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Show ! NO CAUSE FOR GRATITUDE. And Sturdy Scotchman Gave No Lip Service to Hla Maker. The following example of a Quaint, philosophical Scotch character la r lated In the Scottish American: The season baJ been an exceptionally had one for farming, but In a church not far from Arbroath the official! had resolved, according to custom, to hold the annnal harvest thanksgiving service. It was noticed that on that particular occasion Mr. Johnitons, a regular attendant and pINar of the church I whose crops had miserably failed), was not In attendance. The minister In the course of the following week met Mr. Johnstone and Inquired of him the reason of hla absence from church on such an Important occasion. Weel, air," replied Mr. Johnstone, I dlnna care aboot approachln' my Maker In a speerlt o sarcasm." teetlng the flash of a knifes steel blade among the bushes. "Stab, Bemenovitch!" said he. Then out stepped the koopyete and stabbed blindly. The Myterjr. Yon have killed me. friend," cried Aksenov as he fell, pressing hla hands to hie breast. Bemenovitch, one laet service!" whispered the dying man. Hand me the knife which le behind my guitar." The koopyeta hesitated, not understanding; but when he handed It to him Aksenov frowned between hla gasps of pain. No. no! Slain It with my blood. There like that Now, put It In my hand. Good. Do yon eea, Semenovltch It is for your sake for the no one must sake of Sergla-x.sr- a suspect you every one must bellevs It was I myself " Then, making a last strenuous efDmltrlevltch Aksenov fort, Ivan shouted to his horses to go on. They started at his voice, and It was not long before the cart came to the next village. The horses, trained by long habit, stopped at the village trader's, and the koopyets himself came out to greet Aksenov. When he caught sight of him stretched out on the floor of the wagon, a stream of blood flowing from hla breast, he called to some moujlks for help, There, grasped tight In Aksenov' hand, they found his knife with Initials carved In the handle. They are hla own initials," exHe has died claimed the monjiki. by hla own hand. Poor Aksenov whoever would have thought It? And he the gayest of the gay! New York Thia la your rup Ilia cup assigned to 70 From tin beginning. Nuy, uiy child. I know How much of that dark drink la your own brrw Of fault and paaalon. Agri Inn again th deep yeura of yealerday I knew. Thia la your road a painful road and drear, never give you I marie Uia atonee-tk- at rent; I eet your friend In plaaaant waya and cli-a- And he Khali coma, like you, unto my breaat: But yon my weary child muat travel here. Thia la your tank. It haa no Joy nor grace. But la not meant for any other hand. And In my unlverae hath measured place, Take It; I do not bid you understand: I bid you doao your eyea to aee my faca McClure'a Magazine. 4 Both Eaches." A Kansas young woman liras 1b Halstead denied her engagement for eeveral weeks, but haa finally admitted that It la true. "Yea," she confessed, he is mine; I am hla'n, and we are both eaches." Kansas City Btar. THE KOOPYETSVimFRIEND By VIBUINIA LEILA A HEART 8TORY. Folsom, 8. Uak. In these days when so many sudden deaths are reported from Heart Failure and various forms of Heart Disease, It will be good news to many to learn that there la a never falling remedy for every form of Heart Trouble. Mrs. H. D. Hyde of this place, was troubled for years with a pain In her heart which distressed her a great fleaL She had tried many remedies hut had not succeeded in finding anything that would help her until at last the began a treatment of Dodds Kid-le- y Pills and this very toon relieved her and she has not had a single pain r any distress In the region of the fteart since. She says: I cannot say much praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are the greatest heart nedlclne I have ever used. I was doubled for over three years with a severe pain In my heart, which entirely disappeared after a short treatment of Dodd's Kidney Pills." COWS NOT FAST ENOUGH. Troubla Was They Could Not Keep Ahead of the Train. "While I was traveling out In Ohio Mat month," said a drummer, "I had occasion to patronize a miserable bne-hors-e railroad which serves sev-Vof the Ohio river towns. We were Jogging along at a distressingly tow rate of speed when of a sudden the train came to a dead stop In the middle of a large meadow. Many of the passengers whose patience had s exhausted asked a brakeman the sauss of the delay. "There's a herd of cows on the track ahead he answered. "In about ten minutes the train got under way again, Jerking convulsively along for about a mile or two, when It again came to a halt That was the limit An old man who waa Bitting near the door turned to the brake-man- , who was plainly annoyed by the many questions, and aald Irritably: al be-om- "'What In thunder la the matter, anyhow V Why, we're caught up to the cows again!' sarcastically explained the brakeman." Nlckeliferous Copper. The discovery la announced of copper In large' qnanaltlea In Cape Breton Island. Tbs ore body la reported to be between 270 and 2S0 feet wide, carries gold and allver and contains high values In copper and gold. It la aald the property will prove to be among the largest copper mines in the world. nick-Mlforo- In every Russian village you will that Is conspicuous because of ita location and its height It la always exactly In the center of the village, and It la always This conspicuous bouse belongs to the village koopyets; It is his residence and shop. The konpyeta or village trader Is a person of the utmost Importance from the moujlk'a point of view. Well, Makar Bemenovitch, the koopyets of the village of Poltvtsee, was no exception to tho rule. He waa a thrifty Ivan. The troughs cutslde hla house, one filled with water, the other with grain, never led an idle life; they were constantly In use by the steeds of the wagoners who traveled from Warsaw to Moscow. Among all the wagoners who passed that way, none was so gay and none Ivan o well liked by Seraenovilch-a- a He waa a Dmltrlevltch Aksenov. d handsome, young fellow, full of fun and always singing. Aksenov passed through Poltvtsee twice a month, sometimes oftener; now ono day, now another, according to hla loads. One morning toward the end of May he and several other customers were drinking tea with Makar Bemenovitch In an Inner room adjoining that In which the koopyets displayed hla stock. One by one the mou-Jlk- a had turned down their tumblers In token that they had really bad enough. One by one they had risen, shaken bands with their host and thanked him for hla hospitality. Finally Bemenovitch and Aksenov remained alone in the room. "Well, friend," aald Bemenovitch, the young fellow straight looking In "I've a secret the eye, to tell thee." Then he dropped hla eyea somewhat, as one abashed, and began stroking Gogol's sleek Ides. I am suing to marry, he announced. "I have decided It la not good for a koopyets to live alone; he gets too hardened, be needs " "A womane softening influences," supplied Aksenov, holding his aides with laughter. By 8L Michael and all the holy angels, friend!" It Is true, nevertheless, said softly. "And Im going In to Moscow to fetch her next week. We are to be married on the laet day of the month of Mary. 8hea barely 20, unhappily; but then for a man find ono building two-storie- two-storie- d fair-haire- g And I wish you Joy, man heartily. Makar Bemenovitch." Three weeks later, when Aekenov HAS A SAY. passed through Poltvtsee. again, he Ha was in the The School Principal Talks About saw the oryoung bride. tractir shop, trading some prian-nlk- l Food. and herring for some gorgeoua-eolore- d The Principal of a High School la calico when a peal of merry fiourlablcg CalX city says: reached his ears. langhter 1 school , For 23 years worked la the la thatf he exclaimed boy"What irlth only short summer vacations. down the calico. For It laying ishly, I formed the habit of eating rapidly, waa lovely laughter, full of music, and masticated poorly which coupled with It rilled and rippled through the qnlet my sedentary work led to Indigestion, . room like a flock of wild pigeons. Uvar trouble, lame back and rheuma-tlam"That?" said the koopyets. That's young wife. I suppose she's playmy "Upon consulting physicians some ing with Gogol; she's a veritable child goped ma with drugs, while others prescribed dieting and sometimes I got temporary relief, other times not for 12 years I struggled along with this handicap to my work, seldom laid p but often a burden to myself with lameness and rheumatic pains. Two years ago I met an old friend, a physician who noticed at once my condition and who for me an exclusive diet of milk and fruit. Crape-NutI followed hia Instructions and In two months I felt like a new man with or to more headaches, rheumatism liver trouble and from tbat time to has been my main this Grape-Nut- s food for morning and evening mccls, em stronger and healthier than I have been for years without a trace of the old troubles. "Judging from my present1 vigorous tell my physics! and mental state people Methuselah may yet have to take second place among the old men, for I feel like I will live a great many more years. To all this remarkable change In That you are!" cried the ycung man, health I am Indebted to my wise and I hope the heartily. friend and Grape-Nut- s But you for joy, and eo beautiful! postum Co. will continue to manufacScmenovltch ture this life anil health giving food most see for ynurm-f.for several centuries yet. until I move led the way to the inner room. "StT-tlKara." lie cried ti to a world where Indigestion Is untle Akt.'Rtiv f jioweJ hi n, nrd .her", known." Name given by Postuin Creek. Midi. beside ti:e t'l tnM tl ey Kill; waited w.at ho knows fur a Tl.cn the curtain Ask pny about Crnpi Nuts. Those who have s'uuug lack. Irled It know III In me land F'rriaiara held n I . a wa'C.i rVowt-"There's a re son." mnsi' nt Jiii o r.s--Look in eneh l r;. for the famous ripu crimson uainsi tier blue lire--- .. BUle book, Thu Head to WellvUia." Co-Bat- phy-lela- n r.-- .s. I red-gol- d met Twelve months rolled by, and life In the little village of Poltvtsee grew wearisome to Bergla-Kara- . Qften in her morning aid evening walks ihe would pause and look far off, followd ing the course of the country which ran toward Moscow. Moscow the Beautiful! Moscow the Glad! Moscow the Gay and Laughlog! Ah, why bad she ever left her dear thick-woode- Tle IhoiiHi Wy Japanese Would Find It Hard to Get Along Without It The Japaneso nsa paper at every moment The string with which d darling of the gods" does np the articles you buy is made of paper. The handkerchief (thrown nwny after use) la paper, the partitions dividing the houses are paper, and the pane through which an Indiscreet eye looks at yon Is paper! The pane la certainly wanting In transparency, but there la a simple remedy. One finger la passed through the paper that la all! Afterward a amnll piece la atuck on the opening with a grain of rice. The mens beta, the cloak of the porter who carries hie burden, singing a cadence, through the rain; the garment of the boatman who conducts you on board, the tobacco pouch, cigar case all are paper! Those elegant flowers ornamenting the beautiful hair of the Japanese ladles, and those robe collars which are taken for crape ootef aadtaAM Rheumatism deft-hande- Z Neuralgia IstoUM St. Jacobs Oil Which afford not only KrsreBaf, hut prompt cure. It aibduea. and and tha aufteriae nthi paper! Stalk of the Bamboo. Inside the ealk of bamboos there 'Price. 25c. and 50c. ere sometimes found small crystallizations of flintlike material exactly resembling miniature opals, while In the Inside of Philippine cocoanuts minute pearls occasionally are found. The Meeting of the National Irrigation Congress. To be held at El Paso, Texas, thia fall, promises to be of great Interest to n dwellers In country, and addresses will be made by AmerPress. ican and foreign Irrigation authorities. An Interesting program, Including n WITNESS IN A TIGHT BOX. genuine Mexican bull fight, will be by the citizens. For further InMagistrate's Clerk Compelled to Tew given formation regarding date of above tify to Superiors Ineompetency. meeting, railroad fares, etc., address Among the moat successful practi- C. F. room No. 411, Dooly tioners at the English bar la Lord block. Warren, Salt Lake City. Utah. Brampton, whose strong point la ths In of witnesses. Value of a Good Deed. this he Is quick to see s' point In his A good deed Is never lost; he who ciiert's favor and to take advantage of owe courtesy reaps friendship, and It. Lord Brampton tells a story of be who plants kindness love; how he once won a case on n techni- pleasure bestowed upongathers a cal ground when he had no defense. mind was never sterile, but grateful generally He forced a magistrate's clerk to be gratitude begets reward. Basil. put Into the witness box by the prosecution to prove a purely formal matCatarrh Cannot Be Cured LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a they cannot reach ter; now, having gotten him there, he mm I Blirrh 1. a blwJ ur cuo-nu. at the d him and made , him lb tuitons. llwve. nod la enter hi cur ll you mart uk Hall' wnedlM. lateruBl catarrh Cure 1. taken Inhla led maghe practically admit that ternally, and arte directly on til ll d and ntocoui istrates by the nose," to admit also urfacc.Ir Han't Catarrh Cur le tliu quark lmt phy.lcfaau by not f ni preacrlbed that they had refused ball by his ad- la thluc luniry fur yeura and I a regular preacrlptkm. I f the he-- t tiuilo wed c la knnw.i.euuiMned It tin chambers vice, and that a Judge at with tbs lint bljodpTrlf-- ., acting dtreerly on tha had afterward granted It, although the mucous airfare Thu perfect Comblnulli-- nf tha two Inuredlenu la arliut produce, aueh wonderful rewitness had come up all the way from sults U-- curing catarrh. Send tentlmnulala. frea. 7. J. CHENEY A CO., I1 Iv pa., Tulodu, a I.ordon to oppose It Then, aeked the Bold By DrugglM. price TSo. cros Taka Hmll'aFauilly PUla fur eouUpatfew. You were in the room, sir, and did Americani the Beet Penmen. you not hear the learned Judge say The Americans are, as a nation, the there was not a rag of a case against best penmen of the world, with the my unhappy client? The prosecuting counsel objected, British following a close second. and It was ruled out. But the Jurors Washing Machine Only $2.70. had heard it, and had heard the anBava your wife's health and daughter' swer stopped. The dissatisfaction thus Washing sauty by uing our great Bur aclitne. Worth It weight la gold.. adduced In their minds made them SLiO; with wringer Krico only acquit the prisoner. Leaving the court that day the prisExceeds New York In Cost. oners counsel asked his opponent: The cost of living In TamatavSi Why did you object to that question? Madagascar's metropolis, le double s The latter indignantly protested that In New York. that hla adversary must have known Christian Endeavor Hotel. that It eonld not be put Louis. Ho., I the place to tnp BL Yea, I did," was the answer; but hen vlalilng tha World fair. Wrue I knew you, too, and felt sure tbat you would object at the right time. Coal Used in Gae Manufacture. Bnt you should have waited for the use of coal In the manufacture " The ae 'No.' been would have It answer, of ga Is simply enormous, ono London company alono using over 2,000.-00-0 How Woman Worries. tons per year. to look at things To her Inability from a practical standpoint may be XVInalow'i Rnothlag fyrra tha garni, reduces attributed woman's talent for borrow- Tor rhlHr. hires taathlng, aoftmawind - .1 unllu. fee a beetle. p i.y. fude- - mm soring trouble. She never waits for row to come to her. She goes forth Harbor Works Are Complete. to look It up and if she doesn't have over 4 000 feet to tha sea. Extending any of her own ahe assumes that of tha western arm of tho Dover great her friends. Above all, she anticiNational harbor works has (England) If children she well her u pates. had Its last foundation block laid. agonizes over what she would suffer If they were 111; while her boys are fa aa InMlIMo rkok Cart tot Cousmnptlou In roundabouts she begins worrying cillclne for ""ugh end nnlda. M. W. BAMOtU over the dangers of college life; fr-Grove. N. A. Feb. 17, MCA while her glrle are still babies she le Turn to Modern Cara. miserable, thinking how unkind their Tho old box-llk- e compartment can possible husbands may be to them. In Mr. Dlxone new novel he telle about on French railwaye are being gradun man who had carved over the man- ally displaced by veetibuled cars of b tel In the library this aentenee: "1 more modern type. am old and I have had mnch trouble, PUTNAM FADELESS DTES color but most of It never happened."- - No brighter colon, with lose woman would have ever adopted that more goods,others. than work for her motto and ahe couldn't have lived up to It if she had. She haa Depth of Antarctic Ocean. plenty of trouble and the troubles The Beotia aclentlflc expedition, althat never happened troubled her tar cruising 6,000 mllea in tho Ant. more than the ones that did. Ex- arctic ocean, reports It to have a fairone-hachange. ly uniform depth of two and cross-examinati- curly-heade- lm a pretty vigorous-lookinpast fellow, dost not think, Aksenov?" That yon are!" cried the young 60 and matched her moist llpa exactly. The other hand was stretched out inductively to the greyhound leaping round her. A crystal buckle flashed st her waist; the sunshine coming In through the open window caught the of her hair, the pink chetk, the white, moving hand. And it was ao that Aksenov and Me EASTERN USES OF PAPER. Inter-Mountai- Provisions. STOCKS OVCBT AND SOLD ON MARGIN OR. FOR. CAS . Wa offer special laduoementa and liberal to out of town eorroHpoadenta. Our book of Inhumation Uow To Speculate,' mailed free. LOMO DIUTtMCa HEADQUARTER tt - so-n- e - V-- - 1 3 ALT To winter1 piercing Mut. It tender leaflet are 11 dead. It inmnier time ions And yet. though k!e are overcast, Come wind or rain, come hall or mow, It hold the sunshine of the Through all Its tranche golden glow. rt: foul! wilt thou Oh. weary. torm-tnee- d heed? It glowing mesK-igThough Kate' rude storm surround the now. And Hie seems dread Indeed: Still hope through grief or loss or pain, Joys at thy feet wore east; Their memories thou must yet retain. Smile for the siieshlne that is past. Irene Pomeroy Shields Prophecy Was Timely. There is an old story of a French king's astrologer, who made a false prediction concerning the issue of a certain battle. "You are ar excellent prophet .aid the king, cns'lrg a vicious glance it him: "now pray tell me how many '.ays yon thick yon will live?" I shall lie .mt three days before vour enjeaty. the wily seer. Hs mnjixtv took good care to keep ':im alive. Youth. Duty Free. from nhmnd -an now rough the custom oite free of duty nil articles to the veins of $10n, exempt rlsrirs, cigarette and llcrire Tour'rts reur'-ii- f ROOMS LAKE CITY UTAH. fbe FREE Homestead LANDS OF Art tbi STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. and Crap at acne of mminiSoan. Million, Inc land to ba bad ua u free tin. or by pure haa C.-ui- n m from Railway Companies. Lund CotporutiMO. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Good Craps, dwllghtful oUmato,. aphidie school system, perfsat social rundltlna exceptional railway advantages, nod wraltfo and affluence acquired easily. The population of Western Canada Inn rasa ad 128. Ono by liamif ration during the past yaar. seat SUkUOO , being Americans. Write to nearest authorized Canadian Govermaae Again for Canadian Atlas and other information (or addreis Supt. of IinmiaratioaOiuwa. Canada! BBNJ. DAVIES. KOllU 6. DUNN BLOCK. CEN- . TRAL AVENUE. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA W. L. DOUGLAS 84.00 83.50 83.00, 82.50 VJSff SHOES W. L. Douglas shoes rib worn by more men than any other moke. The reason in, they hold their Bnapetbctter,wear longer, and have intrinsic greater value than any other shoes. foM f wryarAam. Imak ffar mat aa rlM .. wblak le Ihanglaa ana Corawt Calfskin, II Mat , Fat an! cuwiwIM tobntha araywlma Araiher rat prod Head. FdatCa srfg'Mfaasdi -' ntm. Wilt for byiin,tr. end L UOt'OLAS, W. CM- Brockton, FLOUR OBDENS BEST PHOERIX HI6H PITERT i lf The Golden Willow. The golden willow bow it head OFFICES D.r. WALKER BLK. 2H-ZI- 2 medl-cln- n-- c ph o I Mi. Utahan Salt Lake Mining Eichaie cross-examine- Stab, Bemenovltchl'' said he. old home? True, she had been very poor there; often she had not enough to eat But then there had been plenty of mirth and youthful company! (Ah, Makar Bemenovitch, good man, yonth will seek youth aa thq bees will seek the lavender.) Bergla-Kar- a grew almost happy again when Aksenov's periodical visits came around. He could tell bet all about her dear M or cow, forsooth. And so, side by side, the two who, for youth and gayety matched each other like the candlesticks on an altar, would talk together. Often, however, they were silent, not speaking, but following the same train of thought. Alas! if I had known," sighed Sergla-Kar- a one day. Yes, if we had known, replied Aksenov. From that moment, without the of another word, Aksenov multiplied his trips; for to him henceforth, as to Bergla-Kara- , the only happy moments were the rare moments they spent with each other. Gossip came to Makar 8emenovltch, of course; but being a man tree from evil thought, who respected bis wife and knew Aksenov for a friend, he chose to muse over other things. It was a holiday, one of thoso Innumerable Russian feast daya, and Semenov Itch had closed his tractir and gore to take a walk in the woods. His thoughts were not the pleasantest, for he was trying to shift off his mind some more of the horrid gossip which kail just reached his ears that morning after mass. Some one had said (hat the last time Aksenov passed through the village lie had oecn seen secretly enterirg a hut with F.erglt-KarThe hut ri'f.'rrod to w:.s an empty log house nf Semenov. tchs, mod by the koopyets for the storage of grain. Semenovlti-had almost reached the hut anl was regarding It vlth a scornful pride on 1 is 1 ps, whoa the of great wheels turning regular tic-l.ion the axles the nrr'ral of a cart. Why it w?s Aksranv He was Ju.it going to step forward when the cart Mono'!, an! fron the back end a down Into Ihe dusty roa-lHe stood C ere livid behind t.e lm .os. bis heart thumping like a knee i re oi giiie. . Wait, Fer-.i- -i yon are forgetting li e l:ej," ra!!eil Al.rerov. holding no lug w! Icii biindu', the koop-y.'t- s I'nrli of !i;;c it was the l:ey to hi grain hut! Kin. Ri rgiU'Kara, one comeri" crinl Aksenov suddenly turnlr.g pale. And Perrin Ka-- a hat I rug nn sway t i.t r he !;. Ahsrnox with Uhl-c-I turned "ill n::i- - toward Re ri ! rot ' bi.n. blit divined who It was. I eir.-- the heavy parting nf a men's LraL!i. and de- - .: a special department for buying and nailing Blocks and Boudu for immediate delivery. Investor aud Ounkara will ava lima and money bv airing uu their orders In that llna. . . oonaupogOBMca aouctTso. We have MADR BV mllea OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR Co. OGDEN, UTAH. OTHERWISE IS THE MAN WHO WEAJS 5IMR5 A reputation extending over aixty-ai- x years and our are buck of diMaptto oarmertt bearing the every tX 5IGN OP THE FL5H. There are many imitations. ' ' De sure of the name vTOWER on the buttons. ,v J Town t ON SALE EVtBTPHIfi BOSTON. HASSJU. A A.'. COL SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS ALFALFA SEED BAILEY A 80NS H E. Saconl South SL. Saif Uk CIV are headquarters for the beat quality Alfalfa Seed: slxo Unua and Uardra aeda. Grain 0 yuara. Mall Bay. ate. la and ordarn given special niientlun. m STAJOIHD PIECES, COPIES (po.lp.ld1 SI.OO. tend 1vd.y for Aim wun- - DIIIMne difoct fruir. factory, drrful la rinnwe A big mtIdt to you. Wriia at nnrn fur raiakigaA an-- l prim. Muada-Un- a, Uuilam, Ktrlugi and l lttliiga. THE McKANNON MOB. MUSIC CO. 8283 Washington Ava. Ogden, Utah. 10 Domand the Utah Hand ctlo6ub. SCHWAFiZ & HEINECrfE s a. aaokHa south TBLarHO.a so. it. GALT LAKB CITY R. II. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYE.RS !M!aZ!uT"- - AND CHEMISTS S LA Cilj, Made Horae Collar from yourdnalep Superior to the mn. ch:ne made FRESH AND RELIABLE aana roa COPIES MIlQinS'MO IfiUOlU M You will novor have trouble with ama hold I Hownrd tflM'Ptnitn uu pr E. Burton, pflrt. VJ.?,ri."d (,,,! r ' a'iri; r 41 vniii!'v& I n,. llftf'illtf rnve 4ihi ruiR pri. e 1 Niiib. i'nntrni mill I iniii'H mink a ih ,h4 1U Cultt. UiUJIkMl fetl'l lush, 1 .hip |