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Show The Classic Coiffure FOR WOMENS FREAK NEW STRENGTH BACKS. How to Make a Bad Back Btttar. Women who Buffer with backache, bearing down palna, dizzy spells and that constant feeling of dullnesa and tiredness, will find hope In the advide of Mrs. Mary Hinslif of 21 IN SEQUOIA FALL PAINTING. FOREST Tree Trunk That Has Stood for teen Years Severed From Its Base. AFTER The majority of property owners are under the impression that spring time is the only painting time. But the fall of the year offers several advantages to the painter. One of the most important is that surfaces are almost sure to be dry, and there is no frost or inner moisture to work out after the paint is applied. Pure white lead the Dutch Boy Painter kind mixed with pure linseed oil (tinted as desired) gives a winter coat to a building that is an Pink-haarmor against the severest attacks of Cured by Lydia the winter rain, sleet, winds and snow. Vegetable Compound National Lead Company, 1902 TrinNJ. I feel that Lydia K. Mabltok, ity Bldg., New York city, makers of i'inkhams Vegetable Compound has Dutch white Painter lead, pure Boy me new life, fven intrademark, are offering to those for tea terested a complete painter's outfit, years with serious female troubles, inconsisting of a blow pipe and lead , flammation, tester, book of color schemes, etc. indigestion, State whether you want exterior or nervousness, ana interior decorating. could not sleep. Doctors gave me A New One About Napoleon. up as they said my Six- Out in California there is a tree trunk vlili-- has stood for the last 16 years entirely severed from Its base, says the Wide World Magazine. The slump is 15 feet in diameter, and the trunk towers 75 feet in the air. This Mt lemarkable freak is located near the Strother ' Had Sequoia forest reserve in Tulare counSterling, Ki. I not used Doan's ty, California, and was sawn off by Kidney PUS. I be- lumbermen for timber. Through some lieve I would not be living toty," says miscalculation, when the cut was finMrs. HlnBon. "My eyesight was poor, ished the tree still held its pusltion. suffered with nervous, splitting head- and dynamite was resorted to to bring aches, spots would dance beVre my It to the ground, which accounts for eyes and at times I would be fo dizzy the deep gash on one side. After the would have to grasp aomefling for first charge of the explosive bud been My back was so vmik and Ignited the tree still remained standsupport. painful I could hardly bend ovl to bub ing. and it was discovered that the ton my shoes and could not g around entire trunk had been shattered by without suffering severely. Dolns Kid- the discharge and was therefore useney Pills helped me from the last, and less for lumber. Accordingly, the continued until practicaln well work was stopped and the giant has A new story about Napoleon is I again." remained upright,, withstanding some Remember the name DoanA Sold of the severest wind storms that the necessarily doubtful; the probability no old that it has by all dealers. 50 cents a box. roster state has known, held in its natural is that it is simply been forgotten. However, here is one Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. position by its great weight. that Arthur M. Chuquet prints in L'Opinlon as never before published. HOW HE DID THE Cl 3RES WITH COVERED HIVES. It relatesto Napoleon and Blucher. The emperor received the general Wound Up the Music Box and ut His Child a Mass of Dreadful Sore, Itch-loat the castle of Finkensteln, while he Corkscrew In the Baroi Irritating Humor for 2 Months was eter. Little Sufferer In Terrible Plight. He preparingtofor the siegeinofanDanzig. drew him a window upper him compliments on and paid story 'You needn't wait for me," e Diaease Cured by Cuticura. his military gifts, and Blucher, going the head of the house; I hav described the interner engagement, an imports! "My six year old daughter had the away delighted, What a ness affair, and no doubt I s dreadful disease called hives for two view to his exclaimed the chance missed! you months. She late." became affected by playkept quite At breakfast next morning ing with children who had it By latter. You might have changed the whole inous silence had fallen upon al scratching she caused large sores course of history. which were irritating. Her body was head of the house bad How?" a complete sore but it was worse on and was evidently far from i Why, you might have thrown him her arms and back. We employed a well. After a painful silence th out of the window. band, without meeting bis wife'i physician who left medicine hut it did Confound it! replied Blucher. So not remeI and conversation. to start several her tried essayed help dies but without avail. Seeing the 1 might! If only 1 had thought of 1L It's funny about tnat clock New York Evening Post Cuticura said. I Remedies It's stopped, and I'm advertised, ll I wound it last night" them. would I gave her try thought From Overhead. You are mistaken," said his wife, a hot bath daily with Cuticura Soap A canary hung directly over the big idly; "you wound up Willie's music and anointed her body with Cuticura square table in the Hungarian resbox instead and it played 'Ispme, Ointment The first treatment re- taurant Sweet Home' till daylight The cuock lieved the itching and in a short time Once, said a woman who was dinin the hall has also stopped, but nfind the disease disappeared. Mrs. George ing there, the bottom dropped out that you screwed your corkscrew lnto L. Frldhoff, Warren, Mich., June 30 of the cage, the bird flew at the orthe barometer. and July 13, 1108. chestra yonder, and we had bird seed Mlw Jn( a Cktau Own. Sole Fiqt, in our soup. It was awful. CHAUTAUQUA WISDOM. That reminds me, said the crossJUST AS BAD. eyed man, of one time when we were having a little game of poker on the B. & O. You know bow those trains roll. Well, Just about the middle of the game down came all the grips and dress suit cases straight into the kitty and broke up the game. Money We got so mixed flew everywhere. we couldn't tell which had won or where the money was that whoever had won it won. Talk about bird ' seed! g, By JULIA BOTTOMLEY. the head with several small invisible By what gift of the gods did the hair pins as one pins the foundation Greeks arrive at the most beautiful of for a pompadour. After adjusting this all the Innumerable styles of dressing support comb this hairpin with the the crowning glory of woman? If they front hand and bring all back to the had not demonstrated their superiori- knot which has been previously arty In discovering Ideals of beauty in ranged. Pin the ends in very loosely other directions we would have to until the front arrangement has been concede that they were first in the completed, so that the hair may be art of the coiffure. pulled forward easily, if necessary, The Three modern examples built upon when adjusting the bands. classic models are shown in this ar- Daphne requites three bands. They ticle from an artist who has no su- may be of Jet, shell, metal, ribbon, perior. They are at once exquisitely beads, in fact, a great variety of these beautiful and simple and have rightly pretty ornaments are, shown at pres been named the Daphne," the "Di- ent. Place the first band properly and ana," and the Psyche" coiffures. arrange the hair about the face be There is nothing intricate or impossi- comingly. That is, pull it more oi ble to the amateur in their construc- less forward, and make it more oi tion, and a little study reveals that less fluffy to suit the face. Thei they are suited to heads of various place the second band. Take the contours, designed to improve their comb and pull the hair into a puff be outlines where they are not perfectly tween the two bands, then place the third band and arrange the second regular. When the wearer has an abundant puff. If the bands are fastened tosupply of hair the "Daphne" and the gether they may be adjusted and the the Psyche might be arranged with- hair pulled into the even puffs reout the addition of any false hair. It quired afterward. The short full would be difficult to arrange the curls are next pinned to place about stately "Diana" without a braid of the knot of natural hair. Pin a few even width its entire length and of them down to form puffs and use heavy enough. A small thin braid Invisible pins for these and also to would not produce the right effect and keep the remaining ones in the proper few women have hair enough to use position. so much for the braid and have The "Psyche" shows a parted coifenough besides to form the knot of fure arranged with a smaller puffy curls at the back. These coiffures are flutter at the front and a full cluster all arranged with a piece placed under of Psyche curls at the back. Arrange the natural hair about the face and the natural hair and pin in the front a cluster of short curls pinned on at piece as for the Daphne. In combing the back. It la much more conven- the front hair back part the natural ient to arrange the hair with these, hair in front at the forehead and pin even if one has sufficient hair to do a little of it over the almost Invisible without them. foundation of the puffy duffer. Pin This front piece is called a "puffy the hair securely about the knot at flufler, and is somewhat like the the back and lastly pin on the cluster longer pompador supports which have of curls. They are very easy to adjust formerly been used. It is of naturally as they are made fastened to a founcurly hair and can be combed and ar- dation. These dancing curls make ranged like ones own hair. It does not this a very youthful and fascinating come out of curl. It Is made in several coiffure. The beret or long band, in widths, depending upon the amount of Greek key design, and the little triextra hair needed in making the coif- angular headpiece may be had in fure. The curls also are made up on rhinestones or in other designs. A supports and in several sizes to be beret of some sort is an essential part pinned to the coll at the back. If of this coiffure. The little headpiece carefully selected to match the natur- may be omitted, but on 'a al hair exactly, these pieces give the head it adds a superb finishing touch. most satisfactory solution to the prob- It is shown in pearls and in Jets also lem of dressing ones own hair each The quietest and stateliest of these beautiful coiffures is the Diana." II day. To arrange the the one has a plentiful supply of natural Daphne, front hair should be parted off and hair the front will not need the foundawaved (by rolling It on rollers over tion, otherwise the hair should be arnight or with the curling Iron) in ranged as described for either of the large, loose undulations. When it is two preceding styles. Instead of orn.curled, comb it forward and pin it aments, however, a Diana" braid with out of the way until the remainder of curled ends is pinned about the head the hair is combed back and tied at the curls pinned in at the knot in the the back of the head. After tying ar- back. The Diana and the Daphne' range the back hair In a rather firm styles are most suitable for those aoil to support the coiffure. The whose heads are less shapely than "Daphne" requires the widest of the that pictured In the Psyche." Coiffures puffy Suffers. This is pinned about from E. Burnham, Chicago. well-shape- ELABORATE BATISTE WAIST COLOR ON THE One of the Chautauqua talkers says: "Husbands, let your wives have an extra dollar now and then. He might have rendered a greater service to mankind by saying: "Wives, let your husbands have an extra dime occasionally without asking them to explain why they want the money. His Size Was Known. d I cessories. Gray and brown are mysterious colors to have a foothold in the hand kerchief field, but they've done it These shades were first shown In the larger sizes for men, but soon were caught up by the makers of women , dainty accessories, who fastened them on to the prettiest qualities among women's kerchiefs. A plain gray ground is shown on some of the ali over handkerchiefs; brown and gray squares are curiously placed on oth- ers. A narrow border of brown stitching or an edge of tiny hemhand- made scallops done in soft cotton again the attractive method of intro ducing the color, Bridal 8howers. Could anything be more appropriate than a rose shower recently tendered She Is fond of flowers, a bride-elect- ? a fact well known to her numerous friends, and she will live in a house surrounded with spacious grounds and can have her own flowers, something known by the numerous friends who, instead of showering" her with came with potted usual roses, each crock decorated with green tissue paper, tied with green satin Blouse of batiste made with fine ribbons. plaits and covered with a large Finish for Child's Frock. square collar, which is trimmed with A pretty finish for a child's pique hand embroidery and duny lace. The sleeves are trimmed to corre- frock is to scallop the opening down spond and are finished with deep the front, from neck to hem, with buttonholing. jucked cuffs. want some collars and neckties for my husband! she snapped. "Yes, madam. The clerk offered her the latest thing. What size are these? asked the lady. "Why, twelve and a half, madam! How on earth did you guess that? Ah, replied the clerk, smiling, "gentlemen who let their wives select their collars and ties always take that size! Ths Difference. Marriage is a good thing for single men, said the bridegroom-elec- t Hum, yes, remarked Mr. Hcapeck, "for single men only. KERCHIEF Gray and Brown 8hades Are Used for These Women's Dainty Ac- bric-a-bra- aide-de-cam- THE DOCTORS WIFE Agrees with Him About Food. "In the says: practice of my profession I have found so many points in favor of Grape-Nut- s food that I unhesitatingly recommend it to all my patients. It is delicate and pleasing to the palate (an essential in food for the sick), and can be adapted to all ages, being softened with milk or cream for babies or the aged when deficiency of teeth renders mastication impossible For fever patients or those on and albuliquid diet I find Grape-Nut- s men water very nourishing and refreshing. "This recipe is my own idea and is made as follows: Soak a teaspoonful of Grape-Nut-s in a glass of water for an hour, strain and serve with the beaten white of an egg and a spoonful of fruit Juice 'for flavouring. This affords a great deal of nourishment that even the weakest stomach can assimilate without any distress. "My husband is a physician and he uses Grape-Nut- s himself and orders It many times for his patients. Personally I regard a dish of Grape-Nut- s with fresh or stewed fruit as the 'deal breakfast for anyone well or tick. In any cqse of stomach trouble, nerv-m- s prostration or brain fag, a 10 day Tial of Grape-Nut- a will work wonders award nourishing and rebuilding and a this way ending the trouble. "There's a Reason," and trial proves. Look in pkgs. for the famous little wok, The Road to Wellville." Ever rraS fba atom leftert A iaa appears trmm time flair. They re Kra alar, tra aaS (all af harass A trained nurse if atmb SUFFERING TEN YEARS E uloes-ation- troubles to-da- y tial letter to Sirs. lMnkliam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is freeb hclpfuL andaw Biff Assets Four hundred thousand peopls take a CASCARET every night and rise up in the morningandcall them blessed. If you dont belong to this great crowd of CASCARET takers you are missing the greatest asset of your life. ns a box for a wrack trralmrut. all druggists. Bigaiat seller la the.world. Miilioa bi CARCAKRTS toe This Trademark Eliminates All Uncertainly in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of purity and quality. For your own protection, see it is on the side of every keg of while lead you buy. IkTWStl IEIS MBfMT 1101 TiM b bsMtaf. bra Tab better for work, play or rest if you eat Quaker Oats at least The Old Mans Joke. Mary," called her father, has that young man gone yet?" But No, pa, replied the maid. he's going right now." Then ask him to empty the pail underneath the ice box before he goes, will you? I forgot It." A little bottle of ILimlina Wizard Oil is a medicine cheat in itself. It can t applied in s larger number of painful ailments than any other remedy known. The man who has tbe greatest comla the one who mand of language knows when to keep quiet OP ALT, HOT WRATIIKK KNEMIEU fhnlMH iRiliPWfTfKl. Trmiaint iiislb priimiit. 1m hlnklllpr i IVrry IiitU' ) whlrh aYFiFnmM all li Brazil grows more coffee than any other country In the world. once a day. g ASSAY S BEM.tni.lt l HUM FT Ootd.lhr: liuldaad irtrair.lijnsIWA Mtal3 IMSUartrWra. BrarabS. Hllr- -r MSI Copper. 1 JOL Gold end Nlvar and hmijfht Writ for fra nalllna nrkk. The board of agriculture, industry OCLILN ASSAY (U. and commerce lias been granted leave Wanted for MFSnARir." 'It J to establish a factory to manufacture Agents it nrt. Al KA imiMAhUUTXUAtLuiiAiielawllBk SluuUiul. authentic weights and measures for uniform use throughout the empire of W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. China. 39-19- Each of the chief organs of tha body is a (link in the. Chain of I Life. A chain ia no May Limit Hat Pins. In Faria, owing to tbe increasing length of women's hat pins and the list of accidents, such as eyes put out, ears, noses and cheeks torn, the police officials propose to place some restrictions on wearing hat pins In omnibuses, railway cars, theaters and other public places. feel YOULL cun now a were chronic. I was in despair, and did not care whether I lived or died, when 1 read about Lydia B. Flnkhams Vegetable Compound; so X began to take it, and am well again and relieved of all my suffering.'' Mrs. Gxohox Jordt.Uox 40, Marlton, NJ. Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmholds the record ful drugs, and for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousandsof voluntary testimonials are on file in the linkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, Inflammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodiepains, backache indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lyaia E. llnkhams Vegetable Compound s trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden- Where Sitting Bull Was. Doane Robinson, bead of tbe department of history of the state of South Dakota, says of Sitting Bull and the The Indians tell Custer massacre: me that Sitting Bull was a medicine chief; that he was the greatest influence among the Sioux at that time by reason of his constant agitation against tbe whites, and that he did Dobson Can your daughter play the not personally engage In the light piano? against Custer, but that he was back Sububs (wearily) I don't know on an elevation between tbe Little whether she can or not, but she does. Big Horn and the Big Horn making Indian School Journal. medicine. Fooled Them Thirteen Years. Frank Nelson, former state superinDodging Work. tendent of public instruction of KanIts too hot to do housework," sas, and Cap." Gibson, the veteran sighed the wife. record clerk in Auditor Nations ofI know it Is." fice, are great friends. Nelson Is now Let's go and spend a few dayi with the Browns at their summer cottage. president of a Minnesota college. When Nelson was still in the state They'll be tickled to death to have house he and Gibson had a talk one us. I was day about teaching school. once a school teacher, volunteered Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of Gibson. remedy for How CASTORIA a safe and sure see Is that so? asked Nelson. tbat it Infants and children, and long? Bears the Yes, I fooled em 13 years, redenature of plied Cap." r How is that? asked Nelson. In Use For Over :SO Vesrs. Oh, said Cap.," I quit when The Kind You Have Always Bought. Kansas City teachers had to qualify. Opportunism. Journal. Knlcker I have ideas for a new political arty, a new religion and a new $100 Reward, $100. Tbs mini of thh pn will bo plnuml to kin diet. than b ot M out Imul dtoass tliftt mrtmrm tat Bocker Better wait till the ball bio braa atria to eura la oil no own and tbat M Catarrh. Halil catarrh Cura la the only puutlr season is over. knows to Uia mcdiral fratnnlty- Catarrh betas a conalttuuonai dtaraae, rrqulna a ranatitu-tlootnaliM.it. Halil tllarib Cura k taka art In dbrcCy upon the blood and Biurnuo of the system, thereby dratniyfcw lha urficva foundation of lha dtnram and Klrku Urn patient Hmurth by bullrflna up ths euMtltutlnn and HM -hur nature la doine Its work. The prnprtrtnn hairs o Burn faith In Its cun lira parm that they oOrr On. Hundred iMIlaru tar any naa that It faiia to aura Hand tar lint of taatlmnnlala Addnto F. i. CHENEY A CO, Totefe tahl hr all Druntata. 7te. Ilka Halil Family Pills tar eenatlpaUoa. ms stronger than its weakest link, the body no stronger then its weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is a weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this weakness ia caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or diseaia of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases end weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr. Fierce' Golden Medical Discovery. When the wreak or diseased stomach ia cured, disease of other organa which ikm remote from the stomach but which have their origin in a diseased condition of tha stomach end Other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. ed Tbe strong man baa a atroaS atomaeh. Taka tba abova recommended Diocov try and yon may bare a strong atom act and a atroai body. Givin Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cestamps for tha d voL book in paper covers, or 31 stamp for the Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Bufiislo, N, Y. nt cloth-boun- r DISTEMPER til fiSK:t ifinr lit ftnm mrr Ttffr hmr fcnnif art tnfrtil jnwIflTt pn Tnt1n no npHMd." LttUM.irla oa lUe tnagrua: afte am the Hluud and u lamia; iimB the from tha body. Cum inMmprr huton la llun tiri Mmp pmwHKHMjrvroM Latvmtm tllng rrmacly. Cum In Ciripy among human bHm rwllrj, d la ft Am Kidney rmnetif IDr and II a bottla. Aand M0 1 dnar. (SitthtBouf. Keep Khnw tojrturdmwiRf. who wlllMtlttereft. "lint Mr,Chn Ueekiei, ad cum." ftfwrlftl agNK wftfttods It llyioct SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. tiSSSUSL ti ud 60SHEN, IMD., U. S.A. |