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Show , ti. JO,VCl u s-- ' MEWS VOL 2. DRY NO 21 UTAH. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER MILFORD. BEAVER COUNT FARMING lifing Sill far J 24 1909 $2.00 PER YEAR (F Plant The Gold Spring Mining and Pow er company lias had a corps of BEAVER COUNTY MINES AND MINING AND IRRIGATION at Modena for the last two weeks slaking off the site for its new plant, running a line for a spur of Line, Interesting Mining News (gathered from the Various These Are Two Important Fac- -, I lie Kali Lake Kr.ule railroad to lie power Nile, locating the line for the ZKining Districts of Beaver County. j tois in the Development of iranHiiiiHsiuii wires which are to carry Utah and the West. energy across the country to t'leiiiiie-aid mills i f Go d Hi rings as well as individuals, havs mads and laving oni the route for TREMOKT CAMP camp, good showing with relatively small '. H. Xewell, director i.f the VniM-water pipe line from Deseret :iln outlays. Ninety per cent of the holes Siau-reclamation service, during wells, one mile north of the power HAS BRIGHT FUTURE where assessment work has been dons a recent visit to Billings, Muni., plant rile. Material tor the power show good ore at from three feet to v.hen ii met Kteretary John T. is being assembled, a portion of plum ten feet depth. hums of tie Dry Fainting Congress, it being on the way. t'uimtmction, in the "The main camp of the district is OIJ an Washington Properties invitation to attend the j accepted it is said, wil be begun October 25. Tremont. It is on the west slope the fourth session - ot that tody a hich District are Opening up ValUpon lb return to Modena of l J. of the Needle range, 25 wiles north of fcfl will be held at Billings, October to Kosa, pieriiient of the Escalante Min-- j Modena? It is a camp with a great uable Bodies Ore S, and to address the congress on and Milling company, operating future. " I ing "ihe Relation Between Dry Farming least of Modena, a new plan ot opera and Irrigation." frtofltf iMMri ii j tion will t.e made effective, which That the on district, Director Newell said dry fanning Washington Christianson of the Superintendent contemplate,. the overcoming of jilts west site of Beaver offered a noliitii.il for some of I lie county, and Leonora Mining and Milling company water difficulties in the F.scalautei tits Nevada-Utaline, ia reports to Secretary H. W. Horne at problems which the reclamation ser m ne and the development of the vein adjoining u, Lmnil. lhe Balt Lake that the tunnel which ia ia vice facing. of a. lea- -t StO;illlbof system to tbs dtp lh. ctionot should grMlt and now being driven is in a distance of irrigation "Dry fanning ieet.. (Soul hem Utah whose spokes and 340 feet and ia go hand in hand in the development Tlie strike K working in highly outward rim are marked by such rich mineralized of the west, said Mr. Newell. "They li Is expected Dear ground, near laxlge, which certain se camps as Piochc, Fay, Gold Hpringa, are corelutod, mutually supplemental that the ore zune will be encountered cessiouisls desire to rcchristen Fluor- - Osceola, Ban Francisco and North factors and not. inimical rivals. One tile, is reported upon moat favorably Star, is the firm lielief of a well known within the next 100 feet of driving. of the complaints we hear frttn the The Lenora people have been making by those wo have seen it. Borne very mining man who has farmers tuider the projects of ihe just returned to but little noise about what they are of silver ore from the Salt I.ake alter line having made a care- doing but have been grinding along reclamation service is that the govstrike have been displayed during the ful of that section, say a steadily until now they are getting inspection will! ernment is not furnishing them week. The outcome of development the Balt lake Tribune. into that promises to develop We into have water. gone enough at greater depth is looked forward to "Washington is an ideal district as into territory something exceptionally good. this subject thoroughly and have dewith much iuteresl. The quality of to location and I .uclen Merritt, president of the advantages," said he, termined the amount of water neces" pri'Vbles all the ,,a all WitU.r alUluall(.H Red of to laud a tract Warrior Mining company, lett given sary irrigate eanuaks of the bip ore of a coming aud a amount of limber for fnel, Wednesday night for his home iu great Iron premises of scientific aoundi ess. is mau za. mining purposes and building. The Duluth after sieiiding several weeks The fact is that the farmers are inPaul Kimball and associates, who formation is an altered One of the clined to por at the property. Mr. M mill stated have tlie old Horseshoe mine in hand, phyry and lime, and it.granite, is of an old to The News that he was great dangers of the settlers under highly are reported to tie content fur the, geological date. It is fissured with a these projects is the danger of not pleased with tits manner in which tbs to run over the mill tailings network of veins which are present highly mine was coming to the Iront. At only wasteful, but imaltively damagof the okl proerty. Patrick Donovalues as as present the winze which is being mineralised, our of is one giving high It ing van of Gold Springe ia said to have ,tiU0 ounces in 81.il percent sunk in tlie north drift on the 300 silver, moat difficult tasks to teach the farmopened some nice looking gold ore in lead, 20 per cent er how to use his waterj how to reguropier and $19.50 in level is down to a depth of 100 feet tire South Jumbo property. gold. I.arge bodies of milling ore and has cub a 7 foot vein of ore which late hia irrigation to get the best rerunning from $5 to $30 a ton, havs gives greater values than any other sults. The application of dry farmbeen encountered, and it gives every veins in tlie mine. The ore shoot will a the With melhuda cultivation of go JOSEPH DETRICK, ing Harper Company The yield of all kinds of crops on indication of solve to wav toward becoming one of the which waa opened ia the raise in the The Harper Company opened a three nights engagement at the long helping Beaver Bottoms is larger this year g greatest camps in north drift of the 200 level Is opening ibis problem. Kcientilic agriculture opera house last night in the pastoral comedy drama Ilasel Klrkd. an has been experienced for years. the west. in the to is lml crop one of the strongest re; ertoira companies on the road and ia givi up In good shape and iodicationa are get U tha farmers down thera art highly JThe Utah, Gold and Copper that unr western at ales and I would like Lion to the theatre goer of Milford. Tonight, the company this will prove to be ode of the excellent prdJnutiou pany, which, it ia atd over beore bodies of the Red Warrior. to have the principles of intelligent Joseph JJetrick in itie sit.ici pis y t he Two Orphans." tomom? again said,jnay big hay, grain and vegetables. But come the Utah Amalgamated Copper Just now the property is being surcultivation understood every set-- , "The Shadow of the Uroo will be presented. little irrigation waa required this company, haa a veyed and placed in shape for an exgroup of claims tensive tier.' Moisture conserving methods1 season and (he crops are as good as upon which it large campaign of mining. ia with operating of tillage will elfect a great saving to will be found in any mans country. twenty-fiv- e men. It has finished a John Thompson, superintendent of the irrigalionist in water, as well as i. 0.0. F. 6RABD lodge iii scssioNjWE NEED This fact bnt demonstrates that right an electric plant-- tlie Hub mine waa In town Wednesinstalled line, pipe he will him than better crops give Here In beaver county we have the constructed extensive in too or a lie if buildings and day and stated to The News that the Limit lhal Decides Reniin Shill much, iht irrigates Age get Star of the greatest agricultural is tnakiug build to a mill of 200 tuna work of Kinking a shaft ou the Lady preparing haphazard manner. This is one cf This Would Furnish Place for section in t he west. is Shall Alsi Ike Restrictions a day rapacity to treat the large Bryan property waa progressing nicet lie subjects which should be discussed Against Liquor dealers Young Men. to Spend their An exceptionally interesting meet- bodies of milling ore which have been ly. This property was recently taken at your congress. Dry farming methuncovered. The company has for over by tlie Hub cuintany and it is ods in combination with irrigation ing of tlie Odd Fellows lodge was some The Sovereign Grand Isslge of Gild Evenings. e the intention to develop it to considtime been shipping Its will hasten the development of these which neld last Saturday night at Fellows which is in session at Featl.lej ore to erable extent. The Lady Bryan ha smelter. the reclaimare In tracts which had three were initiations time being great this week decided two questions t hat The of the Erie property Mining one of the best showings from the ed under the government projects." There will also be degree ia form havejieen under discussion for years. The right way to reform to be- degrees. of Utah grass roots of any proierty in the that the company adjuins memwork tomorrow night and all The delegates refused to reduce the properly. It is never too late to Gold and The Erie district and promises to develop into Saari Set Dance Coppercompany. do to so can are who requested limit of llie membership front 2J gin this hut the sooner lhe start ia bers age a mine of no small importance. Some has twelve but done has it claims, K."One of tlie best dances ever given to 18 and also voted not to made the belter. Milford needs a be present. At the mee.iug Saturday little work. Ite shafts andyet years, years ago this ground was worked tunnel, in Milford," was the unanimous opin- make tlie restriction evening, October Vlh the grand lodge against mem- place for her young men to spend officers to the depth of 50 and 70 feet, show quite extensively and produced a offan to ion of the two hundred Milfordians make will be here bers, connection with the liquor traffic (heir evenings- and one which wonld icial ore. At and their friends who participated in visit and a full attendance of the however, well defined veins with large quantity of is said that Ihe liquor lie sufficiently' attractive to keep them It stronger. 'it e not is the inthis ore in several and however, time, places tripping the light fantastic last Friday amendment voted down at this ses- from the saloons. A movement to members is desired. old to follow tlie tention Indies extensive sf The workings up sulphides. Milford opera house, sion would have excluded even as ia evening at the establish a Are you interested in California company is just being incorporated but instead a shaft is now being sunk in the first of a series of dances now authorized by the state of Utah if li to; ally en forced. Arizona and Old Mexico, if not so, it and ia preparing for more active work. in a new location farther down the scheduled for the coming season by The question of giving sanction to would no doubt meet with be would wise to write for full infor- Its property is most promising and hill. A gasoline hoist of sufficient, floor the Milford Social club. The of a majority of the citizena amusement an proval branch the Muscovites, the shortest line and with development will no doubt be- cafuicity to haudlo the development-fomation about waa well greased during the after- - of ot the Town. It has taken many tlie best service lruni will come I wfore the order, some time has been installed ami your puint to come a s producer. noon, and in order to keep it in at this session. years to procure legislation making those section via the SALT LAKE "The large lodge grand a force of men is now working. Florence aud other good companies condition, the regular picture The Ladies Militant, composed of it possible for small towns to enjoy ROUTE, Utah most popular route. show waa abandoned for the evening. wives and oilier relatives of the Pat- lie pleasures of a public library and There is nothing better we know oi Dancing started at 9:30 p. m. and riarchs Militant, are again seeking gy ninasiuin. The old idea was "dont ' continued until the wee small hours all kidney troubles thau Piueules. for An active now is "do." lint it buy after frequent rebufls. of the morning. The music rendered recognition These to His be made cannot "dont. pills are really excellent in in his annual Grand Sire Kuykendall, cases of do weak back and backache, if by the Grimshaw orchestra of Beaver address, advised against and he dont the authorizing nature It to do was especially pleasing. A notable in one. do the neck of the bladder, will he the pains wrong ladies auxiliary' in connection right thing feature of the orchestra was that two any rheumatic be surrounded should he Therefore pain and kidney aliments, matters Other Kebekahs. with the of its members played in other orches- of with opportunities to do right. Spare due to weakened, disordered kidneys. be to order are to the importance tras in this town seventeen years ago. considered time is tlie time when he needs guid- Hold by Milford Pharmacy. at this session. relate them to It was interesting hear ing. Here is where the reading room Marshal Hedges has been limping of the dances given those days and and gymnasium come in. lotici la Stock Owners on sticks this week a result ot around law pro comparing them with the dances of Owners of stock are hereby notified The hia foot while performing spraining on petition of fifty legal his today. to keep such stock off the streets and vidos that at the Central Office of the ROCKY iu duty enforcing the stray pound of a tax for mainmatter voters the town within the at from large running ordinance, lie ia gelling all righl la Pilict burl MOUNTAIN BELL TELE-PHONlimits of Milford. Stock must be ac- tenance can be voted ujmn at the again now, however. a had Nichols busy very of amount The the Judge CO. in business hours. by a driver when passing regular election time in police coart this week. Some companied which may be levied is one mill latest Ladies in hats tlie seasonable to and streets from the cases of considerable importance were through It is exj.ee ted that styles, direct from New York and ture. After ten days from date of T,,r ea1 up for hearing. is in- the building for the piirjmse lie pro- Chicago, will be displayed at Mrs. F. marshal town the notice thia Have been made to receive and entertain visitors at the Town of Milford vs. Hardy was the vided for by endowments, donations J. Burtons, North Main street, next and take to structed Salt Lake Exchange during Conference week. Guides up any impound title of a esse in which Hardy was and all horses, cattle or other animals or other private means in the way week, Come early "will lie on hand at all times between 10 oclock a. m. and Monday. opening charged with selling liquor to minors. which are found running at large in that churches, libraries, etc., are and get your choice. 5 oclock p. m. each day to show visitors through the Defendant plead guilty to the charge the town limits. The usually built. pound largest telephone exchange between Denver and the Mrs. Winburg returned from Balt and was fined 925. ordinance will be strictly enforced. Why wouldnt it be a good idea to Pacific coast. The tour will include a visit to the hlg been sell11. T. Hanks was charged with By' order of Board of Trustees call a meeting of the citizens and dis- Lake Monday where she had which may be seen in regular use with the switchlswni, 11. more. Clerk. R. or month for the on Pitchforth, bis premise. past cuss the matter? There is a chance visiting ing liquor th women work. lUbO. st 17, ojmrator He entered a plea of guilty and paid Dateu, September fur good work here in Milford aH well She was accompanied by Mrs. Harry who will visit here fur a couple a fine of $10. mat. towns. Think this PATRONS OF THE COMPANY The Sabbath School of the L. 1). S.! The cases of the women who were church commences at 10 o'clock tor over seriously for a dav or two M every arrested for buy ing drinks at a saloon You should see our- line of fancy The school is thur ,n(I then decide ujiona line of action. at places other than Salt (Lake are especially invited are still pending. and wedding announce-- ; and iiun ci ,iii pet ant stationery were Johnson to visit the Salt Lake office, 56 South State Street. Ed Martin and A. When vim bare piles dont fail to ments. Wo have a fine line and also before the Judge on a charge of disjunta are especially invited In come use ManZan, the great pile remedy'. know how to print it right. turbing the peace and were given a and bring the children; it iH not your. Tin- only real way to cure Ibis annoy- - Our Frisco and Newhouse editors fine of (10 each. money we want , bill it- is ymir pres-- ing trouble is to apply some! Iiing that failed to report this week but they Rocky Mountain Hy taking a ilime or two of Bees ence. Ymir friends and well wisher.1 will act on all parts affected, 'that is will bu mi tap with a lot of good news! ' t is 11. II. Iitclifurtb, what ManCan does. Laxative Cough Sj'rnp, you will get put UP xt "issue. olir . or cold. with Sold rialsnozzle a front Wiii. eoiigli by Miller, ilief prompt We have a few screen doors left Bell Telephone Company Milford Pharmacy, 1 i. bn A ring ton, gni lly j moves the IhiWcIh, Inals w hich we will sell at cost. . irritation jof tlie throat and stop the Milford Lumlier Co. , Ki.ld blia-e uigli. ll is pleasant to lake. Fmt Hai.k Milford, "I Wm. Armstrong went to Salt Lake sy Milford Lii-in' I all, address W. L. hy Milford Pharmacy. ' I, r Nellie Buchanan, :L!7 Sixth Ave., last night and will spend a couple of Have Hie News do your printing take, gentle in act ion, pleanant ialL Lake f tty. Sold bjjdilii.rd I 'bat ms. y, days al the state rapitol. and ii will be done rigid.' sur-:teyo- rs 1 i , ! s j : . j i ! j M i I h rDit u j i i j I - V ..t over-irrigatio- n. over-irrigatio- n. 1 Herald-Republica- mineral-producin. net-essa- y . - -- - LIBRARY-GYMNASIU- M , high-grad- I - high-grad- high-grad- grain-grower- ,T library-gymnasiu- s m first-clas- I IDisttore arc XlXDlelcome Library-Gymnasiu- m E pas-!1- 8 SPECIAL PLANS si-ra- j I ! - j i j - 1 I I , - ateai-lo-d- j 1, i I r Kiit-hana- ; I PillH-ca- 5ia5ejiMiajias25(a5i23issa5i2sas . '- I |