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Show i i A MICHIGAN MAYOR SAYS; Know I Pc-ru-n- is a Fine Tonic for a a Worn Out System.' store, office or factory, very rarely have the ability to stand the strain. 'The case of Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is 'interesting to all women, and adds further J Nelson Rice of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of a large number of grateful patients In his county who have been cured by Peruaa. ii Mon. Hon. Kolsna Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, writes: The 1'cruiia Modiviuo Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen: I wish to cnngraiulato yon on the snreens of your efforts te win the confidence of tho public in need of n reliable medlcfuo. know Peruaa a tine tonic for a worn out system and a specific In cases of catarrhal difficulties. You have a large number of grateful patients In this county who hare used Peruna and have been cured by it, mud who praise it above all other medicines. Peruaa baa my heartiest good Nelson Rice. wishes. Petkhau : I suffered misery for several years. My back had bearing down pains, and frequent headaches. I would often wake from a restful sleep in such pain and misery that it would be hours before X could close my eyes again. I dreaded the long nights and weary days. I could do no work. 1 consulted different physicians hoping to get relief, but, finding that their medicines did not cure me, I tried Lydia E. linkharas Vegetable Compound, as it was highly recomended to me. Iam glad that Ldid so, for I soon found that it was the medicine for my case. Very soon I was rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid, have a fine appetite, and have gained in weight a lot." Miss Fbakkie Orser, 14 Warrenton fit boston, Masa Dear ached and Mbs. 1 Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion, not temporarily stimulate -- it strengthens Impure Blood, Depressed It equal iea tlio circulation of the blood, Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, sirlc and discouraged, and exliaustcd with each days work. Soino derangement of the feminine organs is rcponsible for this exhaustion, following any kind of work or effort. Lydia 11 Pinkliams V cgetable Compound will help you just as it has thousands of other women. Spirits. Tlio nn hns Just crown'd tho equator on Its yearly trip nurili. The real initiator is shifted toward the north nearly eighteen uiloa every day. With the return of the sun coitus liiu bodily Ills puculisir to spring. With one person the nerves are weak : another pertain, tiigustinn nxir; with others tho blood is out of order; and still others have dupivasod spirits anil tirod fooling. All theso things are especially true of those who have heen sulforing with catarrh The case of firs. Lennox, which follows, proves this. Dear Mrs. Pixehah: Last winter I broke down suddenly and had to seek the advice of a doctor. Ifelt sore all over, with a pounding in my bead, and a dizziness which X had never experienced before. I bad a miserable appetite, nothing tasted good, and gradually my health broke down completely. The doctor said I had female weakness, but, although I took liia medicine faithfully, X found no relief. After two months I decided to try what HALLS a change would do for me, and as Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound was strongly recommended to me I decided to try it Within three days I felt better, my X I gratefully had for years. Mss. Bert Avnnn nllllll UslUUli Nelden-Judso- appetite returned, and I could sleep In another week I was able to sit up part of the day, and in ten daya more 1 was well. My strength bad returned, 1 gained fourteen pounds, and felt better and stronger than Lerrox, 130 acknowledge its merits. East 4th St., Dixon, In Boyhoods J H t4mr Sw the little bnnkVt. JJnw to Hskn Ood Things to Eat." tail af Maaa an soich. Mkhao If- - aoviu. Libbja Atlao af tha Wadi aaitad Ina far I twwcaat at.iapa. Hew deer to my heart Is the achoolmaam. When sad racollacUon, prasent her to view; The way that sherd often ue boys with s rule tarns Would make toe full future look terri- Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago bly blue. And still In my fnney I feel my fleeh tlnle. Time never can quite that actuation fl tmUUUUIAUamiliUUUilUUUUUUIllI y. xpojiTivr MS KIIUNENT ns ssunkbinuF : PGiur IiumuTCsr,:3SS&R",,M LAKE OTV. UTAH. MSaTtHPU RICHTER I 1 ADDICTIONS MT A. n MI 2 . I or Thar, la no naa to aond East 3 w.lrhea when .a will Mtll foo Wultban.lo Klclnor tbaceoalna a dniu proof ran for I M:orlao SI year sold SI lad mm--. an,rared Iw NA If BH'iHtv ifniaiulM the order It SALT LAKE CITY REAL ESTATE Mora home, bouprttt. more home, sold any other In through niy ifency thanwlah to aril or If Hilt Lobe City. If you you deaira to buy. dont fail to Mil or wrtto hoad-anm- wall will ha aeni hr r,lu-rraa will wnd It b t pnnialil. or IX o. Wo bava all klnda of watenea. Sil'tiinliir prlra. ci.. i iflira ml AwrHii ax IxF. Woikar A. RICHTER Flrat South. Salt Lahw City. I urmniiniMnniiMMiiHMMMiiiiMMnriiiie a. SMeJK k I, Fti-ni- Thera wasn't no uae In our tryln' to fool her. She'd Ret an Impression wo couldnt de- stroy, then she'd go at It and lay on tha rulan- Tha schoolma'am I know etronR-muacle- quick-temper- jus-eye- s And whan n boy. And yet, notwithstandln' her constant an deavry, Tnem acnooldaya with Jest lota of pleasure waa fraught. We nlways went Into some mischief whenever We thought we oould do It without get-ti- n' caught. We threw imper wade end waa noisy and pranky. And did all we could her poor soul te annoy; Ko under that once in n while she got rot started ehe made the house Jlnglo schoolma'am I That knew when n boy. d the schoolma'am, The aclioolma'am, schoolma'am I knew The a r d when n boy. Jf you'd Jut crook your finger 'twaa cranky schoolma'am I knew Tint quickly detected. when a bay. And follered at once with a fuse that 'nunlrd-roun- d dread. The you'd arhnolmnam, the unUntil all tha boys In tha school derpaid eoho.ilinn'am, T schuolma'am I knew when a bov. She could sea Jest as well through the back of her head. "Hank Spink In Boston Herald. Wot when ehe DR. M. L. NcLAVGHLIN, L -- Tnnch-nhiiH- 'S&SRfa 3 DR. LEPPERS 272 Ninth St., San Francieco. Cal. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is a positive cure l?r Piles. 19 W. "You may not agree with him, senator, but this man Is an individual In ike activities of our social force Ilf- - you cannot deny that he is an of much iiowcr.' K" "Yes." asser.teil the senator, dryly, "a denkoy engine!" en-Elr- .n - Mleratlns, a p ltle rare fur et.rrn.enil In the head, biy fever, lirwl.rhn uid .11 beochlri MIwi tliau. Send fur free uinpla, MOUNTAIN TEA A ELECTRIC LIFE CO., ed Senator Platt's Assent A friend was arguing with Senator SALT LAKE PHOTO Platt in bphalf of a man of many ideas and of unlimited activities, but SUPPLY CO. Nail rbeavtnl pint Id tna who never accomplished any apparent ihoppinf by SueeeMor to laraonoUlD Suction tA bar. Krerr rharartar or He was the ultra type of reWarwick Photo Suppif Cw results. oiwhoao aid. br rxiorlam'efl ahniwra men and rowan. NO eharae K niMcmm. Wrl , for and often made himself ridiculformer SXCI.D1IVS Holt Loko Tho Shepard touiMujr. ous through what he proposed and rhatvgriphic Dtaltn SUji Itiho what he brilliantly failed to achieve. WRITS FOR eavatOSUR His advocates after enumerating all OITY LAKE SALT AND MAIN. SOUTH SRD iSS For Hatching Ztgn of his excellences to the Tioga Sage" Bio, prltM at n,r Inal puuilrr .1.10. r.Mfl er neltlos Borrad Plymouth Hnrka said: When Answering Advertisements I..'M iwr epillas Simla Coab Urowa Uboru hi, tss v Kindly Mention This Paper. U. UA SaltUkalit.llalx wirii Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug 'Co., General Agents. n Do you want to be a big, husky man, with vim and power in your every action, with courage. and ambition to do things!" Do you want to get rid of that feeling of gloom, that weakness In your back. I hut nervous, worn-o- ut feeling which unfita you for business or pleasure? lo you wunt to feel like s man all over, to hold up your hend with the knowledge that you aro tho man that nature meant you to lia? 1 know that no mnn remains a weakling because ha wants to. 1 am aura lliut you want to overcome every indication of early decay that has shown itself on you. I don't think the man lives who would nut like to fed ss big and strong an a Banduw, and I know that if you have a reasonable foundation to build upon I enn make you a bigger man than you ever hoird to be. I want you to know that you. who can't believe IL and I want you to have my book In which I describe how 1 learned that strength was only electricity, end how I learned to restore It; also I wunt to tell you the name of some men who will tell you that when they cams to ma they were physics! wracks, sad are now among the finest specimens of physical manhood. 1 have thousand! of letters 1 can do Just as much for women a for men. from grateful women, who had spent years and money trying to get iwiw from drugs, and who came to me as a last resort and are cured now. Why should you Is- - suffering when you know that your friends and neighbors are being cured? Why, the money you spend for drugs In a few months. If Invested In my treatment, will assure you health and happiness for Itfo. Don't you believe It? Then send for this book with the proof that 1 can give you, and you will b. convinced. Don't wait a minute. 8cnd for this book now. If you will Inclose thin ad. I will send It sealed, free, and will give you the nanu-- of your own neighbor who are cured. I will tell yes whether I can cure you or not. If you will tell me your troubles. Happy Days quickly made ready to serve. 1 FOR SALS BV ALL DRUOSISTS ANO OaNSHAL STORKS....... I HILO AND WOMEN. TOO. Veal Loaf, Potted Turkey, Deviled t - -- Ham. Ox Tongue, &c . L'ClCD CAII F "ilLILll REMEDY FR.EE TO MEN Very sincerely yours, I end tranquiliaea tho nervous system and regn lutes the bodily functions. I'ornna. unlike so ninny spring medicines Is not simply a physio or stimulant or nervine. II to a natural tonic and invigurator. 1f you do not receive prompt and satlsfSw tory results from the use ot Perucs, writs once to llr. Hartman, giving a full nt statement of your case, and he will bs ploasod to glvo you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilnrtman, President of Ilur Inum Sanitiiriotp.CuIuubus, Ohio. CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA FOR THB MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS.... I1L sad ilgnsturM of nrodues tho orlglnsl IMtun w.emnnot forthwith If FORFEIT . shun Urtiuioiiisls, which will prove their stMoInta aaniinrai-MMwL Co,, Lynn, Ksss. IjriUa K. riuklimm E. Pr In any form or ia grippe. A course ef runs la aura to ounitct all thnso conditions. It ia an ideal spring medicine. Ieruna does not irritato-- lt Invigorates. It does MARCH. APRIL, MAY. QoM Lead R.ELIABLC I . ASSAYS. end Bllvef...ALM i i.i.mI Sii. r.OepV .. oa Bull Frouipt reiumi aauplae til Ti Ogden Assay Co. 121 B. C. NORRIS FLORAL COl n mIIIIC er.i icuiinr newspaper ana Beil Floral Driigiu Far All Occuiem. wot id in? ail drena upon receipt of 10 Frempt end Careful Allenliee Given te Mail Ordera I" help pit for BiMilma PACIHC ADVF.K-T1SINPHONES SALT LAKE CITY CO., 1J0 Suiter hi, San laraiicico, UL W. N. U.. bait Lako-N- o. 18, 1004. m T NEW PENSION LAWS woman believes everything a fop Apply to MATH A N IIMKIDIIU, t: :eteller says, provided she isnt Washington. U. C. toil that her boy wont amount to LAUGH AHD GROW FAT anything. . .MV. i I 0X4 IT ML, SWMMiC hi leva pk-cyear.) trl.l for tho. yaaay lucldaau, uuiehaii, MurlM, advaaian, ate. T IU. ELSE MILX C.lmJ. dm In time. Suld ,.y ilmcit'-r- s. CURES. WHaRa I)a.t uush syrup. Tuki CONSUMPTION |