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Show The Weekl EPUBLICAN WEEKLY. THE TOOELE COUNTY STOCKTON. UTAH, SAT IK DAY, AlKIL 80. 1004. VOL. IV. though he la 1.600 miles nearer the coast. Again, he pays UK cents per bushel for the short haul of 400 miles to the coast, while the rate from Minneapolis ..rub ie only 12 cents for the long haul of 2.000 miles. If a Washington farmer ...13.00 wishes to bring a car of corn from ... 1.2 Minnesota for feed the railroad charges ... .7 him 10 per ton for a 1.600 mile haul, Editor while in the same train will be flour for Orient, made of Minnesota wheat, Manager the which they transport 8,000 miles for 6 per ton. The American' people will lie glad to hear what Hill has to say for himself. STOCKTON SENTINEL. : Stockton PUBLISHED AT Subscription: On v --year ionths ... TiC. montha lira. W. N. Gundry James T. Jakoman EDITORIAL Warrant Every Bottle. If troubled with rheumatism give Chamberlain's Fain Balm a trial. It and Local DEPARTMENT. will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the effing. They all report emselvcs immensely. Anniversary exercises, in honor of the 85th anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship, were held In the L O. O. F. hall last Monday evening. Rev. P. A Slmpkln delivered a very entertaining and Instructive lecture on Odd Fellowship after which the ladles of the Rebekahs served a sumptuous supper Dancing was indulged in for a short time. All in all, it was voted a grand success. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. enjcylng M. A. No. 3795. N TIME TABLE. M. J. J. Trennm. manager of the Stockton Gold Mining and Milling company, says that It has not as yet been definitely decided Just when the new hoisting equipment will be installed, but It will certainly be done In a short time. In the meanwhile a pipe-linfrom a spring owned by the company will be built to the shaft, a distance of more than three miles, as the water supply which came from a neighboring mine la rapidly disappearing through the agency of the Hon-erln- e drain tunnel. Mr. Trenanr Bays that the management of the Honerine has assured him that they will be ready to handle the Stockton company's mill ores not later than June P. M. Leave Salt Lake City, Ar. :0o 6:25 Kr V t . ' V ;A ft - ' t 1 M. A. No. 3810. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2L 1904. Notice Is hereby given that in pur-- ai ince of the act of Congress, May 10, 1372, To promote the development of the mining resources of the United States," Marcus E. Jones, whose postoffice address is Mult Lake Allen CSy. Utah, and his Babcock, whose postoffice address Is Msena,New York.clalmlng 1500 linear fett of the Enterprise, 1394.3 linear feet ofithe Enterprise No. 2 and 1500 linear feet of the Centennlul veins, lodes or mineral deposits, bearing gold, silver, legd and other valuable minerals, with strface ground of each claim 300 feet in) width, lying, being und situate within the Clifton Mining district. County of Tooele, State of Utah, have made application to the United State for a patent for the said mining claims, Which are more fully described us to metes and bounds by the official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes of furvey, thereon, survey No, 5151,now filed in the office of the Deglster of the Dlatrirt of Lands subject to sale at Salt Lake City, Utah, which field notes of purvey describe the boundaries and extent of said claims on the surface as follows, to wit: Commencing at post or corner No. 1, being the northeast comer of the said Enterprise lode mining claim, and identical with corner No. 1 Centennial lode of thle survey, from which point U. B. L, M. No. 11 bears north I deg. .09 min. west 2778.1 feet distunt; thence running from said corner No. 1 south 6 deg. 13 min. west 1500 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 2, which Is Identical with corner No. 4 Centennial lode of thla survey; thence nerth 64 deg. 45 min. west 600 feet tnag-Mtvariation 1 deg. east, to corner ap-fjv- etl rqn-ln- j 1 jSiS InL..1 1 hirglng rnd u-- e e mt ed cne wlfe-slsye- hrlc-a-br- lt n ; l' i y A fit-f- eu-'i- 1 c-- or v-f- ra fr r. one-Nort- h? " I1 Through Service stTloijis AND THE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS MISSOURI PULLMAN a BLEEPING CARS. OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights. electric Farr. Reclining chair cars (skats ran), . day coaches. tk 1904. Nr uuuu uuuuuuuauuimi ifimi Filters, ite SPECIAL LAND BUYERS' EXCURSIONS Will run to the new lands of Greer county, Okla., and other sections of the great Southwest In November and December, via the Frisco system. Are you looking for rich and fertile N. C. TOWNSEND, , T. niuuuuuuuuui a, iuuuauuuauauuuuj R. M. EDMUNDS. PROF. 3be flMtcbener Douse. First-Cla- fen. ss 999 Best la this Section. STOCKTOR. NEXT TO POSTOmCE. lc nt r'fr E, Agent APPLICATION FOR PATENT. old-tim- f i r ItuKiic Commercial Agent ln V:-Kl L. MOOR ht . . and east. gthn for all point north 3. W. till, LETT. ' " 34-3- 5, 2-- e farming lands in tha Southwest which to vnu can buy for from They produce ae much acre for acre. Hera is a chance to better your condition and add a liberal amount to your pocketbook. For full particulars and special railroad rates apply at once to R. 8. Lemon, secretary Frisco System Immigration Bureau, SL Louis, Mo. one-four- th United States l,an1 Office, Salt City, March 14. 1904. Notice is hereby given tbst A. K. Tiernan, whose place of liusiners and postoffice address are Halt Ijike City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent fur the Red Metal lode mining claim, situate In the Dug-waMining District, Tooele County, Utah, consisting of 1263 linear feel on the lode, and surface ground as shown in the field notes and plat of the official survey filed herein, being mineral survey No. 6035, and described In raid field notes and plat on file In this of. flee, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 nitn. east, as follows, to wtl: Commencing at corner No. 1 of said claim, from which the comer of Sections 3 and townships 10 and 9 south, range 13 west. Salt Like meridian. hears south 45 deg 15 mill, east 646.7 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 south 66 dg. .33 min. west 643 feet to corner No. 2; thence from said corner No. 2 north running 44 deg. 58 min. west 1268.0 feet to corner No. I; thence north 66 deg. .02 min. east 414.9 feet to corner No. 4; thence south 63 deg. 64 min. east 1363.9 feet to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. Said claim being located In unsurveyed part of township 9 south, range 12 west. Salt Lake meridian, and contains 14.361 acres: said location being recorded In of Rook "N. page 640, of record Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claims on thle lode are eurvey No. 4356, survey No. 4356, "Cloudy," on the southwest, and survey No. 4319, on the northeast, and GonPennant," dola, survey No. 4356, I direct that thla notice be published In the Stockton Sentinel, a newsiiapcr published at Stockton, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. Alexander McMaster, Attorney for Applicant. First pub., March 19; last, May H, y pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one-thithe time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsy, pains In the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are NOTICE: quickly cured by applying it. Every Price 25 and 60 During our absence any bualneaa bottle warranted. transacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry cents. For sale by hiercur Drug Store, The lady will re- Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. will be O. K. ceipt for money due the office, will take orders for Job printing, etc. EDITORIALS IN BRIEF. James T. Jakeman, Manager. Rome recently passed Its 2656th birthday. Such a record has its advantages. 1st A CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATThe safest time to monkey with An Aggravating Cough Cured. TORNEY. the stock market is on 8unday and holiA customer of oure who had been Buffering from a severe cough tor six After the Civil war the people of this days. two bottles of Chammonths, country took pride in rewarding with For a summer cold In the head take berlain's bought Cough Remedy from us and who roldiers the on five of of a was drops camphor lump political preferment entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it. It gives perfect satisfacby their valor and sacrifices caved the sugar. A with our trade. Haynes-Park- rr Union. They elected Grant, Garfield Canada now has 199,000 miles of rail- tion Co., Llnevills. Ala. For aale by Merand to the and McKinley Presidency way. Uncle Sam's annual Income Is cur Drug Store, Mercur, and M. E. made hundreds of old eoldlers Gover- $558,887,148. Brown, Stockton. nors, Senator and Representatives in to a the rural editor: Owing MINES AND MINERS. Soya Congress and In honoring their soldiers overcrowded conditions of our columns unhonored themselves. ore a number of and death Miner. births Mercur From they The Golden Gate mine Is looking very The Republicans of the Third Judicial avoidably postponed this wetk. well now and improving every day. district, embracing Balt Lake, Summit California Is erecting a pavilion at and Tooele counties, will on the 16th the St. Louis fair, whose exterior Is to The Overland mine and mill will of May next meet in convention to be covered with dried apricots, peaches surely start soon, as also the Geyser. nominate four District Judges and a and prunes. If the agricultural buildMaster Mechanic Harcourt of the ing, where It la situated, happens to District Attorney. A candidate for the leak, it Is expected to be a very swell Con. Mercur hat resigned hie position. position of District Attorney in a vet- nfialr. Mr. Jim Quick is foreman of both eran of the Civil war, Col. M. M. The mining Industry In this State mines now the Golden Gate and MerKalghn of 8alt Lake City, a gentleman bids fair to be more prosperous this cur. who, by the practice of his profemlon year than ever before, and the smelters for twenty-eigyears In this State, will probably be compelled to Increase It le reported the Manning mill will has won a high standing at the bar and their present capacity, while additional the Golden Gate Mill. Jimmies grent-begwill doubtless have to be pounding away on tailing again an enviable reputation with all classes smelters erected. soon. of people. He has been an active ReThere are ju?t two things necessary The Con. Mercur Is repairing another publican, has never held office, and deserves recognition by his party. It for advancement work and ability. roaster for starting this week. The poor boy that works, who docs force Is gradually Increasing again and Is gratifying to know that in his home The what he can for his employers, who thing look better. Tooele In and Summit county- and takes an Interest in the business, who Good miners can get work at Ophlr. counties he is receiving strong and en- Isn't expecting 81 for every five cents by A telephone was sent over the other thusiastic support We believe he will worth of time ahe puts in, who does embis employers he would want on day bearing the request to Send over be nominated and elected District At- ployee to do by him, Is going to get any number of men good miner." In not will world He this torney. today. along one be . ... . ... .... , of the. failures. Thara. toe, miner .at TCTNNEiy AND THE JUDGESHIP. Sacramento, and after the next The Bureau of Engraving and Print- ment of quicksilver, which will Mr. Cleason S. Kinney of Salt Lake ing Is now printing the first Issue of the force may be still further Increaeed. City has entered the race for the Re- Louisiana Purchase Exposition publican nomination for District Judge stamps, which will be placed on rale at The dividend at the Sacramento has of the Third Judicial district, and will all postofficea. The first order calls for been cloud has a stamps, portrait of silver postponed.and Every go before the convention with a great 90.000.000 the cloud now lining," Robert R. Livingston; 22p.000.000 deal of strength. soon Mercur be dlsperesd will Mr. Kinney Is popular to a marked stamps, portrait of Jefferson; 7,500,01)0 and reveal lte e gold lining. stamps, portrait of Monroe; degree among his brother lawyer. He stamps, portrait of Mchas practiced law in Salt Lake City for White Mill flree hie roaster a, stamp, eetJimmie nearly twenty years, and his honest Kinley, and 6.500.000 faults are that he uses tobacco In and fair methods in contesting his miniature map of the United States, no form, neither dos he drink tea. cofcases has won admiration and respect. outlining Louirlana purchase. fee or Intoxicants. In fact, he has' never He, himself, la quiescent in the mat- How to Ward Off an Attack of Hheu-matis- tasted Intoxicants or tobacco. If he ter, Uking no active part, but his should ever get Into a town In whl-friends are working like beavers to cure his nomination. For years when time came on there was no water, he would dry up Mr. Kinney is well known throughout and I went Into gardening, I waa sure and blow away. He loves the ladles the State, having stumped In the most to have an attack of rheumatism and as himself. of the counties of the State for the Re- every attack was more severe than the publican party during a number of preceding one, says Josle McDonald of Mr. Cad Prebble stated to a Miner Man. Logan county, West Va. "I tried reporter the other campaigns. day that the The sentiment moat prevailing among everything with no relief whatever, un- Dairy would soon be running agnin. his fellow attorneys is that he would til I procured a bottle of Chamber- The plans are to add a number of conmake an Ideal Judge, he being particu- lain's Pain Balm, and the first appli- centrating tables to the plant and larly adapted, intellectually and by in- cation gave me case, and before the otherwise Increase the capacity of the first bottle waa ured I felt like a new mill. Electric power will also porslbly clination for a Judicial position. Mr. Kinney Is recognized among the person. Now I feel that I am cured, be added. Mr. Bredehaft has returned HI but I always keep a bottle of Chamberfrom the East, and we tray soon hear lawyers as of a Judicial mind. work Kinney on Irrigation," published lain's Pain Balm In the house, and something drop" at the "Dtp." In 1894. Is a recognized authority on when I feel any symptoms of a return that subject In every court in the coun- I ennn drive It away with one or two A disordered stomach may ceure no of th applications of this liniment. For sale Mid of trouble. 1ft hen the stomach falls try from the Supreme court United States down. In 1904 Mr. Kin- by Mercur Drug Store, Mercur, and lo perform its functions the bowels I-nvcr and ney also compiled and publirhed at his M. E. Brown, Stockton. TanJLedJi the of own expense "Kinney's Index-Dlge- s' numerous dlares, STOCXTON LOCALS. the Utah Report. Thla work has had J nd a very large sale, the State of Utah, itl. b Mr. Roy Beck, who for a short time self. by a snecial act, purchasing one llvir hundred copies. nst has made Stockton his borne, left rtomaclTand ttoTand torthlJ belter pie Monday for Eureka. JAPANESE SWORDS. paratlon can be ured than Chamber- Stomach and Liver Tablet. Frr The cold weather still continues;.,,. MerCUr nd There la no object upon which the d mny have given up all hopes In ME Brown Stockton' Japanese have cxprmlrd more rki or of "The Good Old Summer Time. Its decoration than t the Kattana, sword: and not wilho-.i- reason, for tha. JUNCTION LOCALS, In this Whooping weapon ha been held by them from town e t the time but the peo-r'prevent The dance given at Goff's hall last time imm mortal in th gnaie-- t honor are very slid that not one case as a iynil'i-- of divinity, of kn'ght:;-valoFriday evening was well attended. u' nd-.has proven fatal. and of no'.i! birth. The I It wnnl Hi uro etiquette ctmcern'ng And some people get sore if they fora volumr. The rule hert known - torwnr-11I wa given by the see ccriain young men making a 'lilt" of lb rrbonl livt Friday night, which ws with the eigner roeanl the Ih-- ir girls. thn-who for sulilde e-Tee cream and cake Fuew's. honor stalnl. Th short sward Is em- ,,"'fn ro-rl'v the young ladle of And even If your child does ing "I d ployed for this purooe the Img swo-never, because polluted by use against the school. a Everyone present report- want to he an angel, it Is well to keep ed having good. Jolly time. the enemy. your eye on him. Among the Japanese the sword guard stran-roPhil Collin, a irlner and a Is a favorite object for artistic design From present we may in Rtnekton. died very suddenly have a number ofappearances and workman1 hip. and the many line June The weddings. In our seen of W time Is near at band. here last Thiprdav. The specimens wh'ch are to he museums and e'sewhere are Justly w th Collins failure. Mr. he'ri prised by connoiiseurs. for InI no de- went to the derot to mail a letter Several men from here went to Salt native nd partment of the national art It I that the hurry and Lake City last Friday to witness the akl'l shown to greater advantage coun- excitement thought were too much for him. execution of Rose, the confessed Chicago and New York, and the of a try generally, are In the midst S. Mr. H. Jones, of the Honerine. craze for Japanese trinket and The little restaurant here conducted in matrimony to Mrs. by Mr. un'td and doubtlers the claims or thse Reynolds was closed by the In the even- j sheriff last Monday artistic swords will cleave their way tu Myero. Thursday. evening. popular favor through the pressure ot ing th Stockton Brorg Bnd (?) fathe pomp and circumstance of thu pres- vored them v'th ope of their famous Bon-tnThe theatre company of ent war. rerondes. The Sentinel extends to Salt Lake City gave a very pleasing them Its most hearty congratulations. performance here last Wednesday UNEQUAL FREIGHT RATES. evening. Mrs. w. N. Gnndrr. our postmls-f-"The editor of the Orange Judd Farmwin return home from a two Two or three of our young men are er recently sent a letter to J imps I rl-- tf to friend nd relative ivory sorry because of the departure Hill, president of the Great Northern to In S'lt T "he C'tv port Sltimday. Tier cf two of the Junction Railroad company, and asked him young ladiea to furni-er- s -Uos Brown, who filled Salt Lake City. irter. Ml explain certain matters or whichwl'l and shipper eompliln. It or le " nice during the nh'enee of Mr. recalled that Hill wa president will return to her home next Mr. Rnlstrn Is dally serving the Securities company, n rail- o,iurv. very hot of Ire cream soda and all road merger that the present adminis- Sunday. kinds of confectionery. He Is worthy tration has been prodding vigorous y Tfc t1- - efcirt of Tint on of yotir support. Ihrourh the Federal court. Theil tfci'.i-01 IVrgHru that the editor ikei HI'l ti I liry Ifl- r-WRRfilTrtfBARt tO fVrt weather man irnt have been The Flour followsare c t'kTl ve-to the l'a fi'i'fi an cry when he Insisted upon such ftW fnt from MinmnnolD L'.twi mi 6.0: nil. of to cl fie cnat. thente stormy weather n waa had the latter i f'l'ilva1 :u r.fiponnrnnltnq ponprro- - "rfff fvilfjnr by wat-- r to China. it a part cf last week. for who it ti r m i Riaw fnli1 ntirl to 24 cent a luis-n- ' ' n Washwhole snrn mill s. The r The Odd Fc!,owa cav a very pleasprnnnu 1' f a ington fa'iimr I charred witVn l'ilf ant social In their hall last Tuesday cd to F.DiO fcaPons a minute. cent es much for the i urrl.ige to Cli.iu-rd NO. 42 j I . Beginning at post or comer No. 1, being the northeast corner of the said Enterprise No. 2 lode mining claim, from which jiolnt U. S. L. M. No. 11 bears north 8 deg. 66 min. east 2745.1 feet; corner No. 4 Enterprise lode of thla survey bears north 2 deg. 40 min. west 191.9 feet; thence running from said corner No. 1 south 7 deg. .06 inin. west 1394.6 feet, magnetic variation 13 deg. east, to corner No. 2; thence north 83 deg. 16 min. west 600 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 3; thence north 7 deg. .06 min. eart 1394.2 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to comer No. 4; thence south 33 deg. 16 min. east 600 feet, variation 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Beginning at post or corner No. 1, being the northweet comer of the said Centennial lode mining claim, and Identical with corner No. 1 Enterprise lode of this survey, from whlrh point U. 8. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. .09 min. west 2778.2 feet distant; thence running from said comer No. 1 south kt. deg. .03 min. east 600 feet to corner No. 2, from whence corner No. 1 survey No. 4382 Cosmopolitan lode and corner No. 2 same survey Yellow Hammer lode amended bears south Cl dex.42 mln.eart 144- tfet! thpnce ,outh 6 ,JpB- - 36 min. to corner No. 3. thonee WP,t 1500 ,,,,rth 85 deR' 03 mln' weBt 600 feet t0 No' 4' rnn,ep with earner No. - Enterprise lode of mis urey, thence north 6 drg. 38 mln. east 1500 fret to nmer No. 1, the place of beginning. Variation to all corners of the Centennial lode 17 deg. east. Said lode mining claims arc located on unsurveyed land, which would be In township 8 south, range IK west. If the i of land survey were exli'esent tended. The total and net areas of said lode v irlng ekiioa I as follows: Total area Enterprise No. 2 ft iHinnninininir irntmir Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. XX t Main Street. t rirsi-olaBilliard Room la Osansetloa. everybody Bsostves Good Treatment at the Stocktoa as lode N 13. 205 a-- ta In conflict with lode of this Enterprise survey t area Enterprise lode Total and lode Stockton. "! (CaffTes syt-len- Lsb dab. area No. acres 18.774 acres 19.462 acre 20.660 sens MEATS OTa Street, StockfCl Net area claimed 58. 896 acres Said lode locations mining claims beof record In the office of the reing corder of Clifton mining district, Utah, iia follows: The Enterprise lode In Book I. page 253; Enterprise No. 2 In Book r, page 67; Centennial lode In Rook I, page 252, also In the offii-- of the Recorder of Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations are the Yellow Hammer (amended) survey No. 4382, and the Cosmopolitan survey No. 4292. Cl o) 1C ( Tlio Qfld Largest Meat II Tooele County Any and all persona claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode premises, or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, plnttrd and applied for. are hereby notified that unle-- s their adverse claims are duly filed according to law, and the rogulat'on thereunder, within sixty days from dale of publication of notice heronf, 1th the Register of the V. R. Land Office at Salt Trftke City in the State of I'tnh. they will he birred in virtue of he provlrto-- s of mM statute. I hereby direct thit this notice lie -- ul Rcntlm-I- , 1rhed In the at1 ctm Hon, Tor le cmn'v. I'lili. th -rc-irt the said rweparer r'ol nf niec ufni,.i claim., fn- - n weeks. FRANK I. linin', H. It"g'slcr. Ptn-kio- l c m c2ji 2 Enterprise Total and net area Centennial lode GROCERIES am s 0.431 o Complete Ui& r: -- 4 Aci ) (0 6) (o C CO o) iVl 68-tS- c) , c) (O (3 (O O) |