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Show T .'; Vol. VII. The Weekly entitle! STOCKTON, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1907. STOCKTON SENTINEL. Published Every Wednesday. The Sentinel Printing and' Publishing Company. Main Street, Office of publication. Stockton, Utah. One year, $1.50; six months, three months, 75 cents. matter at Entered as second-clas- s the postomce at Stockton, Utah. $1-0- T ' ' JJ." 5 IN THE SENTINELS CONTEST. Following la the result of the vote In the Sentinels Popular Girl Contest for the week ending Wednesday, August 14th, 1907. 3 i f1'4 8B-1-- o. Citt or TSLnaa.1 m J. CassoV M Srm of f.Toledo. O. of jM city IU .iinwiM 4 , 1 4 1-- DOING THINGS. nld ins OO 2 - 2 . 2 The Argus, a new Salt Lake weekly, is now stirring up considerable excitement In that city. The paper has started a fearless attack on the trusts that infest Salt Lake and promises to eradicate the evil. It will seek the aid of the state to enforce the law. In addition It has been giving Inside political history of the capital city that is provoking all sorts of comment But the Argus Is Independent; It does not roast but It gives Its readers the digest of the week's news In a fair and Impartial manner, leaving its readers to Judge the merits or demerits of the matter It Is handling. Mr. Briant S. Young, well known In political, mining, newspaper and literary circles. Is editor of the paper, while the Western Publishing company, a corporation, is the publisher. The paper has, In the three weeks it has been going, Jumped to the front as the leading weekly of Salt Lake City. But this was only brought about of the paper, for It la by fearless and its news Is reliable. It has already added over four hundred copies to Its former list and Its subscription list Is rapidly Increasing. To a perron who wants the latest, most reliable and most , pertinent political and general news of Salt lake, the Argus Is the best vehicle to find It. It is only by force of Its news and fearlessness that It has been able. In three weeks, to Jump to the front as Salt Lakes greatest weekly. There are a number of good weeklies In the city, but the Argus leads them all by - 2 - xovasv , - - f Iks " The Sentinel baa arranged to present to the winner of ibis conki pou.au fu can test an elegant ladles' gold watch. Any young lady may enter the , (h row. l routeet by filling in the blank certificate published elsewhere, and tauCoaa..; f ftio 4 Isa, with of it the the Sentinel. Do it now. filing manager juoco4r.,a.oi.T'4wAj 1- . , r - 4. rthern end are th astle, the residem is, the Macta. Asa say baa a place, 'jerature it ia mentt" vuson'a Journey 'janda of Scotland- - GIRL 4 ; No. 5 STANDING OF CONTESTANTS - Lscal Manager ASST. MGR. W. L. Elswick FRANK CONNOR Miss Sullivan and her brother Jack. I M Bee. 31 (State 431, U. I. R.); Lots Earnest aud Alfred McFarlane left 4. Sec. 30. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 8ec. to aud from father her Join Mercur, were visitors last Sun-- L Monday morning 31 (State l(i45); E See. 81. N. to work month. the the first of go day. SW. ' ,NW 14 Jt jt Geo. Stricklin's son expects to leave li'V l4',1"1- - 1. 2. Sec. 33 (State 432, Mr. James Hanson, a miner, who ,n t4 V'-16 w., has been visiting with relatives In for Ploche, Nevada, in a few days. 1 U. I. R.); SW. ij The people of Ophir wish George evBrigham City, arrived here Monday. NK. ery success. iNv.1'4:8 l s ji A John Denton, who had hls hand hurt .Lo,,2. 3. Sec. 5 (State 430. In T. 5 8., R. 5 w.. We are pleased to see the smiling about a week ago. went to the hospitSec. 24 (8tate 430, U. I. R al Monday and returned home again. faces of Chas. Martin and Jaa New- 8 . NE. man, who returned to Ophir from Pine SB. 14. SW. S SW. 12 Sw- 35 (State 448. Miss Thelre Platte, who has been Grove, In this state. Ji4 8" R- 6 8 visiting with her sister, Mrs. Peter FiiKP)i!1v T' 4SE. The city fathers of Ophir, have SE. 14 Hatten, went home Wednesday morn14. NW, NE. Blthell 14 street. Main Dad SW. says 14 Sec. 34 graded ing. . Jl Ophir has better and finer roads than inw 1 J4vwU; ! R ) T' 6 s HW Sec. 11. 8. Cast a vote for your best girl, or, he ever saw in the city since he drove SB 14 NW 14 better still, cast a block of 300 or more. the stage. 15. T. 6 ''- (State 442. U. I. R.); SW. Each vote clipped from a paper counts X'4, W- one. Mrs. Sheldon of Salt Lake City, has I'4 SW. See. 15, . RW. (Slate 443, U. I. R.). J Jl accepted a position at the Edward's ho- Twas of Copies said lists, so far as they Manager Alexander of the Southport tel as head cook. Mrs. Edwards wan looking over the property Satur- very lucky in securing her services as relate to said tracts by descriptive subday and reports everything progress- she comtfs very highly recommended. divisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for Inspection by ing nicely. Messrs. Clark and Dayton, at the any person Interested and by the Jl J One week from Friday the band will Chloride Point, on Lion Hill, were givgenerally. This notice will be published for 5 give a dance in Fraileya hall, and ex- en a surprise by their friends of pect to give everybody all the dancing Ophir on the evening of the 19th. The ucotaslve weeks, under departmental boys say that they spent a very Instructions of April 25, 1907, and durthey want ing jthia period protests or contests pleasant evening. jt jt o Mr. Charley Shelton and will against the claim of the State to any of ths tracts or subdivisions hereinbeBEN HARRI80N NEWS. take two weeks' vacation traveling fore Inscribed, on the around they will not see it all, for tbst the same Is more valuableground The Ben Harrison payday was for mineral they come back. than for agricultural purposes, will be the 24th of August, this month. Jl Jt received and noted for reports to the K. H. Gundry accepted a position at Morris General Land Office at Washington, D. Mr. Harry Brooks, Claud the No Yoi Dont," but will be pleased to meet hls patrons every ev- and Neaf Williams were down to the C. Failure so to protest or contest wlthis the time specified, will be conL. D. S. dance. ening at 5 p. m. IslanA for Sale, Id, in yhe Inner lee between the d and the Isis of I find a purchase at $225,000 pieced upc ie Scandinavian for roe deer, and the I houat .ha mansion the southern end, jef value of the tS bUffiiA Mi h Cara j la oMoojJT TO--- 4 V - Ambiguous. b of a mu j'-ago the reel .York Cht chf1, o Smoke cigars. 'Baltimore union made S .V For sale everywhere. lit to puli-li- e i ;-- ' . A' ; - Mi 1 In dw fin ltt pbee, Ut ( after r swtezi fa-all- y God! oMpe Tj Send Your ' Suits, skirts, jackets, bats, glovaa.fF portierce, piano covers, ostrich plumeaWL or anything that has become soiled orfjg faded, to us and we will sidered sufficient evidence of the Jl ji CLEAN, DYE OR character of said tract, and Mr. Gallager, the superintendent of Dutch Flat looked very lonesome the It so that It will be almost as good day of the excursion. The whole com- the Ben Harrison school, went to Salt the selections thereof, being otherwise new. free from objection, will be recommunity expect to take In the next one take Wednesday. We pay particular attention to work mended for approval. that comes along. from out of the city and on jobs of .5 E. I. R. THOMPSON, Dan Buchanan moved down from the jt jt .00 or over we prepay the express Mr. Pugmlre and wife, Mrs. Dora Ben Harrison this week and will reRegister, charges. 1 First publication, Aug. 1, 1907. Shelton and mother, Mrs. Sutten, were side in Booth house, on Main street Main office, 112 it xnd 8a St, Last publication, Oct 10, 1907. outgoing passengers on the afternoon The boys of the Ben were all down TT train Wednesday. (Opp. Grand Theatre) W 1st So, St, 8alt take City. Works, 338-4- 0 Jl Jl Saturday. All but old Mike and Bill, Mr. Walter Scott accepted a position they were afraid of the water wagon. was o on the Murray ball team. He is a first-clas- s CANYON DRY NOTES. earn will and both player laurels and money. High Grade Saddles and Mr. Dave Thomas was in Dry Can- SI DATS TREATMENT FOR Man Bags 10 re Bags Feed Bagr jt jt $1.00 Riding Equipment Walter Scott and wife, Dollie Scrib- yon Monday. r Satisfaction ner, Jas. Hansen, Mrs. W. R. Mindock, guaranteed far. and H. H. Baden, were outgoing pasJno. Murry and Joe Erlcson were money refunded. from Stockton to down afternoon. Dry Canyon sengers Saturday Manufacturer and Dealer Ji ji Friday and Saturday. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER A new steam plant, costing $1,000,-00REAL LEATHER GOODS NOVEL Mrs. Wm. McFarlane and daughter with 40,000 horsepower, will be Florence and Gertrude went to Salt TIES. TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM to went Canyon Dry Young Almy Installed on the site of the present Lake I AND LUMBAGO LEATHER, NOT RUBBER.'. Monday, to visit a few days Saturday with a load of groceries for power house on the Jordan river, be- with their son and daughter. Brow and Erlcson. Hand ; Carved Leather Goods. tween First South and. South Temple. A dose at bed time nan jt lea Hand. Bags, Purses,' Belts, KtpT jt tad was in taf MacFay, and a friend came to Mat. Rump of Salt take, ally relieves the most Sportsmens . Leather and Canvas town from Park City and made a short Stockton looking after his Interests In before morning. Supplies. visit at his old home. They will leave the Biown and Erlcson Jesse, In, Pry ' for Nevada the 23rd. He arrived here Canyon,-Thursday- . the 21st. 0 Real Leather ia made of pklrs. of ,, BUEHL NOTE8. jl Jl animals. The prize contest is getting interImitation Leather skins the public. Vjgmes Staples was In Stockton on esting. Alice Braken Jumps ahead of Mr. Jamea Monroe of Buehl, went business Saturday. NNfUUB MEDICINE CO. the list 2,400 votes cast by to Salt Lake Wednesday morning on by having 21 East Third South Strsst A . her friends. She leads Mabel Hallow business. OflCACO. U. I. A. Independent Telephone Na 2401. Hans Morgan of St. John, was In by 1G votes only. 4- Sold by ptoekton Drug sad News Cu THE UTAH ROOSEVELT SADDLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Stockton Monday. Mra. W.H. Law, who has been visitjt jt jC ejC was It reported in our last week's ing with her parents at Buehl, for the Melt Beamond went to Dry Canyon issue that S. M. De Bolt would re- past two months, left Wednesday f.jr Von business Sunday. sume hls old position as agent at this her home In Butte, Mont. J place, but we have now learned that he was Salt of W. Lake, Mrs. J. Lee, will not return at present GRANT8VILLE MATTERS. on business. in Stockton Saturday jl ji . J Fred Shelton arrived home from a Mr. Oscar Anderson of Grantsvlllf. n The county excursion carried about two weeks vacation from American made Stockton a flying visit, Wednesof out Friday, Stockton, fifty people Fork, and his sister, Mrs. U Nelson, day. j J him to enjoy a few days' 4 accompanied Miss friend and her Zalla Slater Miss Grace Hunting of Grantsvlllf. visit with relatives and friends at Jensen, went to Salt take Thursday. Stockton. was in Stockton last week, visiting . X with her sister, Mrs. J. W. MllUwurd. IS Joseph Hughes Is shipping a car of o Janies Brown, Fred Beamond Pelithe at lease his ore from Jigging Eldred Gundry had there EAST. SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS can. shoes on Friday and walked to MoX Jt out miles five of about rgans ranch, Via the Colorado Midland, grc.-iilThos. Spalding went to Provo Mon- town, to wade in the slough and try reduced rates, September 4th and fit li. Stock-toto back move his to family day to catch fish. Ticket office, 77 W. 2nd South. Tel, .1 A C78. L. H. HARDING. X Mat Reese was in Ely, Nevada, about Mr. W. K. Murdock arrived here a week ago and R. A. that reports NOTICE. Sunday after a few days visit In Salt Campbell has a good piece of properly Lake. in Duck Creek and will leave Ely this United States Land Office. Salt; Jt Jt week for Duck Creek to work on it. James Harris, the livery stable man, Rusty sent back his regards to all Lake City, Utah, July 29th, 19U7. To Whom It May Concern: has Installed two new horses for the his friends. Notice is hereby given that h" stable. Jt State of Utah has filed In this oll'u-- a ' Mrs. from Sutton, Spokane, WaBh., Mrs. Peter Hnttan arrived home Sat- while here visiting with her daughter, list of lands, selected by the sail under section 6 of the An "f with visit her few a after days urday Mrs. Win. Shelton, and Mrs. Jnu. State, Congress, approved July 16, 1X!M, as parents. Hollow, met with a very sad accident viz.: A . while out walking last Sunday ev- follows, SE. U S. NE. K, E. 4 SW. Alfred Cooper and family returned while 4 and Ltrts 1,ft2. by making a mis-ste- p 3, 4, 5, 6 anil 7 S to Stockton Tuesday, after being away ening a small bridge fell and broke 6. T. 6 S., R. 5 crossing S. U M., Si de Xu. W., a month. her arm. 1044 Indemnity School Selections. . . A A A copy of ssld Hat, bo far a it reThos. I. Connor, of Park City, is In A surprise party was given at the IN to aald tracts by descriptive sublates John his with son, Stockton visiting home of Mrs. Fields, in honor of Miss divisions and F. Connor. Frances Williams. Quite a number of by the by any person lnteivatei! public generally. Jt A young folks were there and the evening 'Learning u bu faith to the poor, and honor to the rich, an aid to the During the period of publication of Wm. Gundry, the Herald collector, was pleasantly spent at games, etc. young, a support and comfort to the aged." "Bacon. came to Stockton Sunday to visit Refreshments were served, after which this notice, under departmental inof April 2u, 1907, protects with his wife. the guests extended best wishes to structions or contests against the claim of the A A their host and retired home. COURSES OF STUDY State to any of the tracts or bubdi Mat. Reece arrived In Stockton M visions hereinbefore described, on the Tuesday from Ely, Nev., after a two Miss Bessie McKendrick, one of the COMMERCE. Husines Adininixtration, AccountAnimal AGRICVLTVRE. Agronomy, Horticulture. that the aame is more valuweeks' vacation. Sentinel Contestants, and Alex Maze, ground Science. Dairying'. I mention, ing, able Ibmking. Transportation, ( 'oniinereial taw,' ! for . . for mineral than Veterinary Industry, agrlciilt'iml their many friends of Stock-to- n Karin .Mii'lmnics, Knud iSuililin, etc. Stenography, etc. ami no'i-i- l will be Drainage. received purposes, Mrs. Jane Hickman of Tooele, was surprised by their marriage. The ''Tin'' band lor GENERAL SCIENCE- .- English, Muthemutica, HisDOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS.- - ( 'nnkiiiL'. Dietto the General Land office in Stockton visiting with Mrs. J. B. gave them a rousin serenading. Both at report s, Economies. Modern languages, Natural smL Iloux'liold D. C. Failure so to etics. tory, Sanitation, Sawing. Washington, Hygiene, Hickman, Friday. Stock-to'ire highly respected citizens of etc. Home Nur-in- g. time or the Sciences, etc. within lliysical A A contest, protest The Sentinel and citizens wish ( will suffice!.', be ENGINEERING. considered MECHANIC 1uttern specified ARIS. Mrs. Thurber arriver Sunday morn- them a long life and a Forging. Irrigation Engineering jointly nrienlry. happy one. evidence of the rharurti r with University of Utah. Making, (.'nrriugi- - IJi lliling. Foundry Work, Machine ing from Salt take a few days' visit .1 ; . thereof the selections and etc. the tracts, Work. with her parents. The I- - D. S. choir of Stockton gave of, being otherwise free from objecl . . Coiir-u- aiv also oiTeivd in Music, Art, Truining and Library Work. a children's dance Wednesday after- tion. will be recommended fur apMr. Janies H. Hickman arrived in 5 o'clock, and the noon 1:30 from to vaStockton Sunday, after on month's CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES children were all pleased and went proval. E. I). R. THOMPSON. cation in Idaho. home delighted with the dance. They Iti'glHter. jt jt a Krnd ball in the evening and A large trained biciiiiy of experts: twenty building', with s.ilmdid equipments; farms, orchards, gardens, First publication, Aug. 1. 19"7. G. A. Stutenburg has lost hls old Kave a Tooele sme larRe of and farii buildings. Iieuiitiful and healthful surroundings in one of the licst towns of the statu; e viglivestock 1907. Last cr?w): dance. publication, Oct. 2, pall. Buesy Battle Jake, and feels very jha people were They ad- moral atmosphere: modern courses ot study, raivfuHy arranged to enable men and women to secure lonesome nowday orously ded a nice little sum to thetr treasury. . NOTICE. the comforts of life, and to make every day a happy one. and Sullivan Misti Kattie United States Land Office. Salt All the graduates of the College occupy first class positions: its students have been uniformly sucuoszful. ITEMS FROM OPHIR. Bertha Beamond of Stockton take City, Utah, August 7th, 1907. The College has good opMiiiuniti's for securing employment fm- its graduates. To Whom It May Concern: Mercur visitors Saturday. an- - low. No tuition: entrancr fs- f.'t.m. The illustrated catalogue and circular will interest you s Expen-e. Dad says: Thanks to the city coun- Notice is hereby given that the S'a'e j and will ! sent . of Utah has filed in thia office IMS Mra. Plm Mitchney was out visit- cil of Ophir: of lands, selected by the said State, uning with her mother. Mrs. Spalding, The boys have been investigating der Section 1 of the Act of Congress, for a few days last week. . J the mine of that district. approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity Krhnol Lands, as follows, viz: The Salt Lake Moulding and Art waa la E. Jaa. Quinn, of Stockton, E. SW. 14 NW. 14. E. company had a man out here canvassNW. E. 2 SV. Ophir on the 22nd on mining business. Sec. 30, E. ing for them Friday and Saturday. non-miner- I the,-attitud- , vivuuuig vvt) . PINEULE! JJ mssM HERSCHEL B. LYMAN; j" 0, . : ? ; . CACHE , Agricultural College of Utah Utahs Great Industrial School ; j c PREPARES MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS LIFE Krnii-oniic- n. non-miner- Hiy-sica- i i - - fii-c- 2 Address, The Registrar, Agricultural College, Logan, Utah 2 THE COLLEGE OPENS ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1907. !V. |