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Show J NUMBER BEING INTERVIEWED. The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL EDITORIALS. COMPLEXION 10 aya Now Revealed. 1 equip-M-English battleships are to be with refrigerators for keeping the powder cool. One of these days,beperinmay haps. a similar equipment officers. stalled for the use of the King Edward has launched a new sartorial fashion he wears evening trousers with a stripe down the side. Its Kaiser Wilhelms turn next. He might start a habit of eating sugar on beefsteak. A present location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt LaKe City. Some inquisitive person haa discovered that It haa been 288 yeara since the beginning of legislation In America. And after all thin time the unwritten law makes that on the statute book look like a dead letter. ii We do a General Banking, Savings Bank Trust Business. The fact that the Moors are permitted to go on killing Christians strongly Indicates that the Morroccan government must have borrowed money Loin some of the Influential bankers Paris and Berlin. of CAT BROUGHT 8MALL We act as Executor, Administrator. Guardian, Receiver, Etc. FORTUNE. First Cat Brought to Dawson During Winter of 1897 and 1898, Sold For More Than $1,000. Con- We are the LEADING TRUST PANY of UTAH. COM- a Special Correspondence: Seattle, Aug. 3. Dick Williams, prominent operator In the Tonoimb district, who claims to be the flrat man to bring a cat Into Yukon, is telling for the benefit of those Interested in ihe prospective exposition, which opens at Seattle June 1st, 1909, many tales of the early days. As the exposition hoes to. uro many famous scenes and cabins of the stirring days of 1807-- 898, Williams stories are of interest ami assistance. The cat that made me famous, said Williams, like many famous men, had a humble pedigree. 1 picked her up In an alley In Seattle, but ween First and Seoond avenue, one night in August, 1897. Next day 1 went north. I brought the cat along for company, as is was my first trip, and 1 had no thought of then making a profit of It. Dawson was a mighty homeless place I arrived on the winter of one of the last boats that fall and to my astonishment hundreds came to sen the cat and offer after offer to purchase It poured In. The camp was lively enough, but Its- lonesomencss consisted In the absence of home touches, an absence which my cat seemed to supply. I finally had to sell pussy aa my money ran out, and I got somewhat over a thousand dollars for her. 1 do not believe that a homeless We Furnish Surety Bonds for tracts Other Purposes. Alaaka-Yukon-Paclf- Call d 1 1897-189- - V f - r" ; See Our SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. We Want Your Business. & Trust ComNew 7 Story Fire-Pro- Utah Savings panys of f Send for Booklet Banking by Mail. Building. Utah Savings L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Trust Company, To Whom It May Concern: I desire to state that having read a great deal about Grldlcy, California, including the Gridley Herald, published there, I was Impressed very favorably with the oppnrunltles set forth for the liomeseoker, but doubted If the country was us good as represented in the literature sent out hy the California Irrigated l.anil Company, advertising that section. Recently I visited Gridley, and spent several days In Ihe condition fully investigating there. 1 was very agreeably surprised to find un extrcin-dfertile seel Ion of country, with abundant, water Tor irrigation, where1 land eonld lie had at a price within the reach of those of moderate means. In fact, the half has not been (old regarding the many natural advantages to 1m found in that where I purchased land and hope to he able in the near future to establish my home. The statements comuined In the Gvidiey Herald and the literature sent oui hy Ihe California Irrigated Hand Company In reference to that section are very conger-MttlvHnd in my opinion can be relied upon. PETER AM. EX. La Grande. Oregon. For particulars write to 11. W. Frilling. general agent 209 Eccles Build ing, Ogden, 1'tali. liii-alil- Madam Snyder. The gifted Palmist, Psychic and Card Reader, gives advice on all affairs of life. Diagnoses all Diseases. Tells how to draw unto yourself all things for good through Thought Form. Consultation free. Call and see her. Upstairs, Room 1C, Sanitarium Hotel. Salt Lake City. Independent Phone 3402. Fifteen assays or analyses for 3. Gold, Sliver. Lead. Copper, from, Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL RESEARCH CO... Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo., U. 8. A. Fer-Do- ns Fcr-Do- Fer-Do- Fer-Do- nd ns 1 n. Fer-Don- S. U. l, Surveyor-Genera- State Land Board, State Engineer. No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Salt Lake City, Utah. The Bank that Pays 4 per cent. Fer-Don- EVERYTHING of cats that the brought In a miners eagerly bought, and from that time on the price of cats decreased and their number grew. James Rudolph Garfield, secretary of the interior, was standing by the .side of his father in the Pennsylvania railroad station on that fateful day in July, 1881, when the assassin's bullet for the second time dealt death to a president of the United States. The secretary was then only 17 years old Just the age when the average mind is most susceptible to Impressions. Close friends say that the horror of that hideous tragedy has never fully left Mr. Garfield's mind, and some of them believe that Its effects account for the half-taexpression that always lingers In his face, Utah. In view of the Salt enormous sale of preparations now going on in Salt Lake and the intense interest which Mr. n has stirred up since his arrival, a representative of the local daily papers of Salt Lake spent yesterday afternoon at the young mans headquarters, watching the swarm of humanity come and go. During the afternoon the reporter interviewed many of the callers and obtained statements from all who cared to give them as to their exn and his perience with The folowing are sepreparations. statements as belected from those ing typical of the general expressions of the people seen : Mr. J. King, living at 6fi6 North Seventh West St., when interviewed I had suffered with stomach trouble for several years. I was so liad the last few months I couldn't cat anything at all. I could not digest my foul and had severe pains in my stomach most of the lime. I did not sleep well and had severe headaches at times. I have tried many remedies, and have been to a number of physicians. I IxMight 3 Medical Com-xubottles of for $2.50, and before I took kittle one my stomach felt much better since I have taken the three Ixittlcs, my stomach trouble is all gone and not a trace of disease is I have conic here to thank left. I want to say, also, Mr. Catarrh 's that I tried best ho the it to found and Remedy of catarrh for I used ever thing nose. and head throat, Mr. Demid Firisco, living at 936 Euclid, stated he was 85 years old and lias been troubled with partial deafness ami catarrh. I tried ont 's bottle of Magic Relict;, 's CatarrJ) and one box of Remedy and I can now U mon conversation. Fer-Do- Attend to all business before United States Land Office, the Fer-Don- . RubberGoods d even when he smiles or laughs. o BETTER THAN PRESENTED. i icines. What beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant n eweli. An opportunity for ovary to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion Is the secret long guarded by the master minds of and the ORIENTALS GREEKS. This we obtained alter years of work and at great expense. It Is the method used by the fairest and most beautilul women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use It have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free your akin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone la worth to you many times the price we ask yon to send for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s- t dertgn. We st'1 you thia ring as one small rofit abc.j manufacturing coat. The what others price is less tnan one-halcharge. The recipe la free with every ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany aettlng ot 14KL gold shell, at your local Jeweler It would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful com plexlon recipe free when your order is received for ring and 82.00 In money order, stamps or bills. Get your order In before our supply is exhausted. This offer Is made for a limited time only aa a means of advertising and introducing our goods. Send today before this opportunity is forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY. 32 East 23rd Street, New York City, In boat-loa- 9f a ti Fer-Don- wo-ma- ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER FIRST from our Fcr-Do- at Salt Lake. Sales are now enormous. Many Salt Lake people med's cured by the Great WE WILL MOV E FREE California profeMsor worth of peanut ".'P InbinK than a porterhouse steak, walk dinner a up to a peanut stand and get lor a dime. A cent Swanns of humanity visit Ilna Fresh Stock. Ail goods guaranteed, mail orders. ELITE DRUG CO, 338 Main SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Paris! THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness tnd the opium eases. There Is no publicity, nu sickness. Ladies treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W- - So. Temple, Sait Lake City, Utah. Main Street, Salt Lake City. BIG JULY REMOVAL SALE! Merchandise from Send us your To women for collecting names ami uelling our novelties, wo glvo big premiums send your name today fur Mrs. Mary Bruggcr, of 15 Fulour new plan of big profita with little work. Write today. Address C. mer Ave.. whose picture appears T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, alxwe, said she bad been suffering 32 E. 23rd Sireet. New York City. w itli stomach trouble for years. Hot jaml ci ml llashes came over her at times and a numbness nf the limbs. felt so weak and worn At times Chemists and Assaycrs. mil I enul'l hardly walk. I txk Medical Compound and J. 8. Hanaui-r- . J. V. Sadler now 1 am entirely cured. 152 West Temple. said that tlurc were P. O. Box Salt Lake City, Utah nvtr two thousand people called oil Analytical Work a Specialty. him to purchase 1ii remedies UNION ASSAY OFFICE. 1 j 1- -4 1- -3 to 1- -2 less. Fcr-Diui- 's Fer-D'- ii . ves-lerii- .e. . THOUSANDS of Dollars Worth I If H K of Ready-to-- W ear Garments, MILLINERY, Coats, Suits, Waists, Shirts, and Kivoros. Must be Closed Out Re-gardless of Cost. MAXHELD VINEGAR CO, Manufacturers of a . Ilf V ,v REMEDIES CAN HE SECURED. I'ER-DO.V- S V PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. a factory: 720 South Second West In'ple living outside of Salt Telephone 979-can secure the remedies at Lake a their drug store in tlu-i- home town or by sending in to tile Great Fer- 1)' 'ii. WM3gMiMilSCTMllIIW Salt Lake 4 'it v The prices of GYRUS QATRELL x a Attorney m A Counselor F. Walker BulMlaft Ball Lake City. IX the Great Fer-Do- Remedies: m's Medical Conioimd for the r.Ion.1. Stomach, Rheuma- tism and Kidneys. $1.00 per bottle, Ixdtles S5.00. Magic Relief fur Deafness, Rheumatic rain. I .atm Hack, and all MWStKRV.RriM'VRSiKS.WItStllStlWIWV Aches and Fains, 50 cents per GEO. W. PARKS, r six Ixittlcs for $2.50. Land Attornsy, 's Catarrh Remedy for Auerbaoh Building. Catarrh. Coughs. Colds, llav Fever and Asthma. 50 cents per hox, or 5 Sait Laks City Imxi-fur $2.50. MristrisMeMfcrarittMMlilririiMMM First ask your hmne druggist for the remedies. If he don't have Men and women to learn barber trade shjiI all money orders payin 8 weeks. Wages paid every night. able to the Great P. O. Graduates earn $15 to 35 per week. Ik ix 175 Salt I.nkc, Utah. Cat. free. Write us. Mohler System All druggists can order from of Colleges. 82 E. First South SL. Bait We want you as our excluah City. Utah. sive agent in our town. or six Fcr-Don- Visit as YOU WILL BE WELL REFA1D. Imt-tl- e. Fcr-Di- m. Fer-Don- tln-m- . Fer-Do- WHEN YOU COME TO THE CITY Be Sure and Pay Us a 'u -- n, |