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Show 'is Salt Lake City, Utah, baa made Mining Claim and AVaslilnglou No. G min. AA. 448.2 feet to corner Na 1 of Before rnaklug a speech Charles Mining Claim; udjoiuiug and con- tlie Aictory Fraction lode, from which Dickens would patStates United a for 'application decide on his various 1 I Iflicting claims as shown by plat of the aforesaid section corner hears N. heads and ent for the Reciprocity No. 1, then iu his mind's eye likare: Sil- "3 deg. 53 min. E. No. Horn 5921. survey Sur. thence 2387.3; AcNo. 3, Reciprocity No. 2, Under this head will bu found all legal notice authorized to lit- ver Apex No. 5, Horn Silver Apex No. S. 44 deg. 36 min. AY. 1535.8 feet to en the whole subject to the tire of a No. l, Accrington No. 2, Ac- I. liurn Silver crington iu the ami Iii notiee New. Imbste Apex Na 8, Horn Sil- corner No. 2 of Aictory Fraction lode; cart wheel he being the hub. Fmm Guardianship I'uunt) No. 5, Reciprocity, Accring- ver crington No. troiiMiilL the t Apex 2, Horn Silver Apex thence N. 28 deg. 54 min. AV. 60.7 feet the hun to the tire he would run as Gounty Clerk uf Reaver enmity, 1'iali, or lie ton No. 7, Champion, Accrington No. No. 1, Horn Silver Aiwx No. 11. Hum to corner No. 3 of the Victory Frac- many spokes as there were subjects for further iiiforiiialinii. No. No. signer :i, Accrington 3, 4, Utah Silver Apex No. 13, Horn Silver Apex tion lode; thence N. 35 deg. 28 min. E to be treated and No. during tha progress ou No. 6, Drum No. 2, Utah No. 9, Horn Silver Apex No. 7, Horn 723 feel to corner No. 4 of the Vic- of the ' speech be would deal with each ;2. Llali No. 1, (Jeorge Dewey, Cun-n- i Silver Apex No. 10, Horn Silver Fraction lode; thence N. 32 deg spoke separately, corner No. 2 or said lode; elaborating them as Relice ( Wafer UsersT gresa No. 2, Drum No. 1, Drum, St. No. 14, Hum Silver Aiex No. 12, Apex tory tady 19 min. E. 621.5 feet to intersection he went round the wheel; and when Thence S. 81 dig. :.8 uiin. V. 4.5;jOUll Xo. St. tanis No. 2, St. Louis Franklin Fraction, Sur. No. Hum- with line 2 3 of the Marengo Frac5922, Stale Engineer's Oiliee, Salt take feet to corner No. I of I loin Silver ;Xo. 3f g,. joUiH Xo. 4. all the Bimkes Kmjiorla No. 8, bug Mine, and Sur. No. 5946, Wash tion lode; thence N. 44 out oue by one , Utah, Odulier JH, 1Mi. deg. 64 min. and nothing butdropid No. 7, Emporia No. 9, Km- Apia No. 4 lode; Ktufioiia the tire and space re2 No. AY. claim and Wash 583.7 Notion is hereby given that A. L. 3 of the Mining to feet jngtou Na '1 hence 8. 4MS.2 aimer min E. 02 feet lode No. Nu. 11. 8deg. 10 and Emporia prjiia ington Na 6 Mining claim. Marengo Fraction lode; thence N. 65 mained he would know that he bad Ftilheriiigbaiu, whoae pololfice to corner No. 2 ot said lode; I direct dial lilts notice he mining claims consolidated, situate lu published deg. 25 min. E. 340.8 feet to corner No. accomplished his task and that hi Reaver, Utah, ha made apThence N. 8i ileg. og non. E. 260.4 the San Francisco mining district, In the Beaver County News, published of the Marengo Fraction lode; speech was at an end. No. 1 of Horn Silver plication In aerunlance with the ri- - feel to (.uujJy (Jf inaver, state of Utah, being at Milford, Utah. thence 8. 65 deg. 54 min. E. 699.8 feet of Chapter 108, Apex No. 1 lode; No. 5986, and described In the survey E. D. It. THOMPSON, ?uiremeni 'tali, 1905, ua amended by 'thence S. 8 deg. 23 iiilu. A. i.u.4 j io corner No. 5 of the Marengo Fracnotes and plat on file in this of- Lawn of Utah, 1907, to leet to corner No. 2 of lfolly Mack tion lode; thence 8. 44 deg 54 min. E Register. 16 gt.e, jib magnetic variation at EDWIN AV. SENIOR, 431.3 feet to Intersection with lines appropriate one hundred and lifly Fraction lode; 45 in in. east as follows: ( 150) cubic feet 3 4 of the Gettysburg Salt Lake City. Utah, Mine lode; per second of water Thence S. 82 deg. 24 min. E. 4U7.5 deg. Commencing at corner No. 1 of Recfrom Beaver Kiver, Beaver County, feet to corner No. 1 of said lode; thence N. 27 deg. 03 min. K. 647.5 feet Claimant's Attorney. 1 lode claim, whence No. the iprocity Utah. Said water will be diverted by Thence S. 2 deg- - 25 min. E. 145 G N. w rorn to corner Na 4 of the Gettysburg First puh. October 1, 1969 jg gee 13t T. 27 8- - R. Last pub. Novemlier 28. I960 nieaua of a dam and a canal at a feel to corner No. 7 of said lisle; Mine lode; thence 8. 69 64 min. 13 W., S. L. B. and M bears N. 50 K. 303 feet to intersection with line' point which beara north 33 degree lu Thence S. 88 deg. 51 min. W. 285.5 deg. 49 ruin. E. 79U7.7 feet; 3 miiiutea eat 1145 teetdiatant from the feet to comer No. 6 of said lode; 4 of the Austerlitz lode; thence N. NOTICE 52 min. E. 92.6 Thenee N. 87 aouthweHt corner of Section 17, town17 deg. 44 niln. E. 423.9 reef to corner 04604 No. Serial Thence S. 1 deg. 03 tuln. E. 242.5 feet to corner No.deg. 2 of said lode; APPLICATION FDR PATENT Na 4 of the Austerlltx lode; 1 hence 8. ship 27 aoutli, range 10 weat, Salt Lake feet to corner No. 5 of said lode; Thence S. 52 40 min. E. 255.0 United bane and meridian, from where it will 84 deg. 26 uiin. E. 598.S feet to place of States Land Salt Lake Office, Thence S. 24. deg. 54 tuln. W. 1153.5 feet to corner No.deg. 3 of said lisle. Idenbe conveyed for a distance of 73,920 feet to comer No. 5 of Horn Silver beginning of description of exterior City. Utah, September 10, 1909. 1 of Reciprocity tical corner with No. feet and there uaed from May 1 to Apex No. 13 lisle. Identical with corn- No. 3 Notice is hereby given that The boundaries of said consolidated claim. lode; October 1, inclusive, of each year, to ers Nos. 2 and 1, Emporia Mine and Milford Mining and Milling Company, 8aid claim being located in unsurThence 8. 73 deg. 10 min. E. 734.3 a its authorized veyed part of T. 28 8., R. 12 AV., 8. I, irrigate 20,000 acre of land embraced EniKiria Fraction lodes; corporation, through No. 4 feet to No. corner of Reciprocity in Section 2, 3 4, IS, 7, N, 9, 10, 11, 14, Thence S. 69 deg. 39 min. E. 600.0 agent, Ellen V. Martin, whose post-offic- e 11. & M., and containing a total area 3 lisle; Let us build you an inch address ia Milford, Utah, has nf 60.302 acres. 15, IS, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, feet to comer No. l of Emporia Mine; Thence 8. 11 32 min. E. 16.9 made 31, 32, Township 26 south, llange 10 a United lor States addition in to therefrom, Thence S. 20 deg. 21 min. W. 3000 feet to corner No.deg. Excluding in this paper; a colad. application 3 of said lode; Mtent fur the Last Chance Lode the exclusion made between the lodes weat; and Heetiuna 4, 6, , 7, 8, 9, 17, feet to comer No. 2 of Independence 89 841.6 N. 35 Thence E. min. umn ad., a page ad., or deg. 18, Township 27 south, Range 10 weal; No. 1 lode; dining Claim, situate in the North of tills survey, the area in conflict feet U corner No. 2 of Accrington No. Star Sections 30, 31, 32, 33,34 and 35. Townof with 69 the district, Sur. N. mining county Beaver, Thence Waterloo, 4417, Marengo deg. 39 min. W. 600 2 lode; any old size ad. ' State of Utah, being mineral survey Mine, Sur. 5532, Green Monster, ship 25 south, Range 10 weat, SalL feet to corner No. 3 of said lode, idenBur. 9 603.6 Thence S. deg. 07 min. W. No. 6987 and described In the field 5831, Lake bane and meridian. In addition tical with corner No. 4 of IndepenBurning Moscow Extension feet to corner No. i of said lisle. Iden- notes and to the quantity of water above men- dence No. 3 lode; plat on file in this office, 'Ant'd.), Sur. 6412, Anvil Mine, Sur. 4 tical with corner No. of Accrington with tioned, the applicant intenda to apmagnetic variation at 16 deg. 3u 5776, and Victory, Lot 47. Net area Thence S. 87 deg. 08 ntin. W. 600 Let h tell in forceful terms: 5 lode; ntin. east, as follows: propriate twenty thousand (20,000) led to corner No. 3 of Independence No.Thence being 51.325 acres. H. 39 39 620.7 W. min. deg. acre feet of water which ia to be No. 3 lode; at corner No. 1 of Each of said lodes embraced In said Commencing What youve got t6 sell feet to corner No. 3 of Accrington No. Last Chance lode claim, whence the stored whenever available from Octoconsolidated claim being of reaird in Thence N. 20 deg. 21 min. E. 3000 5 lode; What it worth ber i of each year until June 15, corner 18 to and seetions 28 T 19, office iff the county recorder at (he feet to corner No. 4 of Emporia FracThence 8. 89 deg. 35 ntin. W. 1500.0 range 11 AY., and sections 13 and 8., of the year following, in a tion 24, Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah. it's best at that price lode; Why reservoir embraced in Sections 17, lM, Thence S. 87 deg. 08 min. W. 176.2 feet to corner No. 2 of said lode, iden- T 28 8., range 12 AV., of the Salt take The nearest known locations or min tical with corner No. 3 of Reciprocity Base and Meridian, iieani south 73 20, 28, 29, 32 and 33. Township 27 feet to corner No. 1 of ing claims being the aforesaid conflict tady Franklin lisle: south, Range 10 west, Salt Lake base Fraction lode; deg. 31 min., 30 sen. west, 1704.73 feet; ing claims and the Elephant 89 N. 40 338.7 Thence min. W. and meridian. The water ao stored Thence S. 47 deg. 19 min. W. 905. deg. Thence north 69 deg. 17 min. east, lode, lot 43. feet to corner No. 4 of Reciprocity 1560.0 feeL to corner No. 2; will lie released truni said reservoir feet to corner No. 2 of said Such an advertisement I direct that thia notice be published lode; Identical with corner No. 2 of Thenee aoutli 17 deg. 62 min. east, in the from Jnne 15 until Octo-eI, incluS. 87 deg. OX tuln. W. 495.1 lode, MilBeaver Thence at m this paper wilt bring County News, 627.92 feet to corner No. 3; Accrington No. 3 lisle; sive, of each year, and conveyed to I eel to corner No. 3 of said lode; Beaver County, Utah, for the S. 55 deg. 48 min. W. 219.7 tlic above Thenee ooiilh 69 deg. 17 min. west, ford, iract of land Thence N. 35 deg. 58 min. E. 743.9 fiH--Thence buyers who hardly knew iierlod of nine consecutive weeks. t to aimer No. 2 of Utai No. 3 1500.6 feet to corner No. 4; where it will lie used fur irrigation feet to corner No. 4 of E. II. 1). Franklin THOMPSON, you existed before you Thence north 47 deg. fet min. west, purposes. Tills application is desig- Fraction lisle, Identicaltady corner lode; Register. S. 7 deg. 33 min. E. 429.0 627.92 feet to corner No. 1, the Thence nated in the Stale Engineer's office No. 4 of Horn Silver with No. advertised. place 0. W. PARKS. 13 Ajiex feet to corner No. 3 of suid lode, iden- of beginning and located In the as No. 2312. for :ode; Attorney Applicant. 1 with corner Nik All protest against the granting of of Utah No. 2 Nirlitin of township 28 Thence N. 24 deg. 54 min. E. 501.3 tical First publication, Oct. 15, 1909. said application, stating Die reason south,, range 11 west, 8. L. B. and M., No. 3 of Horn Silver lisle; corner to tast publication, Dec. 10, 1909. ieet Thence. 8. Sfi deg. 25 min. E. 1260.0 containing an area ol 26.651 acres extherefur, must lie made by affidavit Apex No. 13 lode; luusynshl, MM, b W. J. LM Iii duplicate and filed in thia ollice feet to 'corner No. 2 of Utah No. I clusive of conflicts with mineral sur87 deg. 08 min. W. 7.7 8. Thence n within thirty (30) days after Die vey No. 5666 lode claim Molissa; ad No. 3 of Horn Silver lisle; Thence N. 8 deg. 02 min. W. 315.5 f lining and conflicting claims as ot Die publication of this feet, toNo.corner 12 lisle; Apex notice. tAiJ-Tanner, N. 8 deg. 23 min. E. 1806.2 feet to curlier No. 2 of George Dewey shown by plat of survey are survey No. 5666, Molissa lisle. State Kuginecr. TeelThence to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver lisle; 1 direct that this notice lie Date of first, publication, Novemlier Thence S. 80 deg. 20 tuln. E. OttO.O publishI lisle, identical with corner No. Apex feet to corner No. 1 of said lode, Iden ed in the Beaver County News pub6, 1909, date ol completion of publica- No. 3 No. 2 lode; Horn Silver of Aiex tion Decent lier 6. iiioti. with corner No. 1 of Congress lished at Milford, Utah. Thence N. 75 deg. 15 mill. W. 1044.1 tical No. 2 lode; E. D. R. Thompson, feet to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver S. 76 deg. 31 min. E. 600.0 E. AY. Sknior Thence Register. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. 2 lisle; Apex No. THE feet to corner No. 2 of Congress No. Sail take City, Utah, State Engineer's Ollice, Thence N. 8 deg. 02 min. W. 1720.9 2 Claimant's Attorney lisle; Halt laike City, Utah, Sept. SO, 190!). feet to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver PAINTER First pul). Sept. 17, 1909. Thence S. 8 deg. 62 min. E. 1720.9 Notice is hereby given that Joseph ASX No. 3 lode. Identical with comtail pill). Nov. 12, 1909. S. Grow, whose post office address is ers Nos. 3 and 2, Horn 8ilver Apex feet to corner No. 3 of St. Louis No. 2 Balt Lake City, Utah, has made appli- No. 5 and Horn Silver Apex No. 9 lode, identical with corner No. 1 ol St. Louis No. 3 lode; cation in accordance with the require- lodes; NOTICE. FOR ALL KINDS OF Thence S. 75 deg. 15 min. E. 1044.1 ments of the Compiled taws of Utah, 31 76 N. 600 tuln. W. Thence deg. 0 4617 No. Serial to feet No. corner 4 2 of No. St. Louis as amended by the Session Law feet to cor. No. 3 of Horn Sliver Apex 1907, - APPLICATION FOR PATENT of Utah, 19u9, to appropriate one (1) No. 9 lode, identical with corner No. lode; Thence S. 8 deg. 23 tnln. W. 15u0.0 tlNITRI) BTATKH LAND OFFICE cubic toot tier second qt water from i of Horn Sliver Aiex No. 7 lisle; Salt take City, Utah, Sept-- . 13, 1009. to corner No. 3 of said lode. Identhe South Folk of Atchison Creek, Thence N: 80 deg. 20 ntin. W. 338.4 Teel Notice i hereby given, that King tical with comer No. 6 of Emporia Heaver County, Utah. Said water will feet to corner No. 3 of said lisle; David Mining company, a eorjora-tion- , 11 lode; be diverted by means of a flume and Thence S. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 301 No.Thence 8. 6 deg. 58 tnln. V, 304.8 through its authorized agent, a pi lie line, at a point which bears feet to corner No. 2 of Horn Silver feet to corner No. 5 of Emporia No. Cora M. Hohlerman, whose poatoflica north 48 degrees west 5,500 feet from Apex No. It) lisle; WALL FULL LINE OF address I Halt take City, Utah, ha lisle; Fremont Hill Mineral Monument Nu. Thence N. 80 ilcg. 25 min. W. 1500 11 Thence made application for a United Klates S. 24 54 W. 501.3 min. deg. 2, Washington Mining District, Uea 'eel to corner No. 3 of said lode; PAPER HAND ALWAYS ON to corner No. 4 of said lisle; patent for the Horn Silver Fraction ver County, Utah, from where it wil Thence N. 13 ileg. 29 min. E. 601.0 Teet Thence 8. 16 deg. 26 min. W. 693.7 lode mining claim, situate in tlie Ban be conveyed for a distance of 2,500 feet to corner No. 4 of said lode, idenFrancisco mining district, County of feet ami there used from January I tical with corner No. 3 of Horn Silver reet to corner No. 3 of said lisle; Thence N. 75 deg. 15 min. W. 810.6 Beaver, State of Utah, biting Survey to December 31, Inclusive, of each Aiex No. 14 lode; No. and described lu the field year, in said mining district at tin Thence N. 13 deg. 29 tuln. E. 9.2 Teet to corner No. 4 or Euiorla No. 10 notes599, on fllo in this office, and plat lisle; Boston group of mines, for the pur eel to corner No. 2 of Horn Silver variation st 17 deg. will) 8 magnetic N. 15. Thence 23 220.8 min. deg. Mwe of concentrating the ores of lead, Apex No. 14 lisle; DO min. Kant a follow: silver, copiier and gold. Part of said Thence N. 88 deg. 47 min. E. 1547.2 feel to comer No. 3 of Emisiria No. 9 Commencing at comer No. 1 of water will be used for the generation feet to corner No. 1 of said lode, iden lisle; Thence N. 76 deg. 31 min. W. 600.0 Horn Silver Fraction lode claim of steam and as much as may be nec- tical with corner No. 4 of Horn Silver to corner No. 2 of said lode. Iden- whence the southeat comer section feet 7 essary for the domestic purposes ol Apex No. lode; tical with corner No. 3 of Einporla 13, townhip27 south, range 13 west, the employees of said ntinea and mill. Thence S. 80 deg. 20 min. E. 338.1 Salt take Base and Meridian bears 7 No. lode; It is nut the Intention of the applicant reet to corner No. 1 of Horn Silver Thence N. 80 deg. 20 min. W. 600.0 north 69 deg. 62 min. east, 7462.6 foet; to use any water that Howb Into the Apex No. 7 lode; Thence south 13. deg. 41 inin. east, South Fork of AtchiHon Creek abovt-Thence N. 13 deg. 29 min. E. COO feet to corner Na 4 of Emitorin No. 7 701.9 feet to comer No. 2; lmlut which bears north 39 degrees feet to comer No. 4 of Horn Silver lode: Thenee north 82 deg. 17 min. west, in S. AV. Thence 8 23 220.9 min. deg. 9 west 1,210 feet from the mineral mon- Apex No. lode; 220.0 feet to comer No. 3; feet to No. 8 corner 3 No. of ument above described. This applicaEmporia Thence 8. 76 deg. 31 min. E. 2100 Thence north 3 deg. 33 min. east, tion Is designated in' the State Engi- feet to corner No. 1 of Horn Silver lode; 655.3 feet to corner No. 4; Thence 80 N. W. 600.0 deg. 25 min. Extension lode, Identical with corner neer's office as No. 23C4. Thence south 82 deg. 17 min. east-feet to comer of No. 4 of said lode; All protests against the granting of No. 2 of Little Dick lode; 11.4 feet to euriier No. 1, the place of Thence N. 8 deg. 23 min. E. 1498.2 said application, stating the reasons Thence N. 87 deg. 51 ntin. E. 890.6 lieginuing and located in unaurveved therefor, must le made by affidavit in 'eet to corner No. 1 of Little Dick feet to comer No. 1 of said lode, Iden part nf Township 27 8. Range 13 AV., tical with 2 corners Nos. and Drum 3, duplicate and filed in this office within ode; 8. L. B. & M., containing an area of Thence S. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 292.8 and Drum No. 1 lodes; 0.301 scree exclusive of conflict with thirty (30) days after the completion GOO.O AY. N. Thence 80 25 ntin. deg. of the publication of this notice. feet to corner No. 5 of said lode; No. 38 A hale claim Horn Hilver, Lot CALEB TANNER, Thence S. 26 deg. 58 min. W. 186.9 feet to corner No. 4 of Drum No. 1 No. 48, Lulu hale, and tat No. 61, feet to corner No. 4 of said lode, iden-'ic- lode; State Engineer. Ledge and Co. lode; adjoinThence N. 8 deg. 23 ntin. E. 371.9 Grampian Dnte of first publication, October 15, with comer No. 1 of St. Stephen Large and commodious accommodations ing and conflicting claims as shown to feet No. comer 3 No. Dthitn of 2 1909. Date of completion of publica- No. liv IMat of Harvey are tat No. 70, lode; for the convenience of tourists and traveling tion. Novemher 15, 1909. Thence 8. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 279 1 lode; America lode, tat No. 38 A, Thence 8. 81 deg. 58 min. AV. 603.8 Young eet to corner No. 2 of Absalom lode; Horn Hilver lode, Lot No. 48, Lulu men. All the latest magazines and papers APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Thence S. 75 deg. 54 min. E. 28.3 feet to comer No. 2 of said lode; lode, and Lot No. 61, Grampian Ledge Thence N. 9 deg. 51 min. E. 1276.9 and feet to comer No. 4 of King David M. A. No. 04867 Co. lode. are in our reading room. United State Land Office, Salt Lake 'ode, identical with corner No. 1 of feet to intersect line Accrington I direct that this notice lie publishNo. 6 lode; ed in tlie Beaver County News at City, Utah, October 13, 1909 Absalom lode;89 Thence N. 79 deg. 00 min. AY. 330.2 Milford, Utah. Notice is hereby given, that King Thence S. deg. 26 min. E. 277.9 feet to corner 2 No. of Na Accrington David Mining Company, a Corpora feet to corner No. 5 of King David K. I). R. Thompson, 6 lode, identical with corner No. 2 of lion, through Ita authorized agent, lisle; Register. 4 lode; Thence S. 62 dpg. 13 ntin. E. 275.1 Accrington No. Edwin AV. Beniob, ('ora M. Holderman, whose postofflce " Thence S. 55 deg. 48 min. AY. 850.0 address is Salt lake City, Utah, has feet to corner No. 1 of said lode, the Halt, take City, Utah, feet to corner No. 4 of Accrington No made application for a United Slates place of beginning and located In Claimant Attorney 1 lode; Sept-part of Township 27 South, 17, 1000. patent for the King David, Absalom, Firt publication Nov. Thence N. II deg. 00 min. E. 835.9 Little Dick, St. Stephen No. 2, Old Range 13 West, S. I. B. and M., contast 12, 1900. publication feet 3 to No. corner of Champion listu; Warrior, Horn Silver Apex No. 4, taining an area of 358.376 acres exThenee S. 83 di g. 54 uiin. AV. 1219.1 Kuril Silver Extension, Horn Silver clusive nf conflicts with Mineral SurIdeal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Apex No. 5, Horn Silver Aiex No. 3, vey No. 3399, Issle Claim Dick Tay-ir- ; 7feet to curlier No. 4 of Accrington No Serial No. 0 4860. lode; Horn Silver Apex No. 8. Horn Silver Stir. No. 3401, Duly Washington Thence N. 11 deg. 00 min. E. 1488.6 United States Land Office, Amx No. 2, Horn Silver Ajiex No. 9, lisle; Sur. No. 3400, Lady Franklin Salt take City, Utah, Oct. 11, 19U9. Horn Sliver Apex No. 7, Horn 8ilver 'ode; I sit No. 5, Grampian Ledge and feet to corner No. 1 of said lode; Notice ia hereby given that the BeaThence N. 83 deg. 54 min. K. 1181.4 Apex No. 14, Horn Silver Apex No. 10, Co. lisle, and Lot. No. 60. Jay Hawker feet to corner No. 5 of Champion lisle, ver Combination Mining Company, a Horn Silver Aiex No. 1, Horn Silver lisle; ail joining anil conflicting claims AnX No. 11, I Hilly Mack Fraction, as shown by plat of survey are tat-No- identical with cnrnep No. 4 of Ac- corporation,A. by its agent and attorney in tart, J. Foley, of Salt take City, Horn Silver Apex No. 12, Horn Silver 60, Jay Hawker lisle; Lot No. 49. crington No. 3 lisle; Lot number 63. Thence N. 55 deg. 48 min. E. 804.5 Utah, has made application for a Apex No. 13, tady Franklin Fraction, Bun an xa lode; Emporia MinCT Emporia Fraction, In- Dives lode; tat. number 51, flram-pia- n feet to corner No. 3 of Accrington United Slatea patent for the Gettys Mine, Austerlitz, A'lctory FracLedge and Co. lisle; tat lisle, Identical with corners Nisi. 2 burg dependence No. 1, Independence No. 3 tion and Marengo Fraction lodea connnd Nineteen Hundred Lode Mining nutnlicr 3S A, Horn Silver lisle; Lot Httd 1, Accrington No. l and solidated mining claim, sitiiHle In the lisleB; Claims consolidated, situate in the No. 70. Young America lode; I sit No. Thence N. 46 deg. 28 min. AV. 791.3 Star mining district, Beaver county, Salt Francisco Mini tig District, Coun- 48. .Lulu lisle; Lot No. 61, Dolly Mack No. 3400, Lady Franklin feet to corner No. 1 of Accrington No. Utah, being mineral survey Na 5947, ty of Beaver, State of Utah, being Sur- lisle; Sur. No. and described In the field Hole and lisle; Doors end Windows 3401, Lady Washington Lumber, Mouldings, liide; Sur. vey Nos. 4655 mill 5921, nnd Thence N. 25 deg. 34 tnln, E. 587.2 plat of the official survey on file in in the field notes and plat on tile in lisle; Sur. No. 3399, Dick Taylor lisle. 1 direct that this notice he published feet to corner No. 1 of Reciprocity No. this office with magnetic variation at tills office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 3() min. east as follows, in the Beaver County News, published 2 lisle; 16 di g. 45 min. East, as follows: N. 13 deg. 14 min. E. 19.2 Thence Utah. Commencing at corner No. I of tlie, a! 1 Milford, No. corner at of ('oiiiiiiencltig 2 of said lisle; feet Amderlitz No. to K. corner R. lode, from which the corI). THOMPSON, lode whence the David claim, King Mining Timbers and all kinds of Building Material Thence S. 77 deg. 17 min. E. 1322.9 ner to Section 19, 24, 25 und 30, Register. BE. corner SerA 3. T, 27. S., It. I.". W., 11 and 12 AV., 28 3 feet to No. corner No. of 8., W. SENIOR. Township EDWIN Ranges Reciprocity S. L. B. and M. hoars N. 75 deg. J8 2 lisle; 8. I,. B. Sc M., hears N. 5 deg. 48 min. Salt Dike City, Utah, iiiinTE 7211.2 feet; 12 N. 63 Thence min. AV. 246.4 K. 4X2.4 feet; tiienec running from Claimant's AMorney. deg. Thence S. 2 deg. 26 min. W. 673.9 feet to coi ner No. 1 of Reciprocity Na said corner No. 1 8. 17 deg. 42 mtn. AV. feet to corner No. 2 of said lode; First publication Octolier 15, HMD I lisle, the place of beginning, and 1411.2 feet to corner No. 2 of the Alia-534.1 min. W. 26 89 1909 N. Thence deg. Last publication December 10, d in the nnsnrveyed local Iden3 part of terlltz hale; thence N. 84 deg. 26 mfa. of said No. lisle, feel to corner 496.9 feet to Intersection will) line Township 27 8., Range 13 AV., S. I, tical with corner No. C of Absalom of tlie Gettysburg Mine lode, I), and M., containing an urea of NOTICE. hide; 169.015 ncres exclusive nf conflicts theme 8. 22 deg. 55 min. AV. 481.8 Serial No. 0 4726. Thence 8. 5 deg. 0 min. E. 141.2 feet with Mineral Survey No. 5921, lisle feet to eorner No. 2 of the Gettysburg APPLICATION TOR PATENT. to curui-- r Vii. 5 or Absalom lode, idem Duke Horn Silver Apex No. 9, Horn Mine hale, thence N. 69 deg. 54 mil). Salt Land Stales United Olflce, No. Kur. 2, corner 4655, with No.. tli'il 19o9. No. 7, Horn Silver AX AV. flu feet to corner Na 3 of tlie Silver Aiex 25, Utah, Sept. City, Hundred lisle; Nineteen No. Horn Is Silver Asx No. 14, Horn Gettysburg Mine lode, I lienee N. 27 16, that Notice King 4.8 given hereby W. 38 min. Thence S. 81 deg N'o. 12. Lady Silver a Franklin ileg. (1.7 min. K. 310.8 feet to InterDavid cnrisiration, Apex Mining Cnuipniiy, feel to corner No. 1, Fur. No. 5921, witli line 2 3 of the Marengo through its authorized agent, Cora M. Fruriiuii, Stir. Nu. 5922, Humbug Mine, section Old Wurrfui lode; mid Sur. No. 594G, AVashington No. 2 Krai-liolode; thence N. 44 deg. 54 Thence s" Mi' s 02 min. E. 600 feet jllolilcruian. whose postuftlce address -K aA , XOT jks Reel-procii- y pul-lwh- g I I n ! d-- Ads.as Reputation p Props r - com-pletio- i i !U EARLE . . House and Sign Painting For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop at , THE OXFORD 2-- 3 t t t t Reel-limclt- desi-rlbe- 1 lo-wi- , 12 Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal |