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Show 7 DIRE POVERTY IN RUSSIA. 'Young women may avoid much sickness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. lodging from the letter b she Economic Condition Are Frightful In the Extreme. The bad economic conditions of the Russian peasantry may ha shown hy the statistics of farm animals. The Russian novelist, Uepenekl, once wrote story of peasant life, which he called A Quarter of a Horae," end which wa Intended to set forth, in the guise of fiction, the social and economic status of an agricultural population that had only one horse to every four families. Statistics com plied hy the zemstvos of tha central provinces show that, eves before the agricultural crisis became as acute aa it la now SO to 30 per cent of the peas ant farmers in tha formerly rich province of Chernlgof, Voronezh. Poltava. Sarstof, Kursk and Tambof did not have even a single horse, while nearly of the entire population of Voronezh had neither horse nor cow. In the province of Riszsn 32.000 peasant propreltors out of 80,000 had no horsa and 21,000 had neither hors nor one-thir- d cow. receiVin from o many young girU, Mr Pinkham believes that our girl re often poshed altogether too near limit of their endurance nowaday in our public achoola and eemin- - t ingli otodias, the girl muit be pushed to the front and graduated with honor ; often physical collapse follows, and it takes years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered. Miss Pratt 1. Fmu: mDiab Mbs. I feel it my duty to tell all voung women how much Lydia 11 Iinkliam'a wonderful Vegetable Compound has don for me. I was completely rundown, unable to attend school, and did not care for any kind of society, but now 1 feel like a new person, and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three montha I recommend It to all yonng women who suffer from female weakness." Miss Alma Pbatt, Holly, Mich. 5000 frfH Iftrttfiml if stow MB r ftMa rmJMMM smart Ss granted ORIGIN OF THE POLKA. Bohemian Peasant Girl May Cs Callad Its Originator. The polka, which had such a rags in early Victorian daya, la a dance of Bohemian origin. A peasant girl, servant to a citizen of Elbekoatelets, was one Sunday amusing herself by dancing, at the same time accompanying her movements with an air of her own fancy. Joseph Neruda, the schoolmaster and organist, was a spectator of her dance and, as it pleased him, he composed suitable music for It. The dance was performed for the first time In public at Elbekosteletz, and then at Prague, where it obtained the name ot polka, and soon it made Its way into public favor In Paris and finally was the dance of the period in London, New York and in every big town on both aides of the Atlantic. Hlatory of the Tomato. Tha tomato has a curious history. After the revolution of Santo Domingo many French families cams from AMERICANS ther to Philadelphia, where they introduced their favorite SOMED TO "poram. damour." Although introduced from South America as early aa 159C into England, it waa looked upon with suspicion and Its specific name, lycoper-slcum- , derived from lykoa (wolf) and peraikon (a peach) referring to the beautiful hut deceptive appearance ot DURING LAST YEAR. Its fruit intimates pretty cloaely the TMr an nettled and tettlins on thfl Crsia Hid kind of estimation in which it was Granins Lands, nnd are piosperaus end seiisted. held. It is now however, almost unb Sir Wilfred Laurier recent It said : "A new tier ho risen on the horisua. and it is toward it that versally used. every iaunisrant who leaves the land of bis anee fcn la cone and seek a home for Irauolf no Fall of Meteorites. Warn his sase" Canada. Thara is According to Prof. Berwerth of Vienna, tbs number of meteorites actual-1- 7 falling on the earth each year, not PUB Homeetewde given away. Maels rare has, Railway, Markets, Cllnanle, Including, of course, shooting stars or meteors, ia about 900. Two or three sveeything to be desired. For a descriptive Atlas end ether informs tiom of these bodies fall, then, somewhere . smlf to Superintendent lmmiirmtioo. Ottawa. on the earth every twenty-fou- r hours. or aninorisod Cenedien Governeieiit Asent 50,000 Western Canada Room for Millions. . Can-da- BENI. DAVIES. KOOli A DUNN BLOCK. CENTRAL AVENUE. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA THE BEST A POMMEL SLICKER BARGAIN IN THE WORLD We have Just taken back s beautiful mabuKSBj Piano, regular pries liuu.ua ... mihtion this oaoir. COS v' HHWmWP MEXICAN Mustang Liniment earH Sprain nnd Strain. LrfllfiffrrfftproduraL I hf in Ail, M Fnts ntm. Wrttt for Catalog. W L OOLGUik, BrMJUM Blpaoa Tsfcelas sra Ike brst dye medicine aver made. A pspsia hundred ailllwes ef them bars beaa suld la the Celled Slate, la a dalle year. Uruciseiloa. beam bars, tick he.dsrhe, dlsaluese, bad erne timet, aad error Id aem arlalei a dlanroerad ternaeh era mitered ur cured by Rlpaaa Tabu lea. wlibla relief ties will era-ral- ly gtra twealy mla-aieTha aB-mm- l parkece la eaosifk for erdlaary ueeaalima. All draguuu cell tham. huh. Is mighty Seed risur," Is what they mil lay. Let ue hsar frem yeva if you want to buy Fleur or Feed er eell ysur train. Preston Milling Co. PRESTON (Cache Vihsy) IDAHO (rn SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS FRESH AND RELIABLE sins tea osrsLoeue. SCHWARZ & HEINECKE Fi 84 8. 880088 SALT LAKE OITY 888. 8T. TBLBRNONB MUSIC SHEET HALF PRICE J. We have all the latest aonse aed two step. at half prlee. Write fur Calalugao. P. 0. BOX 565. AM Bold CLAYTON MUSIC CO. Sail Laks City. Vfak. from tlie best thnr-ui:- f :ihmt Mnls. I sun alns prises at our last ptrailrr .nun K IU per settler Barred Plymoalh Itwks I HI per settler Shuts Comk Bniwa Ijeehuma W. CURRIE. 70 Oota.. Ogden W. Third SUSSIl South SL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH RELIABLE ASSAYS. I .Tt Uol sad Surer. E. EYANS. FLORIST enonn Dmiri an Immortal Werk Itecislk-Sl- l Floral Cat aa a. MAIN Flenert in lessee. ST. SALT LAKB CITY. U ilii hili. use Beet Syrup. Tastes In time. S'iM hy dnirrt.ts. Vh. CON SUMPTION again he may have eruptions, ewelk lugs and other blood humors. Whichever it ia, the cause Is tha same fete accumulations in the blood. Nothing la more certain within tbs whole range of medical science than that a course of reruns In early spring time will perfectly and effectually prevent or cure this almost universal affection. , Everybody feels it in some degreei A groat majority are disturbed coa Hldcrably, while a large per cent of the human family are made very miserable by this condition every spring. Peruna will prevent it if take la time. Peruna will cure It if taken aa directed. i Peruna la the ideal spring medicine of tho medical profession. If you do not derive prompt and sab isfactory results from tha use of Panina, write at once to Dr. Har man, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you hla valuable advice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, PURE BLOOD. Blood Impurities of Springtime Cause, Prevention and Cure. Dr. Hartman's medical lecture are eagerly scanned by many thousand readers. One of the most timely and interesting lectures he ever delivered waa his recent lecture on the bluod impurities of spring. The doctor said in substance that every spring the bluod Is loaded with the effete accumulations of winter, deranging the digestion, producing sluggishness of the liver, overtaxing the kidneys. Interfering with tho action of the bowels and the proper circulation of the binod. This condition of things produces what ia popularly known as spring fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaustion, that tired feeling, bluod thickening and many other names, o Sometimes tha victim ia bilious, dyspeptic and constipated; sometimes be is weak, nervous and depressed; and Ohio. YOU'RE ANOTHER OF OUR CUSTOMERS IF YOU LOOK THROUGH OUR CATALOG. IN THE tNITKII STATES thoraa at a oiara anwiplato IlM or uaao. Amwraoltloa. Illryoloo oori Sondrloo. Ilooo Hall, TobhIo lack la .AND Ett.KVTHINtl tha oportomaa Hoad for I BO Fog Coialoa League. Few Declare War. About sixty ladies and many more A Berlin newspaper finds that out gentlemen have, joined the Anti Corsr-- t of 120 wars, waged between the years at England, which In ho 1700 and 1870. 110 were begun withoffshoot of the Leeds Society of Phy- out the formality of a declaration of sical Culture. The males have vow war. nd never to marry corsets wrecks . Mrs. Winslow-Konttilmr Straw. l.ediex are exhorted at the peril of cx Forrhlltirra lariblap, aufiras tha NHias. mdurrs fra communication from the society, to AaaaftaUua, allays pala, curat wladealk. htibvuia liianilon the use of corsets entirely Work of Bibl. Society. mil there is a hard and fan rule that n The woman first member shall have every foreign venture of the Britrestriction of bands or other ticl-- : ish Biliie Society was to have part of clothing round the waist, bur Fhaii the New Testament, translated into Mohawk hy a cuief with the extraordiendeavor to have all garments .mi ucnilcd from the shoulders. nary name of Tyonenhuwkaraweu. but who finally reduced it to Nelson and became a Britlsn office; and fought Music and Racing. A Mi'cpl-chas- this country in the war of 181 A inarc nameil which won si Ungfi.lrl. wi,ii!.t not lake her four!, and her owner was thinking of turning her out of training. .hen it win discovered that the animal had a wonderful liking for music. A miiHicBl-Ixix- . playing about two dor.cn t unci', wan placed near her. and till was wound up twice a .lay wax magical, for siihin a Tho few weeks tho tnare won two races. London Tit nits. StVS! T K Soounn re hey. Krery rharsFrr uf IntaiwnniRleln -- mao m ..La by oiroMounml ohuie end Write for iniemi No ehere In The Mtieiwnl Courauy, Sett Lake (Itf, blah. LAUGH AND GROW FAT MEttTiK syesrir1s torlta. is anerrepsew. knee year ; Fear tneideuu, skrtebea. auirles, stlvaulsre, ns aad HILLS won n i g - HRS- REMEDY PON SALB BY ALL DNUIST0 AND SfeNBRAk OTOneO....... Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah. -- BP WE TBEflT CATIKRK-rtHfM- CUBE Mom ftnd Throat to, Troa-fcl- IiimI Itr iJiaouoi. MmDOhiiltod Lubl TiumRin, Aalbai tfumarti. IJtm lad IttdiMf THmamm. Waddar TronhlM. Nnaw Chroma iNanMis of Woman aad Child-rn- , plajM. Haart lMaa. harwnnt IRiwhos. Cboraa, i Hi Hiohma, Hpinal Tmufea, Vital HRIa lilNMFi Mrtallm and KhauwatUm. of too HomIi. 11 Mttmaand Kvelal l roub'KM. (aiillra (or hi nacki. Hloud IHwimii, KiiIiiimf, Hiiiwu. Worm, Fifor, liar Tp IfiMwmala, mi., aad all Marvoua aad Chroma laoi. Id-i- n In. Writ for fraa TrrafmFnl lirFi. IM If ua rannot ealL aymptoiu CouaiftltatliMi Horn A.MIONU Weak Men ML 8. Fiw, or HOI Cured Pay When a Ini Wo dur run aad Ihaa ask RKAIOIIAMIJ I Kg when roa ara curad. Too aaa dapaad our wurd. iIimiiuiiJm of mMrMi haa tadoraadipac 04 TO TALK TO NiW. W WAM TO ( LKK YOU wlih lha dia Wa feava pmraa aar shill la aarlnf CHROMIC; iiwa umlarsfaudJn that wa will aat damaad 8 FMC amil wa mr )iiu. Th't appllaa ta Lose Mara dtaaaaaa bf pabilsbiag iba aiaur voiuatarj 'aU hnfid. organic Weahta. diieimotarrhoes. Vast aMMABis from huaia paupia. giving aaaias. plttaras enrata IN of ilia Proairata U'and. Unaataral aad addrauMM. 1 oiitiai'iAul iJisnrdnra N'rlatbra. Cara Ol K f 1 BKM k t'A.VT M'HMSII ' Riood INaisua. 1 aad all WfiKMIlIU af Usrmus I K A DINKAsRM IKIt . Hanna wo Rarauaa It wnuAd bairaf auanurtMa OFKM'B linURN. hava In proraatir shill in ibis aiaaa of troubiaa la It. MA $ a.; Ifialip I ton; lundar. W a m. ta 1L a aat bar wsy Fha is aur piaa. 14 W. IICOMD IOUTN IT. i aair i aaa cirr If yoattiflar from aa of tha wrakHa dfl- - !'". f ft. a vtih Thara Is aa raa a sand Fasi tor aad-babrn wa w:'l mii ynn lb (FDiilns Kiplii fir Wslihsm hi a dusi pruof (wsm foi o. or 10 a 10 fa ar $t.d hi ad msf hand If siifravaii for Midi fimiirf i4TtiNiiKn:M iba nrdar I will b snsi b ra (1sl rad mail lirFimdA' 4ir wa wii wihI u bf 9 1. ( V hiiail! hluds cf wAtpMFA Wri'ausfttr prutw. AVfHli AXWfllHI'H nfhta4.,l b . Haiksr Htd(..8aiiL4haCliy j If hfftiriad with Kiraajaa uaa rThompson's TAIIEEI Eye i . ASOlinvr kmranuaoii cun toe MUHKBmuS sue MUS ADDICTIONS OClELIT INITITUTtSKKSr.lSS.'S IU w to Ttneu st kui Cirr. UlAIL I I .! I ust JUNK CO. Watei UTAH ru m r ie-r- . Hi oic I... Wsail polio, i. broowax LokoC-llr- . OVERALLS BETTER ONES CANT BE MADE hen-honx- . NEVER FAILS- - tns mouth, tmhoat. Nelden-Judso- Fla-lB- aaaaaaa FREE. ; Crow Forages for Itself. hnr.uiy crow entered the of Edward llsskine at Rant Warnham. Mas.. one day recently end ix epgs nerrie-- l nwuy far ail tha DIPHTHERIA CANKER AND STOMACH AND aOWBLS.... Anti-Cors- A Wool Ball Oaada, ratialro "ir:"' BROWNING BROS. CO. Inter-Mmintal- : Skopping by Hail I bum -- The Meeting of the National Irrigation Congress. To be held at El Paso. Texas, this fall, promises to be of great interest to dwellers in country, and addresses will be made by AmerThe Washington national monument ican and foreign irrigation anthoriilns. erected to commemorate the Orel An interesting program, including a President of the United States, is the genuine Mexican bnll fight, will be loftiest atone structure in the world given by the citixenu. For further indate of above The illustration shows the pretty ef formation regarding meeting, railroad fares, etc., address feet produced by Its reflection iu lb C. F. Wsrren, room No. 411, Dooly water. block. Salt City. Utah. l. atirT.Coe'r .. 1.M releraa ee Bull can plea sRsetNoe er.. Assay Co. iTteBanyan, eeco. Tt lioie. RICHARD Hi. ft) seventh Hat Halt Lake UKy, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. 17. 1004. W. N. U.. Unit Lakh-N- o. CIKI Peruna Is a tine medicine to take any season ot tha year the spring it tones up the system and acta aa a tonic, strengthening me more tben a vacation. In the tell and winter I beve found that It cures colds and catarrh and also tlnd that It Is Invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting as a gentle stimulant on the system. In fact, I consider It a whole medicine chest Miss Marjory Hampton. Taken In Ix-ag- SOUTH UA VI , Mlaa Marjory Hampton, 9016 Third Avenue, New York City, wrlteai Fish Can Hear. A Spanish naturalist, Dr. Ribera, haa proved that fish can hear and distinguish sounds and word. Concealing hlmseif behind a bush, be taught the carp in a pond to come - to the surface for food every time he spoke a certain sentence. To other words, not asNorlaied with feeding, they paid no attention. win be seat ea appUeatlaato RIM A E. HOWARD. 173 Wanes Ahl. Bettaa. Bara, These sra FBU to all estrtag FLOUR MISS MARJORY HAMPTON. OF NEW YORK. Ask Yoar Dealer Tar Alisa's Vnot-SssA powder. It rests the (ret. Cures ('.or ns. Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot.Callnus, Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails Allen's Foot-Eas- e makes new or tight shneteaay. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed Fans. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Itoy, N. Y. Jn1tarlan publications fatflNrpwbfMi mmd itekt 'Look Airmm rium ConrnA ('xltiklii wblrk to Doaglu mwmrwm bwt ronnidtd UbttbvlInMC PilMl an r WtCf ISMNMtM any Hsetiea this paper. mine-owne- Node in block or yellow one fulV guarantee by AJiownedL WMumnwea intrinsic greater value than PRESTON SAYS THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG CIRL. rub-abl- never equalled. sign or Trie hsm. W.La Douglas have TONES OP THE SYSTEQ IF TAKEN IN THE SPRING." "PE-RU-N- A n it is often nutated but MLC (TALL RELIABLE KALERJw STICK TO THE W. L. DOUCLAS $4X0, 83.50, 83.00, 82.50 Woe SHOES ,,f fchoe other shoes. Few Preliminaries to What Turned System That Puts Largs and Small Out a Happy Match. n an Equality. Aa English book of reminiscences It takes Western people to lookout tor tbemaelvea and give every man a telle of two country squires named of Ivybridgo "two thin, delicatefair show, even in rapid transit, says old men. twin brothers. 73 the New York Times. It is not p e -looking that In Pueblo, Colo., there ia years old, with white hair, very gentle the trouble with overcrowding in and eourteoua in manner, red cutaway street cars that is to be found In New coats, white cords, black boots, cape York, but on the Pueblo Valley rail- ang gloves." When past 60 yeara of road every man pays according to hla age one night after hunting one of I have been them said to the other: weight. If the corpulent and hit fur cuat envelop the ullm atrip thinking neither of us can have much of a counter-jumpe- r sitting nest him longer to live in .his world and It will tha C. J. dues not meditate with wrath be a terrible thing for the survivor to kave to remain here alone. Don't you thick one of us ought to marry?" "Yea," waa the reply. "I have thought m for a long time. Well, do you know uf auy laiy?" "Yes. I do. Is there any one you fancy?" On comparing notes it appeared they had both tslected the same woman, the manager of a hotel at Okehampton. Well, said one, "w have lived together all these years without a wry word and it's a pity we should fall out So they tossed at our time of life. up which should marry her. The winner rode down to Okehampton nest morning and was accepted. All three lived together and tfce wife nursed both brothers in their last lUnara upon bloated bondholders and their and was left their mnrev. monopolies, for he knows that tha OLD TIME SPORT REVIVED. bulky individual is paying at least twice the amount of hla own fare. That ia the way they do it on tha Falconry Practiced in Scotland WithPueblo Valley. Every passenger la in Recent Ycare. weighed, and pays according to hla with falcon waa revived In Hunting avoirdupois. Before he enters tha car Scotland tome yeara ago by Sir Henry he steps upon a weighing machine, Bethune. A writer on field sports his weight ia automatically stamped says: The falconers had an old setbe which of gives ter dog which hunted till he found a paper, upon a slip to the conductor, who charges him covey of partridge. The falconers accordingly. The moral effects of this then threw off a hawk, which rose and New In circles till system are very high, then hovered York officials may take notice. above the dog. The dog looked up to aee If the hawk was ready, and then EGGS GET IN DEADLY WORK. ran In and roused the birds. 8wonp went the hawk. If he missed, the Kiany Hens Killed by Violent Explo birds generally went into a hedge and sions of Their Frozen Product. the hawk soared again and hovered remarkable hen story, over the birds. The old dog then went A most vouched for by veracious and respectoff after them and got another point able people, cornea from New Kent If the hawk killed its bird the falconcounty, Virginia. W. I. Tunstall, who er went gently to it and picked It up. conducts a large hennery, found sev- If not he had to fetch the bird with eral of hla fowls dead, with their bod- the lure, a dummy bird with a bit of ies badly mutilated. While investi- pigeon on it. He called the hawk gating the cause he heard a muffled Killy, kllly. Voiyonk.' a sort of view explosion and saw a hen fall from her halloo, and hurled the lure In the air. nest, torn and bleeding. The hawk stooped to it and began Ixioking into the matter further, ha to eat the pigeon, and he tben sucascertained that the explosion waa ceeded In picking it up." due to the fowls sitting on frozen Pay of United States Officials. eggs, which whpu they became warm seventy-seveFor effect. with years the pay of deadly exploded According to Mr. Tunstall, the bod-le- a a congressman of the United Statea of the dead fowls had pieces of waa 6 a day while In attendance upon a session and for C for each eggshell all through them. twenty miles In going and coming. Double pay was granted to the speakReflection of Monument er of the house. The president's salary until 1873 waa 935,000, when It was increased (for Grant's second term) to 950,000. The received 95,000, the rblef Justice 94,000 nnd department heads less. In 1966 the pay of senators and representatives was raised to 95,000 a year, with mileage at 20 cents a mile going and coming. The salaries of the speaker was raised to and 98,000. Delegate Jonah K. Kalanlana-ol- e of Hawaii has to t raved nearly miles to get to Washington and back, and hla mileage ia 92,180. Jjke oil our note rinx coots. Ai And hats fbroUkmd ef wet work, SALT LAKH CITY longer, and CONVENIENCE. A CLAYTON MUSIC CO. ahapetbetter.wear OF 10,-90- 0 Customer oan'l pav anv more. Are I7H.UO balance due offerins It for oueoatrent Write ue AT ONUK fur A rent opportunity. pertleulera. are worn by more men than any other malrA. The reason h, they hold Lh6ir MARRIAGE A FAT MAN, FAT FARE. Cul |