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Show HUT VOCKTOR. New York Democrata Name Candidate ruihta JtlUXK. . . . - STAB UTAH STATE NEWS. Tha 20th of October will be Utah da et the St. Louie fair. Mining In the Sanlaqutn district la still creating great Intereat and acne good ore la found. Friday la the fiftieth anniversary of the aettlement of Ephraim, and the day will be fittingly obaerred b the reaidenta of that place. waa badly laat week, being thrown from hla wagon to the pavement, atrlklng on bin head. W. O. Hale of Evanston, Wyo., waa Browned In the big pool at the Utah Bet Springe, north of Ogden, on the 12th. It la euppoaed he fainted and waa drowned. Robert Hatch and Clarence Denton, both colored, engaged In n fight in a restaurant in Salt I aka City, Denton being shot by Hatch. The wounded men k not dangeronaly hurt Maurice Raney, e waiter, la In t Salt Laks hospital, his death hourly mcpected, as ths result of being struck over the head by soma person unknown. hla skull being crushed Mrs. A. J. Davis of Sprlngvllle, mother of Mrs. Rachel Talbot, who In Salt died in n rooming-housLathe City recently, lost her husband and two sons In the Scofield disaster. J. H. Inmost, president of the Salt Lake Street Car Men's union, says that the new organisation will take no hostile attitude against the emmen on the ployment of ear lines. The I D. 8. U. champion basketball team will line up against the best teams in this country for ths worlds championship at St. Louis the coming summer during the progress of the world's fair. Pat Green, a cowboy, who waa beating hla way on the railroad from Colorado to Idaho, at Soldier's Summit had the heel of his right foot badly crushed by getting it betweer the bumpers of the train. Benner X. Smith of Salt Lake City haa been appointed by Governor Walls aa district attorney for the Third Judicial district court to fill toe vacancy caused by the sudden Tim O'Neal of Uintah . Injured In Ogden one day -- e non-unio- n - James Jenkins, a pioneer of Nephl, la dead from Injuries received In a runaway accident in March. He came to Nephl in the spring of 1866 and resided there until his death. Ha served two terms as councilman. The ludlan appropriation bill, which passed the senate fixed next March for the opening of the Uintah reservation and It appropriates $5,000 for additional work and for platting the territory for the surveyorgenerala of-flo-e. Charles M. Schwab, successor to Makaroff fa command of the Russian navy In tha sharpest critics aa IALEXIEFF RELIEVED and the late Vice Admiral INSTRUCT FOR PARKER. THE WEEKLY SENTINEL former pi evi- dent of the United States Steel corporation, during a visit to Utah laat week, declared that the Iron deposits of southern Utah would bring in time great wealth to the men who would develop them. J. M. Shockley, the street ear bandit, haa been convicted of the murder of Amassa Gleason and Thomas Brighton, the two Salt Lake carmen whom he shot on the night of Jnnuary th, and will be executed. The Jury waa out four hours before an agreement waa reached. Gus Peterson, sn inmate of the Ogden Jail, attempted suicide by dashing hla head against the Iron walls of his celL Peterson was suffering from delirium tremens, and It required the strength of four men to subdue him. Honorable Charles Culverwel, the "oldest inhabitant," and owner of about all the ground on which the town of Cnllentes and railroad yards srs built, was married on the 16th and gave the town a free supper, bull and a general got d time. The union depot at Ogden la to ba The Improvements are enlarged. made necessary by the recent changes In the railroad situation, making the depot altogether too small to accommodate the o 01 rials located In the Janetlou City. The district school children of Manti engaged themselves doaring the piece of ground adjoining the present school site recently purchased Arbor day was by the trustees. spent by the children in clearing the rubbish from their new playground. A man giving the name of Starr, whose right name la thought to he Stone, la under arrest at the Ogden polloe station and la us period of being the man who murdered Roy Mills The police la Ogden last October. trim to have a pretty eloar case against him. la an altercation which occurred at toe atone quarries near Park City mm day last week, John Pomb was severely burned across the back of Iron In the toe neck by a red-ho- t hands of Fred Taylor, who had his scalp laid open by a rock thrown by j Tajrler. For Presidency. The New York Democratic atate convention for the election of dele I ales to the national convention :se Lee ted the following delegates-at-largeDavid B. Hill of Albany; Edward Murphy, Jr., of Troy; George Eh ret of New York City and James W. Ridgeway of Brooklyn. Aa alter-nate- s it selected C. N. Bulger of Oswego; W. Caryl Ely of Buffalo; C. XL Ackerman of Broome, and Francis Burton Harrison of New York. Tta delegates were Instructed by n vote of 301 to 149 for Alton B. Parker aa the etatea candidate for president. Tammany waa not treated aa badly aa had been predicted, being allowed to Mr. KhreL name a delegate-at-largand nn alternate, and one of the two electora-at-largHarry Payne Whitney, the other being John T. Woodford. The platform adopted la brief, and In addition to Instructing for Parker com pel a the delegation to vote ns a nit. RUSSIAN far seat. VICEROY SENDS IN HIS RESIGNATION. Objected to Appointment of an Enemy to Succeed Makaroff and Aaka to be Relieved for Duty in Far East. According to ersburg, Viceroy Alesleff haa applied by telegraph to the emperor to he relieved of hla position of viceroy In the far eaat. It la expected that the request will be Immediately granted. While no official announcement has yet been made, there le reason to believe that the above statement la correct. The Immediate cause of Viceroy Alesleffa application to be relieved la of reported to ho the appointment Vice Admiral Skrydlotf. one of Admiral Alesleffa strongest enemies advices from Bt. Pet- AND JAPANI8E ARMIES ARE APPROACHING EACH OTHER. WHERE RUSSIAN TRIED TO CHEAT HANGMAN. i Vies Admiral Bkrydloff had an with tha emperor and discussed with hla majesty the question of hit (Skrydloff'a) relation with Alex-lef- t. The relieving from command of Viceroy Alexieff would not surprise Intelligent observers of tbs far eastern situation who art familiar with the gradual rhange In the emperor's attitude towards the viceroy, and M. llesobraxoff, who represented the militant, or advanced element, which was anxious that Russia should remain In Manchuria. It waa to thesa two men that the AngloJapaneee entente first lost Its friends. They believed that Great Brltlan would not go to war and that Japan could not do so. To the Indignation of Japan they succeeded lu turning the policy of the empire from carrying out the treaty for the entire evacuation of Manchuria, pending further demands on China. Chicago Car Bandit Makes Two Ah tempts at Suicide. Peter Nledermeier, the leader of the Chicago ear bandits, condemned to die on the gallows Friday, made two desperate attempts at auldde Monday. Hla condition ns a result is so precarious that It Is feared he will not survive. Should he still be alive next Friday he will be carried to the galNedermeler and executed. lows planned bis attempted audde carefully. First he maaticated and swalor 100 lowed the beads of seventy-fiv- e sulphur matches. While the phosphorous was burning his stomach he sawed at the artery of hla left wrist with a sharp pointed lead pencil, tearing the member In a fearful manner. The second attempt was made after he had been discovered and his wounds had been dressed, when bs slipped the bandages off his left arm and with hla sharp finger nails tore away the threads In the wounds, and. Inserting bis forefinger Into the ragged hole, he worked again at the veins and sought to reach the artery. JAPS CONTROL the Yalu. Authentic advices from Seoul, dated toe 12th instant, declare that the Japanese are In complete control of Korea and that the Russian scouting parties have retired across the Yalu before the Japanese, who occupied Wlju The practically without resistance. Japanese army Is divided Into two foroes, one for expeditionary purposes and the other for occupation. The rentier, trowntertngrasiwopia" aavmw-luto the Yalu, and the latter, consisting of 16,000 reservists. Is making communication arrangements with headquarters at Seoul, where there Is a garrison of 4,000. The headquarters of tbs transport service are at Chemulpo. d SAW CUSTER KILLED. Aged Squaw Who Saw Famous 8couta Last Fight Deputy United Btates Marshal left Butte, Mont., on Monday for Washington, D. C., with Running Deer, an aged Sioux squaw, who has been adjudged Insane, and la to be put in an asylum in the national capItaL Running Deer Is n survivor of the Custer massacre. She was the wife jf a brave killed In that fight and after the battle, for some reason, fled to the Crow reservation In Montana, leaving her tribe. A year ago she knifed two Crows who had stolon a pony from her. The squaw is said to be over 90 years old. Sho remembers ths Custer fight well, and when In good huuior will tell how she saw the Yellow Hair" pulled down and tomahawked. in PAID THE PENALTY. PEACE Frank RUSSIA MAY SEE HER WAY CLEAR TO ENO THE WAR. , The announcement from St. Petersburg of the withdrawal of Alexieff from the far east, togciher with the lucid and interesting story of the rise and fall of the radical element In Russia headed by Alexieff and Bexobra-xoff- , wxa received with intereat In official circles in Washington. The change Just Indicated is believed to portend a complete reversal of Russian policy In Manchuria, and it Is thought that could Russia save her face and pride before the civilised world by scoring a decisive victory on land, the way would speedily be opened for peace negotiations on tha broad basis of ths last Japanesa proposition Just before the outbreak of the war. The restr ration to power and Influence of M. Witte, the deposed Russian minister of finance, who so strongly opposed war, is expected to follow very soon. LOST BY FIRE. Nearly 250 Toronto Firms Temporarily Put Out of Business. The total loss by the fire which destroyed the wholesale district of Toronto, Ont., will, according to the most conservative estimate, reach $12,000,-00the total Insurance is 58,360,000. The area swept by the fire embraced fourteen acres, and from 5.000 to 7.000 persons were thrown out of employment. The work of tearing down ths dangerous walls has begun. In the whole turned district the only walls that appear to stand Intact are those of the W. R. Brock 4k Co. building. The city council has placed all public buildings and the exhibition grounds at the disposal of the fire sufferers; amended the fire regulations to allow the erection of temporary structures, and appointed a committee to wait on the legislature and secure an act ordering all wires underground. 0; Circlet show Russian and squares Japaness forces. Square with arrow Indicates position of Japansss transports reported to bo approaching tha mouth of tho Yalu rlvsr with additional troops. Small clrcla at uppsr right-han- d corner of map shows points salt to have bsan seized by Russians along tho Turnon rlvor and fortified BURIED BY AVALANCHE. Hundreds of Lives Lost In Italy as Result of Immense 81 idee. About 100 miners have been buried statehood of Oklahoma and Indian A TEN MILLION DOLLAR FIRE. Territory under the name of Okla- by an Immense avalanche near the Wholesale District of Toronto Almost homa, and of Arlxona and New Mexico village of Pragelato, Italy. A violent Entirely Wiped Out. under the name of Arlxona. In dis- storm is sweeping over that locality Fire, which swept through the cussing ths rule which had been re- and It is feared that other avalanches wholesale business district of Toronto, ported by the committee on rules pro- may result. The whole population of Out, on Tuesday night, caused a Ion viding for immediate consideration of the vllluge and a detachment of forty the bill, Mr. Wlllama, the minority vkUk probably reach .S10JDOQ,D0 leafier, declared that no Republican soldiers have gone to the scene of the The fire started in a factory In Well- had any idea that the bill would be- disaster, hoping to save some of ths ington street about 9 o'clock. In less come a law at this session. buried miners. then an hour the flames had spread After three days of continuous rains from building to building on both sides TRAIN JUMPS TRACK many avalanches and slides have ocAND KILLS EIGHT. curred in the neighborhood of the of tho street, until the whole block Simplon pass. At Gringeols sn avawas a mass of flames and the Are was Defsctivs Rsil Throws Locomotive and lanche buried twenty persons and five utterly beyond control of the local de- ( Coaches Down Embankment. bouses. partment. Ne. Northbound fast passenger train FAINTED WHEN .SENTENCED. Appeals were sent to every sur- 1 on the Mexican Central, which left where fire apparatus Mexico rounding city City on Monday night, about Colorado Cattleman Breaks Down could be obtained, asking for assistfour kilometres north of Sacratea When Judge Announces Sentence. ance. Montreal, London, Hamilton and Buffalo at once responded. Chief Tuesday, Jumped the track, the wreck Judge Armour, at Akron, Colo., Thompson of the fire department and resulting In the death of eight penons the motions for a new trial in or forty the Joseph Meenan murder case as to George Dowkea of Montreal were rot and the Injury of thirty-liv- e off by the flames while directing the others. the defendants Perry Tuttle and Elwork of Bremen from a roof. ThompTha trian waa bowling along at a mer Shanks, and sentenced them to son Jumped six stories to the ground and miraculously escaped with u high rate of speed when a defective Imprisonment, for life at hard labor. broken leg. A muss of tangled wires rail precipitated the locomotive, the When Judge Armour announced his broke his fall near the ground. express and baggage cars, the first, decision Perry Tuttle fell prostrate on Dowkes has not been seen since, and second and third-clas- s down coaches, R is believed he perished. an embankment, totally demolishing the floor In a dead faint and the serthem. vices of a physician were necessary to Joint Statehood Bill. The two Pullmans were the only revive him. The murder of Meenan was the outcome of a range feud After a debate extending through care which did not leave the track and those occupying them received no In- which had much of the aspect of the the entire session, the house on Tues- jury beyond a severe shaking up. It is famous Dewey cane In western Kanday paaaed the bill providing for joint Impossible to secure a list of the dead. sas. The Tuttles are members of one of the wealthiest cattle raising families In this section. Joseph Meenas THE JAPANESE ADVANCE TO THE YALU RIVER. was a small ranchman. rri ove-rule- d RESULT OF BURTON TRIAL. LOCATED AT MUKDEN. Major Dennis Broods Over Senator's Conviction Until Death Comas. Physicians who attended Major Hugh C. Dennis say that hla death re. suited from continuous brooding over the conviction of Senator Burton, because of his connection with the Rialto company. From the time of Senator Burton's conviction Major Dennis continually talked of the rase, denouncing himself for having permitted Burton to become n represent stive of the company. Admitted Correspondents Within Ruteian Lines. Tho leading correspondents of French. Italian and British newspapers and of one American newspaper and of the Associated Press have been permitted to proceed to Mukden from New Chwang. United States Consul Miller entertained the correspondents at the consulate previous to their departure. They are the first foreign newspaper men admitted to the Russian lines sinre the declaration of war. Woman Shot by Highwayman. man, displaying two revolvers, entered the saloon of Chris Warren on the county road north of Berkeley, Cal. In the saloon were Warren, Mrs. Warren and Frank The stranger ordered them to throw up their hands. The man obeyed, but Mrs. Warren ran ojt of tho hack door and went around to the front entrance where the robber fired a shot at her. the hullet hitting her In the right side, penetrating the lung. Mrs. Warren in dangerously wounded. Foreign Fell Nine Stories. A masked Tried to Poison Six Children. James Grubb, Janitor of an apart- ment house in New York City, is under arrest, charged or. the word of his daughter, with having attempted to poison his six children, of whom she is the eldest. Gnibb's wife died rccv.it ly and liu is said to have behaved oddly since then. His that she saw Grubb daughter elii-gcput purls green into Hie coffee, but sho prcM-ntebin front giving it to the children. The lictsp::n! nut her1 ties -- v Griit)!) Is miRcrlng from alcohol s hill. H. R. Hrrtxbcrg. dramatic editor of the New York Evening Journal, was (Circles on above map show location of Russian forces. Squares show tho Japanese. Dispatches state that the Japaneso advance had reached Chang-alenon ths south bank of the Yalu river. Small bodies of Ruoslan troops are said atill to be at Cretan and Pyokfong, on the samo tide of the river, although the main Russian force has retroated to tho north bank, which la reported to he strongly fortified. FRENCH TO HELP RUSSIA. t e e fn-n- niivy. after tli--l- r tic: .riiii- Fr--u-- resignsi-ou- . probably fatally injured Wednesday by falling nine stories Into an areaway In the Murton building, llertxberg had been playing billiards at ttyc Press elub and shortly after he had started for home his almost lifeless body was found In tbe basement. It is supposed that while coming down the stairs he leaned over the balustrade and lost his balance. Hertxbcrg is 35 years old and unmarried. had fallen victims to him. Hla favorite method wu to give them chloral and then throw their bodies into some river. This wu after he had secured all they money they could get for him. Hie first murder was committed at the age of 20 years. He had a fight with three men in St. Louis, and says he stabbed one ao he understood death ensued. From that time on he became Involved In one tragedy after another until the culmination came In the tbe hands of the law. There le a dlf- ference of opinion as to the accuracy of his statements. Rom shot bis wife on Christmas day (Friday) and nothing waa known of the crime until the following Sunday. After killing his wife. Rose pawned a suit of clothes which on Christmas day, and with the muney bought whiskey. Wben his money gave out and he could get no more whiskey. Rose began to sober up, and early Sunday morning went to the police station. The baby boy of the murdered woman was left with the mother, and was fnund by tbe officers when they visited the scene of the crime. Rcso claims that he returned to the house on several occasions and fed the child. He claimed his wife lived an hour and a half after he shot her. and that she forgave him for the act. Rose kept hla wonderful nerve to the last, and met death with a smile on his face. he-wor- CAR BANDITS EXECUTED. Leader of the Band Carried to Scaffold and Hanged Strapped to a Chair. Atheist to the last, but seemingly unnerved ccmpletely, Peter Nelder-mcieleader of the Chicago car barn bandits, was hanged Friday from a chair, contrasting with his companions lu crime, Gustsve Marx and Harvey Van Dine, who, standing erect, kiued an image of Christ and died without a tremor. The three executions were separate, twenty minutes apart, the same scaffold being used for all. Neidermeier had boasted continuously of his courage, but as the last momonts approached he collapsed and waa unable to take three consecutive steps of a march to the- galtoweNet--dermelwaa strapped to a chair, and executed In that manner. r, er FIGHTING ON THE YALU. Rumored That Japanese Column Has Been Completely Destroyed. A dispatch to the Central News of liondon from Port Arthur saya news has been received there of the complete destruction of a Japanese column on the Yalu river. No details, it Is added, were obtainable. Rumors of fighting on the Yalu river are repeated In various forms and from various points. The Shanghai correspondent of the Ixinilon Post says he heard that the first Japanese army had crossed the Yalu almost without opposition, and the Chronicle's eorresiximlent at Seoul says that heavy fighting has occurred, but that for strategic reasons it is ImNo aupossible to send particulars. thentic newB. however, has reached Ixindon showing that anything has happened beyond skirmishing. According to the Telegraphs 8t. etershurg correspondent, the Russian strategists are reluctantly arriving at the conviction that Kurokl Is engaged in tbe adventurous plan of advancing along the middle reaches of the Yalu river via Kangge, and despite enormous difficulties Is moving his army over the mountain passes, his purpose being to mit flank the Russian position on the right of the Yalu WE NOW HAVE PANAMA CANAL. Transfer Said to Have Been Made Secretly and Unexpectedly. The anouncement is made that the contract by which the Panama canal passes to ihe United States is signed and sealed. The title to the canal is now vested in Hip United States. The document by which this transaction Is consummated hears the signatures of President Bo ami Director Richman of the Panama ('anal company, who signed for the company as Its respon. sible Tin transfer Is com-pletmid without reservation, and the United States secures a perfect title. This result has been quietly accomplished and imcxepcctc:lly. as tbe public had heen given to understand that the contract would not lie executed until after Ihe meeting of the slock holders of the Panama Canal company Saturday, at which the question of ratification would he presented. olHc-ers- e Tragedy at the Polls. state election was War With Japan la Costing Russia The quadrennial Disastrous Snowslide in Mountains In $750,000 a Day. on held In lAiuisiana Tuesday. The British Columbia. It is claimed that the dally expenses election resulted tn a tragedy at Snowalidea are reported from almost war wim In Ascension parish, where the of Russia in the present every nniut In the Interior of British are $750.MOn. Japan and It averaging closeWhites and Democrats are Columbia. The most serious occurred Lily Is estimated that a years expendisheriff former Sain Moore, divided. at the Silver Cup mine in the Lardeu ly tures for the war will total $250,000.-(him- . district. A alfdo 12UU feet wide cams under the Democrats, who was leading To mrt this there existed a free Inliei ame down the mountain aide. rrnl sway the Lily White faction, balance of f.'iii.imii.oin). which was inMavkan-.ttshops. ore sheds, a quan volved in a dispute at the polls and creased tn ill.yiMii.iioM )J-- reductions tity of ore. l :: tc-- t of tramway ana was lnstautly killed in the ordinary budget. ostenDeputy Slo-rll- l killed a miner minted John Marrable, Ed Smith. Moore was aMeimitin:; to sibly $13.1.0011.01111 to be found. Rut a whose body was found twenty vardi post pictures of negro oflici In ldrrs portion of the biller is made up by awiiv. Tlu- - total ilnniagi- - will he $tl5,000 the Democrat ir aditiinisii-iiTionthe Increased carnirgs of the railroads owned by the government. IN PATH OF Rumored That Two Submarine Busts. With Crews. Will be Sent to Cxjr. t The paper. l.'Actins. published In Paris, din lares tha: General Fredericks. formerly military attache of tho Kuaalan erabsiay, waa really sent to Psria to negut'aie be secret pun-hnsof urn eubma-lnboat a The adds .hut the government tuu i.tily will sell the boats. hut will provide them with i tralin crews ,lrnwn the Roae, Wife Murderer, Executed at State Penitentiary. Frank Rose waa executed at the Utah state prteon on Friday morning, for the murder of hla wife, Maude Morris Roae, In 8a1t Lake City laat Christmas day. Before hie death he told Gecrge Pugsley, one of the men assigned to his death watch, a long story of a bloody rrimlnal career. He declared that for fourteen years he had been guilty of one robbery, burglary or murder after another, until he had fairly lost count. No leu than five women In addition to hla wife Fall of Leaders of the Radical Party May Result in Complete Reversal f Russian Policy In Manchuria. MILLIONS KOREA. Russians Bald to Have Rstired Across MAY PORTEND AVALANCHE. Oon-sale- uu-de- r . |