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Show Fruit Season .... The Best of Everything in i The fruit season is now here and you should up your jars and bottles with your cairy the best and most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in Southern Utah as is Beet supply of fltouft, Button. Dca, jfisb We are preserves. We what you get when you dearth us. Our ice plant furnish our customers and cooling refrigerators enable us with the best of everything in the liije of That begin to fill winters GROCERIES er before to prepared to supply you with all kinds of berries and fresh fruits at right prices in case lots. Phone us your orders. deliveries and We make prompt Jle well as everything in the Green Grocery line the market affords. Phone us your orders and they will have our prompt and careful ante an& sene you. you courteous treat- ment. .Come to us when you wanjjthe BEST. Jeffersons Grocery and Market portion of township 28 aouth, rai h U west. S. L. R. ami M., eontainiri an area ot 20.1154 acres with mineral au.-ielusive u' vey No. id UkU- claim Mliaa; ad conflicting claim aa joining ahown b; plat X folissa lode, "KIKE OWN Americana have cauae of No. 6666. 1 direci hat. thia notice lie publish-HcavPEOPLE" gratulation that we only ed in th County Newe Utah. million out of the liahed at, have twenty-seve- n E. I). K. Thompson, IMiMniblo hundred million people iu X Kegialer. Thin paper wait entered a aeconii clus in At ter June 1, 1908, at I tie jmst1 the United State who are of foreign E. W. KNIOR Lai i City, Utah, oll'ue at. Milford, Heaver County, I'tah, mi r the Act of March 3, 1H7H. n wu mippmird the number Salt Claiman 'a Attorney Firat pub. Sept. 17, 1909. inuat lie much larger. pub. Kov. 12, 1909. That meana that thia la an AmeriNOTICE. can nation; that the great preponder0 4617 Serial I nn born are of the citizena ance hr APPLICATIONNo.FOR PATENT the atara and atripea; that the UN J KD STATUS LAND OFFIC'K Salt like (Ity, Utah, Sept. 13, 1909. of the republic are the natural Noticf is hereby given, that King birthright of the individual. David lliniug company, a corporatl rough ita authorized agent, Big aa ia the immigration element, tion, Cora Ml Holderman, whoaejpoatoflice it must realize the azme fate of the addreyis Salt Lake City, Utah, ha application for a United States amaller body everywhere and alwaya. made atenfltiir the Horn Silver Fraction JtIim force of gravity will alwaya go ode vying claim, situate in tlie San V. L. F.LHWHK, Editor ami Manager wth the larger body. The immigrant Frtu'O mining ditriet, County of State of Utah, being Survey will catch step with the native Ameri- 9, and dicrilim1 in the field ind plat on file in thia oflice, aucceeda in entirely doing away with j can becauae the force of hia stronger .oure a liar. Doc Cook, nagnetin variation at 17 deg. You never did liKk jtlie unaighlly and iiiihealthful mutl environment will compel it. lie cat Eat aa follow: fencing at corner No. 1 of On the North Foie at all. aaid IVary hole on Kailroad atreet. Keep up no more remain a Orman or a Ri 'fiver Fraction lode claim t lie good work hrothem. lle'Thrit.lieast corner section aian or a Frenchman liTre, Ve tabling lire I did Halil the Ihic, 27 south, range 13 went, townhip fathlock lirokc ideala of hia "Hut ynti the sentiments and thp It lake Base and Meridian bears . Everfew daya we hapM-- to ace erland, titan a drop of ink could main- north 69 deg. 52. min. cant, 7462.6 feet; Of inv trunk and atoie theater-a piece of printing for Heaver county tain ita identity in a atream of clear Thence aouth 13 deg. 41 min. east, 701.9 feet to corner No. 2; Let iaaue ImuiiI and hiiihl a good which haa lieen turned out by aottie water. Hia birthright traditions fall Theuce north 82 deg. 17 min. wet, 220.0 feet to corner No. 3; limine. of the Salt r uid to Leaver. from hint, lie partake irinting Ninety away Thence north 3 deg. 33 min. east, per cent of thia printing which tlie lovea and the anpirationa and the 655.3 feet to corner No. 4 ; Thence south 82 deg. 17 min. eat, If you can't lioc.ht hut a little just county official aenda to Salt Lake, prejudice of hia neighbor. And be- - 11.4 feet to corner No. 1, the place of could lie procured from tlie home caiiHc of that tranafnrming force, he iieginning and located in iinurveyed re "every little lit 27 S. Range 13 W., Sart ofB. Township printer Iwttvr and cheaper than liecome a good American citizen. A M., containing an area of Rnot-- l for the Imuding of the county from outside establishment. Then of the 0.304 acres exclusive of conflict with million The native-bor- n No. 38 A lode claim Horn Silver, lat ia a no decent fur the purptae of building good reaon why tlie county United State can fcrvpnlly clasp No. 48, Lula lode, and Iat No. 51, ofiiciala ahould ignore tlie home hands with the honest immigrant Grampian Ledge and Co. lode; adjoinr id Milfonl and Heaver. and conflicting claim, aa shown printer who pay taxea for tlie main- who cornea to make part in the life of ing by Plat of Survey are Lot No. 70, We cannot fully iindelaml liow a tenance of county government, and the republic, because aa certainly aa Young America hxle, Lot No. 38 A, Horn Silver lode, Ixit No. 48, Lulu person who Iihh once lived in Milford patronize mail order houe. Be true progress of tlie suns, they are all of lode, and Lot No. 51, Grampian Ledge bn i now away can do without the to your home intitution gentlemen, our own people. and Co. lode. I direct that thi notice be publih-eHaver County New, 'llicy will or ele tcp dowu and out of the in the Beaver County News at real sell or to want If yon buy Milford, Utah. p 'iid dollar liy tlie core to viit jHilitieal game. to wanta known estate make your E. D, It. Thompson, here oecuuhnia'ly, while they eeuld Khiwirk. Register. ea'.lv have a visit witit tlieir heme Edwin W. Senior, Salt lake I leiegiil hy a Heriou Salt lake City, Utah, fnl v once a week for 3! j cent, (let typhoid fever epidemic and the ell Claimant's Attorney for Hie New. in line and Firat publication Sept. 17, 1909. health Imurd xci-itotally unable to Last publication Nov. 12, 1909. cheek tlie spread tf the liiscuxe. Tlie If we of Milfonl want to keep iu ame ort of report cmiie'fnnn NOT1CE. tlie race of pn gressivenes well have Serial No. 0 4561 other town llirniighoiit tlie APPLICATION FOR PATENT, hurry, Eveiy lit lie flug station in Male. With epidemic all around it States Land Office, Salt Lake United live a a of Milford cau indeed couaider MvCALL PATTERNS a til ciun try Utah, Sept. 7, 1909. City, wfrrt Cl, I n ity 1 of simpli. clirjirJ e nrnereial club w I ile we Milfonlian ounwlvoa fortunate that, we are not ia hereby given, that The ) r. N.ld in ri'lMbiliijr iiur y Notice K.Ih rvvry city and liwn in He ill up enough in- now in the thme of Home aort of an are unable to I jiijiLi, pr by iimiI ilirri't. Zlnrp n d il. Milford Mining and Milling Company, i Stud lor (tec a corporation through it authorized ulli.r any for foundation even to ter lay tlie e epidemic of diacaee, and more cxpocl-all- y .lcCllL'S MAGAZINE agent, Ellen V.ia Martin, whose Mich an organization. I.etua awaken llui snjr Ollier hth'w address lliirt Milford, Utah, ha I wlieti we look uiin that dieae a a asmlh, Intaiiublr. Ij. made application for a United State mi'IIc leutly to our own intereta to et klylra, pelli rrn, irmMnakiiir. n illinrp mud hole in the heart of for the Horn Silver and La f Mwli.K, ttrrd Irene k, liululrritin, piaia Ktent 60 mil lode mining claims consolidated Mart a no vement for the organizaetiquette, eiiod rimle, nc. Un ilure town. Tlieite report from other a futtrrn. year (worth Amble), inrludinq in the North Star mining distbuhwnbc today, or (end lor wiii(le copy. situate tion f a ci tnmerciai dub. town should indeed tir the town of Beaver, State of Utah, rict-, 1 county INDUCEMENTS WONDERFUL No. 5988, nd deacriiMd olfieial of Milford to prompt and In Atnik Pinlil brinp prrniinm CJlatoqar Wing survey in the field note and plat on file in mJ new rjth prirr nltri. Aildne If any one of our patron, or (hone definite action. TUI MrTAU f.. M la Ml W. mb SI. KW TOCS this ofilee, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 min. East aa follows: who are not our patniii. lia a new NOTICE Commencing, at comer No. 1 of item, a M'iiinal note, or anything of It lid been Ntiggeated hy omc that Serial No. 04904 Horn Silver hale claim, whence the APPLICATION FOR PATENT Cor. to Sec. 18 and 19, T. 28 S., R. i itered to (lie family, the neighlxir in the town election thin year party United State land Ofilee, Salt lake 11 W., and Sec 13 and 24, T. 28 8.. R. or the town, Tlie New will in very tine should lie drawn. We believe 12 V. of the Salt Lake Base and Citv. Utah, Nvptvmher 10, 1909, NotfiF en Tin ia liereb Wart 8. 59 deg. 39 min, 30 sec. I that of word to the in teeeive town it affair that h) especially, glal Milford Mining ana Milling Company, W.. 6172.9 feet; hy tcleplu tie or hy mail. cal partic should have no place. a corporation, through ita authorized Thence N. 54 deg. 01 min. E. 6.W.0 feet to comer No. 2 of Raid lode ; us in tin new. 1 here i no Town ( tfieiala ahould he selected fi i office addre Tlienee 8. 35 deg. 59 min. E. 1500.0 Milfonl, L tah, ha harm iu telling it to the editor. If the ofilee IweauHe of their qnaltfica-a- n maile application lor a United States feet to comer Nc. 3 of aid lode ; Thence 8. 64 deg. 01 min. W. 1049.7 in y ur neighlior-- 1 lions amt fltne i'ii for the position. patent (or the last Chame Ixaie thing li Slining Claim, situate in the North feet to corner No. 4 of la Plata lode; luMbl iliat i of iutcie-- t ring tin No. What we should do in Milfonl i to Star mining ilistriet, county of Beaver, Thence N. 35 dig. 59 min. W. feet to comer No. 1 of Skid lode: 2 mi tin- Hell phone ami it to u. elimme men fur our public servants! No. 5987 and described in the flelit Tlienee N. 51 deg. 01 min. E. 449.7 who are qualified, eor.ieivative and note anil piat on file in thi ofilee, feet to corner No. 2 of said bale, identical Willi corner No. 1 of Horn I.tikf wiek the ti.wq olfieiuls hail a ' pmgressiv T.,rtaU,m al 10 dRMen who will lo thrir! wl,lh min. eat. a Silver hale, t he place of Iieginning and 111 of iron at w rk cleaning up tlie duty aa repnsentativea of the eople, ('ommeneiii! at eomer No. 1 of located in the unsululivided portion whence the; of Township 28 S., Range II W.. 8. si eets. 'i liin w u indeed a eiinnieml-idil- eotiscietiiioiisly and without (ear or (.list. Chance hide claim, 18 ami 19, T 28 S., L. B. & M., comer to containing an area of work on tlie purl- or the Imanl favor, Political lielicfs do not male range II W., ami e4tion 13 ami 24, 36.147 acre adjoining and conflicting T 28 range 12 W., of tlie Sait lake claim a show n by Plat of Survey is ami In inadeai;eeididimproenient a man qualilieil for public Hase S., , ami Meridian, hear ..utii 73 Sur. No. Silver Horn huh. not indy in tlie apiMaranee but also oflicc, and man times we elect men deg. 3i min., :t0ec. went,, 1701.73 feet;; 1 direct that thi notice lie publishj 59 deg. 17 min. east, ed in the Heaver t'oiintv News, pule nortli Tlienee i tiie sanitar it n lit ion of o.ir U ause csitioiis bet ,i.. ir(H) u juh ij ripinsihlc a. Ut oorn(.r fished at Milfonl, Utah, I'tah. E. D. H. Thompson, art of ilic u me mlitileal lielicfs Tlienee wnilli 47 deg. 52 min. east, tlmroiigfaies. Wliile lliia i No. 3; Register. that si ntihl have l.een done we, win'll in fact they have alisoluto 627.92 feet to comer Thence south 59 deg. 17 min. wcl, Edward W. Sknior. I"" i better late than ly without qualification. Let. it for-- 1 Iftto.O feet t comer No. I ; Salt lake (.'ity, Utah. lmgao et it W 'tiin. Claimant's Attorney. nevi-rIJowevi r, the lioonl ilu uid get thi party line bttsinesa in nnr' .1127.92 feel No. 1, the jilaee First puli. Sept, in, 1909. Uul tie of tlii good work until ilciUuing town elect ion ami seureh i Ut of begiutiing cud located iu the uu- - Last pub. Nov. 6, 19U9. the men who are qualified, regardless of their jMi.itics. Let ua have good, clean men whether they lie republican, democrat or whatnot. I d, OW much 1 serve and perpetuati paid more than three billion dollars to the beneficiaries of those i Iot ; - ffinu jSttpr ffiaue t I er prin-cipl- PHONE 20 subdivide) pub-iilfor- : attention. t ea . j Qtyr lutmt (Enttral TCtfr - -i " IS A LARGE FACTOR in this preservation of American 1 homes. In solidity, earning power, and fairness of dealing this is a Model Life Insurance company and stands unexcelled. To hold a policy in the Union Central is to be a member of an association of more than one hundred thousand persons, organized for the protection of a much larger number, who in case of calamity would otherwise be helpless. No man is honest to himself or to his family who fails to carry a good safe insurance policy. The Union Central offers you the best at the most reasonable rates. THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. W. L. ELSWICK, JOHN J. KINNEY, fion. Act.. SlO--ll Risidcnt Aoint Milford, Utah Scott BUI.. Halt Lake (It. Utah, a n HARDWARE ; In addition to our large stock of staple and fancy groceries we nave, one of the best lines of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in Southern Utah and can fill your orders for I ht-lfi- d siils-erili- . Anything From a Stove Bolt to o Gasoline Engine t We also have a large stock of wire fencing Stoves, Range, kitchen utensils, and eveiything in . and chicken wire, MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN 5-- S' SONS var-iii- it 1 1 gil ) I . a- .t caUik-g- poat-oftlc- nuaaxina-millin- bm-diti- g . u, politi-iiMUt- 'i, i j a MILLINERY Every lady want to feel that ahe ia wearing the moat and popular design hat that tlie fashion creator can produce. A visit to my alore will convince you that I carry the moat complete line of te Popular Shapes and Designs To be obtained In any city. I also havo a trimmer in this department who can make your old hats look as good aa new. See our splendid line of gingham, calicoes, drew patterns, trimmings, notions, ladie and childrens shoes first-cla- aa MTC A la nII ss r lillOl Ul Ul LflrfTIQ lUlglti I r;fn'' S-u- i J I - i i When you get through figuring with the other fellows go - e j iwct-io- See iibattbews r Mm-i- a, siiiin--tliin- . , M '"f1 and get the RIGHT on your building work. PRICE --- The News Tells it AH |