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Show u: tiers ol '! woman wld the red shawl of A..:c.lu ancestors; IT BEATS THE WORLD. Americans liv adoption and tinuializs-tman' i be xiuuy-louklLair?" I had noticed her. It was she who But all of them are fervid Amur HERE b.ti been had gitreu ilie iujuncilou abjut the OUR NATIONAL LIBRARY THE leans la fact, imbued with tin ardent quite a little crowd cg- MOST MAGNIFICENT EXTANT. love of America and things American; to nee the old vou-a- n and though they have utilized and Well, then, ma'am, 'tls she has the off. The train rale trouble all out. The little clilldher availed of the art of all the world and Ths Kraal Fanlhaua of American Art of all the centuries she's the mother of eight, ma'am pulled up In the past, they have art Literature la ilaaal Heady fat here achieved, to a degree that the middle of the Hold, is always dyin' cu her of a softness of buaia Fan larrlilloa. country ss yet little appreciates. In as It seemed, lor the bones. They do grow bright an Ocrnpaacy new and modern forms and under fresh af It. (hire was no sta- sharp little childher till they caches tion and but a nar- the age of 5 or 6. Then they seem to Inspiration, an astonishing triumph of Letter.) (Washington row bit of platform. melt ail sway; the little bones of them American art, expending upon strictly -.. HE great Pantheon Tidy women with crumbles like a bit of bread between uf American art, as Its realization their very best efforts, j little shawls about your lingers. Now, isn't it a bard lot, '1 the new National with a zeal and enthusiasm worthy their shoulders, little Kiris carrying ba- maam, to see tbe little wans that rlike of their profession and their paLibrary building, iiie in bies, with a string of elder children at ought by right to be bright an hearty triot bun. Of the result, not only they daWP&W' V t Washington, fellow-citizehave reatheir heels, had congregated for the dyln' on your hands like that?" serves to be called, but all their send-of- f. For the minute or two we ' Is now rapidly son to be Immeasurably proud. She spoke ss If her own trouble was stayed they loaded her with many In- only a light one by comparison. She As a national palace for books it Is a complenearing junctions. shook her little old white head and seven credit to the whole country, and esafter tion, Don't be later than 5, Mrs. Magee, went on: years of uninter- pecially to its promoters. Its designers, and the gossoonsll mate you beyond There was a little girl, too, stood by cuiwi ruction its builders, its decorators end to Conrupted Haleys corner." and said nothin' at all at all. Maybe decoration. gress, which authorized it and supplied and Don't be frettin', woman jewel. you was afther takin' note of her The keys will be banded over to tbe Li- the funds for 1L As a Pantheon of Keep up your heart. Sure if there's not little Susy brarian of Congress in February nest, culture it la calculated to serve as a Connolly, a brown-haire- d good news today the Lord knows 'Us little girl wld a face and red Ups. and the wonderful structure will then lasting object lesson In art, and will pale on Its way! She's alone in the world, an' the villain become the enduring repository of the undoubtedly exert a strong educational Keep the few eggs from shakln, she set her heart on left her for a girl 700, OuO hooks forming the public col- Influence in that direction by elevating ma'am, in that Jingly ould train." wid two cows to her fortune. Now lection of the American people. But the standard of popular taste. It is And so on. there's trouble to be glvin sway everyfor all practical purposes, its built to withstand the wear and tear of The little old woman settled back In thing you had to give an' gettln nothperfect character already stands re- a thousand years, and it combines In her corner, holding the basket gingerly in' at all in return. Isn't that rale vealed in all its beauty, lacking only Us entire make-u- p the best results of on her lap. As the train started and trouble?" tbe last touches and ultimate finish. scientific engineering, the latest methe kind faces vanished she caught my g conveI agreed that It was. The little olda If It be true that tbe chief glory of a chanical apparatus, eye. She answered something she read woman waa quite cheerful again, nation is its literature, and that one of niences. special devices. Ingenious Inthere with a smile wich had something though her eyes and gestures were dra- the most precious heritages of a people ventions and superb appointments. timid and appealing about it. matic as she told Susy's sad love story. "They're not used to railway trav"Myself, I do be often wonderin, eling the crathures. Sure, 'tls so long she went on, "at the kindness of the come people. I'm not lost nor lonely among since this elegant contrivance Instid o' the long cars, weary on thlm! them, though Ive nayther chick nor 'Twas a day's Journey to go anrwhere child to close my eyes when I go. Sure, by them an if you were the wan pas- the goodness of God Is wonderful an' senger an' empty mailbags t'other side 1 do often be wonderin' over it why they rattled the life out of your poor He should be so good to au old sinner bones." like me. It's surprisin' how cheerful "You find this more comfortable?" I go home of an evenin' wben the sun I said, looking round the wretched la gettln low an the dews la layin tbe horse-bo- x that did duty for a carriage. dust in the white roads. I do be lis"Sure I do. Rare elegant I cal. It. tenin' to the birds singin', and smellin 1 do be tellin' thlm how the fields passthe sweet grass an' flowers, an' 1 know es by no bigger than a handkerrher an' whin I get home therell be a bit o' fire the houses are sliderin' by before you in tbe grate an' a cup o tea brewin'. rightly know where you are. Then the childber comes to meet me a Do you often make the journey?' leng way off. I store an orange or an Every month regular. 'Tls now a apple or a bit o' brown rock sugar stick matter of twenty years since I began. in the basket for them, the rogues." I was a fine strong woman then an' And you find the world good, after used to thramp it both ways. But I'm all? that, ma'am, an' getting rather Good, acushla? Good Isn't the name the neighbors, God bless them, they for it. But would you be surprised afdo put the few pennies together that ter all to bear that Im thiukin of pays my fare one way. Im fine and lavin them kind neighbors? Aye, I'm fresh thrampin' home in the evenin' lookin fur the time to come! Maybe Is a vast national library wherein its A marble Inscription above the prinand the weight Of the empty basket you think me a literature can find an adequate and per- cipal arch In the entrance hall tells the ungrate, light on my arm. ful old woman? manent home, then. Indeed, are the structural history of tbe building in Your basket seems full of good American people fortunate, for in this this sentence: Her little brown face, finely wrinkthings. I said, noticing that a flue led, wore a mysterious air. building they will have not only a "Erected under the Acts of Congress 1 am sure griddlerake pushed open the lid. palace whose rooms and spaces are de- of April 15, 1886, October 2, 1888, and you are not ungrateful, The old woman beamed with satis- I said. voted to tbe preservation of the na- March 2, 1889, by Brigadier General There's a few eggs in it an faction. tion's literary treasures, but a temple Thomas Lincoln Casey, Chief of En"No, then I'm not, acushla. 'Twill there's the grlddlecake an' a bit o' tay be crackin my heartstrings to lave the whose very walls are dedicated to the gineers, U. S. A.; Bernard R. Green, an sugar an' a weeny drop o' goat's little house where Pathrick brought three allied fine arts of architecture, Superintendent and Engineer; John L. milk. I do 'be thinkfn They dont get me home an where the childher died. sculpture and painting an nrt gallery Smithmeyer, Architect; Paul J. Pels, enough to ate in them (daces an' my Let alone the kindly fsces an the that amply supplies for the time the Architect; Edward Pearce Casey, Archheart does be often avy between obligin' little childher an' the dogs that absence of such an Institution as a sep- itect. whilea" arate conventional establishment. are such friendly poor bastes. At first it did not seem practicable In what places?" There is nothing comparable to it as to Then why will you go?" carry out any elaborate scheme of ma'am. The 'sylums, Fathrlck, "Because, listen, dear; God has put an artistic edifice in all this country, decoration the questions of expenseand it In my heart that at the last Path-rick- 's and as a public library building there Is of time being the principal difficulties mind'll come back to him Just nothing in Europe that approaches IL both very important, as the date for and magnififinal up like a candle before It goes It outranks In splendor completion and the total cost rot an' I'll see tbe sowl In his eyes an cence, as well aa In size, all o' her struc- were approximately fixed beforehand. on of the glolc, although But Its kind l.e'll know me, aye, an love me. Just ture through the wisdom of tbe late once before he goes. But. sure, 'twould its final cost will fall within the aggre- General Casey and of Bernard R. And this $6,350,000. never do for me to be so far away when gate appropriation, the offleera In charge, a coherdistinction is due not so Green, was the change might come any minit. So and harmonious color-scheent of I'm goln' to take a little Job for the much to its extraordinary beauty at the beginning, and the matadopted Interior of wealth as to its doctor's wife, to mind her bits o bins architecture ter of extra decoration later on was left for execution as circumstances and an' ducks. Thin I'll be within call. decoration. Inside It Is a veritable fairy land of But here's the station, dear, an God funds permitted. The leading sculplitits halls and chambers tors and painters of this country were bless you. Surely God Is very good, highest art, filled, but not crowded, with maserally called in for aid and consultation, and Pall Mall oh. very, very good! terpieces of painting, sculpture, archi- were found to be not only willing, but tectural ornament and mosaic and It and eager to delighted Of set stucco enrichment. paintings was Hffrwdltwrp Omlai chance a was here that proposed 300 the there are at least throughout How rarely Is literary genius or. Infor them to show what they could do, 50 rooms, and of formal pieces of sculpdeed, a very high order of literary and although funda for this purpose an number, and ture equal statuary In the second generawere limited, they entered Into the proarchiWENT OUT O' HIS MIND. tion! It Is rare, indeed, for memorials while the stucco works and other AccordIn- - ject with spirit and alacrity. are tectural ornaments seemingly that's my husband, maam, went out o' of father and son to find themselves ingly commissions for the Important his mind a matter o twenty years ago fs?e to face in Westminster Abbey, as spaces were distributed among tbe aran hes ever since in C sylum. since last week do the memorials of tists at much lower rates, by reasun of Tie him I do be goin' to see. Thomas and Matthew Arnold. And In its being a public building, than tbey I am this case Thomas Arnold owes his place "Oh, indeed, I said, lamely. would have been willing to accept from very sorry. rather to the character and personal individuals or private corporations, Do you think, ma'am. said the lit- Influence and the gratitude of the and tbe remaining rooms and the gen' woman. ar.Yiiusly. that they Rugbelan race he reared than to anytle were deleeral plan of do .1 glvin :!i ') trough to ate In thing in him that could be called litgated to Elmer E. Garnsey, who was thim places? erary genius. Thinking over the great engaged at a stipulated salary to orI should think they are well fed," names of English literature, the only ganize the corps, assisted by Charles I answered. Doesnt your husband cases that occur to one are the ColeCafiln and E. J. Holslag, of New York, seem well cared for?" and W. Mills Thompson, of Washingridges, the Disraelis, and the Lyttor-s- , An extraordinary shadow came over and some would add the Mills; and with ton, while the important function of the little old apple face. The cherry the possible exception of Samuel Taypawing upon preliminary studies and smile vanished and it its stead there lor and Hartley Coleridge, there cannot final designs, of making timely suggescame a drooping of the mouth and a in these rases be much talk of tions and keeping track of the general genius closing of the eyes which seemed to transmitted. In Prance there are the system of decoration, in coimection speak Intense suffering. with the officer In charge, was entrusteases of the two Crebillons and of The shadow vanished almost as Dumas pere and Duraaa fils; and, If ed tc Edward P. Casey as architect. quickly as it had come. The actual decoration of the walls beGoncourt's Edmond de critical insight It's a quare thing, ma'am. But Patta-rlc- k is U be depended on, we shall have to gan April 1, 1895, and the fruits, exthough he thought the sunshine ado a Daudet pere and Daudet Ills. ceeding all expectation, are nov' apwasn't to be named in the same day Pel lx Mendelssohn's father used to parent. with me he won't look at me now. Even the outer shell of this display complain that he never in the worlda Sure, God help us, they dont think regard had an independent existence. is a vehicle of high art. The building I don't us lave to together. it safe itself, architecturally. Is n noble fabric Ths first half of hla life he was merely ask for it now, for I've seen at last the son of Moses of uniform, gleaming white granite, a the Mendelssohn, phil'twas only a thrial for both of us. Isn't pure example of the Italian Renaisand the second half merely the osopher, it a quare, conthrary thing, ma'am, father of Pelix ANGLE OF ROTUNDA, sance, rectangular In form, tbreo storcomtbe Mendelssohn, that it's thim they loved the best they numerable. And a remarkable thing ies high, 470 fnet long by 310 feet wide, poser. St. James Gazette. 4o be most set agin?" It all, considering It is a governoccupying two city blocks and coverabout fu"It Is," I murmured, feeling the of one ing nearly four acres; with stately pais that ment every building, "Of How He IKnrrlhad It. tility of offering consolation. 300 sculptures, every one of these vilions projecting at the corners, and these know It takes a business man to describe 300 you." course, he doesn't pictures and every one of these at the east and west fronts enriched That's it, ma'am. His soul is be- a costume to his wife. A busy son ol countless bits of architectural elabora- with majestic monolithic columns of hind prison bars an it hasn't the comment, after seeing a very taking tion are consistent parts of a single the Corinthian order; the massiveness an discover dress on very taking young lady restren'th to look through with their sur- of the walls relieved by 1,800 windows all harmonizing plan, them it used to love. I used to think cently, inlvmied the partner of his joys each with and other, and to- with casings treated In high relief, liy I'd get a glimpse of it sometimes flut- that: "It was fine. The dress was roundings a whole, foliated carvings beneath the pedihomogeneous forming gether terin' behind his eyes, as frightened made of son-- kind of cloth, with some admirably adapted In every particular ments and cornices, and by an ornate as a bird in a cage." kind of trlitqnlng. It was sorter Hlac, to the distinctive architecture of the balustrade of carved granite above; the I tried to turn the conversation, for or shrimp plok in color, and had for whole crowned by a burnished golden building and to Its peculiar uses. the little old woman had begun to waist some t of basque that was Inwhole end the this To dime, glistening 195 feet in air. accomplish tremble and to lift one corner of her describable. Sha wore one of those hate world has been searched over and rancoarse apron to her eyes. you sometimes see on women, and alAmbltlnw. sacked ftp suggestions anu suitable "It's a great comfort to have sympa- together gave m effect that I wish you subjects, susceptible of original treat"I wish, John, that you would get I said, hastily. thetic neighbors." coaid have sera " ment and interpretation for American nominated for some office." "It Is that same. Why. there's not "Why?" eyes, and no less than 47 of the most a night they're sayln their bade but American artists exclusive"Then all the papers would print my ralebrated Path-ricInlnu. and they do be rememberin me and describe nty gowns as tlie American sculptors, painters, pictures ly One between difference meat and The kindness of them Is past and decorators, have been now do with that detestable Mr. Tin"! the whi.e neis former that drink la fills the that tellin'. Why, 'tls them for two years concentrating their pow- son, whose husband is running basket for me every month, though. cessary to keep body and soul togethers upon this work. Rome of them are Philadelphia North God knows, they've often more mouths er, tbe latter is good at keeping them Americans born, the sons of long lines srlcan. Truth. the apart.1 than they can fill. Did yon notice A LONG PATIENCE. I bi n-- n. u' nr- body Mams It. line. Will! M II III S to SHTV ticiiil fur It. Tlie Burney Kugle Cslalumie fur Full Hint Winter. Kent free, and euHla jruu aliMilnteljr iiutliliiK. Twill ve y.iu iiitiiiev en iry lii.ulH, rimik. Mi. ami llinery. KluieK. l.i rioililng one all Heady Kept. l.V I m ' I full in we waul you In ilu Is t.t ueiid get yuur name, we'll du the re. I. 'the liul.li-- Eagle, roriier i and Lawrrui-- Km, 1 tenter, Cola. K wry At Il'HNt Vprjf illli Klxli-eutl- In all the great Kumpean elite ths fruit dealer ell ierlie., pear anil apple, etc., emuinenled wtlh armorial Imiring, Initial, name ami dealgn uf varlmi kind. Till i Work la In a very tniple way. Kin fruit I taken Jn.l liefure ripening and paper deulgii. neally i'll!, pu.ted upon if. After awhile tlieae are removed, and the part uf flie fruit ihef ha euvernl la found te be uf a beautiful rleur while. efTm-ler- time-savlu- Any sarsaparilla Is sarsaparilla. True. So any tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades Is-e-n differ. You want th best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best If you understood sarsaparilla as Hull's Catarrh Cure ns to-da- y, Sarsaparilla Sense. tiOH-erie- Is taken Internally. Eaatem lng relate out your Man (glixmilly) lundkllde. Price, 750. alining In leal way thla aeaaon? Wreteru .Nothin 'cept an oecaaiun-a-t If the Saby la railing Teeth, ull and Ue auiw ead uee Ikat WutaLUWa auuTMuu well-trie- d well as you do tea and flour St would be easy to determine. But you don'L How should you? When you are going to buy a commodity whose value Mas maady. Stair fur uSUdraa Veaifcias. I'uele Jonh There'. Ini. nf money dropped In Wall afreet, ain't there? Nephew Lota of It. I'uele Josh And It'a all drop-poby folks that's iry.u' lo pick U up. Did You Ever See aa ludlanf d you dont know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so Expect not, au rsend a two-eestamp to tha tieueral Agent Colorado Midland railroad. Iieuver, and he will arud you a Hue colored picture of one. LI Iliing ('linng'a diplomacy seems to largely In wiving Jiml what ha think and allowing au.puioua people to Infer that ho tuu.t msewiaiily uieau aomethlug elee. PITS alapped tire and permanently eared. Be St. after Unt day', use uf Hr. Kllue'aUreei Neeea keeUirer. fiw 1 trial bull le aud trreinu I'amu-nge- eon-al- .t when buying sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias been on the market jo years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is heud U l)u. JXuaKi UI Area SI Philadelphia Pa. Knelt la Fame: They say that Hcott did not make aa great a auccrea a ha ahonld of Ida Ivanlii. 'Tor Imp ho didn't advertise li as extensively aa lie doe hla Krnul-aluu- ." There are many Saraaparlllaa a reputable medicine. fiaal 1lao'a Cure fur roiisiiiiiptlou has been a lo me- .- Win. II. McClellan, Cheater, Florida, Kept. IT, IMPS. Tcacher- - Wlmt celebrated event occurred at ll.v mouth thick? Tommie- - I know. Teacher Well, let ua brer you tell Hie rlaaa wliHt It waa. Nobudy elm aci-ilit know. Tommie They alarled a new breed of ehlckena there. Denver Public Works, Bi. t. SMITH, retMBMV. ORE! SOLD ON THE Denver, Colo. PUBLIC MARKET. THE COMPANY RAYS THE FREIGHT Will I tbir ODOOOIMNM MW BlOOl iMlOVhftBL atilt k IsJooIm sofo ilsittumoof rurk Coot Mrwhoro ll coo liojioek4 idNliMMflSHiM om Mo oug wmoIs or jMfk olMehwlsbmki Ml or ooufc. Ii wrought iroo oo4 stool tad will boui bofuro fewkiiif VrerWU lo wo am nuilHii I yom without om dulliri oiMMfb MoMlbMJ0Uhors 1131 LhuuM it idles at black-hearte- AlflftS fiod-aeii- d, 'LS'Z'SXS (Thompson's Eyo Wafer. Hoad feru tllwlnfed oinulv ndotss. KdHIM CQsRiaaUitrtioHUlJMruBiUplOi ... WHISKY " -- " Ml nDIIIU woeixav. itliiti. UrlUm rax. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK ee dust Don't Fool Wall," Iona for aale; NWarra paatur-II A V AT age: goml feeding JIIIIX C. l'AltKINWiN, Fort Collin, Colo. n D&,OT; LIVER PILLS eralfeeOee Thing to waa ONLY ONR FOR A DORI. Drnulm SMplaa neM Bo. froo. Boaaaba Nad. Cs. Fhila. Ia. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS ud Adrira m lo IttMUbllHy of knit fur Iiivmturf (Hiiife, vr Mow lo(M a D. NON. SsamluftUoa Potont Wurtfeurtoii, OjrAKkKI.L a Is THI LIN DSEY OMAHA RUBBERS 1 nt The added pleasure of riding a Columbia is worth every dollar of the $ 100 a Columbia costs. produced The supremacy of Columhias is admitted. They are Standard of the color-treatme- nt World. If you are able to pay M00 for a bicycle, why buy any other? Full information about Columbia! and the different Models for men and women and for children, too is contained in the handsomest art book of the year. Free from any of our Branch Houses and Agencies or by mail for two stamps. 2-c- 9 POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Branch Store and Agencies In retry city end town. If Columbia arc not properly represented In your vicinity, let ua know. All Calretli llcyclaa art flttad wltli TIH RTFORD SIRSLE-TNR- 1 E SHOW HO TIRES ln 10 0000 U SUTF0IDI. One Cup One Cent ac-e- k. Conn. Less than a cent in fact and all Cocoa no chemicals. That describes pure Cocoa Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. ra WALTER BAKER ft CO., Limited, - Dorchester, floss. lil I |