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Show THE' How Wall Street Wcrk the People. WORLD. PuMlhLsd Weekly. Read these circulars lesued by s York Bankers to the National BY $ SMITH. SMITH Kiitmtl at tin poetofftee, American Fort fur (rantmitnion through Jie mnit'ne teeoiut elate matter. Year in A it ranee J onthe Thru Ifonthe fl.M) ......... ............ .rfl3u One fatx 1 Australian Ballot. K. W Bs-,V- f Is tha lb Viunn-r.lbruiw- w 01 ' the couutry then stop an! thiuk what for the laborthose fellow are ing class' and amslt df ultra of thi conn try. TI1K RANK IIKCTLAH. DKAR SIR: It Is advisable to do all In your power to sustain eurh prominent newspapers, especially daily and we-k- ly the Hgrlenltural and reilgioua press, as will oppose the issuing of greenback paper money, and that you also will hold patronage or favor from all applicants who ara not willing to oppose the government Issue of money. Let the government Issue the coin and the baaks liue the paper money of the country, for then we ran better protect each other. To repeal the law creating national bai.k notes or to restore to circulation the government Issue of tnnuey will he to prorule the people with money, and will them turn eerously affect your ladivldual profit as bankers and lenders. Bee your cengrcssnian at ones and engage him to support our Interests that we mu; control legislation Hon of 0 famuheirt-rc- or quu.-xl- (f llw dlm-a-- urgM.e, rur yuu uf nil r ouh s , Lukt Mantinui, hi .iuiau4. Jj i.ility I'sInaintbaB a PiuiiiMrVndincMi lit Hurry, Ksbounung bruin, Vntnirala . 1 1 MIOIMI a'l Iumi--i I.r Hlglil by (lay Ira-t Oi and nut il . cli'V1 m bf Uiet'baiKa. spmiiutnrrhu-I "IBKaKrtaMmUiahnir, Uli nerowe Woo AFTER BllUiObornwaulImiailani-yjujuayaBiid lb nrgunaul IlllgunUafc CrPIDrKRatioMrthcn(aOilNaiorMainailwcabiear.B OOio a mm iHnVf,n hanuo r.lrary frr rant aro tmnwan fcini irt twi chH by laiora la toniraari.ii'.ui mi (TPiUKNKIathaoniy knuWH rvinwly not uuol a jriiuuu.-i.- l viua If ns lnnr-- ! a A armu-f- i kuaranivaiiivrQBiid nnmvy ainl ruskiin-iilnfor Sml U0b fr.vu, by llos , So.--, mclH.-o- CBL fur Bait by AiUicas ItAVOI, MKUK'IXB CW. K Pn-vw-n C.Mihtiu-tli.D- EOT SPRING quk-k-t- liu-l- 11 r.slallll. t l,ai : . r a , 3.-- Beck's is the Best. BECK'S HOT Springs Utah AMERir&XFOBK. BROTHERS Aye's Hair Vigor, which bat outlived .NONE BI T AYKIl'8 AT Til K WORLD'S FAI It, and supersed'd bunda-l-s of similar mm-t la t'is preparations, extra-r.liiiarundoublely Aver SirsaparilU fashionable as well as economical hairi of having been the ills'. in. dressing in the market. By its use, the ouly blood puriilnr alioJViul on exhibit (Jhic-igo- . Marinfae-turcr- a poorest bead of hair soon becomes lux- at (he Worlds Kir. other S irHiimrill:iM sought nf uriant and beautiful. of every means to nhtain a ehnwlti bnt they were all tnrned llielrgonJ-away muter tn applitMtion nf a rule Cure for Headache. forhldtilng the entry nf patent mediof and r.nt.ri:uM. Tha deri-dm- i Asar.med) for all forms of Head- cines iVnrl I'a fair mitliorlMes in favor nf the to be It Avars S.irrt,,irllU w;ta iu affect aache Electric Bitters has proved the very beet. It effeeta a permanent fnl Iowa. Ayers Sarsaparilla Is not a . to it (loos not h cure and tbemoat dreaded habitual sick patent Met nostrums. of It in here on its the We headache yield to it Influence. merits urge all whu are afflicted to procure a bottle and give tbit remedy a fatr Ruchlngham's Dye for the whiskers trial . Id caeca of habitual constipation the beet, handiest, safest, surest, economical and satisf net' Elcetrlc Bitters eures by giving the cleanes:, needed tone to the bowel, and few ease ory ever iuveaiml. it is tbs gent.e-meu- s favnrit:. long resist the use of this medicine. and 1.00 at Try It once. Fifty cents ' Thomaa Steele & Company Drug Store I i COLORADO MIDLAND -' i . bi-i- oue-thi- rd onc-hnl- f Adv-.-cat- - -- ar-r- y'-- n I iiiiBiV-C'insldere- ldt: 1 1 Iiemo-crati- - a-- s i u . l( excessively, upou Oas Minute Cure to rreveni aud Cougli in. axing of amcklog reminds me laryuglMs. Its value aa a is I t pipes arc becoming popular; Ueu only equaled by Its power to afford .. 'm were wont to indulge in 10 13 aqd iu.n in tanenua relief. For ssle Time. rlgarescem to have taken it spd Steele St Co. Ion liking lor pipes! uf course the ,! piessln caused by the gold Human life Is held too cheaply when stepdard hss nothing to do with this sudden the individual who needs a tonic for his rlange of taste! There are many evl system, seeks to rover his wants hy pur il :ices all around of embarraeelng little chasing every new mixture that is recunonilca In the habite of the people, ommended to him. Ilrmcmlier that d has a y.t they us a rule ere unwilling to ad- Ayer's of mit the cause of them, If they have reputation fifty years etaruling. erase enough to know. The nionopo C. Hatch was nominated A. Judge t s trusts and combines still furnish as a candidate for Judge of the ,4lh t!. lr owners with u steady stream of Judicial lilstrlct by the Republican Lumen alavea to supply their merest Judicial Convention. Judge Hatch is whim. And fools will continue to vote now the vacancy caused by the filling to support private property in monopo resignet ion of E. A. Wilson who was ics and do witheut the things thetr compelled to resign on arrnnnt of Lihir has always heretofore been i sickness. The Judge h.is hrl.1 one term to supply them. of court in Vernal aud is well known to the people of Uintah county and has I'.d you ever stop to think why your many friends la both of the other parJ .bur uow will not hi iu at bring you as much ties. We predict a victory lood, elothlng, shelter and pleasures as the coming election to thle county alLil.J several yeai a ago? it js because though he was defeated here lat year i are not able to are not willing to Judge Dusenbeiry, -- f Provo, Is the In s much work? ir your labor does critic nominee and is probably an able croste as much or more wealth why do man, but not very well known In this you nut get as much? Why contlunc community. Vernal Express. ti cite op mere ami more to "eipiial?' Afar awhile capital will want It all ARRIVED AT LAST ard you will Compelled to lire like Ourelogant stock uf tall and wint-tMuamen aud you do not deserve to live anv better If yog are such a fool as in Winery is now unhand and we will Do uct as cheap ,n the cheapest. : belei ve the pol i : Iciani w ho have been u v. to sen l us before fall you lying to you for 2.1 jcum, while they CllIPMAN SISTKR3. f intoned this new form of slavery JpH- - vuu. All Am late and most stylish novcl- -t It r In f ill and winter millinery at One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tfcnl Is what it V. Chlpmaa Bisters at the lunest prices. Lool Timk Card Iu effect Aug. IS, 1805 lining Nunh lining south fl pm Kill I ike City K. I,. (.UMAX. t- Aik 0. : except Sunday Through Pullman F.ilaee Sleepers to Cbieagu without change. Improved Tour st Bleepers Free reclining chair cars. Elegant day conches Dining car service. The only line That It waaagroed hy the raid william ArmAr.. James strong to convey tp the petitioner , and strong the aald land aa above desurilM-dthn said Janiea Armstrong performed all nf the him agreed to be performetl to things him Inaspi-riHperformanue of aaul a to tha terms thereof, of Uie premieea aa shove described the mlHtake waa discovered In That the le.-- from said william Armstrong and wife - this petitioner, the said willi-ttArmstrong died, to wit, on the 4th. day of April A. D. MM. It Is ordered that ail person Interested In the estate of the said William Armstrong, deceased, be and amieur Indore the District Judge in and for the jnunty and State of Utah in the county court house of Utah IIIoounty, on Sat-th- e S4th. day of Out. IMM, at o'clock A. M. Ihi'ii and there to show cause why an order directing the admlnistiatir uf said estate to execute and deliver to this petitioner a good and sufficient deed for said property aa alsive described should not be made It Is further ordered that the clerk cause a copy of thla order to be published in the world, a newspaper printed and circulated in 1,'ihIi comity, four weeks successively prior to the iMth. day of Oct. ItKM. A. C. IIATC'R, Ju.Igr. Dated Sept. Srd. ISM State of Utah, I Utah County f I. E. 1 Jones, clerk of the Fourth Judicial District court In and for Utah cuunlv. State of Isa Utah, do hereby certify that the lull, true ami correct copy of the original order for time and place hearing petition appointing In Die rata nnler of Specif ic te of william Armstrong, deceased, and cow on flit) and of record In my ofllcc: witness my hand and seal nf said Frovo city, this nnirtatmvofflreln , ird. ilayof A. U- UW R. L. Jones, clerk Thus, John, Ally, for claimant, 3 11. II. Ci.isk CI.IVEH Mik . . i y t hl-ill.-- : V i. i hum:. $25:00 Saved & We Have Trains leav- - G-- i.l Am, S :l Li: O.ly. W . Balky, G. P. A., Denver Colo MWWWrnWBMBN ECFOK-XTJ- All Kinds of mcsicil instbumen rs in stock. J Sheet music a . bi-- ALL KIVUHX GR1VP VUl We do . BrE-i- , PICTURRS.BOOKS, N. B. . ALBUMS, E T, v not select one day in the year to give nv We give prizes from our 25 aud 50 cout Cou..' us good a wheel as you will prizes. tere every day. for anywhere pay $100 else and better than you can - get ar.ywcrc else for 1000 Prizs Given A.way This STi.:i -- the same money EXTRA THIES ETC. P? EFA-ITtlKTO-Com- for Colds, Coughs, STEELE AND LUNG TROUBLES, CHERRY PECTORAL I CO, COMPLETE FRUF. Dealer In Wines Liquors Cigars FINK LINE OV BRkNDISS ALWAYS ON II IND. SPECIALTY CIGARS bURE. A S?.! - . KJIt FAMILY UdC, TWENTY El YE CENTS PCS Billiard and Pool room in Connection, . RttTJl IJICAL ANT) INTERNAL. FAUILX 0RDZ3S 1- "THE SILVEIl CLUB" AND "THE LA ELURETTE." GOOD PORT WINE ATARRH ft SALOO: STAR K. THURNTDIf. v heels. DOCTOR G.W. SHORES "Two years ago, ( bad the grippe, and It left me with a cpqgh which gave me no rest night py. dy. My family physician prescribed for me, ebangiu-- ; the medicine as often M.hf found tha things I hqi taken ware not helping rRK. e and see our FOR hu-kin- Mldl.mil. . Stock Fine of Silverw Toys COS. chinaware l.; Glassware bicycle. croekeryware and getting youi A SPECIFIC La Grippe, A. BROWN. CTSIG e STEELE vii I'm f.-- l.ecvivcrs to-w- lt: t- m SiMT . AMi'.CIMnS, HCPUICK H. .u?nt jdhr I I.1SS TO ALL THA NKUItrKSl AXU VAUXB-i(MINTS KAHT D. K. lIUlir.EY. (ien. Aeenl Passenger Dept City I'icket URlee, 3U Main At , Suit Luke City aforea-i- invar, LCnloradi Springs and hU anil arrive at R. G' W. D'lmr E. mUKINUN, Urn. M0--r Trains south of Juab ruaila-i- ml-ta- ka 1) , Through Sleeping Cars, and Tieket Agent , iliiuba, Neb- Jaka . (J.-ii- l. ment iin Ami-rlua- n Sopti-mh-'r- and Salt Like (Mytn L alvl points. H:43 nil 7:i(lpm Ami-r'ra- EAST. Xo Change of Cars, Finest scenery fnd elegant Equijj. S.tiuiu S.aipra iH::n.im 5:Mpm I,i'hl JuitL-t- . H:5tm 7Diipin American Fork H: JSi.iin K:l3pm H:Mgm 7: 17pm Ileoeant llrove S:Spm V:Mkim 4:Wpm Fmro :3tiin 7:(Op-.un t-- Through Free Chair Ca: Keatl up lteuililiiwu to-w- it. c Ojcdi-.-n lntrm'dixe agrot-mun- r.-l- ml From n d POINTS AND ALL The Only Line Running - - Denver, Ci viorado Springs Cripple Creek Victor Leadville Aspen Glenwood springs and lo-ig uai urcruz. In thn Fourth Jnrtk-lit-l District court. In and for Uluh county. Btst- of Utah, In tha Eatato of I William Armstrong, Deceased. ( Onli-- r tar notion of Applli-atlofor a spcclllc real of thn conveyance of eatau-- . aud onlur appointing Ume and place to hear xalil application: of Jami-- i On muling and llling thn petli-nA rmatrong, netting forth tbat on I tin IHlh dav of , INUA.tha Jainrn A. I). potltloni-rrntcred Into aa agrrenu-u- t with Ills Amintning, , l faihi-rWilliam Armstrong in which I Williuin Araintronv ndd and agrrud in vonvry to James Armnlrong the following l mtatc, corner Cnmmrnclng at the south-wen- t of liliH-- U Plut A, Fjrk Cliy.nnrTey In Fork of liullilirg lota, alluaP-: county and state of I'ts-t- - thence North dty, fivtheni-chalnn: ten chains: thence Rant South ten ehainn: thence ynl five ehalna place of beginning, eonta'nlug an area of five acres. That on the tSth. day of February ISM, the aalil william Armstrong aftd Bln wlfe, cjnvi-yet- l to thin petitioner a part of block M,!n American Fork survey. Utah county. Utah, that nhtd conveyance of part of block Mwaa placed In of and that ineti-athe said deed hy conveying part of block MS the deed ahonld have (men made to read in accordance with the RY- Tlie Short Line - ! vi Beck, Proi y 1 med-i-Im-- lrom9 un BATHIXG in the clay time 25cts,, oclock oSctF, . ROIiERTS iientral opinion lier that the Uw providing for thews of thu Auto mow stralian ballot la 10 worded voter In to the confusion unnecessary this that It directs tbat all the names nf candidates for a certain office Hhiill h. placed In alphabetical order under thi! designation nf the office for which they are nominated. Thle arrangment mixes np a lot of names of different ner-- v l irMraln each a manner that a Is apt to iuN, inexperienced person mis hie head In trying to eelitel the uiJidatce lie desires to vote for and :l result in the io.; Of many votes. e claimed, and with apparent good . on, that all this dlfflcnlty could have i obviated liy printing the caudl. Tills one issued March, ISM, by e of each party In one rolnnin, Association to all natloal linker's m.i.-- r the parly name and emblem, in bunks. th. Miiiue manner as theold style hal-TUB IANIC Bl'I.LKTIN, were printed, A Pimeratlc voter, would then know where IRAR SIR: The Interests of the natf r was at as long as he was marxlng ion si lumbers require Immedhu.1 finan,! his own row. and when he reiich- cial legislation by congress. Silver, and treasury notes he did not silver eertliie-itn un of a candidate be the National Rank switch and mnst. retired, ... vote for lie could easily mad the only or a notes basil gold upon Peopls's the Republican ami will Tills Ills mark the authorimake rnltmin money. op' require Party .kIuh ':a tiatno of the ceirlldste he sation if from $300,000,000 to $1,000,000, s of circuit-Moo.li.i war:t to elect, eonie back to his own 000 of nw bonds as a You will at oiicu retire column and continue the good work nil along the line. With Hie present ar- of your circulation and call In rangement It is asserted the only safe of your loins, lie careful to link- - a your way for JI try per rant of the voters la money a trlngcnry felt among tnvlnt!:p least objectionable ticket patrons, especially among Inliuential an extra The ball'jtsor thla county bualnees men. have been arranged as atiove session of congress for the repeal of the .ad, had It not bean found that purchase clause of i lie Bliermsfi law u provided that the names should be and act with the other banks nf your city in securing a large petUlou tu conthnroiij'h.'y mixed. gress for Its unconditional repeal. The hanks as fixed iherenre variety of duties a cltlien future life of nt! safe and Investments depends upou he ri:nwt ja rm;' a hundred things ea there Is an Increaslii old have; eome things he ought to immediate act ion Not per' ing ntlrncn' in favor of geventnent ii i In i.nlr to be rnyhndy. nut nt having, dido,; he sinks legal tender m tes ind sliver eolaage. !ir:i,ti or misan: iiooiibcuritv a melancholy . tie Is a as He lianily know They nobedj, creat'irc. thropic are them. They causo uo taking hef.eMniii! knows that others deem you -ft do. to have, to lie, requires griping, yet they act quickly aud most small change. thoroughly, such arc the famous little . De Witt's Little Karly "Why did you not appear when sum-i.- pills know as as a jury- - Kiser, email in slxe. great in results. court to one dollar For sale by Tims. Steele & Cn. hail not ati? n earth to pay my way and my !ard. in fact. I nave hardly decent elotblng Mrs. Klleu Jakeman, candidate for the Why don't yon taken office of eounty treasurer, on tliu any Imigcr. papfp?" Whydldjou not goto the ticket, called on Tub Utoxun fairl1'' Why don', yon send your child- yesterday and desires us to corrocc ren to school? atatemeut of tbeoppiwltlon to Postage, tax's sill numberless little the effect that ehe bad been requested 'euw telegraphing, etc., all these to withdraw from the ticket but had : afo regular rails on the n.an for refused to da ro. Fhs baa not been money. To well clothe mid buy books requeued to du so, h- -r had Rho refused, is children Is quite a difficulty. for If, iu the Interest of tbs party, she a times have been when they were had been rrqucvled to withdraw ans Let. i some eau ircall- The American would hive done so freely aud cher-rpei.di art; growing tired of this ctepnal fully. This Wuiily sample of the dtsetiu of bard times. Really death is "truth" as published Ly hp leading gold o tbluk, hug paper of the state F t onlun . preferable, as and rio it Is. Life is not worth much at best, and such a life U put (It to. b here lieen Many lives of live '. Yes, they arc njrht. to break up an or cut short by ' t our people vote fop Brysn St dinary cold, l'neumoula, bronchitis IVweil and for free silver men from the aud even consumption eiu be averted first to the fiuisli, whether those mm by prompt use of Out Minute Cough li' democrats or republicans. Th Cure. For sale hy Thos. Steele St Co. will 3 must be r;il$ril, and i ; '.luttpr which side U elected. Ihc Many pollt cd spankers, cl rgymoii e! .:nee o.f the government can be singers and othhera who use the voice a. t ui other way. It coPIcr?::,' great Vexviabla j AMERICAN FORK , i- The only remedy fuaranticd lo sbvolutsl; car catarrh and cuaiplslcly oradicats tha well-earne- 1 local nvsisisni. uns full mnnih's supply of Catarrh Buppty of CaianK Hr.iling lialm anJi.nr I wll BUsiJ anJ Slimacli IMI. I: you havt Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay of Ihs Oimat, fvvvrorany cumplicalrj hnmbitl tubes or lungs. Doctor Shorts' Cimpltta Caisrrh Cura soil givs instsnt ralisf and coaptottly no, anJ perminenlly t urt y--u. Il thi bowels ara constipated take Sho-e- s euffi-.'it-n- me. but, in spite of Ills Attendance,! got no better. Finally, hit husband, reading one day of a gentleman who hml had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I hud taken half of if, I waa cored. I have used the rectors! for my children and in my family, whenever wo have needed if, and have found it a specific for colds, coughs, and lung troubles. F.aiLT Wood. North St., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honore duiwa t! tw: ' u fforld'a Fair, irth t Ayer's fcrvtiHlli. i 1'ills cat of Dr. at bedirsw. v F0U.'Ai.li gf S'.KEl.E MA.NTJI!' All kinds of Tin, air Furnace. Mine If yom ANP Cq. OF R, Sheit Iron aiul G. W. IS cbnoi.car.d writs Dr. G. W. Sliorcs personally lor h.s new syeiplora list and have an J gel expert advice tree. vut cue Dr. II. W. Ionic and Blood Purifier cleanses and punliei the blood, fives s'rangth and runs dvspepsia and all aarvoua Sisessaa. vigor, . SI per bottle. Ur. (I. W. Shorn Kldacy and Liver Cars curst eU diseases of the kldasys. hvsr sad btaddec. Price, fl per botiie. Dr. (1. W. Shorts' Ceufh Cararuras afl cnsM; colJl and bronchial slteclion. One does wSI etas spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle In the butts. Large tire bonles. 2tc Dr. 0. W. Sharr' Mountsla Seg 0(1 slope rt tooihich srorsl pa'n la one u..niih end la neuralgia, cramps or colic us It ealeinally If asas In Prevents cures and dlphiltena ttmallyPrice. Ji c s bonla. Keep a botiie tin. Dr. O. W. Share' Pepsi a Vermllug SaMfoeS Imeslliul worm and removes I he blrie maaS seal when they batch and breei. It saver faZs. Prim Jtr a Nut. Dr. O W. Shores' Wlefsrgrsea Salva cans afi diseases of the sk'n. Kesnives rad spots sad Mach m,lrt from Ji lacs. Hsxls mi sons la Jtsldsyse Ince, TV s box. POM br. O. W. Sharer' v--. sick headache aad kUtsm er--s rtmm'c moet-peansck. Pr'ce. J'cm-- jiea Outlie. are r rape rod Tlie- -t fm. .u r. by Pl(W n. W. Shores, x'ua's MsdoSi loMlMUb SsBUbS c'iv, Utah. rr.,u--.- fr Di-m- o RICHAU BROS discs from Ihc blow! sad System. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 29c. Each full slrr package cunlslns an fug smith's Copper' Yvork. work a specialty. 5 Repairing done on short r.otice. American Fork - - - Utah MEAT MARKET, All kinds of fresh and s snltmeats. Call and see us ...Weare Here to Please IIAEUINGTOly STREI-7- , - AMERICAS FORIk.lT !; |