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Show NIMROD NOT A GOVERNOR'S HOME. 1raf. Finds A MYTH. or li.s sscs of Iks Might Hunter. NEAR PRETTY OLD PLACE conies to him who waits Eveiything MONTOURSVILLE, PA. and if Prof. Ssyce be well Justified In what he has written from Assouan, In Oaea tha ImUmh of Jaha A. Hkalaa Egypt, historical Justice Is about to be I Hu llara Tkal Ha Cams to Find Hala Bast aaf Pun-riaaa- rlal DUeaaiagamsat Hriaa Hla Ut HALF-MIL- E east of Montuursville, In a setting of grand old trees, with a lawn niugnlfit-ru- l In the the can be house where the John late A. Shulze once lived. Hard by, along tne naln road, surrounded by a grove of locust trees, stands the quaint colonial-styled building, which, lir the days was used as a church, ad which was built on ground donated (or the purpose by him, says Pennsylvania Grit To these two buildings cling associations of historic Interest, (or they figure prominently In a story that is quite pathetic. The Governor Rhulxe residence," as It Is yet known to the older generations thereabouts, la now the property of Mr. and Mrs. Delos 8. Mahaffey, of Williamsport. Exteriorly the bouse baa been modernised by the addition of large porticos, but the general appearance of the building remains as constructed, by Governor Shulze SS years ago, when at the expiration of his term as Chief Executive of Pennsylvania he came to the West Branch valley to spend the remainder of his life. His coming, however, was far from bringing to him the contentment anticipated, for financial ruin and harassment in a few years made his existence uncomfortable and he removed to Lancaster county, where he died In 1852, aged 77 years. Peeping out from the wealth of treea that surround It the old Governor Shulze residence it once appeals to mind and eye as an object of more than usual Interest The house, which Is of brick, was built under the personal rection of the and under Ha roof have been entertained many diatlngulshed visitors who called upon the Governor during the few years that fickle fortune smiled upon him. The house was built In 1831-- 2 on a tract of Innd containing 500 seres, which Governor Shulze bought from Mr. John Cewden. He paid 812,000 for It, and soon after coming Into Its possession bo planned and built the mansion. The bouse fa located about 100 yards south of the main road leading to Muncy, and a broad lane runs directly to Its doors. This house was regarded aa an elaborate Improvement, and for many years It was pointed out aa being one of the most aristocratic homes along the river. Soon after building hla mansion the conceived the Idea of having a church within a convenient distance of his home, ao ha gave an acre of hla land and 8100 In money toward establishing a union protestant church. This plot of ground was located on the main road, near tbs Intersection of the lane which communicated with the Governors residence, and upon It was built a church, which for that time waa considered a very commodious and elaborate structure. This church building, unchanged In a single detail except for the different colored paint Ip which it la now arrayed, atanda a quaint reminder of the architectural fancies of more than a half century go. Thia structure, for many years, was known aa the White Church," because of Its color, but for tba last twenty years no church services have been held therein. The building has been used aa a meeting place for the member or Fairfield Grange, and It Is now generally known as Grange hall. n members of It Is owned by a the Grange. Several years ago It waa repainted and made a dark green, or llve, color. Aa a farmer Governor Shulxe waa a (allure, and as financier he waa unfortunate. He was of a kindly disposition, and by endorsing for friends be soon found himself Involved heavily. Matters went from bad to worse, until finally his fine farm and elegant home was sold by the sheriff and It passed Into the hands of others. Old, broken In health and spirit, and without moved to a money, the bouse In the borough of Montoiirsville. Hut he was constantly being harassed by those whom he owed, and finally, in 1848, ho and his family removed to Lancaster. The books In the prothono-tary- a office, here In Williamsport, show many unsatisfied Judgments against Mm. i) ex-Go- v. to-da- y half-doze- wlodllog tks Fa mar. dona to everybodys old friend, Nimrod, says the London Telegraph. Hitherto it has always been doubtful whether this ancient sportsman was or was not a veritable personage, but the learned professor la now of opinion that ha has found the name of tba Mighty Hunter surely and safely registered in the cuneiform Inscriptions. If It be as stated the full name of Nimrod waa Nail Munida the Kassu and he lived at Babylon about fifty years before tha data of the Exodus, a contemporary of the father of that Assyrian king who restored Nine vali and founded Calah. Nazi Muruda Is near enough to Nimrod" to have been quite possibly tha true appellation of this famous person political, educational, mercantile, whalwhen he was, to use an American ing, fishing or mining Industries of phrase, tu hum. Arabic scholars Alaska, then Juneau has no right to tba can never have failed to notice tha title of metropolis. In everyone of similarity between the Mighty Hunters these particulars It has a second or title and the word Nlmr," which third-rat- e standing. In 1880 gold waa means a tiger. Any further particudiscovered at the mouth of a email lars from the same erudite quarters will ereek back of tha present site of the of course be very welcome to us la city. Notwithstanding the fact that tha west, particularly when a new club hundreds of claims were soon located has lately been started in London bearand a half doxen mines are now In oping Nimrod's name. At tha same time eration along this stream, it requires we are bound by faithful scholarship to only fifty-fiv- e stamps to pulverlxa all point out that, like many another tha rock, mined, and tha magnitude of sporting man, the Intimate character the operations has never yet Justified of Nimrod may not bo able to bear too tha erection bf smelting or chlorination fierce a light The particulars which works. From first to last these mines are given of him in the koran are of have proved disappointment. a perfectly distressing kind. In chapAcross the Gastineaux channel, some ter II., entitled The Cow, Nimrod la five miles away from Juneau, prospecrepresented as disputing with Abra- tors struck "pay dirt on the southern ham; and to show himself equal to the end of Douglas Island. This was in Almighty In power as to life and 1882, two years after the discovery ol death he has two innocent mien brought gold at Juneau. Peter Erussard, or before him, one of whom the hunter French Pete, worked his way up tha dispatches, while the other he flays bank and discovered a ledge of quarts alive. In Sura XVI. of the koran, containing traces of gold. This be conentitled The Bee, allusion Is made to sidered of little value, aa It could only the tower which Nimrod built In Ba- be operated by machinery much more bel and carried to the height of 5,000 extensive than his .pick, shovel and cubits, Intending to ascend to heaven washing pan. He therefore went back and wage war with the angels; but to the beach and continued to dig in Allah frustrated his attempt, over- the loose gravel. A shrewd prospector, throwing the presumptuous structure John Treadwell by name, came along, heard of Petes find, examined It on the by an earthquake. lu Sura XXI., entitled The Prophets, another legend sly, and struck a bargain with the original discoverer for (KM). This was tha la told reflecting very badly upon Nimrods private life. He Is said to first sale of claim that has since behave filled a vast spare full of wood come one of the richest mining properat Cutha and after setting It on fire ties in the world. It was another sale to have cast Abraham upon it, bound of Paradise Lost French Pete was hand and foot; but the angel Gabriel tha Milton of Douglas Island. It Is a came to the assistance of the Friend long wqjr from 8100 to 820,000,000, but of God, so that nothing about him that distance has been covered In fourwas burned except the cords. It Is teen yean since John Treadwell acadded that the fierce flames became quired the property. With this change an odoriferous air and the burning of ownership tha name of the ledge faggots a pleasant meadow, though for changed for Tha Paris" to Tha Treadother people It waa ao hot that 2,000 well. comTreadwell at once organlxed unbelievers were consumed. From the same source we gather that Nita-ro- d pany and proceeded to dig a prospectin hla last days waa destroyed by ing abaft across tha ledge and to erect mill. The shaft showed a special messenger from the Al- a five-sta400 feet thick and tha be to tba which a of ledge In the gnat, shape mighty penetrated to hla brain and caused hla tamp mill qonvlnced the company that the rock could ba worked profitably death with Intolerable pain Heavdesirupon a large scale. Upon the strength en, aa DHerbelot remarks, mill waa f this discovery a ing to punish by one of the smallest of on a active built and begun called operations who had the creatures its tyrant hlmaelf lord bf all. We grieve to re- basis hitherto unknown on tha Alaakan call these legendaty particulars at a coast. In 1888 the capacity of this mill moment when history appears Inclined was doubled, and now the deafening to furnish us with unexpected reve- Jumult of 240 stamps drowns all noise lation as regards this prototype of the at the mine, save the roar of the heavy Not content with bla first sporting world. Most sportsmen are blasting. Treadwell traced the ledge must too not purchase, we and sportsmanlike and step by step acreadily believe, at least until Prof. along tha bluff, until he owned the Ssyce has concluded his researches, quired other claims the very waters edge. Think of that the earliest M. F. H. in the world vein to quarts, and keenest pursuer of big game it! A ledge of could lightly do anything derogatory 5,000 feet long, 400 feet wlddt end to tha conduct of a true lover of the reaching to unexplored depths, Such la the Treadwell claim. chase. Tba Treadwell ora is very low grade, only about three dollars per running Miss Cast Moss to Develop. ton. Unless operated upon an extenJ. B. Haggin took 83,000,000 from tba sive scale, the mine would not pay exCuster mine In Idaho before It reachpenses. Under the present manageed depth requiring the use of canment the total cost of mining has been sima He dles when working It spent reduced to per ton. At least, this ilar amount In developing tha Ana- Is tha published statement of the comconda mine before It waa on a paying pany. , A former governor of Alaska, basis. The Homcetake mine, In the who bad access to the books in order Black Hills, eould not be profitably that ha might make out hla report to worked by the prospector, but the ex- tha general government. Informed me penditure of 8135, 000 for machinery that he found the actual cost to be but started It yielding a dividend of 820,000 81 per ton. There is, therefore, a profit month. New York World. of from 81.65 to 83 on every ton mined. The present output of the Treadwell EMERGENCY HINTS. mine alone la 800 tons per day. This r 120-sta- The next step In the a deep violet. proceee li to place the roasted ore In tanks of water and then pass through tha solution Jots of chlorine gas. This to gold chlorchanges the p ides. When testing reveals tha fact have been that all tha changed, tha resultant la drawn off Into tanks and iron sulphate la added. This frees tha gold from tha chlorides and precipitates it as free gold. Owing to the greater specific gravity the gold falls to tha bottom of the last tanka. The liquid la drawn off and thrown away. Once a month tho residua la cleaned up and taken to the assay office where It la melted and cast Into bars. Tba amalgamated gold te rot-oxid- es prot-oxld- es selec- tions. lie did hla work must creditably. Why? Well, because there wasn't a Rover or a Fhlo In the whole kit Harper linear. Mt well-bre- d THE GOLD MILL. this office, where tha mercury la driven off by heat and the gold made Into bars. The third of July five bare, valued at 860,000 were cast. These were shipped to San Francisco by lao brought to the steamer City of Topeka, July 12. The company now employs 400 men at its four mines on Douglas Island. These workmen receive from 83 to 87 per day. All wage scales are made to Include board. The company keeps a large boarding house near the main mine. Should a laborer desire to board hlmaelf he la allowed an additional eighty cents per day for rations. Halt a mile from the mine la a straggling village dignified by the name of Douglas City. Here about 100 miners live with their families. TATTOOINQ IS POPULAR. Tho Process la Bald to Cost fross SS Coots to sits. Do you often meet tattooed men In your practice?" a physician waa asked by an exchange reporter. Fre- man-of-w- Uoa-tette- bomb-throwi- m Inloods Sarsaparilla ' Denver Directory. A BIG Kooky Mountain Catarrh Core Never falls. 8L Agta wanted. 506 Cooper Bldg., Denver. CTATC IIDC Sampling Work- - OSes Albany U I A I UllC U(iM Block, Denver. Pocket refr raati bonk, valuslile to un wlium. mailed free CONCERN. t ar 81-2- hs that Adam gave name tc all the animals?" I do, and I respect him for bla Tha Ladles. Tha pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of kiss, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article look for the name of the California big Byrup Company, printed near th bottom of tho package. For salo by all responsible druggists. flaw Us Usseilbsd It. business man to describe takes It costume to hla wife. A busy son of commerce, after seeing a very taking dress on a very taking young lady recently, informed the partner of hla was joys: It was fine. The dress some You seemed pleased over It, sug- made of some kind of doth, with sort of trimming. It waa sorter lilac; gested Mrs. Pringle. or shrimp pluk in color, and had Tot Mr. Pringle laughed. He also blushwaist some kind of basque that wu ed. Hie wife detected evidences of indescribable. She wore one of those conscious guilt In tba fact that ha did hats you sometimes see on women, and not offer to show her the letter. Yea, altogether gave an effect that I wish he thought she had him ufely trapyon could have Been. New York Reped and tho knowledge made her utp corder. terly wretched. Whit tha President Bay. Mr. Pringle read the note over again I take pleasure In stating that I peron hla way hi the office: sonally know persona who, once absoDear Sir: I have often wen and adbald, bare regained their lost mired you from a distance and would lutely hair through the use of DAKDERIXE. acba greatly pleased to make your My wife, whose hair whs falling out me this afteroopn at from some cause, has received great quaintance. 4 o'clock at the approach to Belle Isle lienefit from 1L I heartily commend Thus writes Edmund bridge. I will wear a blue drees and DANDERINE. D. Mnrdaugh, president of the Terricarry a bunch o pink rosea. torial Normal school to the Knowlton ADMIRER. Danderine company of Guthrie, OklaAt tho hour specified the woman In homa, from whom Danderine can be tha bluo drew waa there. A man obtained for 81 liottle, if not kept who wee not Mr. Pringle walked up in atock by local druggists. to her. I have your note, he began, but Amnrlaan Ilonas In England. she turned on him like a fury, llow During the hint year no less then 10,000 American bornrs have been sold In London dare you speak to me? I am here to alone. A lance number are uansl for the meet my husband by appointment." end end ram The rnlnuaster end mailer dealer profess not to touth them, the I guess not. You are here to meet and forniv believing, rightly, that Mr. Pringle, who sent me to see what the majority of foreign possibly lionee ere somewhat a declare that at be while. rule, soft, you lit price he nu get plenty of If you address another Wretch! hi work do English horse, end that they in. however, that there very well. The fa word to me I'll call for help. are almost niiiny Anierinan homes drawExcuse me, but if Mr. Pringle had ing eeb American subjnts riling la them. After American and Canadian hone have sure am wife I meet to hla expected changed bund under the haninire- they are ha would have come. resold without anything being aid about Mrs. Pringle took a passing car and their nntionaHiy. Iliey get mo the country and edit to dllllmjltle and perplexities went home. She had changed her of the breedur.the Luuduu Field. dress and butter wouldn't have melted In her mouth when Mr. Pringle came Ton are not Shaken Before Taken In. 8he thinks she has proved her With malarial disease, bat with prodlghme violence afterwards, if yon neglect immehusband to be a model of rectitude, but diate meoeure of relief. The aorest preventive and remedial form of medication Is she doesnt know that he spotted AdStomach Hitter, the potency of mirer" at the first glimpse of her dison antidote to miaimatlc polaoa hai which tieen at rated for over forty year part. demon guised handwriting. The liver when disordered ana congealed, the bowel If constipated, and the kidney It inactive, ere promptly aided by It, and tt la Bumped Into Foam Invaluable for dyspepsia, nervous debility How easily an Intending assassin may and rheumatism. or stabbing get within Aa an Instance of the growing Republican-ladistance of Frances president ia illusIn England, It la stated that a suggestrated by an episode at the salon of the tion baa been made to replace the high walls of Rockingham palace by a low and Champs Elysees. He goes about Paris single railing, ao that tbe general public aa an ordinary citizen and makes no atmay be granted a view of the gronnda within, which, by tha way, are scarcely ever ustempt at grandeur, except on state oced by tbe royal family. The duke of Decasions. On that day he went to the vonshire, also, is aald to be contemplating down the outer wall of Devonshire putting salon to enjoy the pictures unaccombonne. panied; but before long a rumor got about that the president was there. Now, it happened that a mayor from some provincial town waa present, who was eager to gain the presidents ear, and this man began to rush wildly Tha beat when need medicine. For blood, through the rooms looking for M. appetite, nerves,yon stomach, liver, nothing equals Faure. At last, In a doorway, he found hla entrance blocked by several persons, and, losing patience, he pushed past them and elbowed a tall, spare man out of the way, exclaiming, Let me pass; the president wishes to see But I am me! It is most Important! the president, and I have not the honor of your acquaintance, replied the Tha Ona True Blood Purifier. All druggists. L other calmly, whereupon the mayor Hooda Pills cure all Liver Ills, is cents. was so confused that he forgot hla mission and withdrew abruptly. San Francisco Examiner. 5 ha Do you believe o. quently," be replied. Only the other day a man who waa remarkably decorated came to me to be treated. His right arm waa encircled by a serpent In red, the heed on hla wrist and hla tall on bla shoulder; on the left arm wu a crocodile, also In red, and surmounted by patches of diamond shape and three colon. On his breut were three figures executing a dance. The work Itself wu well done and the colors bright Ha said it wu done on tha oout of Africa and attended by great ceremonies and he had become a great man In the tribe. But such elaborate tattooing one seldom meets and then only on sailors. Small designs are common. A man who claims to ba tha oldest tattooer In New York city said: I learned on board a and began business in this city at 80 Oak Street In 1847 and have been at It ever since. I find plenty of peoNat a ple who want to be tattooed. great many sailors come to me, but lets of other people. I use simple designs. I have tattooed several men and women all over. I remember two of the women were for a big circus. Masonic emblem, he uld, 'are popular; next comes flags and shields. An Irishman will want, probably, a harp, or perhaps an anchor. Ax Englishman a ship or maybe a crow. A butcher may. want a pig's head or a chicken and a baker sometimes a flour barrel or a loaf of bread. The Goddess of Liberty, sitting on an eagle's neck and holding In her hands the national shield and tha flag, la quite the rage. I charge by the piece," eald the tattooer. For an anchor, eagle or crown, 23 cents; for a heart with the hands duped across It, from 75 cents to accordlngto the amount of fine work INTERIOR OF THE GOLD MILL. For the Goddeu of Liberty, required. yields from 81.300 to 81.600 net profit 82.50 to 83. For the two women X tatthours. The capital ooed for tba circus I every twenty-fou- r got 8125 from Invested can not be over 83,000,000. As each. the mine runs 805 days every year the annual net profit Is not less than half a That Made s Dtffaroneo. million. Add to this the returns from who had Yea, air," uld Dukane, the other mines, which will now be half aa large aa tha Treadwell, and you will Just returned from a fishing trip, "I over alx begin to get a conservative estimate of caught a trout which weighed pounds. tho value of this perpetual annuity. That wu a whopper, replied Gad-we-ll. Seven-tentof the assay value of the ore la In the nature of free gold, scatTea, Indeed, the fish was a whopper, tered In small particles throughout the I tall you; but er you alluded to the rock. Only occasionally are these particles large enough to be seen with the fish, i suppose!" No; to the story. Pittsburg naked eye. The other three-tentof tha gold la In the form of sulphurate Chronicle-Telegrap- h. Until 1890 only tha free gold waa taken from tho quarts. In that year extensive The Csaal Way Rovomod. chlorination works were built and tha Frankstowc inland's boy doesnt gold ,waa extracted from tha aulpburet take after bla father. Homewood era aa well. 8lnce this has been done Thats aa Its Just the other way. I the actual returns from tha mlna show uw Hlland taka after the boy yesterfrom 93 to 95 per rent of tho assayed day. The old man had a strap and was value of tbo rock. gaining on the youngster. Pittsburg For several year th quarts wu Chronicle-Telegrap- h. 81-3- When rhoklng from any causa get Pennsylvania papers tell of a man who is swindling tthe farmers In the upon all fours and cough. If there Is neighborhood of Klttanntng, Pa., by no one present to render the old-timeans of a double-en- d fountain pen, assistance of pounding on the back. one end of which he uses in drawing If a high fever comes on at evening up contracts for harvesting machinery, bathe the feet and wrap In a blanket, and tba other he presents for the put warm Irons to the feet and give farmers to use In putting their signa- aconite in water every hour until tha tures to the documents. The Ink of the patient Is In a good sweat," then ksep contract fades, and a promissory note well covered. t written in over the signature. In fracture of the skull with compression and loss of consciousness, examine Wksrs It Is. the wound and If possible raise the broDipeon Ye gods! Isn't this theater ken edges of the skull so aa to relieve hot! And think of It, they any In the the pressure on the brain. Prompt acpapers that they provide Iced air for tion will often save life. their patrons! Dobson So they do. In the case of poisoning tha simple Didn't yon notice It on tha face of that rule Is to get the poison out of tne young man In tha box office! Rox-bu- stomach aa soon aa possible. Mustard Gazette. and aalt act promptly as emetics, sad they are always at hand In the home. Jut Ilia Luk. Stir a teaspoon ful in a glass of water Just my luck!" cried tha drummer. and let the patient swallow It quickly. Thera were fourteen Boston girls In If It does not cause vomiting In five the car. Caught In a blizzard again!" minutes repeat the dose. After vomitba continued, donning oar tabs. ing give the whites of two or three ecd Troth. and send for a doctor. ry e. gold-beari- ng If a vein Is severed compress below the spurting surfnee. Blood In veins returns to the heart. Kemembcr that Irish potatoes grated uud applied as a poultice Is a quick and sure relief for Braids and burns. When an artery Is severed compress above the spurting surface. Blood from the arteries enters the extremities. When dust gets Into the eyes avoid rubbing with the fingers, but dash told water Into them. Remove cinders with a camels hair brush. Work Wall Doss, CAUGHT IN Hfcfi OWN TRAP. a large open pit e; retching AUSKAX 1S0XAXZAS. across tha entire Later on a Haw Mrs. Pringle Triad ts Spy oo Us ledge. Haibudi abaft was sunk to a depth of 250 feat, had been married Juet Mrs. and used extenslva Pringle hoisting apparatus A BIO COLD MINB AND ITS to elevate the rock to the crushers. six months and would have been hapOPERATIONS. From the crushers the rock la conveyed py, but aha wu one of thou women to the stamp mill la ears drawn by a who never can let well enough alone, mall mountain engine, llera It la pulfweoly Mlllloa Hollars Is Its Proaaal uya tha Detroit Free Press. She wu inclined to be Jealous of Mr. Pringle Valaa Tha Mas That Foood It Sal4 verized and passed over concentration waa filled with surmlaee that had and in free Law the order Haadred may that It for Fear gold (intde plates no foundation. But she decided actual b Ora. amalgamated and the worthies to set a trap for him end It never ocroak washed away. The residue, containing Bulphurats of gold, la collected curred to her that aha might possibly (Special Letter.) and taken by a covered tramway to tbo fall Into It herself. era OME people One day when Mr. Pringle went chlorination works, where It Is roasted pleased to call Juwife handed him neau themetropolls three tlmee In brick furnacee. Each home to dinner hla bad been left a she which before uld note, hours. Just six lasts roasting If by of Alaska. for him that morning. Ha opened It this they mean that raking tbo eulphurate from the laet furIt hutlly, thrust It It Is the largest, nace, a little common salt is added. and, after scanning hla into ba loat At pocket, some Indifferently this gold may point . dirtiest, most llcen-tli- u rg. "Anything Important?" uked bla town In Alae-i- n by volitliatlon. Delay la very expen-fivIn tha process of roasting tho wife, la a tone trembling with excitetha name la wall chosen. But If by ulphureta have been changed to prot- ment. No-A busiaeu matter, that la oxides. Before roasting tha ora waa metropolis is meant Is all. It tha color afterward of fooli gold; th centra of tha mined from Among tbe large manufacturing establishments hi OoJomdo, none bave taken a greater SEALS. RUBBER STAMPS STENCILS, Kovty stride and t Demoted their trade to each pro Work A M Co., UW lowreucn St. P.Dan. Oi Box SI. f. Ten and have the portion i:offoe company. Thi Arm. oatatrilabed In xining and printing Machinist Repairs Pipat threading St. lands thirty year ago, wad with a steady cutting. twrraae of burinem and growing mo Aden ee, Freight Elevators Nock d OaxldllA-1- 7 lath aL e lucres faciltheir to were cwniitelled they FOB ladies; oall or address Hie from time tn time. nirtH now they have SB LON1DNEH BLOCK, ISSII AHAPA-SOthe flnrot anti best equipped plant ia 8L DENVER. SfRKET, Lon I. Seven year ego ttiey deckled to open a branch house Hi Denver, and th question GROCERIES :eta. SO pare prieallri free. Cow Whole- anwe whether a coffee and spice ndll of the Hours, lltth and uiika. tubara coap 1. All iiaokage coffee 2Ua. proportion they hitemled to nlnce at the dishe carried on posal of the inerclidiKn ninhl CURED WITHOUT OPERATING, DIIDTIIDC at a inoflt, lint they concluded tint by etierg n U r I U II C Tha Miller Support for nla. Willie ami nerve they could make It win. and hull X. Wright, L D.. SB Open Uooea, Denver. ntlH of went Mlawiuri the the beat equipped river. To wiy li ban proven a aucceo la but GRINDING Hoaore and all kind of dga toots. Kail ordure lusial attention. peaking mildly. No one who ha not had the the Eagle Spice mill Duqrger Broix, Berber Hupplle- -. Mas Larimer IM. of vUiitng opportunity of . FLK HEADS. DEER HEADS. RUGS. rry ... hurittee. having the full equip large A. T. Allen. Taxidermist, lKIU California St. merit of machinery usually found in a large 'Dietary. iSUwreaea at pice mill. They have hitrty placed a new nClIVCD of wary machine for naming coffee. Till machine in UlNVlK ADnUOn hnwnSand for catalog aa Prieak quality gnuaPd. Imply a wondir. To thhik that only a few to forty-fiv- e imMitM ago K took fmiu thirty-fivAND POTATO GRAIN. minutes to mast a bag of coffee, and that Cheap. Write for Prices. this maAiue ikic Hie amtic amount of work Mdse. Co. L A.Watklna The in right minute. H would hr hard for one who hat not area the roomer turn ont the an aihrl postpaid that Will boy coffee believe, lint seeing U I idle ring, and alia fori at tXA Headed ia while our representative waa there he saw every reeldraok Horn ant offlen. Hell it right AGENTS WANTED this done. In qtirKthmlng Mr. George A. ACXB tiU, 1T Lewreare Street Naidi regarding the advantage of the be mhl: In tbe Arm plaee. all rnffee Comet Styles;-. 100 If alirtnka la rnaatlng. yon put pounds Popular PriceIt wriglia. of green oiffee in the Donlapa AgraU Wt to 8d pounda (thla I when named, from Beal Skla Garla rite oM myle machine). Every pound of ments remodeled Inin the latwt riyle. BABCOCK BROTHERS. shrinkage mean an mnch per rent, of loat W aroma. Now. the new machine saves from Sixteenth Street. 4 per cent, to II per cent. In shrinkage, making the saving In aroma from 1.1 per rent, to E. E. BURLINGAME'S 21 per rent. more. This, together wHh the saving In lime, makes the I. P. C. gaa rosster the king of coffee machinery. He also staled that they were the only hnnae in Colorado, Wyoming and Utah who poo Id nae tlitai Established U Colorado, UCL Samples by mall or roaster, we iay a large royalty and the axptaaa will raorire prompt and eorefol attantlon msehlne cannot be purchased at any price. GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Tlila gives our company a great advantage over the manufacturers who are not aHoweil Saliad, Malted aad Assayed er Purchased. to nse the gs roaster. To protect Miemselvea HJttadlTMLawreaailL.fiHIVEIi COLOL against fraud by houses claiming to have gaa roasted coffee, they have pH cel one of their loading brands on the market In on and FOR three pound tin Pans. It la known aa tha IMHU H aMa. nireatai V rrewe4hc N. A 8. brand gwa roasted coffee. All th REMEDvTawwinh-jaLlXvPr.lCKgAH-KQFILE grocers ran procure thia, and if the consumu l.ML xpriilrian. ihrcaiMiMMfMa. Price er wish a delightful rap of coffee at a modk. XBBAbKO, Phtla Pa erate price they now have the opportunity. If yonr grocer ha not thia coffee in stork, ami will not get It hw you. drop a poatal to Tea and Goffer company, lilN. imtMrtlS and IA14 Wasee street. Denver, giving name of yonr grocer, and abovs firm will see that yon gi H. Narii-KaiU- h in X i dc e SACKS ms-rhtn- e. HATS and FURS ASSAY OFFICE uomtw SURE CURE PILES G Naeh-Hmtt- h Klckshy Wife, ran yon tell me why I am a hen? Mrs, Klrkshy No, dear, why la lit Klokdiy Reran I caa seldom Bad anything wins I laid It yesterday. Ilk W. X. Dt Dvnver. VoL XJIL Xa Whaa writing ta advertisers, pleas aay fH saw th advartteemaat la this papal |