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Show er of bite. Ilia wife forgot her cult- In tli ocnrvli, Henry left hia desk. und ealiiineHN and Jollied i : weeping bitterly. for owe, and got telegraph wlrea to ami grief reigned work, mid , wiille tlie aoiia and daughters anpn-inefound tlielr thoiiKhta running Imek and mntlier, aa they again to liinl not done for yeara. Ilmira iamd, and no new eame from the uilaalug. Then tlielr fount and grief grew greater and atniiiger. Mut tier waa gone. l'erhupa alie Iihh goto home. The thought wum ainideii, nml, too lnijm-tleto wilt for tmliiH not due for liuuni yet, tliey not off soroa the mint-tr- y in tlielr carriage. Aa they drew r tlie old home they fmiml newa of the lout one. She bad pfiKMcd only shout au hour liefore, plodding wearily along tlie famiJInr road, amlwlih lglit-ene- il Kwh a dear old home It was. down lit an garilcii, u full of rough, with an It, wlillc apple tree t lcniie-an outer of over like faithful guard-tunIt, reverently The low, red liuuxc, with Ita broad wing, uinde you tliinlc of n mother brooding orer her well tilled ueaL llut the iicalling were nil gone j liad wandered far from Jho old home, which aceuied to tlu-u- i elmbhlcr and hurried on. Wlu-more crsepcd every time they came they eame to tin leaning old gate, back for a abort vlalt through tlie wet gmaa, tliey eould nee (inly mother clung to It, clom-- r and a uolitury pathway tnxhk-- by one. rliHK-r- , aa the years went by. When wlio laid llrat visited the low iiirnind the lutay k a and ltd: humble with tlie tiny ouw It, ami from tera railed it loiu-ly- , ami the grtimicliil-- 1 there It led atmight on to tlie lioiiae. all over lla II rile nook drvu waudi-ni- l not aahained Ku, with tearful and corn mu. und n marked with open j of their teara, either, tin party upon the stiff, (hi furnlliiro ( toed, like children, up tin low. rickety d and the window. the good atepx. througli tlie hall, nml imused rev-owith roniomeful lady lime lied nml aabl iiuthlng; ereutly at the but ber henil llunhiied with pain, :ih hernia tlint lunged to tell tlie gentle old j though she beard tho maligning of mother, ua they were wort to do over tvcatb-cr-bt-aie- on-har- d am-lcL- nt a. m-ti- u Ix-al- eyi-H.a- tiuy-p'iuc- M j nested In a convent. Tbs daughter became of age a little more than mouth ago. aud alie and her brother aailed at once fur America. When they readied New ork they learned that their father waa out In the country making jolltical speeches aud would ret uni the next day. They were at the Gniud Outral Station to meet him. The meeting the old general aud his du lighter, whom he nut seen since she was ala years had old, was thus described by a ucwapa-pe- r lu New York: Aa (Jen. Sickles alighted from the train and walked down the platform, a young girl with a beautiful face and figure, stepped forward and exclaimed, In a sweet, well modulated voice: la not this Ceil. Sickles Y He bowed aud Is.' answered: 'it Tliereuixm the girl looked him straight in the eyes, exclaiming, with a merry laugh, which revealed two rows of iierfect teeth: Han't you know meT The general agalu liowlug, aud this' time amlliug, also, said: Tardon, but I must confess and also regret that you have the advantage.' The young girl, not a bit einlmrrassed, looked at the general afTeetlonutely, and replied: " Txx.k at me. Dont you know me? Don't you know your daughter, EdaTf Then the general clasped ber to bis breast." A few days after tills meeting Gen. Sickles started out on bis present tour, and bis son and daughter weut with him. It la affecting to see with what love nml adoration the daughter looks iqion her father. She Is always by bis side when be makes a speech. The sight of the old veteran soldiers crowding around to clasp the band of lier fiulier lms moved her deeply, and she say she b ves tlie American licoplc, though she cannot understand why they make such a fuss over the eliv-ti- uu of a president. Sho la as witty as she Is and well educated. When Gen. Alger waa drat Introduced to her by ber father In Chicago, be good-lookin- g unhl: You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen." She replied. In broken English: "You have seen very llttk general. .She kisses lier father each nmrnlrg, not only once, but she covers his face wlili kisses. At every station through Kniis.-ibouquets of Dowers were passed lip to the train, ai:d these werer all gathered up by tlie newspnis-men uml given to Miss Sickles. At ms1 Million she was asleep wheu the train stopjied, nml tho armful of bouquets were piled against her state I room door. When she the door the next morning the flowers fell In over her feet, and she clapped her hands lu delight. Kansas City Star. s oim-ihh- CALLS IT ST A II IltST. .yv "They Hna'1 Knior, at (uurae," Dbt Thought. Itrmalns of Worlds Said to He Falling: on the Barth. some dear friend. They don't know, some childish dlsolN-dlimcthat they A curious theory has recently been adof rounio," alie thought, them "were sorry, mother." In ber own gentle wny. Tliougli to The stillness lu the old house grew vanced by the eminent but somewhat other eyea It may ncciii imor a ud oppressive while they stood, uncertain, eccentric scientist. Gustave I'luttner of to tile It ran never le no. and though they listened, there was no Vienna. He believes In the existence for It la tlie And and only home tlint 1 faint n of one going about i ,k,wUt of dust, which over hud." And, after the aad, tender after the fushloii of one Just getting ,lf he claims Is cuiitlnunlly falling from manner of tlie old, who only linre a home. , nml which Is the dust or rej happy pant aud au empty prem-nt- , They softly pushed upon tlie door of siuu-ewithout a luring future before lier, she tlie old family silting nuun. and there, mains of them which is now raining e fell pf day a, when with her old grey bead Isiwcd on the our world in the shnpe of ber fnltliful John had brought her, a f n nilly llllik1, and a smile of Joy nml down upon jiowdcr, lias been a million yean bride, to till dear old home, whli-l- i lienee on her dear, dead fare, knelt flue us at clued so grand and beautiful them mother, who hail gone home to llnd In traversing the space tlie destroyed How could It ever accni lonely and rest and content with John, already and what was om-world's orbit. buuilile to her, when It was no rich In thoie. St. lands Itlattiier says this (lust Is of the a thousand lutppy, Idinwd recollec-tiona-? same eompiultlon as meteorites, and Had not that U111 John's fa1IOMAMB IS SICKLF.S- LIKE. that there Is a sufficient nnioiint of It vorite roue bush? Had not alie nml the else of our glolie John planted tlint very mountain mdi Arennapanleil tin nab ter falling to lucrease lljr 111 WhiiM He llnd Sot Sera la Kirteea tell lueliea In each iUlTi ilay. This metogether? And could the nxuua ever teoric dust, or star remain, npienra to Year. aceui empty and cramped to her when lie prlnclimlly couiposeil of nickel, every maik ami corner ejMike to her',' Miss Edn Sickles, the twenty-one- pliospliorus qml magnesia. In aoiiietlmea of tlm living, or of tlie dead ycnr-oh- l daughter of Gen. Sickles. Is a the arctic regions It Is frequently disaa ebapientiy aa toiignea could ilo? of of lienutlyoung girl Spanish tyie, In such quantities ns to color covered Here 1 where alie muni to ait and ful fare and figure, brownish-blac- k the snow almost bhtek. One reason watch the tire on winter evening. ilci-black eyis fringed with the professor thinks it Is "stardust Is the cradle na alie knit. Tlila hair nml She Is adored by ev-- 1 Ikvhuw nickel of Hint kind Is found dark apot on the worn Hour wna where lung 1 ta f I'.'.'Ti ln, by Mury Imd apllled the Ink while cry one lu the party of the generals, j Dress. stones. riilliulclplila alie aat there writing to tlie aohlier She her father, aud she is j ; worships fattier far away where tlie battle . the apple of his eye. She lina only i lit Avoeailoa. raged, or on tlie long, dreary ninn-hbeen lu America a few weeks, nml alie I Il.iggol Hnggurd (at the door) Yes, taAud here, liexldo tin ble. on which still lay tlie well thumbed family lllhlc, alie had knelt uml prayed for twenty yeura with John prayed for (lie little ones lit tearful grief when lie wus gone prayed for them when they, one by one, slipped away front ber arms out Into tlie mild world, aud where ahe still nightly limit lier atlff old knees to pray for them and tliolra. Mother only loved the old hotiae better aa the years rolled oil, but when grim old age had slowly crept uKin lier, it wna divided lu family council that ahe must make up her uilud to come and live with one or the other of them, fur It wna altogether out uf the question fur her to remain lu tlint , gloomy old house alone. So, one and dnjr, overpowered by the sons aud daughter who meant to Is1 kind, mother went softly to und fro over the old liouae, taking leare of It nil, and the hint farewell was the visit to the two mounds, under the drooping elms, where John, slept aud the Urst-Nirlittle son lay. Then, with a feeling that the world enu never quite understand. alie was ilrlreu away to the Hue elty residence -- they don't call them homes imw-wh- ere Alfred nml Ills wlf, who, for all lier kindness, rather orerjiowered mot her with her line way, had given her a stately room, and, what was the most drenilrul, she wss supposed to keep It there alone by lirself. "Yes; they mount to U kind to her, but tin city waya and style gave the old lady the feeling that she wea In au asylum, aud lu spite of all the grandeur, mothers wrinkled cheeks lost tlielr soft pink, like that of a rose, and a!ie began to grew feeble aud worn, though .'Very one waa so busy that it was iaxed unnoticed. She was pining for the old home, alW ith Her Old Grey Hrsd Bowed on the Family Bible. though she felt that it would scent unShe has 1 know, niaddiin, dat It don't look Jest grateful to say so; and then, somehow, lenka English to pray lu the iiiagultirei't church, lived all her life In a mnreiit In Mnd-- 1 right for a strong man like me to be where site sat In a pew, ' 1.1. Spain, and the story of it Is like 1 (eggin'. I'd lie glud to pi to work, but did net seem to give lier the help she It's only Jest now ,iiu! then dat I can prayed for. for God. ns It seemed to j this: lier, was nut aa dose as when she used j When Gen. Sickles waa United git anything lu do at my trade. Housewife Il'in! What to pray at home kneeling by Hint old i states iiilnlster to la your Spain under Gen. trade? table. If aim could only go txick aud j beautiful senorita lie a married Ilagged Haggard Votin' at presidentell ber frleud all alxmt It: Just once Grant, kneeling where John seemed to come of cxrellent family. Two children tial clectious. Harpers Bazar. and Join her. This feeling grew and were born of Hie inanliige a boy, grow, though, aa there was no one to George Stanton Sickles aud Kds SickWlthoat ArtvrrtUlaa, Too, tell It to. she shut It up lu her owu les. Wlieii Gen. Sickles was ready to i return to America his Spanish wife lonely old heart. Ah. good morning! said the early One summer morning she wna mlsa- -' preferred to remain, and her father, a . 10 ,ue " mndc Looking for a iiobleinnn. old Spanish ig, and she could wit be found, nl-- 1 wealthy ' his will, providing that the loy and Job. lough they nil searched everywhere Hints what. Anything I can do wiiul.l be likely to girl should Inherit all Ills riches pro- -vain; she was gone I vldcd they should remain in SpHln un- i fw you?" t they were or age. the lxy to sbiy ftw'H alxmt fill tho bill, S ciillccti'd. alt at oin-e- ; llarlem Life. .er regU'itcd l:i:i mwih- - with hi mother and the girl to bs sd- -' think. Con-ataafl- jr : ! Glolie-Dcuiocru- t. , co-lin- ' j na-kln- o half-wilte- d ImiH-rfectl- d ! J1. ' SCIENTIFIC COKNEPi. CURRENT NOTES OP INVENTION AND DISCOVERY. pulp of rejected manuscripts. Thcldea appealed strongly to the Imaginations of tho managers, bi t the sensational features of the telffjcople tower prevailed. Boston Globe. Kyoltloa menul kiosks, furnishing hot water for a small coin, have recently been constructed ln Paris. They are distributed all over town, but are particularly frequent In thickly populated quarters and near The distribution of carriage stands hot water at a trifling coat for varloua purposes 'la a very important step toward the bettering of the sanitary condition of oertaln parts of Paris. A coin of fire centimes, equal to one cent, deposited In the slot of one of these kiosks, will furnish about five gallons of water from a faucet provided near the bottom, as seen In the Illustration. When the coin Is deposited a supply of gaa la turned on full, which up to that time has been burning very low and Is kept burning brightly for about one minute. This time Is sufficient to heat the water to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit, which la hot enough for all practical purposes. Twenty of these hot water fountain kiosks are now established In the tenement districts, and the poorer classes have become the best customers of these new machines. The water Is used for baths, cooking, washing, and also by the drivers of carriages to fill the hot water receptacles with which their passengers keep their feet warm. While making money for the company which built them, this Invention has proven a decided benefit to the people ln general. Additional revenue Is obtained from the advertisements placed around the upper part of the entire kiosk, which alone pays for erection of the kiosk itself and for the gas burned, which Illuminates the advertisement at night from Inside. Philadelphia Record. Foreign Bodies In tho Flesh. It la not an uncommon thing for people to carry needles, pins, bullets and bits of steel around with them for half a lifetime, but no one can be found who would be willing voluntarily to undertake such a burden. And yet there are instances where articles which might seem to be of a most dangerous character have been carried in the body for years. A man in repairing a building fell through a window, breaking the glass and severely cutting one of hla arms. The wound waa carefully and antlseptically dressed, and the jnan went about his buslniso. Three yeara later he caned upon the doctor who had attended him, and complained of a boil on hla wrist. The physician ca dually mentioned the injury which he had sustained, and asked him if he suffered any Inconvenience from It He answered, "No, not much, but said that at times there was a peculiar sensation between the elbow and shoulder. Upon examination, the doctor found a long splinter of glass just ready to prick through the akin at a point several Inches above the place where It had originally entered. The glass was drawn out, the wound properly dressed, and the man recovered, thereafter being entirely free from the annoying sharp palna to which he had for yeara been subject. rek-braic- is i Bo Vtitsr Kiosk for tho Arrannodaitlo of Forlaloo Tlropo Toiror to Bo Ooo of tho Bight of tho Sfoxt Got To Kill tinea Germ. Smoking Is a preventative of disease, Viennese pr according tu a of clu'inlstry. He estimates that tho dunces of a smoker catching diphtheria, smal'inix, cholera or other d Incase whose germs are Inhaled through the throat and lungs, as comone ln twenty-eighpared tu Die He asserts that smoking tends to check the development of bacteria and kill them. It Is well known that smoking Is forbidden by physicians and employe In laboratories given over to the cultivation ami projiagaDun of genus of dlfferi'Ut diseases fur experiments. Smoke kills lliese minute organisms, and what applies tu a chemist's wurkshup equally tu Die human body. A Xaw Lira-Boa- t. Among the many articles that have been' patented again and again are s. Tbs objective point of this sort of boat aeema to be to have it sufficiently buoyant to float upon any sea, and of a construction that will effectually prevent lta capsizing. Another point la, that fresh air must be supplied to the Interior of the boat. The newest invention has strong bulkheads at either end of the boat, then Inner bulkheads formed . around air-tigcompartments, In which the rescued passengers are carried. The air Inlets open and close automatically. A peculiar feature la that the cage, carrying the passengers, la set on and so arranged that the boat can rotate around IL life-boat- ht ball-bearin- gs Rat Mark on an Kgg-Shel- L The very remarkable freak egg here shown waa laid by a hen belonging to Dr. J. O. Peterson of Brooklyn, N. Y. A week or two ago a servant went down Into the cellar, and while there noticed the hen on the nest. While in the cellar a rat ran across the floor and approached the hen's location, where it stopped for a moment. According to the servant the hen was greatly Interested ln and watched the rodent with great earnestness, craning her neck to peer after the unwelcome t. ap-lle- a TO C.TBK A ( OLD IN ONE DAT. Hromo Quinine Tablets. AU Druggist refund tu money U it Iu:l to cure. Be Tabs Laxative "Mi. TtplHt is extreiiiety cxcliulve." Well, of courw, ulie doran't wish to uie--t 1m remember when tier fattier drove a dnijr. iKij-uu- Cicnt When bilious or roatlvr, rat randy cailurtic. cur guaranteed. 10c. 'JSc. ctlle uf over 1Q.0UU Jinan bai forty-ou- u liihaiiltaiitN. I s constitutional dime and pcquirenaeonstl-tutiuun- l nuie- - ly like Hoods Kanxqiurilla. Tbit medicine purine Ilia bluxl ami cures catarrh. Sarsaparilla b tbs bext In fact the One Tree Blood Purifier. Denver Directory, III 1 11 Ton f IMf I QTA1C Ull Ol AIC L 1M4 iTn it Un k.vmunMcto SEALS. t.UBBER mi., it X relue I w'MkuuM and trijjflheufi ItlcM-k- , I. (41., j.'iin HhJi Hurt ArnpahimL Ofllr AJbauy ltoiivur. FiX'krA ref - otv -- Iiuhht, inn'led fusi STAMPS"iK Iini M lwr-iH'- . I. 11 nt MINI NO I'KINI'ISU KACIIIXIST Rppaire clew l'iie Ihn'icllii mill culilu. Car-lil- r. Km- I releLl 1 III.V17 l. t EC rrnPEE UriUULniLO ilik. ml Hu.-.ir- PRIUniftfn U nJH V I II U visitor until It had disappeared ln a hole In the wall. Then the hen settled down to business and the servant returned up stairs When the egg which was deposited in the nest by the hen that day waa garnered it startled the folks It was of the usual size and color, but on the shell was embossed the form of a rat. The body, ears and tall were all there, raised distinctly and as plain aa the rit whleh disturbed the serenity of the hen. The portion of the shell that represented the rat waa slightly darke than the rest of the eggs covering, but In other respects It was the same. Higher Than a Kite. The recent improvement! In kites are among the most notable of current Inventions A man haa Invented what he calls a box kite, with which he haa achieved some remarkable results He carried up with hla kite a packet weighing aa much as the average man. This reached an altitude of six hundred feet, and floated along without accident or Incident, until suddenly the rope broke. Of course, the natural conclusion was that the kite would com tumbling down, but Instead of this It floated with the wind for something like half a mile, when it gradually sank to the earth In a way that would sot have injured a man had ha acIs pecultually been there. This kite ls that iarly arranged, having can he altered in shape by the use of a lever, thus enabling the passenger to change the course and position of the kite, and to guide It in Its downward flight. The experiment la especially Interesting from the fact thgt tho kite came down so gently, carrying the weight ' of a man with it This will stimulate experiments, and It may yet be that the kite Idea will prove to he the correct basis for the construction of flying machines. , ta4pB-iT'cIWfrHlmlii-a-5.-- . miner l All 0111" "d'dl JIhII Or. I nr ee'l H'W (..IT- .- 1H.-- . f edxr Inn'. allenllo-- i lArlm- -r St iniLawrrupois nCUVCP DPIICU UCnVCn Dnllu(1liiuu'iliMiIviyd'H:ri t'n (. U iu I'lty mi ir'nl'.l. Hud (nreatvln-r- tlou Denver Public Works, M. X. iaNT. SMITH, ORES SOLS ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. . UGllVCr, COlO. E. E. BURLINGAMES ASSAY OFFICE uroMTORr' (stablbheS la Colorado. ISM. Bamplr by mall or axproa will raeatv prompt aad careful a'.tenlioa GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Haflatd, Maltad aad Anayad or Parchnad. Addnu. I7B aid 1711 Lawnact St. DENVER. COLO. THI COMPANY PAYS THE FREICHT anmaMm-am- i bmt Maal bona vhlia. Will .ilatmionf rock o (aat rack ahift laiuetaa af Da their m b packed aaivLara It a jark eaa aa So rue whacla or rlalehw Is break. Ml ptr wax I wrnaaht ina aad alaal aud will head bafora bmikiaa. Urn W la a ar without oaa obm iubbib W mab hone, dollar- axpwim. thiama at priea (3, 10, U KO 1 13 UauaBaaaiaa and on up Haad for an liluntraiail cirrular ta THE WHIM C0..123CariuS(.lMarhUaia. WINDSOR HOTEL, air-cel- Want a ltldn In This? If shooting through the clouds in a cane bottomed chair la not sensational enough to atlr the blood of our modern novelty lover at the Paris exposition of 1900, let him enter the surveying tower, which will be built close by. There is nothing particularly startling about the suggestion of a surveying tower, you say. Just wait till you hear all. You will enter a leaning cylindrical tower about fifty feet high and made of tempered steel. It looks like nothDanger of a Rinderpest. The report that a quantity of hldta ing more Imposing that a metallic tower of Pisa. You find a circular seat have been sent from South Africa to Inside, capable of holding about twenty Canada haa created considerable alarm persons. You will ait down and prob- ln that country. There aeema to he aa ably grasp the railing pretty tight, yet no law against the bringing In of meanwhile holding your breath. When such hides or the proper regulation the seats are all filled you will suddenof the traffic. The fact that an outly shoot up Into the air for a distance break of this disease In Canada would of 200 feet Jeopardize American cattle Interests You will then discover that your should put the authorities on the alert at once. It appears that the most vigorous protests have been made by Canadian experts, hut without the was slightest effect. Imported to Canada from England In hides of Infected cattle. The rinderpest is sweeping away some of the largest herds of cattle In South Africa. During the last attack of pleuropneumonia in England over fifty thousand head of cattle died. Many of these animals were of great value, sM the cattle business suffered for yeara from this visitation. In view of this state of things. It is Incumbent on the tower Is made of concentric steel tubes authorities to take the most vigorous that telescope Into ick other, and that and stringent measures to protect our stock Interests from such a disaster. you are at the apex of the Innermost and now uppermost sctlon. But the Mg tower will not s'.and straight up. Hat. It will bend over, rainbow fashion, in Old King Cole was a merry old aoul, a long are, with you dangling at the A merry old soul enough; end of It, for all the world like a fish at the end of a awn; lag rod. Then it Were it not for the elate and the shale ln him, will revolve slowly from Its base, He'd have been what ! railed hot swing you In a wide circle over a large Detroit Tribune. stuff. section of the exposition grounds, and finally land you on a stationary tower, ot Altogether IfapeleM. down which you drey by an elevator to the ground. Tht c;tme of this tower "I shall never marry," declared Mia: wss chosen an the trrat startling of 500 Elderly. In a tone meant to be firm. remarkable surtsstli'is. One of the re"Don't say that, answered her bes jected achcmt'a fcy the way, waa to friend, Florence. "Women older that cf literature out of you have had proposals. build a tamf! Detroit Fret bricVt eomfoted of the compressed Press. Ain't liueiyer I'.nn, liarlirr.' Suppllm. (''!. Kill IJou-- a l"K DENVER. Hotel In the City Centrally Located. First-Clas- s Only kite-buildi- Pleuro-pnuemon- (American Flan.) Perftct Service. Table Unexcelled. HATK8: MS OU to H.tO per day. The only TURKISH HATIIS ln the atat. The. finest ln the West, cuiuiprti-with tin Send fur liluatreted hook, fier. J. A. W1UUIX, Mauager. Wk-daor- The Best Coat In ths WORLD I la Th mil HKAMD SUCKER la wremuilcd The naw KIXXZli M a parted rkl In, uut, ami norm thaenUra saddle. Hewarauf mKaUua. fxm'l "flak Bread-- - la not 0 a. Ilhnlra-V- d lY aoat If (ha Cgtalrnur err. A. J. TOWER. Bnainn. M. CURED OR NO PAT. Mr. S. M. H0WAN. Milwaukaa. Win OPIUM WUOUAT, IrJ.wuh sa. ATLiXTA. Thompsons Eyi Water. ltuMICurwA. Xafc In 1171. rhoaaaada Stalaraaq I'a. Xeaau. qalary, Xlrk. OPIUM aarad. Chaaprat aad haat rora Fan Taiak SURE CURE IMmi wm4 Ik. INi PILES FOR MvHim m KrtHnilwg hlcijIiM al PILE ECMCDts mura. A lll'ISSrS UNRillaNNlfrM, 1 m MIL IHL MlNtAkKa. Phils.. Hlw4e ISOS. (CURE rOR: LUHU AU pNLKt In HmR.ojnipi WoM list tAJLSs IimmUdoA Vn hrdmfilMi. fnei R. E SUMPrTIONT 3 Yol. Sill. N.s 4K 0R9 N. I'. rr. Wheu writing to s.lvertiarra p'caar auy tb.i mw la this paper. advoiiktututtl the you tV |