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Show I. Our new lawyer. C. WORLD.' THE tnv ;i' .In Kit'i? Vori .i ot Dunkl rived and eau lit found one door east of the P. 0. Xn Explanation. Urn. A. lion Millar the tick Mn. Thcs. Ciooksloii INI . aultle vires' e a nes We bed of two of our to wait three days type tetters. for the iron foundry 10 make a new n1:a for quite carting to take me plate of the broken one. la v. ry if. L. Cblpmau ir.K bjtu several days. Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Wu. Hnndy, a girl. 111. 1a-M- d - Cant He . Vi Mi billed Kljer" these. CM res i'tiih r Ike - - W-F- . iflit-l- , w certif-icatt-- ar-!ve- AYERSPILLS - Ay.-r'- - r tuiiP-re- fr-i- , . . t .. 1 The Elite Millinery Pirlora are, sell lngguuls 20 pr cent cheap-i- r tlun any oneele In town. Call aud see for y. rioir. O is door north uf Dnnkley'a store. Tlie w.re of M;. b. itoblowia a prom-nenlumherman of H.'.rtwi:k, N. Y five was iek with rhemnatiam tor mr uthe- - In at takii g of Jt, Iloblosnn Chamberlain lJain Balm is the sal.! . only thing that gave her any reel from pain For the relief of pain It cannot he bea. Many very bad cases of rliMimaiiain have iieeu cured by it. For Thus, an le b. 50 ei;nis per bottle by Steele & flint - L IOlKlIp-lf1- :m III Wi-r- ilM MU t liv tuitiofar-tiir- tin1 y v'u-1.- 1 v - yi-r- - rrMon-d- . Iill. ami In .Itli iin.vkty niMr.-I had m nil t'. lr i.iim. iil wrw . nii'l I wv'ii n .i j . : i - i tir?d that tnsrly 1y pr.M-r.li-- lin.l Co. 'l 1 1... ! OU. rhihlrmi :i If I in iki-- wit1' II. ivinj tl . imr.-nt-'- WxilATKIN, ut with Ayor's 1'ill. ..''ri :!' il .n J. C. AYKK Priea $1 ; ate r uf III. AVER'S PILLS ia 6 H vs C2 c 2 u t'd Lowoll, Kaaa St hauls. Wank b: a bottle. S curcJ. One Minute Cough Cure. - 'r- - That la what il war ftuckicn'a Arnica Salve. Wl:en most uerded it is not nnnsnal Th0 for vour family plielef-- i tJ be sway thk uxst siLVf iu Hid wcilcl for from Lome, Socli was ills experience Cute, Lruiai'V. Bores, I leers. Ball of Mr. J. Y. Sitic.icli Mltror the Cad. j , ir-Teltar, Cliapped Through HJe I Hheuui, Fever do Ind, Ter,. Bduiier when hla and all Skin Corn?', Chilblalm, Hands, wne t.hrei?iid sga gill, fwoyeara of Car lie Eruptloua. :md porttivs- - cares Piles, with e severe nt lack of croup, my:: My wife inaisted tiiat I go for or no pay required. IL is gu.irantecd the ilocliir.hnt as our fsimlly physician to give ferfect a it'afuiilo i or nmney Line wtHO itiif U'wa 1 punhseml a brttla box. 23 e.m ier lricn of fhaoiherinin Cough Hrui'dy wbleli refunded, Co. lak'AL Till k Cauii In iffact Aug. 18, KWo relieved her immediately. 1 will not- be FOR balk iw Thoinns Steels aitlmut It in the future. 25 and 50 doing Norm Going Jju.a .cut hoitles for sale by Thus. Steele &l - 1 - KraiJuw Co. Major C T. Pirion la manager, of the Stite Hotel, at Uenimn. Taaa. which . OT 'thutravi:Uiigin?n as isnicof thebeat is'.ela in tlie aeclinn. In speaking ofVJ I -a Ch.imni rla.a O.lic, Ciwlrra and "I ton IV aaya: Major ltraiedy liavi lhsii it mvwif uad in my family In or sev enl year- - and take so Infallible laying tint 1 s.id iljHfi.terjr. 1 euro f 'il diarrho-.':always reconimend It, and' hare Two mv guevla iidiiiinieteietl It in the hotel. Bfi.1 in e' ery ewe II baa wnrttiy of unqiiiilid pri'yii Deelf Km sale ny Tmu. Steele & Days L. fv J orkfi U Ck I I I You leurv 3LLskftln r. Ojdon or evnilng u- - - Agt-ut.-- dentist Amcricin Fork, Haw FOR GOOD PRINTING - ..ivc 8:2Sitn l'l.uwunl SUNpiti S:Uteni 4:KSpui Inivo 7:ilui TriliibHomh-.- T' mul. Hiihi.m - J f lu! iiiuii Klinm-- . I. run ilm.; t llu.-- Sundsy lo I hinoro n".i-m-- liui.r.grd Tiiunsl ch.ir our. asih Pisrsvc ufi aiet-po- r rr Dln-.n- u Tu-ac- Route the tlio farm w:h rouiii.g due, I ciiw 'hriM;'.'i A Svocale wlu-'- Mis A.' M. FiHzuf Station A. S. Lnnis, Mo; woi Id send a sample coupiunt'na dipend J or per fur 18 two ceut slum,1 sew the dipper eoul.1 lie ay d mta fruit jh" filler; s plain dipper a fliae strainer; n fnucei: a strainer fnnnel. a sick ro.ii!i warming psnaid a Kg.Wjtn 7: ITpin V:?Jnui break-ssMueiMKhrit and after niin tbs Niinptiioir diii nv Tl.. oiilj In to rug kh.ih-j-iv:s f Ijs UINTA FE (mint KAr on tlie thirl I) k mKI.KY, ften. A?obI Puwicngrr Itept Offlot-- i HI Main hi , halt Lteke U4iy mnrnl g, you Hr'lvn in LllJ t Clilcsii or Si. Lou I S. H. II. CbAHK in.ivKH w Mink, III l't ui'md til K. Kl.I.KItV ANnSHHoW, uuHt'in ni! eOnri?-- t w.tli John iv Doabs, nil fast tiulus tor the Khkiihk:s K. CoMinht Krailmf Kshl. Suns one lias Mid recently that the irsck of Mis ATUHLSON, TOPLKA SANTA FK railroad was n -- urii perfbpt condillon that the loiur distance run I ou the of (lie Flyer ARTIST :i:i t WATCH UAKER. TONnOhlVL could NuYo.lr Central tw rqusiel if not exceed cl, ny ' its rvigniP.'jenr, rf year he hour tint oil boy wurkul flriliog the Perfection Metal to . lip Lnnipwlck. I ordered a simple slid I week firs th? work AnA.vni in clow?- f 10 the second week I cleared I QhipaffO trains . D. KESlVOKTHYi J. week . 1 515. expedi ti run up to $25 Geii-re- l in the near. future, as ri v i'arfectiun K. WARHKN. irav. Fgt. Mst-i- i and IVs. Agl. Room 411 Tip Lii:;wF'. n.ae? sueli a Dooly Block, ochullful whits light und does sway. , Suit Luke Ilf with spukry qhimneys enl hid idor f fj. LOUIS and eaves o'.l, lti?sny to ..ell: If ym wish to try il send 13 Ism caul stumps Mils A. M. Fritz, Btst ion A. S; Louis , Mil., sn,: eiie wiil srnd you ennipls out DR. A. CRIrJIiiX5F.S, tisse money dt Ibis in djfook wiy-tround home. . Miss Tina W. th. Upper Saved the Farm Fatncr was sick and the mrlgage oa In S.aipin S:awm S:IHpin oH-rtln- SantaFe made $U23 the fan :3un :nm Jaiwt l v.iKUni j- Lost Via I saw in yt.ur paper that a la-h- V. Clljr I- ly MARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. , ale I Ui-b- l-- Subscribe for (he World. 1 Sa't - mnl Tlqjirt AgBl K.l, r.OVAX. !rn.. U. IiIlKINON. Ngr , Oiuuti, Neliraoki Only Co. II Vi up Ib-ii- I Mikim Sriqan 1 3am T:inpm . I Dla-rrtni- i ( Kn 5 CQ 09 Ciuva Wile, Scald. Hare lo-- r Willi my .5 V fe rt ca V iiidv linvine a sinsln tnlliin Sttii- k that .1'ii man-mliiw ii. '''id en M.1' wifito nso invsli.l for year, rt-- . fiiis, r?ti!ts, and New Years J:. Xmas Excursion. At 1.45 p- m. Inst Sunday, Mrs. Gardner Sr., pas-c- d peacefully eway to her everlastiog test. She had been lek only a short time but the infirmities of oil eg c bad cropped ou ur.il at last lh?y held the upper baud . Tbs funeral smvIcph were held ut the meeting house on Tuesday a Ml W3. Smith, , John Jas.II. Unrk, Jol.11 It. McNeill and Tho. Barrett were the speakers. They all sprite highly of the deceased, Mhe lias Leon a true Christian, a loving mother and a faithful was born at Lyth-t- n. wife- Lancastershtre, England, July r. th" church of J.tu 15J.I and Joined Ciiriitof Latterdav Saints, Dec. 184u. Site r migrated to Tt ih In 1855 and was nu'ried while on board ship to Mr. Jae. Gardner, Sr. Tber.with herhus-bBOdh- e to American came here. remained since Fork and has Bhe leaves besides her loving husband, Fix children, two bore and funr girls, The bealso 10 living grimlcbildrn. Lite nave ones sympathy of all. reaved SOMEBODY. GIRL, MARRY THIS tWiMr f 'by ntliS ntm--- t (illllH'il liy of Ayrrii e3 Sarsaparilla Ayers ntrinii f DeWitts Witch Hazel 5alve , Christmas day by appropriate services, !u thethurck at American Folk in the Plea?-ali- t forepoou and In the church at Theorie-fcbratirGrove in th?. aftem-un- . vis a quiet and impressive cn? bat nenethe lets i Jojuhii1. There wiis pool jttciidan'.i of both old a:.d yoor g. At the dose of the sei'iin at eicu church, presents were dls.rlb. uted, especially among the memberb of the Sunday fr.hool. but, in fact, every one present received some Uttle substantial token cf geed will with tlie compliments or the season, wii'ch were, races of tin: recijudging by the happy pients, highly appreciated. C a- V. sfee, mall'a. J a Oh e acald-twa- aalt-rhou- &J. Years! B Aad all disoriere oiIkuisiIiir in. Ilipurity I inili, WM iucIi a i ImiIIh, eait'HiH-teaurndulou Motrliea, end the like, kike only u OB c o w o uf thtaK A nna ttanpl IklficUpMCB.? Idea aniEd-- Ah r -- do o DC FOR ERUPTIONS ral ' C r a entalu cure, hlood. "I wh a In net couditliu i.t tlw Blast lutlUvi nun Ihiuiiv, idid and p ocirtl ilidnllty, I w unlit f n work. Nolli-Vi- c mndi d that I dM for the rnnplelnt lielN-- ma a few luittira lo mueh a iyci's ami atniipli. of whlcli rmitunu me to l thi reeoninu-m.f Im ti ry opportune y to IL C. tu-k,i)dinne In mniitar caws. Hata ., VhlMootlie, tSiki. Agent, Balt McMillan, Like City, il Walker Block. . t I end time fabheon local tpnltestiou to theaddress-ng Jcket agent or by i co cj (O Ayers Sarsapprilla when llw mniiitaint ori;i b?: pimlucHone Tm Fiyer le'ives Denver at 10 ft. m.- - after errtvql In iMlti Irom u.I lud C a-- r Hm.. i Company It buter ears time They are Its in lest 1 CJ LuU, M FOR DL1DILITY, .el. Tbs F never In Hoods ji , V. amnaul Biillnr-(ir.- s vlfi-per- a . irg.-isl.lc- orviec the mi I g uuinriMi: " K.'r lro yi-epruvu. t..i. tojLlotlvi-lr a conMsut fuTrt-- fnau ilyH-ii nver l tlurtur.-ilouit cmu-bn.ii ud 'rilwil. In DMrdlcliit-- s au the iliM.-aiivary cur, only y a.lvlMi.1 x sie tn wt Ayv-rSB Bint wna flarieiit 11 I dlil Ihnl lilK? It 1ms M S eu.t ut SL -- I knea I' d bra Biy Uiuiiy nieili.-lnc- to. ouru.lhuukahulil. I bceuniu B ktrine.'V mi ranh.1 lieltev U to lw Urn tie-- uaHil-hH- i NuUy, Hickman, jai Humiiuirkw ewi'cn I Nuv?r and Chicago wnd Denver and St Louis. with all new T die latest Imprnvcment-wid- e v?sMiiuli-- s apacinus colh-- t nud smoking rooms, h.gh bacKrd seats, gu and illtho other Hilugs that onslitn e coot rt fn tra , Ir - Sarsaparill Ayers tnillinw iviued: r sa ? I hi Live n roi? lA'SprpfciA, V. ueepera B V X Bokt mud laughfr Schools have been rloe-uThe for a week or more on account of Wm. Chadwick, Jr. and Jos. Armstrong V c liow conditions diphtheria. I hal and are liomc from Eureka. at the laid aiy 11fiten.li will permit them to and anri rt liyur.Biu pryla ;in; Vat tlaud' SArispa Juhn Eastman is home from the uui nut limal bvip The dl new the of year. beginning rersliy for racation . Iiealth officer adviced the Iehl teach-r- s Nice school hats rrom 20 cts. np, one ttt remain away from the institdoor north of Dunklcy's store. ' ute held at American Fork. rUla did lua wore i;oud The Eltor of Tint Would was in a all Uia riiVorui1 The decision of the Supreme Court I cab Salt Lake cn business yesterday. nuw cut. ilovp and Mertlil vs- - John BndWwU. My iln.it.-in of case the I.ydia was B. Mmlth Mrs. Era vM'Ing in Blac had lUatrric ou i ruCLru'.tioik lioud'aSKFg of Salt IL. aaparlUa panic lir clout, wc.l and health jrl' Kajsville, tte tore part of this work I. Sjieucer, collector considerable Ol Xiisa. t'airviaw, Ka:is.F. aroused has Bernhardt Rlohm is horns from school county, scad P Me are .purely at Ml. Pleasant to spend the holidays. interest in all counties where there BMHood'S wuor Bold ty all tirip-;diugsjp pur3, lirst or second class. cities of the are J. C. Wllllame and Jed Spr Utley lowt-icourt hal Were InSslt Lae three or four days on The decision of the MAKE YOl R OWN LANTER N. been rev ersed. This has at present mining business. Yoer home is insmnple withyeiil in the appor- and On Inst Sunday there was lmrn t wiin plicated inatteri the prto is within ren It ut h11 1 It Mr. and Mrs. Reeves of Highland, an tionment of our county school fund ordered one f. r my own usosud war- was so handy and convenient I went to eleven pound boy. to such an extent tliat county taklnff orders for tfcern tnd wld &1 n few a one dsy making over $5 clear. It give? for honored lie Mr. Al. Barrett called on ns this rants may not a beautiful white light chlmrT' - ver commit Lake Salt nlorcing, he is lioir.s from days, or until the county break from heit.lt is always tie and M visiting bis parent?. aioners prescril'tf the method ' 0: ready. Francis Gasey St 13Leal, two rt lit n ample for send will Wm. Kcrstuw, Jr., a. Warren Rowl refunding to Irovo City taxpayers stamp write iur one. 1 got my start are home from the Agrieul'.ural Col the from frmn him. cimuly school tai received Geougc it. lege for the hoUd.ys. this which them, the collection of aiSLccl's Ammunilicn FOB Rext Au abobo 8 room house, decision lias now made illegal. with barn and rural, apply to John Wanted-- An Idea Hunter, American Fork, Utah. KXAAI EUS TKACll Some of Hie boys who rrceirnl sleds COUNTY D. i fat Uirtt (I.MW wla Hf awi, WaMlagton, 1NAT10N rrXmae. were disappointed to find bmiM af two hukM IutmUiib waaohL Moe snow. X cf sunshine all day mas. in Veil will he held all Vova, Utah on, Ur. and Mrs. John Ilecdrielson from day ami Tuesday. IVc. Si and. 3b -- . HOT A SICK DAY ; the holidays beginning al 1U a. m. on the first jpbl are spending Mr. Grant. with their parents, Mr. anl day. For Over Thirty a Well, lit last Biker's galhiy has All limited and temporary EEBPlT OT USING PhoUs guaranteed satisfactory expire on December 31, 18Wtt. an d guarantee mads imol by no ad Candidates will be exaniiued in n ties payment being rccpii'cd. tlie following branches, Iedagogice, . over thirty rmlniriii- I'ilN JflesEliaor Blohm Is hums from tiis Arithmetic; health, year liavi kepi me in Writing, Heading, Salt Lake G'llhgiate lustl'cte, spendnil thnt S. nev.-- lmv ing Inul a niek .lay in U. Grammar, Kiiglihli 1 Rev. Spelling, I wish iweiily time. ing the holidays w:ia her pareii'v. ihyeiology alnuiHl ei.iitliiiiiillv an n reiitt of Rlohm and wife. History, Geography, lyH"Hiii. Leailaeli.', and Na.ure studies. neiirul-'inSeveral people from here attfLdfd and Hygiene or liil uml titlier erupt.va convinced An acquaintance with the followVt'lieii 1 iliieaL-- . ' is Xmas, entemlnme.-i-t at Plemnt will be expected. il rote, Friday afternoon, at thePresby ing in particular urian chu'ch. rsliool management, Kelloggs I, KelReformers the Educational ou A cut prices during, Quick's gjeat h illdpye, one door mirth of DiinicleyS logg edition, Sept. ( ct. Nov. and We hare a hiee line f millinery to Dec. numbers of Educational Foundations. The Deserted Village, Take sdvaut age r.f agonl ebanee to Snow 1 Jon ml, current hist ory., JUed get photos, Bakers gallery is now in and Kelloggs Higher Lessons in d In advance uiir town, no psy elements of the natnral Phat Is the best guarantee any one English, science. could aekl D. II. Ciilistkskkx. The rrcshjteriaa people celebrated County Superintendent of Schools. Prke ir! 1 T'.n r w jsn This Would is unavoidable a day lata this issue on account of a broken press photos American Fuk. Baker Mihlr?ry gootle First dotr !tV-tt,yU.-- I, fiatile, has ar- K. AMBHRSE. Hajr Cutinfr IS LATESjTiTULjB Aairiui rk.Vuk bntiia! Henry Lee Livery. Fucil :iiul Sal's 2ta- - ltltiS, Runs hacks to all trains. Habhixgton 3r Aft EH- - :ax Foar CALL AT Colic ft Cholera Cure THE WORLD OFFICE DeWitts ptcBMOl, quick rult. Ml t u. - AVTYDTJW ADAMSUi BENJ. BATE, j The Union Peciflc makes a rate for the rtnud trip in the sale of excuston Highest Henore nt Wcrlde Fair. pint measure. These eight different nses makes the dipper such a ueceisary tickets nt nil points in Utah, Idaho, Ayers Ssrvarina Straiyttiena the Sytlae. article Hint I wem to work with it and . .. Mineral Wyntn'ng, Ontario and llnntington S. Deputy w each it sells at very neat every home. Aud I U. reepee ithin uregon lo any point 1 1 in off the the ou mriultis mnrUKS, four pay Slll'Vl'YOl' live state and to any point think 1 ran clear as much as $2u0 a Union Pacffie within a radius of 250 WANTED-A- N can do work need AND nilli-you of selling point, afro nn San Pete tiling tu uateutf PHitte'iyo'.rldeaa : tie mV innnth. If )ou trial. Miss . Writ JOHN WKlIUSw well by giving hi you Valley railway, on account of Chnet-m.-- is bring Baggie and Way one of all kiuds . HUKN A 1'aMnt Attorneys. Wsabinglow KtlU, 8.atwn A. tit. Diu'in. Mo., will N0TA11Y PUBLIC. an.l New Year's Holidays. Final U. C., fur C)., 1 JIW their oJef. pris repaired tu first class order at send you a sample fui IS two cent limit of ticket?, Jan. 4 JHD7. prices to sil the times. Utah. at ucc?. staiuysr-wrl-le A merino Fork. . That Wonderful Chum! Joux G. X. AMERICAN FORK UakhixgtoxSt, I want to add my testimony tu the list of t hose that have need the lightA. The Chicago. JLlwettket k SI Ful By. , M. D. en. ng churn. h dose all that is claimed for it: yon can chnrneaaily in Many pvple uuscquamUd with the uuc minute nod get a large percentage of the west imagine V lllicl SfU'fgCOU , geography more rhan you esn with the common -! CktaB for never took the agehey churns. I 0fri(k; hourei 2 to 5 P. M. Paul are names used in the corporate of my anything befor but so many ordered title of the railway owning the Short neighbors Wanted churnS tuat I - Utah. Omaha, American Fork, thirty and they are all gone. I think Line between Cl.lenga in a year every farmer will have a tavy must go via the cities of Mil lightening churn, to fuel they cant make waukee and St-- - Paul to reach their as one be to without afford they WOODS. STEPHEN so nincb more hotter and a good little destination if It b Chicago or east the endorsed Has been by bit of niouey can he made in every thereof. This Is a mistaken iJoa. On By medical profession for twent; township spiling tbesa eburue. a map the line running direr! ty rust writing to J. F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, years. Sa:tii:ths isirukil. 7k a ut (Ask your Doctor. and west wou'd Inok like thin. Mn. you can get circulars und lull pu liMiuXirekutSt. This because it is a'amt is the (burn. always t'cnlars Omaha Chicago. UTAH, AMERICAN PORK. A Reaped. in affect aiuil 20!h 1396. There is nothing mere simple than paper palatable always uniform Ilisvobern reading inwomen jiiir I beD00 EAST. that miles MART! IT BINDMILL about severe! men sud cor.tai 's the purest that, anl ills lessthuu always :4T a. m. I No. 1. beat2 No. Two bwh very ettccewfnM selling self YOUR SELF. ' Oil and tween Omaha aud Chicago. No.sS, No. C, 2ilt p. m. end I concluded 1 would Norwegian Cod-living flat Irons, 1 have a neighhm that unde ous rf No. 7, PUl. through tiaias daily In cr.el. direction I have work, No. 8, do. Mew Hock Spoon Treo To AU. a The what girl Diu-iiliven ; Windmills, I lave Hypophcsphites. with th? best Sleeping Ci r and rd 12 dive and have solo 11 Irons tlie Pebple'a the'-MIkbei-- t mil I read in the ChrMian Standard Insist on 3. H. Raboock, paying wstchiior ttclneely; it Is the Cir Service, and all i qrulsr travelI). C. DotMiK, and liavs 21S dollar? left after A-W. and 1 make, everreen S.at.lon M. anycueenn lisve LvuGi Pritz. is A. , cf hr ail expense. Everybody onedelighted merit I Traffic xgb.-F- . MUH and t (iKN wiTH ers k low lieok Emut-gjoalmost Pin: for lets titan fin. 1 am going to Mm., would give an elegant- plated with t he iron i.id I sell A; A. Wapleigh, . Panl lw"1 St. Mil c wau a?? ( l?n line dont and Msitniit.. two the U.G. uinke immediately hiesgo, Bin i n m anyone sending ponite toluk trade-narof tvtr? pIncc I shewtoIt,beis without I sent i"r 0,, ir 0,u,tl farmer cannot have a wind-whv Gex pass agt the East a at between one. Line every Short Raiiwuv's rent Lccal agent. nips. aflord they can't showml P to my that 1 and fish. fuel and' time mill when lie can mske It hi in self for H is West. the a.d I a, tlu-- save so much t.-durable mill is The nuy", and made $i:t."" In and don't bum the clothes. I knew I salltMc money. lnfir friercs.orders Koi maps time tut-- , , Put up in 50 cent fn: tlie . pnn. 'I l.e P"k ln powerful iirid tuns sully, any person tak'ng nn clear (Wpisthnissanclfor cMUrj . 'il I er ,.1 Iress Alex It cao-no- t ncces-siiyhous.-hiii- l e:m Mt dm grams tuft! complete direct, and $1.00 sizes. .0 gei!"!!!.-- , The srr.nll inuli Jd- Bpnon Is a that Jluw vesrel - hi. tall Lake year. I. . '.ir-I-"l.lJ or dish in-the cooking mu by pending IS tWccsnt stamps to size A GRADt'ATK slip a h'. )'i any may be enough to cu'e tin by plapp Knurls Cnsey. St. Louis. Mo., andmonheld in being i think no it Practical Hdrse-sho- er The. epenn is Unmet lung , or help your baby WnFu'-'TAr- Ti f iom iimpto n vglrl.SlenJli.yon sre active men can undimhtely make ea your cough lErthSi-hwM-for lurM'nl? mills nvrn-ra- u tsinff llieso K np a ey aavwbere putting h V Amcrlc.in girl, ; r nr ytni wMiih.r , WhM ya k o: and I see ro use of paying 5'J. . hiHif Attvr5ctt'f Emulates and i V fs'. Biiice l isinns ser nrt UveniM.A emu pi,' to Information rbo'it th? . iju K. nriMuta 'a h. $ ih.or can t make g m package la wlii'ii uilli J. a (!o. lit a you or I fur give ym ndlrpaalng ran simple Iren trugglt get one by It i jrar r .mind i 4 iM hestfig slamn-cslin- d ss-one jusi as guodfor tm. wrapper lth Ik, plrtur ten 2 cent M imp? to Mis PtU. IW? CA8 A & CO . St Lot.?. Mo. I A It Kl5:eb. man sel f can ' th Brothzs bbSiU it Risers. jsbwb, to uike moniy aronnd liiflif. aa tnui Lmh every body '.iLr Littc iig l.v ya to be s winner, WTiu . ;; .i : : ; that wm I - mm. The tfagya? t.Uli eilU . ... lluly j12fk.77V g. writes !n It? prslsi-- County Surveyor. Fork. Wagon Works 1 IDEA5!ny s American A.-M- Ibn-itey- Lewis Mrs-Gardn- iUpijjsicUt ri dlr-ctl- , Tonsorlal artlsj LOCAL CARD. 1 er eld 50 Y Scotts I TIME - , n iip;ir-CM'- e 1 'uI James Newton. o 'ili-'u-- NpU-ndid- M f- -r AND, I . ! . V. 1 1 Elacksmixn. I , |