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Show Jonrnal an account of the then novel game called iietils chevaux. This consist of a mechanical race course, arranged to run by electricity. Niue Sweeny pm the stranger up to picking a row with little Johnny Neeley, but they couldn't prove it at the Inquest. It wss late at night, and Neeley waa la the faro Iwnk playing the high card and losing right almig as usual. Ho seemed to have faith that his luck abilmen of Speaking of noire aud would change that night ami kept close ity to about straight," said an ol watch of the game. He had siient his rancluiiau frum New Mexico, at tbe last dollar fur chips, and hail stoked Ida last stack when Arizona Jake enIloff, nun Houko, gays a New York tered the place with a regular Indian or the St. Louis Globe Dem- war whoop and tln-- a shot through ocrat, maybe aoiue of you bare btard the roof as a warning that he wss out of Johnny Neeley i N'wley came down for trout le. every one In tlie place got to Santa Fee lu tbe old days before the out"Nearly of his way, hut Johnny Neeley did railroad, lie bailed from St Louis not even look up from the card 'able. or Kai'sai city, or aomewbere up th?re Jake waa a big. strong fellow, and when ho caught sight of the little aud was agent for omet blue or other. smooth-faced chap sitting there playI've forgotten tvliat He waa a little ing faro It seemed to set him wild, lie cliap, weighed about l'JO, aud Jils f'ice walked over. and. catching hold cf tlie was a smooth as a girl's, but any, bock of Neeleys chair, lifted With four feet from tbe floor and then let go. that fellow was one congealed lump "The young gambler got quite a Jolt of nerve. by the fail, ami, as lie straightened Ills The town was tough In those days, chair, he looked up lu mild surprise at and waa full of tough tuen who could shoot and were always looking out for a chance to practice with their weip-od- l This fellow Neeley was so little and was such an luuocciit-luoklu- g chap the hoys suou marked him a a tender-Do- t and prepared to have fun with him. He was a jolly, sort wlio loved to gamble, uinl spent more time at the card table than he did attending to Inifiness. He did not drink, but loved to ha'ig around the saloon and watch the gang. When some of the boys would shoo: out the lights 1m alwnys appeared phased and intented. Neeley ignored several instill, and alwuys walked away when one of the hud men of thn town tried to pick a quarrel with him, so the gang concluded that he would not light, and then they were ready to begin their fun. One night Neeley strolled Into the White Hose saloon, aud sitting down by a small table some distance away from the gang, begun smoking a lohg bla'k Mexican cigar while reading a newspniHT that hud come down by the Vs last stage. He puffed away at the Me or at Hr Yon About Uld at uu of .half inch ashes until hung cigar Cigar t" at the end. The young fellow was tilted back the Mg desperado wliS towered three In his (hair with tlm cigar pointing up feet above him. (111 out, you wli'te-fucekid! Go at an angle of 4.1 degrees. Tim ashes .node a splendid target, and big Hob home to your urn! Yon nrc a nice linkRweoney cautiously drew his gun and ing thing to be setting down to a game like annul! Get out! Whoop! gave the lioys tlm wink. With a fearful string of oaths Arl-- i There was a flash, a loud report, and 11ip bullet from Hob's pistol flecked zona Jake brandished a pistol over him to the ashes off Neeley's cigar Just ns light Neeley's Ili ad, and onlcn-awl smooth us If he had brushed them leave the game and get out of Hie away with his flngcr. To tlm surprise house. Tlie lmys held their breaths for n Of every one present the young fellow did not Jump and yell as they had minute, hut, to tiieir surprise, Neeley said tp tlie liig mll.v, Tlcuse go expected. Instead he slowly folded Ills merelyand do not nnmiy me!' away Laid on the it down table, newspaper. Go away! 11a! lia! I like tint! and then turned ami looked at tuc young fellow, do you know me? gang with a questioning expression on Bay, Don't wont to; let me finish tills hl face, lie did not even remove tit? deal,' replied tlie young gambler. cigar from his mouth. The big lmlly seemed a little nonvhcn lie saw tbe smoking revolver plussed because Neeley would not reIn Sweeny's hand lie got up, nml walksent anything 1h did. nml, standing n ing ever toward the table where tlm few feet away, he began to curse and mildest asked in the seated, gang wire Did you shoot at me or abnse tlie youug fellow. Hy this Uuie sort of , Neeley had lost his last chi). my cigar Y Ill try one more ileal. Give me 91 The gang was completely taken hack worth of chip on my gun!' said tlie at tue ( u'ncsf of the fellow. his revolver Just thought I'd flip the ashes gambler as he took out denli-r. off ycr sheroot, young feller, au save ami passed it over to the across The were the chips pushed you I lie trouble, replied Sweeny, who table nud Neeley staked them all on still held Lis revolver. cards. 'Thank you very much. I Jut want- one turn of tlie Jake had seen the young ed to know what you were shooting at. manArizona over his pistol, nml, with a puss It was a good shot. There's no hard he and seized Neeley by yell, juuicd tne!' with one feelings. Have him dear over bis tlie collar, lifting anout As Neeley swke he pulled n round two or him head. He swung Swc-nother long cigar ami handed it to hint drop on let then times three aud fellow held out his band The floor. for the cigar, but he was fairly dazjd the Neeley Lauded on his feet and thebe by the r.Ci:on'of the young man. fire In Then Neeley went back to his own wasQuick ashisa eyes. flash he reached across soon ns As down s?t and table again. snatched up his pistable and the faro surfrom his recovered Sweimv had drawer where tlie tol from the osn and. the winked at crowd, prise had it. dealer put to putting up his gun, struck a match Jake saw the movement and reecli- light his cigar. As he raised the burning match toward bis mouth there was a sharp report, and It was knocked out of his Augers. Quick as lightning Johnny Neeley had drawn a derringer and had shot the match out of Sweeny's fingers. Never light a cigar with a match. The fumes of the sulphur may spoil the flavor of tlie weed! Allow me to offeryou a light!' said Neeley, stepping over and extending his lighted cigar with bis left hand. Say, Bob Sweeny's face waa a study. He let bis cigar drop on the table, and with his hands on his knees he just sat there for a minute and stared at the young chap. Did you do that? he gasped at last. Yes; but I meant no offense. Here hurses are placed. Nine folded number are put In au oval cusblou, passed around at tlie eml of a long handle among the players. Kach player take one of these folded uumls'rs, to one of the horse, which are likewise uumlieivd from I to it. The price varies from 1 to 2 francs. AU the tickets dliOKrd of, a spring is touched and off go the horses, dashing round and round tlie track at breakneck speed, but fteianitiiig as they go. When the inoineiitiini is exliuiistcd one horse is found In Hie lend. He who holds the uiiiiiler corresponding to this horse gets Hie hmi1, less two jsir thins held back for the Mink. To vary this scheme of optu and fin grunt boas are sometime substituted for horses, aud a yuclit race takes the place of the horse rare. Tims a man is given the option of losing his money on water equally with Hint of losing it on land. Suet a game could, never have existed in America. It is tfo simply, obviously absurd against tlie player. d But at Inst the Knqiean, along with tlie gullible stranger, ha got onto it, as tlie saying is. ami les Iietlts chevnux and aiitour du lac no longer suffice to lure ihe unwary. But cvi-lu Kuroiie there Is a certain progress. So tlm Casino have added e "lay-out- " an to their old npiK'iidage or annex, which looks very like gambling. This is on cither side of tlie machine, or table, on which, in bright gold figures, appear the numerals to curresml .with the horse. You bet oil one of these uumliors. There are nine of them. If you win you get live to one. If you M-- t on three in a bunch you get even money. In order to show, however, flint tills is not gambling, there is a limit from 1 to 5 francs, according to tlie wealth or size of the Casino or Kurusunl. 1 nip told that at the more r.inhllloua of these ami late at night, when the licteroge-noiicrowd bus gone, there Is a good deal of very sleep rolling. But a I never sit up late at night myself 1 can t.n this isilnt. give no direct tcKtiim-nIt will lie seen at once that the sole merit of this met hod of protending not to gamble lies in the Ndd. transparent robliery which it eiulsidies. It is worse than a mock auction or a church rutile. If I wanlcd to teach a child to lie a sport and to plant in its young and hive tender bosom the Hiomi ghhn-d'of gambling 1 would bring him here ami stake him. eurro-pomlln- d . i e race-cours- tli u scheme iu various ways you need w( doubt; She nay tier calls on Imlmy day, When all utlu-- r dame are uut. - Gouae, tbay'va aurh htlru! auugaU'rs aln and I'll lie tough a guoae! It's (baim-- ! B wine. Ulster Turkey, sad juu'll do th u u for Cbrlaiuiai To Ilia- - eat- Such us to - 'It Cherry Pectoral Cures Coughs. two-ce- gm-at- i I What organ shall buy? Why not buy the one which holds the worlds record for largest sales What makes all the girls dislike Beatrice o much? Why, yuu see alia ba uulurally curly hulr." Poit Tubifti Spit ut lull Tmr Life in;. If you want to quit tobacco us.ng easily VICTORIAS GREAT MEN. ( uuiHwera, and forever, regain bail lu.iuliood. be made well, si rung, luagiirtle, full of new life and Hie vigor, lake that makca weak null slrmig. Many galu In ten days. Over ("O.iSkl eurwl. tv who from your drngg.st. lliiy will guarnulee a cure. Ilouklel and nmi!i Ad. Slerliug Ilcmedy tio., malbsl free. Chicago or New York. ba Mary Writer. It nmy lie interesting at tills tnnmcnt to recall great actors who have oc1 Ayers la rfiameful Uld Yoa Kvr Sea aa Indian? Expect not, ao scud a stamp to the Geucrsl Passenger Agvul Colorado Midland railroad. Denver, and he will scud you a flu colored picture of one. Quack! uuck!" said the back, what s you arc." great Hiss!" aiirlllcd the Gouae, till you beard her a fur. lllaa! Misicr Turkey, the World Is full of trouble." But th Turkey only miswernl with a Gobble! gobble! gobble!" -- 1'liurlutte V. Thurston. Mutlr AmJIu datin' i umt backt lullu-env- e mbl the Ksw Few awhile takes the cougher along ? that th states have ta legislate aluuit womens tluvler hata." Well. almws lwiw little It Uliy? Individual men have with their wlvua. buck, ""Quark!" 'Tla a world of giaal lurk!" raid I In-- (liaise. Ills:" " 'Tla world of abuse!" Her llelgn That'a what people say when advised to take some thing to cure that cough. Have you ever noticed that the cough that goes away alter Mm-lied- Hiss! HI! mid th Goose, 'll a ad want uf luck! You dun!' kuow a thing; you're a guow of s duck! A regular iiick-yi- ni haven't any bruin; You don't know enough to go lu wheu It Will go away after awhile. Thl Fastest Tram In the West. Is the famous I'lilon Pacific Overland ruunliuc every ilny III the year, leaving 1 lent or C:il p. in., arriving Hgden 1:40 p. ui. H:10 p. in. following day, and and Unit Kau Fmnclai-- S:4S p. m. aeeoml day uut of Tl'Is train carries through Pullman palace Bleeper, Pullmau dining enra (meals a la carte! anil Ilia famous buffet library ear. Quickest lluie, Deliver tu California, by over ulue hours. Ask about it at tli ticket ufllce. Ml 17th 81.. corner Curtis. squash wed and gristle uf meat! Let be nit fur s lunch; we how fact 1 can liohhli'." But til Turkey only answered with a Gobble! gobble! gobble ! ai'lile-enre- rain." It By tap Hlgby. d d you get aiiythlng fir Tommy' cough w title yon were mil ?" No: 1 did ii t have any nuuiiy lull a fl bill, aud I wouldn't break It Tor tlie wuriiL" Ills!" I Jut Souiaiag Mrs. SBIlie. mill the (louse, rail ll alulae!'' until the Durk, Quark!" 1 call It giaal luck! tliluk uf Ilia daiuite tkcj glv tt Imlsw'a hNOhiag. softons ihasuaM. rnlurn iBlIsai Batiua, allays pain, euros wind rujlc. Ok r.u Is s buills nrrhiklit-- wonder-worke- 1n- - cupied Hie stage of life lu Knglaml during tills pliciiiiinciiully lung reign of Queen Yutiiiia, according to Laiiidon Truth. H the r :stey There are fewer Unman Cut Indies, proportionately, In Hwcden I loin in nur other MO uut ur s populacountry-on- ly tion uf 4,744.411. 10 Write for Illuai rated Catalogue with prices, Ksley Organ Company, liialllelioiu, V. IIP 1L I The Quickest Train ta California, The fiininua t'nlon Overland Pai-lfl- r.lm-lte- The llncat. fnaleat and In1! iiiIihhI train out of Denver, currying through sleenml PATENTS, TRADE MARKS the elegnnlly iippolutcd buffet library ami smoking cur, all lighted wllli Illilach light, and lieuled by 1101111. t Cull at l'nloii Pnclllc olllcc. 1141 17 Ii St., corner Curlla, for Information, rule, lime table, etc. per. dining inra. u t l1atiiUIlllty of aid Arirlr Hrnd fir Invsnlim' Unlite, or liuw toUMA U'KAUHUX A HUN, Wul.iimla, U. O. Kitmliuitioa AUml.N 1 FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or MJuit Don't Foot Well,' M,8 liver a. pills Foreigner complain that our railway station are hi fur niiai-t.- " what Yis, that the governor of North Carolina ahl o the governor of South CuMllua." On I'litni to ONLY ONE FOR A OOHs Bt Druagiata Bampla euula ,rii. Bounka Mad. Ca. lbila. IW. gn Kb Two ladtlea of Plso'a Cure fur Conanmn-tlo- u euri-me uf a laid lung trouble. Mro. 1. Nichols, Princeton. Iml.. March 'JU. lh'.gi. The Acme Lamp Store They have Invented a met Inal of photoIn that an? graphing In color.ua 1 Weil, It's rough on people." try u ik- - Inn of CsH'iireis, the Bneat Jut liver aud bowel regulator ever made. am-.- " warm your room at a cost of 3 cents prr day and not affect the light. Delivered 0 receipt of tU TTiil ACME C0J1PANY Well, are you ready for winter ?" T gniHw uud got back tlie Boston, Mas. tie eeventy-fin-t birthday, Crlrbrating In Tiik toiaeAxioH otter its reader many exceptionally brilliHlit features. The two hemiKphrrea have been explored in search ol atlractive mailer. w 33 Tfrndglt St. no; we've pawned the Knrt 1 n . . "I i7 TheybuthS (ompanion TU lijralrlnna Wise la Thalr Generation. Th alaive dsns of arlenlbals recognise, and trill borne lure to the uf Huai utter's Stomach Hitters as a n miily and preventative of fever awl ague, rheumatism, want of vigor, liver roinphilnt, nml mine other alliueiiia awl lnflrtu of the ayatem. awl have taught them it value. They but echo the venllrt long spn-- pmnnuneed by the public awl the pres. Only the lienlghl-ei- l now sre Ignorant uf America'a tonic and allerutlve. I Kxm-ni-ni-- e obir-Viitlu- u e Bob picked up his cigar, but when be went to light it the boys saw that hla hand waa shaking a trifle. He got the cigar burning, and then he sat and puffed It In silence for fire minutes, at the end of he got up. time which and, Which do yon nnisliler more valorou. Mr. Kiialicr, a aobllcr or a football plnycr?" "Grcnt Scott! wilillcra have only to light wild Imlluii we have tv down wild Ameri- Mm. Burton H Amnion, OW OP TNI POPUiAN WRtUM PON IMP. & V SJ For the Family. Hall writers fully In nddltinn to twenty-livtwo hundred of the most famous men and women ol tush the Old and the New World, including the most popular writers ol fiction hnd some ol the must eminent statesmen, scientists, traveller and musicians, arc contributors to The Companion. A delightful supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1897. The timely Editorials, the Current Events, " Hie Current Topics " anil Nature and Science " Dcjiartiiicuts give much vsiustile information every week. Scud for Full Prospectus. vf FREE W W SI w to Jan. SM S Distinguished Writers IAIT MACLASEff. RUDYARD KIPLING. HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. 1897, with Beautiful Calendar. Vt W 1, As a special offer The Youth's Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1896, to all new One of the most lieiutifu! sulmcriliers. Calendars issued this yes r will also 1 given to each new subscrilier. It is made up ol Four Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. Its sue is to by 24 inches. Ilie subjrds are delight fully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively 4y The Youths Comnion and could not Le sold in Art Stores lor less than one dollar. t w w w SI fw W 700 Large Page s SI SI SI St SI SI VI SI so St St St . HON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LIEUT. R. E. PEAKY, U. S. N. DR. CYRU8 EDSON. DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. Aad Ona Hundred Others. in Each Volume. SI St SI s MAX O'RELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE LONGFELLOW. -- M M M SO W e liis-llre- s light! 52 Weeks for $1.75. Sf SI s SI St SI SI SI s SI sv SI nivM I JtMary - th iMm. oxoitsu. as Saw Tart DnM sHton: CaldidSr 2I mix The HHi MHly (MS CslmOarfcf Tks 5 nu s s srnxisTs.CMiiiH.vw S r K tt. As Tke ThU'i ChhIh il Wlt s Ml ymr, s Jsassry 1, Ilia :: 1, w w s St aiiiiiiiiiMaatiiiiiiiiiii7iaiiiiiiiHiiiaiiiiiiiiiiMiiiHMuiaaaaiiiiiiaiHHiiiiiiiiHi)ii)iuuH)ig - ueamaaMB a 1WT. ; SI SI SI THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Boston, Mass. cana." match lyglancing at the ing on tbe floor, said: !" Well. I'll be Sweeny marched up to the bar and took a drink without a word to the gang. Tlltn he started out. To reach the door he had to pirns the table where Neeley sat quietly rending the The file. Cowardly Outlaw lamb As he walked past the newspaper. young fellow the big bully took off bis ed for hla own guns, but be was not bat and went out gt the door on tip- quick enough. toe. Pretty soon the otliers of the There was a loud report and the Mg. gang followed and before morning cowardly outlaw tumbled over, shot every man In Santa Fe knew that little through the henrt. Johnny Neeley was the quickest and Neeley turned Kick to the faro table best shot lu the Territory, aud that Just as quiet as if nothing had stuff. was the pure hla nerre .and. handing hi pistol back to That little shooting match fixed the the dealer, he sahl' Go on with the deal! My last five youug fellow's standing in tlie society of the Territory, and tlie hoys did not on the queen! " make any further efforts to play Joke on him. Neeley continued mi the even GAMUI.IXO IV KtllOIK. tenor of his way. never Insisting of in luck hard ami playing anything most of the time for six months before Daecnrat at the Club and Pc fit Chevaux la Pablle. to see Ids nerve chance a had tbe boya In F.nrope. except at Monte Carlo, tested again. He was gambling more and more alt the time, and was usually table gambling, such as roulette anil broke. rouge et nolr, has long dlapicnred. Of course, baccarat,, which Is, to the One day there drifted Into tlm town ' He Bnropenn gambler what dfaw poker regular professional laid man. core bis hair lung, and call(l himself Is to the American, Is played In tlm lrlsnna. Jake. Ills available assets clubs aud In other secluded places, consisted of two revolvers, a knife and often for very high stakes. But the a record of two murders nml three la Laws are everywhere rigid against pubplain killings. Heforc he had How Th-a- l We offer One Hundred Dollar reward fur hut cnee of ralarrh thul cannot ba cured by llall'a ('slarrii Cure. F. 1. ClIKNKY is CO.. Toledo, O. We. the andcraigned. have known K. J. Cheney fur the last 11 years, and him Nrfrctly honorable In all buslnewi tmiisai'ih'iu awl flnuimhilly able In carry out any obligation made by tlu-i-r ttrin. lad Over, Shot Through tha Heart. West is Truux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, (). rifle. Then he rammed them down on WnMimr. Klnnim is Marrin, Wholesale , O. DnigKist. tlie powder ami fired at tbe maddened taken Internally, llnir Catarrh (lure Is blo-sdeer. Ilia partner enme along after acting l the aud iiincuiM upon directly atvhtle with a licit full of bullets, and, aurfacea of the ayatem. Testimonials sent bula Tie free. Price tlie a fluid for run tree, gave per bottle, by all drugmaking let to the shooter, who quickly klllcsl gists. half-burne- d ! ls-e- n lic gambling, nud an the f'nslno people hnve to resort to other agencies for amusing the stranger and lightening his purse. Some years ago I wrote tlie Courier-- Important Notice! The only genuine , Tub-do- the deer. hap-IN'ii- nl town ninny Imur he let It he known that he '.vii s limiting trnilde, and the Imys decided that he should not he long it. that Bob it was always mid III!taki-- 111!" u thn-- won Ilia; ia a fact Iu liicrnture there have flourished Southey Sydney Smith, Hood, Maria worth, Joanna Bailllc, Moore, fingers, t'harlotic Bronte, lltil-1aI.eigli limit. Mncutilny, Archbishop WTiatcly, Thackeray. I junior, Dickens. Grate, l.yttiui. Mill, Kingsley, "George Flint," Disraeli, lavcr, Matthew Arnold, Tennyson, Trollo)', Browning, Fruudc, Buskin nml Herbert Sjicmvr. As regards music, tlie present reign Is singularly poor. While their neighbors were honoring masters like Mendelssohn. (tin dll. Kelmiiiuiiu, fiossliii, Berlin.. A nlier. Wagner,' Verdi, Gounod, ami fiiibinstciii. Balfe ami Sir Artiuir Sullivan are, perhaps, tlie most eminent cempesfr tlie British have had. In nn there have been Wilkie. Buy, Turner, Marlin, Mulreaiiy. Maelise, Landseer, Ward. Frith. Millais, Is'igi-tui- i and King. Among sculptors, t'linu-treSlevcns. Noble, Gibson, mid the Tlmrnycrofis. Woollier, ltui-hSl'USTITl'TUS FOR Mi l. LUTS. Slcnce lias secured six great men Tyndall. Darwin.. Huxley, Faraday, of (Sold sod Wooden Hiji llcrschcll tlie younger ami Lord KelL'tied bjr II outer In Kmerwenetr. vin. M'in-a hunter in the old days lzt By tlie way. there have luen seven all h's bullets or hadn't any to slio.it attempts made upon tlie life of the wiMi lie usually devised substitutes queen. that on occasions served the purpose An Important Illtlrmrsi well. All sorts of things hnve been fired at game or Indians, ns the case To make It apparent to thnurand. mi gilt lie. Old llauk Kilison, living up who think themselves III, that they are lu Jefferson county, N. Y., told to ills not afflicted with any disease, hut that dying day how he was cooped up by the system simply needs cleansing. Is 'ndie.i-out West once, with a lit le to bring comfort home to their hearts, lead, lots of powder, a licit full of gold aa a costive condition ia easily cured by nuggets, a flue rifle nml a bullet mold. using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by It was on tlie top of a knoll where his the California Fig Syrup Company only, all druggists. log cal m had been built, and he had a and sold by barrel of water aud a lot of wood fo" Questionable Applies! Ion of Selene. emergencies. The Indians kept Just out of range, dualling in once in awhile n technical contemporary wc find In . He soon used n s bul- the follnwing to draw which, whether lets up and then used the gold. H its asscgilous juissagc, are true or false, claims liivd nearly hair Ills fortune at the red- thn attention of nnalynists; "Scientific skins before tltey left him. training seems very often to he divertMany a hunter has used a pebble in ed into curious channel. A large calshot. close a lie of the deadly ie getting ico printer recently informed us that Jack'kdves and ramrods hnve served tlie chemical the German knowledgc-o- f and time Forest as missiles. their and dyestuff manufacturers seemdrug hud n who hunter Stream tells about ed to lie devoted entirely to the art of only a single bullet, liut lots of powder. defeating tests rather than to the manThe bullet shot the horn of a big buck ufacture of drugs to pass genuine musoff aud the buck cliargi'd the man, who It was tlie Germans wlm introtook to a 'tree top. 1 le spent half an ter. length of duced the dangerous ndulteratcu iu hour whittling off two-inc- h branches ami putting them luto hi lortlaml cement gypsum, to wit entirely with a view of eircuin renting Hie American tests for cement It matters not to tlie Germans tlint their cement Is rendered dangero'.'s, and that better results cun he attained liy safe means at very trilling cost. They have found an adulterant to serre a merely ti mporary purpose, and that Is al! they cure to do. Tlie Japanese seem to he following oil similar lines. It would lie amusing were It not so pitiable." Chemical News. d Is PHILOSOPHY. g roli-lier- devil-may-ca- re THANKSGIVING For Mother To Know. Hnve you been busy lately. Mrs. Plodg-ett"lea; I've Jnt worn inyoelf nut trying to think wluit all thisie thing were that Mr. Pbalgelt pniiiilaed to buy mu after the elecliou." To thu Fiseifle Cuaat Two through trains daily vis the 1'nlnn Pnclllc. currying thnmgh and makt flfteen linura time ing froml alx to weatern piiluia. Ineliidilig Ogden. Halt l.nkc. Untie. Helen, I'urt land. Kan Franclacii. etc. Aak alajut (licui at P41 17th Ht., rortier Gurtla. hiccough. That In sleeping In a cold room tabllsh the habit of breathing through tin nose, never with the mouth 0en-- i That a severe paroxysm of coughing At Ihe flfleenth annual sit the l Inatllution of Killiiliiirgh. thu may often be arrested by a taMejoii-fn- i jhiloaophb-afit. linn. W. H. Glndatone was uimnliiioiialy of glycerine in a wineglass of hot reele-teoUlee he luiimruniy bus belli fur u number of years mst. milk. That to compel a child to eat anyIni Caararrla si liver, kidneys and weaken or gripe. thing against which Its jia.ate natural- bowels, ly r.cliel la a cruelty at the time aud Somebody has In veined a mirror tlint will may produce evil effects later on. out break "Graoloiie! Now u,w are We !n-r.oln That n going to tell when there Is to be a death drops or tincture of lu house?" the put Into tlie water in which the face In In tiled wifi prevent the shiny t to n ninth' In I'nrlln-iiii'ti- t. limn- im In Koglunil nail Walt- - uiori-tliiuppenrnnee of the skin with which so r tu.iani .,iuu-lil;ilmi. i many pcopie ut e affected, lu especially : wa:m weather. wn given In tha f.irm uf celebrated for more than a century as a debeverlicious, nutritious, and age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow arc on every Label and our Trade-Mar- k package. WALTER BAKER & CO.Ltd.,Dorchester, Mass. flesh-formi- ng V Is slow suicide. That rapid That a lump of sugar saturated la vinegar la elllca clous lu most cases of Baker's Chocolate, 99 iiih-ki-- prlin-lpfl- ! ANDY CATHARTIG f-- ALL DRUGGISTS Hlnti-im-n- - charitable j:.ixi In last . j 7 rniDlETrm tors' (ay ca of 'na'tlpitlea. rawarete are the Meal laaa-- i UUAflAiWLIiU five, sever srtp nr niM.lateaaaaeayaalanilreala beaa. pie aad banklel free, 44. KTKKMXfl RKSKItt t O.. ( hteaeo, NaalreaL t a..rNeaa fork. lil t inter ADOUliUltibl 1RCIM |