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Show AFFLICTED A NEW TRIUMPH DOUBLE IN DIP MAKING SVRCNaVM. LOW COST. LEDS MElOMT A MOVING for CapL Bascombs termittent Hearing. Good Reason EPISODE By CARROLL M. Hf.RBST LEFT IT TO THE OLD HENS. ONLY AT TIMES. Amateur In- An Indiana man tells of the efforts of an au.hor belonging to the Hoosicr school of historical novelists to put in his leisure time ns n "hen farmer" in that state. The literary person's venture afforded his agricultural neighbors no end of amusement. During the first year the amateur farmer discovered that all his little chickens, which were confined in coops, were languishing at the iKiint of death. The novelist went over Ills "hen literature to locate the cause of the trouble, but to no avail. Finally he called ujioii au old chap named Rawlins, to whom he put the Question: 'What do yon suppose is the mutter with those chickens?" Well, 1 dunno," said Rawlins. "What do you feed em?" 'Food them!" cxclaimi-the novelist-farmer. Why.'l don't foe. I them When CapL Bascomb had left his old friend, Capt. Somers, and the new school teacher sitting on the south porch, and had disspiieared down the road, the young woman spoke of him with some curiosity. "I understand from Mra. Bascomb that her husband was very dcuf, 'alshe told me. Tin most stone-deafHut sure," said the school teacher. he seemed to hear all we said with perfect ease. Capt. Somers leaned toward her and spoke in a low, cautious tone, although there was no eavesdropper to hear hint. "Don't let Mis' Bascomb know it, he said, hurriedly. "He does seem to hear pretty well when she aint round, but none of us folks ever let on to her. She's a good woman as ever lived, but a most tremeudous liosser and an everlastin' talker. An' we all think that Gersh Bascomb begun to realize ten years ago that if he didn't want to be hurried right off'n the face o' the eanh, the thing for him to do was to grow deef, gradual, hut steady an' he's done it, to all ma'am!" intents an purposes, Youth's Companion. .II Buried by Government. In some parts of Switzerland all ths dead are buried by the government without restect to wealth or position. "I've found the lovlleat flat," began Mre. Pepper. Mr. Pepper laid down his paper and loked at his wife wearily. No doubt," he said. This was a Not Hs Element. lovely flat when first you found It." "You know, dear, that the bedrooms "And if I give you money," said the are too small and the closets philanthropist, "will you promise to aud take a bath?" "Yes, yes, I know. You've told me Redfacc often enough. I wish we were savages drew himself up to and lived in a cave, and then whenHi full height. "A hath? And I It a mermaid you ever you wanted to move we would take luc foi ?" lie cried bitterly. pick up the bearskin rug and the fire clay kettle ami hike out to the lovely new cave you had jusi found." Yes, Ye. Abfolultly ln (ran an end lubuancc. "I suppose," said Mrs. Tartlclgh, There were tearu iu Mrs. Pepper's Coataina ao lar eila. Infallible ia curative when you die you exicci to meet all effect. No In jure to alierp or wool. Require! eyes. ao addition bceidee water. No aedioent. No to." husbands?" want If on move. "O. and your you go aiininf . Kian with cold water whether haid, "Turn are very rtnle," retorted Mrs. lie growled as he got up from the brackiah, alkali or aalty. ! Positively cured by Muehwodde. "When 1 die 1 exiieet to lable. "Only don't bother me about it. ITT UK HIIIIITTtD la all OFFICIAL PIPPIHM anything!" rub. ' W 11 If you have found a flat, rent It and .- 1- reli,ra 'Then, howM you suppose they go to heaven. Young's Mugazino. CURE! HEHCC aad LICE 0 CE77LE Oil H08 Thr, move when you get ready. Let me 1 I was nil V" to live?" I1TLC I MUCH CHEEPER VMM TOBACCO AMO CRUDE Shoes know the day you are going to move T presumed, SpS,I? the literary Allen'. Shake Into Your replied LIQUID PIPE , A I -' ww tmlnc. It cure siiii'iil.wiilU-nj and I will stay at the office till mid. person, "tliut the old liens had milk i fii-l- . M ikes new slu.-HO PEAREB THAR LIME ARP DULPHUR 1 ciljp or IiliJiiiHaa; Nau- for them now." Llppincott's imsv. Sold swiMlmg night, and by that time you will have I H U.4 enough till .L5i Shoe Stnivs. by 1 gal. sakri iso gala, for Scab, official itreogtb . TuHlFlnihe Mouth, CoM-ri- l Iklll't things partially straightened out. Magazine. ill!) or SN gala, lor licks, lice, etc. Tinigur, Fain tu tha Address A. S. Ohio-led4-- liny, N. Y. "You act more like a stranger than I gal Can gal Can AW, W gaL brk TAOS kill. TOIlllD L1VKR BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. the head of the house," said Mrs. PepWILLM. COOPER i HEPHEWI Uuwel. III. They rrgulale Purely Vtfrlibl. My way is to go straight forward 177 llllaaltSL, Chicago per, reproachfully. FULLY UP WITH The TIMES. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. ORDER OF rOU Rash Covered Face and Feet Would and aim at what Is right. Bishop HERCHAHT OK WRITE "I wish I was," murmured Mr. PepDr.S. D.CILLETT, General Agent Cry Until Tired Out Speedy per under his breath, and with this Oklahoma City Surprised Narrow-Minde- d Genuine Must Bear 716 SIXTH AVI., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Cure by Cuticura. enigmatical remark he left the house. New Yorker. Mra. HIiuUiw'r Nnotblnf Nyrnp. Signature 1 rented For children the Mrs. levt ufcpiui tvdnrfw said lilng, Pepyunta. fe "Well, Aimuiuiuuii, all) a jnUu, cure wind eultc. fecaboiu about months wits nine that baby My night. per an amazes The easterner. Oklahoma When You Come to Salt Lake City 'He Interrupted her with a wave of wide, asphalted streets, the plate glass old when she haj rash on ffier face and Let thy discontents be thy secrets. his hand. Franklin. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. fronts of department stores, the clean feet. Her feet seemed to Irritate her Dont fail te call at aar atare and look tkroak, Not a word, not a word," he said. sidewalks, the unhurried most, esiK'clally night. They would wkelkar pea want to bay or not. Taa caa ban "Youve rented it. That's all. When shoppers, the finish, the metropolitan cause her to be broken in her rest, and aaaetkieg. are you going to move?" air you find in Oklahoma City, for ex- Bometlmes she would cry until she was Ill let you know, said Mrs. Pepper ample, seem marvels to find In a ter- tired out. I had heard of so many cures by the Cuticura Remedies that indignantly. ritory only 17 years old. But do not She began to tear the housp to say thought I would give them a trial. bo. pieces the next day. but he pretended A New Yorker who went there on The improvement was noticeable in a jJ!i not to notice the fact. A week later, business complained that fate was few hours, and before I had used one find when he came down to breakfast one Cuticura the of her Ointment box SB thrusting him Into a wilderness, and VjC: For Infanta and Children. morning. Mr. Pepiier found the rugs bis Oklahoma associates could not re- were well and have never troubled her 170 1 also used it to remove what the chairs wrapped. and rolled since. !?ss9i up assure him. But coming down to (AIN said "We're going to move breakfast the first morning, at his la known as rradlo cap from her SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Mrs. Pepper. hotel In Oklahoma City, he stared head, and it worked like a charm, as It You mean you are going to move." around in the sealp at the j wonder as he entered the cleansed and healed He put on his hat and threw his over- dining-room- . same time. Mrs. Hattie Currier, iftrt(i. coat across his arm. "Well, I wish I Thomas ton. Me., .tune "This, he exclaimed, "this Is Okiar ALC OHOL 3 PER C could help you. but I'm awfully busy. homal! ENT. confiknow?" do you Why, He Wai Not to aiame. AVcgclaMf IYrparaiionGrAs Will have dinner downtown. Be home Ccfl I even found a porcelain dentially, Little Bartholomew's' mother overmidnight. So long. siMiliigilxFiwdaffillMifa !& Obtained without delay and about ktesed bathtub in my room. him swearing like a mule heard and her He hurriedly. hastily (ffigiltfSunartBandOowbor an with little trouble in Utah and It said Well," Oklahoman, drily, really was the busy season for Mr. "don't you have those in New York?" driver, says the Cleveland Leader. He Idaho. Write at once. displayed a fluency that overwhelmed Pepper, and his day was full of worher. She took him to task, explaining ries. It was six o'clock when he left P. 0. Box 319 Pocatello, Idaho and Closets. Architects Lawyer, l P. 0 Box 544 Salt Laka City. wickedness of profanity as well the office. He dined at a restaurant, An architect, says a writer, com- the IYomolrs Digralionfhmfd and then went back to work at his plains that women have a mania for sr it vulgarity. She asked him where and IbsuContalns ociifxr ness dreadful all learned those had went 11 home. be he o'clock books. At closets and that when a woman is alAbnormally Sonaltive. Upiiim.Mt)rpliine iwr Mineral. words. Bartholomew announced that Mr. Pepjier opened the door as usual lowed any in the matter she "Awfully aenalttve about trlOea, liberty Pcot had one of his Narcotic. Cavert, ran playmates, and latch upstairs changos his whole architectural plan key Isnt be?" "I should aay he is! Why, with his that man la ao personally sensitive .and into his room before he struck a in order to make room for them. This, taught him. Cavert's mother was ArntOUaSMIUnm informed and Cavert was that he can tell If a single one of the match. he says, makes him a laughing stock straightway ybpbi W" "Great Jupiter, he exclaimed, a among his fellow architects. This is brought to book. He vigorously de1,500 pores that fill the average Inch Instructed Bartholomew, nied having JkktrUtt- of human akin Isn't In working op the light flared up. very interesting, but why do architects and neither threats nor tears could The room was empty. make plana If not to make every effort ilaSSLiUk "She has moved, of course. But themselves to secure conveniences? A make Ills confess. At last he burst e tell Bartholomew any hen you start to read "Satan out: where? 'c&frLr. ' house may be architecturally perfect cuss' words. Why should I know how Ermlnie Rives' latest Mr. Pepper did not know. kaqmrtlmr. to certainfit not and live and in, it yet he does? He turned out the gas and went , published by the Bobbs-Merrinot closet room to cuss any better than is is not if there ly Apetfeci Brawdy For Cmsflpfr Hasnt hla father got an automobile, After ringing Brown's pany, Indianapolis, you should be downstairs. enough. lion , Sour Slniuach.Dlarrtuo pro-:ea too?" he for bell next door for five minutes that you are in shape jCMTVulskmsJVverisli Worms Intersucceeded In awakening Brown, who "reading spree," for the Cunning Chap. The Manchester canal was built at and Loss of Sheep. ness est ia such that you will In all proba raised a front window on the second "Yes," confessed the blushing girl a cost of $75,000,000 to reduce freight W-bfflty find It Impossible to lay aside floor and looked down. with the white parasol. "1 thought it rates for a distance of 35 miles, and, Fu Soule Signature of this fascinating story until you have deuce Is the matter? rather odd that Jack should keep on while It did not prove a good Interin the What charac The final reached the page. 3wi1asking about our college yell. Finally, est bearing investment on such a tera are forcibly drawn, the action ot Who Is it?" asked Brown. NEW YORK. Do to get rid of him, I told him it was "Weve moved, said Pepper. the plot moves swiftly, and one BeeniF large expenditure, its indirect and . . 4L- .ia m three yells in quick succession." to walk and talk with the characters you know where we live now?" more permanent benefits are said to so vivid Is the word picturing of "No, of course not. I'll ask the "What then?" asked her chum. have warranted it. The physical resemblance ol mlssuB." "What then? Why, the goose kiBsed Germany has 3,000 miles of ranal, no mlsunder end of two men causes In a minute Brown came back to the me three times before I could remaintained, besides 7,000 carefully mo window. standing and misery, and from the monstrate and when 1 gave a yell for miles of other waterway. France, ment of the automobile accident 1c avenue "Yon live over on Calumet mamma thought I was giv- with an area less than we would conExact Copy of Wrapper. which one loses his identity, until the somewhere. That's as near as I can each kiss TMf ctRirAuftcoiaMN?, new voire emr. sider a large state, has 3,000 miles of time when he Is saved from dls come to It. Better come in and go to ing the class yell. canal; and In tho northern part, grace and possible death by a repent bed. You can find The Crack In His Armor. your house in the where the canals are most numerous, ant and dying man who so closely re It's a good thing for a man to be the morning." sembles him in general appearance railways are more prosperous. the the as a said little bald, girl one Is kept guessing as to the final No, thank you." said Popper. England, Germany, France, Holland hi1 outcome. Satan Sanderson Is well "She'll lie crazy about me before walked along in the rear of- one & and Belgium are ail contemplating worth the lime spent in its perusal. SHOES FOR EVFRV MEMBER morning I'll go bark to the office. neath whose hat showed a small hare further extension and improvement of FAMILY, at all prices. the out When she remembers that I don't hair moon. "It takes the conceit their canal systems. Century Maga1 " "? . pv 6w.Mll. Will Take Precautions. Now there's John. He l.a zine. domm know the new address she'll tele- of mitkm JOwpOi. A Mmn'm KH.liH mhomm A New York woman has become the $3 bald about a f? spot that he has sjient phone. rUrkrtirU (Mm mny othmr fflifiiRncfvnr. A Country Marvel. wife of the man who saved her from TIIK UKASOVW. I. Hoiigln 1iw. At 12 o'clock Mrs. Pepper began to hundred dollars on to no effect. Wh bv iiiunt imiiil. In all w:iiftN i,r lilt- Him any oihar muLe, I. The little fresh air boy was comof lln-idrowning. There are men who will feel uneasy. She was tired to death he gets too small all 1 have to do Is to mid null I house to mean be till- enough after ibis Inquire from moving, but when she awoke glance carelessly toward that vulner- fortably quartered in a farm mill Ullit-- r llinteriii N InriMi-l- i imrt ol Ihw ,IimmiiiiI eviTT ib't.il of Hih malting in tonknl xfi,-before they save drowning women from a short sleep at one o'clock she able spot and he subsides immedi- near the salt water for his Hummer's ill-- , whether they are married or not Hiring. The first day he strolled down Kim .killisl !li fm.iLiT-ttl.e lilgli-w- t in (li g"S got up and dressed, and at two she ately.' inliiti-T- . wotkmnii-hi- i imhimiI Th- )iil i ?. road to tho marshes and lie stared waked the maid. 1 II miulii I iko you into iiit :i lro"kton.M:i!K.l Francis by Empire Rullders,' in astonishment at the grow-- ! WHATS THE USE? .ml rliow you how ully W.L. liii glm "I know something has happened to ymi v ril-l ttn-i- i . Lynde, published by tho Bobbs-Merriwhy liirv liol.f r tIihui. til 1i,i: there. Then turning around tu a lonm-He never f would Freda. .ml Hi... Mr. lioikb. Kr".ler Pepper. te ul a le w. V ulurf. Coffee When It Acts a a unlive of the place who was accomTo story Pour Company, Indianapolis, in Ooilfflomf Afcpo cannot ha mijuaH'ed at any until this hour da . I. Hoiiglnn uii.iio .ml iirn-. liuvo CAUI IO : J li railroad building In the west, and stay away from home ruihio-i- on Vicious Enemy. Gosh; I dldn'i Ink panying him he said: me word. There's no Ak jMiur jp.ilfr fnr W. I Jfcitipl.i. tlx", if lx jmih you, 7 ciiiiiiiy should be of special Interest to Utah without si tiding on sticks." l.nuw that sausages grow iliiwtUlacLury. StujetMU(ov:iyH)u.ni by m:i'l. I'ntubnf Inre V...rmil, Brockton. Min so I can't call him up. readers, many of the scpnes being fa telephone here, Faster have gum- without food fur We and must dress. go and Get up miliar to residents of the "Mormon' many days at a time hut no one can g state. The fight of strong young men look for him." For a long time I have without seeking fame and fortune at their It was three o'clock when the two not beensleep. LIVF. STOCK AND WOMAN sleeping we, often ii:iK chosen avocation and among the grand women got a belated night car for the , , MISCELLANEOUS hours fur 'Wilke or two thn during old mountains of. the Rocky Mountain and It was 3:20 when they reachilk-li- t city, I lust now Hie -- MERC. ol maV.e.g one feel the thrill AND CONSIDER ed the Temple of Commerce building. mastery over new and unnamed lands, The door was locked, hut after they night mid wn!;e up First, that plmust every operation camp life, and had knocked for a minute the sleepy orous," says a CakT. won. an. get a whiff of far-of- f "Do you Know why? It's in our liuspit.ii-i- . umii long for the wild life of the railroad watchman apiieared and let them In. .voini-u. lieeause ou.T.-builder through the wild gorges and lint I finally ut i: to used drink "What's the matter?" he demanded. out a ill began u.'ing i um. Twice IN CHEAT VARtFTY of neglect of siic'i symptoms uk passes of this great mountainous conn . FOR SALE AT THE Mr. Pepper. He hasn't conic home. ies, Raekaelie. try. Of course there is a since then I have drank co.T-- - an LOWEST PRICES EX inin in tliv Mdc, Bragging Interwoven in this tale of the mighty Is he here?" 1 both times :::nl.'. passed a sic pb Sensutioiib, Dizziness aiul Slucpicnn-ne.-.- s accomplishments of gritty men, and "He was before midnight. There is 1 A.N.KELLOCC NEWSPAPER Ca It looses none of its interest by rea- a light in Ills office now. Let us go up aud so am douldy convinced the trouble and iostuui rethat Lydia E. rinklmin's 71 W Aiicii Sind, CHICAGO son of the scenes In which it te l;iid. and see. Are you his wife? All right, from moved it. Vegetable Comjsnmd, ma-lIt is a wholesome western story and come on." bus cured native nuts and one which the average westerner may "My brother was in the liu!i of more ciim-- of female ills limn any The elevators were not running, and drinking coffee three time' a day. lie most thoroughly appreciate. other one medicine known. It regIt was a long, tiresome climb to the was troubled with sour Mi.iuu'-- and ulates. strengthens and restnn-t- . women's henllh nnd is invnlunbln In fifth floor and the watchman who had would iif ten notice him Victory Over Self. aud during the period of prvpuring women for child-birtIt was with profound wisdom that raughl something of the panicky feel- from the can to relieve the disi e. in Life. p.per of Mr. of READERS door the Pepper's his stomach; the Romans called by the same name ing ojiencd on volume of unsolic ited nrul grateful a i.iy the Third, hardly great i courage and virtue. There Is In fact office- aud peeped cautiously in. Mrs. passed without a dos.- - of d i r r file lit the l'inkhiiiii I.nlmratory at Lynn. Muss., many of which are from ft. cciuirrs nh'U.i iiri-- t h.vir.; . , look. was to afraid ul pormis-.ions'ibite ao virtue properly 'Ml uil '.n time IC.Ui.tl give lor. without Pepper time to Wing published by f cr imiialmiiS. of tin- value of Lydia li. Iinlclian: s Vegetable (.'oinpuund and Mrs. Mr. repper was sitting In his arm and what victory over ourselvi-a- ; "Finally ho tri'-- a cup .f I'Ilk hum's i rice. costs us nothing Is worth nothing. chair with his feet on the desk slide. and llkt-- It km w-- J lie gave up elHe was asleep. He awoke to find bis and slnco then has lieeu .li inl ine E. wife weeping over him. Industry Causes Blindness. Fortum In its place and rays In- has HOWARD E. BURTON, A9c5AtvEr8ro Most persons employed In the Venemorn than 30 years has .'icon curing Female Complaints, such as come home? O. not once been troubled with sour stum For "Why didn't you iiold. H'iifr. LrnI.SI. tian glass Industry begin to lose their I've been so frightened. prlrx Dragging Sensations. Weak Back, l'nlling ami ath." Aii l.An: fiuort.'iijifir.fl. ('yandltinteUi, aud it dissolves Dinuuhcs, aud and sleht when they are between 40 and Organic SNri(l fn? ofve;. I where Mm niiiiplna know lived." said didn't "I liven after this lady's experbutce mill riHDiF m.rk solicitPHl. fat li'n a iiiiimi Urleww.15. Lffttrt an Tumors at ami 50 years of ago. and often In a short age. expel early (filltfa Colo. CaruouareNMloutti UurJb Mr. Pepper sheepishly. with coffee her brother did not suspe-f- or time become Mind. This blindness Is to Women a time that coffee was causin'; hi Mrs. M ra'ised by the excessive heat and CErlLNCh STARCH- -!! ounfM sour fomacli, but easily proved It. Knew Whereof He Spoke. pH uim Women suffering from stty for.n of feiiiale wi ukros. nn- - invited to from the furnaces. ' glare ne arui cm!f U Coffee is nut Fiisirrtod in thousand "Can you name something that it is write Mrs. Tinkl.am. l.v mi. Mas. fur ad vice. Mn is the Mrs. I'inkhuin who "DEFIANCE'1 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. case just like this but it's of cluirgn fur limn than twenty sick women to to than blessed recclv??" more give bis nilvising , The Male Man Likes to Parade. lu-Lvdia L. iink-ha- n . that sin- A ten day's trial works ecars, mid the Sunday school ter.e!ier. "Abi!sh uniforms and yoa abolish asked ma'am." to guide hick well hint is 'bus ,fi.Tre7iru Thompson Eye Water ia advising, There's a Reason." answered mail G;mM. "Yea, war," says Tel. Kushm True, but Judgwo n-- lmek to heal'.li. YVrite ti.liiy, don't wait until Read the famous little book, The recent Ini t remembered s who "vcw W. N. U., Salt Lake City. No. 34. 1907. ing from the popularity of the uniRoad to WellvIUe," in pkgs. "a spankin'." formed lodges by abolishing war you with his mother, do not abolish uniforms. are" "V j Bponsibility ,' f Fancier Thought His Had Ended. Fresh Fuel. The scrap between the married couple had died down to a few listless muttering, and the canary bird In the cage was beginning to think about singing again, when she remarked, as a sort of afterthought: "At any rate, everybody In my family thinks 1 stu very Intelligent. Yes, by ihe side of them you are, he replied with a Miter snort. After this the scrap was renewed Jubilantly. . . j i SISK HEADACHE . itJ Fuel-Bin- -. s siii.ii-Iiiv- , IT-- Ir, L,Iff Slllipli-KBI-.K- 1 As-bur- it" Fac-Simi- le well-dresse- MIEMIIWBWRIRWII St The Kind You Have Divorce p Always Bought Bears the hi KMafegSiiTrnri Signature of p jldnt San-alli- ll For Over j Thirty Years t: Mist-Rives- . . BgEESgl.i W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50 SHOES $3.00 t,y OF-.,- non tlu-iii- tSld n( )1,e n - r mini-riii- riiHw-l-il,,u,,- Mii-- j rat-tail- Wli-- - s l ll r llir-i- un-o- VV l Ikui-uii- - aST0P iSSTTAJS I : Electrotypes new-Hsar- y IY-k- love-stor- Irn-gnbiri- t y B'l'pliu-e-ments- Sei-rmd- , lu-ri'- 1 m-- I.i ti-- - bi-'- HUl',1.-1-le- L pet-in1- - I'.i-cu- a-- Lydia - Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Y, i, PInkhams Standing Invitation stAn-fi- -f past!;-proved- . lu-i-- r won-dors- es'u-ci.i.l- iiioiln-r-in-law- |