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Show THE ARTISTS STOKY. TELL jrcu. ladles," D!TiLWi;7 rietlared handsome and cynical Wilton Hole ley, the artist, fortune teller me the imwife two of my age year before I ever tiv her in the flesh and thouaanda of from the milea plare I Amt met her." Ton are the laat man In the world whoee mind I would think ohecured by the clouds of mysticism." replied the rich Mrs. Austin, hia friend and patron. "You have never ahown any patlenre with the charlatana who pre- ta tended to espoae and expound the that a wlae Providence baa ordained we ahould not fathom. And yet you are taxing our credulity with a aiatement that would be marveloua. If true." "I muat Inaiat upon my veracity In Ihla Inatance," entiled the artlat. "Now, don't atop to argue, mamma," urged the elder of the Auatyn girls "There la a etory In thla. and after Mr. Itobeley haa told it you can reclaim him from the darkneaa of hla eupcrati-tion- a and air your theorlea. Now do tell ua all about It; and three pretty alatera alghed their curioalty In chorus Juat ao you don't ask me to explain," aald the artlat with a qulxxlcal 1 aha!) look. give you the remarkable facta and leave you to wreatle with them. Eight yeara ago I wax in Paria, purauing my studies and lived the life of a Bohemian from choice rather than from neceaalty. We fellowa held the reaponalbllltlea of life very lightly and laughed at all human phenomena that would not yield to the teat of material-laI waa chief among the eroiTera, fraud In everyand found bare-fare- d thing from clalrvoyancy to the piercing of the future through the medium of tea grounds Then aa now I orcaalonally broke entirely away from my uaual aurround-Ing- a and waa one day aaunterlng alone through Rue de Bouges Aa 1 paaaed one of the moat pretentloua houaee I waa atartled by a acream for help and daahed through the open doorway to find a woman battling with flamea that with great leapa and flaahea were the white draperlea of what truck me aa a oonaecrated altar out of plare. Our combined efforts toon m aate red the Incipient conflagration. Aa the woman anointed my handa with come aoothing lotion I aaw that ehe waa aa dark aa a gypay. Her hair rippled bark from her forehead In wavea of blue black, her eyea were brilliant In the aame deep coloring, and her etrong, even teeth suggested pollahed Ivory. She waa an amazon In alee, yet the aweeplng curvea of beauty were ouch aa to fascinate the artlat while her motlona were aa supple and graceful aa thoae of a tiger. M 'You are a gentleman, and there la but one way in which I can offer return for your services, she said as I con-auml- ng WOMAN BATTLING WITH THE FLAMES. turned to leave. Her voire waa aoft aa the notes of a lute and her accent gave unsuspected charms to my mother tongue. T waa born of royal blood In India. Through study of the sacred Vedaa and the pure doctrine of Karma I attained the power of divination. Your people would classify me among fortune tellers; but 1 am polea apart from the vulgar humbugs that trade and superstition. upon Ignorance Promise you will come fur I am upset by thla accident. Then I will be both your historian and your prophet. I shall count on you. m'eeur. "Though I mentally sneered at the woman's pretenalona and lay awake half the night assuring myself that I would never seek her out. I was at her door ten minutes before the appointed time next day. She had either assumed her professional air or waa under the apcll of her supernatural attainments I will not describe the Tuner Temple of Mysteries' to which she conducted me, but In the weird effect of Its hangings, mirrors, grotesque carvings and mythical symbols It challenged the most hardened skepticism. Throwing the white light of a golden lamp upon my face with a powerful reflector, she generalised upon my paat life aa any shrewd Judge of human nature might do. Then suddenly knitting her brows and leaning closer she slowly spelled out Marcia Arnold. " That Is the name of the girl you will marry, she announced in a dreamy voice, and there you see her. With that the lights faded to the dimness of deep twllght. and there followed the darkness of a dungeon. Opposite me aa If in life waa the Image of the sweet and beautiful woman you know aa Mrs. Robeley. Never before had I been dominated by the tender passion, but there I was fathoms deep In love with what might have been an enchanting Illusion or a superb painting. So deeply was 1 Impressed that after leaving In a bewilderment of doubt I sketched the magnificent creature ao Indelibly impressed upon my memory. "Eighteen months later I waa In southern California enjoying the medicinal virtues of the climate, and finding subjects In some of the deHghtful jsoeuery. One morning ? nd mv easel at the edge of a wooded precipice looking a charming spread of over- land- scape. The velvet carpeting of grass and moss had failed to warn me of approaching footsteps, and when I turned it was the startled movement scream. caused by a There were two ladles, the elder anxiously supporting the younger, whose face waa blanched and whose eyes were fastened upon mn aa though I were a terrifying apparition. It waa the girl the Indian sorceress had shown me in Paris; but what did ahe know of me? As she sank down under the weight of her emutione I hastened to a nearby spring fir water, and when I returned her eyes were upon me in that same fixed and troubled look. " What can be the matter, daughter? You have always been ao strong and ao vigorous.' Is your nama Henry Morton? asked the younger of me. without heeding the mother's question. " It la Wilton Robeley,' I responded quietly. At that Instant it flashed upon me that in a desire to conceal my Identity I had given the name of Henry Morton to the fortune teller. Then with the Inspiration of an anxious lover I added: But I have a cousin of that name who heart a striking resemblance to me. "My immediate reward was a revival of strength and spirits on the part of the young lady. The mother Introduced herself as Mrs. Gilsen, her daughter aa Mlsa Gilsen, and then said: Lucy, we had best get back to tho hotel. " 'Lucy Gilsen V and yet it was her presence that had been conjured up aa my brlile to be. She was the girl of my sketch and my dreams. The next day 1 called at the hotel to Inquire after her. I railed often. We walked, drove, painted and boated together. I came to know through the Intuition of love that ahe waa not indifferent to me. One evening as we drifted laxily through the water lilies she handed me a sketch of myself and asked: 'la that a picture of Henry Morton? " Its iierfert, I answered though dumfounded. A shadow of anger rrosa-e- d her face, and she was about to tear the picture to pierce when I caught her handa and suddenly showed the reproduction of herself that I had made In Parle. It waa her turn to he surprised, and when I told her of my experience at the fortune tellere on Rue de nougee, giving her the date, ahe quickly exclaimed: " Why, I waa there with Marcia Arnold. Mamma and I did Europe that jraaon, and we two gins visited that Indian prince sa Just for a lark. That waa where I aaw Henry Morton, whom I waa told fate had decreed aa my future husband. "Before we rowed home It waa all explained, end the sequel of our strange experience waa a happy marriage. The dusky prophetess who had confused the name of the two glrla waa a cultivated fraud. It waa all a trick of the mirrors, ladles." Hallatrapa Forfama. A delicate odor, heliotrope, la obtained In small quantities from the heliotrope badges of the Riviera by the process of maceration a quantity ,of very pure lard being placed in a copper vessel with the flowers and melted over a alow fire. The flowers are then trained away, a process repeated till the fat ' ia aufllciently flower ecented. when the liquid fat le poured through a sieve, and the greasy flower paste subjected to hydraulic pressure. Since heliotrope blossoms must be used si soon as they are gathered, and the melted grease carefully kept at the lowest temperature that will maintain It In the liquid state, the perfumer accepts aa a substitute heliotropine, the white light crystalline powder obtained from the ground pepper. Even If these difficulties of manufacture were avoided by the nyrogene or enfleurage system, pure heliotrope essence could never become a popular perfume. Heat injure! !L The direct action of sunlight destroys It. Artifice replaces it with a mixture of the spirituous extracts of vanilla, ambergris, rose and orange flower, to which are added a few drops of essential oil of almonds. Chambers Journal. A Collfi Cllrl. Tea. She waa a college girl of lofty Ideas and superior attainments, such as college girls have in their early daya When ahe left her family to rest In the mountains for awhile, she aald haughtily: "No; I'll not take an evening gown. And please don't put any of that paper-covere- d literature into my trunk. I have some phllusophy to read and I don't Intend to mix with the hotel people. Nature, my work and serge frocks are enough for me." .Then site departed. At the end of four daya her mother woe startled by a telegram. It read: Send two party frocks, a hammock and some reliable face powder at once." So easily ere love' of nature and love of labor overcome. Exrhange. A Jut Vhmih That Waa Hat Baa cMafaL Here comes old Mephleto bimaelf! Look at him, grinning as be trots along and looming red against tbe white of the enow, says Longmans Magaxine. It le Reynard, following In poor, old, craxy Mr. Hare's tracks and tracing every deviation made by that amiably eccentric individual at a slow but steady trot. This will bring him dose to our ambush unleaa he detecta our presence here. He certainly looks very wicked handsome, though extremely wltfcal. That grin of hie la a most diabolic grin. It aaye aa plain aa words: "I shall have thla fool of a hare y, he's getting aa cracked aa they make em, and he la cloae In front of me at this moment and when Ive got him I shall give him what-fo- r, because he has led me many a dance for nothing. Ha, ha! Juat a little extra nip and a bit of worry wont he yell!" Now, I am going to shoot thla fox for several reasons. The first la, that I shall not be hanged for It In thle country; indeed, no one will think the worse of me for the act, but rather the better. Then be Is the evil genius of many worthy forest people besides the Illy, old Mr. Hare. It le difficult to believe auch thing! of any one, but I have It on the beat of authority that thla miscreant la In the habit of murdering that heroic lady, the Grey Hen wife of Lord Blackcock) aa she alls upon the neat which la shortly to be filled with ' the little honorahles, her eona and daughters She will not fly In order to escape hie fangs, but prefers to stand by her eggs until her flesh la actually pierced, and when at length asserts Itself not aa the flrat but as a subordinate law of nature and she tries to escape It le too late. It le also true that this detestable ogre of the woods has fattened hie red carcass upon the helpleaa.tooth-aom- e little ones of the willow grouse, the wild duck and even (though I scarcely dare to breathe the dreadful words) upon the august little persona of the young capercailzie princelings! Surely all thla la evidence enough for the death warrant of such an arch traitor and rogue! He shall die In hie etna and many lives shall be saved thereby during this coming springtime. Wait a minute. Let him advance Juet a little nearer and then we will apeak to him In the voice of doom. Now then! up with our guna and let them execute sentence upon the culprit! But the culprit le an exceedingly wily culprit and the glint of the sunlight upon the barrels haa Informed him In an Instant of hia danger. During that one instant he haa turned and la now a streak at fleeing, fleeting red pigment, dancing in and out among the pine trees an escaping convict! to-da- mt Olia a Pond. T the pickings of the flrat tipa of the blossoms. The greatest care muat be taken In tbe picking and nothing but the bright, golden-hue- d tip taken off the blossom. All the picking of .It la thla grade le carefully done by hand. The process of drying these tips le cs delicate as the picking. The annual output le 12,000 pounds, valued at 12,100,000. But live pounds of this tea have ever been known to have reached the United States, excepting a few pounds placed on exhibition at the world's fair. A rich lady residing at New York wrote to Mr. Marr, the agent of the Ceylon tea growers for America at Chicago, and asked him to try to procure for her, If possible, five pounds of this remarkable and expensive tea. Mr. Marr waa aucceseful in securing alx pounds of the precious article. The New York lady gave a check for $1,000 for her five pounds New York Letter. Probably. She What would you have done, Harry, if I'd not married you?" Harry Gone bankrupt Judgs CONUNDRUMS. What la a lake? A hole In the tay-kettl- e. What ruler waits on hia people? The King of Servla. When Is a girl not a girl? When she le a little sulky. Why la the letter e like death? It la at the end of life. Why la a hen Immortal? Because her eon never sets Why le a cats tall like the earth? It is fur to the end. What le a waist of time? The middle of an hour glaas Why la a doctor never seasick? He's used to see sickness. What kin la the door mat to the door? A step-fathWhy dues an old maid wear mittens? To keep off the chaps. When la a hat not a hat? When It becomes a pretty lady. What la the Board of Education? The schoolmaster1! shingle. Why le the letter k like a pig's tall? It la at the end of pork. When is a cow not a cow? When It la turned Into a pasture. Why did the man call hia rooater Robinson? Because it Crusoe. When were Napoleon's clothes ragged? When ha waa out at Elbe. Why la Westminster Abbey like a It contains the ashes of the A INiaralm The voice of the people," said the man who waa aching to talk about the coming election, the voice of the people la the voice of God." Rats!" raid the man he had cornered. "Beg pardon?'' rata. Just wait Rats, I aald; until you have been compelled to decide a home player out at third a few time and then you will know bow much Ice the voice of the people cuts. great When should we read the Book of Yea. Cincinnati Enquirer. When autumn turns the Nature? leaves. Tkaaahtfal Prorliloa. Why la a stick of candy like a racellojack Li Hung Chang always carries hla coffin with him when he horse? Tbe more you lick It the faster It goes. travels. What la that will give a cold, cure a Tomdlk What did you aay waa the name of the umpire? New York cold and pay the doctor's bill? A . World. draught fire-plac- b STi IRS WRECK A BICYCLE. t'aitla (lira a Wraalii Daatar WOMENS 6TORIEB. A Maash tha Laarhaaa labia Utils (IlrTa History. a Livalr Kara. THE FIRST PERSON TO RECOV Men who are posted in tha ways of When women get together at a feud ER FROM HYDROPHOBIA. western range cattle, and especially there le apt to be a goodly fund of those of tbe Texas breed, know It le anecdote developed, aaye an exchange. Doctor Doat B oow What to Kabo af extremely hazardous to approach them Mr. Warner In his "Back-LoStudies, g aa death ta tha C'aaa, aa Moratory Waa CaaslAaraS on foot or In any unusual manner. deprecates and conversation. What la true, however, InpuMltolo CaaaaA by tba Blit af a Mounted cowboys ride through around herds without trouble because of tbe dreamy, reflective mood that at Cat. the animals are accustomed to seeing belongs to andirons and fender, crackmen on horseback, but the appearance ling hickory and dancing blue and gold MAN haa had hydwithin close range of any strange fire light, W not quite so applicable to awthat rophobia, arouses Ire. their and the luncheon or dinner board. Cercuriosity ful disease which Pedestrians are a rarity on cattle tainly the conversation around the madoctors aay la absoranches; likewise bicycles hogany, where women are aaoembled, lutely Incurable, Dr. A. B. Hamilton of Laramie, Wyo., does not auccumb to almost any presand lives to tell should have known better than to try sure of anecdote. At a luncheon last about It the flrat to cross the range near a big bunch of week, for example, where a scant doa-e- n Instance ever eteen on hla bicycle, but it seems of pretty bonnets and their fair known. now he wearera doctor the is laid and didnt, graced the occasion, stories Abraham He le up with a broken shoulder blade, hie flew, and ao did talk, before and after, Schlesenger, a la blanched by fright and hli new between and around them. One of the busln eae hair 1100 wheel ia ruined beyond repair. etorlea, which Its teller vouched for aa man of St Louis, who was attacked Tbe doctor had occasion to visit a pa- absolutely new, was of a little girl hie to on a visit while the malady by brother and sister at Lock Arbor. N. J. tient on the Little Laramie river and whose mother overheard her expoundwaa within four miles of Laramie town ing the origin of her aex to her family Mr. Schlesenger, who le a tall, well on hla way home when he ran Into a of dolls "You nee, she Bald, "Adam one wax bitten forty-siman of built herd of Texans. waa probably the was k man all alone and he waa very night last October by a sick cat. The flrat wheelman the Itcattle had ever seen, lonesome, and Dod put him to sleep, wound healed quickly and nothing was for and the they snorted and then he took hla brains out and pawed ground Mr. Schlesenger thought of It further. continued In good health until about viciously for a moment and then made made a nice lady for him. "And thla three weeks ago, when he complained a concerted charge for the doctor, who, little girl. finished the relator, "was of a headache and a nauaea about the realising his danger, pedaled away at not a Boston but a Chicago infant. Another story told waa of the cleverthe top of his speed in an effort to esstomach. The next day he felt no betof a woman, a friend of the speakness cape. sick ter, hut declared he waa not In a transaction with an Insurance There er, are few a ao except living and things a to need physician, enough race horse of high class that can out- adjuster. The parlor curtains took fire none was called. run a Texas range steer when once In and before the blase wu extinguished of the following the afternoon By full motion. Dr. Hamilton made a brave the carpet waa badly scorched. After day he began to feel a shooting pain over the damage the reprefrom the tip of hla right forefinger up race, but the cattle gained on him at looking ehe hla arm and Into hla head. In debating every Jump and he could feel the hot sentative of the company said that new a value of the wu entitled to breath of leaders the almost at side his on hla strange symptoms hla aister, before he had covered half a mile. Juet carpet $100. We will allow you that Louise, thoughtfully remarked: sum, continued the man, "and we will aa he thought one particularly g In cat bit "If It wasn't that that you "Why, what beast was about to pick him off take your old carpet. the left forefinger, Abe, I would be inwith his horns the wheel struck a hum- can you do with It? the lady aaked. clined to think second-han- d and get She did not complete the sentence mock and the doctor took a header Oh. tie'll aell It back $10 or $12 at least, wu hla care-le- w which landed walhim safe a in buffalo In her continued but It thoughts aloud, reply, Intended to make the comaa ahe suddenly recalled that the cat low, where he lay quiet while the cattle possible. had not bitten him In the left forefinger umped over him. The steers were un- pany's attitude aa generous but in the right. 8be waa fearful of der such headway they couldn't stop, "In that case, promptly put in the carowner sell It to me; I'll give you calling hla attention to the fact. At and besides It isnt the nature of west- pet's The adjustor could only the same time It Impressed her ao ern steers to atop when they have once $12 for It. with result that thle quickthe comply, B. A. started on a stampede until they drop strongly that aha sent for Dr. witted chatelaine got a new parlor carKohna, the nearest physician. Dr. from exhaustion. The bicycle did not escape. It lay pet and a handsome Moquette floor covKohna did not think It could be hydrowell for an upper room that, phobia after auch a long lapse of time. directly in the path of the maddened ering He could not diagnose tbe illness animals and waa crushed into a worth- needed it fur $12. TJIE FIRST OS RECORD MEPHISTO. THE POX. WILD TalS S Boat g story-tellin- ob-e- ct well-kno- x, vicious-lookin- u u blood poisoning, as the outward symptoms wars not apparent. Nor did the complaint of Mr. Schlesenger suggest such a diagnosis He concluded by glv-th- e Invalid treatment for hla stomach and nerves, aa the athletic patient ridiculed the suggestion that anything else might be the cause of the trouble. The remedies had no effect further than to timulate Mr. Schlesenger' nerves, and he was able to come to the supper table that night. He evinced no appetite, however, only remarking that he would like a glass of fresh well water. Hie slater Louise arose and procured It for him. When the glass had set a moment beside hla plate, he leisurely raised it toward hla lips. Then suddenly set It down without tasting It At the seme time it waa noticed that he khlvered and contracted hie throat, trying to swallow an Imaginary mouthful. I guess I dont want a drink, he imply said. An hour afterward Mr. Schlesenger grew worse. Shooting pains commenced to cross his head with Increasing activity. Hie brother and aister, seeing these ominous signs, could no longer refrain from comment, but their suggestions of hydrophobia only angered him. He declared it was neuralgia. He was forced to retire to hie bed, however, and the doctor was again called. At 10 o'clock Mr. Schlesenger' frame suddenly grew rigid. His features contracted and his eyes stared wildly, bulging from their socket!. His arms and shoulders bent backward and his chest was considerably raised above normal. His veins and powerful muscles were strongly outlined on hia skin. There could no longer be a doubt of the nature of the disease and the doctor declared it to be hydrophobia. He did not tell the patient hla real thoughts, however. Schlesenger waa told that It was a severe case of neuralgia and that It would cease at a certain hour that night After that the patient grew easier. At the appointed hour he had grown entirely welL The cure Is entirely attributed to will power. Tha Katart DUeaartaaaa. "If there anything that I covet, aid Mr. Splckles wife, It le a good voice. I know that It le very wrong to be envious but 1 cant help It when I hear another woman singing." And as Mr. Splckles la a notoriously mean man nobody waa surprised to la hear him reply: That la perfectly natural. If you could sing you'd be sitting up there with the choir, where you could see what every woman In church had on without turning your head. Washington Star. KlaO. less wreck. Ihoaehaea aa Tazatloa. Henry Labouchere Is always Interesting if not original. Here le hie Idea of a sound system of taxation: Every one ought to be allowed to accumulate during his lifetime what he pleases, but when . he dies there ought to be a maximum that he may leave to relatione or friends, all In excess of thle maximum going to the state. Take, for Inatance, Mr. Astor. It Is said that he possesses about fifty million pounds sterling. Evidently he cannot spend the Interest of thla amount In a given number of years, therefore, if thle money from generation to generation remains in the hands at one single individual, It will become 600 million pounds sterling. Neither the Individual nor the community will benefit by this Therefore, 1 would meet it by handing Into the public treasury most of Mr. Astor'a fifty million pounds sterling on hie death. How would thla harm him? He would have ceased to exist If the state took 99 per cent of hla money on hla death he would still have one-ha- lf million pounds sterling to dispose of and this sum his heirs or heir might rub on very comfortably. CyellBg aad San.troka. Cyclers seem to possess in a large measure Immunity from sunstroke. There was one prostration Saturday in the bi cyclers parade In Cincinnati, hut it is an exception that serves only to prove Che rule. And the reasons for such Immunity are not hard to find. Habitual wheeling tones up the system, brings out the perspiration, produces what le equivalent to a constant breeze, and as exertion under such conditions results in Increased evaporation from the surface at the biker's body, he sheds the hot rays of the sun aa the oiled feathers of water-fow- l turn aside the pattering shots of rain. Louisville Times. NOTES OF DAY. It has been found that nearly all the riven in west Africa, within 1.000 miles east and west of Aehantee, yield gold. A doctor says that half the deafness prevalent at tbe present ttme Is probably the result of children having their ears boxed. Platinum wires have been drawn so fine that two of them twisted together could be Inserted in the hollow of a human hair. At the beginning of the century the population of London Increased yearly 20 per cent. It Increased only 10 per cent from 1881 to 1891, and now the Increase is still less The most curiously made soap In use Is that supplied to the stations of the London and Northwestern Railway Company, which la made from the fat an. grease waahed out of their meat Cholly Really, do you think Adelaide earn for me? Mildred Yes, ahe says she prefers your company to that cloths of any gentleman she knows, because At one of the university unions an It requires auah a small mental effort orator declared that the British Hon, to hold conversation with you. Cleve- whether it is roaming the deserts of land Plain Dealer. India or climbing the forests of Canada will not draw In Its horns or retire Into its shell. liar Ear Job. In a coroner's Jury empaneled In Aunt Elviry Hobbs never got up London the other day there were 12 from that roomatls spell ylt "New; some folks won't never git Smiths, one Jones and one Brown. To outen bed a'long other folks keep complete the cycle it le only necessary ice cream to em. Exchange. to mention that the deceased's name was Robinson. It la a rurloua and bewildering cirThla Waathae. Country Barber (affably to total cumstance that In a world and in an tranger) Very tryln' weather thla. age where pragma la one of the lews Ir. Makes you feel as If you'd like of existence the violin should be today your body In a pond an your 'ead In a aa to form and all essential details exactly what la waa some 300 yean ago. public ouee! From Punch. Ctald Mot llaae Him The train wu nearing Detroit when at a way station a young man, dressed In the height of fashion and carrying a summer overcoat stepped on board if lookand went through the cars ing for some one. He stopped once or twice at a seat occupied by a farmerlooking man who attracted hia attention. Finally he uked politely: la this Mr. 8am Garland of Bean-vill- e, Ohio? "Yea, 'epoae you read my name on. my vallae, hey? No, uncle; I'm your nephew, Hal Garland ol Detroit. "I guess not I reckon I ain't lived ilfty-fiv- e yeara not to her my eyeteeth cut. An I ain't got a nevy that looks sech a dude you air, not by a long ehot The young man colored, hut laughed u u good-natured- "I can find some one on the train he said. And going into another car, soon returned with a youth who waa of hia own age and style. This is my friend, Mr. Sampson, uncle. Perhaps you remember hie father, who came from Bean v llle 7" "Howdy. Mr. Confederate! I remember Jim Sampson fust rate, but he warn't no relation of yours I'm right orry, boys, but I cant cash that check of youra I reckon the goods will have to stay In the freight house. You tea, your old uncle haa traveled afore. The two young men went off laughing and the nephew who bad been taken ao persistently for a confidence man had the satisfaction of seeing hla uncle take the wrong car, and of saying to a friend: The next time mother sends me to meet some of her country relatives Ill take her along. I know the old man will bring up at the police station." who knows me, Eatlns Slowly. The opinion that hurry In eating if a prolific; cause of dyspepsia la founded on common observation. The ill results of bolting food have been attributed to tbe lack of thorough mastication and to the Incomplete action of the saliva upon the food. Two-thirof the food which we eat le starch, and torch cannot be utilised In the system as food until it has been converted Into ngar, and thla change la principally effected by the saliva. But there Is a third reason why rapidity of eating Interfere with digestion. The presence of the salivary secretion In the stomach acta as a stimulus to the secretion of the gastric Juice. Irrespective of the mechanical function of the teeth, food which goes Into the stomach Incompletely mingled with saliva passes lowly and Imperfectly through the process of stomach digestion. Therefore, as a sanitary maxim of no mean value, teach the children to eat slowly, and In giving this Instruction by example the teacher, as well aa the pupil, may receive benefit Troy Times. da Ha Took tka Hlat, He Let's klaa and make up. She Are you aura that you mesa that? He Never In such deadly earnest In my life confound It here'a your mother! 8he But you know mother's awfully shortsighted Detroit Free Press Remember that Irish potatoes grated and applied aa a poultice is a quick and sure relief for acaldaand burns Why la the vowel o the only one ounded? Because a! tho others ass In audible |