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Show Shoes for Men UTAH STATE NEWS. NOIiTH i WEST-NOTES- . 1 rasea of The prealdent baa signed the arm There were At the Laramie tie preserving plant I ' In Salt bill. over a million ties will ha treated under appropriation quarantine imallpos Lake City at the dose of the week. important oil diacoveriea have bed this summer. In Salt A. M. Demlng, an English stockman on the International tins sear la.ued made Building permlta forty-thre- e Eale Black NEWS SUMMAltY. I Phcenix I $2.50 Shoe from Cape Colony, la In 8eatt!e, comLake City laat week aggregated $11,- - Hete, Arisons. 750. Nearly all were for residence!. Tbe report come, from Brieg, 8wilt missioned to purchase 10.000 horses In Charles Stopley, n pioneer of Dixie, eriand. that thirteen people wars Rilled the Pacific Northwest to be sent to Japan. dead. He settled In Toquervllla by sn avalanche. In 1858, while the country was yet s While playing at the bottom of a report Is current that the JapaneM near Northport, Wash., Lisle ravine desert bave landed 20,000 troops at Kin ChaL Humphrey, eight - years old, waa The right of way along the Una of abova port Arthur, He by a landslide and buried. tbs San Pedro read has been fenced eablDet haa raaltnei caught 1 Pruvlln out. was when dead taken of south miles twenty-fivto a point but ,t raal eapected tbat John W. Springer, former prealdent Csllentes. nation wll, be accepted. of the National Livestock association, at ths slat. Frank Rose's execution Thera ja a ghortaga of Chlnesa luber was nominated for mayor by acclamafifth was 22nd the on the t penitentiary n tbe BrItlsb Columbia market, the tion city convenRepublican by has taken place in Utah during ,ng to tb0 beaVj taZ imposed upon to-week. Denver last at tion the past ten yearn migrants. The senate has paased the bill exSlot machines which pay in check! Three firemen were killed and sixor which have any element of chance teen ethers Injured In a fire In New- tending to Oregon, Washington and California tbe privilege of selling about them will no longer be permit. ark, N. J., the walls of a building and removing timber on the publlo ted la Salt Lake City. on them. domain for mining purposes. Ole Hannon, the ML Fleasant dairyNegotiation! for a conjoint declare- - 'Information has been received that nl man. la putting up a new dimmer Uon neutrallt b N gwedm the Chicago ft Pacific Railroad comChester, with a capacity of 2,500 pany, a Chicago ft Northwestern pounds of milk per hour. auxiliary concern, is preparing to Mountains 'along the San Pedro . build a railroad from Casper, Wyo., to flpBt part,c,patlon by tb are being explored by a score of pron BBB of Iceland ,n an ,nternatlonal Ogden. pcctors from Csllentes and many rich movement will be at the Louisiana Michael Rlea of Columbus, Mont, claims have been located. Purchase exposition. Pacific was killed on a Northern claims were to Twelve gold-silvThe Robbers entered the hank at tola, freight train near Bozeman. cated about twenty miles south of Wlit wrecking the vault, safe aid man supposed to have done the shoot Csllentes within a mile of the line of building with They lng eseaped. The murder was for the week. railroad last Pedro ths San fled wjtb 11,200. overlooking (9,000. purpose of robbery. I An engine attached to a coal train Cold weather in Dixie has caused A dispatch from Warsaw says It li 1 near Twen-to fruit considerable damage reported that eighteen conspirators plunged over an embankment Engineer two miles north of SL George ths I have been hanged, after their trial In Black Diamond, Wash. connection with s Polish revolutionary Scanlon was killed and Fireman peaches and berries are destroyed. George M. Hoagland was so seriously on on a trial Alex Jennings, charge Plot Injured that he will probably die. of having set firs to the Lehl cream-- 1 Frederick V. Martin, the Indian com-er- y A prominent railroad man of Reno, on the night of November 9, has mlssloner of irrigation for Porto Rico, Nevada, makes the statement that I been adjudged not guilty by a Jury. killed himself by cutting hla throat the Southern Pacific Is about to In the debate between represent- - He brooded over private financial mat abandon the great cut-of- f across Salt Lake. The reason given Is on actlves of the Colorado college and the ten. count of the bad wreck there last University of Utah, held In Salt Lake The United States government ha week. The roadbed Is sinking and is victors. Utah the proved boys bad no ofllclal Information of the sales not .yet In condition for traffic. City, Hortlculturallsta of the state will persistently reported from Europe of Stephanie, Baroness Di Gallotti dl petition the next legislature to estab- American ahlpa to either Ruaala or Napoli, daughter of Signor Ghlllardl Hah an. auxiliary experiment station Japan. of Milan, Italy, and a second cousin The German relchstag voted (100 of somewhere In the middle southern the late Queen Victoria of England, 000 for the assistance of the German portion of the state. died In Leadville, Colo., last week. Mrs. Mary Dixon suicided fn a lodg- - settlers in German Southwest Africa The baroness and her husband had lng house In Ogden, taking carbolic who have Buffered through the Herero been banished from Italy many yean ago. Tbe woman and her husband uprising, acid, from The statement that Professor Ivan-hFrancis had qunrreled and she declared that Frey, a butcher I was tired of life. off of the Moscow university had been Genoa, had an almost miraculous esJudge Jacob Johnson, at Montlcelto, assassinated by Terrorists for tresch cape from death at Reno, Nevada. sentenced Charles Botha, the Grand ary to the organization, to officially Frank Jordan, a bartender, made two attempts to murder him. The only county murderer, to he shot on Frl- - declared false, that saved Frey waa the fact thing day, June 10. Botha broke down I "Lord Frederick Seymour Barring that the cartridge snapped twice. The when sentenced and sobbed piteously. ton has been sentenced to death for revolver was held in front of hla Sarah Wolff, a young girl confined killing, near 8L Louis, James McCann, face. The government authorities say they In the Salt Lake City Jail, attempted When sentence was pronounced hare a strong case against Harry Brenby strangling herself with her rington almost collapsed, Russians at Tientsin do not believe nan, the rough rider, who Is under arbelt, but was discovered by the of-fleers and removed to the padded cell. tbat tba recent resignation of Admiral rest at Cheyenne, charged with atSheridan Oatler, aged 19, waa killed Alexleff as viceroy of the emperor In tempting to rob the postmaster at Clearmont. Postmaster Laing has alby n Rio Grande Western train at the far east will be accepted by the ready Identified Brenan and says there Springvllle, the accident happening aa St Petersburg authorities, Is not the possibility of a chance that The pension bin, carrying as sp- he la mistaken. the boy waa getting off the baggage ear, after stealing a ride from Sco-- propriation of more than $137,000,000, Sheepmen In the vicinity of Rawlins and the emergency river and harbor are having trouble with the shearers, The new Salt Lake City directory, nppropriatlon hill, which carries who demand an advance in wages. being issued, allows the popula- - 000.000, have passed the senate, Shearers are contending for a 1 cent tlon of the capital city. Including Fort to tbe-- departmeBt of raise in wages on the ground that the AccordIng Dougina, Murray and the outlying aub- - ponceiaiona of tbe World's Fair, It will fleeces are so much more difficult to 019 dtT b 91,1955 cost $30 for the total admission to all hear. They say that the past winter ' 75'000- 1,1 1II been so dry that the wool la blown the attractions on the pike. The total has full of sand and the best shears mart Four men attempted to burglarise co- -t for tba mldway waa $!5 will stand only about 250 fleeces. the general store of C. C. Crapo at A dispatch from Bud a Pest says the The work of dismantling WadsSandy one night last week, hut were strike of railway employes has canted surprised by the city marshal and much wholesale Inconvenience and It worth, Nevada, the old Southern . .. division town, preparatory for WBre CaPtUred considered doubtful If the govern- - the an exciting chase. change to Sparks City, has beroent win be able to force the men gun. Rouses, many of them costing Reporta presented to the grand into submission. of thousands dollars, are being lodge, L O. O. F held In Salt Lake Six hundred potteries workmen am-- razed preparatory to being transCity Inst week, show that there are poyed the plants of the Acme ported to the new division point The forty-si- x lodges, with a membership of pottery and the Crookaville China division change will take place in The Wadsworth 2.500, In the state, an Increase of four company at Crooksvllle, Ohio, have about four weeks. lodges since the beginning of the year. I ROna ont on Ftrlle for ma,ntenanee townsite will be off the main line two miles. At Acoma the daughter of the union scale, The state central committees of the of F. M. Morrison ran up behind a The European Economist says, un Democratic and Silver parties in Joint . sehorse and was kicked In the face, der the reserve that Russia la nego-meeting at Reno, Nevada, selected vere and palnfol Injuries being In- tlatlng with the principal French delegates to the national Democratic flicted to her forehead and her face banka for a loan of $150,000,000 on 5 convention at SL Louis. The deleare J. R. Ryan, Peter Weber, trenrnry bonds, to gates badly bruised. She will probably be ner cent four-yea- r J. G. Sweeney, Francis G. Newlands, not Is 98. e The statement at placed for life. disfigured Reinhold Sater and W. A. Sharon. verified. Damage suits aggregating $155,000 The total loss by the fire which deTho heavy snow in Salt Lake City have been filed against the Southern To- cn the 21st caused the wholesale of the district stroyed sagging of a Pacific company as a result of the disto the live wire and two horses which came will, ronto, Ont., according astrous dynamite explosion on the most conservative estimate, reach In contact with It were killed, .the Lucin cut-of- f on February 19. when s total insurance Is the tl2.000.0p0: driver having a narrow escape score or more of persons went killed, Tbe area swept by Ore emmostly Greek laborcra. death, being severely shocked. braced 14 acres. The fourteenth anniversary of tho Not a wheel la turning in the big establishment of a branch of the of the Glucose Refining company plant Young Men's Christian association In at 111., the 800 employes having Peoria, Salt Lake City, May 4, 1890, will bo an strike. The men assert tbe gone WUu. T commemorated Sunday, May 1, by the company promised an Increased wage new cornerstone of of the the Antung. laying home to be erected In the capital city. scale, effective April 1, bnt has not yet Chlna-J- a put It in force. uatlcn. Tba body of Alfred Peterson, aged hosfor new The the BeHevna plans 22, a West Jordan student at the LatterIn New York City have been Saints university In Salt Lake pital -day made public. They provide for the City, who wandered away on the night largest hospital In the world. It will Inland town about 150 miles west a in hla and way of February 29, lojt ha constructed of brick and stone, blinding snowstorm, has been found Is will he fireproof, and will nccommo Creek canyon, City data 2,500 patients ranch 3.000,000 taels. wrest still is The town of Moroni federal The of Australis ministry ling with an epidemic of smallpox has resigned. The resignation was About eight families came down with due to its defeat in the house of repthe disease on the first of February resentatives' on n labor amendpnrty United States Infantry and every few days since that time ment for making the bill a new smallpox flag has been dla the arbitration of labor providing apdisputes played. .. plicable to state employees. lng local governmenL who Kendall, Curtis of The body Robert R. Roosevelt, an uncle of was killed at Goldfield, Nevada, was President Roosevelt, who was noml- brought to Lehl for burial last week. It appears that Kendall was assassi nated by a man with whom he had last week, has declined to accept . . h ..ncrinllv cnnoslte eD" 3 I r uch nnmlntlnn bPC1,"e hi of thVback where the Japanese have con I shot In i.mreted their forces. Utlonshlp to tbe prraldenL Indemnity Company, OP AMERICA. Insure yourself Against sickness and ... Also Life Insurance. accidents. Installment Flan. little each month. Ton pay a XXXX1XX N. A. NELSON, 6eneral Agent, e 209, 211, 282 Deseret SALT LAKE CITY, HTML News Bldg. ov-tha- BUILT BY Bradley Metcalf & Company MILWAUKEE, - Via. fsB-In- FOR BALE BY au wniiARi bdiiiki, aoidta tor. I Gash Yorlds Fair Route nitro-glycerin- e. OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. The Frisco System traverses THE FOLLOWINQ STATES! Indiana llisslsslppl Kansas Arkansas Tennsssaa Illinois Bisssurl Alabama Oklahoma Indian Ter. 1 Texas. THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, City t 6.30 dally, will tak ruu to 8prlnlllil, Mamplila, HirmlnRhnni, Atlanta, Lrli, Kuui j, n, JarluuntUlf uul all point, la tin South.aU. Kso.ll.nt rontato all point. Worth, East, Mouth. houlbwut and South. to ArtalM l.formatloi, ml, to onnuAinr, Dt.vt., col. G. W. MARTIN, DiOT. Paoa-I- , E. DRAKE, T. Salt Um A. JOHN, SIMML AOCOY, Montana. Illinois Central Railway. SUFFICIENTLY TABS SERVES URR1ITOKY Ur through Mrvlc. to and froia . dtlci: Bllwlni Hah. Ufa Chicago, HL Omaha, t St Louis, 1U Paul, Hina. ' NUnna polls, Kina Peoria, X1L Kansas City, Xa ZraoiTlllL lad. so And tho Padflc Coaat and Montana . Territory. Coanoetloiia at thua terminals th. RAST, SOUTH, WEST AND WORTH. Fart and Handsomely Equipped H.ated Train. Dining Can Cars Sleeping Care Reclining Chair Cara. Ask ticket agent, for ticket, via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, Of uR.t-Llbra- rr apply to J. A. FOLBT, IS W. tnd So. St., Salt Lake Cltp, UNIQUE I halkalathei ENioYABiEi HEALTHFUL! ",.ZT2 pUertwHkl.toaekeaUatk.taw SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium l i eyT TO SJV.MSoili IjAlrlOBH fh Salt Lake City I BiSdns Yiq on. on. oaoqaaw Omrln (iwHalf a minioa rah ter tea. uni rt water 1 m jnM Ho SvMwr Salk, la tkeeagfe ml Hie nc. Tte PiteiM Pkmew lal Ur. 3w fawning Pole faVO I M. OewMne health an. yfaaaaio bf Ytelllng these bathe hen le Una NmG uceececceMMMM1J Lake. Opca tar otekt. Bor-suicid-e Ofdea UMm Dtpet with an Soothers Puttie and Oragaa Short Ltae Tba eoly Traiueoatiaeatal LIm paulni directly through Sail Lake City, stlU al C Tralee. FLBJfDIDLY EQUIPPED TRAINS DAILT BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER Yl Thru Bepaimt eta DiatlMt Beetle FAST Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cara to Dennr, Kansu City, SL Louis and Chicago without changa. Frea reclining chair can. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Can, service a la Carte on all through trains. Omaha, yr For ntaa, foldno, trM lUtutrmfad feooklata, aio.. taqulih of l UakotMOrt. opoaUrlsu Iho Kla areedo rouia, or oililiuo L A. BENTON, a Ai P. D SALT LAKE CITY REMEMBER. IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB Oregon Short Line r Bl RAILROAD .p.t.a. a a. SPENCER.. UNION PACIFIC A&r.er.i THE OVERLAND ROUTE which b CCMSMMC CUT COMFORT SAFETY fr 201 TTNION PACIFIC L ST. MAIM SALT LAIN VTAB. w roruAX routs to all roenaBaav SPEED m MET 1 b mi mficr connection with mi e. bvrley, $3,-no- w Memphis, Tana. h'.ihrlll., Ta& Cincinnati, Oh! a. Atlanta, Oa. Jacksonville, Fli tionisvlUa, Xy. Vsw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Miss Weekly throush Hri lc. balWMB Chl-saand between Cincinnati Bteai Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Puetlo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kuuai City, St. Louis, Chicago, ' 1 gad gU pointi BAlt e Aotar, City, Utah. Bum, THE SCENIO'LINE TO Unexcelled OIL rogresswb (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) Px-elf- lc "li I STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS.... AteUllMOf Sfatln. The MeMrt and hart Mock ef Couiceuonerr la Her- .... ...... .... , AfeHllnertMotwitw Clr.rm. Rtheme fart Snokere Goede...... err All the leading peHodlrel.. .... er r BOOK FftUA BOVSI ITWXT Agency Troy Steam Lannd.y. MtRCDR. d I HTr i Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad BALT LAKE WeL ft MERCUR TIMECARD East. 1:10 Leave Mercur Arrive Leave 10:30. ...Summit Jet. ...2:25 10:45 m " J. 10:CO.... Manntpg ....9:01 1:33.... Fairfield ....I 24 O. JACOBS, Gen, Manager. Salt Lake City. Arrive |