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Show II: BRANCH :il o. M 'M1 Cedar cKy, Utah l"'l - ' i (I A The Branch Normal School 1 . A Four Year Normal Course. - 4. A' Literary 1 offers . ,fJ the following CoulV to the Young People of Southern Utah A General Hidl School Course. 5. Course. 3. An Engineering Course A' Domestic Science Course of The Library facilities are ample, the Laboratories are equipped with the most mAem apparatus, the Shops are supplied with a new stock lathes, forges, the motlrn shop. The Domestic Science is fitted with all modern conveniences. motors, fan exhaust, shaper, milling machine and all the modem machinery for THIS IS THE SCHOOL FOR THE YOUTH OF SOUTHERN UTAHj G. W. DECKEFJ Principal th of and 7 September, Registration of students Thursday and Friday, the Jfcth mences Monday, September 20th, at the Branch Normal s ool at Cedar City, Utah. 1 Class work com- - I'l .11 HARRY I Ingols & Taylor ENGINEERS, ASSAYERS II. S. Deputy Mineral We are now prepared CUSTOM Surveyors for Utah and Nevada to give prompt attention to Copper IF -- : ! SURVEYS ASSAYING For a sociable game for for Gold Lead CHEMISTS AND Underground Zinc Locations, Etc. X THE OXFORD ITS THERE WELh FIND IT Milford. Utah 46 t 44-T .A. SEE EARLE THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF House and Sign Painting WALL FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND UP-TO-DA- - F.L PAY(3 .....Choicest of Wines and Liquors ..... , ' Our liar room in Put ol up with good iool and liilliaiil tallies mid al.-- have in conn vet imi iJAhm:n simp ani hath IIMlforb Xttmbci Co. n Tproprietor Exclusive Agent for TIUMROLT Cigars, amt we aisa handle tlm $ d BAR COSMOPOLITAN Reynolds, O. D. pool or billiards drop in at Patent Silver Iron Office and Labratnry opposite Opera limine' Phone Bert nichols NOTICE. APPLICATION FOR PATKNT. FENNEMORE No. 0.4243. Serial No. 04265. Serial PATENT. KOIt APPLICATION Notary Public Pulled Stales Office, Salt Lake Attorney-at-La- w I and orfice, Salt Staten Putted 1909. Oily, Ptah, July 30, All kinds of legal blanks, location City, Ptah. July 2K, 1909. Notice in hereby given that Tnonias Notice 1h hereby given, that Pea- Will practice in all courts of the state notices, proofs of labor, etc., always Kearns and liuvid Keith of Salt Lake cock Copper Consolidated Mining on hand. Notary work promptly and Beaver, Ptah y , I'tali, have made application company, a conxiration. through its accurately attended to. for a Puileil Slates patent for the mil linriml agent, Cura M. Holdernnin, Hilly Nig. Triumphant Nos. 2 and 3 whose iMstoffiro address Is Salt Lake lode mining clainiH, situate in Hie I'tali, has made application for Sail Francisco milling dialrict. Heaver City, a railed States patent for thfl Humcounty, I'uili, being mineral survey bug Mine, Humbug No. 1, Sunbeam No. 5556 and described in I he lielil Mine No. 1, and Sunbeam Mine lode notes and plat of the official survey of claims consolidated, situated In on Tile in thin office with magnetic mining i lie San Francisco mining district variation at 16 deg. eaat as lollows, County of Beaver, State of Ptah to wit: being Survey No. 5922, and descr.ned Commencing at corner No. 1 of the in the field notes and plat on tile in nilly Nig lode from which the north this office, with magnetic variation east comer of section 13, township 27 at 17 (leg. 53 min. East as follows: south, range 13 west Salt Lake Hase Commencing at corner No. 1 of and Meredian lienra S. 22 deg. 30 min. hug Mine lode claim, whence the 4886.5 feet, thence running from P. S. Mineral Monument No. 3 bears said corner No. I, N. KM deg. 13 min. N. 13 dog. 31 inln. W. 2077.1 feet; VV, 1500 feet to corner No. 2, of the Thence S. 60 dog. 33 min. E. 1255.4 Hilly Nig lode, thence N. 26 deg. 17 feet to corner No. 2 of said lode; min. W. 583.5 feet to corner No. 1 of Thence 8. 43 deg. .02 min. W. 542.5 the Triumphant No. 2 lode from which feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; the aforesaid section corner boars S. Large and commodious accommodations Thence N. 63 deg. .05 min. W. 12 0.2 35 deg. 31 min. K. 6241.8 feel, thence 4 of sold No. lode, corner feet to (or the convenience of tourists and traveling N. 88 deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to identical with corner No. 2 of Humcurner No. 8 of the Triumphant No. 2 bug No. 1 hsle; men. All the latest magazines and papers lode which is identical with corner Thence N. 8t deg. 26 nnn. W. 1506.0 1 3 1 No. No. of the Triumphant lode, feet to corner No. .3 of Humbug No. room. are in our reai from which the aforesaid section cor- lode, identical with romer No 2 of ner bears S. 44 deg. 59 min. E. 7249.8 Siinlieam Mine No. 1 lode; feet, thence S. 58 deg. 27 min. W. Thence S. 0 deg. 19 min. V. 677.3 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of the Tri- feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; umphant. No. 3 lude, thence N. 26 deg. Thence S. 88 deg. .09 min. W. 560.0 17 min. W. 602.5 feet to corner No. 3 to corner No. 4 of said lode; feet of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence N. 43 deg. .02 niin. E. 600.0 Thence N. 58 deg. 27 min. E. 1500 feet to corto corner No. 5 of said lode; feet ner No. 4 of the 'triumphant No. 3 Thence N. 88 deg. .09 min. E. 50 feet lode, thence 8,. 88 deg. 13 inln. E. to corner No. 2 of Sunbeam Mine 1500 feet to corner No. 2uf the TriIdeal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement lode; V. umphant No. 2 lode, thence S. 26 deg. cp N. 18 deg. 38 min. Then 17 inln. E. 525.9 feet to comer No. 3 1486.0 feet to corner No. 3 of said of the Hilly Nig lode, thence S.88 lode; deg. 13 min. K. 1500 feet to corner Thence N. 88 deg. .09 min. E. 565.2 No. 4 of the Hilly Nig lode, thence S. to corner No. 4 of said lode; feet 26 deg. 17 min. E. 662.1 feet to the S. 19 deg. 54 min. K. 1496.4 Thence place of beginning of description of feet to corner No. 1 of said lode, exterior boundaries of said consoli- identical with corner No. 6 of Sundated claim. beam Mine No. 1 lode; Said claim being located in unsur-yeyein Thence N. 7 deg. 19 min. E. 677.3 Wholesale iwl Retail part of township 27 8. 11. 13 feet to corner No. 7 of Sunbeam V. H, L. B. and M., and containing a ror-ner Mine No. 1 lode, identical with total ares of 59.085 acres, excluding, No. 4 of Humbug No. 1 lotto; conhowever, therefrom the area, in Thence S. 81 deg. 26 min. E. 1500.0 flict with the Burlington Mining rpet to corner No. 1 of Humbug No. Lumber, Mouldings, Doors and Windows Claim' Nos. 1 and 4, and Burlington 1 lode, Identical with corner No. 1 of No. 8 mine lodes, survey No. 5391. Mine lode, the place of beNet area applied for being 47.721 Humbug and located In unaurveyed ginning acres. part of Township 27 8. Range 13 W.. Each of said lodes embraced in said S. I,, p. it M containing an area 'if Miiing Timbers Mi all kinds of Biilding Material consolidated claim being of record In 62.667 acres exclusive of conflict with at recorder of office the the county Lot No. 67 hsle claim Niagara; adjoinBeaver City, Reaver rial). riniin as shown und or ing Plat conflicting The nearest known riiiiver is P. S. I sit No. 67, tf by mining claims being the aforesaid Niagara lisle; 1 direct that this notice be published conflicting ('iuliiiK and Selma No's, 3, and in the Beuvpr County Nowh at Mil4, 5, 6 Wabash Mining Claim 4 Wabash No. Mining Claim survey ford, Ptnli. .No. 5391 and Regulator No. 2, sur. No. E. D. R. THOMPSON, 4 0? Register. I dlreth that this notice he published EDWIN W. SENIOR, Builders Hardware, Lath Blocks and Pickets at News in tile leaver ("onnty Salt Lake City, Ptah, con of nine Claimant's Attorney. Puli, for the period siXlltlve weeks. First publication July 20, 1909. K. H. 11. THOMPSON. tjisf publics linn Kept. 24, 1969, uoom.. s nMl Mil-jnr- Regisnr. PARKS. Attorney for Applicant. First pub. Aug. 6, 1909. Last pub. Oct. 1, 1909. IS. W. Subscribe for The News and be happy. Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal . Kodak Finishing-Fil- ms developed and prints made. You press the but ton and have Elswiek do the rest. The News Does Everylhlng in the Line ot Printing j t t t t t |