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Show l which I usually live!, but whose I dreaded At last she Etirrel, moved restlessly once or twice, then raised her head and locked around the room. "Where Is be?" ihe said. "Where Is be?" "He has not come home yet, Mrs. Graham, I replied. "No doubt he will be here soon. back upon her pillows, and She Inxtinrilw;')' I erang to her side, but she waved me away and turned her fare in the wall. "It was not a dream," she moaned; It Is Iru", quite true. the little servant close the I win iw and light her lamp, and en-v- l d her the warmth and brightness of her kiicl.cii, fur the room was chilly and lust prowlri'! dark. Hn-ll- y M's. Graham raised herself and beckoned to me. by a "On ihe table In my room, she said, spe: klir; with ilillleully, "you will find s' inn lm 'Hi l:ie. Drop It In water tbe hui lu tills hnw and bring It to me. Hut be quick!" 1 run to ihe lit tin room above and brought the medicine, dropping It with shaking hand, and holding It to her lips that she might swallow It In a few minutes her breathing grew less labored, and site even smiled faintly. "Dont be frightened," she whls-perr"1 sra better now. It is all over I know these attacks." Little by little her face grew more natural, until at last she ceased to breathe with the short, painful gasp, and even sat upright among the pillows; but It was evident she was still suffering from some shock or distress of mind, for she drew me down beside her, holding my hand with a vlse-lik- e grip, as though she feared I might snatch It away from her. "Stay with me, she begged. "Dont leave me. I I cannot stay alone tonight." So I agreed to stay, and dispatched the maid to the cottage with a note for Gabrlulle, saying simply that Mrs. Graham was alone and not well, and warned me to spend the night with Shall 1 ever forget that night? Her first spasmodic attempts at ordinary conversation, her long silences, always followed by wandering to the window and gazing out over the ocean with the hopeless yet expectant air of one who knows It Is useless to watch, yet nevertheless continues to do so; and ar-riva- t.U --ACJAPANTLtl MAIK O-f- SERIAL? In dealing with a jewely atora you want a liberal supply of reliability with each purchase. Our goods are absolutely guaranteed and fifty years successful business has established our reputation for STOHY .'..V.y - W-Wv- to-da- cyj - '.V.'V.A-.V.- ; 1 salt MAIM PATENTS Sal II uki un dtm Aliici SI yuLiii to Hint- - id iketih dncrptioa ef yaw ismtisa. Hairy J. lekiusa, AUeracy at Law tad Sa'.iritar of falaati, 304-- S Jedya B adding, SJt Laka City The Meat Expressive Word. At a recent inerting of savanis and uthora wlih pretemdona to authority In a mutter of language, a dl.tcuajinn aruHO as to tr.e must expressive word la English. While admitting tdat the field was a wide one and that derision could only rest upon the very general grounds, the participants took great Interest In the question and many suggestions were made. It was observed that tho tendency was to namo onnmatnpoettc words, such as bast,'' "crack," "rat tie," "snap and From theso the list took ou "thud. a subtler cast, and the word "honor found several supporters, other expressions of moods or sentiments, as "mournful" and "lonely," "dreaiy, "blithesome," met with favor. . When the matter was at a standstill one of those present advanced tha word "no," with a strong plea for Ita acceptance as the most expressive word. It was unanimously agreed that "no was the answer, not particularly because It was a striking example of onomatopoeia, but because It most completely, quickly and definitely oonveyed unmistakable Idea. Wanted a Weeping Whale. Captain H. P, Nnse or the Cctlle was regaling a little group of ladles with aea stories. Ouo trip," he said, "there was a woman who bothered the officers and me to death about whale. Her nc desire was to see a whalo. A dozen times a day aha besought us to have her called If a whale hove In sight. "I said rather lm patiently to her one day; "But, madam, why are yon so anxious about this whale question? "Captain, she answered, T want to see a whalo blubber. It must be very Impressive to see qneh an ennr-mou- s creature cry." Rochester Her- ald. Actress. otherwise Charlotte Crabtree, Mitta" (ask your faMicr If he ever aw her on thn stage), has Just won litigation which will bring her property valued at $100,000. She Is worth, It Is said, about ft.000,000, made by Inventing lier stage earnings In real state In large elites. She was never counted a beauty; she did not encourage the "Johnnies;" did not figure In the divorce court In any capacity, and she qi'lt. plnylng before the public got tired of her. No benefit performances lial to he given for her arier her retirement. She was altogether roaiiectnhlc- and she paid e her own Mils. Quite an actress. Chicago Tribune. An Old-Styl- a - old-styl- He Was Not Mercenary. She: So many men nowadays mar ry for money. Yon wouldnt marry me for money, would you, dearest? He (absently): "No, darling; wouldnt marry you for all the money In the world. horrid She: horrid, "Oh, you wretch." Boston Transcript. 1 Clumsily Put. fur pleasure?" across "Going to bring the "No, borne." Cassells Journal. wife Was Laid on the Shelf. Algernon Tassin has a story In the current Smart Set that stamps him as a master hand at the depiction of tender sentiment and riMinknliln drawing. "The Rev.toralion of Miss Willy MueNcul" Is the slory of a once popular actress, laid on the shelf for tunny years, who suddenly Hints her and goes back lo her throne. "Simeon Craig's Words la a powerfully port rayed account ef a tragedy that n suited from a wild Then Is n remarkable "Joy ride. study of a woman's soul toru ly fear and remorse, bcd.les a number of other exci llent stories. onx-rtunlt- Overheard on the Honeymoon. The Bride: "Hut why look so bine, Freddy? You know papa has promised be will still buy nil iny frocks." es but The Groom (gloomily): I'm wondering what the dickens wo shall have to cat. Throne and Country. Sure Thing. "It Is said that Impetuous people have Mack eyes." "Yes; and If they don't have them they are apt lo gel. them." Nervy Bird. said the exasperated "Mamma, young lady, "I wish you wouldn't hang tbat old arrot nut on the front porch these evenings." "Why not. my dear?" asked her mother In surprise. "Why, I think before yon bought him he must have belonged to a street car conductor, livery two or three minutes when Kdwln calls he cilrje cut, fit clrsrs, jlrsie. It Is Just too embarrassing for anything." Chicago Kpw'i. Cy ELLA MIDDLETON TYDGUT Illuilraliocs t Ljr Ray Walter VVf 4 re W'IaV SYNOPSIS. and tun Il.l tiiMil'il tl.ey iljlilner i l wi-nppip-mltrial by at ran," r, alio, I'.n.llna 11 hug In a iiJyini-iit lo mu- of i In in, l a plmlo f II ir.n. Kliae with a Mra. lira ham, ulso her bound fur riniaila Tin- young wkiiihii on Mra. Cruli.im. tour a aiglilwi-iiit liiislrind, who h anxhiiiily Tln-wrr a rnaiiiu for sailing. l Willr-imill luly Kdilli. lo l.or-A Thu liy llu- 00:10 Tlu-iiinvi-lu Lx John '. men l one h liluke mill Ci.r.loii loniu-ttA wlap of if Kliznlielli'a foil Inlu lm!r friini .Mr. : rttliuin'H the Lamia of Kliae. Mra. Craliiini'a liulr for the anfeiy of waa iiliii-kmine lao!y Kil'lli l them In a I Mr. liennett afo al hi Ini ruihicioJ, enplalneil hta waa pnie-rlon laiaril altlp ami returned the lint hag. Kxplnriiig thn cellar, one of Ilia the exact Itirla fuunil a apliinx ill intrt of which liutli fiurilon Hen-nI ami loidy Kdilli ware found In also. Krse, alone, rxplnn-- the cellar. overhearing u cnnveraullnn there Mary Anne and a man. tin proved with murder, In la- - her non. clinrgi-Kdilli lold a rtory of a loat love In lotdy coll ne linn Willi the aiililnx key. At a which vena held on the rock a. aupiM-rloat rut her Klizulielli myalerlounly her ring, euiia ng a aeareli by the entire Gabrielli- I Three girls :el. fir - tu Klm-Mu- i lil-n-- 1 i Im-i- - - xhi-.r.-- aiali-ri'-ni- i n:-- t lnir-iliii-i- , fr'i-m- p.n-ke- t . na et poa-aea- a, d . purty. (alirlella wllm-aae- a atormy keene between T.xdy Kdilli anil lairil Wil'a frid. red roaca bring (lie cauax of the merer. Murv Anne hrouaht back Kllxnlielli'a r'lig. Klim- - went nailing with lordou lieiiiieit. lie tried In perHuade r to re! uni the Jewels left In (lie glrl'a Kdilli. Ila told her ha 1'ire Ly fi n. the euunier-ei- rt round I he sphinx of which l,aily Kdlth owned. The At midnight K !ae r'.la give a aupia-rinen-o- ne of them (Inrilun raw two Inallcniptlng to force an enlram-- her-rlf in their Imalhniiae. 8he admitted to thnt alia had nnurly Lived him an! behoved hcrovir used aa a tool by a tliii lat-ler- For to live f M STOPS VOTING CROOKED the words sounded wonderfully sweet hand held he my to my ears, and when Italian Civil Engineer Invents the In both his own and whispered that "Psephograph" to Foil Ballot beI me leave never again, he would Box Stuffcra.' well. a desire to get gan to sumthis but his too, word, "He kept Rome. European ballot box stafmer he came to me and told me that who are as expert as any of Boss fers, the sea was calling him, and he must Tweed's henchmen ever were In the 1 come with that go. up.suggcsted In New of palmiest , days corruption have his could him up l.i-e- where he ocYork soon will find their politics, boat an come home to me at night, An Italian civil engone. cupation and it the net boy, bring but he Gogiano, has invented broke ijy heart to leave him. Now gineer, Signor machine which, it la claimed, voting ocean I the my hate why yon kn la absolutely "ungctatable" and incorenemy He calls this Invention the "I in rstand," I said, and I thought ruptible. So complete and satis- psephograph. it how a little 'izc I did r distressing It. must 1 to her to be so near she said; "I came here glad he asked It, although 1 b hate i atr and the very sight of the I found something ocean, ilut was mending his coat, trying else. to kef; myself occupied and not think too i h, for he went out day before ycgtifay and I have not seen him t fi-- p-- us-s'- st sl.-.- g To y I said, for she paused Y y. VYs bencJWioX atwiays buy tbe get CALIFORNIA Syrup Co. Fig un- - I SOLD not the ocean, she said, brok-Thwaa but an excuse. It la BY at enly. ejects, by the manufactured n-- cenal 'It and 0d. rcn-yc- ung ALL one Size only, LEADING DRUGGISTS regular price 50 per bottle. n. rust her hand Into the bosom She MISSED IT. ess, and Instinctively I knew d bring forth a small package wrappej in white tissue paper. She opened t. and I saw the blue ribbon and tbj little soft curl with a strange sense familiarity. She put her finger n er the lock of hair, as Ellza-- d beth i, done, and looked at me with speec ess misery. there Is "Pi laps, I suggested, some; nlstake." Is pretty, Is It not? she said, A tie, soft ring of yellow hair! Yst hen I saw it and realized, my topped beating, and I remember more until I saw you." e was talking calmly now too y, I thought, as I looked at her The hand shly bright eyea. touched mine occasionally waa nd dry, and a round red spot In cheek glowed and paled lnter-ntl- of her she wi 111 New Voting Machine. Aunt Well, Johnny, I suppose you had a nice sojourn In the country?" Johnny Um, well, I had lots of nice ipples an peaches an watermelons an things, but I guess them sojourn things wasnt ripe yet with a lighted candle In her hand, A GOLDEN CROWN stood beBlde the bed, a shawl around GETS her ahouldera and another over her Miss Mabel Boardman Honored by arm. Italy for Aiding Victims of "I am going out, she said. "Come the Earthquake. Going out?" I repeated, parrot-llke- , with still dazed sleep. being Boston. The Marquis de Monfag-liari"Going down to the edge of the waItalian charge d'affalrs at Washmeet him. It Is calling me at ter to Tha Minutes Slipped Past, and the has remitted to Miss Mabel ington, last the ocean calls me, and I'm going. Room Crew Dim. Boardman of Manchester, 3(pss and Will you come?" "Wait until morning; we can see Washington, a golden crown, the gift the final moment when, casting all reof the Italian government In recognl serve aside, she flung herself upon her nothing In the dark." tion of her services as a member ol the she la It dawn," replied, raising knees beside the couch and prayed that death might come soon and spare hade. "At last the night has gone." Off at the edge of the horizon was her further suffering. she mourned, "how a broad streak of pale gray, and, whilo Oh, Harry, the stars still shone, they were fading could you? And I loved you so!" It was Infinitely pitiful, and after a fast. (TO BE CONTINUED.) while, when she grew calmer, she told me her story, speaking tenderly of the WHEN HE CHANGED HIS MIND first few yeara of her married life and of her husband's great love for her Announcement New Cook About an-for the child, and the happiness 8eemed to Make a Difference. he brought her. "Then ," she continued, there came Two prosperous business men met a change. He went away, and for on a Broadway local, says the New weeks 1 did not hear from him. I York Times. thought he was dead, and nearly died "Howdy do, old man, haven't seen also, they toll me. At last he came you In an age. How's Mrs. Dayton?" hack to me so loving, so patient with Fine and dandy. Brown; and how my invalid ways, and so are you and the madam?" at Ills own thoughtlessness. He hnd "Mra. Brown and your humble serbeen yachting, he said; an invitation vant are both well, but by Jove, our i rime at the last moment, and the lethealth would improve If we saw the ter he sent toiling me of his plans Joseph P. Daytona ringing our door n u t have miscarried. Could I ever bell." hr I. ehini? "Yes, yes, I admit we're been re"V.V11, I was only too glad to get miss. Mrs. D. and I both speak of him back, nnd I believed him abso- you so often and reproach ourselves Miss Boardman. lutely. For a while, almost a year, we for our neglect. It's been fully a year t ore very happy n vn. and I was the American Red Cross society te since we dined with you. in forget, when he disappeared You're shy a few months, hut we'll the victims of the recent Italian earthr :!n. This time he stayed only two let that pass. Suppose you come over quake. The crown, a reproduction of the weeks, hut when he returned he made lo dianer oae night next w.ek." no :ii i liv;lis. The water ca lod him, "Really, I can't just say. I think I ancient Roman civic crown, la com he said, nnJ he must go. lie never heard Mra Dayton say something posed of oak leaves and Rcoms, made told me where he went, nor what he about next week being all taken up, of solid gold. It Is inclosed In a typl cal Roman box of leather, which la d'd, hilt he gave up his other business, and" -- I s in yet we sjc vd to have more "Well, old man. here Is my station; adorned by the royal i. noy than ever. He went away better come; weve got a new cook; gold. On the crown Is engraved: often nr.d stayed for long periods after j shes a dandy. Good night." "To Miss Mabel Boardman of the that, and for months I would not know 'Why, yes. Brown, we'll make the Red Cross, from the Italian Governwhere he was. When he came back date over the phe," s' -- uted Lay-to- ment. as a Token of Gratitude, to me he was after the hurrying figure. kind, always Mias Boardman, as the executive thoughtful for my romfjrt, always head of the Red Croat society, recent Couldt Keep Track of Them. ready to talk on any subject except the one nearest my heart. But he Martin Littleton la one of a family ly announced her intention to devote grew to hate the boy. of 19 children, so they say, born to a her life entirely to its Interests. She of Senator Crane "Ills own child?" I Interrupted. heritage of poverty and pluck. When Is tbe sister-in-la"How unnatural I" he was a small lad down In Texas he and was a member of the famous Taft "He said I loved the child better LU Into the creek one day and MiPhilippine party. While visiting Japan than I loved my husband." she said, chael, the next youngster brother, ran he saw the evidence of the work ol e "but Go-- knows whether that Is true whimpering to Littleton, the elder: the Red Cross In the war and was Impressed with the or not. At last I became 111 ayaln, "Dad! Dad! Martin Is drowning!" Martin! Martin!" repeated the fa- boundless possibilities of the move during one of his absences, and when raent. She Is an intimate friend ol he returned it was a question whether ther of 19. Then he turned dubiously both President and Mra. Taft or not 1 would live. He was drealful-l-y to his wife. Nora." he Inquired anxious', 'have shocked and grieved, and on his She Won't Waste the Rope. knees beside mv bed he bexzed me we a Martial" Denver Nev. Give a woman plenty of rope and he will hang her washing on it Big Berlin Philanthropy. More than 50,000 children were by the authorities of Berlin to spend this summer on land within easy reach of the city limits. They were assigned plots where they could play and cultivate gardens profitably with the help of their families and the advice of public instructors. ning m glad I didnt know," she con-d- ; "there are some things one ot forgive, and I might have en bitterly. Now I can always that I never said a harsh d to him, even when I was most ly tried. Im glad of that very re-ib- 1 p.I a,-:'- V half-grow- eiv-imo- n Acs naVuvaWy, acsvvy as aLaxcAvvc. Best Jot Hen Women andOtild factory has this machine proved that It had been adopted by both the Italian and the French governments. The psephograph la a little over a yard In height and is provided with as many openings as there are candidates In the field. The voter presents his card to an official who has charge of the voting booth and receives a small metal chip about the size of an American dime. He la then given permission to enter the booth and steps behind two screens which render him Invisible to both the public and the overseers alike. There he finds the voting machine facing him, After carefully scanning the different slots, above which la a apace containing the names of the candidates, he selects the one he wishes to vote for and drops his chip In the slot cor responding to It Th fall of the chip causes an Interior lever to rise, this movement making the number of per ona voting appear on a little tablet on the outside, which Is always visible, and In the Interior registering the vote for the chosen candidate, When the voting Is over the officer in charge lifts aside the metal covering on which la registered the number of persons voting and the number of votes obtained by each candidate Is revealed. By this system 37,090 votes were cast In two hours at a recent election at Turin. f 'f EjfeduaWy. and tlea&a&ncs &neo CcusYypctaou; Dispels cgUs e sinrr Svstcm Cleanses vi-u- r CHAPTER XIV. "If you plcare, miss, could you come to Mrs. Graham?" This unwelcome summons forced Itself upon me ns I lay luxuriously reading upon the couch In the living room tho day following our dinner Tarty. "Hid she send for me?" No, miss." Mrs Graham's servant, a girl with a face of surprising stupidity, stood stolidly lioforo me, the ends of a small shawl held under her chin, and a frightened expression In her mall ryes. "Then, why did you come?" To my surprise, the girl put her fare In her hands and began to cry with a snlffilng persistency very annoying to hear. Tin scared of her, she sobbed; ''she's that queer, miss. She's went all blue nnd sllff-llke- , and Mr. Graham ain't there, nor nobody but me. And, seeing as how you come to the house sometimes, miss, I thought as maybe you might help me, fur I'm scared to stay nlrne, so I am." I roso reluctantly, for I knew but little of lllnecs, and was also "scared" the prospect; but go I must. In decency, and alone at that, ft r Mary Anne and Elizabeth were out. a d tiubrielle was that up In her room with a bad cold, the result of too much wandering about with thin slippers tbe night before. A chill east wind was blowing, and I shivered as we hastened down the path and up ihe nnrrow steps. Mrs. Grul a n Iny rigid upon the couch, her eyes shut and her lips blue and pinched. 1 my hand over her was a great heart, and Its fair. I relief, as I had thr.i rat her dead. "It is only n fainl." I exclaimed, and directed tile bewildered girl to me In my efforts to revive her. At Inst we were rewarded by a long drawn b, und the lids slowly lifted from the dark eyes. The servant had found some brandy, and I held a little to lier lips, moi'on-luher not to speak, out she pud.'! the glass as'de and rat upright. "It Is a bad dream." she said "only a dream! Say It only a dream!" "Only a dream." 1 repealed, soothingly "a bad dream." v She swallowed a little of the brandy and lay brek cxhaimtcd on tho couch, while I followed the servant Into the kitchen. "Where Is Mr. Graham?" I demanded, si an ly. "I don't know, miss." "When will he be home?" "I don't know, miss." "Has Mrs. Graham been ill long? "I dont know, miss." "Is there anything you do know?" I Inquired, my patience worn threadbare. No, miss; I dont know nothing." This statement was so evidently true rbnt I left her aimlessly poking the lire and returned to my patient. She lay quite still, with closed eyes, so I merely drew a chair near (he ouch and sat down to wait further 'evelopnioiits. I waited a long time. The minutes slipped past, and the oom grew dim, for twilight was the loug summer twilight EWxwSewwa aagaiLij he spoke In the tone of quiet renascence la which one reviews one's st attitude to the dead, after the st f poignancy of grief Is over. But he will rome back, 1 said. ink how many times he has left m before." .'He will not come back. The finality of her voice precluded a reply, and after a long silence suggested thnt she He down and try to sleep, and I would do likewise. She agreed docilely enough, and I threw myself upon the bed beside her, and In a few moments was sound asleep I slept heavily, for I was very tired, but it seemed scarcely a moment until I heard her call me. I cried, alarmed; "what "Yes, Is itr Mra. Graham,, fully dressed and , The Root of Altruism. The three eternal roots of altruistic energy are these: First, the principle of justice; that there Is a moral law before which all men are equal, so that I ought to help my neighbor to his rights. Second, the principle of charity;that I owe Infinite tenderness tp any shape or kind of man, however unworthy or useleas to the state. Third, the principle of free will; that I can really decide to help my neighbor, and am truly disgraced If I do not do so. To this may be added the Idea of a definite judgment; that is, that the action will at some time terribly matter to the helper and the G. K. Chesterton. helped. Standard Oil Wails. The Standard Oil Companys real estate holdings In Bayonne, N. J., where Its largest oil refining plant in the east is situated, have been from $7,360,000, the value fixed upon them In 1908 for taxation, to $13,000,000. The company la appealing against the increases fixed opor. the realty by the Hudson county board of equalization. en-ibl- Mra. Winslows Soothing Syrup. For rtilldres tertbluc, suftru Ihs sums, icducas slliya twin, conw vlad oollu. BcsIwtUa, Many a man has sustained a compound fracture of the reputation by falling off the water wagon. r! Pr. PI Plnwnt Pellet flrt put up 40 yean Mo. Tbev reirnlate nnd Invlimmte fttomach, liver ind bowel. Butftt rootled linjr granule. A brain Is worth little without tongue. French. a J coat-of-arm- 1908-190- n, s J SICK HEADACHE Posltlvely cored bp these Little Pills. They also relieve and Too tlrarty A perfect remedy fur DizxinesH, Kou. nea. Drowsiness, Bed Taste In tho lliiuth. Coop ed Tonyna, Pals In tha Bids. TORPID LIVER. They 'rgulote tbs Bowels. Purely regetmbl SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, EMing. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simi- le Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Russo-Japanes- GRAZING LANDS rmc AGO till dnllnr on aere tills yeorvnly ; slfnlfo ond elorer ears rrops, no better lend for general farming and fruit. Hplendld climate; pnre water. Ona night from Chlragn by nil or boat. Easy term a. Write for map anil must rated booklrt BEAR J. T. MERRITT. Manistee. Mich. |