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Show THE I Till XdBI.IAt.B PAI'KII. Jvr la a Ur pblillnhnl vl i'uriluiiil. rr live hull of taHIm end Krntlrtonn Publlhbsd Wtrklr. rr1 mlrrlM-wi-ii- t is needy er wwi ton Itfr mrtnir-- . the mux il end prinU-il- . end be the epn emnce f BY end ibaniunbly rnlUitU. The eilviTlInemeiiU ere deerripllune f ledire end SMITH. SMITH 4 Konlleiuon of ell enee. enmt ellh tame weene sitdMune wilhuut -l- eeryent, beiikem. tredeenir n in left, nil ctaiwe ere icpreeMifnL Knttrti at ptsteflet, American Fort fenwr mule ov rorrp Men nood matches r trantmittitn tknugk lit mnil at pnnttauee, very erd tbte method U wen why any paid tend etau mattar. pnpuler. there never . letly fimentlemen should e.lt. well, well fur elixui lo merry, thue mute lo Ibt! rfffht person SO Ytur Oat Advatut fl best yrer (d ih(r livee. endlh'e weetluythe r 1 Mftaths In deidKikd lo elioer lindof uepi-30 enlllnif. Itoedere deeirintf eorreepundenle een Thee JTmAi eie oopy. securely Mnipped, by neudinyreri-Inn-IU sent In silver loTbe imago jjimiI, WORLD. A On-fpi- r )ni'nu tit BEFORE in U..M n ou vf qixMM (4 u V . V. a-- . will bo held in A meeting of school trustees Dec. 99 at 10180 a. room I, county court house on ui. The school law and school revenues will .be among the topics discussed. Undoubtedly there will be a large Attendance of trustee. Best's gallery U now In town. y t . u Tbrfnid lady rltrlit when ahe aaid tbe child might die If they walled tie aaved the for the doctor. little oneVJIlte with a few donaca of One Min nte Cough Cure. Hbo baei used It for Tbos. Stbklk & croap before. - . oac door north of Danklcya atura tor millinery. No old goodi In toot , To core all iijd ftirre. to heal an In dnlant nleer, or to speedily enre plies yon need simply apply Do Witts Witch llazrl Salve according to directions action uod will anrprlae Ite maulc-llk- e Tbos. STmiftOo. you- - TbsR. G. W. Ry. Co. will sell ronnd the third cause referred to that concern ua most just now. At our late institute Prof. Rrinihall very aptly remarked tttat a small bo the will accomplish much more for himself line of good training and discipline by' chopping It Nabbing, and not Irritating at rrngtben inf, and not weakenlhg. email hat are the' qnilltlea of Da Witt's Little E irly Risers, the famoua little pills. THOS BTXBU & Co. Scaly eraptlnne nn the bled, chipped lieode and lips, rati, brnUoe, scalds, I urns am quickly cured by De Witt's witch iJsicl Salve. "It U at present the Article tucst used for pi lev, and it & Co Care Coanmption, , tbi Gbxat . Chib 1ST ABU 8CIBMT1ST, OrrZHH TO BXMP TO THK rBMC. AVVLUTID, TliKKE BoTTLEa OF BU KEW-LD16C0YFBED BXMED-1E- B TO CUBE COX' BCMITIOM AXD ALL LCXB TBOUB . . LIS. Ko thing could be fairer, more pbllsn ihropiCtOr carry more Joy In lie wake uien the off vr. of T. A.blocum, M. Cof U Floe street, New York City. Crnfldcni that he has discovered ao absolute enr for consumption and all poluioiiLry complaint and Id make its great merits known, lie will leiid.free, three bottles (the Slocum newiyutem of medicines) to any reader of The Wtrld ' who le Buffering from ebeet, throat aod hint trouble or consomptiob. lta invitee those desirous of obtsin log the reniodlea to dimply send him iLelr express and posttftlile addnas, and ricelvo In retarn tbi three tret but' tie. Already this "new scientific tourw ' ot nieiciiie baa permanently rortd tbonsands of apparvotiy - hrpsirss case. ' lie ctneldera It lib religions drily r inch a he ewes (o humanity ti donate bu inrallibl cure, Offered freely, upsrt from its inherent strength, la enough to eon. in and It, aim more so la the perfect eoulldencc, oi the great chemist making the offer. lie baa proved consumption to be a cnrabls disease beyond any doubt. Thera will b no mistake In tending the mUtska will be In overlooking the Doctors generous Invitation, lit hut oufllo la hut American and European laboratorlM thousands of testimonials ofexperleoeafrnm I best rated, lo all tiarts of the world. are dangeroQs: mall your ad dliiy lo-- STEELE . 1 Di-luy-a dress to T. A. Bluciim, M. Q., . 98 hue rtrei t. New York, and whin writing the Doctor, pleeie mention reading vhla article In the Amcrlcah Fork World. ILeUngbtofUfemaj be Increased by lessening Ita danger. The major!-l- y of P'ope dlg from lung trouble may be Bvertcd by promptly using One kinn'.s Cough C ure. Taos. nizu&OO - EJP-A.IR- . fi . It is generally conceded that the1' eohovls of a resells' in Spellseveral cause1 arc There this ing. Why, change? few pears ago produced excellent In the first place, ' the' curriculum ha; been eo extended a to include more Irdnches of study than Were formerly taught. AsAreiultthe spell- ing match has not a fixed plao program. In fact oral spelling itself in the grammar grades ha been largely rekgated to the past. It has become secondary in importance in the minds of most teachers, and ha been forced aside for occasional written exercise. The written work has not furnished sufficient drill on word forms and it wannest advocates have been disappointed in the result produced. Neither method alone will suit our present purposes; both most be employed. A careful observation has led ua to believe that at least five minutes daily should be given each grammar grade for lively And systematic drill in oral spelling. The energetic teacher can Ari 'exercise. accomplish much in a occasional spelling matoli will not taharmful. i u c on.-th-e. five-minu- te tj Ldadvills, Denver, Colorado Springs and No Change of Cars, snd Finest scenery elegant Equipment e. biej-cl- Throngh Sleeping cars. your ticket agent tor tickets via this Colei -- do Mldlan I. Trains leave and arrive ut R. G W. Depot O, A. BROWN, Genl Agt ihll Lake City. ALk VT. Come and see our All kinds of fresh and salt meals. Denver Cull and sec ua We are Here to Please - - - ERICAS FORK, UTAH STSSET. Aw HARLUNGTOS Tina. . CO. i 00. . Colo. MEftT MARKET, wheels I F. Bailey, G. 7. A. b.nver W.HSIEEi NO I STEELE Through Free Cluur Cars From Ogden am' Salt Laks City late points. EXTRA TIRES ETC. I? EAST. n termed 0 for anywhere else and better, than you can get an' were else for the same money AM Rio Grande & Railway, Scenic Line of the Work Tram No. 8 leaves American Fora at n, arrive at Pueblo at 6:10 a m, Colorado Htnriug 7 :51 a m, Denver 10 :30 a m, Cripple Creek 9:50 a m. Train No. 4 leaves American Fork ' (stops on signal) at 8:B5 p m arrive at All Kinds ot musical Ebivt xrEic s efecialt instbumentsIin, stock, Pneolo 5 :27 p m, Colorado 8pring 6 :53 p in, Denver 0 :25 p m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado riprinc and Denver with all Tinea east Elegant day coaches, chair cars, and Pullman Sleepers on all tr&ion Take the D. & R. CF and have a Cctaifbrtable: trip and enjoy the finut scenery on the continent. Train leaving American Fork at 9v03 ALL KIND3 IN GREAT YARIBTE a m arrives at Cripple Creek neat mornPICTCRK3, BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC. ing t 9:50. N. B. Wc do select one day in the year to give away A. 8. II co Has, 8. K. IIoorEit, G. P. & T. A. Traffic mgr., We prizes. .. give pi'i2cs from our 25 and 50 cent "oun-ter- s Denver, Colo., Denver, Colo B. 7, Ninas. H, M. Cuihiko, Genl Agt Trav, Pas. Agt 8alt Laos citv, Utah. 9 tfa a afcTTSlC Fine Stok of Toys Silverware Glassware ciunaward and eroekeryware not . everyday. 1000 Prizs Ghivn Away This ITeaf GJ. SHORES DOCTOR OMPLETE ATARRH URE. In title of the grammar dt partments of oftr county a student submitted this question to thfc lwet-eccd- POINTS The Only Line Kunning COS. & - school for solution. Which up cared on ' earth ' It is needless to ? first, the tact or the eay that the teacher deferred 'ariawerihg "Until a later day. Will some one kindly furnish ns with the correct solution? , AND ALL pay $100 omlr posts then by bcing in a grade where the My prices are with the times. A fit or no Py. Consultation free. Teeth extracted without pain. Office Dor ton, i Block, Lcbl, ' Dr. Merrihew. t aa good a wheel as you will i work is so difficult a to keep him in a constant mist or haze. We wonder if jrpnt who ask that 'ifieir children be promoted against the recommendation of the teacher have hesitated sufficiently long to give thoUghtfuL consideration to the matter. A parent who make a request of this kind must question either the tezoher's honesty or his judgment. Granting, for the sake of argument, that the tcaohbr Mr! 1. ha done some thing in hi business dealing that hare caused soma people to think that Ibis conscience is no always on the alert, can you think of any benefit he would derive by refuning to promote a pupil who is qualified? On the other baud, if hi wisdom in some affairs has not elicited the warmest praise, i lie not tatter prepared to judge of the scholarship of pupils with whom he latars daily than person who may have superior judgment in some matters but who have riot given careful study and observation to the classroom work of their children or to the requirements for promotion t There should be a more intimate acquaiutance between tearfier and parent; tcachefs should know more of the home life and parents more of the school life. Many unpleasant differences might then be avoided. - $25:00 Saved OSlly going y. The old way of delivering messages by poet bnye compared with the 'modern telephone Illustrates the old. methods of breaking1' rolda ccmpared with their almost Inatantaneona enre ny One jllnnte Cough Care Tuos. Stxxlx & Co Pbixcifal. INSTRUCTOR.- IN BASEMENT Of 6 BANT HOTEL. 1 Tbo9.8tulb J. E. 1NQERSOLL We Have i holidays. T. A. Slocum, M. C, ' and getting 'youi The first twd are so palpably wrong a to wd but little oomincfit. An indifferent teacher deserves removal as soon a he i indentified. An ambition of the kind mentioned is evidence of dishon-estSuch a teacher would have pupil appear to bo more than they are. lie laying for hi pufoundation a sure for superficiality, and pospil sibly a life or failure trtptloaati to all piluts on their lines at oua fare for Zmaa. sod New Yeara ulwajs enree them. strictly in aivsaei JOHN M. THORNTON, to Denver, Colorado Springs Cripple Creek; Vietor LeadviUe Aspen Glenwood springs and $4.00per Month, -- faHhlonab! I The Short Line Common Course find a school There are several cause for this evil among which might be named: (a) an indifference on the part of the teauher who promote; (b) an undue ambition to have pupi give outward evidence of advancement; (e) a desire on the part of some parents to have their children promoted song with their paymates, regardless of their nciiolarahip or attendance- , at the'. Elite Millinery Parlora Monday, NOV. OTiT, 1800. Tuition Advanced Course, $5.00 per month, I Beck, Prop I re-op- en r in the county, or elsewhere for that matter, in which every pupi is well (juufied for the grade of which , This statement may appear too . )ie i a member. general in its nature to harmonise with the views, of Hoiiie. Nevertheless, a careful 'observation will, in our opinion, verify it. In some school i neutauy such pupil are found. No argument can accomplish most, cessary to prove that a pupil fur himself in a gride for which he is fitted botli by previous training and by mental capacity ia Cell , It woud perhaps baditKiu;tto Absosutely purs,. perfectly bdrlnless and Invarlbly reliable ere the qnalltle in One Itianle Coupii Caro. It n.vr .11 In colds, eroop end long troablea. Chlllren Ilka It beeanaa It la pleasant to take and It belpa them, Titos. 8tulx & Co. i 9 until COLLEGE COUORADO MIDLAND RY- - Will wjll while away a few of tlieir leisilrt) moment in the , ex Aniination on Doc. 98 and 29. The examination will begin promptly at 10 a. m.. ,on Monday ,, wf bo None of the back per cents or ccrtiflcitc v tenewed , lroiti 25CIS,, .35cu, BUSINESS About fifty of tic county teacher XU7.ABKTH C. Jay tiino Beck's is ths Best. BECK'S HOI Springs American Fort the public schools. i BATHING in the - Ur. esed. HOT SPRINGS llei II vrr. VI.w iirt-ui- A GREAT CIIANCI TO MAKK MONEY , uf k e'l tbehonwetdlmpbleu.7. riUKKicii kid: Ml OfNl tlM MPlliiry on nliliil lU lUUMlttlll ml AFTER ii ftf A fo taA, rww ra awM w eu'lerer et ftNilauUcme1 'mw i wtwkorjrau tv hrreuw ninety wer cent eiw tmuMed with In tf iNriim n iem 4y lue'irewiiluMitfeiiopMHUiiii FewMeiiti. TH'):.vtl.th(lyHf luuuiMUlwoni- . IB u an.tur- -t r. fuenuii-a hi.ve doe nut aOacl e periueiwuvcur A if. ,lua kttjWehff.si ! i tOi.br neul. VMidrvrut dn .hrudlniiiai.k Addnwl It A VOL btUll'IX K Id, P. a Bux StfS, hen FraitisLO. Chi Ik, Bait ty ROBERTS MOTHER AMERICAN FO' K, CtJb. v (ii I want to tell jya of my wctderful success. Beiof a pour girl and need Inf money badly, I tried tbs IMub Wither busIneM and have cleired 300 every month.. It Union money than I everbad before amt I can't help tailing yon about It, for I believe any peraon Ban do at well aa 1 have If they only I it. Dish Washer aell at saight: ovary ladr waota ooe. The Moaod City DUh Waalia r Co 8t. Louie Mo., will plva you all naoeaary Inatanf-tl"-" ao on ean begin work at unco. The Dish Washer dors splendid work: jnu ean wash anb dry uia dUhea In twu or time ulnutea without putting y:mr handb in the waiter at all. Try this bnatneeaand let na know how yon one RESTOREDSSS MANKOQD iir DOTH LOCAL AN Ik past i nay ISTE1UTA Wines Tie Mir ita ranteed to ekeetate rare ciUrrtftmadj end wiapletrir eradicato II dtaeeae tram 11m bleed aad Syeteei. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, IBe. Liquors Cigars sc Ec. FINK LINK Off BBANDLE8 ALWAYS ()X IIAXD. Cecb fe" flit reckere eeMelei one fuB erallt lecel neintet, uee ft . aoete'e eaprr cf Cetenb STECIALTY CIGABS "TBI SILVEB CLCB AND Keellrf Balei eel tell MUk'l euppty at Cetetlb, Stood end 'iMaeet PIIH. It yvt keee Ce'errti. Arthae, Pnwchllta Mn GOOD POST WIN FOn ffiSTLY Fever or eny coeipkceied iffKttoa of Uto Smma bioacklel tat re er kmp. Dueler Sborae 'rre-- n Ceierrt Care will lve taitaat rritof end ritoeUntj aed reneeeently care jroti. If tbe kowele are eefiettpated take eee of Dr. G. W. Stone Pins et todllna. If van OlE&ICAN ffOBX Iroukto Is dnonlc aad dtepieeted, write Dr. G. W. Skem panoaeNy for kle new ijraiptoa Dei aad brae top row ceie disfnoecd aed tspen advice free. Dr. Q. Shores' Teels and Bleed Btrlln t eereee aad puirtlrt the Mood. lvaa emaaife aad sad a aerveue dtoaeaeai rient, nrea Pr.iS, t' per hatatle Dr. U. W 5heree' Kldaip and Liver Cm Md ' iktea ell dleossce of Ike Udaerh Fit. e, SI per kettle. Dr. 0. W. iShare CeatkCareranaae tola atop rn!.:i e3d btuacb'el aSecttoei. One epaernllc coop. Keep tattle la tfcekuoM Larpi ce im ff AXILY ORDEB3 A BPKCIALTX "THI U fLCBXTTK." C8. TWENTY FIVE CENTS PEB QUASI Billiard and Pool room in Connection, UTAH 9. fyr(U ' de i;. ie tattle Ske-e- e Meoetela fapOtl Dr. O. . vent Mia la ere Bla He. For headache. It sennit f craeipe or elk eee H ee'ena m aad to temaU-- . Bead Ip Prevent art con diphtheria , -- Keep a KiJ l.r odv. Fries, Sic a hoMe. Dr. G. w. S.ieree Pepela Varaltofa datoitoee taieeOnal vorns ead reanvee the Hide mat when they atch asd breed, h eevar fe.'ta. J a Ur. U. W. Shwree Wlatarfrera Safva e ilaeasee of the ekta. Reawvae led epota eat Btaple fiwe Jn fact. Heals eUeorae la Price, H a boa Dr. O W. SberM AatVCetoatlpatlea came tUtwi'' Mtleaihia. lick heederhs end k e. h. Jel eia". I (r V-- .1 .. . i ,.. l i f- ,.ieK I V.' - ' L I 'tCO; MANUFACTURERS OF r kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work. Hat Mine work a air Furnace. specialty. Repairing All ; BROS' done on client notice. American Fork . utak |