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Show Government and Science, a nation exit qiore hooli:raa in Ua altitude towards acicnco than the Iirltlxh. With opport unities fur advancing uisna knowledge cf nature and there-torcombating the revenges which nature plots against him for hie disregard of her conditions, the Oritirh government scarcely lifts a Bngcr in any direction to help on the work of scientific research. London Stand lrd. Hoist by His Own Petard. lawyers often funiii their adversaries with weapon:;. see this tree that has been by tlie roadside 1" so advoc.i Yes, sir; 1 saw It vc. Inquired. was conspicuous, the.; It plainly." The witness seemed puzzled by i! new word. He repeated his form What Is the diffnrenc aasertion. sneered the lawyer, "between pla Uut he was lie. and conspicuous? by his own petard. The witness ! "I can see yt nocently answered: plainly, sir, among the other lawyc.-"Love Buttons" In Vogue. When you see s min wearing a t ough you are not a bit conspicuous photograph button In his coat lapel jou may be pretty sure that bo is Cither engaged or married to the Italy's New Cereal. Intly whose portrait adorns him. InItaly baa produced a new coreal r purposes that is at: r:i stead of wearing an engagement ring it has become the fashion among Ing a good deal of impular a tent." classes of men to wear "love A public test was made the other d at Mesbrluo of baking bread from lb buttons." of the new grain, which is named Oi. Cairo, and has been developed by To foretell Wet Months. Place 12 onions In a row i,n Christinas priest of the name of Cgndeo. T! , Cay, nanio euch after a month an:l put bread was pronounced to he palatahl-.-Ilglit; with mixed and, salt on tholr lops. Those on which make i wheat cn flour. Is declared t'.'.e salt Is melted Inside of 12 days will he wet months, according to Long sustaining food at very low j rice. Rr sides this, the "inventor" says that It Inland weather science. general use would do away with tbi ellagra in Italy. I,ondon Glebe. Housewifes Will A woman who once wore a pedometer to find out how much walking Life of French Mechanic. the did in the house discovered that All mechanics in France are obliged ruder the most favorable conditions to serve an apprenticeship of from iwr. she traveled 7.38 miles dally In her lo three years, during half of which household tasks. If the 33 jier period, at least, they receive no wages cent, of unnecessary steps, or 2.43 and must board them selves. In addl miles of dally travel, had been added, lion to this, one must give tip calculate-- , the Delineator, she would two years of hla life for military eerv have whlkc-- In one year In doing Let ice, fuV which he receives 1 cent a day housework more than 3,500 miles. and hoard and clothes. It will be seen that every mechanic in France inns four or' live years of his life expend In Value. Enormous Increase without wages, before he Is prepared The value of the farm lands along 97 cents to $1.17 a day. the Union Pacific Increased by more to earn from than $2,500,000,000 In the flye years 1900 to 1905. The United States cenThe Clurri Eye. The human eye Its v to h- - n sus figures an aggregate value for 17 states In 190 i as fS.24l.782.8G4, whih rather jiVVe of in A in 1900 it wus only $5,C92,230,S72. (iirmsii i This Is su advance of nearly 45 per L reported lo have au artisan were to make for him a . cent piece of apparatus so poorly adapted to ita purpoHd he would not it. Swallowed Village Up. from Zavidovic, Austria, Reports state that a village near the River Will Never Dress Like Men. Krlvag, consisting of 30 hquses, "Will women ever dress like man T to sink quits suddenly' one morn-la- asks a New York reforpier. No. Even recently. .By. degrees the. whole if they wore trousers they would want Mil on wblch the village stood dlaap- - to put them on by oklug their heads cured under the ground. At the first tip through from under. Chicago rd'iia of tha sinking the Inhabitants !..:d. Tha catastrophe la no dpubt due i vulcu'iic action. V' Indian Discontent The awakening .ofAslA, duo to breaming. extent to the efforts of the Bill I care not how worldly you may be; great now threatens ' t; Ish themselves, (here are times when all distinction:; cause them serious trouble. Each seem like dust; and when at the separate case of disorder In India Is In graves cf the great, you dream of a Itself not of much consequence, but coming country where ynur proudest taken together they hear witness to Lopes shall be dimmed forever. Mar- a dop and widespread discontent ried cr unmarried, young or old, poet which breaks out, now here, now or worker, you aro still a dreamer, and In very significant eruption. there, will one time feel and know that your St. Petersburg Noroe Yrenfya. life la but a uivaiu. Ike Marvel. There uocs uut WARE THE JUNK- FCUR-EYE- - MADE USE OF HER LEGACY, to-da- y at Night Pestilence in Her Wars. Cnly to Be Ssen . Tit-Hit- break-makin- ' If ihe ghostly proa la the South tea version cf the "Swimmer," the follow lug story might be considered as tbs Chinese or Japanese, version of the Flying Dutchman, save that it lacks a motive for the course. It comes trom out of the Yellow sea, where the water fairly sizzles with romance and devilment, says the New York Her Junk aid. The story of the Four-Eye- d Is known in the Islands of Japan, in the Philippines, down through the Malacca straits to India and even to comMauritns. Ah Foo, the three-eyemands her. A Chinese Junk, she was originally manned by the ghosts of a rebellious mandarin and Ida bodyguard, whu kei-watch and ward over the tear) fisheries they guarded during their lives. Since the advent of the white man in those waters the crew was changed, and now she is frci"hlcd with a crew of Malaya, Chink." Lascars and what not. Ml the of the seven -- .as have. In course of time, been added n her original complement. She Is only to be seen at night, when she floats wave to from wave, all silently, save for block and the rattle of primitive tackle or the eerie flap of the great mat aall. Death and pestilence are In her path, ao If you run across her In those seas beware. e 'sti-shb- y cer-'tai- and d g n n moon-splashe- 1-- 3 moon-plashe- d TEMPTATIONS OF A MINISTER. d Questions !i-;- be-ra- g -- cxiih-.uatlr.- "di-ini- . I j. Silly Vandalism. The government officers after the lottery magnates destroyed, ammi; other things, a big scrap book 01 tickets as far hack as the eighteen fifties, when lotteries were lawfully (inducted. Thnt was little short ol a crime. The Xailonal Museum lx the I lace for such relics of astute chllizu liou. Origin of Pscular Name. The curious name of the anesthetic stovaine" la due to its discoverer. M Fourneau. M. Fourneau was anxious lu perpetuate hiq oyn name in con nection with it. but as the anesthetic was of ihe nature of cocaine and is. compound resembling that could b: cor.t lived out of Fourneau." he tranz it ted the name Into its English equivalent of "stove" and added the neces vary termination. 50 25c per hour Equipped with Plank Wagons for Grading Work, I Stockton, Utah Upsn TEACHER WAS ALL RIGHT. ... . a W. A. FRAILEY 8 1 I DEALER IN Had .Answered All Questions in a 8s$N Isfactory Manner. r! i? ti h u of-hi- I! M i! gent-lookin- g f! i! . -'-.--v s . 1 . 1 DRY GOODS. SHOES And GROCERIES 6ivs os a Call Everybody Welcome k.-- . R.. H. GUNDRY TONSORIAL ARTIST v? plsce lo get a clean, snootk hair nt shave and ao TI11 Main Street Stockton, , rv--- - ' Utah n-- nw. .. it y Strong Even in Death. There is a characteristic story of in American woman formerly well xnown in London that will bear says a writer in London Tlie lady Is said to have Truth. vrltten the following letter to a royal Be Singular. V Are we growing too much alike? one has asked this disturbing question, and some one else evi-:!.etly in a panic has been rushing about "taking stock" of the appearance ,i people In general. They may ha vjiuliced when they record that w :ivo no higher ambition than to bo mistaken for our neighbors : still, It an not be denied that few of ua are i ment to rest in a condition which mii-kus as singular among the many, even though it may be alng beautiful, healthy, happy, or Pictorial. .v!e. Periodicals, Confectionery, Pcno;,. .'.?:::. Toilet Soaps and Fancy 6oods. .11 ' H. .... ' HENNEFER personage: Fads in Diet. "Sir My medicinal attendants have So many dietetic schemes have been 1'i'it informed me that I am In a urged on what have been claimed to hopeless condition. I should dls hap-nj be scientific reasons, and have proved did I know that you would be themselves in practice to be unsailr-fa-tory- . at my funeral. I inclose a that not a few practitioner-for 1,000 to cover all ex-- I EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE re use to listen to any discussion on ctisea." RATH RC3M W Cf.r"T the sHelfic values of foodstuffs the teachings of practical experiChurchyard Under the Sea. Searchlights at Niagara. Stork ten. U aIs ence. lmdon Hospital. the coast erosion commisWhen Effective use has been made from on Walton visited Naze sioners the time to time of searchlights at '! csterday they were shown a spot Hint For Vacationists. n. sert s Shifting Sands., aiura for Illuminating tlie gorge, etc. --.orth of the pier, and about a mile . It Is not generally known, says the Citizens of Niagara Falls now propose crescent-xhaix-sand dmirs which was rom tho f shore, formerly H pltal Review, that flies nnd ; maW a regular Installation for the THE SENTINELS ,n thousands across moTe POPULAR GIF.L the 1 London saya Daily chuichyard. lavender of dislike the odor purpose, and nn illuminating expert ot I .a near A of IVr; a Joya. agofccr! quarter CONTEST century A teaspoonfnl of oil of lavendet is giving his attention to the sub' Astronoan nTf8tpll(ei' to which is added enough alcohol tc ject. At night Niagara Is not seen r.e toinbBtones could be seen under ho found ' the the8' point of n GOOD row ONE VOTE make a saturated solution, sprayed except nnder'moonlfght, am! it is bc- - ,;iter at ebb tide, but since then a has further encroached, and even e8rint to he IGu teet apart, wi.li.' around the room and on the bedding i: ved that some very bealitlful c.T.-c- l e measured 477 feet and I vvtn fir Miss r Ml effectively keep away fliea an! ran he obtained by throwing artificial when the tide la extraordinarily low was more than r, 'e, the Ihe sea clear old u::J "ll r burying y'hh ,.ii (v,iot r:;;quitoe while the odor of lavend.-- daylight on the si-The estimated weight wa x.cv' Ix sriircHy discernible from1" transition a. is iffikr tons, yet it was rarri. d 125 t f. lli uea ltvel. year by the prevailing rep-rente- d Licensed Bar !:i:-l- ; . d EMPLOYMENT T, i I1, ' 1 Utab & r; I was staying over night with a far mer, saya a writer In the Chieagc.'J'i Daily News, and after supper we won m matter!talking about cducstlonal when 1 mentioned the fact that I hady. passed a acboolhouse about two miles Ll west farm .that afternoon and that the female teacher, who waxy standing in the door, was an Intellt y. girl. he re U "Yes, I got her the place. Plied. li Then you are what is called they moderator? ,You had to ask her varl-ij- ! to see If she wsls fitted! for the place? "Well, iot so very njjny. ( asked her fa bout the Rocky mountains and the Atlantic ocean and who Shake Riieare was, and she answered right about 0 It. Then I said something Turkey and how many Li men 10 went into 80 and her answers showed me she was right up to the mark. Then I asked her in case my old woman The Shortest Hour. What Is your shortest hour In the died during the aummer If she'd mar day?" asked a business man of an ac- ry me In the fall, and she said she'd Dont say you have be durned glad to, and I told her to quaintance. none. ' You have, although you may bring along ber duds and take the not know it EverybrPfcvs. or Job.", course, reckoned by actual measurements, each hour la somposed of 60 Haggard Tells a Story. that minutes, yet, notwithstanding In a letter to the London Times con chronological exactness, the hours entlng a statement recently mad; vary In length. My shortest hour Is hat he was responsible for the lino from two to three oclock in the aftof tho Rritish government II ernoon. I find upon Inquiry that that olicy :i!der Haggard, the novel is the ahortest period for many peothe tells rt, fallowing story: ple. In my case, so swiftly do these I am reminded cf a of cer GO minutes hurry by that I try to ain Daniel Lambert ofstoiyBoer h who a crowd Into thpm as many of the napping by savages yet inevitable things of life :Kdng caught to his horse 0 as I possibly can. If I bare to Inter me mount!' So abundant view a bore I see him then; If I have Lord, help o visit the dentist I do it then. That and vigorous was the heavenly aid hour is bound to slip away quickly, no vouchsafed that he not only reached matter what happens, therefore the the saddle, but flew right over' It to the veldt beyond, and as the Zulus agony of disagreeable seenes seems rame up and speared him. was heard of shorter duration." to declare reproachfully, O, Lord, thou lias helped too much!' In like fashion I may Q. E. O. ray, 'O government, thou has At a dinner given by a high official helped too. much!' for I have always .it Washington a distinguished French- aimed, not at revolution, but reform. man, who was visiting this country ns .1 delegate to a certain industrial con Intoxicated insects. 'erence, gave expression to extrava Citizens li 1'eadena, 'al have ant praise of Ms beloved i ranee. His neighbor at table, on the right, would made complaint to the autLori lies that smile and bow in polite acquiescence bees and flies, intoxicaited on ferevery time the visitor would mention mented orange Juice, have become a an instance of France's superiority nuisance that should be abolished. They Bay that the proprietors of a above every other nation. "The Freneh" exclaimed he, are nursery near the town have a large force of Japanese employed extract a the iKilltest people on earth." Tlie neighbor at table again smiled ing seeds from partly decayed or V ir.ges, and in the process of aqueex- - J.t and bowed. the seeds from the oranges a Vt A little piqued by the other's si- ing stream of orange Juice flows 'j small s Amer-rauFrenchman asked: lence, the iivin the place, which attracts mll-J- r admit, do they not, the superl-ritions of flies and bees, which become of the Freneh in politeness?" The nursery uses the jg intemperate. "O. yea." cante the reply; that's seeds for planting. Mir politeness.' Lippi ucott's s P. J. MORAN Sai: lake City it out-sli'- e TEAMS STEADY V. T" y Wages GENERAL MERCHANDISE n tl-.- 200 LABORERS LAWRENCE i -- Answer Letters Promptly. Speech and Silence. To disregard letters which we tr I have often regretted my speech, felve Is a source of keen disappo! t never my silence. 1ubilua Syiu. ment to those who think enough of m to write ns. We should answer the i Masculine Deceit. out of courtesy If for no other ream u Man Is more easily allured by the After we have made the effort for tMt grace of the gown than tho grace cf i reason several times the chances are mind, ukh'iugh he would have you that we will continue the com-simi- ; t! ink otherwise, and will hold forth for the pleasure it gives us. fn with considerable emp! axis on the there Is no denying that it can become text that no man ever knows what almost as much of a pleasure to write n st time a woman has on. ner Is he at them as every one owns it is to cl! concerned with the sh;1- - - of lmr a bright, breezy letter. lv.:, or the way ahe does 1. i.ndun Madame. WANTED W. well-know- n an-an- Origin of Drinking Healths. The too common custom cf ing healths" had a me i ciirleus or gin. In tho days when the Dane lord ed It in England they had a very coin moil habit of stabbing Englishmen li (he throat when drinking. To avoid this villainy a man when drinkivg would request some of the sitters by to be bis pledge, or surctv. whlh tak lag his draught, lienee tlie custom. 8 . A McCarthy Epigram. Considerate. Justin Iiuntly McCarthy can write "rtlethren," said Rev. Mr. Good epigrams when he chcozes. as well a man, bringing hla sermon to a close descriptions of love and of fighting, when scarcely half way through it. it as, for example, this bit of sueclnv la too hot this morning for me to wlmloni. which he puis into tho mouib preach and for you to listeu. We will of Lewis the Eleventh, In Needles ting Prom Greenland's Icy MounNever explain; ninny a Pins: tain a. omitting all but the first stanza, bid spoils a good ease. and be dismissed." to-di- When people asked Miss Amend Green what she received from her auat In the city as a legacy. Miss (Jreen always smiled grimly and stepped toward her firepluce. ' Aunt always sr.lj rhe should remember me In her will," Miss Green would say, "and although 1 knew the family traits, I did calculate on a few hundred dollars, she being worth somewhere up In the hundred thousands. But what she didn't leave to her son all went to the college where he got hla education. It was stated In the will that I was to choose any remembrance from among the household furnish-Ingthat I wl:.ed. I chose this pair o' bellows." and Miss Green would lift a well-worarticle from the peg where it hung "Somd folks wouldn't sense the fun I've got out o thegp old things. Aunt Rebecca wouldn't ever let em be used for fear they'd start the fire up too much. I've sat over a dying blaze In ber fore-roowkh my eyes on this pair o bellows till it sjeemed as if my gaze would fetch em right off their hook! Now I take 'em down, even when '(Isn't necessary, and 1 work 'cm back and forth hard as I can, nnd it eases my feelings bo that by the lime I hang 'em up I'm ready to say: 'Poor instead of welly Aunt Rebecca! something quite different." Youth's-!- , Comi anion.' i( Tho temptation to be other than a mere preacher cornea to a minister, not only from within his own mi-ifrom reading and observation, lmt the people of hla parish and bis neighborhood thrust other suggestions him. One parishioner want lu ilia-ioon the Sunday .closing law. another wants a book reviewed, another likes to see his clergyman quoted in the, local newspajiers, the local popers like to get the ministers to discus public questions. In this way, as well us by original thought, a minister has the question of the day thrust upon him. Not only that, but there are many minhturs of great success and great Influence who have always faced the questions of the day, discussed them end fought for their Interpretation of them. So the minister who believes In preaching gospel and nothing but gospel la opposing some accepted facts as well as proposing a worthy theory. Seattle Times. i!;!u Concrete Houses. It' Is possible to build a house ard such houaca have already been constructed, which shall be entirely of reinforced cencrete, except for ouch minor Items as doors and frames. wtv.Hr.w This, says the Cement Age, makes a house which is entirely unburnablc from within and practically uuburunbie from without. of ths Day Thrust Him In the Pulpit. 4",! Aunt'a Bequest of Uss to Ease Niece's jjt.t Feeling. tea . a |