time. condition of the soil as will secure interests. silica the mill was closed, but in the weeks regular shipments will be reIn available form the greatest amount The exceedingly interesting ball meantime the development of the Buchanan, E. C. and Ross Angus otp sumed. In the Interim a small force can be brought of fertility. This Baxter went out to the formers pro- game which was played by the Frisco bodies In the mine has continued and will be employed In development But mechanical processes. ,about by perty yesterday to do some assess- and Milford school boys last Satur- (he mill has been altered In many re- work. you cannot lay down a fixed rule for latment work. day resulted'in a victory for the aper ta. Instead of a maximum of this; so the only thing to do Is to ter by a rnprgin of four scores. The 1,000 tons a day It Is prepared to is This the of season when the In year himself the eduente farmer la Unsanitary Condiiiai ' help the handle 1,200 tons at Us beat. Properly Listed oa Salt Labs Exckingc assessment work must be doue on defeated boys gracefully accepted Changes the tme principles of soil fertility; and offered the information have been made in the lemon A condition has existed at the Tanwhich of the Red Warrior Stock as a of process which result claims, that he will understand Just what he ner slaughter house for some time mining that tlief fer$ out of practice, which will, tt le thought, permit the rcduc- - company, which operatee theMining most In our are of citizens the hills many Is alining at in all field work. He past which is most unsanitary to ray dol The boys were was eprract.'' of. of of ' a the droducers (atnoiM Ulan. work (n profittli(flr newer' done.must know why tkiwea-alie Uwr'itks rtiM a challenge nod been able concentrate. middling Thsi pjga, ere allowed Beaver on Salt was llstxl the county, nuist ever im al t to luc changes wallow ' around the killing pen at all The race meet which ie to le held made or accepted until a late hour A Mining exchange. The at Milford Thanksgiving Day prom- Friday and regret that this was the The Cactus has a couple of million Lake Stock taking place, know In wiiat wny they 0 In sight averaging something company ie capitalized for only tons ises to attract a goodly number of case and cause uf the lacking courtesy may he favorable or detrimental and first and value 2 per cent copiier. the The $1, above shares, par only what lie should do and when to depeople to the town and to also be an shown their visitors, as the boys of the comimny is to save the quotations 011 the board were $2.50 at rive (he greatest benefit from his lawould certainly have been glad to problem interesting occasion. copper and get rid of the Iron, the lat- $2.60. While the companys deepest bor. He must always look to securSeveral of the youug people of entertain them, and positively offer ter making weight and reducing val- working Is 360 feet, it has produced ing and maintaining that certain Ideal Milfonl are organizing a home dram- apologies as well as an assurance that ues. It is claimed that the recon- sixty-fiv- e carloads of shipping ore condition of the soil that Is most faatic chib and are rehearsing a play tlie gains will be handled different! structed which A million brought uet returns of plant will do this. vorable toi promoting chemical action which they hope to be able to pre- next time. and is estimated that not less than it a at of produccopper monthly pounds which will develop fertility. sent soon after Thanksgiving. Fir Mirchinli ti Think if. 8 rents a pound Is $30,000 of net ore Is in sight st this of about tion cost Mr. Campbell insisted it was evitime. Officers of the company aie Mrs. J. W. McCarTC.il went to MidThe other day a merchant in a promised. dent that any attempt to lay down a Luclcn Merritt, president Walter li. town a saw a farmer receiving For three or four months not way Monday night for the pur cse nearby fixed rule aa to the work to be done of closing negotiations for the sale of goods at Uie station from a Chicago word has been said of the Fink smell- Borgen secretary; C. II. Itibenask, would end in failure. Its holdings comprises her properly there. Mrs. McCarrell mail nrilor house. The goods wc e er, the Invention that was to save the treasurer. have no quarrel with nnyonc who in the Star district, one claims eight expects to build a home in Milfoid in his line and the same had hem Cactus a half million dollars a year. may differ from me," he added, "or and has already awarded a contract carried In his store for years. Ho Mr. Newhouse, Fink's backer, Is s of which is patented. The workings refuse to go ns far as I do. Use any Rollins. fur same to Elmer-mil330 feet deep, one approached the fanner and said: "1 very busy person, and ho am I, hence consist of one shaft method to bring about the "desired 1000 of feet of tunnels, feet, nlnty A party of Halt Lake Route officials cofild have sold you every article you we have been unable to get together conditions In the soil; do the work 800 feet of raises and 3,600 feet of less U. Wells of E. there for than have I hsve Ipten yon and discuss this subject. money consisting general In any way, make use of any tool or in general super- gave the Chicago house, and saved told by a man who Is not so busy drift and crosscuts. A force of 20 J. li. manager, Crag I shall device. All that men is employed. Tlie company list implement or intendent, 11. E. Van Hnuscn divis- you the freight besides. that Fink and Newhouse claahd when insist on Is that the farmer know ion superintendent and E. Neiihart Then why on earth didnt you say the time came to incorporate the $1,500 cash in its treasury. The mine division foreman, were here Sunday so? what results he desires and that he answered the farmer. "I smelter company. Newhouse, it Is is fire miles from railroad. enroute from Ism Angeles to Halt Bliall go by the most direct route to have taken the local paper for years said, asked Fink to turn over his pati Iake on a tour ot Are you interested in California, inspection. attain those results. It is the pity and hare never seen a line about ents to the corporation; Fluk refused Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it sical condition of the soil at seeding your selling these goods. The Ch to surrender the control of the inven- would be wise to write for full inforFraternal Man Hera time and maintained in the growing about the shortest line and cago house sent advertising matter tion, and Newhouse stopped stone still mation best the service from point to period thtit is essential rather than me asking for my trade and they and has done nothing since. New those sections via the your Ih.n. r v to SALT LAKE it. in system x. getting any particular Deinster, gen igot.it.-Ehouse, it Is reported, spent about ROUTE, Utahs most pojmlar road 1 feol I can render no greater serWell eral Fleued silk Red Warriir manager $40,000 on Finks experiments and has A friend in need is Pinesalve vice than to Impress iton you the of the Frateron the patents which lien of sort of some Lucien the zed. Never be without it. Merritt, president essential one and fact (hat the great nal Brotherh- Red Warrior Mining Co., in company keeis Fink front selling them to any Carbolized is good for cuts, factor in development of the agricuood, a bene- with R I,. Crandall of Minneapolis, one else. burns, bruises and scratches. Hold by belt ltural resources of the fit society, was and Alex Ourten, a mine expert, visSo far as the process itself is con Milford Pharmacy. Is that of more Intelligent, hence in Milford the ited the property the first of the week more scientific, tillage of the soli. All first of the aud were highly pleased and imprest else 1h incidental on lending up to week in search ed with the work and showing. Iu rethis vital truth. We have these of a local per- fact, they stated, the showing and ji&J ports of large crops, better yields, son to take lip possibilities of the lied Warrior were: Ji greater proserily, because men who the work of ' far beyond their expectations. Hup- - y5 & study behind the plow have come to a eriutendent W. J. Merritt is uuwjifSj organizing SS know the Inestimable value of scienhere and in nearby towns. winze decjter from the jhjt the lodge sinking soli and culture and tific making The Fraternal Brolherhond pays 30 level and has now brukeu into a maintaining fertility of the soil. accident, permanent disability, old fine copper showing. The work Mr. Campbell, whose experimental age and death lieu1 fits; stands high drifting on the sand carbonate ore on ii8 farm operations have covered twenty-od among Insurance orders, and is rapidly ijyl six years and who is now directIts nienitiership as well as results wiiutj 111 the ore deiwsits in increasing score In s farm operations largo ing lluances. We wish Mr. Dempster other workings of the mine are iin - K (ROGERS BROS 1847) S8 1. of places In the west, took occasion success in establishing his organiza- proving. The stock of this comauy (Le work of the practical Si! to defend the was listed on the Halt Lake exchange tion bore. the first of the week and is already farmers of the west from the slight ",r attracting considerable attention. put upon them by Secretary Wilson, who was quoted recently as saying Now is the time for excursions to SK that the Campbell system of dry-- , fl Ul tlie r ren H glorious land of simsliinn. Round reg lf Amusement The Theater ait land farming Is wrong and hurtfu . insist upon Bees Laxatire trip rut cm $30, good returning six !4! and that the methods iollnwed by the Cough Milfonl 0M-rHouse mouths. All information almut hob Us laxative Hyrap. Through &! (try farmer will destroy the fertility motor anil ocean beaches bowels resorts, principle, it gentls moves the Monnf the soil. "I regard it as exceed- - and in that and Show Picture SJ! lie can K. C. of obtained roads Kerr, from Sunday cold drives the way ingly unfortunate, said Mr. Camp- tlie system. Sold by Milfonl PharmP. A., Halt Lake Route, Halt Lake I). and Thursday day, Wednesday bell, that encouragement from offi- acy. City. & week. each those should sources he cial Nights given There is nothing so good for all si! Now it the time for excursions to who are crying down and belittling kidney troubles as I'ineulea, the new the work you and I and nil of us tlie glorious land of sunshine. Round kidney remedy. Plneulea act prompt- Si! h:iye been doing In recent years in trip rates $30, good returning six ly in relieving backache, weak hack,i2 months. All information alKiut hotels Ion to tillage." the Skating Rink At disJV2 8! pain in the bladder and all urinal lteferriiiK to Secretary Wilson's resorts, ocean beaches and motor 1 Sold by Milfonl Pharmacy. order. of si: K. HEALTH" C. SaturYOUR and FOR IN be BUSINESS ARE obtained or can roads WE Kerr, Skating Tuesday, Friday the plan to clmiige the character !ifi Hall- Lake Route, Salt Lake Music P. s:: the A. at D. Skating night. day soil by growing Matlieson, the tailor, has justre- - Iw Rink every Saturday night. Uity. si: ami turn to under, suggesting ceived a handsome line of all wool plants 'si! tlie use of the IlitsKinn thistle and Kodak Finishing Films ilevcloiied can tail and winter eaniplcs and nt'Wj POPULAR PRICES "I do not sweet clover, he said: hut You made. the press IKaut prjnts E3 kimw what can he done with these on alu iavt. Dswick do tho rest. a Ih-tie- r Hcii-ntiti- one-dull- . . , rs uhc-Jew- jt to-..- , tke-to- hl 15rtt-00- 1 j ; ; Car-bo- ll Fire-salv- semi-ari- d -- & I I - ! SILVERWARE 4 ss & A. Cut Glass ; a , ' Jewelry ' ; j dry-lan- d drought-resistin- ; j j ; 2S!S. Milford Pharmacy & :! e |