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Show WWMHWQMMOIM38WO i 1 HOMME IN 11 f UrE, ' Ccme, Quelton," cried Jack Darcy, bursting Into my office one morning In June last, drop those everlasting pa-I- tr and take an hour's rest. I want yon to go to the opera home v.iih me. AnU for wbat, .. pray," I amwcred, should I go to the opera house In daytime the forenoon ut thut? Is it a rehearsal?" "Rehearsal? Certainly not;ita the t exercises of the Girls' Hiph School, and there Is one thing, on the program that I nut anxious for you to hear. Get ready, rcnn; its time to go. It will do you good to sec those pretty girls -- two hundred and fifty of them, and listen to what some of them have to say. It will brush the cobwebs off that old editorial brain of youra." Now I cannot tell you how it was, but Jack's proposition roiisi d in me a sudden hut overweening desire to attend ihoso exercise a. It would he so radical a charge from the umusemeuta that I uw.ally Indulged in, something sd bright and Inspiring and beautiful, that I but, me, all in a minute, aa enthusiastic about It as ray bustling friend Vts. I tossed aside the rx.hange that I had been scanning, laid a weight on ut" "copy" paper, seized my hat and actually hurried Jack out of the office and into the Btriet on our way to the opera house. I suppose we are all subject to those sudden Impulses, but mine astonished me, all the same; later In the day I came to the conclusion that some beneficent spirit had moved me. As we entered the house, when a Urge audience had already gathered, the members of the graduating class wrre Just coming upon the stage. This of Itself was a pretty sight, and Jack and I found a place where we could see U to good advantage. The girls, whose ages ranged from sixteen to nineteen years, Aere nil dressed in white, with Just variu'.icn enough in material and trimming to take away the appearance of monotony. Each girl carried a bunch of flowers In her hand, anil wore upon her left breast the crimuon and gold ribbon of the class. Chairs were arranged in tiers from the front of the large stage to the rear, Snd the girls entered In two lines, one from each side. Those thnt entered front the right crossed the stage and passed to the chains on the left, and those thnt entered from the left passed to the right. This effect was very pleasing, and made the stene orderly without being stilt. When all were seated the exercises began, but it is not my purpose to describe them in detail. Jack soon let me know why he had asked me to come there, and that Is what I am faring to tell you about. He polnte-- to the fifth number on the program, aud said; That is what I want you to he Miss Agnes Farrell's recitation. She Is a remarkable girl. I want you to see and then I am goand hear her ing to tell you a story about her. She's a heroine every Inch a heroine, with as gallant a spirit as ever animated the heart of a soldier. And yet she la one of the gentlest and most lovable girls you ever saw. But wait!" I looked at the program and saw this: The Charge of the LJght 5. Recitation Brigade. Agnes Constance Farrell. cumiM-ueeuicn- Mit-tull- hard-work- semi-milita- ed ry y, The first four numbers of the program had been given, and then the principal of the school announced Miss Farrell. A young girl arose from the front row of seats and advanced gracefully to the front of the stage. Her manner was easy and but absolutely free from it was the manner of one conscious of her power, but too modest to make that consciousness ap parent. With a slight hut graceful bow to the audience, she began to speak: fair-hair- Reeled from the sabrr stroke. Shattered and sundered. Then they rode lack; but not Not the six hundred. The slight figure of the girl trembled with enthusiasm, her face glowed like that of one inspired and her marvelous voire, sweet, clear and resonant, cut the ulr like one of those flashing sabers. At the rinse of her recitation the audience, until then rapt Ip silent admiration, hurst Into a perfect storm of applause. I had never seen nor heard a more brilliant performance. Come," paid Darcy, "we can go now. That is what I wanted you to hoar. Wliat do yon think of her?" She in a wonderful girl." I answered, simply wonderful. What do you know about her? I am going to tell you," said Jack. It Is a very pretty little story of heroism, hut It came near being a tragedy. Agnes Farrell Is eighteen years old. I have known her for four years. She is oce of the brightest girls I ever saw. Her tastes are intellectual, and yet she la as far from being a 'bluestocking' as she could well lie. Few of you editorial 'know-all- s' are so in general literature, philosophy, natural history, science and astronomy as she .is. And yet she has her sail beat at the seashore, and few men can equal her in Its management. She swims like a fish and is as brave as bravery itself. In fact, she excels Iv all outdoor sports that girls indulge in, and enters into them with as much spirit as eke exhibited on the stage Just a moment she could regain it or could realize what it all meant, the nose of the Sprite bad thrust itself with tremendous force Into the Ariel and knocked her over like an Harold and his friend were thrown into the water, wldeh was quite deep at that place, and they disappeared beneath the surface like stones. Young egg-she- ll. Colston came up again almost immediately and was clinging u the sail cf the Ariel when Agnes had bruught her boat about end was preparing to give aid to her unfortunate antagonists. Harold was nowhere In sight. "The brave girl d'd not hesitate a second; she rightly supposed that the young fellow had become entangled in the rigg'ng of his boat, and if that were true, he would drown unless someone went to his rescue. Giving a few hurried directions to her sister, she threw off her hat and plunged Into the water where Harold had gone ed VJVsT.aI j BLOODHOUNDS GUARD TEXAS CONVICTS. on each of these farms. They sleep at y frame buildnight in a lung, ing, with iron bars at the windows. In one end of the building Is the kltch-m- . !.:n-of the Austin, Tex., eorre New York World: i:i no other state In the union are iiloodhomuls used so gone mlly sul ,. successfully to capture cscupe.1 r nvl.-t;, as in Texas. The system of di ..l!n; with con- FAT WOMEN. one-stor- The rest of tho structure is divided by a narrow hull, with lattice work walls. In this hall a guard with a loaded rifle is staikm.-d- . lie can keep his eyes on all the convicts, whether sleeping or eating, and his the men quiet aud orpresence kn-pAt night the men sleep on derly. bunks arrant.) d n round the wall of one of the rooms. The other room Is and is furnishtui.d ns a dining-rooed with plain tables anil benches. There convict farms are scleulihr-ail- y er.ltlvatid and arc regarded by Texas capitalists as good investments. The work Is mu Interrupted by holidays, cuntp meelinge or Sunday school picnics, and rain Is the only thing that will stop the plongha and hoes. Ilow to Crt Thin -- Ilet H Important Factor. A great many women, convinced that flesh Is inimical to beauty Is the "death'blow to grace," as an arbitrary critic puts it injure health In the endeavor to reduce weight, says the New York Tribune. They put themselves to swalgreat trouble and Inconvenience, remelow all sorts of preventives and dies In order to get thin nnd then stand aghast at tho spectacle of their wrinkled, flabby faces and throats, tha result of the falling away or flesh under tho elastic skin. As a matter of fact, a number of the notable women of the world, famous not only for their beauty, hut for the rarer charms of intellect nnd subtle fascination, women who have helped to make history and been a power in their day, were of distinctly genprous proportions. Cleopa-of tra, she whose "Ihflnite variety d charm and temper could win warriors to forget their ambiAntions, was small and stout. Marie though the of te was toine' plump order, tall kid of line bearing, and, to come down to the present day, view tho of the widowed Victoria, sovereign "united queendom; the Increasing proportions of Quean Margherita of Italy and the generous outlines of Queen Isabella of Spnln. It la worthy of note that most of the great interpreters of song are stout! or bordering on that condition, and there have been lights victs adopted by this i ircniunwcxlth makes the use of dj,:n (Gumst imperative, and the eonvic'r. wvli know the almost inevitable rsulL of an attempt to escape. There rre Myo pcri'.rnt'.nriea in Texas one ut Kumstille and the other at Rusk. Tin re are now mere than 4,'UiO renvii't.-- ciihrr at these lustitutinus or at some convict f.:roi In the wilds of !he It Is at theee convict farina that b.(in.l!i(;u;ul.-- i ore used not only to down, prevent the eanvl.ts frj:u running away, bin ul.-- tu rapture yicm after The accident had given young Colston so great a shock that no help they have lic.l. Fully 1.511) coining are hired uni could bo expected fjorn him Agnes must save Harold by her own exertions umhr Texas earn let coutruel system, or he must perish. She was cool and a system that tinkles the two penitentiaries to be and undaunted in spite of the trying situOpening Ike Olympic Onnim. ation in which she found herself, and accasloualy return a profit to the state. The crown prince, taking his Miami About 500 of the eouvietj are leased to surof a the note mental taking quick in the arena, facing the king, then m. and are used to roundings, she dived underneath the railruad companii keep the roadbeds in repair. Twice made a short speech, in which he water. are wnrhed on farms. In touched upon the origin of the enterPresently she reappeared, bearing that number lnslnnces the farmer hires a gang prise, and the obstacles surmounted Mine Ilaroldis unconscious form. Colsion In bringing It to fruition. Addressing was able by this time to come to her of men. paying the state a certain sum the king, he asked lilm to proclaim the More for work. their often monthly assistance, and together they got him the state and the fanner enter Into a opening of the Olympic games, and on the deck of the Sprite, and promptThe funner fujuisheg the king, rising, declared them opened. ago. ly began their efforts to restore him to partnership. a thrilling moment. ' Fifteen land and the implements, while It the But Iqt me tell you the story that I life. hundred and two years before the EmIalmr. In state furnishes the the any referred to. Her father has a cottage "They had a hard fight of it, but event, the slate Theodosius had suppressed the nnd feeds the peror guards on the they conquered at last, for Harold at a quiet little place down niea, and eaelt convict camp Is visited Olympic games, thinking, no doubt. coast, a place separated from the mainsoon opened his cyeB and smiled np inland by a broad, generally placid inlet, to the face of the gallant young girl where may be had delightful sailing who bad put his life in Jeopardy and and fishing. The family goes there evthen saved it by her heroic action. ery summer. Now," added Darcy, you know why "I spent three weeks there last seaI admire that young girl so much. son, and it was during that time tha This story has never been told before the incident happened of which I am to anyone but the friends of the two going to tell you. families, and I tell It to you now, QuelA family by the name of Graham ton, with the distinct understanding has a cottage near the Farrell's, one that you do not tell It with the true member of which Is a boy about Agnes names of the parties." Ilia name is Harold. He is a To my renders I will say that I age. great sailor, too, and his boat, the could not resist the temptation to. reAriel, id almost as well known for its late the Incident, but I have kept faith achievements as Agnes Sprite. In fact, with Darcy I have not given you the there has always been a sort of good-natur- real names. rivalry between them, for while Agr.cs and Harold are warm A Laundry Srliual. friends, they would never agree on the This the way we wash our is relative speed and other qualities of clothes," In a familiar phrase in the their two boats. No actual test had ever been made, playground and the nursery; It has now nnew and very practical meaning for ?er they did not care to have a regular race; they rather shrunk from the the little girls attending board schools Publicity that a race would give them. in London. Laundry cIsescs, at which But one day in July an opportunity they may acquire at least one useful occurred that neither felt disposed to accomplishment, have been established decline, and so they at last matched in various parts of the metropolis, and according to the annual report of the their little crafts against each other. It happened more by accident than school management committee, have Durtailgn. Harold had gone out early in proved thoroughly satisfactory. ing the year they ere attended by Uiq morning for a sail around the Inlet, taking with him only one of his 12,262 aspirants to proficiency in the friends, Sam Colston. Two hours later art of cleansing and beautifying artiAgnes took her boat out, with her cles of every day wear. There are now seventy-onpermanent laundry cenyounger sister, Bertha, as her companion. This was nothing unusual, for ters, and two others are building. Each class-roowith Agnes Is so good a sailor that no one schorl consists of one for fourteen accommodations children, ever thought of forbidding her to go and is fitted with desks and seats, even alone, if she so desired. The girls had not been out long thirteen washtubs and ironing tables, when they saw Harolds boat Just turn- a copper and a sink. The whole work is under the superintendence of Miss n ing the point of a pretty green, BLOODHOUNDS RUN A CRIMINAL TO EA RTII. island on the western side of Lord and Miss Jones. At present there instrucin the of a is was a brisk supply deficiency There wind the inlet. from the south, and the Ariel was feel- tresses and a number are being trained it frequent intervals by an inspector, that in abolishing this hated survival in the literary world decidedly fat, The who ing its full force as she rounded the under the former's supervision. reports the condition to the state of paganism he was furthering the whether tall of stature or the reverse. Island and turned her prow toward the salary of the superintendents comcause of progress; and here was t George Sand was fat anti email, and Miron board. Christian monarch, amid the applause likewise Mme. De Stael. Fashions voThese convict farms are usually north, where the broad unbroken body mence at $750 per year, and riseB to $1,000, with a small addition for travelof water stretched out before her. in unsettled regions, in order of an assemblage composed almost ex- taries will doubtless continue to strive "It happened that Agnes' boat was ing expenses. Instructresses 'salaries that the prisoners may be Isolated clusively of Christians, announcing tho after the slenderness which seems so headed In the same direction, and as rise to $350. (ram honest labor and incentives to formal annulment of the Imperial de- desirable. For those willing to sacrirun away. One guard Is assigned to cree; while a few feet away stood the fice the promptings of appetite for the they were now fairly abreast of each other, though still some distance apart, Too Numemua to Mention. (very eight men, aud, rifle In hand, re- archbishop of Athens, and 1ere l)ldon, desired aim an authority recommends near them while they are at the rrlebrated Dominican preacher, that they should regulate their days as mains the conditions for a trial of speed were Did you ever notice that almost all almost irresistible. In fact, they were these misers reported In the papers are work. Should one of his charges run who, in his Easter sermon In the Cath- follows: A tumblerful of hot water sway nc- excuse Is accepted front the olic cathedral the day before, bad paid must be taken on waking in the mornirresistible, for Harold presently stood single men? asked Mr. Watts. of Ariel and an eloquent tribute to pagan Greece. ing. Rise early and have a tepid bath, and stern the waved in the up "Yes," answered Mrs. Watts, mar- guard. He is at once discharged his handkerchief in a challenging manried misers are too numerous to be Worts are made to catch the runaway, When the king had resumed hie seat with vigorous rubbing afterward with ner at the young sailor of the Sprite. the Olympic ode, written for the oc- a flesh brush. Avoid drinking at meals lllowlhininds for tho Trail. worth mentioning. There is a pack of bloodhounds at casion by the Greek composer Samara, and have only three meals a day. Take Agnes could not stand that, and she lost not a second's tijne in waving defitech of these convict farms. These was sung by a chorus of one hundred one small cup of tea at breakfast, some Whn He Looked at the Hill. boiled flah or a email cutance at the Ariel. logs, trained from puppyhood to look and fifty voices. Once before music dry toast, Tic I vUh I had been Noah. or a little freuh Why, Agnes,' said her sister in Upon man as a natural enemy, are had been associated with the revival of let and a baked apple She Why? should be at which to At race 'are dinner, fruit. you with going with The become to allowed the Olympic games. lever surprise, Olympic famjliar He I'll bet no seal wou'-- l have been Harold Graham? Oh, but I'm glad! I man hut their keeper, who Is Games of 1896, by Baron Pierre de midday, take white fish or meat, dry Iny allowed to hoard the ark. Cleveland known as the know we'll beat him! When Couhertin. In the November Century.1 toast or stale bread, vegetables and dog sergeant. " 'I am going to try, at any rate,' an- Leader. the convicts are at work in the Helds fruit, either fresh or slewed. For supFamine llrrail. swered Agnes, 'and settle, once for all, per, toast, salad, fruit and six ounces the dogs are always und r leash near In times of famine bread has beei of wine or water. Hot water with lemPOPULAR SCIENCE. which is the faster boat, or which is the When in the of their care trainer. y woo l bran and husks of on Juice In It is good for supper. better sailor, as you please.' a convict attempts to escape four or baked from wood bread Is made by se- corn. The we that the five dogs are released and put on the Generally speaking, say race was And so the on at last Circumstances seemed to curvature of the earth amounts to trail, while the trainer and guards follerting the sawdust of the least resAnd Rhe Only Shivered. inous wood the beech, for example have brought it, and nqw that it was about seven Indies to the statute mile; low them as closely as possible. Park policeman to the Knelpplst, here neither of the contestants cared to it is exactly 6.99 Inches, or 7.9C2 Inches in the dew: As a rule, convicts attempt to and washing It with water to remove Wading matter. It is then dried avoid it; both were confident of victory. for a geographical mile. madam! Is It is it escape during the late summer, when any soluble Hornin', Lightning Is xigzag because, as it the corn is high enough to offer a hid- in an oven and reduced to fine powder. It was a beautiful gjght. The dark-blu- e Cool enough for your1 water was flecked all over ita sur- condenses the air in the Immediate ad- ing place, or when working in a re- With the addition of a little flour, some Chicago Tribuna. face with little foam-cap- s that were vance of its path It flies from side to cently cleared field that Is surrounded yeast and water, it forms a dough raised by the sweet south wind. For side in order to pass where there is the by brush and underwood that will offer which, when baked, constitutes a bread CLASS AND CLASS MAKINO. more than a mile toward the north the least resistance to its progress. security from the rifle of the guard. resembling in appearance and taste our no bread. Scientists no ever obstruction of course extended, with say that negro has At such times when a convict can hide ordinary brown Flexible glass was known In Persia any kind, not even a fishermans boat tamed an elephant or any wild animal, himself by a short run, the temptation In 1610. being In view. On each side of them though negroes frequently perform to make a dash for liberty is too Heller Raid Differently. Strass Invented the glass that bean n with wild animals after they have been strong to resist, and the convict runs were little Islands with their his name In 1760. and the friends "My banks reaching clear down to cowed into submission by white men. away. Within a few minutes the dogs The revival of glass making at VendeSnow appears white because it Is an are on his trail, and his capture Is orator shouted, as he pounded the the waters edge, thus looking like big ice occurred in 1838. our the fenceless friends, enemy, air, emeralds that had been dropped upon aggregation of an infinite number of urually a matter only of a fpw hours. Thevart discovered the art of castboasted that they can elect a yelthe sapphire bosom of the inlet. And minute crystals, each reflecting all the Negro convicts attempt to escape have us Let low this year. plate glass in 1666. ing got together, dog over all was the glorious light of a colors of the rainbow; these colors, much more frequently than white men, to Window the wheel our shoulders and glass was manufactured at sky, touching every- uniting before they reach the eye, ratine but their attempts arc rarely succs's-fu- l. put th'-cloudless, sun-l- it we in 1808. can as elect that show la., Pittsburg, just to white it to appear every normal eye. thing with beauty and beaming life. U can. is a That is they Experiments In glass making wera A sun dial made for London would be When the hounds are released and yellow dug Over such a course sped the two " in New York in 1872. instituted r say follow or for either Paris their useless on quartheir the trail they Edinburgh. put prows cutting the pretty boats, the in lost vneiferoits A flint wad The reft glass manufactory was estabwater and sending the spray back The altitude of the pole star varies ry rapidly, nnd the keeper Is compellthe at of Sandwich, Mods., In 1825. lished He Indianapolis patriots. them. Is applause and hence with well with keels to latitude, the ed their up greater glistening keep along 1747 Connecticut In Journal. Is granted to Thomconvict and when now less Paris the at than at knows well that The boats had approached at Edinburgh, as Darling the exclusive right to'make within talking distance of each other, London; and as the stylus must always run to bay the dogs would make short glnss in the colony. anil earh young sailor was bantering point to the polar star, the angle it work of him unless he Is there to call Ijimlnnlr'a Inin Crown. Plate glass windows lor coaches were must vary them off. Negroes when attempting to The Iron crown of Ininibardy takes the o' her, but all the while intent upon makes with .the sevIn at the duke of Buckingham's and made of net rare. And latitude. with the concert, as the fact within that thd the from name usually escape the progress they Its Dr. Burton Want, according to the eral start at once. They walk In gold elrelet Is a strip of iron, supposed works. London. In 1673. talked they steered closer and closer and resort to lo be ninde of one of the nails of tho Flexible glass was reinvented, in to each other, until finally the two Medical Age, declares that there "is streams, swim rivr off the In 1620, but the art was again the to throw infallible France been one have was covered with with other dogs crowned tricks Indicating symptom cross. Nnpnleon (oats might whether one Is sane or not Let a per- scent; but these tartlcs rarely nvntl. this symbol at his coronation as Kltg lost with the death of the inventor. one big sheet. Flint glass was rediscovered by the Krnlizlng the danger of sailing so son speak ever so rationally and act for the dogs arc put on the trail too of Italy. close togetber. Harold said that he ever so sedately, if his or her thumbs soon after the escape to let the runEnglish in 1615. In the same year coal far. would sheer olf toward the west, wsrn-in- g remain inactive there is no doubt of away Evrn polities do not affect public in- was substituted by Sir Robert Man-- : g. use Lunatics make seldom movement intended of his in the Addlcks drama. Boston sell Instead of wood aa fuel in insanity. terest A Trsa Convict Farm, Agnes i She turned quickly, looked toward him, of their thumbs when writing, drawing ftom 80 to 100 convicts are werbsd Globe lust her grip cf the tiller, and before or saluting. well-inform- ed stern-hearte- ed reed-grow- d long-deferr- ed FORM. f a league, half a league, f a league onward! In the valley of Death ode the six hundred, , ward the Light Brigade rge for the guns! he said; the valley of Death ode the six hundred! the spirited y and distinctly Vll from those young lips, ,md was fifth lino of the stanza the house through rung they . notes of Cardigan's bugle, as Unred that famous charge. 'He sr- in self of consciousness ,er part, fired with the aglorious to height f the llns. she rose and held ory almost sublime, the spell of lienee bound under er heard anyfilr.g finer iissioned utterance of the nf the Immortal poem: their sabirs bare, In air, they turned e gunr.ers there, Idle n army. wondered! he battery smoke. broke; ,gh the line they iuJ Russian reed-grow- fellow-patriot- dl&I-pla- s. te si (lass-makin- |