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Show , OFPOixruAfT otii?gr??c.t?.you SERIAL n)cde I)cij ajie k) TOT j& cfd jjoie qouff')ckgsf?jojctj (jfjife i)c, c5oocs . Go?7ryec)(jyVo cotvzse forstQ uro offer 6)four tlfnfefor ifor?))oj. ' JL (Tit DcS. BGJdfJS GOLL --AGJARANTL&l XABK.-OF- - The Waltham Watch I a food arateh hat a world wido reputation for reliability. Wo havo aold and guer-anto- od Waltham Watohaa ovor ainco tho factory atartod. Wo aoll all roliabla klnda. 170 WI HARRY LARK CJTX UTAH. J. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 304-40- 1 Judge Building, Salt LakaCIty PRESENTED WITH A BIRTHDAY Henceforth John Pruitt Will Calobrato Natal Day with Othera on tha ,Glorloua Fourth. It lan't everybody who can give a birthday preaent like William E. Berner gave to John Pruitt, colored, a couple of daya ago. Berner la the marriage licence clerk at the county clerk's office, and aa euch he encountera all klnda of queer altuatlons. The other day Pruitt came In to get a license to wed Elisa Before a license can be procured nowadays one must answer In writing all klnda of foolish questions, among them being tho data of birth. Pruitt scratched his head when Fact is, Ab asked hla natal day. dont know," he said. Don't know how old you are?" Berner asked. Not for aura.. 8omewheres near 40, I guess. Haven't you a birthday?" Never bad a birthday. Well, I'll make you a present of a birthday right now," said Berner. Everybody should havo a birthday. You are 40 years old and you were born on the Fourth of July." And fierficr-wrotsj- t down on the marriage license papers tSkwway. remember." said Berner Now, when Pruitt started to leave. You were born on the Fourth of July and you mustn't forget to celebrate your birthday when It comes around." said Pruitt, highly T wont," nleased. Indianapolis News. a HER INFINITE VARIETY 5LTLAtp CGj. C-G-Er, STATESMEN SAW GREAT LIGHT Few Remarks Made by Senator-Elec- t Convinced Them They Had No Protest Coming. and genial named Qalloway, was elected to the state senate from Shelby county." said Secretary Dickinson of the war department, himself from Tennea-ee- , but there was a protest over it because, it was claimed, Qalloway had been concerned iu a duel In hla younger days. The time came for swear ing In the aeuatore and the clerk When called the roll by counties. Shelby county was reached Galloway, wearing a long frock coat, stepped into the aisle, "Miatuh president and aenatuha, he aald, T have heard of thla yere protest against my sitting In this body as a aenatuh because I once engaged In an affair of honah. New, auh, I want to say that I did engage In an affair of honah In my younger daya in the state of Mississippi, and latuh in another affair of honah in the state of Arkanaaw, Onco again I engaged In an affalh of honah aa second, not aa a principal, in the state of Minis slppi. "I contend, auh, that the state of Tennessee baa no Jurisdiction ovuh what la done in other states, and I am here to aay, auh, that if any aenatuh thinks otherwise and does not vote for me at this time I shaH call him out, by gad, auh! call him out and hold him personally responsible to me, auh. That's all. Sat And they all voted for him. turday Evening Post A STORY them out of committee. But on the female suffrage resolution he had been obduraie, and when with a majority ao bare that sick men had to be borne on cots into the house now and then to pass its measures the party had succeeded, after weeks of agony, in framing an apportionment bill that garisfled every one. Dr. Anu-had seen his chance. Ho had llatly refused to vote for the reapimrtion-men- t act unless his woman-suffragresolution were first adopted. It was useless for the party managers to urge ujiod him tho impossibility of providing the necessary vote; Ames said he could got the remaining votes from the other aide. And so the steering committee had given the word to put it through for him. Then the oilier side, seeing a chance to place the majority In an emburrasslng altitude before the people, either aa the proponents or the opponents of such a radical measure whichever way It went in the end had been glad enough to furnish the additional votes. The members of the steering committee had afterward whispered It about that the resolution was to die in the senate. Then every one, especially the women of Illinois, had promptly forgotten the measure. As Vernon thought over It all he pieked up the rose again, then laid It down, and idly picked up the card. Turning It over In hla band he saw that ita other aide waa engraved, and he read: Whitlock By Brand. Ten-neseea- Illustrations by Ray Walters (Copyright, net, hr Co.) Bobbe-ilerr- 8YN0PSIS. Senator Morley Vernon's vlelt with Wa interrupted by a call from boee at the state capital. Both regretted It, the girl more than he, because she had arranged to attend a dinner that evening with him. She aald he yearned tor a national office for him. Bancee wait hie political CHAPTER II. When Vernon went into the senate that Tuesday morning and aaw the red rose lying on hla desk he smiled, and picking It up, raised it eagerly to hla face. But when he glanced about the chamber and aaw that a rose lay on every other desk, hia smile was suddenly lost in a stare of amazement Once or twice, perhaps, flowers had been placed by constituents on the desks of certain senators, but never had a floral distribution, at onca so modest and Impartial, been made before. Several senator, already In their seats, saw the check this impartiality gave Vernon's vanity, and they laughed. Their laughter waa of a tone with the tinkle of the crystal prisma of the chandeliers, chiming In the breeze that came through the open window. The lieutenant governor waa Juat ascending to hla place. He dropped of hla hla gavel to the sounding-board Fletcheriam end Walters. Fletcherlam may be goed for the digestion of the diner, but it ia bad for the pocketbook of the waiter," said a restaurant proprietor. People who chew according to Fletcher alt at tha table ao long that they keep other customers away, and ao cut down tha number of tipi. You dont ace many of these scientific eaters at llnch time even the Fletcberites dont have time to keep tab on the movement of their Jaws then; but at night there are many people abroad who eat by You can pick them out In rule. any restaurant They count aa they masticate. I have two regular customer who chew exactly 100 times on one. bits of bread alone. At that rate you can figure how long It will take to get Hla Uttla Deal. through a meat Also, you can unthat tha waiters don't think derstand Ha, ha!" exclaimed the summer his disciples.' boarder. You actually bought a much of Fletcher and brick?' gold Fish Flew In Hla Boat . Yes," answered the farmer as he A. Paladinl, the local fish merchant, took the specimen tenderly and laid other day exhibited a flying fish It on the mantelshelf. All the city the which bad been brought In by hla fishfolks tnat oome here expected to see the Henrietta. one. It seemed like they wouldn't ing steamer, are numerous in the wafish Fylng believe I was a regular farmer unof southern California, but they ters So show I a less could gold brick. are rarely aeen in thla vicinity. While when I went to town and this was waa steaming along offered me 1 give the fellow $99 In the Henrietta about five miles beyond the confederate money and a Canadian the fish flew upon the deck quarter, which Is cheaper than 1 and CapL Alexander brought it into could have made one myself. port It la a foot long and weights 8at On. nearly two pounds. San Francisco Boarding Mistress is there any- Call. Tha Brute. thing wrong with that egg, Mr Wife That vicious dog next doer Fourper? I see you according It a -ary critical examination. bit mother again this morning, ant Mr. Fourper Oh, not anything I'd like to know what you're going tc wrong with the egg, Mrs. Shlmpen, I do about it? was Just looking for the wbmbone, Husband I'll ask him how much that's all. TltrBlts. be wants for the dog! Not a Safe Man. Too Loud. Fred Tenney, of the New York Jack Say, Tom, will yon do me a baseball yearn la something of favor? Tom Anything in reason, old man, scholar. Bugs" Raymond, who puts them leave your Jack Then klndiy over the plate (sometimes) for the trousers out In the hall tonight. What do you Giants, la not The two players were Tom The Idea! discussing a former successful playfor? do that me to want jack The pattern is bo loud they er who hudaaldtaken to drink. Why," Tenney, that man has will keep me awake. become a dipsomaniac." All Profit be Sure," replied Raymond, shoot you in a minute." Success Young TSinks is running a profit- Magazine. able hennery of thoroughbreds on his 'Twixt Love and Duty. million dollar farm." "So?" George Vincent of Chal&uqua fame Yes. He has the feed charged to baa this explanation of the delay lu his father, their housekeeper buys the passing the tariff bill. he said, was trying eggs at a fancy price for the Sink's Congress, table, and young Blnka Is the biggest to make up Its mind whether to do its duty by the country or to do th egg consumer in the family. Judge. Success Magcountry Dy its duty. The Laying on of Hands. azine. I don't believe In these faith cures Absent Minded. brought about by the laying on of Wilkins is the moat absent minded an woman to one hands." remarked jus 1 ever met other. How so?" Well, I do." rejoined the other. I the last time he got Into the Why, cured my little boy of the cigarette barber's chair he pinned the newapa habit that way!" Phlaldelplila En- per around his neck and began to res quirer. tho towel." sort. Other The Refinement of Cruelty. Every Tom There goes Ruxham. That was a fierce punishment time 1 think of that mans financial Swift wit for overspeedlng and not embarrassment It makes me yearn to paring his fine. What did they do to him?" help him. Pick Financial embarrassment? The prison yard was being repaved 1nu Y'es. Hes got so much money and tbey put Swift on as driver of he doesn't know what to do with 1L roller." Boston Transcript, the rte-aiMakes a Difference. Host (a musician, who is enterfriend.) Would What did you say last night when taining a country you like a sonata before dinner? jack as.,e- - you to marry ..m? Friend Well. I dont mind. I had I shook my head?" Bos- two on my way here, but I can Sideways or up and down?' stand another. ton Transcript. Far-allon- desk. The senate will be In order," he said. The chaplain rose, and the hum of voices in the chamber ceased. Then, while the senators stood with bowed heada, Vernon aaw the card that lay on the desk beside the rote. Two little Jewels of the moisture that still sparkled on the roses petals shone on the glazed eurfaqe of the card. Vernon lead It where It lay. Will the Hon. Morley Vernbn aa a please to wear thla rose token of hla Intention to support and vote for house Joint resolution No. IP proposing an amendment to section one, article seven of the conatltutUn? The noiae lu the chamber began again at the chaplain's Amen. New way to buttonhole a man, eh?" aald Vernon to Bull Burns, who had the seat next Vernon's What It all about, anyway?" Vernon took up hla printed synopsis of bills and resolutions. Oh, yea," he aald, speaking aa much to himself aa to Burns; old man Then he turned Amea'a resolution. to the calendar. There It was house Joint resolution No. 19. He glanced at Burnt again. Burns was fastening his rose in his buttonhole. So you're for it, eh?" he said. "To hell with it, Burns growled in the gruff voice that spoke for the First district. In trying to look down at hla own adornment he screwed, hie fat neck, fold on fold, Into hla low collar and then, with a grunt of satisfaction, lighted a morning cigar. But Vernon began, surprises He looked about the multiplying. chamber. The secretary was reading the journal of the preceding day and the senators were variously occupied, reading newspapers, writing letters, or merely smoking; some were gathered In little groups, talking and laughing. But they all wore their roses. Vernon might have concluded that house joint resolution No. 19 was safe, had It not been for the Inconsistency of Burns, though inconsistency waa nothing new In Burns. Vernon ventured once more with Lis neighbor: Looks as If the resolution were aa good as adopted, doesn't It?" But Hums cast a glance of pity at him, and then growled lu contempt The action stung Vernon. Burns seemed to resent bis presence In tbe senate as he always resented the presence of Vernon's kind e two-third- s' turea tbe delicate noasi the full llpi, TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING the perfect teeth, the fine chin all were lost in the eyes that looked THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. frankly at him. Aa he gazed he waa conscious that he feared to hear her Since the Ingredients Entering Perana Are Known, Its Power as 8 Catarrh peak; surely her voice would betray her masculine quality. Remedy and Tonio is Sbe had seated herself again and Understood. now made a movement that suggested COLUMBUS, OHIO. The aca draw ing aside of her skirts to make tive ingredients entering the most a place for some one at her aide. Aud popular household remedy In the then she spoke. world have been made known to Will you sit down, Senator Ver the public. This means a new era non?" she said, with a scrupulous rein the I In woman. advertising of popular famfor unusual a title gard medicines Pcruna leads. Vermust make a convert of Senator ily Peruna contains among other non, you know," she smiled on the other men about her. Her accent imthings, golden sea!, powerful In its plied that this conversion was of the effect upon the mucous memutmost lniH)rtauce. The other men, of branes. Cedron seed, a rare whom she seemed to be quite sure, medicine and unsurpassed tonic. evidently felt themselves under the valuable in nasal catarrh Cubebs, compulsion of withdrawing, and so and affections of the kidneys and fell back iu reluctant retreat. bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous membranes CHAPTER III. as well aa in dropsy and The surprise had leaped to Vernon'i eyes again at the final Impression of perfection made by her voire, aud the A CLOSE BOND. surprise changed to a regret of lost MARIA Bl'RI.EY GRPIlNH Attorney and Counselor at Isiw. The Rookery Chicago Then he knew; It waa the work of the woman lawyer. Vernon had heard of her often; he had never seen her. He gave a little sniff of disgust. The senate waa droning along on the order of reports from standing committees, and Vernon, growing tired Of the monotony, rose and sauntered back to the lobby in search of company more congenial than that of the gruff Burns He carried the rose as be went, raising it ndw and then to enjoy ita cool petals and Ita fragrance. On one of the leather divans that stretch themselves Invitingly under the tall windows on each side of the senate chamber aat a woman, and about her waa a little group of men. y s In politics. Tho rose still lay on Vernon's desk he was the only one of tbe SI senators of Illinois that had not put his rose ou. He oponed his bill file and turned up house Joiut resolution No. 19. lie rend it carefully, as he fell a senator should before making up his ntind on such nn Important, even revolutionary measure. He remembered that at the time It bad been adopted in the house every one had laughed; no one, with the exception of its author, Dr. Ames, had taken It seriously. Antes was known to be a crank; he was referred to aa Doc" Ames, usual ly aa Old Doc" Ames. He had introduced more strange bills and resoluat that sestions than any sion ; bills to curb tbe homeopathists, bills to annihilate Eugll.ih sparrows, bills to prohibit cigarettes, bill to cur tail the liquor traffic, and now this resolution providing for tbe submission of an amendment to tbe constitution that would extend the electoral franchise to women. Hia other measures bad received little consideration; be never got any of r and Irreclaimable opportunity when he reflected that he had lived for yeara near this woman lawyer and yet uever had aeen her once In all that time. When Miss Greene turned to look him In the face again, after the othera were gone, Vernon grew suddenly bhshful, like a big boy. He felt hia fare flame hotly. He had been medispeech ; he tating some drawing-roobad already turned in hla mind a pretty sentence in which there waa a discreet reference to Portia; Vernon was JuBt at. the age for classical allusions. But when he saw her blue eyea fixed on him and read the utter aeriouaneta In them he knew that compliments would all be lost I am one of your constituents, Senator Vernon," she began, and I am down, frankly, lobbying for this resolution." And we both," he replied, are, I believe, members of the Cook county bar. Strange, lan't it, that two Chicago lawyers should have to wait until they are In Springfield to meet?" Not altogether, ahe aald. "It la not ao very strange my practice la almost wholly confined to office work; I am more of a counselor than a bap riater. I have not often appeared in court; In fact I prefer not to do ao; I am well, juat a little tlffiid In that part of the work." The femininity of it touched him. He might have told her that he did not often appear In court himself, bnt he waa new enough at the bar to have to practice the dissimulation of tha young professional man. He indulged himself In the temptation to allow her to go undeceived, though with a pang he remembered that her practice, from all that he had beard, must be much more lucrative than hla Something ol the pretty embarrassment she felt before courts and Juries waa evidently on her in this her first appearance In the senate, but ahe put it away; her breast rose with the deep breath of resolution ahe drew, and she straightened to look him once more In th eyee. But about this resolution. Senator Vernon; I must not take up too much of your time. If you will give me your objections to It perhaps I may b able to explain them away. ' Wa should very much like to have your support." (TO BE CONTINUED.) OlTT Farmer's Wife They were born the tame day. Neighbor Twins, In fact. One Was Enough for Johnny. The Sunday school lesson was from that scripture which teaches that if your brother strike you on one cheek, you should turn the other also and endure even for seventy times seven. Johnny had listened to his teacher very attentively, while she emphasized thla fact, and after the lesson the superintendent rose to make a few remark!. Now, boys," he said, how many tlmce ought another boy to strike you before yon hit him back?" Just about once!" promptly answered Johnny. Delineator. A Motor Hint llussell, who looke younger than her daughter, was talking about age at a dinner In New York. Miss Russell, who is alwaya witty, ended with this mot: It la a sure sign of age In a woman when she begins to get out of her motor car backwards.'' Lillian Miss Judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while othera judge ua by what we have already done. Wre Strong Winds and 8and 8torma muse granulation of the eyelids. PETTIT'S KYK KALVK mollies and quickly relieves. AU druggist or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N.Y. If a man la a liar It la uaeleaa to tell him aa lie knew It all the time. FERRY rAIXKIU.gR. la Ko other no lu for rhrnmeliiua, lmulMmu, Hlfnmti numlals.or IMVIH" elf-e- uv euli-um- ie. Itil ap la euld of onj ort-- .. Kc. Ka aad Ha ImUlaa. A cynic la a person who makes specialty of telling tbe truth. a 1 Mrs. Winslow's toothing Byrne, raises In. for eblldras teething , oftna tha guna, IBeauottl. '"i I To Save Horaea from Fire. When a hone ia released from hli Many a man suspects hla neighbor tall during a fire, says a technical be auspecta himself. is paper, he will not leave the stable, for the at all la the only place in which he fir. Pleamnt tnmlata and Inrt. MuHiarb. lln-- r and bowel. believes himself to be safe. A new omtr Unjr, granules, aay to lake. Uu not grips. of a I a' tinted device, which consists Often the milk of human kindness pin iinnlrff through the stall to the tastes of the can. ouiBtue of the stable, is designed to cure this. In case of fire a turn of a handle brings a hoae nozzle Into position and a at ream of water poura over tbe head and shoulders of the horse, which drives him into the gangway, from which it becomes a comparatively easy n. alter to lead him Into tho street. 1 r-"- The Femininity of It Touched Him. bending deferentially. Aa he passed within easy distance one of the men aw him and beckoned. Vernon went over to them. Mlaa Greene, aald Senator Marlin, let me preaent Senator Vernon ol Chicago." Miss Greene gave him the little hand that looked yet smaller In ita glove of black suede. He bowed low to conceal a surprise that had sprung Incautiously to hla eyes. Instead of the thin, short-hairespectacled old maid that had alwaya, In hla mind, typified Maria Burley Greene, here waa a young woman who apparently conformed to every fashion, though her beauty and distinction might have made her independent of conventions. Physically she waa too nearly pep feet to give at once an impression of aristocracy; but It was her expression that charmed; it was plain that her Intellectuality was of the higher degrees. Aa Vernon possessed himself he was able to note that this surprising young woman was clad In a black traveling gown that fitted her perfectly. From her spring hat down to the toes of her boots tliere waa nothing in her attire that waa mannish, but she was of an exquisite daintiness wholly feminine and alluring. AH these superficial things faded into their proper background when, at last, liis eyes looked full in Iter face. Reddish brown hair that doubtless had been combed into aoim resemblance to the prevailing fashion of the pompadour, had fallen in a natural part on the right aide and ligliHy swept a brow not too high, but white and thoughtful. Her other fea- - PI' Hngai-cunt- Safe Rules for Living. We ought always to deal Juatly, not only to those who are Juat to ua, hut likewise with those who endeavor to Injure ua. And thla too, for fear lest by rendering them evil for evil wo should fall Into the same vice. So we ought likewise to have friendship, that ia to aay, humanity and good will for all, who are of the same nature with ua. lilerocles. Care of Tree In Parle. There ore 85,840 trees In Parla, and each tree haa lot number, age, history and condition recorded in the hooka at the Hotel de VIllc. Tbe appropriation for thla department la 450,000 franca a year. The work could not be dona for any such sum had It not been ao thoroughly done in the beginning in the reign of Napoleon III. Technics) World Magazine. Dreadful Possibility. One day small Elmer observed flvs funerals pass the house. After the last one had passed he said: Mamma, if we don't hurry np and die heaven will be ao crowded we can't get In. Millions Say So When millions of people use for year s a medicine it proves its merit. People who know CASCAKETS value buy over a million boxes a month. It's the biggest seller because it ia the best bowel and liver medicine ever made. No matter what you're using, just try once you'll See. air CAS-CARE- CASCARETS Kk. a box for a week's treatment, itU druggist. Himtett seller ia tbe world. klUliun buses a uuntb, ! First and Last- Appearance Only Occasion on Which Casey Was The children hod a fine coffin, wltb plenty of flowers, and CaBey was laid Admitted to Parlor. in state in the parlor. That evening an old Irish woman, mnde named An old Irishman Casey a lot of money ns a contractor and who had known Casey whcti he was a laborer, came and S3ked ta see the built a fine house for his children. face of her dead friend. They conThe sons and daughters were much ducted her to the parser. ashamed of the plebeian father, and r She walked up to the coffin, took a Casey was always kept In the of the house when tbey had a parly long look, and said: nr a reception. One day Casey died, Faith, Casey, an they've let yi about It Into la' parlor at laahL" and there was a great to-do Thompsons Eys Water Childrens Coughs Uom Much Ua r-Tit uvt CURE nivnu ni ud Uk Cra .In Coon - ineut throan sad Wrwen like it AO Predict, IB (aa th Littl Siiffcribf the fade CMdoa |