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Show ) be expected to be charged with evWho la the most discussed man la erything from striking Billy Patterson America? asks a ooa temporary. We aeaaon U to ooneumlng too many cigarettes. When the herring fishery do not know, but John D. Rockefeller at ita height, something tike 5000 or doubtless is the most cussed. 6000 milea of neta are net nightly in 8t. Louis Is to install the biggest the North Sea. lightning rod factory la the world. A scientist says that the are much enhance its stealing a lot of our heat. planets ,hou There does The worlds oceans hold In solution tot not appear to be any storage, at least 2,000,000 tons of silver. There the next two flt Vroper Is also much copper and a little BITS OP INFORMATION. CABBO0 gold In sea water. "Learn to shoot straight" la the Presidents advice to the youth of the All over the world there are 502.436 miles of railway llnea now open. America has 285,781 miles, and Europe is a poor second with 183,133 miles. land, and he should have backed that up with the caution not to aim an unloaded gun at anybody. In one day recently the mayor of Alton, 1111., kissed a thousand babies, and when he got through he was probably Just In a mood to start on The largest orchards In the world are at Werder, near Berlin. They extend without a break to about 13,000 acres. They yield about 48,000,000 pounds of apples and pears every1 year. Some trees are much more liable to be struck by lightning than others. Thus the oak and the elm are often struck and destroyed: but the ash Is rarely struck, and the beech, It Is said, never. their Supplies. sisters. big SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS Back to the farm I 234 Main St., Salt Lake City well-toothe- d Tctttla 13 Fill'-- W Tana FrenchLiroj'i Tablets. An acwitn quaintance these tablets will remit in a pleasant surprise to women suffering THe ladles' safein cases guard. of painful or sup- - John C. Sold. ! Lake Balk 'Phases 127. af the Nolioaal Pui city. KNAPT0N, CURTIS bamtmMMmmuMiMWHwiMMa Watusloa. HAMMER CO. BRANCH OFFICES i PROVO. LOGAN. OGDEN. PARK CITY DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager Kitnetcd Fo.ltlv.ly Wlthoat 1'ala Ire. Wall-Pap- Paper-Hangin- ft lilt Ollier Work YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. SRINC THIS ad, WITH ' T. W. Prize, Paris, 1900; Grand, 8t. Louis, 1904. Rend coupon below, fl'led out, to our nearest dealer or to us and gel our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of. fer to responsible parties anywhere In the United States. Don't delay This Is your opportunity to secure ah solutely the beet Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felL.MKaccept old machines In part payment- - A written guarantee from the eldest, i largest and most successof Talking Ma ful manufacturers chines in the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co., Gen'I. TAILOR. ROOMS 33 JJ i Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. Strictly Modern in all Appointments. I NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. Leii GLENWOOD ALL g THE WAY. a through trains. a -- - "' SPRINGS. .9 ,9 X a 15 i ATHREE a a a WHEEL GAP. ( J BEAUTY - WAGON NATURAL ? t? it CANYON of the GUNNISON. GARDEN CF THE GODS. MANITOU 159 9 SPRINGS. THE ROYAL GORGE. - ...... " THROUGH a PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. S' TO DENVER. For Folders. Booklet, Kit, Address ST. LOUIS AND aCHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., Suit Lake City. is' 4 1gV4'4'4:a4'444444llW4;;i4il'4!44444i.4444444.444444-4444- AdAddddMdAAkddAdiAddZAddd Salt I.ake' (Ireate-- a a a 1! a a a i J 1 ta J t rrw s.Y.w TvvtrirXViHf: AM) l.VAX, Il It XT. Xll.T l.tKF. . CITY. All Klmla I.araraf Inilrpeadrat l.lnnlyin- - IMhhI Wrxl f uf I'mw XrtllnK from Amir l IMi-Irumpfly and hkllliilly htmnrf l Kdll Inun, Tax I.InIm, llrli-fmid I'nnprrf us a Sir l:ill. I I'u l.lar nf .Vlsrhlar llonlrr Alnnya in llnnil. Wrllr inr 31 IT. niclva. Aililrvas I, n. llnv 1111, Salt l.nkp Cllr. Ilr-l-l . TII Vr.ST Tltll t'lili-nun- h s Sn-rln- lti. 1 1 R noon. INSTITUTE, numM 1 5B,aRHAWwwiiHjg,k. jautauwaw i.to;rT..yrvw.rrrp.i'i,oT;rt-.:'yrri- ' y i S. MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. SS a a a a a a a 12 h Salt Lalie City. UXOTYPEItS. 311 MOI Tin-- We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to write Us About His Ailment. to I.Ki; Bundays, 9 a. m. to Sto Street, 133 voi-- k. Wli.MNKV rt! .9 A A X thill: 3 Mrs. E. Baitleti, Prep. m-- MEDICAL IV CITY-- y y.yrrwi'i yryryyr,rvTrvryr daUdMiMdiUAddddlUlldMdd. i All-Yea- r w The Ideal Summer Resort A'.tracf.oh jThe SeLnitarium Baths. !! i. LOW RATES Two Daily Palatial Trains from all Utah Points. . . Ask Agents for rates for next excursion or write to k J tit ryyrerv.yv.irrrrr.erryr.yr ri,!yiryrryryyrrrrrrr daR444a4a44lta4444444yia44 4.2J44 d:944441l44444ailRa' Jt K W9waiMwieeMMimwiMmeMiiw9nMMiMWMumeewniwiMNwiwuJ A i rmanent euro, coneult ua. We euro all forme of RIood ami Pl.tn Dlaearaa, Kervoue Fistula. Kidney. Bladder and all ltr.iiiiry Dlseesee due to Weakueas and of epedf.c dlteaees, and all lTlvuto Dleeaaes of Men. r to any In title country, and our OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING le e; We never fall to effect a cure in cures are the remit of these any caae we take. If you suffer firm ri gleet, from want of money nr frnnt unskilled practice here Is an oipcn lucliy to get the services uf a ekillml eare of ripe experience in trcutliig specialist, a graduate physician, complicated and epeclal dlsordeis of VI'S ONLY. It will cost nmlilng to talk to us. and may be the me.ir.a of you to health and happiness. Why not call today? Our offices are very- private. You ere only the ilnctrir. Our fee being so low. It enables rent- who are affhcti-to procure the highest aclentlflo medical assistance Jrrms made to suit If necessary, au the, anyone need not go without treatment .9 SALT LAKE Mrs. L. B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rooma Single S EnSsite, With Private Bath. Not only In Salt Lake City, but In the whole Pacific Writ. The rrmilti or our professional work are bringing to our office men from every atata and Territory In the W'eat. We use the to make our diagnosis. If you warn a pe- LAKE 35 EAGLE BLOCK, The Raleigh! ill Specialists SALT 21 StricUy Medera, i a. m. to I p. m.; evenings. I Suits Made to Order $22.50 21 up. Pants $6 & up. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning 21 Pressing. m State Leading Hours: Ladies M City rrrxvr.iwrinv.vTVTrryrvrirrrvvrrv!r9vvrT9Tmjrv.r. B B0CKSTIE, Practical Genti l(16ilCK.K.K.K.iLK4J4.ICK.LK.K.14.K.iLJ4.2LK,K,!tLK.KJt " it Eledaatly ruraUked, M. K. 2 Coluniliiu Phonograph ComName .i2i'-- 2 & Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Trial and Street and No. i'leiai aeml me your Eaay p.iyincnt offer with llluatrated WE ARE THE of I KxsailnstloB and Advlca Sunday! 10 to i. pany. iliMierul CITY. RIVER CANYON. g. low-price- YEARS GUARANTEE. Ill 55 W. Second South. EAGLE Paints, Etc. er, Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention, Phones: Bell 1781K. Ind. 2287. d All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Consultation Free. f Drill dad Other. No Pay Unless Cured 5 PANORAMA De- nigh Grade Investments Bought We Cure Men For tA $ Gymnasium 1906 MODELS. .BYB WORKS SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. CANYON or the GRANDE Commercial partments. Cutler, Jr., MUDS. SUGAR STOCKS. BANK STOCKS, ; ; Classical, Scientific INVESTMENT BANKER. EalablUhed 1893. PAUMIE BtBIStAN is. k. Boarding School for Boys. . " Grand "Senator Beveridge differs from SUCCKEirV.MS.OO'r Bryan in that he has never lost a box. At all drug stores or by mall, sealed. DouJI Drug Co Silt securely night shirt," says the Atlanta Consti- Mein, Salt Lake City, Utah. tution. But he resembles Bryan in he never lost a chance to talk. At 5' sw v' J? Open till 6 p. in. Dr. . LALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, KAO Set Teeth (beet red rubber UoUt CntriiK, t:-- k N.H tebKl M.50 to S.i lirtdKS W ori, beet liiil' Filhnirs ............... ......ft A) up All Other Finings ............ ....Wo, l SAL K' 5 UTAH DENTAL GO. Call-sam- Before the date of the next repub-- , llcan convention, Mr. Fairbanks can Muivsco Tinting. Calcatnlnlng, Wall Paper Cleaning. 36 ?.? Food Law. Guanoiar No. 2041, Clad al e, , of Goods Wanted and Manager. COLLEGE! AND DECORATORS. I rh all irquirrarob C. Clements, j 830 Palm Ave. ; 4th St. CLEMENTS BROTHERS. j! Utah I City Phone Hell 1289 ns. gPAINTERS, PAPER HANGER6 Coffee, wiiich the folks keep in the original package and grind in the kitchen. CoouLl w. Clements. SaIt nobody knows where, full cf dust, atmosphere and soiled hands, but the real old, genuine egg and sugar coated Arbuckles ARIOSA Thats Coffee t. 10DC get good coffee. None of that fresh roasted loose by the pound store stuff from o women of this country can be brought to look upon Japan one of the world powers, since it leaked out that the styles In womens clothes in the Mikados realm have not changed In 2500 years. C. That's where you lrri-rask- J Descrip-In- MAM ieo-pl- fact. Send I. U. REDMAN. BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. EAST. Via the Colorado Midland, greatly reduced rates, September 4th and 5th, Ticket office 77 W. 2nd South, Tel 078. . L. H.HARD1NQ, General Agent o At Stenton, Prestonklrk, is a wonBETTER THAN PRESENTED. derful hen a first cross between x black Minorca and a buff Orpington. To Whom It May Concern. I desire This hen has just- - laid an egg weighing six ounces, and measuring nine to state that having ivad a great deal about Grldley, California, including inches by eight Inches the Grldley Herald, published there, 1 was Impressed very favorably with The Vatican was thoroughly cleaned the opportunities set forth for the lately, and a quantity of repainting homeseeker, hue doubled if the counwas as good as represented in e try done. The work employed 570U for six months. Merely in clean- the literature seut out by the Califoring wallpapers, 1000 loaves or bread nia Irrigated Land Company, ailver-Usinthat section. Recently I visited were used dally. Grldley, and spent several days in The largest quill toothpick factory fully the conditions investigating In the world is near Paris, where there there. 1 was very agreeably surprised Is an annual product of 2U.U0ii.tui!) to flud au extremely fertile section of e quills. The factory was started to country, with abundant water for quill pens, but when these went gallon, where land could he bad at a out of general use it was converted price within the reach of those of , moderate means. In fact, the half into a toothpick mill. jhas not been told regarding the many While the average man is satisfied j natural advantages to be found In that with a maximum of thirty-twteetn, j locality, where 1 purchased land and a Turk, near llaiburt, In Asia Minor, hope to be able in the near future to all perfect. He establish my home. The statements (toasts of forty-fivbelongs to a family, his contained lu the Grldley Herald and e mother and a Bister each having the the literature sent out by the number. jfuniia Irrigated Laud Company in ref-jerence to that section are very conser- o ' "d ,n Plnlon ca be ELECTRIC SPARKS. PETER ALLEN. The discovery that one Michigan Grande Oregon. man has held office continuously for yor particulars write to H. W. Kriw flfly years has created considerable general agent, 209 Eccles Build- talk, and the concensus of opinion ingi Ogden, Utah seems to be that if he ever was a ; " ' democrat he managed to conceal the' A I qr J H. Surtner, D. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. |