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Show THE' WORLD. Subscribe for the World. Work o a the reservoir Thou. Steele was in the has - metropolis Tui-MJay- . nt AH who (1) go and register today ra out on this else t ion. S. L. Uhipman was st Salt Lake Toen day to visit with his father and Iran-tau- t business. The cariienters now have tlis new Baley block so far aloe? that the are now at work. s pias-terer- .io. Dunklcy is home from Nephl fi r a Avek or more visiting his loved ones. Onr fall and winter stock of millinery Is now on hand, eall and see the late styles. They will please, j ou. Ciiipman Bisters. fur emiKing, democratic candidate gres lectnrrci to a largo and apprrrla-tlv- s andteureof the ntclllgeut people of American Fork, on. the Issues of the day. lie slid that tiie promises of the republican paity through their Ideal, Hon. F. J. Cannon, that silver should be remonetizid had been broken; that the democrat gave no assurance uf this in the last campaign. But now, the democratic party is the one that declares for free silver, and wo must be true to it-I- f yon ever believed In the white metal why don't yon believe in It to day. The republicans plat forms of all these United States, with the exception of Colorado, Idaho and Utah have repudiated bilver. Ail lead-nrepublicans have denounced all who believe in it, as anarchists, blatherskites and Do you worship name, rather than principle? What cense have von to believe tbat the republican party will reiuonetixe silver? They promise confidence the reyon that if you will hringgood times-publican party want to tell you that they are pledged fer gold. Remonetization by international agieemenL will never come. England through her representatives opposes it. Germany Is contented with her present system. Tb4 democratic party ha:i staked its all on this issue, Wc want tbat which was the money of our forefathers. Alexander Hamilton favored blmetallsm, Daniel WebEter said tliat demonetization was unconstitutional. Tne silver dollar was made the unit of veins by congress. John Skei man was the man who was instrumental in distroylng that unit. Oue eighth of the money value ef tiie world was struck down. There was In circulation In Home 1 1 "00,000, OOu when me was at her zenith. Her power, her freedom, her mighty position was due to her wealth In the year 221 A. D. her iShylock hankers demonetized silver. Then began the decline and fall of the great Roman Empire. The robbing of the people of their money aud inheritance made them slaves. The lees money In circulation the more the people are in a condition of serfdom. They are free when they have plenty of money in circulation. Nation ar destroyed by the cupidity of men, not by the masses. A clear exposition was nr.de, showing why whi n produce lowers In valne money raise. Uia arguments were elear.and concise and his eloquence was appreciated by all. Hearty rounds of applause were frequently given. The speaker a post to phized Bryan aa the hero from the people. II i not snstalned by bankers or capitalists, bat by the musses. Here emmonxe spplaase was given. cdltur-ial- 3 fer The w orld was in Kajsvilie Layton and Farmington on business Tneeday and in Salt Lake Wedncsi day. The World Is in receipt of a letter this week from Alex. Thornton, who is now getting in some good work at the U. P. statiun in l'rovo. The Chipman Mer. Co have had snsh a demand for the Star flour, that they are running night and day to fill their orders. It is undoubtedly now the best f Duron '.he market. Prof. W. B. Smith is now at woik with his new singing class and the way he gets Lis pupils down to business is astonishing. The quartette with the glass eyes, also the younger boys quartette done some sweat singing st the wedding and reception parties thlB week. Speed and safety are the watchword nf the age. One illnnte Cough Cure acts speedily, safely and never tails. Asthma, bronchitis coughs and colds are cared by it. By Tho. Steele & Co. If you want a good square in?al when in Provo eall at the restaurant tf Ym O'Neill under Provo Moat Maiket. lie mwg how to put up the delicacies, have tried him. . The Union pacific makes one fare f- -r rand trip from all points in Utah eonnty for the regular qaart-- ly conference of the mormon cbnreh at Provo Oct.I7th and 1 lb. A. McDoygall, Agent. Mrs. Ellen Jakcinan I. us the Inside t rack for treasurer. 8he m one of best fitted persons In the county for that office and her friends are a legion. Vote for her. hacking cough is cot only annoying others, but is dangerous to the person who has it. One Minuto Cough cure will quickly put an end to it. Tor saie by Thcs1 Steele A Co. Stephen L. Chipman and W. D Smith are billed as home missionaries for Provo 2nd Ward one week from next A Sunday Mayor Rcblnnan took a number nf uien up Into the canyon to commence work on the Silver Lake reservoir. lie was accompanied by the other members of the executive committee. Home missionaries are selected ns follows for the precincts named Th.-will preach on Sunday, Oct. 2.7, in the wards designated. Here is the y list Lelii 0. II. Olsen, James Clark. Alpine David T. Lewis. Ell J.Clsy-ion- . Si.: men arc now at work to tap Silver Lake, so as to draw the water lln-refri- Mshop Robinson announces that Sunday nigM meetings are at 7SXI p. m, prompt, also that feacheis meeting, and pVe.thood and deacons meetings are at the same hour. Some have be.m coming in st 7:30 p. m. and the Bis'.up wishes to post them as to the corr-ic- f time uf services, i Da Wilts Witch Hazel Salve Is an antiseptic, soothing and healing application for barns scalds cuts bruises etc and cores piles like magic. It Instantly stops pain. For sale by Tho. Steele & Co. On Wednesday evening Geo. Canning hum. B. Y. Greenwood and Jos. Alston t- re discharged for the term from the conrt. The buys (ury of the district cam lioma in a rush, having been absent for two weeks . of Householder Joe. Jos. Adams and American Fork; Hyrom Evans and iiro. cf Lelii and Alex. EUIs and David list Wn-- t of Pleasant Grove are on the Wlw "V" rf of workman on tbs moiir One of the moat fashionable weddings that has taken plaee In American Fork was celebrated at the large and com mod Ions hall of Wm. Grant last Wednesday evening. It was the occasion of the marriage of Miss Hattie Grant, the handsome and accomplished daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Grant, to John Hendrickson of Levan, Juab Conoty. When about one hundred and fifty friends and relatives .:f the contracting parties had assembled, prayer was offered by Prof. J.B. Fortes, after which some kind and fatherly remarks were made by Pres. Win lhixman of the Jnab Stake. Then the bride and groom stepped to their places clad in their elegant bridal robes and bedecked with garlands or beautiful flowers, and Freat 1'sxman procouhcrd the solemn words that made them and wife. After the legal part of the ceremony had been dnly consummated and other little, necessaries In connection Herewith had been performed, the quests were Invited into the mammoth .ban quet hall, wh"re long and beentirnlly decorated table stood groaning, aa it were under a heavy load cr nil the s and luxuries that tha markets afford, all skillfully prepare! by au expert culinary artist to eatlsfy tbe cravings rl the inner man. After the feast there was a most attractive program carried out. There were opening remarks, Instrumental rnuele, Tbe Fairy Weddin;; Waltz," ills Celestia Nash. Glee, We ure Sailing," Glee Club. 'Song of the Birds" by eight of Mr. and Mrs. Grant's grand children. Song Mrs. Mary A. Even. Bang. His ileart Was True to Pa," Wm. Grant. Vocal Pnet, The Miss, es Celestia and Dewle Nish. Instrn-menti.- 1 Selection by Miss DeLong. Song, Our Jack's Come Home To day, Jos. Alston. Recitation, "Nobody's Child, Mia Bertha Hendrickson, bong Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer," Mrs, Henry Hcndrickbo-i- , Recitation, "The Wine Cnp," Mr. Sadie Wootton. Beside" there were n host af other selee-- t ions tao numerous to mention. Then more refreshments, and as midnight appoached tne male quartette aar-g- . Good Night, Then nil repaired for home. hiu-bcn- Highland- - Andrew Ilcldaway James Madsen. American Fork James 0. Bulloek Olnf Manson. F. Grove 1st ward Charles G. Johnson, W. J. Gnlllmore. P. Grove 2nd ward C. D. Glaiier, V. L. Holliday. P. Grove "rJ ward Thomas C. Beck, Jens Monaco. - X Joyous Wedding. deli-oacic- 1' If your chit Iran aruMubjiw to cr mp watch for ths first symptom nf th If Chamberlains Cuugh Remedy I gtv n as soon as the child bermue hoar1 It will prevent the attach. Even after the crimpy cough bus appeared Him athrk can always be prevented by Riving this remedy. It Is also invaluable for folds and whooping cough. For Sale by The. OaTue(1iy eiruinr, Hun. W. II. 1 Ihcmin who writes heavy at Sit Ammunition Democratic Rally. The Discovery Saved Hia Life. Mr. G. Gailluneito Druggist. B c o- Bcavcos-vnie'liiHsay- Jr. King To corny I owe ray life. - Grippe aud tried nil for miles atkiuf. but nf New Di Was taken wii h t.h I- no r.vil anJl was Riven lip and I'Cii I rnuld not live. H.ivlnu Dr. Kings Diwiiverv iu for a briitle ami bvgau Uiy atom 1 It uit anJ from tin- - first dose bigau to Merle & Co. i le gut better, aud after us ir thr-wan np and about cg'iin. It is w ih IF TUOITIUII WITH Him'MAllriU RKAD its weight in V won's keep gold . TU la. ut nr it. Get a free Annapolis, Md., Apr. id, 1S1U. I bars Him at Thus. Slcrie Ccniipuy Drug ned Chauiherlalus Pain Palm for Slurs. rbt'iiutism and found it hi be all that is claimed lor it. 1 believe It to be tbe The Darlington, WIs., Junrntl say best preparation for rheumlsin and dnp editorially of a popuiar patent msdieins seated muscular pains on tbe market "We know from tlut.Chanu and cheerfully recommend it io the Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea public. Jno. G- - Brooks, dealer in Remedy I all Hint it, cUlmcd fur If, bools, shoes, etc-- , no. 18 Mata St. as nn two occasions It sinppnl ALSU READ THIS. pallia and j xil:k' saved u M Em amcsville, St. Mary County from an would uullnicly grave. Md.- -I sold a bottle of Chamberlains not mv over night wlthm.t tl In lain Palin to a man who had beer tho noasp " This rom-dcndouM'.'ily suffering wi'li rheumatism for several MViwmoii- - pain and off rii.g limn a.,y ltmadcti'm a well mm A other umliiMDe in the wijilii ::er J. McGill. For sale Ht SO cent per family uliiuid it In tu house, tor b;.tt:e by 1 hoe. Stssle & Co. , il is sure to b" ns-ssioner cr Inter. Stj-rl- e Jk fn. F ir Sais by Thi-n- s . c Chills and Fever f CP tc Cures Hoods Knr Itomarh. i.f II o !' mrrii't i:.i'lV. Eva Havi.i u. :., X. nw Hood's X;ii.-:it'- Pit-- nil! 1 il- l- f.. Siit.i.inl! a'rl lirullu r, Nt L.j'.I.U, Ivli tL.IW. PRESENTS. varied sail 3 o o .3 CL . acs 3 5i TS aJ & U a ! p K ! MvTTERS ..rijht and attractive I1-- Reward. iu V , Bucklen's Salve. pay for what you order a rniii-tlputio- n - ra. Pk-.- s s Ills p-- irri-.c- i'urllaiiu, & Co- - of American McNeill, Fork, called on ns this mi.riiing; lie is quoted aa being, n thefolil f undatlou of silver at 16 to l . At a recent meet Fork he plainly told Ingin Amur the people where stood In this campaign. Mr. McNeill Is not alone, be lias a bg following of able men UtnnUn. UreguB, E-q- i;a DeVVitts Little loariy Risers. Can DOK'T STOP TOBACCO. HOW TO CCEE TOYRSEU WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habit grow on a man until his nervous system i Seroni-l- affeut-el- . Impairing his health, comfoit aud ti.i 'L ms' T j quit suddenly Is too scvei s a hir-'- k io the system, os tobacco to an nwrirriite nssr. becomes a stimulant f that his system continual ly craves. "Haro Cure' Is i lem.l'Je cure for the tnttace bahit, in all its forms carefully c mi oiinded aftrr the f u nuiD f n eminent Perlin niijsl it n who hue n sd it In Saturday was a lively day la Lhl. his jrectlce since 1873. wiilo-ntfailure. C. l The U. T, A. hel til ir session in the Il purely Tsetibia and gns ran teed the central school house with a good perfietiy harm'd. of teacher from the r u u toi scco yon want whi e taking llaco--- i n will and many nf our citizen. Prof. Stew- W- - ro. Ita w notify y whu to stop itteo pergive giiannieetocnre art of Salt Lake gave an latero-Hu- g manently a iy cure with three boxes, or lecture devoid of terhnicalitie en tha. refund n.s inn: ev with ten r re- -t Interest. "B ieo Curu is no a subdilnie parents as well as tcaeli--rmight un- bat a nt'fli cure, that eures with' derstand It. In the afterinon out tin hid f wM tiower and w Hi no paid a visit to the sugar fact- iDeonrdi'lene.--it leaves thn system as ory and were shown the process of turn- pore and fre from nicotine as tl.e day ing beet into sugar. Most of them ex- yon took yonr first chew sniuke. BY BACO CCB3 AND GAINED THIRTY pressed themselves as highly pleased CCBED POUNDS. with the visit. Lehl Banner. ficalda, Uurna. - CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and EASTI p-- t 51 .i ul aft-- iu - ill- IMl? ui to i Days Ciiid.ido i or S:. 1 i ci-in- SantaFe' Route r i i (a .i tao mn-l- i ndl i on- - :o g ilis'-iiie- t i'-- c 1 il VgwYirli i eq-- .inI if ii t izeiol. fl, uy it ui.igtiifi 3 t x Chicago traios. KEXWORTIIV, l Agent. Gcin-rn- and (J K. WAKItNN. I I 1 Irav. Fgt Room 411 di-i- v - Miffl-n-- . r DENTIST Hah. a-- - mis- - Tlie Denver & Rio Grande R. R. on Jaly 1st improved and their enlarged sheep corral :it Tcviicajee rase, Col., wlicrs there i the finrat mountain gras and tlji running water, which In fn-The Company of cost to Nhcop men. e has aloo pnivldcd sleeping acromoda-Ions- , which will ha kepi t espi-r- i illy for sheepmen who stop ti. re to grass their sheep. We can liandle your mutton for all eastern market. Before ordering your car, be enre and write for further Henry Lee LiverjIFeo iand Sa'eS a blu. Runs hacks all trains. II ARRINGTON'S tj AU2.fl IAN ' T BENJ. di-r- Tnlocrn Antiilnir. Doulili'Chlorideof (iol etr. but none of them did nn- - (he IcnM bit of ynoil. Finally, however. I pun huxe.! a box uf ynur We are for business and will pay as "Hneo Curo" and It bun entirely cun.-- uie nf luitdt In the ltn fornix and I have Inereaaeil as anyone. Try thirty poundsand hJghpr.re for milk in welxht und uni relieved froiii and Mlnx nf body all mv nuinemux our batter if yon want lbs best. und inlnd I inn Id write a Uire of paper on my Misknfr & Dntr.ANT, M. 1). Creamery. rlnininxl fmlinex ininliliou Yourx I. H. Marbury, Pax'ur C. P. Cnuri-fully, Clayton Aik. Sold by all drageixt at f ISO per box: A CoinImt with Oljrrtions. three boxes (thirty days' treatment) De Vout He looks like a Greek $2JX), with written guarantee or sent di god, as you say, Angel ino; hut lie is uo re ton receipt of price. Write for bu klct and proofs. Eureka Chcmica man far you- - lie is a perfect Angelina NYU, mint, isn't that all andMfg.Co. La Croe Wis. and Boston Men- 5 BATES'', llfb-e- Co. FOR A EL American and Wagons of all k; . ta first clasi order u. nrlee to sal: the times. BnifglP CALL AT THE WORLD OFFICE ANDREW ADAMSON It Wagon Wor': j GOOD PRINiNG n A AMERICAN BRIN .TON ST, LUURh i i' "T TIKE URE County Surveyor real Sy. U. S. Deputy Mineinl Many people unacquainted with the west cf tiie Imagine that Surveyor. geography because Chicago, Milwaukee and SL and PauHarc names used in the corporate title of tbe railway owning the Short NOTARY PUBLIC. Line between Chicago and Omaha, Americ-'iiC'.a'i. Fort. tney must go via tiie cities of Mil wankec and St Paul to reach their destination if it he Chicago or eat Lewis M. D. thereof. This is a mistaken IJos. On a map the. line running directly caM Surgeon, and wet would look like this. Tke Chicago. Miiwaakre V ' Ali-'c- u Ban'sctatt, (l-uT-iI H. - ll'. ST-l- i LSI t! To J. WVTCS - 1 run in sal A3TZS7 . I. Hair Cuttiu of : illl ir. Apt. of which ar on fllo and opra m inipii'tlon the Tetter, eczema and all similar skin fillnwiniMit B urk. prmenl-sl- : troubles are cured by the nse of Dc St- Louis Bail Luke City. Claytun, Nevaila C unity Ark: Jan. S. Eureka Ubvakml unl Mlp. Co. . La LruHte, Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at Wia. Gentlemen: Pur tony yen I used tobacco In nil lu form, Pur twriily-llvycani once, and restore thn tisanes to their of thal tim-- i I wax a sreat from gc and heart natural condition, and never fails to For yearn 1 DR. A. CHRISTKX3EN, (?' but couldn't. I took vannnn enre piles. For Sale ly Thos, Steele & triiil to quit, amnne othnr No To Ikir. Tha Indian dlM-axc- KSAL f -- MARTIN H AMfiRCS Wr .tut. f ..s to UjnvA Loals. W.K McMilla, Geni AgKtSalt II Walker Block. ri.MIL IS. TOP.KA KK rs l t ad MH Mi & .8 i t i tli or he t - Siiiimmx iiD t. t '( - u- -t mis at n 1 :ihii xfT Lost Via1 all tr.i r.i- f. r. FE oinin only. T in j order wav 1 the only rlr and dining rm to run way all ( iteration It i the Burlingtou Svstcn Omaha, lie " to Chicago, Denver to K an City, lug dV.r. diloit ! SINTA on in f j del ur evei'uz briiikfa r j us ri!.snap'll ti" Two . Ei om hundreda nf tCNtlmnniala, tha nriRlna' a tu I ) La t- - in t'M Y-- Only a s I , v y DeWitt a Witch tiuzel 5alvc Tha famcii little pills. Tbe voters of American Fork Diet. Xo.2 will vote at Grant' hall. And those of Dint, Xo.l will poll at thh City Hall. Atiention Sheep r Lr INTERESTING NEWSPAPER NOVELTY Marriiiee Juuniul, nT 1urnanil. Dn'imu, a M. Knitl-crtf- , me. L em:e I MM- - wlfc. n ethlWKe r.ire, ini)irruUh HndrellalU"liH-K1ii- r Mini tu have mil uuijular ileniuiiil. Ski lfi I treat meal. Airactlceof six k I driuti-lu la IrliiRauut luiruUui'lioiiii u( tmirrmiii'ulile peupltt liy mail, mill cunUliiH ot'T year.--. One b oec riuuili uf llroinlov Der writing and eorre-liuliiH, anil inirili .flH n c, .a u:iMi,hOinir yrlihiiM'inuiaiiil .snimi williuul- who House American Fork i'y adapted to tli .X are m rkinp life pvrinui. TIi-- 1 old idea that a wm are dtur.i headed, lonesome and maid ar widuw, yuunKU.au nr vk.ouwrr. ahoulil r Kiikte the Nut veara of llrra wailiiiK, lonely. In it you will find pleasure and WAITING, WAI7IR8 for Nitra aultable potmiim . lo eoui'- alu.Kaiid marry ili-- lias- Imiu explml-llhappiness. Through it, yon may fin1 The. Ul) Gr:;i:lo Wetern Railway and now tha Ix'-- a leopl, in Oil- land, leaders peace at heart. Send 10 cents fortV''-montIn wicirly trim li rrineeaMe iiunKhiern, ru-l- i l 5 for widen-- , shy and imnIiIiiI uuuk men. and eld Company will pay a reward of trial subscription to Lett e lor the cj'ivleil.m of any person I '.i.mi ig lutvhi u.rsai'e Klfilnp t'i risliipiniule The Co., Indianapolis, Ind., V. tin m liy corresi . ml, in , mill iwin.iis Publishing I ' siuui'S or i ;vT miol's at iis tralu. MarriuKe Journal, uorrespomli" .eruu A. And read the nddre9MM of man 8. I ho as sent s, purely ui, secretly, K. Wtanv, A. paisrs j a rspiml, trim nutliinir un Ike wrayper except attractive young men und women th the nddress, and all it rroMHiaiUncc Is atnciiy General Hupcriiitendenf . i Arc wealthy anil live la luxury, who In The eontldentlsl. All classes Salt Lake City, A::g. Sib, Ittn'i. Journal lawyers, dortoi-s- hank-r- s, Irmleimen sire a correspnedent iiieclianiik, farmera In laet, ulmosi eiory calling Is reprewnted. If you are loin ly. or wunt to lieiter your condition, and linvr the pick of TYrnica Iiuuilreus for a lifu puriuer send 13 . Is in aliYou ve r tar a eumpltsc'ipy of The Muriai: Journal, ol It. aau THE REST SAI.VF 1.1 tllS Wjrlil for you trill :ieer regret Ur., , a inkiiiiMii aa: Cato, Braise, MlMeiHiiiitaii Sire. Chit-- . Salt WLsic oori'ON No. M. ; Fev.-- r G 1 ijm d ri:-r- . on builington Route din I'm l)r m- Klieuin, . J Inirof tin- will lie : Hamid. recuiar prn-Chilblains, Coras, ami al, Skill 10a ila- mailed to any '.uidress or The man with a 2 api c ; inslariory orlia-- i proudin- -' Hi million Is . Eruptions, an! care Pies, Adiin-slife to satisfy 1 . sent with the nnli-r- . Tllk MAR- jisyu m ei : or no pay rqilired. g . I.IAUE JlH RNAI.,l,..rl:ai.il. Oirpnn. Tbeniau who want- - " to give IHridi'--t ltlsf.lillo:l ul in cup of pi iffw, an omelet aol M ti.nuiil rAIE'i ejutiii'.m.' nu.ny descripa coup!" of Hllces nf tom r o x. i'riei; 2i cauls tions of l.edi. s a..i! Ueuiliouen I 'eklliir life refundml, pays tor that sod tbi.L Ilk. ;i Journal, KJHH.'LE iw Thoai.is Steele X t: . (iriiitrs, many tb-'i- Chronic iss pslnfcl. disand agreeable It deranges the system, cauis sick Die headace. bad brentli, and poiM-nblood. It can be readily overcome by De Witts Little Early libers. This little pill are great regulators. & w (JU j The - HR. AND MRS. JOHN TlfNDBICKSON the more reason for my going as sionary to him- ?- uck. & CD y - Ths bride la too wall known here to need any Introduction from ns, and the groum la a prosperous i tcrkman and eommlaalon merchant, the son of Mr. and Mr. Andrew Hendrickson, highly respected citizens nf Levan, Utah, st which place tl.s newly married couple will make thi-l- r future Lcme. Rev. G. W. Martin and ion stayed over night with Rv. Mr. lilohni Tuss-drnight. They were ou their way borne from th synod. OS. CQ J x John & fe .JOURNAL. numerous everything from a do'l baby with ths necessary art ick-- for its toilet to elegant seta i.f glassware, silverware, alei gant fancy work, beautiful table cloths, ules towels, bread bnr, flour bin and mnmerons other articles. Taos. S;ee:.i. cn V- Grace, Wm. Burton and J. TV. OrJ and Miss Minnie l.nnt from I ; Mrs. Ol-Ht- i R.Y. Na.ili and the and Desais Nash of Alpine; Miss Reese of Spanish Fork; and otliei. They were s eo expi-ilcuc- Left me mat'll led, wIlli dixtrcsiiug cough, ut la chest, xhuuUlor, hark an appetite, Z c o S .2 bons-witho- luvM lilgger f c tv piiysiriuns bt-t- Airs. - i ilvah Physician and IN AVrECT APRIL N-- i. R,r. 2. fi, I 2 Jth 1398. WIRT. 11:33 a. 4:19 p. 7, 93)3 a. 3:47 a, m. (No.tI, No.-S- , 2:':i p. m. J n-,i-- . m. ( N. Sn s. oZ'i u. Omaha Chicago. Odlce hours, 2 to 5 P, M. There Is nothing more simple than ; . ?. H Babcock, uiui , that, and it Is less than S00 mlli-American Fork, - - Utah. KV Mil'S TRAFH;MG'B. OiiiutiiT anil Chicago. information to either C .1 F. A. WADLEI'iB Ill L ! I. In direction trains daily each B,'F. Nevins, General Agent, i. AiiKNr. Gin pass WOODS. Gnu. A. Hawke, Trivelidg Freight with the best Sleeping Car and Din- STEPHEN ing Car Service, and all tegnlar travelAgent, VISITORS. A. J. Gregory, Travellna Knight ers know and appreciate the merits of There were present from abroad Mr. Agent, 08 West find South St., Salt the Chicago, Mil wankec & St. Panl Silfitt&i'A 7 !?:. Siuifia'a p.insutl. Tu and Mrs. Andrew Hendrickson, Henry S:. Railway's Short Line between the East : jn k Lake City. Hendrickson and wife, Moroni Ileodritk Practical Horse-sho- er and tiie West. FORK. I TAH AMRRiCAN son wife and Miss Bettie HendrickAND Formsp, time t.tblc and inforson ill from Utah; Mr. and Mrs-N- . mation generally, call on or address Alex DeWitts Colic ft Cholera Cure. A. page of 8alt Lake; Mesdame" RUPTURE CURED FREE. JTSBSli Mitchell, Commercial g?nt, Salt iaike PlaaMBt, quick rssulfa, sal ta use. twwiftie yvu nnw ....ti luutiii if rdt"PNipitl A Alfred t.S.Lunt, Geo. Lnnt, Ubas. kUMAiktij. DTAL AMKRIUANFORK. C.t KLHVUUUk Utah. MUM, c-- t 1 Tonsorlal artist van, , James Newton. Blaeksinitli. - |