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Show Naboth's lineyard. Phoenix Indemnity Company, na 6uinl H. A. NELSON, m. til, XU Brnmt Im IlSg, CART cn. Fertile with olive, and vine: TtinuKh autumn pile my aurnrra hlgli. Still for that little Held I aiRli. For. ah! methlnka ne otherwhere lx any Held ao Ruud and fair. Small though It be, 'da better far Than all my fruitful vlneyarda are, Amid who, plenty aid 1 pine "Ah, wuuld that littli f ' ITOTO. A(iit, Hy ASI1MT UKKKINU. Copyright. UOl. fry Dally Story rublitkiay Coropaay. Glanwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadrille, Pueblo, Colorado Bprlnfi, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Loiia, Chicago, tw I. i CoHMadaf - ty TrasMssHswfol Uaa paaala Tk Tnha, 3- all points east at On Uim Ispst A aN Isaltara PaalBa .rrr dirssMy aruxoioLT aovirrao OOOIH BSTVEIR FAST TRAIRt RAILT sad Ortfes ttf ftaH Uaa 8a taksCRs MB IIRVCR ThTawaifUMM, Threngh Pallman and Ordinary Slotping Cara to Denver, Omaha, Kanaaa City, SL Lonla and Ohioago without dhiaga. VToo reclining chair can. Personally Oondnotod Eunalons. . .Mi NOnXXO K SALT LAKE CJTY BENTON, G, Ai P. D, enmiMS, M YOUR FICUK1NO HAST THAT TUT THI . Oregon Short Line raw RAILROAD R. L niwi SVRLET. ar.oT.a a s. trtneu. UNION PACIFIC iar.RT.1 THE OTEBLAVD BOUTS w VNCHBTMKBUAR ROUIIIOAU COMFORT ainmom SAPBTY 201IR TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled 1 kogressivb AM RALV LARR CRT, (TW H OVERLAND ROOTS) ROBERT E. PICKLE .... STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY itoto- AfsltllMf AH Ik tatolaa W ary .... aMWa.M ot Mess Crotu rf la Mar NOTIONS ASLSllLI awaiWi..". S2.TST Apitf Til, Stm Ulli,. HERCIR. Salt Lake and Merc ur Railroad pBir Wat Birifi 1: naacuu tim card 1:1 Iferewr Lan 1S;M... .Summit not.... J. Mkaiitnff SAB.... ValrflalA ....fiM JACOBS, Ota, alt Laka City. a Three Trains to Chicago. Ban Tranrlaeo to Chlesro, Thla la tha nsw overland service via Tbraa Trains, vary day. old man became too feeble to carry the sacks of wheat on his hack to tbe shanty. All he could do was tie the foil sacks with strips of cotton, darn holes In those that were empty and unsafe, and mend the sifters where the wire netting had broken. Every week a wagon came and took away the golden harvest, which was wild to rich people on the highlands. They fed it lo chickens and mixed It But I never in bran fur the cows. Busiiected what price it brought, nor cared to ask. We made the balance The old into bread and had enough. man no. 1 will call him a miser used to say that when the mine bad cleat ed up a hundred times as many sacks as his age. then he would die and I should is now perfectly dear that Secured by Wearied in Korea. In hla new book, "Korea," Mr. Angus Hamilton gives an interesting picture of the land which ia now attracting the eyes of the civilized world. Here In his account of a night spent waa in the village of Wha-dlng- : waa impossiit to stand; Impossible ble to alt; sleep was out of the question. We shook our clothes; we bathed and washed and powdered. Every effort was a torture,- and each precaution increased the Ironies of the situation. To add to the plagues of this accursed place, we were deafincantations ened by the of n sorcerer, who had been hired by the proprietor of the village inn to exorcise a devil that had bewitched him. We wondered afterwards whether this accounted for Jhe ceaseless activity imonT the vermin. After a futile attempt u cume to terms, with the maglct:in by bribery and corruption thri ugh the medium of my interpreter, it was arranged that one of the grooms should represent the evil spirit lie passed out Into the deeolation of the night and howled plaintively. while we, having collected the elders and the necromancer, aolemnly fired our revolvers Into the darkness at the departing spirit. Unfortunately, we iliii not convince the wizard that the devil had been expelled. It was not until, losing my temper and my reason together. I dropied hla degongs end symbals down a well, we that It after them, positing him in were rid of the agonies of this additional nuisance. my had gentle, sensitive benefactor thought an heiress would be happier far from here with the love of a worthy bridegroom, who once belonged In a city. He showed this hy mute signs when he himself went out from the rule habitation never to come back alive. For how many years I cannot tell, I sifted the waste of the grain cars that came down from the mill and elevators. Tons and tons of sweepings are run out on this little branch of the the railroad and are unloaded by brakeman with huge shovels. The railroad people call it the dump, but my guardian told me long ago the name of the atatum Is Marsh Mine. He tt was who discovered what those placer heaps contained. He invented a sifter and taught me how to separate the dust from the wheat. At first it was wild play to see the chaff and flour dust flying like fine snow hi the wind. I was a little girl then. After a while I'came to know It was work, but did not complain. Other poor people found out the mine and worked It for their dally bread But and something more besides the Idea of vast wealth grew upon my aged foster father until he began to talk about turning the sacks of wheat into sacks of pure gold by soma mysterious means This he said he could do, hla thin face pallid as tha flour dust staring at the hour glass he made with his bony hands. As we sat together by the peat Are In the shanty and waited the long winter evenings for word of a new siding of cars I would ask the old man many illy questions, but always wen he did not wish to speak his mind he was listening to the wind rushing In from the sea over the salt marshes, And his answer was ever the same "Ah. my little girl. It will be line tomorrow at the mine. Afterward the track walker would knock to tell us the cars were due to He would come down by daybreak. aeldom enter and seldom stay long, because I think he was afraid the rail road spies would hear he was giving Information and have him discharged though he never said so. He was a fine fellow for taking the No Change of Cara. ?- - ' Salt Lake City. .: Metcalf & OFFERS THE BERT SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIR. THK FRISCO SYSTEM TSAVERBES THE FOLLOWINQ STATES: Indiana Kansas IIIImIs Uisslsslppl Arkansas Tsnnesssi Alabama Missouri Indian Tar. Oldahsma Texas. THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, vtaa XxiMi City M IJO a. . you to IfrliillaU, wtlljtoke 111 In ah JaakxonVllla anil nil am, Atlanta, la the M,kb. mta to nil nntats Keith, Kaeellant East, Beeth, fcnntlwaat aa4 lull- r totalise IntorastlM, awly to S. W. MARTIN, a. BRAKE, SinillAlU DiNvta. oat. pure Amxt.Utah. Salt Labi OiT. T. A. JOHN, Light That Will Not Fail. that they've discovered They say that will not fall. A light That burns a thousand million years And yet docs not grow pels. us that this substance They tell the deer old sun. Is like And we conclude it would be nice To own a little one. For thei. we'd take the meter Down from the cellar wall. And turn the horrid gas man out If ever he should calL But when we ask the price of This radium they've found. They smile and answer pleasantly: "Four million plunks a pound. Answers. Citt, OZMIXAW Aeie-T- . Burrs. Montana. Illinois Central Railway. We would wave hende to him. bs heiress of the mershee.. I set no store by his promise, forSUFFICIENTLY SEXYES A TAEf bushels of bow thousand many getting TXIUIHTOKY e to the sad from grain ore had gone By through service-teltlssi Still I humored his asaayer. Omaha, Chlaage, XXL whim and even said I would' marry A Rt Xian. Lculs, Xta i Paul, risked who the nomad of the main line XU. Mima Faarla, XlBBsapella, his Job so many tlmea to make us XvanavUlA Xa& City, wealthy. XaahvlUs. Salmon Are Scarce. aphis, Teas. OUa Tea, my love bad made hla plea Atlanta, Qa. Ojneiaaatl, condiof the account On depressed T is villa, X aaksoavUlA a plea without a (Ian. And that I canj. Vow Orleans, Xa Vicksburg, But tion of the salmon market, many know la for love's own sake. neries In Alaska will not be operated through aarvtea batweaa somehow I fancied he watched a little Other packing companies sad batweea. CladaaaU that faces apod this year. wistfully at tlmea the will go farther north, where they will the- Faelfle Coast ead by at the window, of the through excatch leas pink and get more red salwaa It afraid am I now And Tarrltory. press. now are 91.25 at mon. Reds selling my anxious gsxe down the track at on the coast, while pinks are very unset that helped the old man to minimum quotations being 60 the the low, would walker our some track think day Is below the cost of procents. This we AIOXOIV& turn his face the other way and An, BOUTS, Is no profit for those there and duction would not see him again. companies the bulk of whose packs aadsemsly Eulntfi My benefactor became a watcher as are Haalad Train Dtalag Care- pinks. The cause of the unfavor- Hiram we Buffet-Librawell as I. Often after a day's work Carr-gUfpla- g able condition of the market Is over- Free B have climbed up into the signal tower sensing Chair Can. primarily. An effort has Y for looked the and solitary production by the been made to maintain prices, but Ark tickat agents for tickets via ffes figure coming nearer and nearer on without avail. XIXXNOIfl CENTRAL RAILROAD to the double tracks. Then we would wave hands to him, shout good-nigA Good Excuse. 3. A. FOLEY, when he approached and passed, tnd Rad So. 1L. Halt Lake CUfo in A writer Lippincott's I Magaxlne man and old the home together go story: happy as the wild ducks that fly tells the followingold darky. Informed My cook, an over the marsh. Miss one me Annie, I is morning: He's a good boy. the old Is you goto to be married would say simply. for mef My heart leaped to thank him, but got a present "But Maria, I said, 'you've got a lome thing held my tongue. Perhape It Would only have made the old man husband alive and haven't been dibrood more deeply over the purpose I vorced ; it would be bigamy. was unconscious of. Well. Miss Annie, I don't care; he'a done bigot ted fust. " One day as he limped over the ground 1 remembered that he Gift of Grateful Convict said. Ah. my child, it is a terrible old. to be Gov. Dockery of Missouri carries thing I shall never forget the sadness in plain walking cane on the handle of that voice or the look in those deep-se- t which, inlaid in tortoise shell Is his eyes. It is a gift from a convict full name. One other time I have seen him that whom I pardoned. said Mr. Dockery Tbe man way; his eyei wide opeu with a far- In answer to a question. away stare, as if trying to see where had served seventeen years and I He the snow flakes began their Intermin thought that was long enough. able Journey. promised to behave himself and he la I am sure It was a sudden great keeping his word." UNIQUE! blow to my guardian when be heard ENJOY ABIE! Southern Congressman. Typical a ka the track walker was discharged. He With hla wide hat, coat of ample HEALTHFUL! came to tell us how It happened and to say Fxl-by- . stopping first at the skirt and commanding figure, Repregrain cars on the V. which he had sentative Claude Kitchin of North never done before. My sweetheart is Carolina is accounted at Washington (ALT LAKE HOT STRINGS At first It was wild play. a fine type of southern congressman. younK Brd brave, so he only laughed to Senator risk. But whoever heard of employ-- But I had no heart to go on with my He bears a resemblance I accompanied him across Bailey of Texas sufficiently strong so sifting. ers so selflsl.. so heartless? marsh lo talk it over with the old that a senate doorkeeper recently misFrom the track walker I learned all the took him for the Texan. man. the signals of the trainmen and 1 in first winter time door the the For I saw him could answer them whrr Denver Mayor Loses Relic. ereak-Infar off sounding the nils of the main of the shanty stood wide open, Its hinges mournfully on the Mayer Wright of Denver has lost line and stopping now and tlipn to exwas man not old The side. adornment of his office which he an would bolt. he But amine a loosened of grain waa valued very highly. It was a nickel-plate- d not enme m ur the diggings ef Marsh within. A horseshoe wor by Cresceua Mine in the day. Hundreds of bags of on the floor and beside It a measure 1 Mi Tto PatviM FW made bis world's record for pour-takeand silver of he coins full when gold old I half T half wheat lone the bU Liffi m" and scat-millhad shoe honor the canvas His and of hanga mile. sack; from the cd out out of the sweepl-igwhich are many miles away. tered over the carpcMcss planks were ing on the wall of his etJce, but it tots. vtH 1 aM VtoilH lb baa disappeared and Mr. Wright la tMB. 0M tor to 1WA The work did not stop In any season. a few grains of sound wheat. foot tracks led off from the lone-mill- s Waiting to learn Just what shape the WSSSSSSSBSStSSSt wt or dry. warm or drear, since the His the lonelier thicket, and mueedbad luck jrlll taka last the ly path-intnever quit grin llr.a make-believ- Iik b Itas lh Xtos-Waakl- - ry half-(roxe- n Sanitarium Baths aea-war- toEtwfr e Coml AgenL Headley to-da- y 1 II la worth your whila to learn about Ik 106 W. Second South Shot ; Ita UNION PACIFIC AND CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL LINE CLAUD S. WILLIAMS, $150 DEVIL." Flowers in the Arctic. Dr. Schel, the geologist a member oi the last Sverdrup Arctic expedition recently delivered a lecture before the Geographical Society of Christiania on the vegetable life of Elies mereland. in 78 to 79 degrees of northern latitudo and separated from Greenland by Smith Sound. During the summer tracts of the lowlands are covered with Arctic flowers. A mountain slope of one of the bays was comviolet-colore- d pletely covered with the flower stalks of the species sail-frag- a oppnsitifolla. In the rocks remnants of plants were discovered, the are found in species of which much warmer climes for instance, in Australia. may. It Dining Can, aorrlco a la Carto on all through tralna. L the grains through hla fist, like sand through an hour glasa, and talk u a alow apologetic monotone about the wealth of the marshes. , 1 hope no one will think me a sordid person; I apeak of his whim because it explains his last wish and his last act. He did not own a foot of the landscape and the shanty waa no more than a squatters claim. But somehow hla vague Intentions had instilled in my heart a longing, without hope or reason, to inherit the dreary acres of reeds, pools of salt water and piles of sweepings, emptied from grain cars on the T. and God willing. I shall live on this forgotten estate as long as I THE It HEIRESS OF THE SALT MARSHES 'THE SCENIC LINE TO' OUT Travelers void of peace and rest. pining care possessed Theaa by my fertile hinds are meant. That little field la called Content. ItoberUon Trowbridge, in Scribner's. Only ai'ter he had spilled a handful of good wheat over the bare plank floor did 1 understand what the old man had in mind when he would run BlidEiT Finally knowledge l,ar;e And wealth with SALT LMB CITY, UTML Shoes for Men blast. My niHalibor hath a little field. Kiiiall stonr of win its lirrmn yield. Ami truly but a slwifr- -r hoard I In liarvrHt. brings ur liarn or board. Yet tlmUKh a hundrtd flehla are mine. OP AMERIOA. Insure yourielf sgsinit aickacaa and accidents. ... Also Lift Ininrsnce. Initallment Plan. ... Ton par a llttla each month. XXXXXX PON ome of the reedi were broken down m if peering through the morbid, whistling growth, while on one of the tallest cattnila wna caught a atrip of cotton auch a atrip aa he used to tie the elf ted aacki of wheat and it waa beckoning fnrUiualy in the winter 8V n t y jul 25c y |