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Show THE SIEUR DE ROCHEFONTAINE. (Buried in St. Paul's Cbun-h-, Ijietrdy, Provence, Teuraiue Never the fair home land again Poe the Sieur de Koclieiumaine. c York.) Never to lie among hie own with the Butt south breesee oer him blown Where bia stately noble name ie known. But ever and evermore to reat, With the alien marble above hie bre let. your daughter; oh. I say, what luck! That will save me an awful lot of time and trouble. 1 expected the deuce of a job lu locating her. Though I knew that 1 should do It lu tbe end, he Do you mind telladded coulideutly. ing uie your name?" My name?" divided between indigI am James nation aiul mirth, he declared rather pompously. But Atherley was clearly unimpressed. Better aud better, he cried. I always was a lucky chap," joyously. The eider man leaued back amt suu'cd at him. My dear young nun," licgan he in his most formal manner, I think we must understand each other. 1 certainly fall to see where the luck comes lu." Atherley, staring lu hie turu, became suddenly enlightened. Of course. You uieau that you don't know me," he cried. On, that's all 1're heard dad speak right," easily. of you hunureds of times. I'm Billy Atherley. aud I've Just been out looking up some properties in the West. The older uian'e brow cleared somehow. Not William H. Atherley's sou? Atherley nodded. The same. fe'o now wont J ou Introduce me to your daughter? wistfully. It would save such a lot of time. Arbuthuot, hla gray eyes twinkling, looked at the young uiau quizzically, If you are much like your father, and I tbluk you are, you would be hardly apt to wait long for uiy serv Come Ices, he remarked jocosely. along, then. All I ask of you la please not to get murried before we reach New York." The tone atrove to be stern, but youug Atherley laughed hap piiy. I make no promises, he declared with gay defiance. Oh. here, hold on a moment, as a sudden recollection of Ills unmailed letter recurred to bint. Pulling out the envelope he tore it Into fragments, letting the pieces float out of the open window. It was to say that I wasn't coming home, he explained. I will telegraph from Chicago. Now, If you are ready." Ban Francisco Call. Are Lower A A nimals F eally Alive 9 By Herbert N. Casaon HE more that (dentists study life tbe leas difference do they find between what we fall dead things aud w bat we call live ! things. '4 he latest book on this question Is called The ComparaIn the tyrsnnou time of war and woe. of tive Physiology of tbe Brain," by Professor Jacques The ancient foe of hie folk our foe, Is like most scientific books bard to Cbicsgo It University. Hither he came with Uochambcau. read tor those who wad something exciting. There are two kinds f hooks. Borne are like sandy beaches Lace and ruffle and epaulet, draco and a courtier hearing, yet and some are like gold kdues. The sandy beach books are for A eoul aa valiant ae Laiayetie. those who like piny better than they like work. They auiuse you. and help you to forget your troubles; but after yon have got through with them you have A valiant eoul that burned to be In the fore of the fight for liberty nothing left to keep that Is valuable. with the dauntless men who would fain The gold mine books are different Whenever yon read one of them, yon be free. have to work hard. You dig up the Ideas out of the long sentences. You break up the big words that stick out lave and there like rocks. But wbpn Just another who caught the gleam Of tlie aun of freedom a riaing brain. work Is over you have some gold lift aud your mind ie stronger because your Who caw the via ion, who dreamed the t of the vigorous exercise. dream. In rrofessor Loeb s book there la a dftapter on Instincts, which upsets a Daily Broadway's clamor and ealle great many of our Ideas on living things and dead things. He says that thou Sweep by the chapel of old St. Paul's, sends of the lower auluiuls are nothiu but niachiuea. They are not con Ita levelled graVea and ita ivied wade. scions any more than a glass of soda water Is conscious. In fact, they are Here he aleepa; may bia a'nmbera be nothing but little bundles of chemicals. ! Sweet with the great telicity Take a moth, for instance. Why dote It always fly toward the light? Is That waits, 'tia said, beyond death's dark It because It la fund of the light? Does It have an Instinct in favor of bright objects? Never the fair home land! and still No, says rrofessor Loeb. Nothing of fife kind. It turus to the light for the What mattere it for a noble will same reason that a pine board will wary if you leave It out in the sunshine. HL ilea That am for right 'gainat a giant It currcs lu Its flight and flies into the flime for the same reason that a plant Oura the freedom he helped to gain; turns to the sunshine when It stands In tie window Bo a plot of our free domain fond of light. Their likes or It is not true that either plants or moths are ' for the Sieur de Kochefontaine. dislikes have nothing to do with the matter. They are just aa helpless as a Clinton Seollard, in the New York Sun. photograph la when it benda and wrinkles from the heat of a stove. When a moth la flying at the aide of a lamp or electric light the rays of light tighten np tbe muscles of the moth on tbe side that Is nearest to the light and warp It around until it flies directly into tbe blaze. The plants that move toward tbe sdn turu around for the same reason, The rays of light tighten np the side of the etem that la nearest to the snn, nnd slowly the plaut swings around until It faces the light. Its movement Is ! caused by the chemical effect of light. Vs You may have noticed. In the springtime, bow the little caterpillars come ont of tbe nest and climb up to the tips of the branches, where tbe soft young leaves are. How do they know that these leaves are the best food for By A. M. D. OGDEN. caterpillars? And how do they know, without being taught, that these leaves are always at the tips of the branches? They don't know anything about It, says rrofessor Loeb. As soon as they come out of tbe nest tbe rays of light from the sun warp their bodies In such a way that they cannot help climbing upwards. They are little machines, almost warm sun HE morning lay like tbe tin toys that the peddlers sell on the sidewalks. jlOJt V and dear after the rain of The Instincts of these little motbe and caterpillars can be clinnged. If a ART PRESERVATIVE AIDED. o the night before, and young O bright electric light were to be placed at the foot of every Iree that has B Atherley, as hla horse come marching down the jL Influence of Btrrrotri'lns unit Electro caterpillar nests ou It the young caterpillar! would loped easily along the wide tree to starvation and death. on Uuilern 1 riming. typing -aiig aloud for very joy of light These curious Ideas, 1 hope yon will remember, are not fandea or guesses: The development of book and newstieurtednesa. Out here, away from Loeb hat examined dozens of moths and dozens of caterpillars nnd rrofessor cities and crowds, how good life was. paper printing has been sided to an dozens of plants, to fir'd out wby they act aa they do. If you think that hla ideas The train was In, and Atherley hur- extraordinary degree by stereotyping, nre absurd, you can find out the facts by getiiug more moths and caterpillars Tbe tled around the corner, then halted says tbe Bcieutlllc American. or tbe matrices eau and plants than he hat, and by studying them mure carefully tbau he did. New uddenly, dazzled by the vision whieh stereotyping plutes York J.uruul exconfronted him. On the lower steps of be stored for future use at low can distributed be and tbe type pense car near the middle of the train stood and used anew. It was ldade practigirl, her fair hair blowing In the cal by Earl Stnnhope about 1834, and her hands full of pink rosea, her grind, was Introduced in New York about Byes gazing straight into bia. For a second neither moved. Then, aa a voice 1813. The plaster and clap processes from within called Marion, the girl, were superseded In 1829 by the papier-mach- e process. In which a mold Is takgrlth a quick flush, turned op the steps, nd Atherley, stricken with the con- en on prepared pnper, which Is baked, sciousness of his dusty chaps, huge and which can then be curved, if necthan dallies, purs and sombrero, slipped back. He essary. Periodicals, other ' Bad quite forgotten his letter. The en- - and books are usually printed from V , .gin gave a preliminary .. . snort, the con. electrotypes, which process was tried , f Bj Nlxola Greelej.Sm--J doctor yelled All aboard! but Ather- experimentally In New York In 1841 HUS nse your frog: 1 book I mean the arming wir- eley atlll stood motlouleis, hla eyea fixed by Professor Mupes. An Impression Bn the car wherein she bad disap- Is taken In specially prepared wax, his mouth and out of bis gills, and In so doing use him through Is blackleaded to Insure as though you loved him. peared. Aa the alow length of the train and the mold electrical contact It Is then placed to move to back the began 8o Iznnk Walton clear old bachelor lover of the anglers girl slipped ithe platform for a moment, and on the In a plating bath and a shell of copper art describes bis manner of baiting fish. Is Is the This from deposited. stripped ground almost at Atherleys feet fell a And thus the modern busband-bnnteIf she were so InIs pink rose. To spring forward seize trold, curved If necessary, the back with equal aptness render an account of her clined, might the flower, then swing aboard the last tinned, and an nlloy resembling type methods of capture. ear as It passed was to Atherley but metal Is then poured over It, to give It Of course, tbe application Is not to the particular fish she tbe work of another moment Before strength. The electrotype is then wishes to make her own. Neither the nor Walton could put the book, tbe armso lie It will that high pinned type he bad fairly realized It be was on the cut ing wire, through the fish's mouth and out hli gills for the very good reason train and speeding eastward aa fast as when Mocked. Original hair-tnn- e being n lively and elusive creature, will not stand for It are often soldered op enst lu to In- that tbe fish, Steam could carry him. a slow-goinOnly helpless flog can be thus maltreated. Practical thoughts forced a way and sure good printing results. But ouce the frog la ou the wire tbe fish bites. hla first act waa to take account of d Now, the complete angler of old times angled with plain, ordinary, ITow Atrxeleff Haila Ills Murk. Stock. frogs. garden Admiral Alexcleff rose from the Jim will take the horse back, be But his modern nnd feminine prototype baits her hook and often catches first her fish with a seasoned. If all right. Luckily 1 ranks of the Russian Navy. He counvariety with the frog that would go" In attention while tliia attracted bare Just about enough for my ticket In other words, tbe man who wants to marry her, as distinguished from the Into New York. Somehow he bad de- try, a young Lieutenant without man she wants to marry. eded that abe lived In New York. fluence and without family, lie had Every woman, uo matter how fine her abstract sense of Justice may be, Ban landed Francisco from a cruise knows at And as for meals. Well, who knows that when a man actually wants to marry her which does not mean the srhat may turn up 7 with cheerful op- In Alaskan waters on the battleship one that her fine art and delicate cajolery have sandbagged Into the passive Ruriek when war was Imminent betimism. willingness that leads many estimable citizens to the altar she can treat him At the next slop be sneaked forward tween Russia and Great Britain over as she pleases. practically to the smoking car and sat down to the Balkans. He at once cabled to tbe And, furthermore, the does It. Office Russian Naval over. wac She think things asking permission certainly a As a result, when, following Mr. Walton's recipe for baiting, abe puts her nighty pretty girl! Atherley, feeling to purchase In this country a number hook through bis mouth r.nd out at his gills, etc., he regards the rather painful (or the rose, hidden in Lis breast pock- of vessels to be used as commerce de- proceeding as, on the whole, a pleasing attention. et, concluded that be would probably stroyers to prey on English commerce, For docs she not, according to tbe very letter of the complete angler's adand received a reply to the effect that sot regret bis action. In so doing nse him ns through she loved him? vice. But Ive got to get busy on tbe food there was not time for the deal. Alex-elef- f To be sure, her gentleness and consideration are due to tbe effect abe knows telegraphed back a respectful question." will have on tbe other man. There were three or four other men message to the effect that he perhaps they Bnt, then, how dors the poor frog know thnt nntll, having served hla purIn the car, the younger ouea chatting knew the situation in America better pose of bailing, he la cast aside and It Is too late? New York World. together, and another, rather older, than It was known In Russia, and reIn reading In a corner. All eyed him cu- ceived the necessary permission. riously, but Atherley had an Inspira- ten days he had purchased eight ships, JZ? tion. If be worked them right, amused and althongh the war cloud soon blew them, told them queer experiences, over, the Incident was the making of they might supply him with food and Alexeieff. Upon his return to Russia drink, and as for cigars, well he must he was given command of a ship, nnd bnsband those he had carefully. In In three years he was ail Admiral. Xow of Grenter Russia and pursuance of this Idea be moved near- he la Vice-Cza- r By Helen Keller er, and anon held the group enthralled lord of all the lands which He between Baikal and tbe Taelflc nnd which exrlth his breezy frankness. n.lf KalUr I Ilia Girl Whe 1TM Born Deaf, Dumb ami Blind. So you really Just Jumped on the tend from the Arctic to the Yellow I1E test of all beliefs Is tlielr practical effects lu life. If It be train and came?" uskeil an older man Sea." New Orleans true that optimism cmi'pela tbe world forward and pessimism at length, when Billy had grown retards It. tbeu It is dangerous to propagate a pessimistic Entil's rapid Growth, aweary of liii talk and moved sway, now fast the town of Euld Is growand for no other reason than that you philosophy. One ubo believes tint tbe pain lu life outweighs tbe Joy, Often, said the minister, seri(wanted to see the world?" Atherley ing. and expresses that mik.-qipcondition, only adds to tbe puin. ously, lu a certain Euld church, t Inlaughed rather shamefacedly. That's whnt 1 tuhl those fellows. most trivial Incident In ones dally life Schopenhauer Is au enemy to the race. Even if be But 1 don't mind telling you the truib. leads to thoughts that are benoflcial earnestly bel.eted tlin: this Is the most wretched of oil possible worlds, be should not promulgate a doctrine which rubs It was It was on account of a girl," and ennobling. A day or so ago 1 was be said, haltingly. The older uiuu's coming down Main strr;t, anil I saw men of tbe incentive to tight with cimimMance. a . sign. If life gave him aslira for bread It was his fault. Life Is a fair Cold, and 'oiise for lips twitched. " lint t'i ; Ron A girl! How so? ,ernio:i ..irnedoi! the right will prosper if we stand by on:' guns. no furil'.pr. Mo! ( tin congregation 1 saw her on the car ster." conI.ct pcKXiudsm o::re take hold of the mind aud life Is nil topsy-turvnil 1 liked And-- . was made ti; of rsons in Hie city vanity nnd vexaiinu of aji.i-it- . Ulcere Is as cure for individual or social disorder, fessed Atherley. :n;d annihilation. her," he ended, lamely, not even to but a few weeks nr otidi.. am! young except in fnrgctf-.'.l'.ii'K. Let ns eat. drink a ini lie merry," srya the pessimist, for wc himself did lie care In men.: m the nse. mnri'ie.l couples, they lert the If 1 regarded my life lnm the po.i : of view of the pessimist I should be I wonder if yon have seen her?" he church to go In a i.iad race up Main Ve. undone. added, eagerly, "clie hit 1 tin some street. Ki:id lOkli.) Fogle. I should seek in vain far Hie iight tlu't does not visit my eyes nnd Hie music kind of a blue k:rt, wlili a Idle waist Hint dues net ring in my ears. I should k uiniit ai'il day ni'd never he satisfied. The Got Sl.irli-- . Fr CM I. Iren. and carried some roses. They cubed 1 should sit A young lady who is a prut-- ! lo f.ar nnd diepcir. r.parr in nwlul sn'.iiui'.e, a p her Marion. stor.i-ieli.jr. til chiKivii' and to o' hers to be happy, I escape But since 1 eosi'-- er It a i.iil.v to ui.v Marion!" he exclaimed, "why. Hull's s;ij . 1::. u dare ven, ire on iViry in, :;, a misery woi Then he deary hyiey depiv. i: on. my dniigliii r." unil.inklngly. : .ad haek. e:i ,..a as till cliii ireil niv to i The ontiniis; i.Hier, fur he knows his ne'slilnr :,. topped, rather am. ;vil. A : will In1 lii'.iirrn o;c.r.-ir. lie w id !h"r:,f-ii-- i l.ni ! his piaee si'ics sji l.n' Hi- ranchman. no mniiir how cn.iniiing :i fur tin Siniii .eiit unio each hr, n t is its y n'sil rri',.1-:- ' and g'lr.ieii niily, was luivi'.ly n person f.ir.'i yard iif :i ..c- ir- ,i i.i lur 0MI SO.TUO. iiiiy g n r.I di'rii jr'.i :i to be present'd M Hie nil- - li'1'.i-l'ivi'1.-- . i'i5 "'! 11" wi'l lake li'e .:'u'i In fur w:i "f dr. i.c star.'-- in li s !i.ii:d ind r ed Marion. l.u! - li. i nih-Viniet "T h".. c in ,..i Till' !lii"e i.. Ii' ii'i'i! 'I... t'S on U.o no: i.riVil'c. j :r." sorbed to '"it lir.iphi". '"Dig to bli'iik ;;v. i l li on ides that l lo' k hi piitii. He will u:l: as '.t tq.kit "Your daugli'crl" lie cried. In the chine of hie youthful eoldier quest. ' 9990999900099 000G900G99000 Young Atherleys v? Luck. 9999999999909 0909009999999 T Complete Angler; or, How to Catch a Husband ' four-legge- two-legge- d tV & C7 Duty of Happiness Timea-Democra- t. a-- . 'r ! ! s All-nu- - e it-;- "Ib-.-ili- A MYSTERIOUS INCIDENT ANCHOR Oaa of Hi 1'pUr tin Wblrh Caa Happaa The Canadian Town. nn Odd Wklrh Thny VrupoM to lion nr, Oaljr la the l.ajr Capital. Alderman Bamsdeu has a scheme o A duke, a marquis and a shlrtinaker have lied a lively row lu the trades- foot to bring the famous anchor at man's shop near the Champs Kiysees. The 'marquis has a little outstanding bill at the establishment. As lie was walking dowu to tbe club with bia frleml, the duke, it occurred to hliu that he might look In on the tradesman and give him 20 ou account. Ills friend went with him to tlie shop, where the shlrtmnker wai wreathed In smiles to receive them. But the tradesman's amiability vanished when he heard that he waa to have only a portion of hia due, which was considerably more than 2a He became not ony chilly, but distinctly disagreeable, and walking to Hie shop door, stiut It, pulled out tlio removable handle ntul The duke nnd the put It In hla nmrqtila were his prisoner. He was not going to let them out nntll the latter had signed a note of hand for the amount owing, and the former had become security for the bill. The duke and the mnrqule both refused to be coerced, and demnnded their freedom. But thnngh they stormed and threatened and hammered with their stick on the shop door the slilrtmnker kept the latter shut. A crowd collected outside, and the Imprisoned noblemen made known their plight by animated dnmb show. At last a policeman strolled np. This time the tradesman had to open the door and let hi ran lives go. Moreover, tbe policeman took down his name and address with a view to summoning him for seqne tratlng"the two noblemen, from wlioin be did not even get the 20 which the mnmnls had originally offered him, Loudon Dally Telegraph. pni-ke- t. Holland Landing to Toronto and place uu Garrison Common, tbe city's proposed new park, as a relic of the War of 1S12. Tlie history of this anchor, which Is nn tiucomimudy large on weighing about two and a half ton Is shrouded In darkness. The generally accepted theory is that it reached It present location after Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Brie had gives the Americans temporary control of the lower lake. It 1 supposed that the British wen contemplating naval operation on tbs upper lake, and this anchor waa being carried by ox teams across the portags front New York to Georgian Bay, and when it reached Holland Imndlnq forty mill from Toronto, the war an& deuly ended. The burden waa to heavy and the value not worth tbi trouble of moving It furtbpr either way, and It waa left in the woods, where U was found twenty years or so ago. Since then the trees have been cut away and the land now forms a nlc park, belonging to the corporation of Holland landing. Alderman Ram dons Idea Is tlint It would be an Interesting relie in this city, whieh oriffl Innlly suffered o severely In that way, bnt of course It la not certain that ths people of Holland Landing would part with It Toronto (Ont) Globe. it WISE W0RD3. Real grief never goes on dress pai rade. Tlie burden abarers will be the crown wearers. It doesn't help onr bad habits any ta call them eccentricities. Y'ou can lift t. e 1 ad from your heart by lifting your eyea to God. The foolish man fears death, bnt tbe wle man ppeuda bia life prepar lug to live. Tbe firm of Strive & Thrive bufida success ou the rnlus of tbo firm of Whine & llue. Tbe fellow woo is always switching his occupation never gels well started on the main Hue to sueceu. The young men or women who write of a church hymnal ou the huve ample room there for writing all they know. When we mice an opportunity It le 111 luck, but when we grasp aa opportunity we pride ourselves on out wisdom and forethought The time will come when the maw-wh- o drives a clipped horse In winter will uot suffer from the effects of the eniue kind of temperature. k Did you ever attend a waa whose attendance prayer mecliug large enough to cause you to think of the danger that might result from a sudden panic? When men screen sand tbe fine particles sift through aud the big particles do not, but when men reach la their pockets for money as the ebureb collection basket starts around the big coins slip tbrougL and tbe little ones come to tbe surface. Fuuny, 111 lsu't Msuplln, In Tbe Commoner. Fancy Trims For Violins. The test of the auetlon-rooiIs still antagonistic to tlie exaggerated prices which the violin fanciers would have us believe show the true worth of old Borne excellent specimens violins. were sold last week, and they were nearly all purchased by dealers, so thnt their nuthencity may almost be taken for granted, but (1000 was the This was highest price secured. gained for a Joseph Gnnrnerins of 1731, while a Jerome Amntl (with certificate by the renowned authority Josef Chanoti fetched $300, an A. end II. Amntl of 1G3U went for (473. and some excellent old fiddles fetched little over $230 each. I sometime wonder that ordlnnry purchaser do not bny more at (hee sale, where, although no great bargnlns nre likely to be picked up for the dealers would not allow a violin to go to an outsider for nineh under Its trade worth yet the prices are very greatly below those asked In the shops, and are of course almost trivial compared with the figures quoted by some of the collectors, The $13,000 fldillo Is In fact a myth, Nothing over $3000 has ever been known. London Truth. n fly-le- mid-wee- . r. l PARIS Wot a Hole, Bnt a Black Bear, The motto, Lock before you leap, has been handed down for generations and generations, bnt it Is a curious fact thnt a person has never suggested the thought of thinking before look- U7-W- ing. If there had ever been a motto like the latter It is probable that Gideon L. Joy, of Hancock, would never have received the shock to his system that bo experienced when be IsokeA into a hole In the ground and found a big, black benr about three Inches from his nose. Mr. Joy did uot stay looking Into thnt hole any lunger than was necessary to recover from hla astonishment, but got np and the way be legged It for home and a gun would probably have made the bear laugh If he had stayed to witness Mr. Joy's sprinting net. When Mr. Joy retnmed with hla rifle tbe bear was nowhere to be seen, nor baa he been seen since. Mr. Joy will likely get bis gun first and look afterward, If such a case ever comes np again. Kennebec Journal Future Vsm to Old As. Onr old men are going to be m future workers, if we are to credit theory propounded In a recent work of Prof. Ell Mctchnlkoff, of the Pa teur Institute In Paris, lie reminds us that, In the case of some of the most Industrious of the lower creatures, such os ants and bees, tha workers are diatlnct from the breeders, a third or neutral sex having Urea evolved by tbe modification of one of both of the others. With man no neutral sex has appeared, but both sexes cease tbe work of reproduction at a fixed period of life. This, then, is tbe most favorable period for work, and when science has eliminated tbe Infirmities of age, aa Prof. Metcbnikofl ChatMrorth's ITollow Books. believes It la now able or soon will be There are at Chatiworth two li- able to do, the aged will be our most braries, the Great Library and the vigorous and efficient toilers. This IB West Library. Tbe doors are deco- a paradoxical conclusion, and ona that rated with Imitation book backs. will hardly gain the consent of al These are furnished with Imaginary From Success. physiologists. love titles reminiscent of tbe of punning. Hero are some of tbe Too Huh Mstrlinsuy, titles Tom Hood Invented for tbe aham A epidemic now troubles marriage bookcases: Wren's Voyage to tbe cause of the trouble t the and Servla, norn Canaries," Egg, by Sbelley, of a marriage banks, which system Took on Catching Cows, Esterbazy were founded with the Idea of encouron Macadam's Fogs, Spring thrift Young men and maidens Rhodes, Inigo Jones on Secret En- aging in Servla pay Into these marriage Minto's Coins, trances, Beveridge to secure a premium ou the Beer Act Those who know banks In order Immediately the treasures contained In the Chats-wort- h whenever they marry. thus been accumusum has mall even while they ainlle libraries, overnt such fooling, cannot but marvel at lated the desire to marry seems tha that the result with tbe Incongruity of It London Dally whelming, first clmuee of entering tbe holy esChronicle. tate" Is eagerly seized upon. To man ry in haste nstinlly means to repent Rtuilan Railway Drflrlt. of n t year the Russian railways ran nt leisure, and In Servla the effectma nnd ' behind $2,800,000. This is very dis- premature Is siu-widespread misery thsl appointing, In view of tbe Moseow-Kurs- ringes Is now considering the government Southwestern, Kkalerlnosluff, the Advisability of abolishing msi s Nikolaieff, and sysbatiks altogether. tems. Were It not for tlu-spaying rlugo lines the deficit would undoubtedly be Eilnriitlon That SnrrciKts. a vast one. As tbo earnings of the is the chief clement of Education combined Russian systems have fallen considerably below the amount neces- success in. this age of tbe world. as iwd her?. Is meant Ry sary for exploitation at a profit, to than schooling. II more or exteu-- ! M.iietlilug say nothing of of the chara tLH ! sion, there la nothing for tin- - treasury trait of Hip individual Every to do but "to cover tin- - deficit from! nun has his point aud Is peother Imperial sources. r mime particular line culiarly lit! of work. Wmltli. brings these out i of tbo ("tiiii.itcd wealth mill available to tbe ful- Oue of tli" Unit" I St.ili-- i . pri'scnlatrd j cst extent. at ' ii ciiT-.- of the Board of Rlrce-- j Tbi! N being generally accepted by r of tin- - Uiiiti-i- l Mint-- Sieei Cur-- j practical cducalnrs everywhere; hence till Hr- - din-ti-- ra arc the grotving popularity of tecbnolog-b;- H pin'lmi :! scl;n-iitwo lum-ii- aiul colleges, In which vul. 'J Icy nisu ) pmics opera Him Oiie-I- :. may select courses of study, .f r !' lii" r.iil;"i:-ii.i!e:i"e jn the of being compelled to take the efirpni-nlidi;,lnj i r,n ml regular cmir-e- s arranged by old and w in is t'J. of icii unpractical scliulnn. Pittsburg gutilazelle. by-go- I-- k, Trans-Caucasu- e ctlui-atioii- j st-u- rg Com'i-ntratr- twi-llll- lcr r-- 1 t- - ul-i-i- i rcpi-rv.-ii- 1 !ii-- r t s l - etn-del- In-te- ci-- s |